Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 05:12:11 -0500 (EST) From: Blue OConnor Subject: Pefect12 Perfect Edited By: Tom ~ Chapter 12 ~ Flashback- Gabriel's POV "Are you out of your fucking mind?" Derek screamed, jarring the sleepy baby awake. Elaine and I glared at him. "No." "Why the fuck would we tell Paterson anything? We've been doing fine on our own." Elaine nodded in agreement. "We have but who's going to help us sort out all the legal stuff with your parents? We need someone on our side that knows about the system. What if they try to take Tommy away? Or send me to some school for unwed mothers? I'm still underage Derek." He continued to glower obstinately at us. "We can take care of ourselves." "Don't let your pride control you Derek. We need help with this." "No." He said and walked out. Elaine stared angrily at his retreating back. "Pigheaded Ass," she muttered. "I love him, but he can be so stubborn sometimes." "He'll come around." I said, hopefully. She smiled taking Tommy from my arms. "I'll nag him until he does." "God Help." I said, chuckling. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ For the first time in weeks I slept in my room, wanting to give Elaine and Derek some privacy in order to talk over going to Mr. Paterson for help. When I had told Elaine about my conversation with him, she had come up with the idea to go see him. I guess I trusted him...well as much as I trusted any one outside of our small family. If we could talk to him, maybe he could make sure everything goes as planned with Derek and Elaine, because they deserved to be happy even if I won't get to be with them all the time anymore. I had lunch after English class and was about to head over to see Elaine when I saw Derek leaning on the wall outside my classroom. "What's up?" I asked. "Are you sure you trust this guy?" "Yeah.. I guess." "No, don't guess." He growled. "This is our lives we're talking about, if he screws us, then it's over. My parents will make sure I never seen Elaine or Tommy again, so you better be fucking sure we can trust this guy." "Yes, we can. He's good guy." Derek nodded, reluctantly. "Fine, we'll go see him but at the first sign of trouble I'm getting us out of here." "Okay." I said softly, not sure if we were making a huge mistake. We found him in his office, a paintbrush in hand, looking at a blank canvas. When he saw us come in he raised his eyebrows. "Hello, Gabriel." I shut the door behind us, "This is my friend, Derek." He smiled at us but Derek only stood stiffly as if trying to size him up. "What can I do for you boys?" I nudged Derek with my shoulder. "We have a problem." "Oh! What kind of problem?" I recited Elaine and Derek's story, telling him about how we met and about Tommy. His eyes seemed to bug out of his head, horrified. "Why are you telling me this now?" He asked. "Because we can't finish this on own." Derek said. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Connor's POV I stirred awake the next morning feeling disoriented even before I opened my eyes. It was strange waking up in another bed, another room when you're so used to your own surroundings. I rolled over searching for the heat of Gabriel's body but found the spot next to me vacant. Startled I sat up abruptly; my ribs protested at the sudden movement with a sharp jab of pain all over my mid-section. "I'm here." Just the sound of his voice relaxed my body; the fear of finding him gone left me completely. He was standing in the open door of the balcony. Outside the clouds were dark, indicating there was a storm coming. I titled my head slightly. "I didn't notice that before." "What?" "The balcony." He smiled gently at me. "It was dark last night, and I close the blinds at night or else there would be too much light in the morning." He made his way over to me, and leaned over to press a sweet kiss on my lips. "Good Morning, sleeping beauty." I blushed. "I didn't sleep that long." "It's 12:40," he laughed at my shocked expression. "It's alright, I think sleeping in is going to become a habit, with you in my bed." "Oh, and why is that?" "Because, I'm going to keep you here as much as I possibly can." "Mmm, sounds interesting." "It does, doesn't it?" he brushed his lips against mine one last time before straightening up. "I'm starving. Are you?" "Not for food." I muttered in frustration. He grinned at me over his shoulder as he made his way out the door. "Lunch, then I'm taking you to the hospital." I didn't even have time to protest, he just walked out, not that I thought it would do any good. Gabriel was more stubborn than a goat; once he set his mind to something there was no stopping him. Smiling at the thought, I closed my eyes. I must have dozed, rousing only when he set a tray on the table beside me. The tray held sandwiches of shaved ham, a plate of cookies, and two glasses of orange juice. "You're so good to me." I said, and heard the dreaminess of my voice as if I hadn't quite awakened yet. "Don't give me too many points," he said in a lazy tone, sitting with his back against the headboard, beside me. "The cookies are from a bakery, and any fool can make a sandwich." He had put on clothes, I noticed, instead of the boxers he'd left the room in. He wore a pair of threadbare jeans. He was still barefoot, and had put on a white shirt that was open and unbuttoned. "Eat," he said, and waited until I took one of the sandwiches before snagging the other for himself. Wordlessly, I munched on the sandwich, sipped the juice, and watched wind dancing in the trees. