Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 02:11:38 -0700 (PDT) From: tijmen Subject: By Murder All the persons and events are fiction. Copyright 2003 Laevi Originally written in Dutch, translated at my best effort. Please excuse my English :-) By Murder 1. Manor house Pendennis was situated at the end of a long lane. The manor had a forest and an orchard around it. The branches were sprouting. It was spring. Pendennis itself was an impressive building. Two-story high and built in a U-shape. The broad stone stairs lead to double Art Nouveau doors. They gave entrance to a marble hall. At the other side of the hall one could find the garden, with a beautiful fountain in the exact centre. Left from the hall were doors, which gave access to the salon and dining room. At the right there were stairs. Underneath that: more doors. They lead to the rooms of the servants. The chauffeur parked the old Rolls in front of the stairs and opened the car door. The servants were waiting by the entrance. The butler, the maid, the gardener and the cook. They bowed when their master climbed up. The lord walked with the aid of a stick. The young maid helped him out of his coat and took his hat. She disappeared in total silence. Garrick Rallback looked around and then looked at the waiting servants. He nodded at them. "That will be all." A blonde young man walked to a door at the left and opened it. He bowed lightly and Garth walked slowly and with difficulty inside the salon. He sat himself on the couch. "Tea please, Cameron," he said to the butler. He watched through half-closed eyes how the young butler bowed again, and saw him leave. The door was closed quietly. Garth sighed deep. He was home. The cook prepared the tea. Cam placed the fragile cup on a silver tray, next to the sugar and cream. Carefully he balanced the tray on his hand and he left the kitchen. Lord Rallback was home. Daily routine commenced. Cameron Mattlock, thought Garth when he saw the butler return. Only 24 years young and already 5 years in service of lord Rallback. Blonde, handsome and arrogant. A fine butler, the files had said. Will unhesitating execute all assignments, will never express his opinion, is always around. A dangerous boy, Garth suddenly thought. He didn't know why. Maybe because of the cold eyes, the slim hands, the surgical precision in which he poured the tea and added sugar and cream. Sweet tea with milk. Yuck. He accepted the cup. The scent of the hot fluid reached his nose and he had to retch. Just in time he held his hand in front of his mouth, but he spilled the hot tea. He jumped up, shouting out of pain. He was punished for that move immediately. His legs couldn't hold him yet. Cameron caught the heavy body. He knew he had to make a shocked sound, but was silent. He wasn't shocked. Emotionless he pushed the lord back in his seat, and started to dry the pants. He heard the breathing and realized it had to hurt. He stood upright. "I'll let Millicent take clean clothes for you. If you'll excuse me." Garth nodded in approval, his eyes shut tight. He heard how the door was gently closed. He carefully touched his thigh and cursed between clenched teeth. That was burned. And he already had such pain in those legs... He took his cane and rose with difficulty. His rooms were at the second floor. He had to get up those stairs. The butler saw how his lord started to climb the stairs. It wasn't difficult to overtake him. The man climbed the stairs one step at the time. Cameron fetched him by the arm. "Let me help you, sir." The stairs were high and it took several minutes to reach the top. Cam heard the heavy breathing. For the first time he felt a little emotion. Curiosity. What the heck was wrong with that man? "Are you all right, sir?" he asked with unusual care. The lord nodded, but with his eyes closed tight. Cam thought it over. Lord Rallback had been away for two months. Business. Now he was back, after sending a short announcement. He walked with a stick and had no energy at all. Lord Rallback was back. And he was a mess. The lord let his butler help him and lied on the bed. He tried to open his trousers, but he couldn't. He couldn't even get his hands on his stomach. Cameron looked at the struggle and then helped him. Garth was embarrassed. He had to be undressed like a little child. The only thing missing was wetting his pants. And come to think of it, he had to go to the bathroom. The hot tea had left a red spot, but no blister. The butler took cold water and a cloth and cooled the sore spot. It felt good. Cameron Mattlock seemed to be totally concentrated but in fact his mind was raging. He'd heard nothing about an accident or illness, and he never expected to nurse his lord. His pale eyes examined the legs of the man. No wounds, no scars. Then why did he use a stick? Studiously he wringed the last drops out of the cloth. The tea had only burned the thighs. Pity. He'd love to have seen how it'd burn the crotch. "Cameron..." The butler looked up, surprised at the soft, broken sound of the voice. "Yes, sir?" "I have to go to the bathroom. Can you please help me?" Mechanical Cameron stood upright and helped his lord off the bed. To help him to the bathroom, he thought with astonishment. He saw how the legs seemed made of rubber. After a few desperate efforts he firmly placed his arm around the man, and helped him to the bathroom. Cam left his master alone and walked to the bath to fill it. He chose his own favourite bath oil and poured a generous amount in the warm water. The lord was weak. He had to strengthen again. Otherwise it would be too easy. The slithery, scented water reached to Garrick's chin and he forced himself to relax. He had to relax. He had to heal. They fired him far too soon out of the hospital. At least another month. That's how longer they should've waited. The servants would start to ask questions and it would leak out. And then it would be all for nothing. "Sir?" Garth woke up. He looked around him. How long had he been sleeping? "Yes Cameron?" "Shall I help you dry, sir?" The lord moved and felt how the water had become cold. He shivered. Oh sure, he thought rebellious, catch a cold too why don't you. "Okay, Cameron." Cam helped him out of the bath, sat him on a chair and dried him with care. "Sir?" he said again. Garth heard the hesitation. There you have it, he thought. "Yes Cameron?" "What happened to you, while you were away? Did you get ill?" Garrick thought for a while. "Yes Cameron," he said eventually, "I've been ill. And to be frank I returned too soon. Give it some time. I'll be fine soon enough." The butler helped him in his dressing gown and slippers. He didn't ask anymore. He brought Garrick to his bedroom and put him under the blankets. He