Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 08:28:36 +1000 From: max dowling Subject: Impossible Love 95 Impossible love 95 Maxieplus It wasn't that long after, that Gianni arrived, he was taking some time off work, he said he had done all his chores and wanted to come and see what we were up to. The sauce bubbled away on the stove and Lukas insisted his papa do a tour of his plants first. I followed taking a big blanket and spreading it on the grass, the babies played on it and Gianni laid down to play with them. I don't know how gran works it with them all here but three went off to sleep in Gianni's arms and the other adult fought so hard to keep his eyes open but I eventually fell off to sleep. Around two I woke up then went to go to the toilet, I left my family to snooze on in the sunshine. Lukas was on the bench again measuring sauce with a cup and putting it into jars very carefully. He grinned so much because I had stopped and watched him he had dropped a bit. I picked it up with a spoon but he said. "Work for Lukas daddy, no help." Oh dear, excuse me, master chef. When I came back I watched as gran placed the jars in the oven to seal them and Lukas kept his eagle eyes out, one on the tv and one on the oven. She told me she had made a batch a few days ago and that's what he was filling his jars with, she wouldn't let him handle the hot sauce, he can do today's sauce in a few days time. She had it all worked out with him, I doubt whether he even noticed. Gianni came in followed by three little bubs, gran put food on the table and we all ate something. I noticed she went out to her shed again and took four jars, then she placed them in a carry bag for Lukas. I helped clean up and we readied to go home. I felt with gran we hadn't even scratched the surface, but she is coming around, and I was to learn a lot of things in the next few months about her life and my main source of information would come from Stavros. The kids ran into the apartment to see their uncles while I placed my boy's sauce on the bench. I opened two of them and put the contents into the pot. I wasn't hungry but I know the boys will be, and Lukas. He will have some more especially with cheese on top. I was watching the boys with the kids they are a couple of beautiful men inside and out, and I looked at their scribbles on the table, Leon came over and went to snatch it away but must have had second thoughts so he let me read it. I didn't say, but I couldn't make head nor tail out of what was written I just smiled and said. "Well done." The wine was produced and Iris arrived, she looked nice and she told me she was having the day off tomorrow to go interview her wine man. She will do the train trip in one day because she wants the kids to edit the interview where they see fit. If she stays overnight up the country they will lose valuable time. "Have you found anyone to be on the show Leon, you can't just go with Angelo?" "Yes Antonio, and you will forgive us because it is very top-secret." "That's okay, as long as you found someone." I smiled at him. They are including me, but not with what they think is super important. I wanted to say something but let it go, after today I was feeling quite good and only wanted to make sure I had happy people around me once more. Iris sat with me as we watched the boys play with the babies on the floor, I think they were playing their sort of idea of chase, but of course, they couldn't run fast so were caught every time, and that would bring on tummy farts and the giggles. Carlos was cornered and Gianni and Leon did his tummy, Iris looked at me and I think we had the same idea, we wanted so bad to join in. I fixed the food as soon as Maxie and Tomas appeared, they were telling me their apartment will be started next week if all goes to plan. I was excited for them and did offer my services but was rejected once again. Lukas came over he was watching the stove. "You couldn't be hungry again baby, you just ate something at Nona's." He rubbed his tummy and answered. "Good for me." "Yes it is but not too much it will make you sick." A cold stare, a hurrumph and a giggle were telling me he's spending far too much time with his granny. We ate and the boys chopped the babies' food up and fed them, they ate a fair bit, and as per usual Lukas waited until everyone had taken a spoonful before he dived in. Iris was looking at the boy's notes and then she winked at me. "So Leon, this is a load of rubbish, where is the real script, honey?" He straightened up and answered. "It is locked in our room but if you are insisting, I will go and get it." "Oh, don't bother yourself Leon it's only my show." "But Iris it is not finished yet we have things to do with it." "When you're ready boys, there's no hurry," I said and smiled. "But I want to see it I may have something to add." Iris went on so I shut her up. "Mind your business Loafers, they will let you read it in due time." "I will have them thrown off the West Gate bridge if they aren't careful." "Good to see you are getting into character already Iris, now be good and eat your dinner." She shut up. "We do not want everyone to know Antonio, only