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It was a short trip to Brampton General Hospital. Waiting in the emergency room was what took forever. When I finally got to see a nurse, he looked me over, checked all my ribs and cuts and decided I was okay. Through all of this Gabriel stayed by my side. The only time he had to stay outside was when I had to do my X-Rays. While they were developing he sat by me in the tiny cubicle. His face looked haggard as if he was waiting for them to say something was wrong with me. "I'm fine." He sighed. "I know honey, but that doesn't keep me from worrying." I leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. The doctor came in then, a frown on her face. She held up my file. "It says here that your car accident was last night." I nodded. "It was." "Then why are you just coming in, now?" I glanced over a Gabriel. "I had to take care of something really important." "Nothing's more important than you health," she said, firmly. "You could have been seriously injured and wouldn't have known it." I kept my gaze locked with Gabriel's, "I know." "Well, you were lucky this time. You have no broken bones, although I'm going to give a prescription for Tylenol one because your ribs are very badly bruised. I want you to take one every four to six hours for the next week, and keep your ribs tightly bound "Okay." She looked at Gabriel. "Make sure he eats before he takes the pills." "I will." After changing back into my regular clothes, and stopping off at the drug store to get my prescription we headed to back Gabriel's house. We were just turning in the driveway when my cell phone rang. "Hello." "Is this Connor McNeil?" "Yes, it is." "I'm detective Haynes, I'm working on your case. Could you please come down to the station and answer a few questions?" "Of course. Which division are you?" "54, that's on Cranfield Rd. Do you know where that it?" "Yes I do, I'm in Brampton right now but should be able to get there in thirty minutes or so." "That's fine." "Goodbye." I said then hung up. Gabriel was already pulling out of the driveway. "I have to go to the police station." I said inanely, because I knew he heard everything that was said in the conversation. He nodded, but said nothing, just kept driving. We were silent throughout the whole ride there, both our minds full with worries. Maybe some one was hurt worse than they previously thought or maybe I was going to be arrested for reckless driving or something. No matter how many deep breaths I took I couldn't calm my erratic pulse. I saw several police cars parked in front of what looked like a newly renovated building, when we got close enough I saw the sign on one of the white columns: "Toronto Police Department 54 Division." The building was a light shade of gray with dark blue wrought iron fencing surrounding the building and it's immaculate landscaping. Gabriel parked the car and draped his arm around my waist as we went inside the open gates and up a couple of wide, shallow steps. A massive door opened into an enormous room with blue walls and a ceiling that looked at least fifty feet high. A female police officer was sitting behind a raised desk. She seemed to be the only other person there. I looked at her. "Does a Detective Haynes work here?" "Yes, sir, he does. I'll call and see if he's in. What's your name?" "Connor McNeil." The officer spoke quietly into the phone, and then said to me, "He's in, and he said to come to his office." She pointed in the appropriate direction and recited instructions. "Take a right, and it's the third door on the left." Ceiling fans whirled overhead as we followed directions, the stirred air raised chills on my arms. "Stop worrying." Gabriel whispered in my ear. "Only if you will." He chuckled. "Deal." "I've never been in a police station before." "Not, what you expected either, huh?" "I guess I've been watching too much TV. I was expecting more chaos." What we found was ringing phones; people sprawled in chairs, and the odor of strong coffee. It could have been any busy, disorganized office, except for the fact that most of the people there were armed. We found the appropriate door and I knocked on it. A smooth, dark voice said, "Come in." I open the door, and my stomach twisted with pure nervousness, as I looked the man rising to his feet. He looked from Gabriel to me, trying to figure out which one of us was whom, I stepped forward and held out my hand to him. "I'm Connor McNeil." "Detective Haynes." His hands were strong, and warm, his handshake brief and firm. I took at better look the detective. He appeared to be in his earlier thirties, thick black hair was worn cropped close to his head, and he had thick eyebrows arching over narrow, glittering eyes. His skin was olive-toned, five o'clock shadow heavy, he would have been a very handsome man if he didn't look so tired. "Sit down, please." He indicated a chair, the only chair in the tiny office other than his. It was straight-backed and looked very uncomfortable. I sat, while Gabriel came to stand behind me, his hand on my shoulder. "This is Gabriel Greywolf, my..." I trailed off not sure what to say. "Boyfriend." Gabriel finished for me, keeping his eyes locked with the detective as if challenging him to say something. Toronto was a very accepting city but like everywhere there are those who will always remain bigoted. Detective Haynes however didn't even bat an eyelash, he simple nodded, which