left him to sleep. "Lord Garrick is ill?" Mayhoun raised an eyebrow. "Get out! Are you serious?" Cam nodded to the chauffeur. "Why, didn't you notice?" "No... Well yes, he walked with a stick. But for the rest, no..." He blinked with his eyes. "What's wrong with him?" Cam shook his shoulders. "Weak. Been ill and returned too soon. He'll have to strengthen again, so we'll pamper him a little." "Pamper him?" Millicent intermeddled. "Not me! You do it yourself!" Cameron looked at her with his icy blue eyes. "Stay away from him. Nothing will change; I'll serve him myself as usual. But his food has to be good and there has to be lots of fruit in the house. For now I'll leave him in bed. After that you'll maintain his bedroom again." Milli was visibly relieved. She was scared of the lord. Cameron understood why and kept the female servants, Milli and her aunt Wyonne, far away from Garrick. Mayhoun and Cameron drank the coffee Wyonne had made for them. Milli drank tea. She was nauseous for days already. The two young men looked at her and then at each other. They grinned, but were silent. They'd wait... Garrick Rallback ate his fruit and drank his bouillon. He felt better every day and expected to be up and around at the end of the second week. Except for that leg. Indeed the blonde butler was very professional. He walked through the house in total silence and always seemed to know what Garth wishes would be. Garth was impressed. Garrick tried to behave the way he should, but realized it didn't go too well. He felt the unspoken questions when he asked for something unusual. He loved the massages Cameron provided in silence, but knew the boy wondered about it. After a week his health was so much better that he could walk around the house a bit. He should look around very carefully. He started with his own bedroom. Maybe he was lord Rallback, but he didn't like the room at all. First of all he was lying in a disgusting old-fashioned bed, with dusty blankets instead of a light and fluffy quilt. The curtains were dusty too, heavy dark velvet. It blocked all the sun out. And he needed the sunshine. It had to change. Against the heavily decorated walls hung paintings in gold plated frames. Worth a lot, beyond a doubt. The ceiling was white plaster, decorated with flowers, cherubs and curly things. On the floor a shaggy carpet. More dust. He sneezed with passion. Dust, dust, more dust. Disgusting. Cam entered the room after a short knock on the oak door. He skillfully balanced a tray on his hand and closed the door behind him. He turned to the bed. It was empty. One of the curtains was pushed aside. Cam walked to it and looked outside. One of the balcony doors was opened. On the balcony, on a reed chair, lied lord Rallback. He was dressed only in a short. It wasn't cold, Cam knew. He'd been jogging earlier that morning. But lord Rallback, on the balcony, in the sun? The man hated fresh air... "Mylord!" showed Cameron his disapproval. "Cameron!" The lord looked at the tray. "Good! Coffee?" The butler followed his gaze. "No sir, orange juice. Fresh." "Oh." He sounded disappointed. "Oh very well. At least give me coffee later on." "Coffee," repeated Cameron. "Yes. The black gold. No milk or sugar!" The man shivered. "That makes me sick." Cameron handed him the cold glass and quickly looked over the half naked body. He still couldn't discover any wound or scar. The illness would've been some kind of virus. "How do you feel today?" "Great! Absolutely wonderful. I think I've recovered completely." The butler nodded slowly. "Shall I serve breakfast?" "My boy, it should've been served already! Just kidding. Yes Cameron, and put my clothes out, I'll dress myself." Cam walked back in and put the clothes on the bed. Garth was recovered. Very good. Then it was his turn again. 2. Garth had looked through his mail in bed until now. He never received bills, they were sent to his accountant right away. The mail mainly consisted of cards and invitations. Garrick was a party animal. Now that he'd regained his strength he sat in the office for business. It didn't look like an office. The room was dark. The oak desk was large. If he'd place the pencil holder at the far end he wouldn't be able to reach it without rising of his chair. Ridiculous. Why such an exorbitant desk? The desk lamp was made of copper. He lit it, although it was broad daylight. In the light bundle he saw the dust. He sneezed. Right, the mail. He sipped his coffee and enjoyed the taste. Then he opened the first envelope. A party. He threw it aside. Supper. Get lost. Lunch. He'd eat at home. AH! A coded letter. He read it carefully and then put it aside. Stay out of my business. Suddenly his attention was drawn. He saw the name and the address in the odd letters on the envelope. Newspaper letters, cut out and pasted with precision. He opened it. Only one sentence. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" Lord Garrick looked at it for a while. No opening, no explanation, no sender. Just a sentence. He examined the envelope. It was posted in the city yesterday. Thousands of letters were posted in the city every day. Untraceable. With difficulty he left his chair and walked to a cupboard. He opened the door with a key he kept with him, and took a small locked suitcase to the desk. He unlocked it and took the can with black powder. The sender had been wearing cloves. No fingerprints. He blew the powder away and sneezed again. Thoughtfully he leaned back in the chair. His fingers followed the cracks in the old leather. He thought about the other letters he'd seen. They'd looked just like this one. Three times before he'd seen the one sentence made out of paper letters. Someone was going to kill him. Garth rubbed his eyes. Oh well, it had to be like this. That's why he was here, wasn't he... He was here to get killed. They'd paid a fortune for it. He only wished he could've enjoyed it a little longer. Leaning on his stick, Garrick walked to the garden. He just wanted to go outside when he saw a movement in the corner of his eye. He stopped and looked through the doors on the right. The servant rooms. He left the garden alone. More dust and darkness here. He pinched his nose and suppressed the sneeze. He limped to the door where he heard noises. Someone was sick. Maybe he'd been drinking sweet tea with milk, Garth thought humourless. Behind the door there was a bathroom. A slender figure hung above the toilet. "Are you okay?" he asked worried. The girl turned around quickly, her hand against her mouth. She looked pale. Millicent. The files had said that Garrick liked her in a more than healthy manner. But Garth only looked with concern. "You okay?" he repeated. The girl nodded but had to turn around quickly. She bowed