when it is finished. I do not think anyone has a big mouth at this table but we are being cautious, this is very top-secret business." "Are you calling me a big mouth Leon?" I had to ask. "No, our Iris is Antonio." He laughed. "Good." I sat back, I heard him say under his breath. "And you." I let that one go because he's just testing me, but Gianni laughed until I gave him a special stare. With all that done and the cleaning up finished we grabbed our bottles and headed downstairs. Sam screamed, our three screamed and Lukas headed for Alice's lap, she will get a full accounting of his day. The kids were a lot better and very excited to get their apartment done, their fourth shipment is arriving soon and business is booming. Angelo and Bella walked down the street with a bottle in hand, they had left work early so we could welcome them to the neighbourhood properly. He was all eyes for her and she for him, I asked how her parent's restaurant was going and she told me they have never been happier. She and Anna started talking so I was left to play with Gianni's hand. "Did gran tell you anything more today?" "Yes baby, I will tell you, later on, it's not for public knowledge." "Okay, and we sleep alone for a few hours tonight, I feel that beach feeling coming on." "We should look and see if we can find a beach shack to use for holidays." "Already done Antonio, I have looked at many on the internet this morning, they are not cheap but we can afford it." "Can I ask you something?" "Yes, Antonio." "Are we going to buy it through the company?" "The company Antonio, it makes much sense to do it that way all the accounts will be paid by it and renovations if needed." "Okay that's fine with me, I just wanted to know in advance." "Do you think we will use it much, that's all I ask?" "Yes baby, of course, we will. I can't surf but the boys can and it is so peaceful down there." "Okay, we look then." He started thinking about it some more, but when I thought about it, I decided if we ever want to go there again, Conner and Brent's property was perfect, and I know it is rented to the holidaymakers. I was watching Alice listening to Lukas, and at one stage she rolled her eyes, he asked her if she wanted to come and watch him make his sauce one day. I think she thinks he is just a kitchen hand, but not our son, he is a real chef. "I forgot to ask you, Gianni, do we need to put a shade cloth over the pool?" "No Antonio, there will be a big pergola built across the back of the house then we can do barbecues out there and place some sofas. Maybe grow some vines over it." "Good." It will give us that Italian feel. He dropped my legs and I let out a deep sigh as he rolled onto his side and continued kissing me, my man had given me a tour of heaven tonight and had put an extra effort into my comfort, he needs to perfect that last move it was awesome. Door knocking and a. "Are you finished yet, Antonio?" I laughed and looked at Gianni. "Are we finished?" "Yes Antonio, I am exhausted." "Yes, come in." The door flew open and my two brothers jumped in bed with us. They did some making out and by the big smiles on their faces, they were very happy again. I know it's because they were used to sleeping with Gianni and Luca, I don't think they like an empty bed, that also goes back to their childhood. As I drifted off I was thinking if they will still be doing it when they become much older, and would they be still sleeping with us. I couldn't help but notice in the morning that the babies were once again in Lukas's bed, he is either getting them out of their cots or they are climbing over the sides. I didn't mind at all if they get as close as their papa and his brothers. Lukas was off to kindy this morning and as excited to the max, his clothes were already on the bed when I went to help him, he jumped up and down while I picked a cool outfit and he had a hundred questions that I had to answer. His main concern was that his mates wouldn't know he went to the beach, but I assured him they would know after talking to him for five minutes. Gran was being a little quiet after she arrived, she kept looking at me and again I thought she may have regretted saying anything at all to me. She did our breakfasts and cleaned up a little, when she was done she whispered that she wanted to talk to me in private. She hauled her oversized bag into our bedroom and I locked the door behind us. "What is it gran are you not feeling well?" "No Antonio, I am fine but I am a little worried about a parcel that came to the house this morning, it was left on our doorstep." "What was in it?" "I do not know Antonio, it is addressed to you." She pulled a box-type parcel out of her bag and placed it on the bed. I looked closer and yes it had my name on it, no stamps just brown paper my name, and tied with string. "I do not know who it is from, and I am worried it may contain something not right." "Let's find out first shall we?" I smiled and started undoing the string that held it together. A shoebox was revealed and upon further investigation, I pulled out a pair of hand-made slip on black patent leather ankle boots. She gasped and I couldn't fathom the