in turn allowed Gabriel to relax. He looked down at the opened file on his desk. "You were in an car accident yesterday, correct?" "Yes." "Can you tell me again what happened?" I gave him a confused look, "But I already gave a statement to the office on the scene." He raised his head and smiled at me. "I just want to make sure I have all my facts straight, Okay?" I nodded, and began to recount my story, when I was done my whole body was shaking and I could feel Gabriel's hand on my shoulder, his grip tightening. Sensing his fear, I looked up at him, then cupped his check in my hand, that simple touch was all it took for him to loosen his grip. "When was the last time you had your car serviced?" I thought back, going over the dates. "About three months ago." "How often to you have it serviced?" "About every six months." "Do you use the same mechanic." "Yeah, Rob's Auto on Ellesmere, he's a friend of my Dad's." He made note of that in my file, which made me nervous. Actually this whole situation was making me completely insane. It was if he knew something I didn't, what if.... "Was some one more hurt than the EMT first thought?" I blurted out. "What?" he asked, his expression filled with confusion. "Is that why your asking me all these questions, was some one hurt badly during the collision? Am I under arrest?" "Of course not." He said, but I saw some thing pass over his face before he smoothed his expression. "Are you sure?" Gabriel spoke for the first time. "Yes." "What about the lady I crashed into, is she alright?" He flipped through the report, "Yes, her name was Angela Johnson, she was conscious on the scene and talking sensibly to the medics. There was a possibility of a slight neck injury and a bruised collarbone." "It's all my fault." I said miserably, fighting tears. He shook his head. "Not unless you can cut you own brake line, it isn't." He said in a hard tone. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gabriel's POV My heart nearly leapt out of my chest, I shook my head, not sure I heard him right. "What?" He looked at Connor who seemed to be frozen in shock. "Some one cut your brakes." "Bu-tt" I stammered. Detective Haynes drew a picture out of his file; I went closer to see it better. It was a picture of the inside of a car, Connor's car. He pointed to the line. "It was cut almost through. A nice fresh clean cut. If Mr. Neil had made it to the highway I don't think he would have lived through that crash, guess it was pure luck he crashed when he did." "But why would any one do anything like this?" I whispered, scared to the core of my being. A cold sense of dread filled me. If this person whoever it was didn't succeed this time, what would he do next? The detective kept quiet for a minute, seemly trying to give us a moment to take everything in. "Do you have any enemies Mr. McNeil, anyone that would want to hurt you?" Connor shook his head. I knew he was in shock, his face was white. I wanted to comfort him, but I didn't know how. How do you console someone when they find out someone tried to deliberately hurt them? "What about your father? Does he have any enemies?" "Not that I know of." His voice was hoarse and barely audible. He looked at me, pausing before asking, "What about ex-boyfriends or girlfriends, any one who would want to cause you any trouble?" "No, I've...never...that is...Gabriel...he's my first." Connor stammered. He nodded, understanding. "Where do you usually park your car?" "At my parking spot, outside of my condo." "So anyone could have gotten access to it." He made another note, in the file. "No...Well...Yes...but we have security and I have a car alarm." "A professional car thief can bypass your security system, as for the guards, well they have to take breaks sometime or change shifts. Do you know if your parking lot is monitored?" "Videotaped?" At his nod, Connor said. "I'm not sure. "Okay, I'll have that checked out, maybe whoever did this was caught on tape." He paused then added, "Usually in cases like this, it isn't a random act . It's probably someone you know. Can you think of anyone, anyone you've had any disagreements with in the last few months or years. Maybe a grocery store clerk or a classmate." "No." Connor said, his voice shaky. I felt the hairs on the back of my headstand up, as an idea popped into my head. I bent down and looked into Connor's eyes. "When was the last time you saw my mom?" Connor frowned. "Not since we moved why?" "Don't you think it's weird that as soon as we've gotten close again, this starts to happen?" He stared at me, thinking it over. "Yes, but why would your mom want to hurt me?" "I don't know honey, but you said she might have Nick locked up some where, she's capable of anything." "But why would she want to keep us apart? I understand that she just wanted to hurt my dad, that's why she did what she did with Nick, but us?" I hung my head, debating whether or not I should tell him. All these years, I kept my mother's hatred of me a secret. Even when Connor was younger and I visited him, he always asked why I went away; when I never answered he eventually stopped asking. "She did before." I said softly. "What? When?" "When I went to boarding school." Connor's eyes widen. "But you said you wanted to go." "I lied." I looked up at the detective Haynes who was watching the scene between us with interest. I stood up, and stroked Connor's head. "We'll finish this later." "But...." "Later." I said sternly. I didn't want to air our private business