over the toilet again. "There, there," said Garrick softly. He stroked her frizzle hair. She was sweaty. "Stay here, I'll get help." As fast as he could with that leg, he went to the kitchens. Mayhoun was reading the newspaper and jumped up when Garth entered the kitchen. He threw the paper aside. Garrick found himself looking if it was intact. It was. "Mayhoun, Millicent is sick. Would you please go and help her?" The chauffeur ran to the bathroom. Garth followed more slowly and saw him embracing the girl. "Put her into bed," Garth ordered. When they passed by, he lifted her face at her chin. "How long have you been ill like this?" "A few weeks," she answered weakly. Garth nodded. "Go to bed. And Mayhoun, go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test. Now." Later that day Garth could be found in the salon, with his legs up, watching the huge TV. He watched a detective. Who's the killer? Indeed, he thought. Who? Behind him he heard the soft footsteps of his butler. "Ah, Cameron?" "Yes, mylord?" "The test of Millicent. Positive or negative?" He noticed the hesitation and looked up. Cameron hesitated more often lately. "Well?" "Eh- Positive, sir." Garth lifted his unwilling leg of the table. "Really? That's wonderful! And who's the father?" Cam stared at him. He seemed to notice it and blinked his eyes. "Eh- Mayhoun, sir." His voice was soft and he looked down. "Mayhoun, the little bugger. Oh well, that's going to be a wedding, of course." He looked at the butler. "Or are they married behind my back when I was away?" Cam looked up. "No sir, no..." "They want to get married don't they?" "Of course... they'd love to." "Very well." He turned the TV off. "Go ahead and tell 'em then..." He followed the boy with his eyes when he quickly left the room. Garth had hated Mayhoun. Milli and he were in love for years now, and Garth couldn't accept that. Softly he chuckled. Let them getting married and have babies. They had his blessing. "Getting married? Us? Milli and I?" The chauffeur stared at his friend in disbelief. "You're pulling my leg." "Absolutely not. He even asked if you're married behind his back while he was away, and if you wanted to marry anyway." "That illness certainly took care of him," joked Mayhoun. He silenced thoughtfully. "Gee, who'd ever thought this." Not Cameron. He was thinking too. Until now Garrick had done nothing to annoy him. Before he'd left there wouldn't a day go by without annoying him. A remark, a movement, a sound... He frowned when he thought even deeper. Garth lied in the sun every day and gained a nice tan. The colour of his skin accentuated the clear blue eyes. He even suspected that Garth exercised, because his built improved by the day. And the black stick with the silver knob had a certain charm... The illness must've caused a brain damage. Or cured him of one... 3. Garrick Rallback browsed through the mail. There were fewer envelopes. He didn't respond to the invitations. But the expected envelope was there. The stamp was from the day before, but it was mailed in another city. Riddles. He opened it. "VERY SOON NOW" Garth wished that was true, it became annoying. He filed the letter and sighed. He started to read the file again. The warm sun lighted Pendennis. Scenting flowers surrounded it. The trees were bearing blushing fruit. The garden was maintained perfectly as usual. But something seemed to have changed. Maybe it was the love in which the roses were clipped, the care in which the soil was raked. The fountain seemed to squirt higher; the birds seem to sing louder. Davidian blushed when he received the compliments of his master. He was hired recently, and gave his soul to maintain the garden. Lord Rallback was very satisfied. He squeezed the boy's muscular shoulder and blinked to him. Davidian laughed shyly. It sounded snoring. Light-headed from the unexpected compliments he took his hoe and carefully he marked the border of the grass. The tip of his tongue pointed between his lips. He liked to make the lord happy. Garth went back inside and looked through the doors at the boy. He was simple, as they called it. But they'd assured him the boy lived for the garden and he believed it. "Lord Rallback!" Garrick turned towards the squeaking voice. A grey haired man walked towards him with large steps. "Lord Rallback, I have to talk to you about a predicament." "Roscoe, my dear man, you don't 'have' to talk to me, you 'would like to'". He decided not to be pernickety and revised his manner. He folded his arms and looked at the gardener as friendly as he could. "Well?" "It's about that... That imbecile out there. That David." "Davidian," Garth corrected. "And please, don't call him an imbecile." Roscoe waved a hand impatiently. "Whatever. I understand you'd like to work on you image, but it's going too far to let a retard like that into my garden. I mean, look at him!" Garth looked. He saw a strong young man with ginger curls and flecks on his blushing cheeks. He was tall, but because he walked bent, you didn't really notice. His large hands touched the fragile rose buds with the greatest care and his green eyes were filled with tears of pure love. A very suitable guy. He turned to the elder man. "Well?" The gardener blinked in disbelief. "Do you really intend to keep this imbecile in the garden?" Garth sighed. He put a hand on the shoulder of the man. "Roscoe, my dear fellow, I would really appreciated if you'd revised your attitude. In the first place, Davidian is no imbecile; he's a bit simple. That makes him a perfect employee, since he worries about the garden and not about his paycheck. Second it's not your garden, it's my garden. The garden belongs to Pendennis, Roscoe, and I own Pendennis. That makes me the owner of the garden. Am I right?" "Yes," Roscoe unwillingly admit. "And it also means the personnel is in my employment. Right?" "Yes." Garth smiled. "And since I can hire personnel, I can fire them too, right or not?" "Eh- right, sir." His voice was not as arrogant as before. "Right," smiled Garth sweetly. "Roscoe, take your stuff and get out. You're fired." At the background Cameron looked at the scene. He saw the gardener getting pale and backing off. He pushed himself further in the shadows of the stairs and tried to hear the rest of the conversation. There wasn't said much more. Rallback had fired Roscoe. Davidian would stay in duty of the lord and could stay at Pendennis if he wanted. Like the gardener Cameron couldn't believe his ears. He heard how Roscoe begged. It was no use. He was fired and had 24 hours time to leave the estate. And that time had started 5 minutes ago. Garrick Rallback slapped against the heavy, dark curtains. He saw the dust but didn't sneeze. His nose seemed to get used to it. "Mylord?" "Yes, Cameron?" "Your accountant, mylord. Shall I let him in?" Garth nodded and received the man. They sat at the table. Hough was a small, pale man. Funny enough precisely how Garth had imagined. The accountant displayed the books carefully in front of him and then placed his fingertips against each other. Studiously. "Lord Rallback, I understood you wanted to see me?" "Yes, Hough. How much money do I have?" The accountant stared at him. Mouth open. "I'm sorry?" "How much money do I have," repeated Garth impatiently. "What is my fortune and what have I invested, what are my monthly charges, how much do I spend on Pendennis and my personnel?" The accountant cleared his throat and recovered himself. "Right." He took a thick book and started calculating. He didn't ask questions. Garth knew he was too afraid to ask them. After a while he put a piece of paper in front of the lord. Garth mouth dropped open. He wasn't rich. That word didn't describe it enough. He needed a whole new word for this. "And the salary of my personnel?" he asked when he'd found his voice again. Hough calculated in silence and gave him the figures. Just what he thought. As rich as he was, as little did his servants earn. "Okay. This is what I want you to do. The wages will be tripled immediately. All investments will be withdrawn, no more money for those whorehouses or whatever. The bills will no longer go directly to you; they'll come to me. I want to know what I spend. All warrants will be withdrawn. Only I will have access to the money. Some things need to change around here." "Lord, it's sir Theban. Shall I let him in?" This man was also received at the table. The thin fingers and wrists groaned under the weight of many rings and bands. Garth watched out not to smile at the pale blonde man. "Lord, I understood you-" "Yes, I want to speak to you," Garth said almost impolite. "You're well known as an innovating interior decorator, is that true?" "Yes, mylord," the man answered flattered. "Good. Change the interior of Pendennis." "But lord Rallback! Pendennis is classical! It's not my area!" "Do you have the plan of the house? Did you get it?" "Yes," said Theban while he took it in front of him. "But I'd never have gotten it without your handwritten assignment... I'm afraid your architect didn't like it that you've asked me to-" "Oh Theban, shut up. I want your talent." He stood up. "Look around you. Look at all the dust. It makes me airless. Classical, maybe, but I have had enough of it. Out with those curtains, the goblins, that dark oak." He pointed at the furniture with his stick and spread his arms. "I can't breath here! I want light! Air!" "But mylord!" Theban cried out in despair. "I can't just replace it, your interior is too valuable! All the antiques, the art..." "Who cares about the value! But okay," he soothed down a little. "I give in. No replacements. We'll do it another way." He walked to the plan. "Here's the salon, here's the dining room. The room with a view to the garden is not in use. Make that a salon at my taste. And here, the sleeping room across the hall. Make that a new one, modern. The room next to my old one. Go ahead. Computers, halogens, knock yourself out." He grabbed the architect at his shoulders. "Show me your talent, Theban. Do what you need to do. Make me happy." Cam opened the door for the third time that week. "You wish...?" he asked the man on top of the stairs. This gentleman also came to see the lord. A tailor this time. Cam announced him and let him into the salon. He closed the door. Then he bent to the keyhole. Garrick Rallback wanted a whole new wardrobe. Cam smiled. He'd noticed his lord had enough of the suits. Today he was wearing the pants of a grey suit, a black waistcoat and a white smoking shirt. The cuffs and collar open. Around his neck he wore a loose tie. Cam wondered if the next visitor would be the hairdresser. Or maybe the lord wanted to wear his dark hair in a tail soon... A slap against his butt did him freeze in mid-air. "Tss... ear dropping, and that at you age..." "Fuck off," responded Cam. "What are you doing here anyway?" "I wanted to have a word with lord Rallback, but he's engaged, I see. Who is it this time?" "Tss... curious at you age? A tailor. Did you get you pay check?" "Yes, that's what I wanted to talk to him about. Did you have such a high salary as well?" "It was high alright. Do you want to thank him?" "Of course." "You can't be serious! What if it's been a mistake and you have to repay it?" Suddenly the door opened. "Cameron, what are you grumbling about?" Garth looked at his butler with disapproval. Then he turned to his chauffeur. "Mayhoun, what can I do for you?" The chauffeur smiled with unease. "I- I wanted to thank you for the raise. Also on behalf of Millicent and Wyonne." Cane closed the door behind him and smiled. "You deserve it. But now that I see you, how's Milli? Has she seen the doctor yet?" "Yes, and everything is fine. But she'll have to slow things down a bit..." "I understand. I'll hire help for her. And the wedding? Did you two set a date yet?" Mayhoun shook his head in silence. "There is no money for a wedding, lord Rallback," interfered Cam snappy. He ignored Mayhoun's look. "And they'd rather not live here as well. A house like this is no good for a child. It needs it's own place, with sunlight and a play ground." "My dear Cameron, perhaps Mayhoun wanted to tell me this himself. I'll speak to you later. Mayhoun," he turned to him again, "I'd like to continue this conversation when I'm done here. Shall I fetch you then?" Cam stared at the closed door for a long time. A strong emotion raged through his whole body. Hate. 4. Garrick opened the familiar envelope and held his breath. "COUNTDOWN STARTED," he read. And underneath that: "5" Five what. Days? Weeks? The letters didn't arrive regular. He shook his shoulders and filed the letter. He'd had to wait for the other four. His strong fingers browsed through his agenda. The wedding would be held in a month time. Milli would be four months pregnant by then. Garth had offered to pay for everything, an offer that had been refused of course, but was accepted gratefully later on. It would be a small wedding, for friends and family only, just as the two had wished for. They'd also agreed about a house. They'd live in the old watch house at the end of the estate. It would be modernized while they were working on Pendennis. Garth had looked at the ground plan of the manor and had found that many rooms were not in use. Also on the ground floor, in the right wing, there were many empty rooms. He walked though them. Behind him were the dark rooms of the servants. These rooms were light and airy with full view on the garden. He could smell the roses