Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 00:36:57 -0800 From: Donald Orluck Subject: Jason-A Love Story Chapter 11 Jason---A Love Story Chapter 11. Part 1. From Chapter 10... We all marched back inside the house, and then Jason and I made our way to the third floor, leaving Paul and Tom at the second floor to shower and change. Forty- five minutes later we all emerged in the dining room, ready for our night out on the town. And the story continues... The four of us walked out the front door and then stopped as Jason asked, "Where do you want to go for dinner tonight Don?" I quietly responded, "I don't know Jason. I'm not real hungry so nowhere fancy." Paul and Tom immediately knew what was up by my response, having heard it hundreds of times before. Paul gave Tom a look as he stated, "Don loves Mexican food Jason. There is a great little Mexican place about a half-mile walk from here. Why don't we go there? Come back inside with me Jason and we can call in a reservation real quick." Paul looked at Jason with a 'we need to talk' expression on his face, so Jason quickly followed him back into the house. After they walked through the door, Tom spoke softly, "Don, this is your birthday. Stop worrying about how much money dinner will cost." I began to tear up as I spoke. "Tom, I just feel so bad. Jason has paid for almost everything since we got here. I don't want him to think I'm freeloading off him. We could go to Burger King and I'd be just as happy, since you guys are all here with me. I hate not being able to pay my own way." Tom giggled, "Don, I really don't think Jason feels like your freeloading. He knows things are tight for you, being in school and all. Stop being so stubborn, and let Jason do these simple things for you. Remember, once you've graduated and have a good job, you can always return the favor." I perked up, "I know Tom. I just hate dealing with this money stuff. I don't want it to cause problems for me and Jason." Tom put his arm around my shoulder, as he continued, "Jason's not gonna think it's a problem. You just need to tell him how you feel. Don't expect Jason to just figure out when you're broke. Paul and I know how to tell, because we've both known you for so long. You don't want Jason thinking you don't want to do things with him, just because you're too proud to tell him you don't have any money. So, from now on you are going to tell him. Promise me!!" I held my head down as I responded, "Ok Tom, I promise I'll talk to Jason when him and Paul come back out." Tom gave me a hug as we waited for Paul and Jason to return. Once inside the house, Jason turned to Paul and questioned, "Ok. What's wrong Paul?" Paul smiled brightly, giggling, "Jason you just had your first encounter with Don not wanting to tell you he's broke." Jason continued his questioning look. "It's Don's birthday. He shouldn't even be thinking about how much dinner will cost." Paul continued, giggling, "Jason. Don's always gonna think about what dinner will cost. He doesn't like to not pay his own way, but he's too proud to tell you. Believe me, he pulls this stunt with Tom and I all the time. Knowing Don, he's probably worried you'll think he's a mooch, especially if you have spent much money on him since you got here. You should talk to him and let him know that you won't mind if he doesn't always have the money to do things. With paying for school, and all his other bills, things are really tight for him. Don doesn't make a lot of money from his job. He can pay all his bills, but there isn't much leftover, and he won't ever admit that unless you prod it out of him. I just wanted you to recognize the 'I'm not very hungry line' as Don's way of saying he's broke." Jason laughed, "Thanks Paul. I guess I've been so caught up in making sure Don had a nice time, that I forgot that him not having money to just blow might be worrying him. I'll talk to him and make sure he understands that I don't mind treating when he can't afford to pay his own way on a night out." Paul replied, "Kewl. Well let's go. The restaurant I have in mind doesn't even take reservations." Paul and Jason just laughed as they once again exited the house. Paul winked at Tom as he stated, "The restaurant isn't even taking reservations tonight, so we'll have to just take our chances." Jason pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear, "I love you Don." I whispered back, "Love you too, Jason." Tom and Paul both cooed, "Awe, ain't that cute." We all started laughing. As we began to the walk to the restaurant, I pulled Jason close to me and then turned around and gave Tom a wink. Tom put his arm around Paul and slowed their walking pace down a little to give Jason and I a little more distance between us and them as we walked. I tuned to Jason and smiled, shyly, "Babe, I need to talk to you about something." Jason gave me an angelic smile. "What's on your mind, birthday boy?" I giggled slightly, then continued seriously, "Its about money Jason. I'm like, kinda broke, and I feel bad that you have to pay for everything. I don't want you to think I'm a freeloader, like some of the guy's you told me about, that you dated before." Jason took my hand in his as he softly continued, "Don, I don't think you are a freeloader. I know that you don't have much money right now. Remember, I was in college too, so I know how tight money is for you. A year ago, I was in the same position as you are now." I smiled, "I know Jason. I just have this thing about paying my own way. Maybe it's because I'm just stubborn about money. But Tom told me I need to be honest with you, and to let you do things for me, without feeling so guilty." Jason giggled, "Tom's a smart man Don. Don't worry about money, we will work all that out when we get back home. Remember, I brought you here so we could get a good start in our relationship. Let's just enjoy our time here. You know Don, Paul clued me in on how to tell when you're broke, so from now on you better be honest with me, because if you say you're not hungry, I'm gonna be taking you out for a twelve course meal." I laughed, "Ok babe. But we have to come up with a fair arrangement about money. Maybe I can just cook for you a lot at home, to make up the difference. I would feel much better about everything that way." Jason snickered, "Don, you can cook for me anytime, as long as I get you for dessert." I giggled, "Now that sounds like a deal to me." Jason leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and then we stopped and waited for Tom and Paul to catch up with us. Tom smiled at me as I mouthed, "Thank You" to him. Then I tuned to Paul and giggled, "So, you're fillin' Jason in on all my little quirks." Paul blushed, then I continued, "Thanks Paul. I love you buddy." I gave Paul a big hug to let him know I didn't mind his help. We continued walking and soon arrived at the restaurant. The waiter seated us and we quickly placed our drink orders. We all looked at the menus, and I was happy to see this was a moderately priced restaurant. The waiter came back with our drinks, then we placed our order, and waited for dinner to arrive. As we chatted back and forth I felt a great sense of happiness in seeing Jason getting along so well with Tom and Paul. It was if they had been friends forever. Our food finally arrived and we all ate heartily. Paul finished first and said, "I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom." Paul returned shortly, and we continued with more light conversation. A few minutes later our table was surrounded by the staff of the restaurant and a small cake with candles glowing was placed in front of me. Everyone started singing happy birthday, and I blushed, my face turning several shades of red. When they finished singing, Jason stated, "Ok Don, make a wish." I thought to myself, "I wish that all this shit with Sam will end with no one getting hurt, especially Jason." Then I blew all the candles out. Jason gave me a hug while everyone else clapped their hands. The restaurant staff filtered back throughout the dining area, and we proceeded to devour the cake. Tom insisted on paying the bill, and then we wandered back outside and began a leisurely walk to the metro station. We arrived at the metro just in time to board the outgoing train. When we reached our desired stop it was shortly after 9pm, so we took our time walking to the club. As we approached Tracks, we could hear the music resounding from the building itself. I smiled at Jason