Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 15:59:03 +0100 From: Adam Stewart Subject: Come Back with Me Come Back with Me By Adam Stewart 1. "You've stacked those shelves all wrong boy; do it again" his father shouted. "I did as you said." "Don't argue boy; do as I say" his father shouted across the shop. Kobe walked back to the shelves with a sinking heart. He'd spent the last hour reorganising them exactly as his father had told him and knew he'd receive another beating when he got home. His father seemed to delight in telling him one thing and then berating him for doing it wrong so he could beat him at home. His father had left Nigeria thirty years ago to start a new life in England dragging his wife with him. She had to obey him so had no choice despite not wanting to leave her home town. Her husband found a place for them to live in Whitechapel and a shop to rent near Liverpool Street station where he set up his grocery store. Because of its location it provided him with a reasonable living over the years despite the arrival of well known multiple stores. He kept his prices low to attract customers but to do this he kept his overheads at rock bottom and only paid his suppliers when they threatened legal action. He forced his wife to work at the shop in addition to her duties as his wife. When Kobe was fifteen, his mother died from exhaustion. His father showed no remorse and took Kobe out of school to take her place in the shop. He was required to work in the shop for twelve hours each day from seven in the morning six days a week. When he got home he had to prepare the evening meal and do the other household chores whilst his father sat watching television. He never lifted a finger, telling Kobe he owned him so it was his duty to do what his mother had done. By the time he got home he was often worn out having worked all day whilst his father just stood watching him and the cashier, complaining when he didn't approve of something. Nobody stayed long because they soon tired of the way he treated them. His father paid the cashier and Kobe well below the minimum wage and if he complained he received another beating for daring to raise the matter. "You have free board and lodging so you've got nothing to complain about boy." The fact that his nineteen year-old son wanted independence never entered his father's head. Kobe could hardly afford to buy clothes let alone any luxuries to make his life happier. As a result he was depressed and had lost all confidence in himself. As soon as he stepped inside the front door that evening his father slapped his face and punched him in the stomach saying he was useless and lazy like his mother had been. His father had left the shop at six that evening leaving Kobe and the cashier to deal with the late evening rush and lock up so he knew he'd receive a beating when he got in but he hadn't expected it as soon as he walked through the door. His face stung and his stomach ached as he went up to his room. He looked in the mirror and saw his face beginning to swell. He cursed his father and wished him dead. "Where are you boy, I want my dinner" his father shouted. "Fuck off you bastard" Kobe said under his breath but once outside his room he said "I'm on my way father". He knew if he answered back he'd receive more insults and beatings which usually involved a heavy slap across his face to cause bruising, a punch in the stomach or a kick on his shin. Although he often tried to fend off the assaults, his father was much larger than Kobe so invariably got him trapped in a corner so he couldn't escape. "One of these days I'll fight back" he told himself, "Then you'll wonder what hit you." He walked to the kitchen and prepared his father's meal. He made it as bland as possible and often over salted it but his father never seemed to notice. Kobe secretly hoped it would bring his father to an early death but he had a constitution like an ox. Having taken the meal to his father who was now seated in front of the television, Kobe returned to the kitchen to make his own meal. He'd not eaten with his father ever since his mother had died. That was one thing he refused to do. Instead he took care over what food he prepared for himself and ate it in the kitchen on his own. "I've got to get away from him" he kept telling himself. The problem was how. Within the last few months Aaron had started a new job with a company not far from Liverpool Street station. He'd qualified as a solicitor and at the age of twenty three he was the youngest Company Solicitor the large practice of architects had ever employed but he'd quickly shown how good he was and the boss was very pleased with him. Aaron was a tall self-assured guy who had fair hair, smooth skin and pale blue eyes. Most guys thought him hot but despite his best efforts he'd not found a guy to love. He'd had many fuck buddies but none had been Mr Perfect material. He loved his parents who in turn loved their only son and when he announced he was gay, they accepted it without question. All they wanted was for him to be happy. When his favourite uncle died just over a year ago, Aaron found he'd been left a considerable sum of money. He'd often wondered whether his uncle was gay since he clearly liked Aaron. He immediately bought a house in Islington and moved out of the flat he rented nearby. He loved the buzz and excitement of the area so when he obtained the job near Liverpool Street station he was over the moon since it was just four stops on the tube. He hated grocery shopping so when he saw the convenient store just near the station he'd pop in on his way home to stock up on items. To save carrying much he'd shop every other day and often every day. The shop had clearly seen better days since it was badly in need of a makeover but the prices were good and he preferred it to the larger supermarkets. Besides, he liked supporting the independent shops if he could. He noticed the young black guy during his first week at his new job. He only looked a few years younger than him and he had beautiful smooth skin. When he smiled, which he noticed was not that often, his brown eyes sparkled and it caused an electric shock to shoot through his body. In addition it frequently caused another reaction down below which he tried to hide as he walked round the shop. The more he used the shop, the more he fell in love with the young guy. Seeing an older black man standing round he guessed he was the owner and by the way he spoke to the young guy he had a feeling they were related. Aaron soon began to notice how the older man spoke to the young guy and Aaron didn't like it at all. The older man shouted at the young guy, often right across the shop and Aaron would notice the young guy flinch. He was dying to find out more but whenever he approached the young guy he'd quickly glance over to the older man to see if he was looking. It soon became clear that the young guy was frightened of the older man and Aaron realised there was a family connection otherwise the young guy would just up and leave. As time went on Aaron found excuses to speak to the beautiful young guy and ask him where certain items were even though he knew. The young guy would immediately show Aaron but at the same time would glance across to the older guy. Aaron didn't know at that time that Kobe's father had told his son not to pamper the customer. "They come here to shop not to have their time wasted by you boy." The fact that Kobe liked to assist customers to encourage them to come back seemed to be of little concern to his father. Because he'd run the business for thirty years he seemed to think that once a customer, always a customer but Kobe knew better having seen customers come and go, very often because of his father's abrupt manner with them. The day after Kobe had been hit by his father, Aaron noticed Kobe's swollen face. He'd also noticed on previous occasions how Kobe seemed to limp at times as if his leg hurt. "Wow, what's happened to you?" Aaron asked having managed to get alongside the young man. He had the hots for him and wanted to find out more about him. Kobe glanced furtively towards his father and lightly shook his head as if to say `don't say anything'. Aaron touched Kobe's hand pretending to take something off the shelf that Kobe was restocking. Both Aaron and Kobe felt their bodies briefly come alive as their skin touched. Kobe quickly moved away having seen his father stare at him. Aaron wondered whether he'd misjudged the young man but the looks he'd seen Kobe give him on previous occasions made him feel he was interested in Aaron. Similar situations occurred for several more days with Aaron finding excuses to speak to Kobe either asking him where he could find something or asking a question about a particular product. Each time Aaron would deliberately touch Kobe's hand and each time they both had the same feeling. They'd now managed to exchange names without Kobe's father knowing. Each night Kobe went home thinking about the tall guy he'd fallen in love with but the chances of anything happening between them was one in a million because he knew his father would never allow him to go out and socialise. He had to provide his father with every move he made if it involved going out on his own. His father had noticed the way his son spoke to the tall customer and how the customer had gone out of his way to speak to Kobe and he didn't like it. Whenever he could he'd push the cashier out of the way when Aaron went to pay so he could be brusque with him in the hope of putting him off from using the store. What he didn't realise was that the ruder he was, the more determined Aaron was to find out what was going on between Kobe and his father. A few days later, Aaron noticed Kobe was limping and had more bruises on his face. Kobe's father had punched him in the face the previous night and kicked his leg. "You're disgusting; I know what your game is; you're trying to throw yourself at that man." As he said this Kobe received a particularly hard punch on the face before he knew what had hit him. As he held his face, he felt his father's boot kick his leg. He limped upstairs and shut himself in his room before sitting on the bed to cry. He knew he had to get away somehow so gathered what little money he had and stuffed it in his pocket. He had no idea what he'd do or where he'd go but one thing for sure was that he had to get away. Even the cashier was shocked to see Kobe's face and his limp when he arrived the following morning. She'd soon realised how his father treated him and tried her best to protect him but it was useless and she was shouted at in much the same way. The only difference was that the old man didn't hit her because he knew if he did, she'd bring the police down on him like a ton of bricks. She'd already started looking for a new job so didn't plan to be around for much longer. 2. What on earth has happened Kobe?" Aaron whispered knowing that Kobe's father was watching them like a hawk. Kobe whispered that he couldn't talk but said his father went out for lunch at twelve thirty every day. Kobe and the cashier were never allowed a lunch break so had to manage a sandwich whilst they worked. Aaron took the hint and said the next day he'd come at lunch time. The next day, having told his boss he needed a long lunch hour but would make up the time that evening Aaron watched the shop until he saw Kobe's father leave for his lunch. Once he was out of sight he went in to find Kobe. "I'm taking you to lunch so we can talk" Aaron said. Kobe wasn't sure he should leave the shop but the cashier told him to go and she'd cover for him and handle the lunchtime trade. She too was worried about Kobe and had noticed how concerned Aaron was so decided to help them. Aaron took Kobe to a nearby pub and on their way Kobe bought a sandwich just in case his father came back early. He could then tell him he had to pop out for a moment to buy it. Once in the bar, Aaron asked if he'd like a beer. Kobe said he'd better not because if his father smelt alcohol on his breath that would mean another beating. Instead he opted for a soft drink so Aaron bought a beer for himself and an orange juice for Kobe. He also bought two packets of crisps and gave one to Kobe who gave Aaron one of his beautiful smiles which made Aaron's heart melt. He so loved those smiles and was sad that Kobe seldom did so because of his father. Aaron led Kobe to a quiet corner and asked him what the problem was between him and his father and why he had bruises and the limp. For a moment Kobe was diffident about telling Aaron but with gentle persuasion he did so. When Aaron heard the way Kobe's father treated him he felt like hitting the man. "But why does he hate you so?" Kobe shrugged his shoulders. His father had never shown any love towards him even when his mother was alive but once she'd died things had got worse. Aaron asked why he didn't just leave and Kobe explained he had little money because his father paid him so poorly so didn't know where to go. Aaron hugged him so wanting to do something to help this beautiful guy. "I'd better get back before he does; if he finds me missing he'll beat me tonight." Aaron hugged him again and lightly kissed the side of his head. He didn't care who saw him. All he knew was this wonderful guy wanted some love in his life and he was happy to provide it. "I'll see you tomorrow evening on my way home after work" Aaron said as they parted company outside the bar. Kobe didn't dare walk back with Aaron just in case his father saw them together. He got back to the shop just in time and hastily ate his sandwich whilst he worked. "Why haven't you finished restocking those shelves boy?" his father shouted as soon as he walked in the shop. "We've been busy; Kobe was helping me with customers" the cashier said. "Who's asking you?" the old man shouted. "Lunchtime is a busy period, not that you would know since you make sure you have your lunch each day and amble back when you've had your hour whilst Kobe and I do all the work" she replied. "How dare you" he shouted. "Well someone needs to say what it's really like; you pay us peanuts but expect us to do all the work whilst you stand around shouting at us all day." Kobe hid behind the shelves he was filling not wanting his father to see that he was witness to what was happening. He knew his father wouldn't hit the cashier but he waited to hear what he did next. Two customers were in the shop also witnessing the event and waiting for the old man to erupt since they'd also noticed what a miserable bastard he was. They watched the man walk towards the cashier and raise his hand as if to hit her. "Go on, hit me and then see what happens; hit me like you hit your son; you're pathetic." The customers had now moved forward ready to intervene if the man did hit the young woman at the cash desk. Kobe was now peeping round the shelving also to see what would happen next. "Get out, get out now" he shouted at the cashier. "You're sacking me are you?" she grinned. "Fine, that suits me" she added and opened the till. "I'm taking the wages you owe me and a week's money in lieu of notice and if you argue I shall take you to an Employment Tribunal and claim unfair dismissal; then I'll tell everyone what you're really like." Having taken the cash she grabbed her coat and left saying goodbye to Kobe as she did so. "Take care" she called out. What Kobe's father didn't know was that she'd already found another job and had planned to give him notice the very next day which was the Friday so he'd played right into her hands. "Come and serve these customers boy" his father shouted still fuming as he went to the back of shop to hang up his coat. Kobe was tempted to reply "Why don't you, you lazy bastard" but he didn't of course and instead ran round to the till to serve the two customers who were now looking on totally amazed at what they'd witnessed. "Is he always like that?" one of the customers asked. Kobe nodded not wanting to say