through the opened windows. Garth understood why the servants weren't allowed to live here; they would be visible from the salon. But he didn't care about that, and he decided to offer them to Cameron and Wyonne. Davidian had his own home in the garden house. The kid was happy there. Who was he to disturb happiness? It was a warm summer night when the manor was interrupted by a high scream. The sound reached to the white bedroom and Garth sat upright in his roomy bed. He heard it again, like someone was skinned alive. He ran downstairs as fast as he could. Cameron and Mayhoun ran into the hall, half dressed. Garth opened the garden doors and was followed by his men. They'd brought torches and lit the scene in the garden. Davidian stood with his back to them, bent over a man in front of him. He was armed with a pitchfork and waited for a move of the man. Garth shouted his name. He signalled he'd heard him, but didn't move. Mayhoun recognized the man. "Roscoe!" Garth walked to him and pulled him up. "Well, well, Roscoe. Tell me what you do here." The man kept silence and looked in fear at Davidian. The lord dropped him. "Davy, what is he doing here?" The boy pointed and Garth saw what he meant. There were rosebuds on the field. Roscoe had planned to ruin the garden. Davidian had dropped on his knees and started to sob. He picked the buds up and pressed his face in his hands. His roses. Garth understood his grief and stroke him through his hair. "Don't cry, we'll punish him. Will someone please call the police?" "Police?" Cam stepped forward. "Will that be necessary? Don't you think a warning will be enough?" "You think so?" He sighed. "Okay. Listen up, you bastard; never show your face at Pendennis again. Next time I'll let Davidian do what he wants to do. And now: get lost. Cam, please show this gentleman to the door, I've seen enough of him." Cameron guided him to the border of the estate. "Get lost," he said to the old gardener. "I don't want to see your face here again." "What's this?" said the elder man. "I can't recall you've been this font of Rallback. What made you change your mind?" "I didn't change my mind. But you're fired and Davidian took your place. Leave it that way. He won't take you back." Roscoe didn't answer and turned away. Then he turned back again. "You better watch out. Rallback seems to have other requirements of his personnel. Namely love for the trade. You'll be on the street before you know it." Cam didn't take much notice at those words, but when he walked back to the manor, he had to think. Roscoe was right, Garth had changed. It could have consequences. Inside it was all dark again. Everybody had returned to bed. He walked to the doors, but heard his name. Garrick called him from the old salon. Garth had pulled a robe on. "Cam, get in here. I want to have a word with you." The blonde boy walked into the salon. He saw his employer sit on the couch. He invited him to sit and Cam sat down. They sat in silence for a while. "Cameron Mattlock," said the lord with a soft voice. "I have the feeling you don't like it here." "Why, sir?" asked Cam as neutral as he could. "Little things. I try my best to make everybody happy. Davidian takes care of the roses with all his care, Wyonne puts her soul into the meals, Milli and Mayhoun are a happy couple and do their job with pleasure. But you, you just do your job. Nothing less, you can't hear me complain, but nothing more either." Cam shifted in his seat. Garth too. He could see how the robe slid aside. A well-formed leg appeared. Cam looked at it. Garth had a beautiful body, he'd noticed many times before. In the garden he'd admired the firm round buttocks. He became aware of his thoughts and put them aside. "Sir?" he asked too innocent. "Oh Cam, come on. You know what I mean. Davy, Wyonne, Milli and Mayhoun, they love their job. They accept my gratitude, accept other homes. You just stick in that dark hole and no matter how high I raise your salary, you keep having that stubbornly look on your pretty face." "I can't be bought." Garth caressed the hair of his butler. "No, I noticed that." Cam felt the hands of his employer on his face and saw him getting nearer. His heart skipped a beat when he felt the warm lips. He pulled himself loose. "Cam, don't struggle like that. Do you really think I didn't notice how you looked at me, in the garden? And all the other times?" He kissed again. Cam pulled himself free and stood upright. "If there's nothing at you service, sir, I'd like to go to bed now." He bowed and quickly left the salon. In the hall he leaned against the door for a while. O dear. That had almost gone wrong. The morning came far too soon. Garrick woke up with a dreadful mood. He felt his sore muscles. A good massage would serve him well. He called Cameron. Cam's capable hands poured the warm oil over the naked lord. The man lied face down on a special bed in the bathroom. It was a well-filled waterbed, high enough to reach it without bending over. As usual Cam tried to set his emotions aside, but something had changed. His fingers knead the flesh and his eyes followed his movements. Normally he just saw a body that had to be massaged. He breathed heavy when he understood his feelings. He couldn't look objective anymore. Garth smiled. The warm hands slid over his slippery skin and felt his muscles. He knew what moves Cam always made and noticed the difference. The fingers concentrated on his butt and slid between them. He made it easier for Cam by spreading his legs a little. He heard how his butler held his breath. Cam was transpiring. The warmth of the bathroom, he said to himself. But the room wasn't too warm. The butt under his hand was round and firm. He loved them. There was some oil left in the bowl and he poured it on the notch. He saw a drop slide down. Slowly. He had to repress a moan. His fingers caught the drop and he carefully slid a finger inside. Garth moved. Encouraging. Quickly he count to ten. It didn't work. Garrick felt much better. He enjoyed himself with his eyes closed. It had been a long time since he'd had a man. "Cammey... wouldn't you like to try something else?" "Like what, mylord?" Garth heard the desire in those words. "Massage me with your body," he said softly. Cam didn't even hesitate long. Garth watched him take his clothes of. He stripped for him. Slowly he took his uniform off and threw it aside. He was hard. Garth had to repress his desire to jump off the bed and to grab him. "What were you thinking off, sir?" Garth grinned like a wolf. "Oil yourself. Don't be frugal..." Cam took the glass bottle, but his hands were too slippery. He had to tense his muscles to hold it. It was a marvellous sight to see how the blonde man held the bottle with his both hands