Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 22:57:48 +0100 (BST) From: Dean Lawrence Subject: Team Sports - Chapter 2 Team Sports Chapter 2 As Rob began to come around, the first thought that he had was how cold it was. His senses were still blurred, but gradually he became aware that the reason for the seemingle cold temperature was his complete lack of clothing. He also realised that his hands were held above his head, secured in some way to the ceiling, and that his mouth was stuffed with what felt, and tasted, like a sock. He couldn't see anything. For a few moments, he waited to see if this sense would return as the others had, but it dawned on him that, in fact, he was blindfolded. He began to shout for help. Of course, all that could be heard was a muffled, incoherent grunting. Itt was, however, enough to alert his captors to his newly-awakened state. Rob stood there for what seemed like an age, his shouts gradually subsiding as he realised that no-one was listening. As he fell silent, he felt the hot breath of another person on his shoulder. "Glad to see you're back with us mate. The lads and I were starting to think you'd be out all night." The words were spoken, or rather whispered, in a familiar voice. Rob couldn't place it. He guessed, correctly, that he was still a little drowsy from the drug-induced sleep that had taken him almost three hours ago. The whispers continued "It'd be a shame if you'd slept for too long. We've got a lot planned for you this weekend, and it would be a shame to miss out on any of it." Rob's mind was clearing, and he began to re-trace his activities of the night so far. He left work, went home, then went to the pub to meet... Dean! That's who it was. But why would Dean have him tied up like this? His train of thought was de-railed by the sudden, although not unpleasant, feeling of a tongue on his left ear. Fuck, that felt good. Almost instantaneously, he felt a similar sensation on his nipples, cock and between his arse cheeks. Even gagged, the five lads who occupied the room with him couldn't mistake the moans of pleasure that were soon ensuing from their teacher's mouth. "See lads, I told you he'd like it" Dean's voice, no longer a whisper, acted as a stimulant to the others, who began licking and sucking with a greater intensity. Rob no longer felt the delicious sensations from his ear, instead hearing his friend and colleague speaking quietly into it. "You see, mate, we thought it was time to add a new member to our team, and when I suggested you, the lads were a bit unsure. After all, you're a PE teacher, not the type who'd be into our particular sport. But I knew as soon as I saw you that you were one of us." The words ceased, and the sensations returned. Rob's moans had barely subsided, his breathing was more laboured, and his cock was exhibiting symptoms of his mind's disease. The licking at his cock was now replaced by sucking, and his nipples were soon being chewed on. Rather than the pain he'd expected, the sensation was like none he'd experienced before. And these sensations were soon joined by the feeling of a tongue being pressed against, and then into, his arsehole. Dean's tongue was still lapping furiously at his ears, and now that Ron had relaxed into the situation in which he found himself, he realised that there was a cold spot on the surface of the tongue that was giving him so much pleasure. He'd not noticed Dean's piercing before. Five, ten, thirty? How many minutes had passed since the tongue-lashing had begun? Rob couldn't tell, all he knew was that he was close to a release like no other he'd felt in his life. His balls were rising, his hips bucking... when all of a sudden the sensations ceased. He moaned in disappointment. "All in good time, mate. First we need to get you properly initiated into the club." Dean was working at the back of his head, untying the football sock that had been used to keep Rob from making too much noise. Even though this was a detached house, the neighbours were not too far away and had been asked by Dean's parents to keep an eye out for trouble... be it burglars or an over- enthusiastic group of his mates having a bit of a party. As the gag was removed, Rob took a few deep breaths. His jaw ached slightly, and his mouth was dry, the excess saliva produced during his "ordeal" having been soaked up by the sock. As he began to speak, Dean clapped a hand over his mouth. "No mate, not yet. You need to listen now, and talk when you've heard me out. Understand?" Rob nodded his head, and Dean removed his hand, placing it instead on his friend's shoulder. The other hand was firmly planted on his right buttock, and both hands began a slow and sexy massage as their owner began to speak again. "The five of us got together some time ago, although it started when I hooked up with one of the lads at the gym. He and I had a thing going, and pretty soon we were thinking of "broadening our circle" as it were. So we added another lad to out fold, then another, and a fifth. It stopped there, for the time being, as the more of us there were the more likely it was to get out. But one of us is, well, going away fairly soon so we decided to head-hunt a replacement. That's you, in case you hadn't guessed." The rubbing of his shoulder and arse felt good. They were now joined by hands on his pecs, thighs and calves. "Our reason d'etre is to have fun together. No stupid power games, we're all equal and all free to do what we want with whoever we want. But obviously it'd be best if this didn't get around. So you need to agree not to tell anyone about this. You only know about one of us, myself, and until you agree to keep our secret, the blindfold stays. If you don't agree, and go shouting your mouth off about me, then the photograph I took of you with one of the other lads whilst you were still... asleep... will be sent to the head, and your promising career will be cut short. You can walk away now, no problem, but you must keep your mouth shut." Rob was feeling good. Although his orgasm had been denied, the feeling of five pairs of hands on his body was almost making up for it. "So, the next time you open your mouth, I want two answers. First, do you promise to keep this to yourself, and second do you want to join us." Ron barely took a second to reply. "You bet your fucking life I want to join you!" "Hold on there, mate. There are a couple of things that our team has in common, and you need to know what they are. First off, each of us has, well, what you might describe as a "club badge" on his body. Nowhere visible in everyday life, but it is permenant. Not that it's particularly "explicit", but I know some people might not like the idea of a tattoo. ANd secondly, each of us has to have two piercings, one in the right nipple and one somewhere visible, of your own choice." Rob was silent for a short time. His mind was struggling to reconcile his apprehension about permenant, visible indications of his decision, and the amazing sensations that he as feeling, no doubt a taste of things to come. And after all, what was a tattoo and a piercing or two there days? "Well, mate, you made your mind up?" "Well, if you're sure you want me, I'm sure I want to join you." A cheer went up from the five lads in the room. "Welcome to the club, mate" Dean's voice came from the fornt now, and Rob felt the pierced tongue of his workmate, and now playmate, as it entered his mouth and began to explore every corner of it.