meaning of them until I saw the red heels, then everything fell into place. The note read. "Antonio Cartasso now you are one of us, wear these with pride knowing the Camorra will always be watching you and protecting your family. Thank you for your understanding in these matters. Please give the Contessa a big hug from all our very grateful families." I let gran read it then I opened my arms and hugged her. I cannot work out whether it was an honor or a curse that they have welcomed me into their clan, but time will tell I suppose. "Let's have some fun." I sat on the bed and placed the shoes on my feet, they were a good fit and I rather liked them. I walked out to the family room in my shorts and tank top, I must have looked ridiculous with a pair of evening boots on. It took Leon a few minutes to work out what was different, he screamed, the kids jumped. "My Leon what is the matter?" Carlos was by his side. He was frozen and he pointed to my feet. "Look." That got Carlos in a spin. "Antonio, where do you get them from, you must not wear them around here they are Camorra shoes. Many curses will befall you, please take them off." I sat at the table while gran had a small giggle. Placing my feet up on it I admired their workmanship then I looked at them both. "I am now Camorra, do not play games with me mafia, I will dislodge your necks from your body." I knew Leon was about to go open a bottle of wine, but he did have second thoughts, it's too early for that. "Where did you get them?" Gianni asked, I gave him the note to read, he passed it to Leon. "Antonio, you are Camorra, Mafia, and Gypsy and a Count, that is unheard of, this thing never happens before, I must ask Menowin immediately." Poor Gianni. Maxie and Tomas got down on their knees and said. "What are our orders, sir?" They started giggling as I pulled my shorts down, yes I am a dirty bugger. I couldn't play on it all day, I took the shoes off and placed them back in their box then I rallied everyone to get ready for work. Lukas wasn't interested in any old mafia games he wanted to get to kindy as fast as possible. I kissed gran goodbye and we all piled into the car and headed for the kindy. Lukas was in a very big hurry as he quickly hugged everyone and his papa walked him across the road. He jumped up for one last hug then disappeared into the front entrance. I had to have a small laugh, he will be entertaining his mates all day with his beachside stories. The boys were being quiet, they didn't say a word when we were driving to work. They were out of the car in no time and rushed off not even helping with the babies. The workmen were here today so they will be entertained. I settled them in with Bianca and then I went to do my chores, the boys were out the front with a vino already, they looked almost panic-stricken. "Bit early for that Leon, Carlos, don't you think?" No answer, I watched them for the next fifteen minutes then Stavros came in with a couple of mates. The boys jumped off the seats and grabbed him, almost dragging him upstairs, maybe he can answer some of their questions. I was a little bit proud of myself and couldn't wait to pull rank on them if the situation arises. Maybe I will get some boots for them also and paint the heels red so they can pretend. Stavros came back down the stairs and I stared at him, as he saw me he stopped for a second and smiled. He seemed to take a deep breath and continue my way. He ordered coffee and I asked him how they were. "They are concerned for you Antonio, it is a big responsibility you have now," He smiled. "I don't even know what it means Stavros, but I can have some fun with it." "It means that they can't make a move without your permission." He grinned. "That's pretty silly Stavros, of course, they can do anything." "In their heads they cant, they have to get your okay on just about everything they do. Antonio, I have no idea what is going on in their heads but they kind of believe that you are Camorra royalty. From what I know about that sect they are well hidden, the guys that were here last week would have been very low down on the scale of things, I have never met a member or seen one for that fact." "I think they may have been sent when Roberto went to the Vatican, he has alerted them that the Contessa is still alive. Maybe the Camorra is the Vatican." I replied. "It wouldn't surprise me Antonio, when your gran went there all those years ago she was scared, and that's when we started to run, but I didn't see it that way back then." "Umm, something else she hasn't confided in me about." "Do not blame her Antonio, that is the last thing you should be doing, she's a wonderful soul and has been a good friend to my wife and me and a lot of families throughout the years." "No Stavros I do not blame her at all, we all have secrets we like to keep, she did show me her treasures and what she owned, so that's a step in the right direction." He started laughing about then. "She would listen in on our conversations, so we would give her the best tips on the best properties to buy. She was hopeless back then but she learned quickly. At the time we bought the market the Italian club was up for