Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 20:35:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Robyn Subject: Lives Intertwined (Chapter 10) Lives Intertwined (Chapter 10) By WhiteWolf A blank screen stared back at Alex. He thought it was hopeless in trying to finish a few more pages of the book. Nothing inspired him at the moment, not even the rain outside, which he often liked to watch. Watching the rain land against his window while drinking coffee or hot chocolate always put him in a good mood. Maybe that's what he needed: a nice hot drink. As he heated up the water in the kettle he noticed that the entire apartment was deathly quiet. Alex stood still and couldn't hear anything, - not even his neighbors. That could be the source of his problem for lack of inspiration. He often worked in less-than- optimal conditions, and noise was one element that was always around. Walking across his apartment he turned on the CD player and looked through his disks. After picking up "The Best of Blondie" and opening the case he carefully popped the CD in. He picked a random track and pressed play. Within seconds he distinctly heard the uplifting beat of "The Tide Is High". He smiled and walked to his computer and sat down. Even though music inspired him to write he felt himself drift into his thoughts. A smile escaped his lips as he began to think about Jim. The past night filled his mind. Adam watched Jim as he sat down across from him. He knew that they were both playing a game of chess with each other. The only question was which person would move first. It was Adam. "So do you come to this place often," Adam asked softly. Jim looked up from his cup at Adam, "Whenever I need the caffeine, which is just about everyday." After Adam chuckled a little a long pause took place and Jim decided to be a little bolder. "Out of curiosity, was there any ulterior motives for asking me out for coffee?" Adam was at a crucial juncture. Jim had just put Adam's king in check, and one wrong move and the game could be over. There was silence between him as Adam carefully chose the next words. "I wanted to see you," Adam spoke as he lay his hand on the table. Adam's hand was just close enough not be considered reaching towards him but also was also within Jim's range. Jim glanced at Adam's hand and then looked back into Adam's eyes, "And I, you." Never being one to pass up an opportunity, Jim placed his right hand mere inches from Adam's hand. Jim gave a sly smile, although it seemed rather neutral. Adam slowly moved his hand to Jim and gently stroked it. Jim closed his eyes as he laughed silently. "You're so cautious, Adam," Jim spoke in a playful tone. He turned his hand over so his palm was facing up and gently grasped Adam's hand. "But I'm glad you took a chance." Adam could finally breathe as the tension had been broken, "So am I." By this time their hands were interlocked with each other. Jim looked down and saw Adam's watch. "Do you know what time it is? I was supposed to meet a friend today." Jim was torn. He had just connected with Adam yet he was ready to meet another interest. Adam didn't dwell on what Jim had said as he spoke, "Yes, it's five minutes to three." Adam was much more relaxed than he was a few minutes earlier. He could finally be at ease around Jim. A few seconds passed, then Jim spoke again, "I hate to leave so soon, but I promised to see someone." Jim wasn't sure if it was the best idea to just leave Adam after they had that conversation. He thought he could always ask Adam out for coffee. After all Adam had asked him the first time. "Not a problem," Adam assured Jim, "I understand. Perhaps we could have coffee again sometime." "Definitely. See you tomorrow?" Jim asked as he got up. Adam smiled, "Definitely." Nick wasn't entirely sure it was the wisest idea to "hang out" with his co-workers. He assumed the night's events would be downing beers and trying to play pool while intoxicated. At the very most it would be mildly amusing, but would eventually get dull. "So, Nick," one of them spoke as they piled into Toyota Corolla, "where ya' from?" Nick sat by the driver's side rear window, "Nowhere in particular. I move a lot." As Nick had ended his sentence quite abruptly, he knew that it made him seem like he wasn't much of a conversationalist. He didn't mind that fact, because he's already planned how the night would run. "We're going to some kind of club," one of the other men spoke from the passenger's seat. He wasn't directing the comment directly at Nick, so he knew that this place was unfamiliar to them as well. "Not too far." Looking out the window, Nick realized they were headed to club quite early in the day. This fact intrigued him but he put it out of his mind. Brad watched the sign "The Tiger Cage" pull into view as he rode the bus. He only stared out the window because he found no other commuter on the bus caught his attention. After getting off the bus he rolled his head around in a clockwise fashion even before entering the club. He always warms up by stretching but usually inside the club. He was a little early so he leaned up against the wall and watched people walk by. After seeing many people walk in the club he walked down the alleyway into the club through the back way. Four figures made their way to a table close to the East wall. "The Tiger Cage," Nick asked, "Interesting name." A blonde haired boy turned to him, "Somebody told me it's a pretty good place to come. I don't know much about it myself." Nick glanced around and it had a relaxing type of atmosphere and looked very clean. Looking up at the stage saw that it was empty. He assumed that no shows had started yet. "I'm going to get a drink," Nick stood up without waiting for anybody to acknowledge his statement. He walked over to the bar. Before the bartender could say anything Nick spoke plainly, "Sour apple." The bartender nodded his head. Brad saw the door open and noticed the man he saw briefly yesterday. He only knows him as "Robyn", and not his actual name. Still he said nothing as Greg moved past him. The announcer was behind the curtain smoking a cigarette even though there was a "no smoking" sign clearly posted. Greg tapped him on the shoulder so he'd turn around. "Hey, sugar," he spoke, "what can I do for you?" Greg narrowed his eyes and then closed them completely before speaking, "For one, don't call me sugar. And two, I'd rather not be known as 'the sheila from down under'." The announcer didn't speak for a moment, "Very well. Do you have a specific introduction you'd prefer." "Some French sensation... you'll think of something, dear," Greg spoke as he walked away ready to get dressed. Before heading into the dressing room he peeked out of the curtains without being noticed to see if Jim was there. Although he wasn't in view he noticed Nick sitting at the bar. Although disappointed at the fact he couldn't see Jim he was happily surprised Nick was in audience. Looking at his watch he realized there was still some time for Jim to arrive. Then Greg could feel it. Brad's eyes were following him. He looked back at him and Brad looked away and continued his exercises. Our characters are starting to come together now. Pieces falling into place and building up to it's climax. There is plenty more to come, trust in that. Watch the adventures of each character unfold before you and will not be disappointed. In the last chapter I said I would include something special. Although 2/3 of my characters meeting up in one place is special enough I wanted to include something else. But I think I will save that for the next chapter. Still, I am interested in your thoughts so write to me at: