Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 12:30:35 +1300 From: Barney Bumpkin Subject: Teacher Training - A tale of control and humiliation Chapters 1 & 2 Disclaimer: This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further. All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality. The work published here is previously unpublished and all my own, with all rights reserved. The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK. Thanks to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years. Feedback is welcome via e-mail at the above address - especially if you liked what I wrote! Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising. Hope you enjoy Barney Synopsis Newly qualified teacher, David Smith, moves to London from the provinces to find a job and comes into contact with large numbers of youngsters from the Indian sub-continent for the first time. He finds himself completely entranced by their good looks and is surprised by the adulation his own pale skinned, fair-haired, choirboy appearance generates among many of the Indian youngsters. David knows he is gay, but was fearful of the consequences of coming out whilst pursuing his studies and living at home with his parents, so he remained firmly in the closet. After he has landed himself a permanent job and found himself somewhere to live, the opportunity arises for David to explore his long-suppressed desires through the intervention of Alim, a sexually precocious, street-wise 18 year old Indian lad. Alim and his Indian mates set about providing David with a crash course in gay sex education and soon have him completely in their power. But the problem for David is not just the illegality of being drawn into sex with one of the school's pupils but with the Indian lad's liking for public humiliation - which threatens to bring the teacher's career to an end before it even begins. 1. The Missionary "We goin to rape you!" a cynical voice yelled from the side-lines as a whole gaggle of excited Indian boys surrounded the probationary teacher and began tugging at his coat sleeves. But the boys were half his size and far from hostile, much more interested in ingratiating themselves with their handsome new teacher than in molesting him. They liked Mr Smith, he was kind to them, he had intervened to stop them being bullied by bigger boys in the school playground and was prepared to take the time to explain things to them in class. However, this didn't stop them being curious about how he would react to the wisecrack made by their smirking older compatriot, who until then had been holding court with the youngsters before their fickle attentions had switched to the teacher. Supposedly supervising the pupils during the lunchtime break, David Smith had been pacing the playground oblivious to the mayhem surrounding him, consumed in a major panic about what he would teach his nightmare Year 9 class later on that day. (Note: English secondary schools cater for pupils from the age of 11 to 18 with the youngest (11/12 year olds) in Year 7 and the oldest (17/18 year olds) in Year 13.) Distracted from his misery first by the unexpected adulation and then by the challenge to his authority that accompanied it, he homed in on the boy who had spoken, recognising him as a tough but diminutive member of his Year 8 class. All eyes were now focussed on the young teacher to see how he would respond. "What did you just say?" David demanded, hoping the lad would deny making the remark so that that would be the end of it. When no denial was forthcoming, he upped the ante by mentioning the lad's name, "Fakir isn't it?" He remembered him from the scar on his right cheek which gave him the look of a junior gangster. "I said, we goin to rape you, Mr Smith," the 13 year old repeated, defiantly adding the teacher's name to his response but accompanying it with a mischievous smile, apparently only too delighted that he had remembered who he was. The titters from his companions that anything remotely sexual always provoked - especially if said openly to a teacher - indicated that the other lads had some inkling of the meaning of his words, even if their first language was not English. But before David had time to respond, the bell signalling the end of lunch break sounded and the group instantly scattered, allowing him to side-step the problem. He had enough on his plate without looking for confrontations that could be avoided, so he hastily shooed the remaining boys indoors as part of his task of clearing the playground to allow afternoon school to begin. Once back in the staffroom, his weekly duty completed, David brooded on the incident. What had spurred the youngster to make such a comment? Had he somehow guessed that he was gay - something he had been at great pains to conceal since he had arrived at the school and for most of his life! Maybe the teenager had a crush on him or more likely just wanted to impress the other boys by making a joke at his expense? He'd probably picked up the tough talking from the older kids but didn't fully understand what it meant - after all, it had been said with a smile, almost as though he were paying him a compliment! In the end, the teacher dismissed the remark in the same way as he did all the other taunts and insults that came his way on an almost daily basis since he'd started work at the school a few months earlier and got on with preparing for his lesson. But the words were so unexpected that it made him feel uneasy and his thoughts kept returning to the incident in the days that followed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Brought up in a small town in the North of England, David had realised he was gay at an early age after being seduced by the boy next door who had taken it upon himself to introduce him to the delights of masturbation. Although their sex play had excited him David had always felt guilty about it and when, in his early teens, the lad had moved away from the area he'd battled to supress his feelings and appear "normal". Fearful of letting his parents down he had done his best to persuade himself that he was attracted to girls, but needless to say he hadn't succeeded and the subjects of his wank fantasies stubbornly remained other boys and men. The constant put-downs of gays he heard from those around him not only persuaded him to keep his desires to himself but also made him scared to make a move on any boy he fancied. If a lad was labelled as gay by the other kids - usually because they were naturally camp - instead of befriending him he'd do the exact opposite and keep as far away from him as he could for fear of bringing suspicion on himself. So, in his teenage years David had concentrated on his studies instead of romance, hoping that going to university would be his opportunity to escape the confines of small-town life and start afresh. But when his father lost his job just before his 17th birthday, he'd been persuaded to attend the local college and continue to live at home to save his parents money. Hemmed in by family ties and childhood friendships, for four more years he'd continued to battle his sexual feelings. His only sexual outlets were gay porn that he'd found on the internet in abundance which he would secretly wank over late at night and occasional anonymous on-line flirting with strangers. Fortunately for him his parents were not computer savvy but he was still paranoid about being caught out and took great pains to cover his tracks. But as the years went by David found it harder and harder to cope with the loneliness and fear of discovery that resulted from hiding his feelings and was plagued by bouts of depression. There had been a gay group at the college and at his lowest moments he'd thought about contacting them, but spotting its more flamboyant members parading around campus and hearing the harsh words his fellow students had to say about them had convinced him to keep his distance and stay firmly in the closet. When it came to choosing a career David had opted for teaching as it was the profession he knew most about and one that he thought was worthwhile. The best of his teachers had opened doors for him and generated interests that had enriched his life. He wanted to do the same for other kids from poorer backgrounds like his own. He also felt teachers could do much more than they did to prevent the bullying that he had suffered as a youngster. But although he was on a mission his motives were not entirely selfless. Ever since primary school he'd had crushes on his teachers and his grades often reflected his eagerness to please them as much as his liking for the subject that they taught. With few close friends of his own age, as he had grown older he had felt closer to his teachers than to his own generation. When he'd become a prefect he had enjoyed being looked up to by the younger kids and he had done his utmost to protect them from bullies. He wanted to emulate the best of his teachers and win his pupils' gratitude and love. However, by the time David graduated teaching jobs were hard to come by in the area where he lived so he'd had to apply for posts all over the country. After being interviewed for a job at a school in London, although he'd not been appointed, he'd been asked if he was available to do supply work. (Note: Temporary work to cover for teacher absences.) On the strength of this offer he'd arranged to stay in the spare room of friends of his parents who lived in the capital and taken up a temp post at the school as a means of beefing up his CV. Although it had been a baptism of fire, David had managed to stay the course and after six months had managed to land himself a permanent job at the school. With his income secure he had set about finding himself a flat to rent well away from anyone who knew him so he could finally sever his ties with home and strike out on his own. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * David looked younger than his 23 years and was below average height so to get himself taken seriously by the kids he always made sure he dressed smartly for class (unlike many of his more laid-back colleagues). However, despite his best efforts, his slim build and boyish face conspired to make him seem more like a pupil than a teacher. But David had something more than baby blue eyes and an endearing smile going for him - he cared about what he did and his sincerity and dedication shone through. Should his pupils display even the remotest interest in what he was attempting to teach them, he would shower them with approval and enthusiastically share with them the benefits of his knowledge. As with most novice teachers, David had few problems directing the children one at a time - but dealing with them en mass presented him with a huge challenge. The school was tough and discipline was hard to maintain even for the most experienced members of staff. Although the area was slowly being gentrified the majority of the kids were poor. Unlike in his own school where only a small number had qualified for free school lunches here almost all of them did. Mixed ability classes, a high number of emotionally disturbed youngsters on the roll and a large percentage of non-English speakers made it doubly difficult. David also had to shoulder the additional burden that all closeted gay teachers have to bear - how to respond to intrusive questions about his personal