anything but the customer noticed Kobe's swollen face and wondered whether that too was at the hand of the miserable owner. That evening his father left early so Kobe knew he'd receive another beating once home despite him not being responsible for the cashier. He dealt with the final rush of customers as best he could and finally locked up. As he slowly walked home he thought through what he could do. He'd enjoyed his short time with Aaron and imagined being able to spend more time with him but doubted that would ever happen. "He's no doubt already decided I'm not worth bothering about having seen what a wimp I am" he said out loud as he walked home the long way round so as to put off the inevitable. When he reached the front door he listened to see if he could hear his father but couldn't so he slipped his latchkey into the lock as quietly as he could. He partly opened the door to see if his father was waiting for him and on seeing the hallway was clear he walked inside. "You're late boy; where have you been?" "Serving customers and locking up father" he replied as he went upstairs to change and wash his hands. "I want my dinner so get a move on boy" his father shouted. "You'll get your dinner when I'm ready, you bastard" Kobe muttered to himself. Once washed and changed he crept back to the kitchen and prepared his father's meal. He cut the scraggy bits off the steak he'd brought with him from the shop and fried them with a few onions. He then over salted the potatoes and when they were cooked served them with the steak. "About time too" his father barked as he gave him his meal. Kobe had been tempted to deliberately throw it into his lap but didn't, knowing what the outcome would be. He was still waiting for the beating so was going carefully. He returned to the kitchen and fried the nice piece of steak for himself and fried the sliced potatoes he'd kept to one side. He'd finished his meal and was washing up the dishes when he suddenly felt a hard slap across the back of his head. He hadn't heard his father creep into the kitchen so it caught him unawares. He involuntarily turned round and saw a fist suddenly in his face. It was so quick that he didn't have time to duck and the fist caught him square on his right eye. This was followed by a punch in the stomach which made him feel sick. By the time he'd got over the shock, his father had left leaving his empty plate on the table. He threw it in the sink with the other dishes and pans and went up to his room. His eye was swelling up and when he looked in the mirror it was bloodshot and there was a small cut beneath caused by his father's ring. He still felt sick from the punch and for a moment thought he was going to throw up his meal. He lay down on the bed and cried. He decided he'd had enough and had to leave. What he now had to do was work out when would be the best time to do so. 3. Aaron was late leaving work on the Friday evening so quickly made his way to the shop to see Kobe and buy what he needed for the weekend. As he walked in he looked to see if Kobe's father was around but there was no sign of him. He saw Kobe standing at the cash desk and gasped. "What the fuck?" he exclaimed as he looked at Kobe's half closed eye. "Has that bastard hit you again?" Kobe nodded and tears filled his eyes. Aaron immediately moved to the other side of the counter and took him into his arms. He was past caring whether Kobe's father saw them since he was ready to give the man a piece of his mind and take Kobe away. "Why?" he asked as Kobe buried his head onto Aaron's chest. He was almost a foot shorter than Aaron so his head neatly fitted beneath his chin. Kobe quickly explained how the cashier had supported him the previous afternoon when he got back from lunch and how his father had dismissed her. "Whilst I was washing up he gave me a hard slap round the head, punched me in the eye and then in the stomach. I've had enough, I'm leaving." Just then a customer came up to the till to pay for their groceries so Kobe quickly cashed them up whilst Aaron stood by. Once the customer had gone, Aaron suggested they close the shop even though it was only half past six. Kobe nodded and went to close the door. Just as he was doing so a woman came in saying she only wanted a pint of milk. Kobe grabbed one and gave it to her saying she could have it for free. The woman smiled and thanked him as she left. Kobe locked the door, placed the closed sign up and returned to Aaron. "So where are you going; do you have anywhere you can stay?" Kobe shook his head. He had no idea where or what he was going to do apart from get away from his father. That morning he'd made his mind up to leave and collected what personal belongings he wanted to take with him without his father seeing. Once at the shop he hid them amongst the stock at the back of the shop knowing his father would never see them. "Come back with me" Aaron told him, "I've got a house in Islington so you'll be safe there and well away from him." Kobe looked at Aaron. He ached to be with this man having fallen in love with him but didn't feel he could put him to that kind of trouble. "I'm not going to argue with you Kobe; I want you to come back with me; I want to look after you; please come." Kobe looked into Aaron's eyes and could see the same feeling of love that he had for him so he nodded and wrapped his arms round the other man's larger torso. "Thank you" he cried. "What else do you have to do here?" Kobe suddenly became alive and told Aaron to select what provisions he wanted whilst he cashed up the till. "And take as much as you like because that bastard is going to pay for them" he chuckled. Aaron grinned and enjoyed seeing a Kobe who at last was going to stand up to his father. He grabbed a wire basket and walked up and down the shelves selecting as much as he could. By the time the basket was brimming over, Kobe had cashed up. His father had cashed up the main takings before he left so there wasn't much but there was sufficient for him to take that week's wages. He printed off the till roll and wrote on it what he'd taken as wages. On the reverse he wrote `I've left and never want to see you again'. He placed the till roll into a padded envelope he'd prepared earlier and added his house key. Once he'd locked the shop up he'd add those keys as well before posting the package. Whilst Aaron packed his free shopping into two large carrier bags, Kobe went out back. He unbolted the gate that led onto a narrow road from which they took deliveries and left the back entrance to the shop unlocked. Having collected his personal items he'd hidden earlier he rejoined Aaron. Once the front door to the shop had been locked and the shutter pulled down, Kobe slipped the keys into the envelope and sealed it. On their way to the station he posted it. "I need to make a phone call" Kobe announced. Aaron offered his mobile phone but Kobe said he needed to use a public call box so the call couldn't be traced back to them. Aaron grinned guessing that Kobe had something in mind. When he told him he chuckled. They found a call box at the station so whilst Aaron waited with the shopping, Kobe made his call. It was to the guy who supplied most of the provisions to the shop. Kobe also knew that his father still owed the man a large amount of money for stock received. "It's payback time" Kobe said. The guy listened to what Kobe told him. "The back gate is unbolted and the back entrance unlocked so the shop is yours to take as much as you want. I'm leaving him." "Thanks; I don't blame you; are there any cameras or alarms?" "No" "And do you want us to put him out of business?" "Yes" "Leave it to us; the guy won't know what's hit him when he finds out; we'll make it look like a break-in; oh and this conversation never took place." "Understood; thanks." "Good luck for the future mate" "Thanks" When Kobe finished the call he was grinning. At last he'd got his revenge on his father for the years of misery he'd caused him apart from the physical assaults. "All arranged?" Aaron asked. Kobe nodded. "Good for you; I'm proud of you." They picked up their shopping and Aaron put an arm round Kobe's shoulder as they walked to the underground to catch the Circle line to Moorgate and the Northern to Angel. When they reached Aaron's house and walked inside, Kobe's heart missed a beat. "This is beautiful" he exclaimed as he peered into the large living room that went from front to back and the wonderful kitchen. Compared to his father's house it was a palace and he loved it. Everywhere was beautifully furnished with what looked to him very expensive items and everything was spotlessly clean which was how he liked it. Aaron pulled him into his arms and hugged him. His nerve endings strummed with anticipation giving him a clear signal of oncoming change and making every cell in his body sit up and take notice. There was no doubt that he loved this beautiful guy and just hoped Kobe felt the same way about him. He lifted Kobe's chin and leaned into a kiss. Kobe's heart danced as Aaron's lips touched his, and that was not the only thing that reacted. His cock went from flaccid to hard within seconds and he wondered whether he was having the same effect on Aaron. As Aaron kissed, he pulled their bodies close together and they both felt their hardness pressing against each other. Aaron's tongue pushed its way inside Kobe's mouth and he opened up for him. He'd never had a kiss like this before; in fact he'd never been kissed by a man before. His father had never allowed him to socialise so he'd never had friends, let alone gay ones. He'd frequently made it known that he considered homosexuals to be disgusting so Kobe had kept his feelings for men very much to himself. When the kiss ended, Aaron looked into Kobe's eyes. "We need to have this eye seen to; I take it you've not been to see a doctor or anyone." Kobe shook his head so Aaron led him outside and round to his neighbour. As they went he explained that Ron was a nurse. He was thirty three and gay. When Ron opened the door and saw Aaron standing there his face lit up. He fancied Aaron but nothing had happened, at least not so far. "Hi Ron, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could look at Kobe's eye; his father punched him last night." "Fucking hell; yeah come on in guys" Ron exclaimed. Ron took them into the kitchen and sat Kobe down whilst he examined the swollen and partly closed eye. Having finished doing so he said there didn't appear to be any permanent injury but it would take a week or so for the swelling to go down and the bruising to disappear but Kobe was young so would heal quickly. The cut beneath the eye was healing nicely so that was okay. Aaron added that Kobe's father also punched him in the stomach and frequently kicked his leg. Ron suggested he have a look just to make sure so Kobe removed his T shirt to expose the most beautiful smooth black chest Aaron had ever seen. Ron gently felt the stomach and apart from Kobe saying it was still sore, he decided all was well. He then asked about the leg injuries. Kobe said these ranged over the lower part of his leg up to his thigh since his father frequently punched him there. "Think it would be best if you removed your jeans so I can have a look if you don't mind" Ron said. He too found the young black guy beautiful and felt his body react accordingly but he tried to deal with him as a professional nurse. Kobe slipped off his jeans and stood there naked apart from a pair of tight fitting briefs which clearly showed what he had on offer. He wasn't large but even so it caused both Aaron and Ron to have an erection. Ron gently ran his hand over the smooth leg which was mainly bruised apart from a new cut on the shin which he cleaned and treated with an antiseptic cream. "I hope you're free of this father of yours; you realise you could have him prosecuted for this kind of abuse." Kobe nodded as he got dressed and looked at Aaron. "I'm taking care of him so he's safe now." Ron smiled. `Yeah I bet you are' he thought. Having thanked Ron for his assistance, they made their way back to Aaron's house. "I normally like a shower before I have my meal; would you like one too?" Kobe nodded saying he too felt sweaty and dirty after a day's work. As they made their way upstairs he glanced at his watch. It was now half seven. As if sensing what Kobe was thinking, Aaron asked "When will your father realise you've left?" Kobe chuckled and said what he'd done that morning before he'd left home. His father drank whiskey and once home he'd pour himself a glass before settling down in front of the television to wait for his meal. He'd drink more glasses as the evening wore on. That morning before his father came down for his breakfast, Kobe slipped a sleeping drug into the bottle of whiskey he knew his father would open that evening since he'd emptied the previous bottle and left it for Kobe to throw away. He'd carefully opened it and then resealed the top so it looked like an unopened bottle. By the time his father had drunk one glass and certainly two, he'd be out for the count until well into the morning and not realise that Kobe had not come home until he shouted for his breakfast. "That's when the shit will hit the fan" he giggled. "Wow, I can see I shall have to watch my step" Aaron laughed and kissed Kobe again. "I'd only do that to someone who abused me and treated me badly" Kobe replied suddenly afraid that Aaron wouldn't trust him. "I know; I'm only joking and to be honest I'd have done the same if not more, so I don't blame you one bit, and it gives you time to get well away before the alarm bells start sounding. When do you reckon your friends will do their deed at the shop?" Kobe said they'd undertake operation `payback' in the early hours when everywhere was closed up and nobody around. He'd frequently told his father they should have an alarm or a CCTV camera at the shop but he'd been too mean to install anything. He didn't even have insurance to cover any losses so when he opened the shop the following morning he'd find his business in ruins. As Kobe talked, Aaron had stripped down to his briefs. Suddenly Kobe realised he was looking at a semi naked Aaron. He'd never seen such a gorgeous body before and took a sharp intake of breath. Aaron had a smooth chest and a line of fair hair the same colour as that on his head that led down beneath the waist of his briefs. "We can either shower together or if you prefer you can shower on your own" Aaron said as Kobe admired Aaron's body. He looked up and smiled. "Together is okay with me" "In that case you'd better strip off" Aaron chuckled as he removed his briefs. Kobe quickly undressed and this time removed his briefs. When they were both naked they looked at each other, or to be more correct, they looked at each other's crotch. "You're beautiful" Aaron whispered and moved over to Kobe. "And you" Kobe replied admiring the big cock that hung between Aaron's strong legs with a perfectly formed patch of fair pubic hair that looked as if it had been clipped. Kobe's pubic hair was black and curly not unlike the cropped black hair on his head. Aaron took Kobe's naked body into his arms and hugged him. As he did so he pressed their naked bodies together and it wasn't long before both were reacting as men always do when naked cocks touch each other. Aaron so wanted to tell Kobe that he loved him but was afraid that if he moved things forward too fast he might frighten him off. From the little he knew about this gorgeous creature he guessed he was innocent when it came to love and sex despite being nineteen but his father had clearly controlled him from an early age. Without saying anything, he led Kobe to the bathroom. When he opened the door, Kobe took another intake of breath. He'd never seen a bathroom like it before. In one corner there was a bath that looked plenty large enough for two, in another area there was a large open shower area with no glass panel because Aaron had converted it into a wet room when he'd bought the house. A hand basin and toilet were on another wall and whilst Kobe took it all in, he watched Aaron relieve himself into the bowl. He chuckled as he watched Aaron's golden flow and hit the water in the pan. He loved the fact that he'd had a pee knowing that Kobe was watching him. When he'd finished he led Kobe to the shower area and turned on the water. Suddenly warm water bathed their naked bodies from the large shower head above them and Kobe closed his eyes to savour it. As the water flowed he felt his body relax and all his worries wash away. At last he was free of his father and could enjoy life. He felt Aaron's hand gently lather his nakedness. He loved the feel of Aaron's hand slowly and seductively caressing his body. His cock immediately reacted and he felt Aaron run the length through his soapy hand which made it go fully erect. "Mm that feels so nice" he groaned. "It feels beautiful" Aaron replied and wrapped his arms round Kobe's body to press it against his. Kobe could feel Aaron's erect cock pressing against him so he felt down to touch it. He'd never touched another man's cock before, let alone one fully erect. His heart rate quickened at the thought of what they might do once in bed; that was assuming he did sleep with Aaron since they'd not talked about that yet. When Aaron had soaped Kobe's body all over, including between his legs, along his crease and over his entrance, they rinsed off. Aaron gave him a bath towel and they dried themselves off. "Do you want to dress again or wear a robe?" Kobe said he was easy so let Aaron decide. Aaron grinned, passed Kobe a robe and slipped his own on. He loved relaxing like this of an evening so was glad Kobe was prepared to do the same. "Right, time to prepare our meal" "I'll do that" Kobe immediately replied. Aaron put his arms round Kobe's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "In this house we do things together; you're not here as my slave is that understood; we share the tasks and enjoy each other's company." Kobe nodded and smiled. He knew he had a lot to learn having been owned by his father and used as his slave for so many years. 