and stated, "This is gonna be so much fun. They always play great dance music here." Paul interjected, "That's for sure. This is the one place I can actually get Tom out on the dance floor." Tom jumped in, "That because I love watching you dance, Paul, when there is good music." Jason and I laughed as Paul turned bright red. The four of us walked through the door, and retrieved our ID's for examination by the attendant. Then we proceeded to the next person who collected the cover charge from us. Jason insisted on paying for everyone, and as I had promised, I allowed him to do this without feeling guilty. The four of us filtered into the club. The small dance area to the left was fairly crowded. I knew from past experience that the main dance floor wouldn't open until after 10pm, so I suggested, "Lets get a drink and go out onto the patio." Everyone nodded in agreement. It was still happy hour, so Jason and I decided to split a pitcher of beer, while Tom and Paul decided on rum and cokes. We proceeded out to the patio and sat on the raised wooden benches the encased the perimeter. Jason and I were slowly making a dent in the pitcher of beer, while Tom and Paul sipped on their mixed drinks. Jason leaned in and kissed me briefly, and then asked, "Having fun babe?" I hugged Jason, and quietly answered, "This is the best birthday I can ever remember. Thank you so much for bringing Paul and Tom up here." Jason beamed, "Your welcome babe. I just wanted ya to have the perfect day." Tom and Paul watched as Jason and I fussed over each other. Paul turned to Tom and gave him a peck on the cheek before whispering, "Aren't they just the cutest couple, Tom?" Tom giggled, "Well, except for us, Yeah. They are so sweet, and I love the way the two of them blend so well together. I'm just so happy for Don. In my wildest hopes for Don, I couldn't even conjure up someone as good as Jason for him." Paul whispered, "I know babe. Seeing them together just makes me so happy. I really think they will come out of the whole mess with Sam smelling like a rose, and stronger than ever." Tom continued quietly, "They will Paul. Jason and I talked to his friend from the FBI today, but don't say anything to Don, cause Jason hasn't told him about that yet. Jason's friend, Mike, will be flying in tomorrow evening to help remedy this crap with Sam. And get this, he's gay, and really excited about meeting and working with Robert on this." Paul giggled lightly, "Robert will be thrilled. I wonder if this Mike will be Roberts type?" Tom laughed, "Jason seems to think they will be quite a match. When I mentioned that Robert liked big feet, Jason about fell out of the chair. He said Mike not only has big feet, but big everything." Paul burst out laughing, "Robert is just gonna shit." Jason and I looked over at Paul and Tom when we heard the burst of laughter. I snickered, "What's so funny guys." Paul and Tom both quickly replied, "Oh nothing, just making plans for later." Jason giggled, "The 'porno room' will never be the same again." Tom just laughed, "Something like that," not wanting to mention anything about Mike, in front of me. Jason smiled at me, then questioned, "You guys interested in burnin' some weed?" I giggled, "I vote yes." Tom and Paul both beamed, "Shit yeah." Jason pulled out a gold cigarette case from his pocket, opened it, and extracted one of several rolled joints. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a lighter, as Jason put the joint to his lips. I sparked the doobie, and then we started smoking, and passing the makeshift cigarette around. Within a couple of minutes the weed was burned into oblivion. Jason extracted a second joint from the gold case, and we repeated the process. After finishing the second joint, we all started giggling, as the weed took the desired affect on our consciousness. I leaned over to Jason, kissed him, and whispered, "This is gonna make me horny as hell, babe. Don't let me do anything insane, like pulling half your clothes off out on the dance floor." Jason hugged me, laughing. "Only if I get to pull yours off too, Don." We both started laughing loudly. Paul and Tom just looked at us and shook their heads. Tom suggested, "Hey guys lets go dance. The other side should be opened by now." The four of us all stood up, and agreeing with Tom, we trekked back into the bar, making our way to the main dance floor. The four of us were pretty buzzed from the weed, so we decided to forgo more drinks for the time being. As we approached the dance floor, the intensity of the music increased and I could feel the vibration of the bass in my feet. The music was unfamiliar to me, but the beat was typical of the hip-hop house music that booms from speakers in gay bars throughout the country. We crossed onto the dance floor, and made our way to an open area with room enough for the four of us. Jason and Paul began to artistically move to the beat of the music, as Tom and I did our best to follow the lead of our partners. Tom leaned over and yelled in my ear, "I can't dance worth shit, but I love watching Paul move to the music." I hollered back, "Me too. But Jason is amazing on the dance floor." I began to loosen up a bit as the weed and the music took over my consciousness, and I noticed Tom doing the same. Soon I was following Jason's steps as much as possible, and began to move more freely on the dance floor. Jason's hand motions alone were a work of art, but watching the rest of his well-defined body move to the music was nothing short of erotic. Glancing over to Tom and Paul, I noticed Toms eyes transfixed on Paul's movements. Once again I focused my eyes and entire being on Jason, and like a magnet, his movements pulled my body close and controlled its direction. Our hands would run up and down each other's chest and arms, as our hips and groins swayed and humped along to the music. Jason and I both laughed as we heard Paul yell to Tom, "I thought Don said he couldn't dance worth shit. Look at Don move along with Jason." Tom yelled back, "You just answered your own question silly. It's because of Jason." Jason and I went back into our own little private dance world, and forgot about everyone else around us. About forty-five minutes later, we decided to take a break. I yelled over to Paul, "Jason and I are gonna get a drink. You want anything?" Paul yelled back, "Just bring us each a rum and coke. We'll meet ya over by the back wall." I nodded to Paul, and then followed Jason to the bar. We ordered Tom and Paul's drinks, along with a couple of soda's for ourselves. While waiting for the drinks, Jason asked, "You having fun babe?" I beamed, "Sure am. I love the dance music they play here." Jason gave me a quick kiss, and then our drinks arrived. Jason paid the bartender, and we made our way through the crowd, looking for Tom and Paul. Jason and I both laughed when we noticed Paul pressed up tight against the back wall with Tom passionately kissing him. I yelled, "Excuse me!!!!! Get a room!!!!" Tom broke his kiss from Paul, who had a lust filled glaze in his eyes. I handed Paul his drink, and spoke into his ear, laughing, "You better cool down Paul, the night is only getting started." Paul snickered, "I'm just getting Tom worked up for later." We both started laughing. The four of us quickly finished our drinks and once again moved back to the dance floor. The DJ announced that the next hour would be house music from the 1980's, and Jason practically had to hold me down, as I jumped for joy. This was my kind of dance music. I grabbed Jason's hand, and practically dragged him onto the dance floor. The music began with a mix of Madonna's 80's hits as Jason and I moved effortlessly around the dance floor. I noticed Paul and Tom doing the same. Soon the dance floor was packed with people of every size, shape, race, and gender. We continued to dance until the set had ended, and then decided to take a break, making our way out onto the patio, so we could smoke another joint. I noticed several others indulging in herb as we passed ours back and forth. When we finished smoking, Tom and Paul went to the small bar on the patio and brought back another round of drinks. We bantered back and forth for a few minutes, as the weed once again took the desired affect. I giggled to Jason; "I need to use the restroom. Will ya come with me?" Jason smiled as he nodded yes. Paul and Tom suggested we meet back on the dance floor, so we left the patio for our respective destinations. The