Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 21:46:21 -0500 From: Todd Grant Subject: Gerry & Todd Chapter 7- The Hospital This is a story about a man and a handicapped teenage boy that meet and fall in love. If you are underage or offended by the subject matter, please leave. Up to the point where they talk for quite some time, the story is real for the most part. We did part without ever exchanging anything more than conversation. He was just as beautiful as described. Maybe if I had been more agressive...who knows? The rest is strictly fiction on my part. Please send any comments to Be kind as this is my first effort. No offense to handicapped persons is intended. I already have additional chapters ready, if you the reader are interested. It may come across as long winded and I don't always get right to the sex. (there is more in later chapters) I wanted the reader to feel like these were real people, and get to know them. I want to give credit to my good friend, Wilson, who has helped me more than he will admit as my editor. Chapter 7- The Hospital We parked and made our way inside. I just let Em and Bill lead me. Stopping outside the Critical Care Unit, I began to shake uncontrolably and whimper. I had spent so many years seeing my mother in one of these. It overwhelmed me. "No! No! No!" I wailed, "Not Gerry!" Em and Bill caught me as my legs gave out. A nurse rushed over and got me settled into a chair. I was a blubbering mess. "Todd!" I heard someone call my name and lifted my head. Whack! I don't remember if I had ever been slapped like that by any person. "Todd, you are being a selfish bastard, and Gerry needs you if he's going to make it!" Bill shouted at me. "Make it? You mean he still has a chance?" I choked. "It's a slim one, but it exists. Do you truly love our boy?" he asked stearnly. I nodded, feeling ashamed of myself. "More than I knew I ever could love someone," I whispered. "We can see that." he said softly. "Now go in and show him." They both took me gently by the arm and led me in. I didn't know what to expect, only what I'd seen over the years with my mum, but this was different. He had more braces attached to him than could ever be imagined. The standard IV and a few others were slowly dripping away. The sound of the monitors beeped softly in the background. He had so many cuts and bruises on his handsome face, and his head was held in some kind of device too. The shock of seeing him like this was almost too much to bear. The tears ran down my face in a constant flow. How could I ever have doubted him. I felt so ashamed. Standing over him, I remembered how he had looked the last time I had seen him with his eyes closed. How could this happen now? "God, why?" I pleaded, and placed my face near Gerry's, and gently stroked his brow. "Gerry, it's me, Todd," I said. "Gerry, listen to me please, it's Todd. I'm back." His face gave a slight twitch. "Gerry, I love you so very very much; please wake up for me, baby. It's Todd, and I need you so." Still, he just lie there, barely breathing on his own. I struggled to hold it together, but the tears continued to flow. I raised my head, "Oh, dear God, please don't do this. I know I don't deserve anyone as incredible as this young man; but please God, oh please, let him come back to me. Have I been such a bad person that you're taking away the only thing I love? Please God, please listen to me. I'll do whatever it takes to make him happy. Gerry is all I have; don't take him now. He's so young, and has so much to give. Take me instead if you need someone. I've wasted everything you ever gave me and been so ungrateful, so take me, please. Take me, Todd O'Donnell." I dropped my head. Em and Bill came to me and hugged me tightly. I hadn't realized I was speaking out loud. I looked back at Gerry and could see his mouth begin to move. "Can't be, Todd, he's so far away right now," Gerry said weakly. Please God, don't be playing games with me, I thought. Wiping my eyes with my sleeve, I whispered, "Open your eyes, baby, mam is right here." His face got that little smirk. "No, can't be, I keep my eyes closed so I can see him," he said, his voice a little stronger. "Gerald O'Neil, when you opened your eyes that morning at the motel, what did you see?" I almost shouted at him. Ever so slowly his eyes opened. He looked at me and smiled. "You are real!" he cried softly. "As real as you're ever going to find, baby," I said in a choked voice, stroking his brow again. His grandparents came closer and kissed him gently as we all cried. The nurse was wide eyed as she ran to get the doctor. I could see how weak he was as he gave me a cross look. "You said you wouldn't call me that in front of other people!" We all laughed as he looked so pouty. "You gave us quite a scare, my baby," his grandmother said with a wink at me. "I'll get even with you for starting it, mam!" he looked at me and said with another slight smirk. "We'll leave the two of you alone for a few minutes," his grandfather said. He and Em gave Gerry a gentle embrace, and told him how much they loved him. He responded with the same. "We'll be right outside," Em said, as they left. "Todd, what day is this?" he asked, looking at me curiously. "It's Sunday evening, baby; why?" "I thought you had to go so far away to take care of your family and all," he said. "I did, and then I came back, just like I promised," I replied. "You must have driven like a madman to get back to me so quick," he paused. "When did you find out I was hurt?" This felt awkward. "The truth is I found out about an hour or so ago," I answered. "No way!" he said not believing me. I told him about my quick trip and all the unanswered phone calls. Then I told him how his grandparents were about everything. I was just finished with my tale when the nurse came in and said that I'd have to leave for now as the doctor was coming, and Gerry needed his rest. I pleaded for just two more minutes, and she gave in. I looked into his eyes and moved my lips to his. I made it very brief, and pulled away. "I love you very much Gerald O'Neil." "I love you at least as much Todd O'Donnell." At that point the nurse came in and pushed me out the door. "I'll be back!" I told him over my shoulder in a cheap Arnold imitation. He called out as best as he could, "I know you will, and I'll be waiting."