4. When Kobe's father got home that evening, he poured himself an extra large whiskey. He was still feeling furious over what the cashier had said the previous day. It also meant he had to hire yet another person to fill her post and most of the day he'd had to man the cash till whilst his son filled shelves and dealt with customer queries. He sometimes wondered why he'd ever started the business but it seemed a good idea at the time and his wife did most of the work in the shop leaving him to amble around enjoying life. As he sat idly watching the television waiting for his son to come home to cook his meal, he felt his eyes slowly close until he was fast asleep. He woke with a start realising he'd been asleep for a long time. He looked at his watch and saw it was two in the morning. He cursed his son for not making him wake up for his meal but decided it was too late now to eat anything so went to bed in the hope of getting a few hours sleep before he wandered along to the shop. He noted his son's bedroom door was shut as usual and decided he'd berate him the following morning for missing his evening meal. He overslept and when he realised the time shouted for his son. There was no answer so he went downstairs expecting to find him with breakfast on the table. There was nothing and for a moment he couldn't understand why. He then realised it was beyond their normal opening time so assumed Kobe had left to open up the shop at seven as usual. He quickly got washed and dressed, grabbed a cup of tea and bowl of cereal and threw the dishes into the sink. "That lazy good for nothing can clear those up when he gets in this evening and I've given him a good beating" he shouted as he grabbed his coat and made his way to the shop. As he walked towards the shop he could see the shutter still down over the front door. "What the hell is that boy doing?" he shouted to himself. He unlocked the padlock, slid the shutter up into place and unlocked the door. As soon as he opened it his heart sank. The shelves were totally empty of stock and leaning over. The refrigerator units were switched off and more or less empty. Anything left was now totally useless and couldn't be sold. He then noticed that the wires to each unit had been cut so couldn't be switched on and each one had been damaged beyond repair. The same had been done to the till which was empty. He ran to the back of the shop where they kept what little stock they could store and that too was empty. He then noticed the back entrance to the shop had been forced open and the doorframe splintered. He walked back into the shop and noticed that each shelving unit had one of its legs cut off so as soon as any weight was put on them they'd fall over. Everything in the shop was useless; his business was in ruins. In the early hours of that morning, the guy who Kobe had called arrived with a large van plus four hefty guys. Within an hour they'd cleared the place of stock and gone round each shelving unit and used a pair of bolt cutters on each leg to render them useless. The electrical equipment had been given similar treatment to make that useless too. They'd finally used a crow bar on the back entrance to make it look as if the door had been forced open and smashed the lock. The back gate could be jumped over with ease so that provided no protection. "That'll teach the fucking bastard" the guy chuckled as he and his merry men made their way home with a van load of goods which they valued to be far greater than what was owed. Kobe's father sat down in shock which soon became fury. He could still not understand where his son was. Finally he called the police although he knew they'd not be of much use having heard of robberies to other shops and the lack of attention they gave to such incidents. The police just told the owners to claim off insurance but he didn't have any insurance. He waited for two hours before a lone policeman arrived and looked round. "Looks like a fairly typical robbery to me" the officer said clearly not interested. He asked who else worked at the shop and noted the name of the cashier who'd been sacked the day before and the name of his son. "Where's your son?" Not believing Kobe could possibly be involved his father said he was out but didn't have the intelligence to do anything like this and he doubted the cashier would have either but had no idea where she lived so the officer struck them off his list of suspects. He then asked if Kobe's father had any other enemies who'd want to do this to him and he shook his head. "In that case I reckon it was a gang who realised it was easy to get in and cleared the place. You should have had an alarm and CCTV but I take it you've got insurance." Kobe's father shook his head and the policeman shrugged his shoulders as if to say `More fool you' and walked out. That was the last he heard from the police. Back in Islington, Kobe looked at the clock beside the bed. It was half seven and he smiled at the thought of his father now realising he'd left him and had hopefully arrived to find an empty or part empty shop. Kobe looked across at Aaron who was lying beside him. After they'd eaten the delicious meal they'd prepared between them the previous evening, and drunk almost a bottle of wine, Aaron had taken Kobe into his arms and caressed him as they relaxed on the sofa. Kobe was so happy and didn't want any of it to end. When it was time for bed, Aaron asked if he wanted to sleep with him or would prefer to sleep alone in the spare room. Kobe didn't hesitate and said he wanted to sleep with Aaron which pleased him no end. They'd kissed and cuddled and felt each other's erections but nothing else had taken place. Aaron wanted to take things slowly and Kobe was happy for him to do so despite feeling desperate to lose his virginity. "Good morning; did we sleep well?" Aaron smiled when he saw Kobe looking at him. Kobe nodded and wrapped his arms round Aaron's naked body. Aaron kissed him and gently pulled him on top of him. Kobe could feel Aaron's morning erection pressing against his own and gently jiggled his body so the two organs rubbed together. "You'll make me come if you continue doing that" Aaron chuckled. "That's what I was hoping" Kobe grinned. "I can see I'm going to enjoy having you live with me." Kobe looked into Aaron's eyes pondering what to say for a moment. "Can I really stay here; you know, as your boyfriend?" "I was rather hoping you would; why, don't you want to?" "Of course I do; I love you" Kobe blurted before realising what he'd said. Aaron smiled at him and pulled Kobe's face towards his for a kiss. It soon became passionate which did nothing to quell the two hard organs still rubbing against each other. Kobe moved his lighter body some more until Aaron gave a cry of contentment as his morning load shot out. Using his creamy cum to lubricate his erection, Kobe was soon spilling his. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled. "I love you so much" Aaron said as he kissed Kobe some more. Kobe's heart jumped with joy. At last he'd found someone to love and who loved him. Suddenly he burst into tears and Aaron hugged him tight not knowing if they were tears of joy or sadness. "I'm so happy" Kobe eventually said between sobs of joy. "And so am I" They spent the rest of the weekend caressing each other both wondering whether or not to initiate what they both ached to do. Neither gave any hint of what the other was thinking so nothing more than bringing each other off took place, although on the Sunday evening Aaron did suck Kobe off whilst they were sitting in the living room dressed in their robes. Kobe loved the feel of Aaron's soft mouth round his cock and gasped as he finally reached his climax and shot his load inside Aaron's mouth. On the Monday, Aaron had to return to work so Kobe said he'd do some shopping using the local shops. He wasn't used to shopping for groceries in a normal supermarket so found it an experience. He was also surprised at the cost of most items which were more expensive than his father's shop but he guessed that these stores paid their staff a living wage unlike his father. He enjoyed the freedom to wander along Islington High Street not having to worry about getting back to the shop where his father would glare at him and want to know where he'd been. Even so, every so often he glanced furtively behind him just to make sure his father wasn't there. It would take some time for him not to be wary and expect a sudden slap across the head or a punch in the face. When he returned home he placed the receipt on the hall table along with the change from the money Aaron had given him. It reminded him that he would have to find a job of some sort but he wanted to enjoy his freedom for a while longer since Aaron had told him there was no hurry and would support him financially. He could tell that Aaron was on a good salary by the quality of everything around him so he didn't feel too bad about being a kept man. When Aaron walked to Liverpool Street station that evening he passed the shop to see if it was open. On the window there was a large sign that said `Closed Down'. He looked inside and saw the leaning empty shelving devoid of any stock. "The place was burgled and cleared right out" a guy said as he too looked through the window. "Whoever did it clearly had it in for the old bugger who owned the place because they vandalised everything apparently. I feel sorry for the young guy who slaved there day and night. That bugger used to shout at him all the time whilst he did fuck all." "Yeah; I noticed that too; wonder what's happened to him." "Found somewhere better hopefully; he was a nice young guy and always very helpful." "Yeah, he was" Aaron replied trying to stop himself from smiling as he thought of the gorgeous young man he'd sucked off that morning in bed. "According to the shop next door, the old fool didn't have insurance so has gone bust; serves him fucking right." When Aaron got home that evening he told Kobe the news he'd gleaned from the very helpful guy he'd met outside the shop. For a moment Kobe felt sorry for his father but then remembered the way he'd treated him for so many years. "Had a nice day?" Kobe nodded and told Aaron about his shopping trip and then what he'd done in the garden. He loved gardening so he'd pottered doing some weeding. Aaron pulled him into his arms and kissed him. "Thanks; don't get much time to do gardening and the grass is in a mess; full of weeds and moss." Kobe suggested they take the grass up and put more shrubs in and some paving to do away with the grass. Aaron thought that a great idea so Kobe said he'd make a plan and work out what materials would be needed. "Is it something you could do?" Aaron asked since he was fairly hopeless at such jobs. "Of course; I did everything at home including the garden." Aaron hugged his gorgeous bundle of joy and kissed him. He had a feeling Kobe never relaxed or enjoyed life because of his father. "If you're sure then I'll be your mate and we'll do it together." Kobe grinned. He rather liked the sound of that. "I've made a lasagne so if you want to have a shower you'd better go and have it." "Mm I have a feeling I'm going to be spoilt having you live with me" Aaron said and gave Kobe another kiss. He added that he'd rather hoped he could shower with Kobe. "Will the lasagne wait?" Kobe felt his whole body tingle with excitement and Aaron's blood rushed south as he had all sorts of ideas that had nothing to do with having a shower so told his overeager dick to behave. The shared shower followed much the same pattern as previous with Aaron soaping Kobe's body and running a soapy hand along his erect cock but this time he kept going until Kobe was shooting ribbons of cum. Kobe then did the same to Aaron's erection until he too was shooting his load. Kobe loved watching ribbon after ribbon shoot from Aaron's big cock and wondered what it would feel like inside him but so far things hadn't gone that far. Aaron was still taking things slowly for Kobe's sake. After their shower they slipped on their bath robes and went downstairs to eat. Aaron had always used the breakfast bar in the kitchen when alone as it wasn't worth carrying everything into the living room to use the dining table. As Kobe had eaten his meals in the kitchen ever since his mother had died, he was more than happy to perch alongside Aaron. When Aaron had finished the lasagne he licked his lips. "That was beautiful; you're a much better cook than me." Kobe smiled. He wasn't used to receiving praise and he liked it. "Fresh strawberries and cream for afters" he giggled as he cleared away the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher which was another thing he wasn't used to. His father had never thought of buying such labour saving devices since he'd never washed up a dish in his life. Kobe wondered how he was coping with having to cook his own meals and wash up. The image of his father doing such chores made him smile `Now he knows what life is really like' he told himself. 