in front of strangers, more than what was necessary. "My mother, Marie McNeil former wife of Connor's dad, she should be checked out." He nodded. "Does she live in Toronto?" "No." "Do you have a current address for her?" "No." "That's Okay, I can find out what information I need." We spent the next two hours at the police station, giving statements, signing forms. Everything went by in a blur for me. I knew my mother was cold but to try to kill Connor , that was below vile. Don't ask me how I knew she was involved. I just did. I felt it in my bones. As we were about to leave Detective Haynes said. "I don't think you should stay at your Condo for a while until we find out who did this," he looked at me. "Maybe he should stay with you or at a friends house." He turned back to Connor. "Not at your father's house, if your step-mother isn't involved in this and it's someone else, that's the first place they'll look." I wrapped my arms around Connor, needing to feel his touch. Detective Haynes handed Connor his card. "If you think of anything else, or feel threatened in any way call this number day or night, my home number is on the back." "Thank you." Connor whispered. He touched Connor the shoulder. "We'll find out whoever did this." We sat in the car, side by side, neither of us talking. My nerves were so jumpy I was afraid to drive. "I have to tell my dad." Connor whispered. I turned my head towards him. "You haven't spoke to him yet? About the accident?" He shook his head. "Connor...." "I know, I know, I should have called but I was so scared...I only wanted to be with you." He said, tears filling his eyes. I cupped his face in my hands, kissing his closed eyelids, his checks, his soft lips, then pressed my forehead against his. "He's going to be mad." "I know." "And hurt." "Yeah." "But I'm glad you came to me." I brushed my lips against forehead. "Connor we need to talk about who's doing this..." "No," He interrupted. "I don't want to talk about it until I see my dad, alright? I need to think, let everything settle." "Alright, baby" I drew and shaky breath, then turned on the engine, and pulled out of the parking lot. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Connor's POV I closed my eyes when we got to the intersection where the wreck had taken place. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to stop at that stop sign again without reliving everything. Gabriel turned onto the street that led to my condo and said, "You can open your eyes now." I shook away the memory of screaming tires and opened my eyes. With the intersection behind me, everything looked normal and familiar and sage. My building loomed on the right, and Gabriel pulled into the parking area. I looked around, everything seemed the same but it wasn't. Someone was trying to kill me, Me. I've never physically hurt anyone in my entire lifetime and out there someone hated me so much that they wanted to kill me. "I think I'm going to move," I said. "I don't feel safe here anymore." Gabriel got out and came and around to open the door for, and helped me out. "That's a good idea," he said. "While your recuperating we'll get your stuff packed up and move it over to my house." I looked at him like he was an alien. "What?" "You heard me." "I didn't mean...that is I meant... I want to move. Not move in with you. I's too soon...." He cut off my stuttering mouth. Branding me possessively with his soft lips and unyielding tongue. "Connor?" "Yeah." I squeaked. "I would have asked you to move in before but I didn't because I knew that you had just bought this place and probably didn't want to move again so soon." My heart was pounding so fast, I could hardly catch my breath. Living with him for a while was one thing, but move in? What if something went wrong? What then? "I could just sublet the condo for awhile, or just sell it. But...Gabriel moving in together that's a big step, don't you think we should wait?" "I've been waiting for ten years Connor. I don't want to wait anymore." I dropped my head on his shoulder. "Okay." "Connor...honey...Ahh don't cry, everything's going to be fine. I won't let anyone hurt you I swear." He wrapped his arms around me, cradling me close to him ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I knew someone had been in my apartment as soon as I stepped in the door. I could smell the faint scent of cologne, cologne I knew from memory. Gabriel stiffened beside me as if sensing something too but I just smiled up at him and twined our fingers together. "Hunter," I called out. "Don't you know breaking and entering is illegal?" I heard shuffling upstairs. "So you finally come up for air." He yelled. "Connor, darling I'm surprised you haven't lost your voice from all the screaming I know you've been doing." I laughed, as Gabriel blushed. "Pervert." "And loving it, Darling." He chuckled. "I could hear you now...'Oh Gabriel...OH...OH...Give me that big cock.' I couldn't help the giggle erupted from me. "I came over to pick up the shirt I left here because I knew I wasn't going to see you any time soon." He came out of my bedroom, shirt in hand. "So do tell, is his cock as big the rest of...OH." He trailed off noticing for the first time that we weren't alone. "Yeah," I grinned. Gabriel's eyes widen at the sight of Hunter, he always had that affect on people. He just looked so smal, and delicate that most people got the misconception that he was fragile or had the impulse to take care of him. Hunter however was a force to