life. As soon as he had entered a classroom as a trainee teacher he had found himself bombarded with such questions from his inquisitive pupils - the usual ones being "Are you married sir?" or "Have you got a girlfriend?" David fell back on telling them to mind their own business and get on with their work. Suspecting they had hit upon a weakness in his defences the more mischievous kids rarely let the matter drop and continued to harass him to provide them with positive proof of his heterosexuality. Some of the classes he had to deal with in his early days at the school had driven him to despair of ever becoming a proficient teacher. The kids were frequently given boring worksheets to complete cobbled together by harassed heads of department to cover for teachers who were off sick regularly - often because they found it difficult to deal with the pressure themselves. Lacking the confidence and experience to deviate from the work set, he'd had difficulty keeping order and sometimes even in making himself heard above the din the disgruntled students created. Even worse he felt humiliated having to clear up the mess of paper aeroplanes the worksheets frequently ended up as after the class had bolted the moment the end of lesson bell had sounded (or often a few minutes before). On some days so depressed was he at what lay ahead for him that as he made his way to school on his bike in the morning he momentarily flirted with the idea throwing himself into the path of an oncoming lorry. Fortunately, when he got to school things rarely turned out to be as bad as he had imagined and by the end of the day he had renewed his resolve not to be driven out of his chosen profession, or to go off sick himself, by the minority of disruptive pupils who caused all the problems and prevented the other kids from learning. Once he had attended a case conference or two David had discovered what often lay behind these kids' unruly behaviour. Some were in care following abuse, abandonment or neglect; others had parents doing drugs, involved in prostitution or at war with each other, their parents in the middle of a divorce, living in homes plagued by domestic violence or had fathers in prison for committing some egregious offence. Many came to school hungry every morning dependent on the school to provide them with their one square meal a day. So maybe it was not so surprising that they failed to see the relevance of the academic curriculum to their lives or futures and saw their teachers as the enemy! One of the things that had made David's school life tolerable for him in his first few months had been his role as a support teacher giving one-to-one help to the pupils who had recently arrived in the country by joining other teacher's classes. The kids were mainly from the Indian subcontinent or of Turkish origin whose poor grasp of English left them floundering and unable to make much use of the educational opportunities provided by their newly adopted home. In normal classes it was hard for one teacher to provide the help pupils struggling with the language needed - particularly as maintaining discipline in the class was often a full-time job in itself. So for a few lessons a week a second teacher was drafted in to support up to half a dozen non-English speakers to help their integration into the mainstream and ensure that they learned something of the curriculum followed by their English-speaking companions. During his language support periods David sat beside pupils in the ranks of desks facing the front and had soon noticed that some of the more affectionate younger children - both girls and boys - would use it as an opportunity to snuggle up to him as he taught them. The lack of any barrier or distance between them seemed to encourage the youngsters to behave in the more physical ways they did with their parents and peers. On one occasion one of the Indian boys had started to rub his legs against him as he sat beside him providing one-on-one tuition and he had found himself becoming aroused. Alarmed by his excitement, he had dutifully put a distance between them but had failed to hide his erection before moving on to help another pupil. Although he thought the original incident was unintentional, when it started to happen to him on a regular basis from a variety of pupils he began to suspect something was going on - all the Indian boys couldn't have a crush on him surely! It became clear that they were playing games with him when lads who usually kept their distance from him started demanding his help. On two or three occasions he found himself trapped in his seat desperately wishing away an unwanted erection so that he could move on to help a more deserving pupil - preferably a girl! Sometimes he didn't succeed and had to get to his feet with the swelling in his groin still visible - much to the amusement of the mischievous lads who had set out to embarrass him. He was at his wit's end about what he could do about it - knowing if he were to accuse the boys of molesting him they would undoubtedly deny it. So he kept it to himself and instead of looking forward to his language support lessons, he started to dread them. The boys would motion him over to help them, make their friends move over to make room for him to sit down beside them and ask him to explain something. While he talked, the boy would slowly move his leg until it rested against his own, then keep it pressed against him while he looked directly into his eyes - on the face of it listening intently to what he had to say but in reality sending an altogether different message. Sometimes another boy would approach at his other side to distract his attention to allow the first one's hands to