5. Life for Kobe continued much the same over the next few weeks. He felt safe with Aaron and each day he'd go out and do what grocery shopping was required and wander round other shops just to see what they offered. Aaron had already taken him shopping for clothes so he now had a whole new wardrobe of shirts, trousers and a new jacket plus some sexy underwear since all his items were well past their time. Aaron had insisted on buying everything for him since he had no money and once home he'd got Kobe to give him a show of all they'd bought including the sexy briefs. All his old items had been binned so he no longer had any reminders of his former life. He couldn't thank Aaron enough and kept kissing and hugging him. Not that Aaron objected since he loved this wonderful guy and enjoyed holding him and caressing his body, especially when naked. Kobe had looked for a job locally but all he could find were shop assistant jobs which required him to work evenings and at weekends. Neither of them wanted him to work those kinds of hours so he'd declined. "I just feel I should earn some money and pay my way" he wailed one evening. Aaron told him there was no need since he had more than enough money for them both. Kobe suggested that perhaps he could offer a gardening service to local people since he loved doing that. Aaron thought that a great idea and could think of two local gay guys who might well be interested in employing Kobe to look after their gardens since they worked all week and like him wanted to relax at weekends. Ron was one so Aaron invited him round for a meal one evening to sound him out. Ron jumped at the opportunity of coming round for a meal. He'd always had the hots for Aaron and his dick frequently reacted whenever he saw Kobe walking in and out. It was arranged he'd come round on the following Thursday evening since he was not on shift that day. On the Saturday morning prior to Ron coming for dinner, Aaron sensed that Kobe was deep in thought. He asked if he was okay and Kobe nodded but he knew him well enough by now to know he wasn't really. "What's wrong my love?" Kobe looked at him for a moment wondering whether he should say what was on his mind. Eventually he did and said he wondered what his father was doing now he no longer had the shop. "Are you worried he might come looking for you?" Kobe nodded. It was always on his mind whenever he went out. Aaron took him into his arms and held him tight. He so loved this guy and wanted to make him feel safe. In the end he suggested they drive to Whitechapel where his father lived to see if they could find anything out. Aaron said he doubted his father would recognise his son now even if he saw him since dressed in his new clothes he looked so different. Even so, Aaron gave him a pair of dark glasses to wear and a cap to cover his head. It was agreed that Kobe would stay in the car and Aaron would wander past his old home to see if he could find anything out. Kobe had said that the neighbours hated his father so might well be able to say what was happening. With that agreed they set off. Once in the road where Kobe used to live, Aaron parked down the road out of view of Kobe's old home. He told Kobe to keep the doors locked, sink down in his seat and turn his head away if anyone passed by. Aaron strolled past Kobe's old home and once outside he could see the place appeared to be empty; there were no curtains at the windows and when he walked up to the front window and peered inside he saw it was devoid of any furniture. "The old bugger has gone" a woman suddenly said as she leant over the fence of the house next door. "Did he owe you money too?" "Yeah" Aaron lied having realised it was one of the neighbour's Kobe had mentioned. "Rumour has it that one of his creditors arranged for his shop to be burgled; they cleared the place out and ransacked it" she chuckled clearly enjoying the thought. "The stupid bugger didn't have insurance to cover the loss so he went bust; then another bunch of guys came round one day and threatened him; seems he owed them money too so they ransacked his house knowing he kept all his cash there; the stupid sod never used a bank so he had cash hidden under the floorboards apparently. They cleared him out leaving him just enough to buy a ticket back to Nigeria when he comes from; they even removed everything of value from the house; smashed up what wasn't worth anything and forced him to sign over the house to them. It's now up for sale so the old bugger has been left with nothing; serves him right; he was a nasty bit of work." She paused for breath and Aaron waited for her to continue since he could tell she was enjoying relaying the story. "Do you know, he worked his wife to death; she was a lovely woman but he made her work twelve hours a day at the shop and run his home whilst he did sod all, the lazy fucker; when she died he forced his son to do the same; rumour has it that he ran away just before the burglary but where he's gone nobody knows; just hope he's found a happier life because the poor lad certainly didn't have it living with his bastard of a father." "So the old man has definitely gone back to Nigeria has he?" Aaron asked. "Yeah, I saw him leave with just one small bag; being the nosey sod that I am, I came out to speak to him and he told me what had happened, although all the neighbours had seen it but nobody intervened because we all felt he deserved everything he got; he was a miserable bastard and nasty with it. He showed me his air ticket and said he was off that very morning. Did he owe you much?" Aaron shook his head and said the amount was certainly not worth losing sleep over but he thought he'd come round to see if he was still here. "No thank god; just hope the new people are okay" she chuckled. Aaron thanked her for the information and sauntered off. As he did so he glanced round just to make sure she wasn't looking but she'd gone back inside her house. He reached the car and climbed in. Kobe looked at him with a worried look on his face. "He's gone my love so no need to worry about him now." He then relayed what the neighbour had told him. "Oh god; and it was all due to what I did" Kobe said sorrowfully. Aaron placed a hand on Kobe's leg and told him he wasn't to feel like that. "He treated you and your mother like shit so he deserved everything he got; what you did initiated justice to prevail so never feel sorry for him my love." Kobe nodded. Aaron was right and his life could now move forward without any fear of retribution from his father who he hated so much. "That'll be Ron, I'll let him in" Aaron called to Kobe who was busy making last minute preparations for their meal. They'd decided to do roast chicken and all the trimmings with a key lime pie for afters. Ron came in with a big grin on his face. He was so looking forward to spending a whole evening with these gorgeous guys. As soon as he was inside the door, he pulled Aaron into a big hug and a very passionate kiss. Fortunately Aaron was used to Ron's passion so it didn't bother him. He knew Ron had the hots for him but they'd never made out. As Ron gave Aaron the two bottles of wine he'd brought with him, Kobe came from the kitchen. "Ah, here's the gorgeous Kobe; how are you doing my lovely" he beamed and gave Kobe an equally big hug and a kiss. Kobe looked at Aaron and grinned. He was still not used to being kissed by gay men; not that he objected but years of having to hold back his true feelings had left him reserved in such situations. Aaron had warned Kobe what Ron was like so he accepted the passionate kiss without any problem; in fact he rather liked it as did his cock. Whilst Aaron took the two bottles of wine into the kitchen, Kobe led Ron into the living room. At the front end the round table was beautifully laid out for the three of them and Kobe was pleased with the result. "You look as gorgeous as ever; how are you?" Ron asked as he sat next to Kobe on the sofa as close as possible to him without being too obvious although the swollen package inside his tight jeans did somewhat give his sexual excitement away. Ron loved sex and could never get enough of it. He also liked variety so knew he'd never be able to settle down with one guy. One of his pickups had tried to tie him down but Ron knew it would never work so he gently dumped the guy. Kobe said he was feeling much better now he was free of his father and with Aaron. Ron grinned saying being with Aaron would make him feel better too. Aaron chuckled knowing how Ron loved to flirt. Ron then commented on Kobe's eye saying it now looked much better but wanted to inspect it closer. Aaron knew it was just an excuse to look into Kobe's eyes and get close to the guy, not that he could blame him since he too loved being up close and personal to the guy he loved. "And the other injuries are they okay?" Ron asked and ran his hand up and down Kobe's thigh very seductively. Kobe glanced over to where Aaron was sitting and smiled. "He'll want you to strip off to show him in a minute" Aaron laughed. "Well, I like to look after my patients to make sure everything is okay" Ron giggled. Just the thought of Kobe stripping off caused his cock to twitch with excitement again. When they'd finished their aperitifs Kobe said the meal was ready so he and Aaron went to the kitchen to bring the dishes into the living room. "Okay?" Aaron whispered and gave Kobe a quick peck. Kobe nodded and quickly kissed Aaron. On seeing the many dishes being brought in, Ron felt his stomach rumble with anticipation. He wasn't a great cook and being on his own seldom did more than ready-made meals, so being invited out was always special for him. "This looks delicious" he said as he sat down. "Mainly Kobe's doing" Aaron replied. Ron gave Kobe a sexy smile. "So he's not only gorgeous but good in the kitchen as well." Aaron smiled at Ron's obvious flirtation but it gave him the opening he wanted to mention Kobe's gardening services. As they commenced eating, he told Ron how Kobe planned to re-structure the garden and how much he enjoyed tending them. "In fact he's setting up a gardening service for people who don't have the time or inclination to look after their garden, aren't you my love." Kobe nodded looking at Ron to see his reaction. As Aaron predicted Ron immediately jumped onto the idea and asked Kobe if he'd like to take on looking after his since he had little time to do it himself. Kobe said he'd be delighted to and quoted the fee he and Aaron had discussed. Ron accepted that without question since it was far lower than employing a gardening firm to do the job so it was agreed Kobe would go round to Ron's at the weekend to see what was required. "What I'm also looking for is a decent cleaner" Ron mentioned casually. Aaron looked at Kobe to see if he'd be interested since that too had been discussed as a possible service to offer. Kobe said he might be interested. Ron said he'd love to employ him as his cleaner and quoted the rate he'd been paying his last one who'd now moved away. "I should explain I paid him that rate because he cleaned in the nude" he said glancing at Kobe to see his reaction. "It wouldn't bother me" Kobe replied casually. The rate Ron had quoted was more than twice what his father paid him. He then looked at Aaron as if to get his approval. "It's up to you my love; if it doesn't bother you showing your bits off whilst you work, it certainly doesn't bother me" he laughed. Kobe said he'd be happy to be Ron's nude cleaner as well as his gardener. Ron nearly choked; the thought of having this Adonis running round his house stark naked twice a week was beyond his wildest dreams so it was agreed they'd discuss which days suited them both when Kobe went round on Saturday. The rest of the meal was spent discussing music, films and theatre, all of which Kobe had little knowledge of since his father had never allowed him to indulge in such frivolities. Aaron said he'd take Kobe to see some and Ron said he must take him to see a play at a gay fringe theatre in Vauxhall. "It's got lots of naked guys in it" Ron giggled and felt his cock get excited at the thought of it. When they'd finished the main course which Ron complimented both Kobe and Aaron on saying it was divine like the pair of them, Kobe and Aaron cleared the table in readiness for the dessert. When Ron saw what it was his eyes lit up. "Oh you absolute darlings; I love key lime pie." "Another of Kobe's homemade dishes" Aaron said as he served each of them. Ron placed a hand onto Kobe's and squeezed it. He decided if he could find another Kobe to love then perhaps he could settle down. Once the meal was over and the dishes had been cleared away, they settled in the dining room. Aaron opened one of the bottles of wine Ron had brought seeing it was an expensive one so they sat drinking that enjoying each other's company. Ron had again sat alongside Kobe making sure he was even closer this time much to Aaron's amusement. As the wine flowed, Ron became more flirtatious and it wasn't long before his hands were roaming up and down Kobe's thigh. Kobe glanced across to Aaron who grinned at him as if to say `if it's okay with you, it's okay with me' so Kobe let Ron's hand wander down the inside of his thigh and into his crotch. The feel of Ron's hand soon caused Kobe's cock to react so by the time the hand reached its intended goal he was very excited. "Mm now that feels nice" Ron giggled. Having decided things were definitely going to become sexual, Aaron moved onto the sofa beside Ron. As Ron explored Kobe, Aaron explored Ron's package which was now very excited. Seeing that Aaron and Kobe were up for it, Ron pulled Kobe's into a kiss. As their tongues flitted in and out of each other's mouth, Aaron unfastened Ron's jeans and felt inside. As usual, Ron was wearing boxer shorts so he could feel the shape of his thick long cock through the thin cotton material. He then slipped the hand inside and felt the naked flesh. "Oh god, yes" he sighed. Aaron knelt in front of him and as Ron lifted his buttocks, Aaron slipped the jeans and the boxer shorts off him. He then lifted Ron's T shirt to expose his hairy chest and slipped that off him. Ron meanwhile was grappling with Kobe's jeans so he stood up and stripped naked. Without saying anything, he and Ron moved to the floor and Ron went down on Kobe's erection which was now standing up proud for all to see. Aaron quickly stripped naked and went down on Ron's cock. As the two guys sucked, Kobe reached over and massaged Aaron's. Kobe loved the feel of Ron's hot lips round his cock and gasped each time he brought him to a point when he thought he was going to shoot his load but Ron wanted this to last longer so when he sensed that point, he switched his attention to Kobe's balls which were equally delectable. Aaron was doing the same to Ron being a past master at sucking cock so the action continued for quite some time before Ron let Kobe reach his climax and fill his mouth with beautiful creamy cum. Within seconds Ron was filling Aaron's mouth with his cum and when he'd finished shooting he went down on Aaron's and sucked him off to completion. "That was fucking gorgeous" Ron grinned once they'd come down from their high. "More wine or something stronger?" Aaron asked. "You trying to get me sloshed so you can have your wicked way with me?" Ron grinned. Aaron shrugged his shoulders with a wicked grin. He knew Ron liked being fucked and he was up to doing so provided it didn't bother Kobe. Ron said he'd have a whiskey so Aaron indicated for Kobe to join him in the kitchen. Kobe immediately ran off naked and Aaron followed him. "Do you mind if I fuck him?" Aaron whispered. Kobe shook his head and felt his cock jump to attention at the thought of seeing Aaron fuck Ron. They poured three generous whiskeys and took them back to the living room. As they drank, Aaron casually pulled out a condom and some lube. Ron grinned. He'd so often thought about having Aaron's cock inside him and now he would find out what it really felt like. When they'd consumed most of their whiskey, Aaron moved closer to Ron and kissed him. It became intense but not affectionate as it did when kissing Kobe. Both cocks were soon hard again and hands handled each other's. Aaron told Ron to go on all fours and he prepared his big long cock. Once ready, he ran a finger across Ron's hairy entrance and offered his organ up to it. He grasped the sides of Ron's buttocks and slowly pushed. He felt Ron's muscles relax and let him in. Kobe moved forward to watch Aaron's long thick cock slowly disappear inside Ron's arse. He casually felt his own erection and imagined what it must feel like to sink his cock inside another man or for that matter have Aaron's cock inside him. As he watched the whole length slip inside Ron's channel he decided there