bathroom was busy and Jason and I had to wait a few minutes in line before a stall finally opened up. I grabbed Jason's hand and led him to the free stall at the far end of the bathroom. We quickly entered it, and I shut the door and locked it. I turned to Jason and he pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss. We began to run our hands over each other as our crotches ground together. After a couple of minutes we broke our kiss, and we both were breathing hard while looking into each others lust filled eyes. I whispered to Jason, "After this next dance set, take me home Jason." Jason smiled as he whispered back, "Are you sure my prince." I smiled brightly as my mouth stated and emphatic "YES!" Jason and I decided we better at least use the bathroom for its intended purpose, and then hurried back to the dance floor. Paul and Tom waved to us, signaling their whereabouts on the dance floor. The DJ was once again playing current dance music. As the song playing ended and the lead in to the next began, I suddenly broke out in a huge smile, recognizing the lead in to Cher's "Believe." Jason new by my smile what song was about to pervade the air, and quickly pulled me to the middle of the floor where Tom and Paul were dancing. Jason and I began to move in perfect synchronization as Cher's voice engulfed the building. Tom and Paul just stared in amazement, as they watched our dance movements compliment each other. This DJ must have liked Cher as much as I do, since he played two extended cuts of "Believe" before moving on to a different artist. When the song ended, Jason pulled me over to Tom and Paul, and stated, "I'm taking Don home now. Do you guys want to stay for a while yet?" Paul giggled as he looked at the lust filled glaze of my eyes, and then said, "It's up to Tom." Tom snickered, "Let's go, and we'll take a cab so we get there quicker." We quickly exited the club, hailed a cab, and in no time arrived at the front door to the bed and breakfast. After exiting the cab, I snickered, "How about smoking the bong at the hot tub in five minutes." Jason, Tom, and Paul all nodded in agreement, and after entering the house, we all raced up the steps to our rooms to change into more suitable attire. Jason---A Love Story Chapter 11. Part 2. While Jason and I were slipping into the silk boxers Jason had brought along just for this occasion, we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Jason cracked the bedroom door just a bit, and we both watched Tom move quickly down the hallway to the 'porno room' while Paul followed right behind him. I turned to Jason and whispered, "The going after the exctasy, I bet." Jason giggled, "That's one bet I'm sure you'd win babe. Do you want to indulge?" I smiled back, answering quietly, "No Jason, the weed is enough for me. I don't mind though if you want to." Jason whispered, "No, not tonight. I'll wait till we both can do it together. It'll be more fun that way." Jason gave me a hug as we waited for Tom and Paul to return past our door. When Tom and Paul were close to our room, Jason and I quickly flung the door open and we both yelled, "BUSTED!!!" The four of us burst out laughing. Jason picked up the bong, while I grabbed the bag of weed and the lighter, and then we all bounded down the steps towards our intended destination. Paul and Tom stopped at the fridge on our way to the hot tub, and pulled out sodas for each of us. Jason and I quickly removed the plastic cover from the hot tub, while we waited for Tom and Paul to join us. Jason was packing the bong while I sat next to him on the edge of the Jacuzzi. Tom and Paul came bounding through the back door, giggling as they tried to not spill the open cans of soda they carried. As they joined us Paul smiled, "Nice boxers Don." Jason immediately replied, "Only the best silk for my prince; Paul." Paul giggled, and turned to Tom, "Tommy, you should buy me some silk boxers babe." Tom snickered back, "Mesh bikini briefs would be better for you, babe." Jason and I laughed as Paul blushed. Jason suggested, "Lets get in the tub and burn some weed." I quickly turned the control button on, causing the water to gracefully bubble, and then we marched up the small steps and climbed into the tub. The water was quite warm as it bubbled heartily around us. We sat down on the ledge that rested about two feet beneath the surface of the water. Jason and I sat on one side, so that we faced Tom and Paul as they sat on the other side of the tub. Jason lit the bong with the lighter as I held it to my mouth. I inhaled deeply and held the smoke in as I passed the bong to Jason. He followed my actions and then handed the bong to Tom. Tom and Paul both filled their lungs to capacity and then placed the bong back into my hands. I held it tightly as Jason once again packed it with herb. We passed the bong around once more, before placing it on the concrete perimeter that surrounded the Jacuzzi. Jason placed his left arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. The weed began to work its magic, and soon we were all laughing at nothing in particular. I giggled, "Hey Paul. How does the exctasy make you feel." Paul snickered, "I'm not sure if it's the exctasy or the weed, but I'm horny as hell right now." I laughed, and then looked over to Jason and whispered, "Let's loose the boxers babe." Jason giggled as he moved his arm from around me and slowly pulled his boxers off. I followed suit, and then quickly tossed my boxers at Paul. Jason immediately threw his at Tom, and then we both started laughing hysterically at Tom and Paul shocked expressions. Paul removed his briefs and pulled back as if he was going to toss his at me, but suddenly turned and threw them at Tom. Tom slowly removed his boxers and instead of throwing them, quickly pulled them over Paul's head. We all laughed boisterously. Paul moved toward Tom as he removed the wet boxers from his head. Jason and I immediately moved to Paul and dunked him under the water. Tom was laughing as Paul's head broke through the surface of the water. Paul lunged at Tom and quickly pulled him under the water, while Jason and I sat back and watched. Suddenly I felt hands around my feet, and I yelped while being pulled under the water by Paul. Jason leaned forward to grab me as Tom busted through the surface, and grabbed Jason's arms pulling him into the water next to me. Jason and I returned to the surface together, while Tom and Paul laughed loudly. I giggled, "Paybacks are a bitch guys," as I quickly splashed them both. Jason joined me in sending gallons of water in Tom and Paul's direction. Then Jason placed his strong arms around my chest and pulled me back against his body. I moaned, "Oh, I like this." Jason and I moved together, back to the side of the hot tub. I stayed sitting in front of Jason as his hands moved along the surface of my body hidden by the water. Paul moved to sit in front of Tom, and soon Tom was caressing Paul beneath the water too. I could tell by the hazy look in Paul's eyes that Tom was really getting him worked up. I leaned my head against Jason's strong chest and whispered, "Aren't they just the cutest couple you've ever seen." Jason softly replied, "They are so good together. It's so kewl to see a couple still so much in love after a couple of years together." I replied, "That's what I want for you and me, Jason." Jason whispered, "Me too babe, me too." Paul began to moan softly, as Tom continued to glide his hands against Paul's legs. Tom snickered, "You want to go inside babe?" Paul cooed, "Yeah babe. We better go before I put on a show for Don and Jason." Tom looked over to Jason and I, as he stated, "Paul and I are gonna head inside." Jason giggled, "Kewl. Let me run in and get a few things first, then you guys can have the third floor all to yourselves." Jason released his arms from around me and whispered, "Wait here for me Don. I'll be right back." Jason kissed me softly, then stood up and made his way out of the hot tub, and swiftly walked towards the house. Paul and Tom's eyes were glued on Jason while he moved from the hot tub to the house. Paul stated, "Damn Don, you sure weren't lying. Jason is one hot looking guy." Tom giggled, "Paul, shhhh." I laughed as Paul continued, "What? I'm just stating a fact." I snickered, "It's ok Tom. I like hearing compliments about Jason, cause he is a total babe." Tom laughed, "Ok then. Don; Jason's a fucking stud, you lucky dog." I proudly beamed, "Got that right, and