disappear unnoticed beneath the desk to touch the inside of the teacher's thighs. Although he continued to fend off the lads' wandering hands David was too embarrassed to make an issue of it, with the result that it continued to recur. Despite feeling wracked with guilt about it, alone at night in his bed David would find his dreams invaded by the mischievous Indian boys who taunted him by day. But in his nightmares they didn't stop at touching him up under the desk. He would wake up in a cold sweat after his sexual excitement had been reported by a pupil to his more senior colleague. Sitting like a judge at the front of the class the teacher would stare at him in distaste as the lads ganged up on him and dragged down his trousers to present them with the evidence of his sins while he vainly attempted to fight them off. Despite his pleas for the boys to "get on with their work" they would not stop until they had pinioned his arms behind his back and exposed his burgeoning erection. David would drift back to sleep only to have a whole jury of his colleagues then appear and shake their heads in disgust as a group of jocks from the school sports team testified how he had been ogling their bodies whilst supervising the school changing rooms (another situation he had found difficult to deal with when he'd had to cover for absent games teachers). Despite protesting his innocence, David was roundly condemned by his peers and with their approval punished for his sins by having his smart clothes stripped from him by the baying mob and then being forced down to his knees and made to suck their cocks in turn. Did Fakir's comment in the playground mean that he was not the only one to dream of such a scenario? 2. Blackboard Jungle The week following the incident, David was surprised to find the boy in question accompanied by an older lad loitering in the corridor outside his classroom at the end of the school day. After giving the rascals from his tutor group a final dressing down for the crimes they had committed during the course of the day, he ushered them out into the corridor and was in the process of locking up when the two of them approached him. Even at a glance, the family resemblance was clear to see but the elder lad towered above the younger one - the growth spurt of adolescence having raised his height to 6ft tall. When he asked what they wanted, David was presented with a tattered text book and a ripped-apart exercise book - the remnants of Fakir's homework. Introducing himself as the boy's older brother, Alim, the taller lad asked good-humouredly if it was possible to get replacements from the stockroom, vouching that they had been damaged by accident rather than design after having been chewed up by the family's Alsatian dog. Charmed by the older brother's politeness and disarmed by his good looks, David smiled indulgently, quipped that he was pleased that Fakir took his homework so seriously and led the two lads to the room at the end of the corridor where spare copies of textbooks were stored. Now well past 3.30pm when school ended, the building was silent apart from the odd burst of defiant cheers and jeers in the distance, as a class detained for misbehaviour was finally released by their exasperated teacher, and the occasional clank of buckets and brooms as the cleaners made their weary way around the building clearing up the mess the unruly mob had left behind them. While David struggled to find the right key from the huge bunch he carried around with him, the boys stood by exchanging glances with each other, the younger one looking distinctly nervous. "Here's a new exercise book for you Fakir," said David handing him one from a pile on a nearby shelf once he had managed to open the door. "Now, whereabouts are the spare text books kept?" he pondered. "I think I can see them up there sir" the older boy ventured, pointing to a row of books covered with dust on the top shelf in the farthest corner of the room. "You can stand on this sir," Fakir suggested, sliding across a step stool he'd found behind the door. David looked up at the books; if he moved a box out of the way, standing on the stool he would just about be able to reach one down at full stretch. He eased the container to the edge of the shelf, slid his hands beneath it to take its weight and carefully lifted it down to a lower level. He then reached up and grabbed one of the text books before stepping down from the stool. "There we are," he said, blowing away the dust before turning around to present it to his pupil but then broke off mid-sentence. To his horror in the few seconds that his back had been turned Fakir had silently slid off his uniform jacket, removed both his shirt and tie and let his trousers fall to the floor! Even as David gaped at him open-mouthed in shock, the youngster proceeded to slide down his underpants and before the teacher knew it the near naked teen had wrapped his arms around his waist in an all embracing hug! Unnerved by this unexpected turn of events, David stood paralysed, unsure how to respond. Only when a blinding flash of light came from the open doorway and he saw Alim pointing a camera at him was he finally stirred into action - but then not until two more flashes followed. "Give that camera to me!" David demanded, grasping that some mischief was afoot with him as the intended victim. He tried his best to fend off the advances of the naked youngster, who was now attempting to unzip his trousers, by grabbing hold of him by the wrists. But several more flashes followed before David finally managed to break free and step down to the floor. But by this time he was already too late - Alim had disappeared through the door. Alarmed