and then that he wanted Aaron to fuck him. "Oh fuck, yes, that feels fucking gorgeous" Ron exclaimed as his arse filled up with cock. Aaron grinned at Kobe and increased the pace of thrust until he was slamming in and out of Ron who was groaning and moaning with pleasure. Suddenly, Aaron's body tensed and both he and Ron knew he was ready to shoot. "Ah" Aaron cried as his hot seed filled the latex. Once finished, he pulled out, slipped off the filled condom and tossed it to one side. Ron turned round and pulled Aaron into another intense kiss. "That was fucking awesome; thanks." They went back to their drinks and talked about other guys they'd fucked and how they loved sex. Kobe just sat and listened realising how much he'd missed over the years but he had every intention of catching up with Aaron's help. 6. Kobe woke the following morning with a hangover. He then felt Aaron's soft lips round his morning wood so relaxed and enjoyed what he was doing. Aaron could never resist going down on his lover's cock, especially first thing in the morning. It fitted perfectly in his mouth and set him up for the day. When he realised Kobe was awake, he looked up and grinned as he continued sucking. He heard Kobe let out a big long "Mm" so knew he was enjoying it. Kobe found the attention took his mind off the hammering inside his head. He wasn't used to drinking so much alcohol and the night before with Ron they'd consumed a lot. "Ah, fuck" he yelled as his climax finally took over and he filled Aaron's mouth with cum. Aaron gave a deep chuckle as he continued to suck Kobe dry. "Morning my love" Aaron said when he'd finished the deed and moved up to give Kobe a kiss. Knowing that Aaron loved being sucked off, he sank down the bed and took Aaron's big cock into his mouth. He licked round the foreskin making Aaron squirm with excitement. He then pulled it back to expose the raw head and licked across the slit making him squirm even more. Aaron loved it and encouraged Kobe to do this as often as he liked. Kobe then wrapped his lips round the big head and sucked until he could taste Aaron's salty cum. He gave a deep "Mm" as the ribbons of cum hit the back of his mouth and he savoured its taste. Aaron always shot loads, especially first thing in the morning so Kobe kept sucking until the flow stopped. Once done, he wriggled up Aaron's body and kissed the man of his dreams. Aaron loved the feel of Kobe's naked body and wrapped his arms round the black smooth skin. He'd never felt so happy in all his life. "Want you to fuck me tonight" Kobe whispered as he lay enjoying the feel of Aaron's hands caress him. Aaron could hardly control himself. He'd wanted to fuck this gorgeous guy ever since he first met him and was tempted to do so right then but it was getting late and he had work to go to. He also wanted it to be a special moment for Kobe and not rushed so he quickly put the thought away. "If you're really sure." Kobe nodded and looked into Aaron's eyes. He couldn't wait to feel the big hard organ inside him and watching him fuck Ron the night before had made his mind up. The thought of fucking Kobe stayed in Aaron's mind all day long and it also caused him to have an erection for most of the day too so had to make sure he hid it from his colleagues. Ever since he'd met Kobe and then taken him home, his workmates realised he now had someone special in his life. They all knew he was gay and had no problems with that but they could now see love in Aaron's eyes and were happy for him. After Kobe had cleared away the breakfast dishes he went out shopping. Having now obtained his first gardening assignment he decided he needed some suitable gear. He'd retained an old pair of jeans to use but for the warmer weather decided he'd wear shorts. He'd discussed it with Aaron and he agreed that Ron would certainly appreciate seeing Kobe wearing a sexy pair of shorts when doing his garden. He suggested a small local shop which sold menswear different to the normal chain stores. The shop was empty when Kobe arrived and the young guy who ran it came forward to greet him. He immediately remembered Kobe from his last visit with Aaron because he particularly liked black guys and this one was especially gorgeous. "Hi, I'm David, how can I help you this morning?" Kobe smiled at David having noticed he'd given him the eye the previous time he and Aaron looked round. He explained what he was looking for and David immediately pulled out a pair of denim shorts that might be suitable. Kobe thought they might well be suitable so asked if he could try them on. David nodded and led him to the back of the shop where there was a fitting room. "If you need any assistance just holler" David said as he pulled the curtain across. David was twenty years of age, good looking and managed the shop for his father who owned another in Shoreditch. In the year it had been opened, it had done well which was partly due to David's exuberance and the way he greeted and served his customers. Guys loved him so came back for more which was what it was all about. Kobe stripped off his jeans and slipped on the shorts. They fitted perfectly as far as he could see. "How do they feel?" David asked. "Yeah, good" Kobe replied and pulled back the curtain for David to see. "Yeah, they look good; nice fit" Kobe said he'd have these but was looking for two pairs so asked if he had anything else. David grinned and disappeared for a moment. "How about these; I reckon they'd look really good on you." Kobe handled the dark pink shorts and felt the material. They looked too good to do gardening in but he had to admit he rather liked them. He asked David if they'd wash okay and explained what he needed them for. David said they'd wash fine and added that he also had a T shirt that would look really good with them. Whilst David went to find the T shirt, Kobe slipped off the denim shorts. The shorts he was about to try on had an elastic waist with inner briefs so he slipped off his briefs too. When David returned he inwardly gasped. "Wow, they look gorgeous on you." The shorts hugged Kobe's beautiful body to perfection. He'd also removed his T shirt in readiness for the one David had brought for him to try on so for a moment he admired Kobe's smooth black torso. The guy was truly gorgeous and he felt his cock spring to attention. "You reckon they're okay?" Kobe asked having decided to flirt with David. "Yeah, without doubt" Kobe turned towards the long mirror on the wall to admire the look and also to give David a view of his backside. He could see David staring at his bubble butt which the tight hugging material showed off to perfection. "Fantastic" David commented and felt his cock get even harder as he looked at Kobe's butt. "Here try this on" he said, trying to bring his excitement under control. Kobe turned and David's eyes glanced down at the bulge clearly showing. Kobe gave David one of his winning smiles and David's heart jumped with excitement. The guy was truly beautiful and he wanted to get to know him better. He helped Kobe on with the lighter pink T shirt and stood back to admire the effect. "Fucking gorgeous" Kobe wasn't sure if David was referring to the outfit or him but either way he rather enjoyed the effect he was having on him. He said he'd have both pairs of shorts plus the T shirt and asked David to help him off with the T shirt which hugged Kobe's slim torso to perfection and provided a teasing gap of black flesh between the bottom hem and the top of the shorts which by design were low slung to expose the top of Kobe's crack just to add to the enjoyment of those looking on. David's heart thumped as he slipped off the T shirt and his fingers touched Kobe's naked flesh. As he folded it up, Kobe immediately removed the shorts despite David still there. "Oh my god, you are beautiful" David exclaimed as he looked at Kobe's naked form. He'd never before had a customer strip naked right in front of him and to have this Adonis do so made a dream come true. His cock was now rock hard and clearly showing through his own tight fitting trousers. Kobe glanced down at it and grinned. His shyness had long gone since knowing Aaron and he wanted to make up for the lost time his controlling father had caused so went for it. Instead of immediately getting dressed, he just stood there for a moment to let David admire his nakedness. His cock also reacted as he looked at David's obvious excitement and David involuntarily felt the bulge through his trousers. "Looks like you're going to split those in a minute" Kobe chuckled and felt his own naked organ. "Fuck, you are so gorgeous" David replied. Kobe moved forward and lightly kissed David's lips. David tossed the T shirt he was still holding onto a nearby chair and put his arms round Kobe's naked body. His hands moved up and down Kobe's beautiful naked butt and he pressed his lips up against Kobe's. As they kissed they felt each other all over and ground their cocks together. David's mind was in overdrive as he thought of all the things he'd love to do to this beautiful guy. Suddenly David heard the buzzer sound that indicated the shop door had opened. "Fuck" he whispered as he pulled out of the embrace. Kobe grinned realising their moment together had gone so whilst David rushed out to attend the new customer he quickly dressed. "So, what do we think sir?" David asked Kobe as he returned to the open shop. "Perfect, I'll have both pairs of shorts and the T shirt please" he grinned trying not to laugh. The new customer was browsing so unaware of the looks between the two young guys. The other customer then left and the two guys laughed. "Fuck, that was close" David said as he wrapped the items and cashed them up. As he did so he added a ten percent discount. "Do you have a boyfriend?" David suddenly asked. Kobe said he did and it was the guy who'd come with him a week or two earlier. David remembered Aaron and said he'd purchased several items before and for a moment his heart sank realising Kobe was already taken. "It was him who suggested I came here this morning" Kobe grinned. "Do you guys go to the clubs or gay bars?" Kobe explained that up until meeting Aaron he'd not been able to because of his father who kept a tight control on everything he did. "Fuck; that must have been terrible." Kobe said it was but at last he was free of him and could enjoy himself. David decided to try his luck so suggested the three of them go to a gay bar and a club in Soho. Kobe liked that idea and knew Aaron would too since he'd already said he wanted to take Kobe into Soho. He also knew that Aaron fancied David from what he'd said earlier so they exchanged phone numbers and Kobe said he'd speak to Aaron when he got home from work. David could hardly believe his luck as he entered Kobe's name and number into his phone. He asked Kobe what he did for a living seeing he was free to come shopping during a normal working day. Kobe gave him a brief synopsis of his life at the cafe and how his father abused him but had finally left. David was horrified and put a comforting arm round Kobe. "I'm now setting myself up as a gay gardener, hence why I need the shorts." "Wow; guys are going to wet themselves when they see you in those." Kobe grinned and was tempted to add that he was also going to be a nude cleaner for a guy but decided not to. He left David and set off to find a stout pair of shoes for gardening. He tried a pair on and giggled at the thought of wearing them with the sexy pink shorts but stout shoes were important when gardening and decided it would add to the overall look. When Aaron heard about David's suggestion he jumped at the idea. He'd guessed he was gay and certainly fancied him so suggested Kobe give David a call to see if he'd like to join them for a meal the following evening and then go into Soho for a night of fun together. David jumped at the offer and said he'd be round after he'd shut the shop at six. He lived in a bedsit near Shoreditch and normally used his motorbike to get to the shop each day but would use the bus that morning since he'd be drinking that night. He also rather hoped he might be invited back for the night since he fancied a threesome with these two hot guys. As usual Aaron and Kobe had their after work shower together and slipped on their bathrobes before having their evening meal which Kobe had prepared earlier. Once eaten and they'd cleared up, they relaxed in the living room sitting side by side. Aaron was pleased at how quickly Kobe had settled in to his new life and that his shyness had now gone. When Kobe showed him his pink ensemble he loved it and wasn't the slightest bit surprised that David had reacted the way he did. Kobe had told him everything not wanting to have secrets with his lover. In fact Aaron was slightly envious because he fancied getting into David's pants and rather hoped he might get the opportunity to do so when they met up. "You look much happier and more settled now" he said casually as he lifted Kobe onto his lap. Kobe smiled and Aaron's heart jumped a beat. Those smiles never ceased to have a reaction on him and felt his blood rush south. "Yeah, not felt so happy in all my life thanks to you." They kissed and it wasn't long before both had erections requiring attention. "How about we go to bed early tonight?" Aaron said with a wicked grin. Kobe nodded and immediately jumped off Aaron's lap with his robe gaping open to show him exactly how excited he was at the thought of doing so. As they turned off the lights Kobe removed his robe and tossed it onto the sofa. Aaron giggled and did the same before following a naked Kobe up the stairs. As he did so he looked at Kobe's beautiful bubble butt and imagined what it would feel like to press his now hard cock through his tight virgin entrance. By the time they reached the bedroom his cock was already weeping with anticipation. He threw back the bed covers and lay down on the bed indicating for Kobe to lie on top of him. They kissed and cuddled for a few moments before Aaron rolled Kobe onto the bed and then covered him with his larger body. They kissed passionately for a few more moments before Aaron held Kobe's face and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "I want to fuck you; are you ready for me to do so?" Kobe nodded and felt his heart rate quicken. He'd been thinking about this all day wondering what it would feel like. He'd even fingered himself to prepare his entrance. He so wanted to feel Aaron's hot cock inside him. Aaron gently moved Kobe onto his side and moved up behind him explaining that for his first time it would be more comfortable for him like this even though he normally loved looking at the guy he was fucking. He grabbed the lube and gently eased Kobe's entrance open. Kobe let out long sighs of contentment as he felt Aaron's finger slip inside, soon to be joined by another. Suddenly his whole body jumped. Aaron giggled and explained he'd hit his G spot which made it so special. "I want to feel your cock" Kobe moaned as the fingering continued. "Don't be in such a hurry" Aaron giggled. He loved fingering a guy every bit as much as fucking. He also loved sucking Kobe's beautiful black toes which always made his cock go hard and Kobe go gooey all over. Kobe had never thought having his toes seductively sucked would cause his whole body to react the way it did. He could see Aaron loved doing it by the way his cock got hard but he also found it made his own react as well. Aaron stopped fingering and paused for a moment. "You're a virgin right?" Kobe nodded. "I get tested regularly so how about we agree to dispense with protection; it's so much more enjoyable bareback." "Yeah, fine by me; just want to feel that gorgeous cock of yours inside me." "You will my love, you will" Aaron giggled as he lubricated his cock and Kobe's entrance. He told Kobe to relax and warned him he would probably feel a sharp pain as he breached him but that would soon pass once he was through his sphincter. Kobe nodded aching to feel Aaron's