he's all mine." Paul questioned, "Are you guys gonna stay down here?" I smiled, "I guess. It's up to Jason. Where ever he decides to go, I'm just gonna follow." Tom giggled, "Don's in love!" I continued, "Got that right. Totally in love." Paul snickered, "I know what ya mean Don." Tom leaned over and kissed Paul passionately as Jason bounded out the back door of the house. I smiled at Jason, as he laughed, "Get a room you two." Paul and Tom broke from their kiss, and giggled while giving Jason the finger. Jason laughed, "No thanks guys. I already got plans with Don." The four of us continued to laugh as Jason set a small gym bag on the patio table, and then climbed back into the hot tub. Tom looked at Paul and said, "Ready babe?" Paul stated, "Shit yeah, lets go play." As Tom and Paul stood up to leave the hot tub, Jason and I began to whistle and cat call at them. Paul laughed and bowed, "Thank you, thank you!" Tom grabbed Paul's hand and pulled him towards the house as he yelled, "Night guys. Have fun. I know I will be!!" Jason and I called back, "We will." I continued, "Tom, don't forget to use the handcuffs on Paul." Jason and I both burst out laughing as Tom dragged Paul through the back door of the house. Jason turned to me, "Finally, I get you all to myself." Jason pulled me into a deep, mind altering, passionate kiss. Jason's strong arms enveloped my body and held me tight against his chest as our lips met. He pushed his tongue against my lips, parting then as he moved into my mouth. I kissed back passionately, allowing Jason's forceful tongue to snake its way into the depths of my oral cavity. Jason began to caress my back while our tongues darted against each other as we began to breathe heavily. As Jason exhaled through his nose, I could feel the warmth of his breath against my face while I felt his tongue continuing to battle with mine. Jason's hands slid up my back, then across my neck, finally resting on the back of my head. Jason held my head tightly as he continued the passionate kiss, while my hands caressed Jason's powerful shoulders. After about five minutes, Jason released the grip on my head and we broke from the kiss, both of us still breathing hard. As Jason stared deep into my eyes, I commented, "Wow, that was an unbefuckinglievable kiss." Jason purred, "Thanks babe." I gazed into Jason's eyes, and a huge smile came across my face. "Thank you for a wonderful birthday Jason. It was by far the best I ever had." Jason smiled back, "You're welcome Don. I still have one BIG present waiting for you." I giggled as I lowered my right hand down to Jason's engorged cock and began to stroke it gently. "Could this be the present you're talkin' bout' babe!" Jason snickered, "Could be Don, guess you'll have to wait and see." I moaned giddily, "Jason, please give me my present now, please, please." Jason laughed, "Be patient babe, it'll be worth waiting for." I faked a pout as I snickered, "Ok, I'll wait if I have too." Jason ran his fingers gently along my cheeks, then lowered them so they slid across my shoulders and down my back, as he once again pulled me in for a brief kiss. Jason whispered "I love you Don, and I want our last night here to be extraordinary for you." I softly replied, "I love you too Jason and I want to spend the rest of the night making love with you." Jason smiled brightly, "Wait here a moment babe, I'll be right back." With a quick kiss, Jason walked out of the hot tub and sauntered towards the back door to the bed and breakfast. My star filled eyes followed Jason's movements as he walked to the door, and I drank in his perfectly formed body. I gazed upon his strong, broad shoulders, and the well-defined V shape of his back as it tapered down to his waist. The mounds of Jason's butt were perfectly rounded and firm, and they flowed gracefully into the most powerful legs that I had ever seen. I thought to myself once again, "How did I ever get so lucky to find such a perfect, God like creature? I still can't believe he loves me. But it's true. He does love me. Thank you God!!" While lost in my thoughts, Jason returned, carrying a bottle and two champagne glasses. "Earth to Don," Jason giggled. I looked into my lover's eyes as I whispered, "Sorry, I was just lusting after you again." Jason smiled, "Flattery will get you everywhere my prince. I thought we should break out the good stuff, since it's our last night here in DC." I noticed Jason had a bottle of Don Perion. I giggled, "Sounds good to me babe." Jason set the glasses down on the hot tub's ledge and proceeded to pop the cork from the bottle. He filled both glasses, then sat the bottle down before climbing back into the hot tub. Jason handed me a glass, and then softly spoke. "A toast to the man who has brought fulfilled dreams, joy, happiness unbounded, but most of all true love into my life." We clicked our glasses together as tears rolled down my cheeks, and then drank down the champagne. I took Jason's glass and set it with mine on the ledge, then gave him a brief kiss, and whispered "thank you" into his ears. I filled the glasses again, and then handed one to Jason as I spoke, "My turn. A toast to the man who has given me back my life, shown me that I can live my fantasies, taught me to release my fears, but most of all allowed me to give and receive love freely. I owe you my life, and my love will be yours alone eternally." Once again we clicked glasses, and consumed the liquid in them. Then Jason pulled me close and kissed me while whispering, "I love you so much babe, and I will always be here for you." Jason pulled me towards the center of the hot tub as we continued to kiss and caress each other. We continued to move around the hot tub, bobbing up and down in the water, as we playfully stroked and held each other. I looked deep into Jason's lust filled eyes as I moved us towards the edge of the tub. I stated, "Jason, make love to me now, please." Jason placed his hands on my sides and lifted me up and onto the ledge, and then in one fell swoop, engulfed my erect cock within his soft lips. I shouted, "OH GOD, JASON!!" as I felt his lips moving along my hard shaft. Jason moved up and down my dick, making sure to massage the underside with his sensuous tongue. My hands found their way to Jason's head, and I began to gently guide him up and down the six inches of my erect cock. I moaned, "Oh Jason, suck my cock. You're making me feel so good." Jason's hands massaged my lower back as he continued to work on my hard penis. My head was thrown back as I continued to groan, "So good Jason. Please don't stop." Jason continued sucking me for a few minutes before lifting his head from my groin. He looked into my lust filled eyes and stated; "I want you inside me Don." Jason climbed onto the ledge, then slowly turned me to one side, and gently eased me back so I was lying along the raised edge of the tub. Jason reached into the gym bag and removed a bottle of lube. He poured a generous amount of lube into his hands, and began to spread it over my erect cock. I shivered as I felt his fingers spreading the lubricant and moving along my cock. Then Jason straddled me and lowered himself onto my erect penis. Jason and I moaned in unison as the head of my cock broke through his anal muscles. Jason continued the downward motion as his ass totally enveloped my cock, until he was sitting flush against my legs. Jason leaned forward and kissed me as he slowly raised himself back up and then when he had almost reached the top of my six inches, quickly dropped back down. I moaned, "Oh Jason, ride me babe." Jason bit hard into my neck as he began to move up and down the length of my cock. Jason whispered, "You feel so good inside me Don. Oh God, this is so awesome." Jason's ass felt so soft and tight as it slid up and down my dick. I groaned louder, "Oh that's it babe, take it all. Ride me Jason. You're so hot and tight!" Jason started squeezing my nipples, which sent an electric shock directly to my penis. Then Jason leaned forward and worked his hands under my back. He pulled me tight against him and began to lean back until he was lying on the ledge with me on top of him. Jason looked into my eyes and stated lustfully, "Oh Don, give it to me hard now. Fuck me hard babe." I began to piston in and out of Jason as he continued to encourage me. "That's it babe. Pound it all the way inside me. Fuck me Don. Fuck me good." I began to feel my balls pulling up against groin as I continued to pump into