Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 21:24:28 -0500 From: Todd Grant Subject: Gerry & Todd Chapter 5- The Next Morning This is a story about a man and a handicapped teenage boy that meet and fall in love. If you are underage or offended by the subject matter, please leave. Up to the point where they talk for quite some time, the story is real for the most part. We did part without ever exchanging anything more than conversation. He was just as beautiful as described. Maybe if I had been more agressive...who knows? The rest is strictly fiction on my part. Please send any comments to Be kind as this is my first effort. No offense to handicapped persons is intended. I already have additional chapters ready, if you the reader are interested. It may come across as long winded and I don't always get right to the sex. (there is more in later chapters) I wanted the reader to feel like these were real people, and get to know them. I want to give credit to my good friend, Wilson, who has helped me more than he will admit as my editor. The Next Morning I quickly cleaned us up and we stared into each others eyes until we fell asleep. I woke to find my baby on his side with his head on my chest. It felt so right. The sun was already up and pouring into the room. Looking at my love, I almost cried. What had I done? I had molested a boy young enough to be my son, and a boy with a handicap at that. I should be horsewhipped! Burned, castrated, shot,skinned alive! Just then he opened his eyes and all those stupid thoughts disappeared as he smiled at me. "You are real!" he said with awe. "I thought you were just a really terrific dream." He moved slightly and I could feel his hardness against me. "Horndog!" I scolded. He moved his hand down my belly and took me in hand, "make that two horndogs!" I gave him a peck on the lips and got out of bed. "What's wrong?" He sounded worried. "Think about! It's almost noon and I should have been halfway to where I'm going by now!" He looked downcast. I went back to the bed and sat taking his chin in my hand. "Gerry, if I don't start moving now, I'll never leave you at all." His eyes were still questioning. "The sooner that we part, the sooner that I can get back to you." He thought about it for just a moment, "you really are coming back to me?" "Look in my eyes. You make me complete, Gerald O'Neil, and I love you more than anyone I have ever had in my life." He hugged me and cried. I cried too. "I don't want you to go, but I know you have to," he choked on his words. My heart was so full and yet breaking at the same time. "Todd O'Donnell, you better come back, or I'll hunt you down and make your life miserable." "Gerry, if we're together it won't be miserable." He finally smiled. "Let's get dressed, baby." I hated to see him put clothes over his body. "I suppose I should give my grandparents a call, so that they don't worry." he said reluctantly. "That might be a very good idea," I said. I went in and did a quick clean up while he spoke on the phone. Coming out a short time later, he was just saying goodbye. "Are you grounded for life?" I teased. "I guess you forget that I'm almost eighteen. They were worried, that's all. I told them that I'd explain when I got home." "Well, I guess I should call my father and tell him that I'll be about a day later," I said with a grin. "Okay, I guess it's my turn in the bath," he said as he got himself into his chair. He wheeled out of the room and closed the door behind him. Getting out my little address book, I tracked down my father by calling to a few relatives homes. It was the truth when I told him that I hadn't gotten very far the night before. I said that if I didn't make it late tomorrow, I would be there early the following day. He was agreeable and hung up. Gerry came out of the bathroom with a scowl on his face. "Didn't get very far the night before!" he said with a bit of venom in his voice. "Just who are you telling our love life to?" His eyes were full of fire. "Look... I was just talking to my father and I told him I didn't get very far down the road!" I said with a bit of anger. "Gotcha!" he said with a grin. Then he began to chuckle. I stood there trying to look angry still, but it wasn't working. "I hope you know that when you are least expecting it I will get even with you, Gerald O'Neil," I scolded. "I know it isn't nice to listen in on other peoples conversations. I'm sorry." he said. He tried to look like he was sorry, but he still had a trace of a smile on his lips. "You aren't very convincing when you still have that smirk on your face!" I scolded again. "You aren't really mad at me, are you Todd?" he asked softly, looking deep into my eyes. Trying to give him my meanest look, it was his turn, if only for a few seconds. "Gotcha back!" I said with glee. "You are so mean!" he said almost crying. I reached down to pull up his chin, and could see that smirk on his face as his eyes met mine. I shook my head and grinned back at him. "Think that we should stop our competition for now and get some breakfast?" I suggested. "Food! I haven't eaten in ages! What a great idea!" he said with sarcasm. "Just you wait," I threatened. He sat quiet for a few minutes and we just looked into each others eyes. "I will wait, for you, Todd. I promise." he said. The tears were welling in my eyes as he began to softly cry. "And I promise you, Gerry, that I'll come back as soon as I can." I got down on my knees and took his face to my chest. "Don't cry my baby, it's only a few days. I'm going to leave something with you for safe keeping," I said quietly. He managed to pull himself together. He pulled up and looked at me. His eyes were still teary. "What is it?" he asked. "I'm going to leave my heart with you. Is that okay?" I smiled. "Only if you take mine with you," he replied. We looked deep into each other's eyes and kissed our last kiss, for a while.