be reckoned with, no one knew how powerful and strong he truly was until it was too late and they were caught under his spell. His personality seemed to take up the entire room and that was the problem for most guys. It wasn't easy to have a boyfriend who was smaller than you but could mow you down. He needed some one that could stand up to him and didn't mind being with some one that demanded attention. I hoped he found him one-day. "So, you're the famous Gabriel." Hunter got a better look at me as he came half way down the stairs and his steps faltered, his happy smile disappearing. He gave out a low cry, and rushed toward me. He looked as if he wanted to throw his arms around me, but he stopped short. "Who...What...?" I looked at Gabriel. "Do I look that bad?" I asked uncertainly. "Yeah," he said. "Damn. My father's going to kill me." I muttered. "What happened?" Hunter asked, tentatively touching my blackened eyes. "My brakes failed." "What did you hit? A power pole?" "Another car hit me. On the passenger side." "Are you ok?" "I'm fine, just few bruised ribs." "Do you know how it happened?" I sighed, "Someone cut the brake lines." "What?" he yelled. I nodded. "Yeah, I know." I reached over I pulled him into a hug. "I'll give you all the details later, but right now, I need to pack and go over to my Dad's and talk to him." I knew I had stunned him, Hell! This whole situation felt like a movie, like it was happening to someone else or maybe like a dream that I would wake up from any second, but right now I couldn't lose control. I had to stay strong because if didn't my Dad will fall apart when I see him and if it did turn out it was Gabriel's mom that was behind this... I don't want to think of what my Dad would do to her. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ He was standing with the freezer door open when we arrived, staring inside. "I have left over lasagna in here, I'm going to heat it up do you want some?" He said without looking up when he heard me come in. "Sure." He must of noticed the tremor in my voice because he looked up and saw me, his face turned pale. "" "Car Accident." I said, and then rapped my arms around his waist, because I knew he needed to feel I was all right. I mumbled the whole story to him, (leaving out the fact that some one had cut my brakes), as he stood frozen in horror. "Why didn't you call me sooner?" "I...well...Gabriel..." I trailed off looking towards the living room where Gabriel and Hunter were waiting. I hung my head in shame, and I felt his eyes boring on me the whole time. Why is it that no matter how old you are, your father can make you feel five years old again just with a look of hurt and disappointment. Dad closed the refrigerator door. "If you ever do anything like that again Connor McNeil, I swear to God I will...." "I know, I'm sorry." I interrupted. "There's more." "What?" "Might as well tell Hunter at the same time." I mumbled. I could see the tension in his body as we went into the living room. Hunter and Gabriel were sitting on opposite ends of the sofa. I sat next to Gabriel, leaning into his chest as soon as his hands came around me. "Hello, son." My Dad said to Gabriel, and greeted Hunter also. "Doug." Gabriel said, smiling. "I'm glad to see everything's working out with you two, even if I don't condone Connor's actions yesterday." "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know he hadn't called you." "I figured," Dad frowned at me. "I know you wouldn't be that irresponsible." "Daddd..." Gabriel squeezed my shoulder, knowing I was going to lead the conversation in another direction, in order to stall. How did he do that? Know what I was thinking before I did. It took twenty minutes to describe the meeting with Detective Haynes to Hunter and My father, partly because I was shaking and partly because they kept interrupting. When I was done, I could see my Dad was blinking back tears. "Do they have any idea who did this?" "No." "Do you." I glanced at Gabriel. "Gabriel thinks it was his mom." My dad paled further and then he let out a bellow of rage. "I'll...kill her...I'll kill that Bitch if she was in any way involved in this." "Dad, Dad." I said, grabbing his shoulders. "We don't know for sure. Right now all we have are theories. Don't do anything you'll regret. Promise me, okay? Promise me." My panic seemed to calm him down. He reached out and patted my head. "I promise, Shh, Shh. I promise." I hadn't realized I was crying until he wiped the tears from my face. I was scared, so very scared that just when everything was right, it would fall apart and this time I wouldn't survive in order to put it back together again. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The twilight air was thick and heavy when we left the house, thunder rumbled dully in the distance. Gabriel opened his window and turned the car onto the 401, straight into the approaching storm. The cloudbank loomed overhead like a great beast, streaks of lighting darting across its purplish black underbelly. The air blasting in through the open window became cooler, almost cold, and carried with it the sweet, dusty scent of rain. I sat mutely beside him, my eyes on the storm. The first raindrops splattered on his windshield. He had time to roll up his window and turn on the wipers, and then we were plunging headlong into the storm sweeping toward us. He had to slow down to almost a crawl, while the thunder boomed around us and lightning cracked. Other, more prudent drivers