Jason's ass. I moaned loudly, "I'M GETTING CLOSE JASON! OH GOD JASON! I'M GONNA CUM." Jason began pumping his erect nine inch cock furiously as I shot a volley of cum deep inside him. The spasm of my cock sent Jason over the edge as he screamed, "I'M CUMMING DON!!!! FUCK THE CUM OUTTA ME BABE!!!!" A huge, white, string erupted from Jason's hard cock and flew over his head, landing on the ledge behind him. I continued to pound Jason's ass while unloading my white hot cum in his ass. Jason shot another seven volleys of cum, some landing on his chest, while others hit my chin and chest. Finally I collapsed on top of Jason, and we began to kiss furiously. After a few moments, we broke from the kiss and Jason stated, "You were awesome Don. We've got to do this more often." I smiled brightly, "Thanks babe. I love being inside you." Jason and I continued to hold and caress each other, not noticing the two figures watching us from the third floor bathroom window. Paul and Tom made their way to the third floor. The effects of the drugs they had taken earlier were hitting them full force now, as they were both so horny now, and couldn't keep their hands off each other. Tom grabbed Paul's ass and squeezed it hard as he suggested, "Let's take a shower babe." Paul giggled, "Yeah, we can play with the hoses before hitting the 'porno room' Tom. I want you to clean me out good and then just fuck me the rest of the night." Tom and Paul entered the huge shower, turned on the water, and then turned on all the jets. Water sprayed down from above their heads as well as from the three sides of the shower stall. Soon the entire enclosure was engulfed in steam as well as spraying water. Tom and Paul playfully soaped each other up, giving special attention to each other's genitals. After rinsing off, Tom playfully grabbed one of the hoses and turned on the faucet controlling its flow. "Paul babe. Bend over the ledge so I can play with your ass for a bit." Paul giggled as he leaned over the ledge of at the back of the shower. Tom turned of the hose momentarily and then squeezed a little liquid soap onto the rounded end. He playfully rubbed his hands over Paul's ass before applying a small amount of liquid soap along the crack. Paul took his hands and spread the mounds of his butt apart, then seductively giggled, "Ok Tommy. Give me a good cleaning." Tom slipped the rounded end of the hose gently into Paul's ass, and then turned the water on and began filling the anal cavity. After he figured Paul was completely filled with water, Tom pulled the hose out and began to gently rub Paul's back. Tom stated, "Hold it in for a minute and then let it fly babe." Paul did as he was asked, and after a minute released the water. Tom repeated the process of filling Paul again, making him moan with anticipation of as Paul thought of what was yet to come. After Paul released the second filling of water, he looked up and out the window at the front of the ledge. Paul snickered, "Tommy, come look quick, you ain't even gonna believe this sight." Paul and Tom both climbed onto the ledge and moved to the window, and then gazed out into the backyard towards the hot tub. Tom laughed, "If my eyes didn't see it, I wouldn't even believe this sight." Paul giggled, "I can't believe it. Don is actually fucking Jason!" Tom roared, "You go Don!!" They both continued to watch the action by the hot tub until the two lovers separated. Paul looked at Tom, "I'm so horny babe. Let's get out of here, cause I want you now." Tom snickered as he and Paul exited the shower, quickly dried off, and then ran down the hall to the 'porno room,' bounding through the door. Jason and I separated from each other and quickly crawled back into the hot tub to clean off the cum that covered our bodies. I asked, "Jason, you wanna go inside and really have some fun harassing Paul and Tom." Jason snickered, "Sounds like a plan Don. What ya got in mind babe?" I giggled, "I always wanted to have sex on the steps, and I think the stairs between the second and third floors would be perfect." Jason laughed, "You're a little devil, you know, but I like that idea." I laughed, "But we gotta be real vocal Jason, that should drive them crazy." Jason laughed as he took my hand and led me out of the hot tub. We quickly covered the tub, grabbed the gym bag, and marched into the house and towards the stairway. Tom placed the blank tapes he found in the cabinet into the video cameras and turned all three on. Paul was already waiting for him in the bed as Tom crawled on top of his lover. Paul groaned as Tom kissed his way up Paul's abdomen to his chest and then on to his neck. "Put these handcuffs on me Tommy." Tom's eyes had a devilish glow as he cuffed Paul's wrists behind his head. Tom leaned over Paul and began passionately kissing his lips, while his hands gently squeezed Paul's nipples. Paul moaned in response as Tom played with his nipples. Tom's hands moved down to Paul's legs, and he reached under his lover's knees and brought Paul's legs up towards his shoulders. Tom playfully slipped the knotted ropes that Jason and I had left on the bed around Paul's legs. Tom giggled, "You look so cute my little love slave." Paul was filled with pure lust as he laid there with his hands cuffed above his head, and his legs spread wide with the ropes holding them in place. Paul growled, "Fuck me Tom. Fuck my tight slave ass!" Tom opened a bottle of poppers and held them under Paul's nose as he commanded, "Breathe in deep slave, and don't exhale until I say too." Paul groaned, "Yes master," and inhaled the chemicals deeply. Tom took a quick hit before sealing the bottle and placing it on the bed next to Paul's spread ass. Tom positioned himself between Paul's legs and rubbed his eight-inch erect cock along his lover's spasiming hole. Paul moaned "Fuck me master. Please, Fuck me now." Tom slammed his erect dick through Paul's spread ass and buried it completely in his ass. Paul screamed, "OH YES MASTER!! DO IT AGAIN!! POUND MY TIGHT ASS!!" Tom bit Paul's neck hard as he pulled out and then once again forcefully penetrated Paul's ass. Tom growled, "Talk to me slave. What do you want?" Paul's senses exploded as the poppers overcame his entire being. He began to thrash about the bed as he howled, "FUCK ME HARD MASTER!! SLAM THAT HUGE COCK UP MY ASS!! PLEASE TOMMY, FUCK ME GOOD!!" Tom began to piston in and out of Paul's ass with ever increasing speed and force. Paul's body began to move up the bed each time Tom filled his ass with his huge cock. Paul continued to scream, "FUCK ME BABE!! PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER!! FILL MY ASS WITH YOUR HUGE COCK!! FUCK ME MASTER!!" Tom continued to pound Paul's ass, while biting his erect nipples, and stroking Paul's hard cock. Paul began to moan, "I'M GONNA CUM SOON MASTER!! MAKE ME CUM!! MAKE ME SHOOT MY HOT LOAD!!" Tom continued his assault on Paul's ass, quickening the pace in which he stroked Paul's dick to match the in and out movements on Paul's ass. Paul screamed, "I'M CUMMING BABE!! MAKE ME CUM!!" Paul fired the first load of cum past his head as Tom continued pounding his ass. Tom growled, "I'm cumming too. I'm gonna fill you full of white hot cum slave." Paul continued to shoot his seed while Tom filled his ass full of cum. Finally spent Tom quickly released Paul's legs from the restraints before collapsing on top of him. Paul lustfully groaned, "That was fucking incredible babe. We gotta do this at home!" Tom giggled, "Sure thing slave. Anything to make you happy." They both giggled as they rested in each other's arms. A few minutes later Tom and Paul began to hear a commotion coming from the hallway. Tom snickered, "I wonder what Don and Jason are up to now?" Paul chuckled, "Shhhh Tom, I don't want them to think we're listening." They both laughed as they listened quietly to the sounds coming from the hallway. Jason and I tried to keep from laughing as we marched up the steps to midway between the second and third floors. We could hear Tom and Paul going strong from the time we had entered the house. We heard Paul yelling "FUCK ME MASTER," and I just about lost it right there. I snickered to Jason, "Stay quiet babe, this is too funny." Jason giggled, "So Paul likes being dominated?" I laughed quietly, "No Jason. Paul likes Tom to think he's in charge, but believe me Paul controls what happens, and he is an expert at it." Jason chuckled, "What about you Don?" I smiled, "I like it when you take charge