sale, we couldn't afford both so we made sure she purchased it." Again he smiled. "And you had no idea where she got the money from?" "Yes Antonio, she had some very old gold coins, one is now in our national gallery on display. She has others, Antonio, you grandad keeps his eyes on them." "So grandad knows just about everything?' "Yes Antonio, he is looking after her that is all." I blew my breath out and figured between Grandad and gran there must be a shit load of secrets. "Do not think that it is all secret Antonio, they each know their business they just do not discuss it, like the boys, it is all a game." I laughed. "Now what do I do about the boys?" "Have you discussed therapy for them?" He laughed loudly, finished his coffee then walked back to his men. I looked up and saw Gianni's face he was itching to know what I was doing, so I walked through the shop out the back, I started making up cheese platters, he has to order some more or get Gino to do it. "Did you have a good talk to Stavros Antonio?" "Yes Gianni, it was most enlightening thank you." "I am not allowed to ask Antonio?" "Ask what?" "About your conversations, it is not allowed for me to question any Camorra." "Who told you that Gianni?" "My brothers they said you could have me flogged if I asked you any questions." He smiled. "Stavros said they needed therapy I argued with him, and told him to leave it to me." "And are they?" "Are they what?" "Having therapy, you can order it you know." "No, of course i'm not doing that, stop being silly we were just talking about gran that's all." "Okay Antonio, my lips are sealed." "Well unseal them and follow me to the washroom." "Yes master." He grinned. "Do not bleed it Gianni. I am not in the mood now drop your shorts and give me a go at your Italian sausage." The boys were there when we had finished and they were doing some work, well they were fixing some cheese platters for me, I stared at them and eventually said. "You can stop what your doing right now." "What are we doing Antonio?" Carlos asked. "You know, working, so stop it. And anyway don't you have a show to plan?" I walked out the front and sat at my table, I had some work to do on my florist shop books, I hadn't updated it for some time and grandad will get funny if they are not up to date, especially around tax time. Stavros wasn't finished with me yet he walked over and told me Shane his cop nephew had rung and said the guy that attacked me had been found. He had gone for a holiday on the gold coast and had no idea he was being looked for. Gianni came out with our coffee's and he thanked me for the wonderful sex we just had. I told him that the guy had been found and he grinned at me. "Don't do that Gianni, I didn't know how he disappeared." "Antonio, you are so funny sometimes. How is your leg by the way?" "As you well know, it is good." "We are pleased." The boys arrived and we all sat in silence for a minute or two. "Any guests yet?" "No Padrino, no one in mind. I do not suppose you will agree to be interviewed about your little florist shop?" I thought about it and said yes, it's free advertising. "Thank you, Padrino Antonio, we are very pleased to have you on the Iris Wilson show," Leon said. This is getting ridiculous, I had better put a stop to it. "I am warning you, Leon, no more mafia or Camorra put it to rest will you?" "If you say so our Antonio." "I do say so, it is getting annoying." "Would you like a cake Antonio, I think you need some sugar," Carlos asked. "That would be very nice thank you, my Carlos." "Antonio, can I have one also?" Those eyes were so sparkly. "Stop it Carlos and stop it now. I give you both permission to be yourselves again. You three are allowed to be relaxed in front of me all the time." "Thank you, Antonio, we will be the best friends you ever had." "You already are, bloody idiots." "Why did you call my brother's idiots Antonio?" Gianni is now worried. "Because nothing has happened in the past three weeks that I wouldn't forgive them for. So if they still think I will punish them because they acting like idiots, then you do not know me all." "Sorry Antonio." I got three sorries and a nice piece of cake. I was onto my second spoonful when Nina arrived. She dumped her oversized handbag on the table and Leon poured her a vino. "What is up lovely lady?" "Nothing much Antonio, I have done everything I can to repair your house and now I am working on Maxie and Tommaso's place, it will be very nice when finished." "Good, do they need anything?" "Well I was going to talk to you about that, it seems that everyone is insisting they contribute in some way or other, they forget that everyone put in money to help them buy the place. Sabine is adamant that she must help. Am I right in thinking you feel the same, I know Iris does?" "Of course we do, but they don't want any interference." "If you go along with my plans we will have an excuse to force them to accept something nice." "What plans did you come up with lovely lady?" I know Nina will have something on her mind. "Well if they are going to do a renovation it may as well be a big one. The entrance staircase that goes up from the ground floor and that