pulled off the highway completely, seeking shelter under overpasses or simply getting out of traffic. A few daring souls continued down and the puny efforts of headlights could illuminate only a short distance in front of them. I was motionless. The car was dark, and Gabriel didn't speak, neither did I. I was safe and dry while the fury thrashed around us, battering the car with sheets of rain and gusts of wind that rocked it from side to side. Gabriel held it steady, his powerful forearms rippling with muscles as he fought to counteract the storm's fury. I didn't feel a second of uneasiness, I was safe and I knew it. Eventually we drove out of the storm, leaving it flashing and rumbling sulkily in the distance. It continued to rain, but it was a light, steady, ordinary rain. We rolled down our windows a couple of inches and let the sweet air flow around us. I leaned my head back. My heartbeat was slow and heavy, my cock hard, my body pulsing with want. I wanted him, wanted him inside me, wanted to feel us coming together to create a bond that no one could sever. I could feel him beside me, taut with sexual awareness. His eyes were on the road, but his attention was focused on me. I knew that he was acutely aware of every movement I made, of the slight rustling of my breathing, the warm, faint scent of my body. "Gabriel," I said. The one word vibrated in the darkness. He was sweating; I could see the sheen on his face in the lights of an oncoming car. Excitement coiled in my belly, he wanted me too, wanted the reinforcement of life, of safety. I reached out and gently trailed one finger along the crease between thigh and groin, feeling his muscles harden beneath my touch. His erection was iron, pushing against the constraint of his pants. I stroked my finger up and down the length of it. His breath hissed out between his teeth. "Stop teasing me." "I'm not teasing," I murmured, almost purring the words. "I'm very serious." I shifted my hands until they were between his legs, and he groaned as he involuntarily shifted them apart. The car slowed, then he gathered himself and increased speed again. "Stop it Connor." "Why?" I asked, my tone absent as I concentrated on unbuckling his belt. He shuddered. "I can't stop now." "I don't want you to," I said, just as I eased down his zipper and worked my hand inside his jeans to close my fingers around his naked shaft. A rough moan burst out of him. I savored the sound of it, just as I savored the feel of him throbbing in my hand. I knew that a few quick, hard pumps would finish it for him, so I deliberately kept my touch light, slow, and lingering. His face was set in taut lines as I snuggled closer and kissed the underside of his jaw. "You're going to pay for this," he warned. I bit his earlobe. "Sounds interesting. Got any ideas?" I continued to gently caress him, keeping him achingly hard. "Please, baby." He growled. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gabriel's POV "Please, What?" he whispered. "Stop." I said harshly. "No." His hand was hot against my flesh, his breath warm against my ear. He was driving me insane. I blinked my eyes trying to concentrate on driving, not the slow movements of his hand on my cock. I glanced over at him and knew that was a mistake. He was so sexy, and his eyes, they glowed with want, with need. I wanted to pull over and take him there not caring about who saw, I just wanted in him. But we couldn't, not now. We pulled up to a stop sign and I carefully unwrapped his hand from around me, then I agonizingly tucked my cock in my jeans. "Why?" he asked. I clenched my jaw at the hurt in his tone. "You've had a rough day, sex is the last thing you need right now." "I need you." He whispered. The rest of the ride was made in silence. Finally we came to my house. I jumped out of the car, and went over to Connor's side; pulling him into my arms I carried him in the house, rain soaking us, and up the stairs. Setting him down, I grasped his hands between mine. His fingers were cold but it was his demeanor that scared me most. He sat still as I underdressed him and myself, then I started to dry his face, his arms. When we were both dry I pulled him into my arms, we lay in bed, face to face. "Baby, talk to me," I pleaded ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Connor's POV I hadn't wanted to stop in the car, I had wanted to continue, to live out one of my fantasies, to erase my bad memories of being in a car, to feel alive again and not afraid, not on edge. "Gabriel?" "Hmm?" "Kiss me." He pulled me close. The kiss was both gentle and thorough enough to steal not just thought, but breath-and reason. Gabriel adjusted the angle, breathed into me, and took back my breath, left no millimeter untouched or unchanged by his tongue and teeth. "Make love to me." I whispered into his mouth. He framed my face as if it might break, his thump touching a scrape on my forehead. "I don't want to hurt you, Connor. You're bruised." "You won't hurt me." "I don't want to put any weight on you." My cock jumped at the thought, I wanted that, to feel his weight on me touching me inside and out. "I'm not fragile." "I'm a big man." "I know." I ran my hands down his back, over his ass. "I love how big you are." "This probably isn't a good idea." He leaned forward and slid his hands down my back. "But I want you so much." His lips touched mine, warm and soft, whispering over the tender swells. I barely felt the first brush of his tongue, only knew it had been there