Jason, but that's because you attend to my every desire. I would be your slave anytime babe." Jason smiled brightly as he hugged me and whispered, "I love the way you let me take the lead in our escapades, but I think we are just complimenting each others needs." I replied, "I know Jason. We do compliment each other, that's why sex is so great, but, I'm kinda embarrassed to say this." I looked down at the floor shyly, and then Jason gently placed his hand under my chin and raised my flushed face so that my eyes met his. "What Don? You can tell me." I quietly continued. "I'm not real experienced Jason. That's why I like you to take control, cause you are teaching me not only what you like, but also what I like when it comes to sex. And I really like it when you bring me to the point of asking you, or even pleading for you to fuck me, cause you make sex so awesome. I'm not used to having a partner that cares about me being, you know, sexually stimulated. All Sam ever cared about was his getting off and the few before him were not much better." Jason pulled me in for a kiss, then whispered, "You know Don, you're so cute the way you blush whenever we talk about sex. I'm glad you feel I attend to your needs. I want all aspects of our relationship to be a two way street." I smiled at Jason and we both started giggling when we heard Paul screaming, "I'M CUMMING!!" I whispered, "I think we need to let Paul and Tom hear what good sex is all about." Jason snickered, "You're a little devil Don. Let's give them a minute to quiet down first." Jason and I both laughed quietly as we waited till the sound coming from the 'porno room' could no longer be heard. I pulled Jason close and kissed him passionately, sliding my tongue between his lips. We began to moan loudly as our tongues dueled for control of each other's mouth. Jason's hands were gently caressing my back as we broke from the kiss, while my hands were gliding over his god like chest. I groaned loudly, "Oh Jason, I want you so bad." Jason moaned loudly, "Be patient Don, and I'll give it to you good!" Jason bit my neck hard as his hands began to play with my ass. I squeezed Jason's nipples while I ran my tongue back and forth across his right ear, causing Jason to moan loudly. Jason began to work his tongue down from my neck to my chest, biting and nipping along the way until he reached my nipples. Jason swirled his tongue around first one nipple and then the other, causing me to moan, "Oh Jason, bite my nipples babe." Jason bit down hard on my right nipple and then moved to the left nipple and did the same. I screamed, "OH YES JASON, BITE HARDER!" My hands moved to Jason's head and I gently pushed him lower while his tongue continued to work magic on my abdomen. When Jason's lips brushed gently at the head of my dick, I moaned, "Oh Jason suck me please!" Jason teased the head with his swirling tongue as he lapped up the precum that continued to leak from it. I continued to beg, "Please Jason. Suck my cock. Please babe. Take it in your mouth." Jason finally engulfed my six-inch hard cock in one swift gulp. I bellowed, "OH YES BABE. THAT'S SO GOOD. SUCK IT JASON!" Jason began to move up and down my penis with his velvety lips. I could feel his tongue brushing the underside of my cock as it moved in and out of his throat and mouth. I continued to moan loudly, "OH JASON, THAT IS SO GOOD. TAKE MY COCK DOWN YOUR SMOOTH THROAT!" Jason continued to suck on my hard shaft until he felt my balls starting to pull up. Jason quickly withdrew from my dick and squeezed it hard at the base to keep me from cumming. Jason snickered lustfully, "Not yet Don. I don't want you cumming till I tell you to. We are gonna cum together!" I pulled Jason up from my groin area and stated, "Stand up babe so I can suck you." Jason smiled as he stood in front of me while I sat on the steps. Jason's nine inch hard cock was positioned perfectly in front of my mouth. I leaned in and began to slowly take his dick in my mouth an inch at a time before pulling off. Each time I took it back in, I proceeded another inch down his long hard shaft. Jason was moaning loudly, "Suck it Don. Oh babe you're so good. Take more Don. I wanna shove this dick down your throat." I got more excited as Jason encouraged me to take a larger portion down my throat. Soon I was deep throating Jason's huge cock, while he yelled, THAT IT DON. SUCK IT ALL DOWN YOUR HOT THROAT. FEELS SO GOOD BABE. OH SUCK ME GOOD, DON!" My head bobbed up and down Jason's cock while I kneaded his ass with my fingers, pulling him in so I could swallow every last inch. After blowing Jason for about ten minutes he pulled my head away from his dick, and stated, "Stand up babe." I stood up and our mouths met in yet another mind-altering kiss. Jason's hands began to massage my ass as he continued the deep kiss. Jason's fingers began to brush against my anal opening, causing me to push into his strong body forcefully as his tongue moved further into the recesses of my mouth. I finally broke from Jason's kiss with total lust in my eyes and cooed, "Jason please take me now. I gotta have you inside me now babe!" Jason turned me around and then sat on the step below him. He quickly removed the lube from the gym bag next to him and applied a generous amount to his hard cock and then to my ass, slipping a finger deep inside of me. I moaned as Jason commanded, "Sit Don, I want you to ride me till we cum!" I slowly lowered myself onto Jason's erect member. As Jason's cock broke through my anal ring I moaned exuberantly, "OH JASON, THIS IS SO GOOD. FILL ME UP BABE!" Jason pushed his hips up as I continued to lower my ass. Soon I had completely impaled myself on Jason's thick penis. Jason commanded, "RIDE IT DON! RIDE ME HARD BABE!" I began to move up and down Jason's cock, groaning, "OH JASON, FILL ME FULL WITH YOUR COCK! FEELS SO GOOD! OH FUCK ME JASON!" Jason began to rub and pinch my nipples with his left hand while his right hand grasped my hard cock and stroked it as I continued riding his hard shaft. Jason hollered, "OH RIDE ME DON! GIVE ME THAT HOT, TIGHT ASS! TAKE MY COCK DEEP BABE! YEAH RIDE ME DON!" I continued to move up and down Jason quickly and forcefully. Soon I could feel the cum churning in my balls and I growled, "OH JASON, I'M GETTING CLOSE BABE. OH GOD JASON I'M GONNA CUM BABE!" Jason quickened the stroking motions against my dick as he bellowed, "I'M GONNA CUM TOO DON! SHOOT IT DON, SHOOT IT WITH ME! I'M GONNA FILL YOUR ASS WITH MY CUM! NOW DON, I'M CUMMING NOW!" As Jason began to fill me with his seed, I started launching my cum onto the steps below us. Jason pushed hard into me with each spasm from his cock, which forced me to continue shooting out onto the steps. Soon we both emptied our supply of cum and I collapsed back against Jason's strong chest. Jason continued to gently caress my chest as he moaned into my ear, "I love you Don. You totally rock my world." I moaned back, "I love you too Jason. God you are so awesome. You make me feel so fucking awesome." I slowly turned around on Jason, being careful not to release his semi-hard cock from my ass. I kissed Jason and then state, "Jason, take me to bed. I wanna sleep with your inside tonight. Jason lifted me slowly, as I stayed impaled on his cock. With each downward step he took his cock pushed further into me and began to harden again. As we approached the second floor bedroom door, Jason was completely hard and I was once again filled with lust. I shyly asked Jason, "Will you make love to me again babe. This time I wanna watch your beautiful eyes as you fuck me." Jason smiled, "Your wish is my command sweet prince." Jason climbed into the bed with me and we made love again before falling asleep together as one. Tom and Paul looked at one another with lust and amazement. Tom giggled, "Paul, I swear I didn't think Don would ever be so vocal. He is so quiet all the time." Paul laughed, "At first I think they were doing that for our benefit, but after a while Don and Jason were in their own little world. Jason just brings that out in him Tom, just like you do in me." Paul and Tom both laughed, and then kissed each other passionately. Paul broke from the kiss and then lustfully asked, "Tommy, why don't you get that big dildo from the closet and see how loud you can get me to be?" Tom jumped from the bed to the closet and then back. Paul lifted his legs for Tom and they began another adventure that would last deep into the night. Jason---A Love Story