and slowly poured the contents over his naked body. He poured what was left of the oil over his lord. The waterbed was now so slithery that it was difficult for Garth not to slide off it. But the movements he had to make only turned him on. "Sit on top of me," demanded Garth. He growled when he felt the weight. Cam sat astride and he pushed him down. Then he started to move himself. Cam panted heatedly. His body gleamed and slithered. He slid front and back, holding himself to Garrick's shoulders. His legs massaged those of his lord, his abdomen rubbed over the buttocks. Every move made him harder and he moaned. "Is this good, mylord?" "Very well Cam. Go on. Oh go on..." Cam loved to obey. He buried his fingers deep in the flesh of the butt cheeks and pulled them apart. His slippery dick slid between them. He felt how Garth tensed his muscles and he moved faster. The head of his dick poked the dark hole and he gently pushed a bit further. He heard the desirous groan. Suddenly he pulled back. "Who said you could stop?" asked Garth indignantly. Cam didn't answer. He grabbed the oil bottle again. With one hand he spread the cheeks and with the other he poured the last drops on the constrictor. He let the bottle slip but he didn't look at it. His fingers pushed inside. The body underneath him moved slowly. It indicated the moves he liked best. Cam slapped his butt to keep him still and pulled his fingers back. "Stick it inside me, you bastard," snapped Garth. "I'll do that when I'm ready," answered Cam boldly. He slapped him again and pulled the cheeks far apart. Then he held his breath and aimed. With one firm push he entered. He grinned satisfied when he heard the scream. A scream of pure pleasure. 5. Two more, thought Garrick, feeling a bit down, when he opened the envelope. Soon he'd had to leave Pendennis. Feet first. He sighed and unfolded the paper. "COUNTDOWN STOPPED" He blinked. Excuse me? Did he get mercy? The stamp was from the day before, mailed in a town nearby. He leaned back and rubbed his face. For some reason the killer had decided to delay the murder. Did that also mean there was no danger anymore? It spoiled his mood. More questions, more riddles. He knew he had to be killed. This meant more problems. The file was thick. Threatening notes, coded letters, information about the personnel... He browsed though them before he filed the letter. The countdown had stopped. Only two more had to arrive. He wondered what would've happened if he would've received the last one. He'd never really thought about it. Who wanted to kill him, and how? Poison in his food- was it Wyonne? Nonsense. A car accident by Mayhoun? Nah. Roscoe? He was eliminated. Milli didn't even appear on the list. Only one remained. Only one who could have a motive. And who could have changed his mind. Cameron. Nah... When he went to the new salon, his whole crew welcomed him with a surprise birthday party. Garth smiled shyly and tried to hide his red face behind his hands. He had to blow the candles on the cream pie. When his servants encouraged him with loud voices he lifted his hands to silence them. He blew all the candles out. "What did you wish?" asked Cam whispering. Garrick smiled to him. "You'll see soon enough." Then it was time for presents. Davidian had given him a pot with a bonsai tree. Garrick knew the kid had made it himself. Milli and Mayhoun, who would marry very soon now, had given a miniature Rolls Royce. The same Rolls which stood in the garage, next to the old one. Then Cam gave him his present. It was a small parcel. Garth notices how tensed his butler was when he slowly lift the lid. It was a gold signet ring. In the deep blue stone were his initials engraved. He thanked them all with passionate hugs. Cam was crushed in his arms. One week after that, it was time for the wedding. Mayhoun and Milli wanted to marry on Pendennis, so Garth transformed the ballroom into a church. He hired a catering; his own servants were all off duty. He gave instructions and convinced himself all was going well before he went upstairs to change. "What took you so long?" Garrick looked for the face to go with the voice. He found it on the bed. "What are you doing here, Cam?" The blonde man stretched his muscles and twisted under the white satin blankets. He groaned comfortably. "Maybe I was waiting for you." The lord approached him. "What for, Cam?" "Mm... To let your wish come true, maybe?" "Really... And what was my wish, according to you?" Cameron smiled. He turned on his stomach and let the blanket slide off him. "Something like this?" Garth closed his eyes for a moment. Earnest he said, "Yes it is, young man." He took his clothes off and admired the perfect rounding of Cam's body. Cam lied with his legs invitingly spread. Garth had no haste at all. 6. Carefully Garth had sealed the parcel. He'd double-checked if he's put everything in it. All the papers, all the letters. The file was complete and closed. He was sorry to give it to Mayhoun. The murder was averted. His duty was done. He couldn't keep up the appearance anymore; he received a coded letter every week, persisting him to answer. This was his answer. There was no more danger. He felt down when he walked through his own modern salon. The three glass walls surrounded by the beautiful garden. His garden. The roses had ceased blossoming and were pruned by Davidian capable hands. He'd seen how they'd bloomed twice. He'd miss his red headed boy. He waved a hand at Milli, playing with her daughter in the grass. Valerie. Garth was a real sugar daddy to her. A letter arrived. It wasn't even coded. He gazed at it before he read it. His assignment was finished. He had to leave. Business. He looked at the garden again. He loved Pendennis. The manor, the estate, the inhabitants. And Cameron. His Cam. "What's the matter with you?" Cam caressed the face of his lover with his hands and lips. "I thought you wanted to make love to me?" Garth mumbled something and held him tight. Cam answered the pressure. "Talk to me, please..." he said worried. "Cammey, do you love me?" Cam smiled. "Yes, I do. You know I do." He pulled back and looked at him. "Are you going to leave me?" Garth laughed and let him go. "Yes Cam, I'm going to leave you. I have to go away for business again. Like before." 