how incriminating such pictures might appear to those who didn't appreciate that he'd been set-up, David dashed out into the corridor, only to discover that Alim had been joined by two other Indian boys one of whom took the camera from him and sped off with it down the staircase at breakneck speed. The remaining one, who was vaguely familiar, not least due to his large size, stood shoulder to shoulder with Alim to block the young teacher's path so there was little hope of him ever catching up with their fleet-footed accomplice. "Bring that camera back here immediately!" David wailed, reduced to making impotent demands over the tall teenagers' shoulders. Inevitably his plea was ignored and the sounds of the boy's helter-skelter descent gradually faded away. Deciding against drawing any further attention to his predicament, David returned to the stockroom only to find Fakir not only stark naked but posing seductively bent over the stool as though waiting to be fucked! "Wow, this looks bad sir, real bad!" the muscular new arrival taunted after putting his head around the door, "What were you up to with Fakir in the stockroom sir?" "Nothing - as you all well know!" David shot back at his tormentor, "Fakir, get dressed and get out of here!" "You been messing around with Alim's kid brother Mr Smith?" demanded the newcomer now feigning outrage. "Fakir do as you're told and get out of here!" shouted David, enraged by his insinuations. "The whole lot of you, GET OUT NOW!" he added giving his frustrations full vent. But before the boys had the chance to obey him, even if they'd been willing, a new threat added to David's woes. "This floor's okay!" came echoing down the staircase from the floor above. Prompted by a spate of arsons in neighbouring schools, every evening half an hour after lessons had ended a group of teachers would systematically check that all unsupervised pupils had left the building. "The sweep" as it was called, which David had participated in regularly himself, was now heading their way! Desperate to prevent his colleagues from discovering him in such a compromising position, David hastily reversed his previous instruction and shepherded the two older boys into the stockroom alongside the naked Fakir. He eased the door shut behind them and put his finger to his lips, "Shushh" he demanded as the teachers' voices grew louder outside. But he needn't have worried; knowing that payback for their discretion would come later, the boys were more than willing to conspire with him to escape detection. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The young teacher waited for the threat to pass with his heart pounding while the grinning older lads exchanged knowing glances with their younger companion and finally prompted him to put his clothes back on. But as soon as the footsteps outside had faded into the distance the boys' accusations resumed. "You been messing with Alim's brother?" the big lad demanded. "No I haven't!" replied David indignantly backing away from him, "As Alim and Fakir well know!" "If you weren't up to no good then why were you scared of what the other teachers would think?" he threw back at him. David found this a difficult question to answer and when he failed to reply the lads soon went onto the attack. "We should report this to the Head - show him the photos and see what he makes of it," proposed Alim, adding to the young teacher's discomfort. "Are you kidding?" ventured his outraged companion. "This guy's a child molester - we should report what the pervert's been up to, to the police!" David's heart sank as the extent of his predicament became clear. Had it been his word against theirs then he might have had a chance of getting a fair hearing from the authorities and persuaded them that there was no case to answer - but with those photographs to back them up he feared his career in teaching was likely to come to an abrupt end before it had got started! If they ever got out, at the best he could find himself suspended pending an investigation and at the worst he could end up serving a jail term! "There's no need to tell anyone anything - I haven't done anything wrong!" David asserted desperately. But after seeing a contemptuous grin flicker across Alim's face in response, he directed his pleas to his brother instead in an attempt to appeal to the younger boy's better nature, "Tell him the truth Fakir - I never touched you!" For a moment or two it looked as though the youngster might say something in his teacher's defence, but after glancing up at his brother for guidance he held his tongue. "Well, well sir, it looks like you're in a bit of a tight spot here!" summed up the supposedly impartial witness, "Cos you know as well as I do that messing around with kids Fakir's age could not only leave you out of a job but also get you banged up in prison!" "Don't worry sir, they won't tell anyone..." Fakir burst in, belatedly attempting to reassure the distressed teacher, though still implying that he was the guilty party. "As long as you do whatever we say from now on!" qualified Alim, revealing that their intention was blackmail rather than any desire to see him punished by the authorities. "But what do you want from me?" demanded an exasperated David, unsure what the boys' motives could possibly be, but realising that with those incriminating photos in their possession they had him over a barrel. "Remember when you first started here and took us for Games?" Alim's companion offered by way of explanation. David swallowed hard - that was where he recognised the lad from! "You just didn't know where to look when you saw us stripping off in the changing rooms!" David remembered only too well the trauma