Chapter 11. Part 3. I awoke the next morning around 10 am to Jason's loving eyes looking down at me. Jason appeared to be lost in thought and I startled him as I said, "Morning lover." Jason blinked a couple of times before responding, "Morning my sweet prince." I smiled up at Jason, "Where were you babe? You seemed so far away for a moment there." Jason giggled, "I was just doing one of your tricks and day dreaming about you and I. I love you Don." I pulled Jason close to me and whispered, "I love you too Jason, more than life itself." Jason and I kissed briefly before we both laughed, "EWE! Morning breath!" I continued, "Lets go shower, and then I'm gonna cook you a breakfast you'll never forget." Jason snickered, "Sounds like a plan. Do you think we should wake Paul and Tom?" I laughed, "If they're still sleepin' they'll wake up when we use the shower. We're going to the third floor, cause I wanna shower with you." Jason giggled, "You're such a little devil Don. Let's go." Jason and I quickly left the bedroom and proceeded up the steps to the third floor making as much noise as we possibly could. The door to the 'porno room' was still closed, so I went up and pounded on it. "Time to wake up you two. Curtain call in five minutes!" Jason was laughing as I ran back and we entered the bathroom. We jumped into the shower and made all kinds of lewd noises as we washed each other up. Once finished showering, we quickly brushed our teeth, slipped on our boxers, and then peeked out the door. We noticed the door to the 'porno room' was opened slightly, so I pulled Jason into the hallway, and pushed him up against the wall as I kissed him passionately. Jason broke from the kiss and snickered, "What are you up to Don?" I giggled, as I moaned loudly, "Oh Jason, Fuck Me Now Baby, Right Here in the Hallway!" Jason and I both turned towards the open door and saw Paul and Tom trying to peek out the doorway. We both laughed, "Gotcha!" Paul and Tom both blushed. I stated, "Breakfast in twenty minutes guys." Jason and I quickly ran for the steps as Paul and Tom each hurled pillows in our direction. When we reached the kitchen, I began to pull food items from the fridge, freezer, and cupboards in order to prepare breakfast. Jason started the coffee and then stood back in amazement as I quickly mixed up scrambled eggs, pancakes, hashbrowns, sausage links, and biscuits. Jason commented, "How do you do that Don? I'd be burning something if I tried to cook all this at one time." I giggled, "Fifteen years in the restaurant biz, babe. I had to learn how to do everything at once, or the customers would never have gotten fed." Twenty minutes after I had begun, Jason and I started filling the table full with platters of food. Paul and Tom bounded down the steps dressed in shorts and polo shirts. Paul giggled, "Don't you and Jason ever wear more clothes than just boxers?" I snickered, "Hey, at least we put these on for you guys. I'd just assume eat buck naked with Jason cause then we could get at dessert quicker." Jason and Tom burst out laughing as Paul turned several shades of red. I suggested, "Come on guys, let's eat before the food gets cold." We sat down next to our respective partners and began vigorously devouring the breakfast I had prepared. About a half-hour later we finished the last of the food. Tom suggested, "Paul and I will do dishes since you and Jason cooked. Jason giggled, "Don did the cookin' and I just stood back in amazement and watched." I smiled at Jason, and then gave him a quick kiss. I snickered, "I was inspired this morning. What can I say? Musta been all that good sex last night." Jason laughed as Paul mentioned, "Yeah, so we heard. Sounded like you both had a good time." Jason and I laughed heartily, "We sure did!!!" Tom chuckled, "Give it up Paul, you aren't gonna be able to embarrass them." I giggled, "That's ok Tom, we heard both of you too, so we figured we had to be fair and let you hear us too." We all started laughing. Tom and Paul cleared the table and then began washing dishes. Jason took my hand and suggested, "Let's go out to the garden and talk for a few minutes babe." I followed Jason as he led me through the kitchen, out the back door, and into the garden. Jason put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close as we sat on the small bench amongst the flowers. Jason began, "We're gonna have a couple of difficult days ahead of us Don. Are you ready for dealing with Sam?" I thoughtfully responded, "I think so Jason. With you there to help, I think I can handle just about anything Sam throws my way." Jason smiled, "Good. I'll be right by your side the whole time. I want to let you know I have a friend coming in to help us." I looked at Jason a bit confused. Jason continued, "I called a friend of mine yesterday. He works for the FBI and owes me a big favor. His name is Mike and I think you'll like him. He's a great guy, and he wants to help us out with Sam, since it doesn't look like the court or police systems will be very effective." I cautiously asked, "Is he an old boyfriend Jason?" Jason giggled, "No Don, and don't you ever even worry about any of them. All together, they couldn't even hold a candle next to you." I smiled at Jason and he gave me a quick kiss before continuing. "I helped Mikes family out when his sister got married. The salon that was supposed to do all their hair screwed up with appointments the morning of the wedding, so I called a few of my friends from work and we took care of them. I knew Mike's sister from school, so they have been forever grateful to me. After the lack of interest by Tom's lawyer, and the less than great news from Robert's friend, I decided to call in the favor." I looked deep into Jason's eyes and whispered, "Thanks babe. Somehow I'll return the favor to you." Jason softly stroked my hair as he continued; "Don't you even worry about it. Just keep loving me the way you do and that will be all the thanks I ever will need." I whispered to Jason, "I do love you Jason. So much that I can't seem to find the right words anymore to express how I feel." Jason smiled, "I know Don. I see it in your eyes every time you look at me. I think we've progressed beyond words. It's like our spirits are doing the communicating now." I smiled at Jason; "You are beginning to sound like me Jason. Better be careful or I'll turn you into a philosopher like me." Jason giggled, "You just bring out my hidden talents Don." Jason continued, "Mikes in total agreement with Robert's lawyer in that we need to scare the shit outta Sam in order to get him out of your life. Mike is gonna meet us late this afternoon to devise a plan. I already asked Tom and Paul if Robert would be willing to help. They seem to think he will in any way possible. Get this Don. Mike wants to meet Robert, and Tom thinks they might hit it off." I giggled, "That would be so kewl. Robert really needs to meet a nice guy. He has so much to offer someone. It would be nice if it worked out." Jason smiled, "It would be great, cause Mike really is a nice guy too. He would treat Robert like a king. That's just how Mike is. I just wanted you to know what was going on. I hope you aren't hurt that I didn't tell you yesterday, but I didn't want to bring up Sam on your birthday." I held Jason tight as I continued, "Don't even worry about that Jason. I'm so thankful for anything you or the others do that will help end this nightmare. I'm just worried that one of you might get hurt. That's the one thing I don't want to see happen with this mess." Jason comforted, "We all are going to do our best to make sure that doesn't happen, especially to you. You've already been hurt too much. That is going to end. I just want you to know that I'm gonna be by your side throughout everything, and will do my best to protect you from Sam." I had tears in my eyes as I looked into Jason's. "I love you so much babe, and owe you so much. All I can say is thank you, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. I wish--" Jason pulled me in for another kiss, "Shhh Don. Thank you is plenty good enough." Jason held me in his arms as I let the tears fall, thinking about the next few days. Soon Paul and Tom came out to join us. Jason looked tearfully at them as he held me close and they knew what our conversation had involved. Tom and Paul both hugged me. "We both love you Don, and so does Jason. We are all gonna help you get through this." Tom and Paul both gave Jason a hug too. We all sat