'Before'. Cam thought about it. Two years ago. Garth-the-asshole had gone away and Garth-the lover, the sugar daddy, the foster father, had returned. "Will you be back?" he whispered. "Garth will be back." Cam didn't understand. "So what's the big deal?" Garth sighed. "Cammey, when I come back, I'll turn my ring." He stopped Cam when he tried to speak. "Listen to me, Cam. Convince yourself that I wear my ring. Your ring. And pay attention if I turn it. If I don't turn it, don't welcome me like you want to. Then you are a butler, not a lover, do you hear what I'm saying?" Cam heard him. And nodded. He was stunned. Garth repeated himself again to make sure he'd understand. He nodded again. But didn't understand. The day of leaving came. Garth came into the kitchen to say goodbye. He hugged Wyonne. "I'll miss you, Wyy." The cook kissed his cheek motherly. "You won't be away that long, dear." Then he hugged Milli. "Take care of yourself and Val..." Davidian was crying softly. Garth pressed him in his arms and kissed his hair. "You know me," he whispered. "You know who I am. Trust me. I'll never leave you behind. Be patient, Davy, I'll be back." Valerie lifted her arms to him and he swallowed with difficulty. He'd miss her. He only hoped she would see with her heart and not with her eyes. Cam walked with him to the car. They embraced each other with passion. "Think of what I said to you," said Garth. Cam nodded with tears in his eyes. "Your ring. Please turn it." "I love you..." "Oh god I love you too..." 7. As always when the master was out, the servants were on a break. Normally it was reason for a party, but the mood was depressed now. Time had passed slowly. And no sign of Garrick for weeks. Until that day. Cam had answered the call and ran to Mayhoun. "May! You have to go to the airport! Garth wants to be picked up!" So now Mayhoun waited at the airport, with the new Rolls. He saw the well-known face with the blue eyes and dark hair and started to smile. But then he noticed something. The man walked without a cane. He bowed and opened the car door. Garrick Rallback didn't say a word. In silence they drove to the manor. The servants traditionally waited on the stairs. Wyonne, Milli and Cam, Davidian and two new girls. Cam bowed to his lord. His eyes gleamed. Garrick gave his hat, coat and gloves to one of the girls and watched her when she left. Cam didn't notice. He looked at his hands. Lord Rallback wore a ring. With a large diamond. And he didn't turn it. The lord followed him to the new salon. But when he'd sat a foot inside he froze. Cam looked at the man when he stepped into the hall, red faced, and wanted to go to the old salon. "Tea please, Cameron," said lord Rallback between clenched teeth. Cam bowed and left the dark salon. Lord Rallback walked without a cane and wore another ring. He behaved like he did two years ago. Just like always. Everything was back as before. Milli tried to silence Valerie, but the girl had started screaming and didn't stop. Garth looked at it with a fat grin. "Shy girl, isn't she, my lovely Millicent?" Milli felt a shiver and held Val tight. She didn't feel comfortable either. He'd never said 'my lovely Millicent' anymore, just a short and simple 'Milli'. For the first time since the birth of Valerie she was happy to sleep outside Pendennis. Cam found Davidian kneeled in the garden. He sat in front of a short, round bush as if it was an altar. Cam touched his shoulder. "What are you doing, Davy?" The boy looked up. His eyes were wet. "P'aying." "Praying? To whom?" "Ga'th." Cam kneeled next to him. "Garth? What do you mean Davy? Why this bush?" "Bush bloomed at day he left. In winte'. Is Ga'th. Said good-bye." "But now he's back, isn't he, darling..." He caressed the red curls. Davidian shook his head under Cam's hand. "Is not Ga'th. Is someone else." "Someone else?" Cam looked closer at him. "You're actually saying this isn't our Garth, but somebody else?" Davidian nodded vigorously. "A deceiver?" Cam whispered. "Is deceive'. B-as-ta'd." He went back to the bush and folded his hands. Cam heard him mumble. He was actually praying. He asked his daddy to return. Garth lied in the hot tub when Cam walked in. "Would you like a massage, sir?" He only heard a moan and took that for a 'yes'. He prepared the waterbed and warmed the oil. Then he wanted to help his lord out of the bath. "I'm not invalid, Cameron," slapped the man his hands away. Cam backed away. He wanted to place a comment when the man wanted to be helped on the cushion, but didn't say anything. The period of freedom of speech had gone. Cam took his usual time to spread the oil and started the massage. He looked at the body. He knew Garth's body. He loved every inch of it. This was not Garth's body. Garth was perfect. With long muscles, tanned skin... This was not a perfect body. "Haven't you finished yet?" Finished? A massage like this could take an hour and wasn't just finished with 'Done, you can get up now'. "Isn't it good, sir?" "I have other obligations. Just get on with it." "You can get up, if you like to, sir." Lord Rallback had returned. With brain damage. Cam left the bathroom and walked to his own room, with view to the garden. He opened a case and took the two last envelopes out. They never had to be sent. But everything was the old self again. He hated Garrick Rallback. Bills, bills and more bills. Why didn't they just go straight to Hough? Garrick looked at the high pile of mail. Salary for the servants, bills for plants, furniture, decorators, the garage... With one move he threw it all off the huge desk. Then he saw it. The envelope. He hesitated long before he picked it up. His fingers seemed made of rubber when he opened it. He unfolded the letter. "1" His scream could be heard everywhere. 8. The voice sounded over the radio. "Clear, Dr." Dr. Gillespie Turned to the man besides him and smiled. "Are you ready?" They've been waiting. The limousine had been between the trees for hours. "I'm as ready as I can be." The car drove to the manor and parked in front of the stairs. The chauffeur opened the doors and let them step out. He black cane tapped on the stairs. Cameron opened the doors. "Lord Rallback! You've returned early. I didn't expect you yet..." Then he saw the limo. "You didn't come with the Rolls?" The lord lifted his hand. Dressed in a black glove. "Mayhoun will follow soon, Cameron. I've come with this man. This is Dr. John Gillespie." Cam bowed and realized he was still in the door opening. Quickly he stepped aside. The men entered. "Jennifer?" The girl approached in silence and made a reverence. She took the hats and coats. She didn't look in their eyes and disappeared quickly. Cam walked straight to the old salon and let the men in. "Tea, sir?" "Coffee, Cameron. Black." Cam bowed and left the room. Emotionless. "Would you please excuse me, John." He left the room but didn't go to the bathroom. He walked to the kitchen. Wyonne was preparing the tray and looked up when Garth walked in. "Where is Cameron, Wyy?" "In his room, sir." Cam still lived in the light room. Garth didn't knock and walked in. Cam was sitting on the floor with his back to him. He jumped up when he heard Garth scrape his