hot organ inside him. Aaron lined the head of his cock up to the entrance he'd dreamt of breaching for so long. He pushed slowly forward and felt the tight ring of muscle slowly give way. Kobe briefly gasped but once the large head was through, his whole body relaxed. "Yes; that feels so fucking good" Kobe cried out. Aaron agreed. The feel of his thick, long hot cock inside this gorgeous guy was amazing. He slowly moved back and forth whilst holding Kobe's body. Once he was fully inside he held Kobe hard against him and kissed the back of his neck. He felt down and took hold of Kobe's erection. "Oh my god, that feels so wonderful" Aaron whispered. He slowly moved in and out gradually increasing the pace of each thrust until his sexual drive took over. Kobe gave more groans of pleasure with each thrust and urged Aaron on. Suddenly Aaron's whole body tensed. He knew that final moment had come. "Oh fuck, yes, fuck, fuck" he cried out as his man seed erupted. Finally his eruption ended and he thrust his spent cock deep inside Kobe. He held him tight and kissed the back of his neck. "How was that for you?" "Fucking awesome; I love feeling your big hot cock up my arse so you can do that whenever you want." Aaron's heart filled with joy. He so loved fucking even though he never minded being occasionally fucked but he loved the dominant position which was why he'd taken things slowly with Kobe knowing how his father had dominated him. He now felt complete and it was time to show Kobe what gay life could bring for those that wanted to enjoy it to the full. 7. The following morning Kobe went to see Ron to discuss the cleaning and gardening job. Once inside, Ron gave Kobe a hug and one of his intense kisses. Kobe guessed he'd have to get used to these but he didn't really mind. He knew Ron found him hot and he was happy to let him have his fun if it meant he got some work. Ron worked at a private hospital so had fixed shifts unlike working in an NHS hospital where nurses were expected to do whatever hours were needed. He much preferred the private sector and enjoyed his job since he was given time to do it properly instead of having to rush from one patient to another. He agreed to employ Kobe for two whole days a week which would normally be a Monday and a Thursday since he was off duty on those days to make up for working a twelve hour shift when on duty. He had to work weekends on a shift basis but he didn't mind that since it meant he had other days off during the week but he never had to work nights which he hated. "And you're still okay about doing the cleaning in the buff?" "Of course; that's what we agreed" Kobe chuckled rather enjoying the thought of running round naked whilst cleaning. In fact he'd already started doing so at home so knew what it felt like. "And what will you wear when gardening?" Ron grinned mischievously. "Unless you want to shock the neighbours I suggest I wear something when gardening but when the weather's warm enough I was planning on wearing shorts without a top when possible." Ron felt his whole body shiver with excitement at the thought of that and was glad the warmer weather was upon them. He showed Kobe round the house and explained which rooms he mainly used which was the sitting room, the kitchen where he also ate his meals, the main bedroom and the bathroom. Apart from those rooms there was the hall, staircase and landing to keep clean so Kobe was sure he could do everything within the day allotted plus giving the unused rooms a clean every so often. Kobe also noticed the house was furnished quite differently to Aaron's and was not so modern but even so it looked well kept. Ron took him into the garden which had mainly shrubs with a few bedding plants near the living room window. In the centre was a small water feature with a strip of grass round it which was cut by hand. Kobe again reckoned that one day a week would be sufficient to keep things tidy including the front which had been paved over for car parking similar to Aaron's so would only need a sweep. "See you on Monday then" Ron grinned and gave Kobe another kiss whilst having a feel down below. Kobe chuckled to himself and knew he'd get plenty more of that when he was fully naked but he wasn't bothered as long as Ron was happy. David arrived at six thirty dressed in his casual gear having changed at the shop. He gave Kobe a kiss and then Aaron who admired his T shirt which hugged his slim torso and his low cut tight fitting jeans. He so much preferred clothes that accentuated the body rather than loose fitting items that some guys wore and hid their attributes. "Mm you smell nice" "Fierce by A and F" David grinned. He liked guys who noticed how he looked and smelt. The three guys flirted with each other throughout their meal and David complimented the cook. Aaron said it was Kobe's dish so David gave him a smile and touched his hand. Kobe's body immediately reacted to the touch. There was something about this guy which really turned him on. When they'd finished their meal and cleared up, they set off for Soho. David suggested they first go to a gay bar before going onto a club since it was early. The other two were happy to do that so let him choose. As they sipped their drinks they people watched and commented on the guys they thought were hot. Aaron smiled as he realised that David went for all those very much like Kobe so they had similar tastes. David was a lovely guy and full of fun. He flirted like mad with the other two which they liked and encouraged him. As the bar filled, they moved closer together. David could feel the heat coming off the other two and felt his cock reacting. He so hoped something would happen later because he hadn't pulled a guy for quite some time. He'd had a boyfriend for a while only to find the guy was fucking a woman behind his back. Not that he minded a guy being bisexual but he'd have liked to have known before making a fool of himself. They had a big row over it one night and the guy walked off in a huff telling David he was a prissy queen and he'd only gone with him just to see what it was like to fuck a guy. David wasn't taken in by that since the guy clearly enjoyed what he was doing but it was the end of yet another boyfriend. Seeing the love Aaron and Kobe had for each other he knew he had no chance with either of them but he liked them and found they were good fun. To be honest he'd be happy to have them as a fuck buddy if they were interested but time would tell. When it was time to move on, David suggested they go to a club down the road. He said they normally had guys pole dancing which was always good fun. Aaron knew the club in question having been there on numerous occasions in the past and drooled over the scantily clad guys. The club was soon packed so the three guys found themselves squashed up together, not that they were complaining since they were able to have a good feel of each other without it being too obvious. Kobe loved it and noticed other guys nearby having a good feel of the guy they were with. He noticed that one guy had his hand right down the front of the other's trousers and having a good feel. He suddenly felt Aaron behind him, take hold of his hands and put them round David's waist. Aaron's hands went round him and move south until they were feeling his crotch. He was already hard so Aaron had a good feel as he jiggled to the beat of the music and ground his crotch against Kobe's arse. Sensing what Aaron was doing, David grabbed hold of Kobe's hands and moved them into his crotch. He was definitely hard so Kobe was soon feeling the full length of David's hard cock. He pushed his butt into Kobe's crotch and could feel Aaron's hands having a good feel. Aaron took the hint and fingered him through his tight fitting trousers. Not content with Kobe feeling his tool through his tight fitting jeans, he unfastened the top button, pulled down the zip and thrust one of Kobe's hands inside his briefs to take hold of the naked flesh. All the while the three were moving their bodies to the beat of the music and rubbing each other's sex organs. Kobe was in heaven. He looked over to where a guy was pole dancing and noticed his sexy briefs were part way down his backside giving everyone a good view of his naked butt. He twisted round the pole moving up and down it and as he did so the briefs got lower until he was showing a full frontal. The guys nearby were cheering away. The dancer then clasped the pole with his legs and slipped the briefs off one foot and then the other. He was now stark naked and still going round and round on the pole showing his all. The whole audience were screaming their delight as he performed. Eventually he stopped, took a bow and walked off stage naked. "Wow, never seen that before" David exclaimed and grabbed hold of Kobe's hand to give his now fully excited cock a good feel. Aaron realised what David had done so unfastened Kobe's jeans to do the same. Seeing that he wasn't bothered, he pulled the zip down and whipped out his erection to have a good feel. The guy next to Kobe glanced down and grinned as he gave his boyfriend a similar grope. When the music beat changed, Aaron tapped David on the shoulder to ask if he'd like another drink. David nodded so the two guys refastened their trousers and followed Aaron to the bar. He ordered three beers and they stood nearby to drink them. "This is awesome" Kobe exclaimed. "So are you" David grinned and casually felt Kobe again. Aaron glanced at his watch and saw it was gone midnight. "You want to stay on here a while longer or come back to our place?" David took an intake of breath and replied he'd love to go back with the guys. The shop wasn't open on a Sunday so he had all the time in the world. "Did you enjoy your first time at a gay bar and a gay club then?" Aaron asked. "Fucking wonderful" Kobe grinned. He'd no idea what he'd been missing whilst his father kept him like a slave. "We must do that again" David said. "Next time we could go to SBN if you want." Kobe asked what SBN was and Aaron chuckled. "It's a club where all the guys are stark naked; so if you're up to showing off your bits to everyone then that's the place to go." "Awesome" Kobe laughed. "How about going next Saturday?" David asked. Aaron was certainly up for it having been before and Kobe said he was too so it was agreed that's where they'd go the following week. As soon as they got home, they removed their shoes and stripped off their T shirts. Aaron poured three generous measures of whiskey and he could tell that David was really enjoying himself as was Kobe so encouraged them to become amorous with each other by sitting on the sofa together. David soon started exploring Kobe's leg, moving his hand into his crotch. Kobe unfastened his jeans and David took the hint. Aaron knelt on the floor and helped Kobe remove the rest of his clothes and then David's. He was itching to see David naked and he wasn't disappointed. He had a beautiful body with a big cock. Whilst David went down on Kobe's, Aaron took David's into his mouth. After a while Aaron suggested they move upstairs where it would be more comfortable. The other guys grinned and followed him up. Once there he stripped back the bed for David and Kobe to climb on. He asked David what he liked doing and he said he was versatile. "How about giving Kobe a fuck; he likes being fucked don't you my love." Kobe grinned and nodded. He told Kobe to go on all fours so David could take him from behind. Aaron ripped open a condom and slipped it on David's erection which was already weeping. He lubricated it and lubricated Kobe's entrance. "Stretch your entrance wide open Kobe." He felt behind and did as Aaron had told him. He then felt the head of David's cock press against it before slowing pushing in. "Oh fuck, yes, that feels fucking wonderful" David exclaimed once he was fully inside. He then felt Aaron fingering him and held fast inside Kobe having guessed what Aaron was going to do. He saw Aaron prepare his cock and then felt the large head pressing against his entrance. He relaxed and allowed it in. Once fully inside him he started thrusting in and out of Kobe whilst fucking himself on Aaron's cock. The action continued for a long time before David felt his climax come and shoot his cum inside Kobe. Aaron took over the fucking of him until he too was shooting his load. As Aaron fucked, David reached round to bring Kobe off to a satisfactory conclusion. When all three were spent, they disengaged and collapsed onto the bed. They all agreed it was fantastic as they grabbed their drinks and slowly sipped them. When Aaron had finished his, he went down on David's cock whilst Kobe watched on. Eventually David shot another load and filled Aaron's mouth. Kobe then went down on Aaron's and brought him to a climax whilst David looked on. Finally David sucked Kobe off and savoured his lovely load of cum. It was now almost two in the morning and David was feeling somewhat pissed from all the drink he'd consumed. "Think you'd better stay here" Aaron chuckled and showed David into the spare room. David accepted the offer and was soon fast asleep once his head hit the pillow. "Had a good time?" Aaron smiled at Kobe as they settled down. "Wonderful; thanks for everything" "There's plenty more to come" Aaron chucked as he held the guy he loved much closer against him. Although he didn't mind seeing Kobe having sex with other guys, he wanted him close by him to love and to cherish. The following Saturday the three guys went to SBN and had a fantastic time. Kobe couldn't believe it as they walked naked into the main area where all the guys were stark naked too. The three of them loved each other's company and became close friends so frequently met up for more nights out, and long sessions of sex back at Aaron's house. 