there for a few minutes with tears in our eyes, each contemplating the events that lie ahead. After a few minutes Jason suggested, "We better get packed up guys. I'd like to be on the road by noon if possible. Jason and I made our way to the third floor. We quickly dressed in shorts and our T-shirts, then packed up the rest of our belongings, and then went about cleaning and straightening up the 'porno room' from its previous adventures. Jason gathered up a large bag of weed and a few bottles of poppers. I questioned, "Jason, will the owners mind us taking this stuff?" Jason snickered, "Naw, I'll leave them a note and do their hair when I bring you back up here again. They get all this for next to nothing and have told me before to use and take what I want." I giggled, "Kewl. I'm looking forward to enjoying those items at your house." Jason gave me a hug, and whispered, "Not my house Don. It's our house from now on." I kissed Jason before whispering my thanks to him. We finished cleaning up the room, then did the same in the bathroom, and finally snagged our luggage and bounded down the steps and left everything sitting by the front door. Tom and Paul soon trampled down the steps, and left their luggage by the door and then sauntered into the kitchen to join Jason and me. Paul snickered, "Glory be, they finally put some clothes on." Jason and I just laughed and flipped Paul off as Tom stood back and laughed, "Guess they told you Paul." Paul giggled, "Paybacks boys, paybacks." We all burst out in hysterics. I put away the last of the dishes while Jason locked up the back door to the bed and breakfast. Paul and Tom made one more sweep of the second and third floors to make sure all the lights were turned out. As they pranced down the steps for the last time, Jason and I wandered into the foyer. I whispered, "Jason, I better use the bathroom before we go. I'll be right back." Jason smiled as I bounced up the steps to the second floor. Tom and Paul walked over to Jason, and Tom spoke quietly, "Jason, we just can't begin to thank you for letting us share in your special time with Don." Paul interjected, "Yeah Jason. That was really nice of you to include us in Don's birthday. I think I would have been lost sitting at home yesterday." Jason smiled, "It was my pleasure guys. I wanted Don to have a great day, and if you hadn't been here it wouldn't have been the perfect birthday. Besides, I wanted to get to know you both better, since I think we will all be part of each others lives for a long time. Don needs to know his friends are behind him one-hundred percent in dealing with Sam, and I think you being here will have helped him realize that." Tom continued, "Jason, do you think Don's ready to deal with all this now?" Jason replied, "Yes, he may seem vulnerable at times, but Don is so much stronger than what we might see. It won't be easy, but he's gonna win this battle, and Sam will no longer be a threat to Don's life." Paul continued, "Tom and I will be right there with you both. We all love Don, and this is going to be finished once and for all. I need to use the bathroom guys, and I better see what's keeping Don, or we'll never get out of here." Paul quickly bounded up the steps to the third floor. Jason and Tom walked into the parlor and sat down while waiting for Paul and I to return. Jason turned to Tom and quietly began, "Tom, I need your advice." Tom smiled brightly at Jason, "Sure Jason, what's up?" Jason continued, "I hope you won't think I being silly or immature. I know that everything has happened quickly with Don and I, but I love him so much. After this ordeal with Sam is finished, I want to make our relationship more permanent." Tom giggled, "Jason, are you trying to say you want to marry Don?" Jason blushed and shyly answered, "Yes Tom. That's what I want. Not like next week, but down the road, maybe around Christmas time. Do you think I'm being crazy or stupid?" Tom beamed, "Hell no Jason. I think that's great. I know Don loves you, and you've proven over and over that you love him, so it's only normal that you want to take your relationship to a more permanent level. Every couple is different, so the amount of time you're together should not be used against a decision of marriage." Jason replied, "Thanks Tom. I know others will talk shit, but I knew you'd be honest with me, and I really appreciate it." Tom continued, "No problem Jason. I have to ask, why Christmas?" Jason smiled, "That's Don's favorite time of year, and if he agrees, I just think it will mean so much more to both of us if we could have that as an anniversary." Tom giggled, "That's so romantic. I don't think you'll have to worry about Don agreeing, Jason. He's so in love with you that he'd probably say yes if you wanted to do it tomorrow." Jason continued, "We still need some time to learn more about each other, but that's what the engagement period is for, otherwise I probably would ask him to marry me tomorrow. What about you and Paul? I know Don wants to see you guys married. He's dying to do the food for your wedding." Tom giggled, "I know. Paul tells me that Don asks and hints about us getting hitched all the time. I guess we've been so busy with our jobs, then buying the businesses and the house, that we kind of put that on the back burner. But we just might surprise you all. Seeing you and Don together, and how you support each other, has helped me see Paul in a whole new way, so a wedding may not be that far off." Jason continued, "That would be so wonderful Tom. After we deal with Sam, I'd like to go ring shopping. Would you come with me? But it has to be a secret, cause if Paul finds out, I kinda think he would let it slip accidentally to Don, and I want the ring to be a surprise." Tom laughed, "You're right about that Jason. Paul and Don couldn't keep anything a secret from each other, and yes, I'd love to go ring shopping with you." Jason beamed, "Kewl. We'll talk more after Sam is dealt with. I wonder what's keeping those two upstairs." Tom giggled, "God only know Jason, and he ain't telling." Tom and Jason both burst out laughing. Paul found me standing in the bathroom with tears in my eyes. "What's wrong Don?" I sobbed, "I just don't want to leave here Paul. This has all been so magical that I don't want it to ever end." Paul comforted, "Don't think of it as ending Don. This is just the first part of your wonderful new adventure with Jason. We all know the next few days will be a challenge, but just think of all the kewl things you and Jason will do after that." I replied, "I guess you're right Paul. I have to be strong now and toss Sam out of my life, so Jason and I can continue with ours. I just wish that we were going home to a happier scenario." Paul continued, "It will be happy Don. Just concentrate on Jason and pull from his strength, and everything will work out just fine." Paul pulled me into a hug and allowed me to cry myself out. When I finished crying, Paul giggled, "Better now?" I smiled, "Yeah, I'm ok now. We better get back downstairs before they think we fell in the toilet or something." Paul snickered, "Yeah, that's for sure. Wait up for me Don, I just gotta use the bathroom real quick." I waited for Paul to finish, and then we both skipped down the steps to our prospective boyfriends. Jason and Tom giggled, "Bout' time you two." Paul and I just laughed, as I answered, "Paul was just helping me focus on things. Let's hit the road, cause I gotta ex to boot outta my life, and the sooner that's finished, the better." Jason pulled me into a hug and a quick kiss, and then the four of us grabbed our luggage and stepped out the door, turning one last time to look at the wonderful castle we had enjoyed while in DC. Well, that concludes chapter 11. Sorry it took so long, but school is totally engulfing all of my time. I am sending this chapter in without my usual proofing protocol, so I apologize for any grammatical errors that may have been missed. I've tried to set up for the next two chapters, which will bring "Jason" to its conclusion, which I hope to accomplish by Thanksgiving. To all of you who have faithfully read the story and emailed me, don't be discouraged. I fully intend to continue with another story over Christmas break, if fate allows me the time and opportunity to do so. In the meantime, look for another installment of "Jason" soon and please send comments and thoughts to Thanks again for all your wonderful support and kind words. Hugs and happiness.