from the moisture it left behind. I cupped his face with both hands, savoring the subtle movements of muscles in his checks. A hint of a beard roughened his copper skin. "Open for me," he whispered, nuzzling my cheek. When I did, he remained just as tender, just as slow. His tongue probed deeply, the intrusion more intimate than a hard kiss. I brushed my own tongue against the silken lining of his mouth. He inhaled sharply and rolled his body onto mine, taking care not to put any weight on my ribs He pressed a kiss to my forehead, then to each eye. He kissed my cheek and gently nibbled at my bottom lip before delving deeply into my mouth again. Capturing my tongue, he sucked it. I moaned with approval. He leaned down and began tonguing my collarbone, and he kissed my throat. I shivered. He kissed his way down the smooth expanse of my chest, stopping at my right nipple, his teeth nipped at me, tearing a cry from my throat. Pleasure-pain electrified my nipples, making them burn with the torment at the lick of his tongue. I moaned, my hand sliding down his back to butt, tracing his cleft. "More." I gasped arching my hard cock to met his, grinding our pelvis's together. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gabriel's POV "Soon baby, I want you to be ready for me." "I want to touch you, too," he confessed, his throat almost too thick for sound. "Later, this time is for you, only you." "Umm," he mumbled and rubbed his hands down my spine. Moving lower, I ran my lips down his bandaged ribs, placing gentle soothing kisses against his the cloth. I nibbled at his pubic bone, biting the tender flesh I found there. I stroked his parted thighs feeling the hard muscle tense under my touch. I smiled at him and kissed his inner thighs, licking and biting the soft skin. When my head finally closed over his shaft, Connor groaned. I let out a breath on the tip on his cock and watched it jump in response. I started with his balls, swollen and rock hard, and stretching his sac to bursting. I licked softly, and then drew them into my mouth, one at a time, carefully not stimulating him too much. I wanted this to last. His cock had been big before, but now it was huge-long and thick, pulsing with want, the plum, round head dripping with pre-cum. I tongued over and around it, savoring the salty taste of him. I licked his entire length and twirled my tongue over the tip. A shudder rocked him as my mouth dipped lower, my tongue tracing the crooked vein that ran down one side. I licked the wide base, teasing, testing, before cupping his sac carefully with my hand, weighing the heavy testicles. "Shit," He muttered, as I moved back to the round head lapping at it with the flat of my tongue. Steadying his shaft with my hand, I drew him into my mouth, pillowing him with my tongue, tugging at him with the gentlest possible suction. Sweetness tinged my mouth as fluid squeezed slowly from his slit. His thighs shook against me. I lightened my touch even more, circling him with my tongue, dragging slowly up the pulsing column before bearing lazily down again. "Enough," He moaned. "I'm ready." "Not yet." I said. I licked a path from his thigh down to globes of his ass. I rubbed his firm taut checks before spreading them apart to reveal his puckered hole. I leaned forward and plunged my tongue in his hairy crack. I attacked the pink rosebud, licking and nibbling along the wrinkled sphincter. "Oh, Gabriel." Connor cried out. "I want to sink inside you until I fill you, and we can feel nothing but each other, do you want that baby?" I brushed a finger against him, twirling it slowly around his opening. He groaned and raised his hips. "Oh yes, Please." I obeyed his silent command and placed my mouth over him, finding the tight bud with my tongue. His taste and scent surrounded me like misty salt air. It was intoxicating. It was heaven. And I couldn't remember wanting anything more than I wanted to make Connor scream in pleasure. I twirled the tip of my tongue around him, and he arched his back, his hands knotting in my hair. I flicked my tongue faster, and he began to squirm. "Gabriel." He whimpered, the sound distressed, blind with pleasure. Gently I replaced my tongue with my finger, sliding in him. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Connor's POV I arched my back as I felt his fingers entering me and then pulling out, then back in again. He paused, then pushed back in and this time I felt a cool liquid sliding inside me and I opened my eyes. Gabriel was coating his fingers and his cock with lube. He thoroughly covered his index and middle fingers. Inserting them into my anus, he worked his fingers deep inside me, stretching my sphincter muscle. Every time he tried to pull his finger free I clamped down on them, wanting him, needing him. "Tell me what you need," he rasped. "You. Inside me. Now." My confession seemed to slash the last of his restraint. He ran a hand down my side, to my hip, positioning me, holding me. "Raise your knees," he instructed. He drew back, his blunt tip poised at my slick opening. Slowly, he let some of his weight ease forward, watching my face for signs that he was going too fast or hurting me. He pressed deeper, and began to slowly but firmly penetrate until the head of his cock slipped in. I flinched at the pressure, but I concentrated on Gabriel's eyes. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gabriel's POV I gritted my teeth and pushed. Resistance stretched the skin of my cock. I worked half way in, then stopped, giving him a chance to adjust. His passage was hot and close. It throbbed around my cock. "Okay?" I asked. "Yeah." Gasped out. "More." Forcing myself not to rush, I pressed carefully against him. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Connor's POV The pressure between my legs grew, invading, cleaving, until it felt as if I might split in two. For a wild moment I wanted him to stop, the pain too great. I cried out, unable to stop the tears. "Shh," He said. He caressed my damp forehead. "Shh. Just breathe. Trust me." I nodded and breathed, he pushed again, slowly. Sweat was glistening off his shoulders when he finally stop pushing. He was in me. Deep. Filling me completely. There was no more pain, just a deep sense of fullness, I marveled at the feeling of being joined, of being one. He rained kisses across my face reassuring me with soft words. "Talk to me, baby. Tell me you're okay." "I'm okay." "Sure?" I caught his mouth, wanting his lips on mine. "Positive." He withdrew slightly, then slid back in, deeper, saw my eyes widen. "What are you thinking?" He wanted it all, my thoughts, my feelings, my physical response, wanted nothing held back. "I didn't think you'd fit...this well." He grinned. The fit was perfect. Cupping my bottom, he drew me closer, moving in and out with longer strokes, watching my reaction. His dick rubbed across my prostate. I couldn't help it, I yelled out in agonized pleasure. That was exactly what it was like, agonized pleasure. "Gabriel." I felt painfully short of breath. "More." "Wrap your legs around my waist." I did, moaning as he buried himself to the hilt, then pulled back. Only to do it again and again and again, raising me slightly with each stroke. He pumped faster, deeper, harder, showing me the rhythm. I squirmed beneath him, panting, crying. A rough sound burst from his throat and he began thrusting with heavy power, reaching deep into me, his cock head hitting my prostate with every deep plunge, the sharp slap of our bodies coming together mingled with his harsh breathing, and mine. He pushed my legs high, lifting my ankles onto his shoulders. Gasping I felt him getting bigger and harder inside me. He continued to pump against the tiny swell, over and over, until my cock screamed for release. I was going to come. I felt the rising pressure, the heat, and the upward squeeze of my balls. He slammed into me again, and I cried out. My entire body shook uncontrollably from the pleasure that exploded through me. My sphincter to clamped down on Gabriel's cock. It jumped inside me as he began to come. He cried out incoherently as he spewed his seed deep inside of me. When he stopped shaking, when the last small quake had rippled through both of us, I opened my arms, and he weakly let himself sink into them, his head against my heart. He kept most of his weight on the bed, taking care of me even when he was dizzy with pleasure. His dark head was wet with sweat, he turned his face towards me, and his warm breath washed over my neck. I stroked his back, loving the feel of his heated skin beneath my palms. I smiled. I was sore, but happy. His hoarse voice murmured against me. "Did I hurt you?" I shook my head. Drawing back, he looked down at me. I almost laughed. He looked so stern, a disciplinarian demanding honesty, but I knew the truth about him. He wasn't as tough as he liked everyone to think. In fact, with me, he was soft as butter. Cupping his cheek, I told him, "I'm pleasantly sore." "You won't be afraid to make love with me next time?" Next time. I sputtered with laughter. He was already planning next time. "I would never be afraid with you." He relaxed with a sigh, and his expression lightened. "Good." He kissed me softly and gently withdrew from me. I flinched a little. He saw it, of course. How could he not? He watched me like a hawk. Tucking the blanket around my shoulders, he instructed. "Lie still. I'll be back." He slid off the edge of the bed. Tucking my hand under my check, I watched him stride toward the bathroom. His body was truly beautiful, hard, taut and hairy in all the right places. He returned with a damp washcloth. Pushing back the covers, he nudged my legs apart and gently bathed me. The cool water soothed me, and when he finished, he flung the washcloth toward the bathroom, smacking the door, then without a care for the mess, climbed into bed with me again. He pulled me into his arms; I tucked my head under his chin, kissing his neck softly. "Have I told you how much I love you?" I smiled. "No." "I do love you more than life it self, you know." "I love you, too." I sighed in contentment as he shifted his hand through my hair. Closing my eyes I let the sleep claim me. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gabriel's POV I watched him as he drifted off to sleep. This was a new experience for me, feeling completely connected after sex, even though we weren't still physically joined. Sex had always been fun, but never this gut wrenching feeling of oneness. I had come faster, harder; and more blindingly than I had I my life and I hadn't wanted to leave afterwards. It was going to take getting used to, this sharing of not only bodies but also hearts and lives. But I knew no matter how hard it was, it would be worth it in order to wake up next to this man for the rest of my life. Smiling at that thought, I closed my eyes and followed my lover into a peaceful sleep. To be Continued.... Suggestion? Comments? Feel free to email me at