huge landing on the first floor with the hallway across is a bit of wasted space, with a bit of juggling it could mean an extra bedroom and a larger footprint for all eight apartments. Now I have been looking at the body corporate, do you know who lives in those other four apartments Antonio?" "No, I thought they were pretty much empty, like investment flats I have never seen anyone else come and go for a long time. I have never seen anyone full stop, only at the meetings but not everyone attends them." "Well the two at the ground floor are owned by country people, they use them very rarely nowadays. The two on the first floor have been empty for fifteen years now, but the upkeep is paid on all four." "So what are you saying, we make them an offer they cannot refuse?" "Sort of Antonio, you could either make them into one or use the huge entrance and landing smaller to make them all of them bigger. Ditch the staircase for a central lift." "I will have to think about it Nina, that staircase and entrance are beautiful." "It also takes up a stack of floor space, as I said the space could make an extra bedroom for each apartment or extend the living rooms another ten feet. It would be like helping the boys but doing it on the sly." "Yes I get it, but I don't want to spoil the building." "We can get it done in a way that it isn't compromised, keep the Deco theme and the lift can be an antique cage type one, the sale of the staircase would cover the cost of having it paid for and installed properly, like its been there all along." "Can we think about it some more, I know the Cartasso apartment would like some more room for Iris's studio and Gino would welcome another bedroom, maybe, if he has more kids. It would be their choice but what do we do about the other owners?" "Well, here's the thing Antonio, the body corporate pay for the building insurance and cleaning and the upkeep of the public spaces, and over the years they have gathered up a stack of money they will never use. All the renovations can be done through the corporation manager, the apartment owners pay nothing. Then Maxie gets another bedroom or a bigger family room, you will have to decide which way you want to go with Iris's one and the Cartasso also. The other owners will have to all agree, or you can buy their apartments before we start making the plans." She winked at me. "What do you think is a good price Nina?" "Maybe six hundred for each. It is too much, but the prices are rising so fast in your area." "We will buy them," Leon said. "Okay, then you buy them, a good investment for you boys." I smiled, we have been here before so I don't want any arguments on who wants to do the buying. "No Antonio, I was joking with you again, but you and our Gianni buy them." "Also Antonio, the corporate manager is retiring next month and he is looking for another business to take it over. I thought if you offered through your florist business your grandad could run it, he's got all the qualifications. When that is done then we make a move. And Gianni and Leon, you can all make a bid to take it over, it's just not Antonio that will be considered. Even I can do that for you all." "It's a head spin for me Nina, we will all have to discuss it." "Do not let on to anyone about the take over let's get the body corporate done first, then start making offers to the other owners. When they are secured we do a renovation that is agreeable to everyone." I am truly blessed to have these wonderful people around me, and what Nina has come up with is great but I do not want the Cartasso to take over my apartment block, it has always been mine, Alices and Gino's that will never change. I had better find out some more information on the other owners also, maybe Alice knows she has lived there for years. The meeting was very informative and if it all goes the way that Nina imagines, the kids will have a bigger apartment but if that's all paid for I still have to come up with a nice housewarming present. I am back to square one. I wanted to go check the babies out and needed them to discuss it all between themselves, it doesn't matter who does what, buys renovates, or looks after the books. I am happy with my home in the sky even though I don't feel I own it. I found my little tackers fast asleep in front of the tv, Alice said they got bored because there were no trucks today. I was at a loss and thought I might take a look around the market, just to clear my head and I had a certain item to buy if I found one. I did find a Tiki, a jade one on a greek man's stall, he had all sorts of gemstones and carving from the islands. I picked one that was on a leather thong paid for it and placed it around my neck, maybe this will bring me good luck or a calmer lifestyle. "What is that Antonio?" Gianni saw it as soon as I sat down. "A Tiki, good luck charm of sorts baby." "So your lover Matty didn't buy you one then?" He sniggered. "He offered to give me his but I wanted one of my own." "And did he?" "Did he what Gianni?" "Give you one, I would have given you a better one." "You did, don't you remember the beach?" He laughed, I'm surrounded by idiots and Gianni is the biggest