8. In the meantime, Kobe started his cleaning job for Ron. As it was a warm day he dressed in his new tight pink shorts and skimpy pink T shirt. When Ron opened the door he gasped. "Oh yes fucking gorgeous darling." Ron had deliberately dressed in a pair of khaki cotton shorts with nothing on beneath. He pulled Kobe into a kiss and had a good feel before helping him undress. Once stark naked he stepped back to admire him. "Fucking beautiful" Kobe noticed Ron's cock that was pushing his shorts out and grinned."I'll start upstairs" he said and collected the cleaning materials from the kitchen. Throughout the morning Kobe noticed Ron hovering whilst he worked. Since he was being paid as a nude cleaner he couldn't complain so whenever he could he gave Ron a good show. Whilst cleaning the bath he bent over to show off his butt and heard Ron gasp clearly enjoying the sight. "Beautiful" he muttered and rubbed his cock which was now rock hard and ballooning his shorts. He'd removed his T shirt earlier so fingered his nipples. He was itching to move up behind Kobe and give him a good fuck but knew that was not part of the deal. Ron was pleasantly surprised at the way Kobe worked. He was very efficient and quick without loss of quality. Everywhere gleamed by the time he'd finished. "I've made us a sandwich for lunch." Kobe thanked him and washed his hands at the kitchen sink. Ron couldn't resist moving up behind him and reaching round to hold his cock. "Mm you're delicious; I could eat you. Aaron is such a lucky guy." "So am I" Kobe replied as he continued washing his hands without commenting on the fact that Ron's hand was round his cock. "If he hadn't taken me in I'd be living on the street." "Not if I had anything to do with it" Ron chuckled. Kobe's cock was now reacting to the pleasure of Ron's hand, so he stood facing the sink and let the massage continue. Ron pressed his erection up against Kobe's butt and rubbed against it. Kobe grinned and felt behind him. His hand touched the naked flesh of Ron's cock which was now peeping beneath the bottom of his shorts. He fingered it and Ron took a sudden intake of breath. Kobe slipped back the foreskin and ran a finger across the sensitive head. "Oh fuck" Ron exclaimed and turned Kobe round. They kissed as Ron unfastened his shorts. Once round his ankles and his rampant cock was free, Kobe crouched and took it into his mouth. Ron watched Kobe's lips work their magic until he could hold back no longer. "Fuck, fuck" he cried and filled Kobe's mouth with his load of hot cum. Once drained, Kobe looked up and grinned. "Don't remember that being in the contract" he laughed. "Think you might find there are several things not in the contract but I'm not complaining." Kobe decided he rather liked cleaning in the nude. After lunch he slipped on his sexy shorts and started in the garden. The sun was shining so he dispensed with the T shirt and Ron sat outside to watch him at work. As with the cleaning he noted that Kobe worked efficiently. Just watching his beautiful body move was like watching porn and he imagined him working naked. He so wished he could but he knew the garden was overlooked so had to keep up the appearance of being a clean living man, even though behind closed doors he was far from that. He loved sex, especially with guys like Kobe. When he'd finished and put his tools away, Ron took him inside. He slipped Kobe's shorts off and his own. He lifted the naked young buck onto his lap and kissed him as their naked organs rubbed together. When both were hard he lifted Kobe to a standing position and took his hard cock into his mouth. Kobe loved the feel of Ron's hot lips round his cock and he knew how to use them to maximum effect. He kept him on a high for ages until he eventually brought him to a climax. "Oh god, yes; I'm coming" he shouted. "Mm" Ron grunted and continued to suck the gorgeous creamy cum that was shooting into his mouth. As soon as he was drained, Ron pulled him down to a kneeling position and sucked Kobe's nipples whilst he continued to massage his cock. Kobe was totally under his spell and loved what was happening. His whole body was alive and he could feel the next wave of cum rising despite having just shot a load. He'd never realised his nipples were this sensitive but Ron had him on another high. As he licked each one, he massaged Kobe's cock. He could sense that Kobe was about to explode another load of cum so he increase the pace. "Ah fuck" Kobe yelled as more ribbons of cum shot over Ron's stomach. Even when he was spent, Ron continued sucking his nipples and massaging his cock. Finally he stopped and Kobe sat back on his haunches. Before he could say anything Ron pulled him into an intense kiss pushing his tongue right into Kobe's mouth. When the kiss ended Ron grinned at him. "I think you enjoyed that." "Fucking right I did." "Mm next time I might fuck you" Ron grinned. "So, how did the cleaning go?" Aaron asked with a glint in his eye. Kobe gave him a detailed report and Aaron laughed. "I'm not surprised; Ron is highly sexed and has wanted to fuck me ever since he's known me. One day I'll let him but he'll be fucking you next time by the sound of things." Kobe asked if Aaron would mind if he did. "Well, I certainly wouldn't object since we've not agreed to be monogamous so it's up to you my love." Kobe kissed him and told him he loved him and wouldn't do anything he didn't approve of. Aaron smiled and gave his lover a passionate kiss. "Let's agree that neither of us will have secrets so anything we do without the other we'll be honest about; besides, I shall enjoy hearing about what you've been up to with other guys when I'm not there." Kobe grinned and agreed. As long as Aaron always loved him, he was happy. A few days later Dirk joined them for a meal. He was a thirty one year old Dutch guy who lived a couple of streets away. He and Aaron had been lovers for about six months but it came to nothing and they remained good friends although Dirk still fancied Aaron like mad. When he invited him for a meal he agreed immediately. As soon as he met Kobe his whole body reacted much to Aaron's amusement. He loved watching the reaction he had on guys and he couldn't blame them since he'd had the same when he first saw Kobe and still did. "Wow, you're gorgeous" Dirk exclaimed and gave Kobe a big hug and an even bigger kiss which caused his cock to jump through hoops. Kobe had produced another stunning meal and Dirk got up to give Kobe an intense kiss whilst Aaron watched on. They left the table and Aaron made sure that Dirk sat next to Kobe on the sofa. He could see the reaction Kobe was having on him by the size of the bulge in his trousers. He asked Dirk about his job which was in web design. Dirk said it was going well and found working freelance from home suited him well. He asked about Aaron's job and then turned to Kobe asking him what he did. Kobe gave a brief synopsis of his time in the shop working for his father. Aaron told Dirk that Kobe's father was a complete bastard and briefly explained how he'd treated his son. Dirk was horrified and immediately placed a comforting hand on Kobe's thigh. Kobe enjoyed the feel of Dirk's hand and placed his on top to encourage him to leave it there. "Kobe now offers a gardening service to anyone who wants it" Aaron said casually, "Oh, and he provides a house cleaning service with a difference". Dirk wanted to know more and when Kobe said he cleaned in the nude, Dirk nearly climaxed on the spot. "That's fucking brilliant; I could do with a gardener and a cleaner; how about it?" Kobe said he'd be happy to and casually quoted the rate Ron was paying him. Dirk immediately accepted it and they agreed which two days Kobe would go. "How about showing Dirk what he's paying for my love?" Kobe immediately stood up and stripped seductively right in front of Dirk. When he was stark naked and his cock was showing definite signs of excitement, Aaron asked Dirk if he was satisfied. "Are you joking; he's fucking gorgeous. I certainly won't get any work done when he's around." He adjusted the erection inside his trousers and felt a damp patch as he released his load. Aaron chuckled. He knew Dirk would end up wetting himself over his Adonis. The next day, Kobe was due at Ron's again. It was pissing down with rain so he knew he'd not get any gardening done unless it stopped which according to the forecast was unlikely so he told Ron he'd do the cleaning and come another day to do the gardening. Ron had other ideas so he let Kobe do his usual cleaning whilst he enjoyed watching most of the time and at lunchtime said he'd made sandwiches for them to have together. Kobe agreed not wanting to upset Ron so washed his hands. When they'd finished lunch, Kobe cleared the table and washed up the dishes. As he stood at the sink busy washing up he felt Ron move up behind him as before. Ron's hand reached round to take hold of his cock and he pressed his body up against Kobe's butt. He suddenly realised that Ron was naked and he could feel his stiff cock pressing against him. "Yeah, that feels so good" Ron groaned and kissed the back of Kobe's neck. Kobe reached round to feel Ron's hard cock. He had a feeling what Ron wanted to do and he was up for it. "Stay for the afternoon; I'll pay you so forget the gardening session you owe me. I want to fuck you." Ron waited anxiously for Kobe's response hoping against hope he'd agree. After a short pause, Kobe nodded. Ron pulled him round and thrust his tongue inside Kobe's mouth. As they kissed, he inserted a wet finger inside Kobe's arse. Kobe gasped, enjoying the feel of it. He reached round for Ron's entrance and did the same. It was already lubricated so his finger slipped in with ease. Ron slowly moved Kobe over to the table and gently bent him over it. He crouched down and licked his arse pulling it wide apart as he did so. "Of fuck" Kobe exclaimed. He'd not had anyone rim him before and he loved it. "Mm a beautiful arse" Ron muttered in between licks. He pulled it open some more and thrust his tongue in as far as it would go. He then fingered it until it was opened wide and inserted his hard rod. Once in he slowly fucked until he'd filled the latex. When Aaron got home Kobe gave him every detail of what had happened. Aaron chuckled having guessed it would. 9. Kobe had agreed a Tuesday and a Friday with Dirk so on the following Tuesday he set off for his first day. The weather had turned nice again so he looked forward to gardening in his sexy shorts. As Dirk lived two streets away he decided to wear a pair of jeans and a T shirt to walk round in. When Dirk opened the door he was wearing a bath robe. For a moment Kobe thought he was too early and apologised but Dirk explained he was a nudist and loved working at home in the buff. He only used the robe to open the door to any visitors. He asked Kobe if he had any objections to him being naked as well. "It's your house; you do as you please" Kobe replied but secretly enjoyed the thought of seeing Dirk naked. He immediately slipped off his clothes and left them neatly folded beneath the hall table. Dirk slipped his robe off and hung it on a hook. For a moment they admired each other's nakedness. Dirk had a beautiful lean muscled body with a light covering of blonde hair down the front leading to his pubic region. It caused Kobe's organ to react slightly as he went to collect the cleaning materials from the kitchen. Dirk had the same reaction which remained with him for the rest of the day so the pair of them went round with a semi erection. Dirk was also impressed with Kobe's efficiency and the quality of his work. He decided he was getting value for money in more ways than one. Not wanting to look too obvious, he made excursions into the rooms whilst Kobe was working just to admire his beautiful form. Kobe certainly didn't mind since it gave him an opportunity to see a naked Dirk. The house was larger than Ron's and Aaron's but Kobe reckoned he could still do it within the allotted time. This house had a separate dining room and lounge but Dirk explained he seldom used the dining room so that wouldn't need much done to it each week. The lounge led onto a conservatory that captured the sunshine making it a wonderful place for Dirk to sit naked. When he'd finished, Dirk said he'd prepared a light lunch for them to have before Kobe started work in the garden. He'd made bread rolls and put out cheeses and ham for them to choose what they wanted. Kobe noticed that Dirk was far more disciplined than Ron and just looked so no feeling of cocks or other sexual acts. Kobe wasn't sure if he was disappointed or not but at least he had the pleasure of Dirk's naked body. When lunch was finished Kobe slipped on his sexy shorts which Dirk definitely liked since they showed off Kobe's attributes to perfection. The garden was longer than Ron's and again was mainly shrubs with flower beds near the house and a small circle of grass which would need cutting. As he walked into the garden he noticed it was well protected with tall trees at the end to hide the houses behind. The house next door on one side also had trees and bushes on their side of the fence which provided a screen from the two gardens. It was only on one side there was a view into the adjacent garden. Whilst Kobe was busy hoeing to remove weeds round bushes at the end of the garden he suddenly noticed a stark naked Dirk walking towards him. "The guy next door is also a nudist so we often see each other walking about our garden naked." "So it doesn't matter if I work naked then" "Nope but it's up to you; not everyone is comfortable with being naked in the open." Kobe grinned and said it certainly didn't bother him so immediately removed his shorts. He just had to be careful not to catch his privates on a bush. Dirk's face lit up and his eyes went straight to Kobe's cock which was already showing signs of interest. As he worked, Kobe commented that the garden was in good order and asked if Dirk had employed a gardener at some point. Dirk laughed and said he had but when the warm weather arrived and he saw Dirk wandering about naked he took a runner and was never seen again. "Clearly not gay" Kobe laughed. "Far from it but then nor is the guy next door which is a shame because he has a gorgeous body on him and I wouldn't mind getting to know that better. Instead he has a string of women who are also into naturism so I have to put up with naked bosoms and other parts of their anatomy wandering round but hey ho, I love feeling the air on my naked body so enjoy his when he's doing the same." Dirk went to sunbathe in the conservatory and enjoyed watching Kobe's naked body as he worked. He was fascinated watching how Kobe worked with great precision and efficiency. As he did so his mind went into overdrive over the things he'd like to do to him but guessed that wasn't part of the agreement, at least not yet. When Kobe had finished and put his tools away, Dirk invited him to join him for a cup of tea. Kobe said he'd love one so followed Dirk into the kitchen. Whilst he made the tea, Kobe washed his hands. As he did so his mind flashed back to what Ron had done which caused his cock to get a definite stiffness although not fully erect. "Let's take this through to the conservatory" Dirk said having made the tea. Kobe followed him and glanced at Dirk's rather nice butt which did nothing to quell his excited cock. Once there, Dirk sat down on the sun lounger he'd been using and took hold of Kobe's hand. "You really are beautiful." As he said this he looked at Kobe's inflamed cock. He was itching to hold it but wasn't sure whether to do so or not. Kobe sensed his indecision so moved up beside him so that his semi-hard cock was within sucking distance. Dirk looked up at Kobe and they grinned knowingly. This was sufficient for Dirk so he moved his head forward and took the organ into his mouth. It was soon rock hard and Kobe was giving low moans and groans of approval. Dirk was good at sucking cock and kept him on a high for quite a long time before he finally allowed Kobe to shoot his load. Dirk loved the taste of his creamy cum and sucked until he was dry. When he'd finished he glanced up and smiled. "You taste as good as you look." By now Dirk's cock was bobbing up and down with excitement so Kobe knelt between his legs and went down on it. Dirk gasped as he felt Kobe's hot lips round its head slowly licking and sucking. Kobe had been a quick learner and practiced everything other guys had done to him in his short period on the gay scene. Dirk certainly enjoyed it and lay back to savour the feel of his cock being sucked until his sexual urge took over and he ejaculated his load of seed into Kobe's mouth. "Fuck, that was good; hadn't realised the services of a nude cleaner involved sexual acts" he laughed. "I aim to keep the customer happy and do whatever they wish" Kobe chuckled. "You do that alright; are there any limits?" he added more as a joke than anything. "No" Kobe grinned as he sipped his tea whilst still kneeling between Dirk's legs. Dirk's mind was certainly in overdrive now and was thinking of all kinds of things he'd like to do with this gorgeous guy. His last sexual partner had been very reserved and only wanted to fuck. He'd never let Dirk suck, fuck or rim him and he'd never suck or rim Dirk so as much as Dirk loved being fucked, he found it somewhat limiting which was why they eventually parted. As Kobe walked home he decided he definitely enjoyed his nude cleaning and gardening work, and he was earning twice as much in four eight hour days than his father paid him for five twelve hour days. He realised that he should have told his father to fuck off far sooner but that was life. For a brief moment he wondered what his father was now doing. Assuming he'd gone back to his home village in Nigeria he doubted there was much to do in the way of earning money. "Serves the fucker right" he said out loud. Having decided he liked being naked around the house, he stripped off his clothes once inside and started preparing the meal for that evening. When Aaron arrived home he was greeted with a naked Kobe which he rather liked. "Now that's what I call a welcome" he