Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 08:44:17 +0000 (UTC) From: Abra Cadabra Subject: the torture games part 6 Reminders Team red: Igor (36) bodybuilder, bi; Nathan (20) fitness model, straight Team blue: Sven (16) teen model, straight; Kang (17) teen bodybuilder, bicurious Modifications currently: Tongue, dick, balls, nipples enlarged. Neck chains with red crystal. CHAPTER SIX The tunnel was dark and as the gate closed behind us we were left in blackness. There was a blue shimmer along the ground, faintly visible. After all the time among fire, a blue light was quite striking. It was cool in the tunnel and I soon stopped sweating. Before my skin could fully dry, the gate on the other side opened to our next objective. The chamber was an ice cave – white and blue all around, the frosty room was the hub for several rough tunnels leading farther into the ice realm. Air below the freezing point hit us. There was a stiff breeze coming from the various tunnels. The ground was covered with a light dusting of snow, surrounding the rock that broke through the ice floor every here and there. Torches on the walls burned with a cold, white-blue light. The only features of the hub chamber were two large bowls on the ground. One red, one blue. We walked into the room and onto the slippery ice. I wished I was back in the lava-filled rooms. My breath condensed into a cloud. We all began to shiver, our ultra-lean muscles trembling to keep us warm. A dark sphere popped into existence in the middle of the room, hovering in the air. It was about fist size and glowed dimly green. "Hidden in the Ice Labyrinth are numerous such orbs. The team that collects the most by the end of the round is the winning team and will be rewarded. Any orb found must be placed in the appropriate bowl to count towards the total." I took a few steps towards one of the tunnels. There were torches inside but far fewer than in the hub. It would be easy to spot the green glow of the orbs from afar. I was eager to get moving to keep my body occupied. "The players will receive the necessary gear to collect the tokens. Meanwhile, I hope everyone placed their bets. We're starting... Now!" All of us yelled in pain and surprise as the "gear" arrived. Three tight, black rings. One wrapped around the base of my dick's head, and one each for my balls which were squeezed by the rings as if they were supposed to pop out of my sack. I had expected the cold to numb my genitals but that didn't seem to be the case at all. Well, I had to start playing. Each of us picked a path at random and we separated. The tunnels didn't just split into left and right, but also up and down, sometimes getting so narrow I had to crawl. To say I was freezing was an understatement. A minute in I saw a green glow ahead. I crawled closer. It was an orb, half buried in snow. My hands passed through it. Again with the phantom material. I moved above the thing and lowered my crotch onto it. The rings didn't attach directly but I felt a pull as if from a magnet. Trying to get back up I noticed that the ring were connected to the orb by invisible ropes and I couldn't move away from it. The thing had to be stuck in the ice. Just great. There was no way to spare myself the pain. I squatted over the orb and rose with all my strength. I thought the orb was coming lose but it had never been stuck in the ice – it was just obscenely heavy. Its weight pulled on my three rings equally, tugging at my dick and balls like it was trying to tear them off me. With the orb hovering between my legs I had to keep them slightly spread as I walked and crawled back. I had memorized the way I came, of course. Therefore I could tell right away that the path had changed. The labyrinth was altering itself. Well, fuck. With no way to tell directions or how far I was from the hub, I kept going on. Crawling was easier on my genitals since it allowed me to drag the weight along the slippery ice. But it was much slower and hard on my knees. The whole time I was trembling and my own rapid breath obscured my vision. Another orb, just lying in a corner. Could I take another? Since the labyrinth changed I would not find it again. As soon as my crotch was close to it, the thing snapped out of its position and joined the one already attached to me. I screamed at the tugging. The orbs refused to touch each other which meant I had to keep my legs even farther apart now. I stumbled onward. Making my way around a corner I met Kang who was crawling in the opposite direction. He was dragging four orbs behind him, barely able to move forward. The teen bodybuilder cried out with every "step" as he dragged his spread legs along. I could assume that Sven would not be able to carry many orbs and team blue was at a disadvantage, but Kang had twice as many orbs as I had. I took a turn at the next intersection by climbing a snow hill into a higher tunnel. I assumed Kang hadn't been there previously so any orbs would still be left. It took only half a minute to find the next one. With three green glowing tokens I could only move by crawling on my stomach to give the orgs maximal contact with the ice. My cold body was getting totally numb from the exposure as I dragged myself along the snowy path. I wasn't sure I could take another one. I did a quick estimate. Kang had four and was probably at his limit. Sven could carry two at most. If Igor had three at least, team red would win. With this in mind I slowed down greatly to let my dick and balls recover. I came to a slide of snow leading to a lower tunnel. Since I had gone up before I decided to go down now. There was no telling if the hub was still at the same level but it was my best bet to find it again. With a little dragging I made my way onto the hill and slid down. A tugging in my crotch. I looked behind me and saw a fourth orb that had been buried in the snow. Now I knew what Kang had been feeling. I was nearly unable to move at all. My balls felt like they were exploding. My dick was bend all the way down between my legs despite being fully hard. With the orbs refusing to share space, I was forced to bend my feet outward and couldn't really use them to move myself. By grabbing the roughest patches of ice, I dragged myself farther. "The search round has ended. The hub is unlocked again. Every orb not in a bowl at the end of the return round will not be counted. This round is much shorter than the first one." I had to find the hub with no way to navigate. Had the labyrinth at least stopped shifting constantly? There was no way to tell. After half a minute of crawling I heard a faint echo of screams. One of the others was crying out over and over with a mix of pain and anger. With no better lead to follow, I turned in the direction of the sound. My whole body had gone numb by the time I reached the hub. The screams were coming from another tunnel. It seemed that all the tunnels connected to the hub and therefor sound travelled through it. A good navigation method. I made my way to the red bowl and the orbs happily jumped from between my legs into the container. I stood up on shaky legs, the feeling returning into my tormented crotch. The shouting drew closer and waited to see who it was. After a minute or so, Kang crawled around a corner and out of his tunnel. He was sweating despite the temperatures. He yelled with every step he slid along the ground. Using his forearms to get to the hub, he dragged himself into the room, his face bright red, every vein on his head popping. The completely exhausted boy had seven orbs trailing him. Seven! How was he even alive? I wondered if the magic that kept us from dying – of thirst, heatstroke, hypothermia – was also keeping our dicks attached to us regardless of weights. That would make it possible to survive pain that would kill a regular human. Kang came close enough to the blue bowl and his orbs hopped in. He kept lying on the ground, breath heavy. Assuming Sven got at least one, Igor would need to bring five or we wouldn't win. What happened if we were equal in number? More screams came from a tunnel. They were higher and belonged clearly to Sven. The boy was more crying that shouting. These screams approached the hub much faster than Kang's had. Igor came our walking upright with a single orb between his legs. He pulled Sven along by the blond hair. The small, lean muscled boy had four orbs between his widely spread legs. The boy hobbled after the huge, beefy man and cried out with every step. The Russian bodybuilder walked over to the red bowl and when his orb jumped into the container he pushed Sven forward so that the boy's collection fell into our bowl. Team blue had Kang's seven, we had nine. Igor had cheated. What would happen now? "Team red wins. Validate your tokens now if you were betting on that team. If you guessed the right number of orbs, you get triple." The gate back into the main area opened and we hurried through to get to the fiery hellscape. The lava was a welcome sight even though the heatwave was immensely oppressive after the time in the ice cave. The rings vanished and so did the chain around my neck. Now completely naked we were forced back into the waiting position with knees wide apart, hands raised and squatting deep. With the red crystal gone I assumed the next game would not be done in teams. I had a vague hope that the games might be over but I didn't dare to be optimistic.