one. "I have now a name for your current lover, Matty," He laughed again. "For God's sake give it up." I was getting annoyed again. "Have you heard from Iris boys?" Change the subject. "Not yet Antonio. She is doing the interview and should be back by six tonight, we can watch it later." "What questions are you going to ask me?" "Just about your florist business Antonio, we have not decided yet." "Well try and keep it nice, our boys will be listening." I have to find a way to settle everyone down, it was like a madhouse at the cafe today, but fortunately, there were no more little digs or dramas. He started the van up and looked over at me, he was grinning again. "What's up?" "Do not think I haven't noticed your brain going around in circles Antonio. I must insist that you and Gino buy the other apartments. Do not involve the Cartasso or me please." "I wasn't thinking anything of the sort, but if we buy the other four it will be you and me that do it." "Suit yourself and you can tell Gino, he has lived there longer than any of us, and Alice even was there longer." "He doesn't have the money, Gianni." And I was thinking about asking him but I know he hasn't got that sort of money. "Gianni let's just you and I buy them, for the kids." "And what about Sam?" I groaned, thank you Nina, and thank you, Gianni. I am now in a quandary again. "Let's go pick up our boy we can talk about it later." On the way to Lukas's school I decided that I wouldn't throw my hand in the ring, they can have it, I don't need the headache. He ran out the front dragging his backpack behind him, his papa picked him up and the recount of his day started almost immediately. His mates were all wanting to hear about the beach and tomorrow he is taking his shells in to show them and some photos, his teacher is insisting he write a little story about his holiday but his papa has to help him with that. He was full of energy today and ran from the florist shop to Remo's to the cafe even into Angelo's to tell everyone that would listen about the beach. I think he will sleep well tonight, and so will I. I am a little mentally exhausted it has been a big day. The boys had got a phone call from Iris and she was on the train and will be at our local station in fifteen minutes, so they said we will pick her up at the station on the way home. Gianni drove to the station and we sat and waited for Iris's next phone call. Gianni decided that he couldn't let this opportunity pass by, so we all picked the kids up and walked down the street to sit on the platform, hopefully, a few trains will pass so the kids can see them. The screaming started as soon as one express went through at full speed, they hadn't seen them before and they were the next best thing to their trucks. The next one pulled into the platform and Iris alighted with a carry bag, she was hugged by all, it had only been a day but we had missed her at work. You would have thought she had been away for a week by the way the boys treated her. She came upstairs and was telling Lukas all about train travel and I think he is making a list. I do know there is a place about a half hour's ride from home that has miniature trains that the kids can ride on, maybe next week we will take them there. A wine was placed in front of her and a sort of welcome home party started. The babies had decided they were trains tonight so they made noises like trains, well what they thought were train sounds. Gianni was playing with them on the floor, and by the way he was twisting his body around, I thought maybe he would let me put my train in his station tonight, awesome eye candy that he was. The boys were huddled on the balcony with Maxie and Tommaso, they were laughing so much I thought maybe they were telling each other dirty jokes, but they were working on the storyline for their new series. Downstairs I deliberately sat next to Alice, who was getting the rundown on the station and trains. She told Lukas she has traveled on them many times and one day she will take him if he wanted. She does sometimes catch the train up one station to get to the market if she's hungover or not feeling the best. I will get her and Iris to take him one morning and that will sort him out. "Now what is it you are wanting Antonio?" "Nothing really, I wanted to talk to you about the other apartments." "Are you thinking about buying them?" "Yes and no, Nina seems to think if they were owned by us then we could use the public space to make them all bigger, like give them all an extra bedroom. I wanted to know if you knew the other owners?" "I do, in fact I see them regularly at the market when they call in." "And?" "You want to know if they would be willing to sell?" "Yes." "No," "Why no?" "They are a good investment for them, prices are rising and one day they will use them or their grandkids will." She was smiling to herself. "So what's the big secret?" "Cant say Antonio, but if you destroy that entrance hall I will never speak to you again." "I won't, I promise. So what do I buy Maxie and Tomas for a housewarming present then?" "A toaster." She laughed. Donations are gratefully accepted at Nifty, keep it going for our enjoyment.