of having to do changing room supervision the very first week he had arrived at the school when he had had to cover the duties of an absent Games teacher. He was only temporary so he could hardly say he'd rather not do it because he was gay! It had been especially difficult as it was a group of older lads, many of whom had fully developed bodies that he couldn't help but notice! Some of them had sensed his unease and had deliberately set out to provoke him - loitering in the showers so he had to shoo them out and then parading around naked pretending to towel themselves dry while he had waited impatiently to lock up. The burly lad now confronting him stood out in his memory as he had not been shy of showing off his muscular body to the teacher as well as to his less well-endowed classmates. Although David had tried his best to disguise his feelings his gaze had been pulled as if by magnetism toward the athlete's bulging crotch. As though sensing he was being admired the lad looked up at him and their eyes had met - just long enough to let him know that his desire had been noted. He'd looked away and beaten a hasty retreat. He remembered wanking over the experience afterwards. The Indian lads' accusations were getting too near the truth for comfort. "Fakir's told us all about you getting hard-ons in class, sir," added Alim shaking his head in disgust, turning the screw still tighter. David was terror stricken, the lads seemed to know all his secrets - it was as though they had eavesdropped on his dreams. He swallowed hard and did his best to maintain his composure despite feeling overwhelmed by a gamut of conflicting emotions - guilt, anger, fear and shame uppermost among them - which left him unsure whether he should continue to resist or finally admit defeat. "So, don't you pretend you wouldn't like getting down on your knees and sucking our dicks!" added his companion emboldened by the teacher's obvious discomfort. Not content with merely making his life hell on a daily basis while he tried his best to educate them, it now seemed that his pupils were intent on humiliating him sexually as well! The teacher cast his gaze from one lad to the other expecting to see their contempt for him reflected in their faces. But instead he found something entirely different - what he saw in their eyes was nothing less than undisguised lust! "They fancy me!" David realised as his heartbeat, already pounding, raced to a new high. But this time it was not as a result of fear or anger but from the tremor of sexual excitement that hurtled through his body and sent the blood rushing to his cock. His attraction to the Indian youngsters that surrounded him was far from one-sided, some of them at least, lusted after him too! The horny pair gradually closed in around him until they were so close that he could feel the heat of their bodies and their breaths on his face. But the lads, maybe realising they had reached a point beyond which there could be no turning back, shied away from making the next move. David swallowed hard, grasping that despite the threat of rape, they drew the line at using force to obtain his co-operation. Perhaps they weren't such bad lads after all, he mused and felt a sudden rush of gentler emotions toward them. The two of them were incredibly handsome and the way they looked at him left little doubt that they found him attractive. Maybe if he gave them what they were after his teaching career could be salvaged after all? Sensing that David's resistance was crumbling, Alim draped his arm around his shoulders as though he were one of his mates and he and his companion began undressing the teacher as though he were a small boy. David swallowed hard and stood frozen offering neither resistance nor encouragement as they unfastened his tie and began undoing the buttons of his shirt one by one. As his clothes were gradually removed David's head filled with a whole new set of fears. Although he'd spent his youth dreaming about sex with other boys he'd never sucked a cock in his life, let alone ever been fucked! Wouldn't it be painful and unhygienic? And what about the health risks involved? But after years of sexual frustration in which he had hidden his true feelings for fear of the consequences, maybe the time to lose his virginity had finally arrived. Was he going to allow his worries to get the better of him yet again and flee? Or follow what his body was crying out for him to do and allow the handsome Indian youngsters to do whatever they liked with him? Paralysed by indecision, a trembling David let the two Indian lads part the front of his shirt and ease it out of the top of his trousers. Then to his surprise they paused while Alim with unexpected gentleness ran a wetted finger over each of his nipples. How they knew this would turn him on he had no idea - but if anything was designed to overcome his remaining resistance it was this. His tits immediately hardened, his body was filled with pleasurable sensations and his cock pulsed upwards - he was theirs! So dramatic was the impact of this gentle tweaking that the lads' eyes were drawn down to his groin where they witnessed the teacher's cock thrust upwards until it was tenting out the front of his trousers. Once again David's true feelings had been betrayed by his cock. After spotting the teacher's excitement, the two youngsters' hesitancy disappeared, they unfastened his trousers, yanked his pants down to his ankles and let his cock swing free. With his secret lust for them now out in the open, the lads chortled in delight and prised David's head slowly downwards until he was on his knees facing their own burgeoning crotches. David's dreams were about to become a reality.