throat. "Mylord! What are you doing here?" Garth just stood there. He moved his hands. Cam looked at it. He turned his ring. Cam saw the movement and felt his knees tremble. He didn't understand it anymore. "Garth?" he asked carefully. The man spread his arms. "Won't you greet me?" The blonde man walked slowly to him, but didn't embrace him. The lord dropped his arms. "It's me, Cammey, look! I wear your ring!" Cam looked. And stared at him intensely. "Who are you?" "Garrick Rallback. Your Garth." The young man shook his head. "Then who is the other?" Garth sighed. "Yes, that's going to be difficult to understand. He's also Garrick Rallback." "Excuse me?" "We're one and the same, Cam..." "You two are the same person?" He backed off a little. "No," sounded the voice of Dr. Gillespie. "Two different persons. Both Garrick Rallback, but only one of them is born with that name." Garth had turned around but the man silenced him. "Let's go to the kitchen, why don't we. Cameron, fetch the others." Wyonne wasn't happy with the crowd in her kitchen. She sat herself on her private stool and watched the scene in silence. Milli entered the kitchen with Valerie on her arm. Cam didn't tell her why she had to come, and she was shocked when she saw Garth. She mumbled 'Mylord' and shuffled to her aunt. Garth smiled. "Milli! Valerie!" He walked to the women. "Hello little girl, you've grown!" Valerie stared at the man. For a moment she was motionless. Then she laughed and started to make happy sounds. She lifted her arms to him. Milli unwillingly let the lord take her daughter. She was stunned when Valerie appeared to like it. She looked for Cam but he didn't respond to her. Then Davidian entered. "Daddy!" Garth turned to him and laughed. "Davy!" He quickly gave Valerie to her mother and spread his arms. Davidian threw himself between them. Wyonne and Milli stared at each other. Cameron opened the door. "Mylord," he said polite. As usual the girl took their gear and Garth followed Cam to the salon. He asked for tea, and Cam bowed and left the room in silence. As usual. But as soon as he'd closed the door his expression changed. He walked quickly to the kitchen. Dr. Gillespie nodded to Garrick and then turned to the servants. "Ladies, Davidian, come with me, please. Milli, we'll go to your house." The air was tensed. Something was about to happen. Garth stayed behind with Cam and Mayhoun. Cam prepared a tray, and took it to the lord. But he wasn't alone. "Your tea, mylord." The man took it, but Cam didn't let go. He looked up with surprise. The cup wobbled. "What-" started Rallback. He silenced when he saw the look in Cam's eyes. "I hate you," said the butler calmly. He let the saucer go, so that the cup fell and spilled the hot tea over the man. He pushed him back into his seat. "I hate you!" he said more severe. His hand reached behind his back and returned with a revolver in it. Lord Rallback turned white. "So you are the one!" Cam grinned. "Yup." "But- but you're wrong! I'm not Rallback! I'm a body-double! Honest!" "Really? How interesting. Tell me all about it" Garrick didn't notice the mockery. "They have bought me! I had to take his place, so the wrong one got killed!" Cam wasn't impressed. "So? That's exactly what's going to happen then..." At that moment the door opened and a man walked in. He looked exactly like the sweating lord. "There! That's the one! You want him, not me!" He pressed against the seat and look into the barrel. "I'm all ear," said Cam. "Tell me what's going on here." He sat himself on the table. "Tell me why there are two Garrick Rallbacks now?" Garth walked to the couch and sat himself next to the other man. "Who do you want to tell it?" he asked calmly. Cam forgot his calm. "From you!" he shouted. "You, who wear my ring and who have slept with me! Who are you and why did you use me?" The two men looked at him. It was confusing to see the two similar faces and he calmed a little. "Sorry," he said. "Just start at the beginning, will you. Please, Garth..." Garth looked at the revolver, which was pointing between the bodies. Cam wanted to shoot one of them, as soon as he knew which one was the real lord. Then he looked at the sweating man. "Will you or shall I?" There was no answer. "Okay. First of all, Cam, I didn't use you." "Shut up. Start at the beginning." Garth smiled. "It started with death threats. Letters, with paper cut sentences. Like 'I'm going to kill you' and stuff like that. Lord Rallback had reason to believe someone wanted him dead. He asked for help and they had an idea. Someone had to take his place, so that he wouldn't get killed before they found out who wanted him dead. They looked for a body double." Mayhoun had sat himself next to Cam. "And that was you?" he asked quietly. "That was me. I didn't look 100%, but they could fix that. To be honest I'm rebuilt completely. My nose, my ears, my teeth... Everything went fine, except for one thing. My length." "Your cane," said Cam breathless. "Yes. I was an inch too tall. They had to shorten my legs. One leg will never be well again." "An inch?" "Just one inch. We couldn't take the risk that all my trousers would be too short. I've been in the hospital for two months. Too short. You treat me well in the beginning so I could heal." "I didn't want to kill someone as weak as you were..." confessed Cam softly. "Oh that's so good to hear," mocked Garth. "That time in the hospital, I could study your files. So I knew how to behave. But despites all the surgery I still had my own character. And that seemed to save my life." "You thought the coast was clear. And that bastard returned." The gun was now pointing at the silence man. "And he took his terrible self with him." Cam looked at the sweating man, but asked the other: "What is your real name?" "My name is Garrick Rallback," he said while he stood up. "But this man is an impostor. His name is Steve Berns. You may forget that name again. He doesn't exist. He died two years ago. Officially dead and cremated. This is a ghost. Nobody." "Mayhoun," said Cam while he stood up and tensed his finger on the trigger, "if you don't want to watch this you'd better leave now." Rallback realized what was going to happen and he jumped up. He tried a run for the door but Mayhoun caught him. He forced him on the floor. "Do it, Cam. Do it now." He only closed his eyes when he felt how the body shocked. Davidian pruned the beautiful rosebush. It had been dug up and was planted again. His lord had dug white sticks up. He'd beat them to powder. Good fertilizer for the roses, he'd said. Davidian had shuffled it into the soil. Lord Rallback had named the rose. He called it the Berns-rose. Davidian liked the sound of that name. Life on Pendennis was good. The End. Laevi