grinned as he hugged his lover and gave his naked body a good feel. Kobe told him what had happened with Dirk and that he'd decided he too would be a naturist when home. Aaron said it suited him so when they'd had their usual evening shower together during which they had sex ending with Aaron fucking Kobe over the bath, instead of donning their bathrobes they walked downstairs totally naked and enjoyed finishing off the meal, eating it and then spending the evening in each other's arms as they watched television. Kobe's visits to Ron and Dirk became more eventful as time went by. Ron invariably wanted to fuck Kobe at least once each week and if not they sucked each other off. Dirk also fucked him the next time he went but on another occasion got Kobe to fuck him. One day when the weather was too wet to do any gardening, Kobe stayed and they enjoyed a long afternoon of sex during which they rimmed each other, used dildos and fucked each other. Kobe loved it and so did Dirk. Each weekend Kobe and Aaron would go to the gay bars and clubs, often with David who'd then spend the night with them. When they were alone they'd sometimes pick up a guy and take him home with them for a night of frenetic sex. Both loved their sex and could never get enough of it so whoever was willing was invited back. One particular guy became a favourite and frequently came back having met them at a club. Lance was twenty one and loved being fucked. He particularly liked black guys so having Kobe's black cock up his arse was pure heaven for him and he could never get enough of it. He was also into poppers and sniffed it almost all night long. Aaron also reckoned he was on drugs of some sort but he never offered anything to them which was just as well since Aaron had once used drugs and knew the dangers. However both he and Kobe sniffed poppers occasionally to heighten the experience whilst they fucked Lance senseless. "Want both your cocks up my arse" he told them one night after a particularly heavy session. The other two were up for that so Kobe lay flat on his back whilst Lance sat on his cock. Once nicely inside, Aaron pushed Lance forward and stuck his cock into him alongside Kobe's. "Yeah, fucking brilliant; fuck that arse; fuck it real good" Lance yelled. Aaron was happy to oblige so gave him a good long hard fuck. Kobe could feel his boyfriend's cock rubbing against his and eventually both reached a climax. Aaron was sad they had to use protection since the thought of his naked cock rubbing against Kobe's sent him into a seventh heaven. Kobe had now been with Aaron for eleven months and his twentieth birthday was the following week. "Is there anything you'd like to do on your birthday?" Kobe smiled at Aaron and said he didn't mind as long as he was with the guy he loved with all his heart. Aaron could never hear those words enough and they always made his body swell with happiness. He'd never thought he'd find someone as loving as Kobe and whom he could love so much. "Then I shall make it a surprise" Aaron chuckled having already discussed it with Dirk. 10. Kobe's birthday fell on a Saturday which was perfect for what Aaron had organised. Having lavished him with gifts since he knew Kobe's father would not have done so, they spent the day relaxing and loving each other. Aaron had told Kobe they were going out that evening but had not said what or where. All Kobe knew was they were going for a meal somewhere but it wasn't anywhere posh since Aaron had said to wear casual clothes although he did specify that he wore one of the sexy pairs of briefs he'd given him for his birthday. The items in question were very skimpy which Kobe rather liked since they showed off his attributes to perfection. At just before seven that evening, Aaron said it was time to leave. He walked Kobe round to Dirk's house which made him very happy since he was now very good friends with Dirk and enjoyed his company. As they walked into the lounge he was greeted with a chorus of `happy birthday'. Standing there were Ron, David and Lance. The other two joined in whilst Kobe stood in amazement. By the time they'd finished he had tears of joy running down his face. He'd never had such a birthday surprise but at that point in time he didn't know about an even bigger surprise coming later. They each gave him their cards and presents plus lots of kisses and hugs. The presents were all either rude or very sexual but he didn't mind that. Dirk opened a bottle of champagne and they toasted Kobe's good health. When that had been consumed, Dirk invited them into the dining room for a birthday meal. He and David had prepared a wonderful meal and all six guys were soon tucking into it. David had mentioned to Aaron that he loved cooking so he'd asked him if he'd help Dirk prepare it for Kobe. Everybody loved Kobe so were happy to help. Lance and Ron had also come early to prepare things, especially what was required for the later attraction that was due to arrive at nine. Kobe had noticed that the curtains which closed off the conservatory had been drawn but didn't think anything of it with all the merriment going on. They were still sitting round the table enjoying each other's company with Ron telling rude jokes or giving explicit details of guys he'd made out with, when the doorbell rang. "Who the fuck is that" Dirk commented as he went to open the front door knowing very well who it was. As he went he closed the dining room door so he could get the visitor in without Kobe having any idea who or what it was. The others were all in on the secret but had been sworn to secrecy. Within a few minutes, Dirk returned saying nothing about the caller and the conversation continued with more dirty stories from Ron and Lance. "Let's move into the lounge guys and make ourselves more comfortable" Dirk said casually after about twenty minutes and everybody got up and followed him. Once there Dirk announced "Show time guys" and opened the curtains that hid the conservatory. Kobe's gasped as the others all cheered. There in the conservatory was a gorgeous guy pole dancing round a pole that had been installed inside the conservatory. All the normal furniture had been removed to leave an empty space for him to work in. Everyone moved forward to get a better look as the guy swung round and went up and down the pole, sometimes upside down. As he danced, he slowly stripped and tossed each item into the audience. Kobe could hardly believe his eyes. He'd seen pole dancers at the club they often went to in Soho but to have one here within touching distance was just awesome. Eventually the guy was stripped down to a sexy thong and from what Kobe could see, he was well endowed. Having given a very sexy show for about fifteen minutes, the stripper beckoned Kobe to join him. Kobe looked at Aaron who just grinned urging him on. Kobe moved up to the guy who was still draped round the pole. He kissed Kobe and ran his hand over Kobe's body very seductively. Kobe could soon feel his cock reacting since the guy's almost naked body was now right up against his. The stripper then slowly unbuttoned the shirt Kobe was wearing and eventually slipped it off him. Once off that too was thrown to the onlookers. The stripper then sank down and removed Kobe's trainers before throwing those to one side. As usual, Kobe wasn't wearing socks so he was now barefooted and the guy lifted one and sucked Kobe's toe. Kobe gasped and felt shocks of electricity shoot through his body including his cock. Every so often the stripper felt across the bulge now forming inside Kobe's briefs. He then unfastened Kobe's jeans and gently removed them leaving Kobe standing in his scanty briefs with a cock straining to get out. The stripper rubbed his own hard cock against Kobe's and smiled at him. Kobe kept wondering how far this was going to go but the guy was gorgeous and he didn't care what he did. The stripper then showed Kobe how to dance round the pole whilst rubbing his crotch up and down it. Kobe loved it and felt his now hard cock peeping out of his scanty briefs. He noticed the strippers cock was peeping out of his thong which added to his sexual enjoyment. He then lifted Kobe upside down and showed him how to grip the pole with his legs and use his hands to hold himself on. The other guys were applauding all the time and Kobe felt chuffed at what he was doing. The stripper then pressed his body up against Kobe's to hold him whilst he slowly slipped Kobe's briefs along his upturned legs until he could remove them completely. He tossed them to the onlookers and whispered to Kobe to pull his thong off him. Kobe was more than happy to do that so whilst gripping the pole with one hand, used the other to slip the stripper's thong off him with a bit of help from him. Once it was off, it too was tossed to the guys nearby. He proceeded to suck Kobe's cock whist he hung on upside down. Kobe gasped as he felt the guy's hot lips surround his naked organ. It was the most wonderful feeling he'd had despite the blood now rushing to his head. After a few sucks, the guy stopped and helped Kobe upright. For a moment Kobe was dizzy and hung on to the naked stripper but neither minded that. The stripper was much larger and stronger than Kobe so he could hold this beautiful lad with ease. With his back to the pole, he put his hands above his head and grabbed hold of the pole. He then wrapped his legs back round the pole to hold himself making his erection stand out in front of him. The stripper told Kobe to suck him off so he went on his knees and sucked like mad until he could taste the guy's hot creamy cum fill his mouth. When the stripper had shot his load he unravelled his body from the pole and gave Kobe a kiss. "Happy birthday" "Thanks, that was awesome." Having been applauded by the onlookers, the stripper collected his clothes and left. Dirk paid him and saw him out. When he returned he found Lance and David having fun round the pole. The evening soon turned into an orgy with guys having fun with whoever they could. By the end, Kobe had been fucked by all five guys and sucked several cocks in between. When they finally went home, Kobe took Aaron into his arms and kissed him. "That was the best birthday ever; thank you so much." Aaron kissed him and suggested he show his appreciation in a more positive way. Kobe grabbed his hand and ran upstairs. Despite having spent the last two hours or more having sex with the other guys, both were up for more. They made passionate love and Aaron gave Kobe the most beautiful fuck with him on his back and his legs high in the air. As Aaron fucked, he looked into Kobe's beautiful brown eyes and felt his whole body melt. He so loved this guy and hoped to celebrate lots more birthdays with him. "Mum and Dad want to meet you so I've agreed we'll go to lunch on Sunday." Although Aaron was born in London, his parents were American. His father was a company attorney for a large corporation which had an office in London but for the last year he'd been in New York to set up a new branch. Aaron's mother had joined him so he'd not seen his parents since Kobe had come into his life. "Don't look so worried, they'll love you." Kobe was anxious about meeting Aaron's parents because he knew they were both successful people as was Aaron and he'd only been a shelf stacker in his father's store and now a gardener, plus of course a nude cleaner but he certainly couldn't mention that to Aaron's parents. Aaron put his arms round Kobe and hugged him. "I've already told them about you; mum is dying to meet the guy who has changed my life." Kobe looked into Aaron's eyes and smiled. Oh how that wonderful smile always melted Aaron's heart. Aaron's parents lived in Hampstead and as Kobe expected, it was a beautiful house. When they arrived his mum wrapped her arms round her son and hugged him. She then looked at Kobe, smiled and gave him an equally warm hug. "It's wonderful to meet you at last Kobe; we've heard so much about you. I understand you've made Aaron the happiest man around." Kobe smiled and she too felt her heart strings ping. She could see why her son had fallen for such a lovely young man. Aaron's father then moved forward and hugged his son in a manly fashion before doing the same to Kobe, which surprised him somewhat. He'd expected a formal handshake and was so different to his father. He then told Kobe to call him Daniel and his wife Laura as he led them into the living room. Once seated and Daniel had organised drinks, Laura wanted to know all about Kobe, what he did and where he came from. Kobe glanced at Aaron not sure how much to say. "Kobe's father ran a grocery store near Liverpool Street station which is where I met him. His father was a brute of a man and worked Kobe's mother to death, literally, so she died of exhaustion when Kobe was fifteen. His father then made him work twelve hours a day, five days a week in the shop and look after his house. He frequently punched and kicked Kobe for very little reason. When I first met him he had bruises on his face and cuts on his legs." Aaron showed his parents a photo he'd taken of Kobe on that final day when he'd taken him home. His mum and dad gasped when they saw Kobe's bruised and half closed eye. His dad asked what had happened to Kobe's father and Aaron explained the business had gone bust so he'd gone back to Nigeria where he'd come from originally. Aaron's mother move beside Kobe and put her arms round him. She was shocked by the story and felt so sorry for him. "I'm so sorry Kobe, but you're now part of our family and very welcome." Kobe thanked her wiping away tears. He hadn't reckoned on Aaron telling his parents his story and it touched him. "We've also got something else to tell you" Aaron said and took hold of Kobe's hand. "Kobe has changed my whole life and I love him to bits; he's kind, gentle and everything you could wish for in a soul mate. He also loves me, which is wonderful so we've decided to become Civil Partners." "That's wonderful news" his mum exclaimed and gave Kobe and her son a big kiss. "Yeah, that really is good news son, so you really are part of our family now Kobe" his dad added. Kobe thanked them both and kissed Aaron. "I love Aaron so much and he's changed my life" he managed to say between more tears which Laura found rather sweet. Daniel decided that this deserved champagne so immediately went to get a bottle from the fridge. Once open he toasted Aaron and Kobe's forthcoming Civil Partnership. They spent the rest of the day talking about it and Laura wanted to know when and where it was going to be held. Aaron said it would be a small ceremony in the Registry Office at the Islington Town Hall followed by a reception in a local hotel attended by more of their friends. Three months later it all took place. David acted as Kobe's witness since he'd now become a close friend, and Peter, Aaron's boss, acted as his since they'd known each other for a long time and was also gay. The ceremony was also attended by Aaron's parents, Tony who was Peter's boyfriend and Lance because he and David had now become boyfriends having met at Kobe's birthday party. After the ceremony was over and the official photographs had been taken, they were driven by minibus to the reception at a local hotel where another twenty or more friends were waiting for them including Dirk and Ron. It was a wonderful day and when Aaron and Kobe finally got home, they fell into each other's arms. They hugged, kissed and slowly undressed each other as they did so. Once naked they caressed each other's bodies causing every nerve ending to jump with joy; they were so happy. Leaving their discarded clothes on the floor, Aaron took Kobe's hand and led him upstairs. Once on the bed they made beautiful love for the next two hours during which they sucked, rimmed and fucked each other as lovers do. And they did live happily ever after! ~~~~~ Other stories by Adam Stewart can be found on the Prolific Authors list. Please donate to Nifty to keep this free service available.