Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 07:12:57 -0500 (EST) From: Blue OConnor Subject: Perfect8 Perfect ~ Chapter 8 ~ Flashback Gabriel's POV It's been three months since I'd arrived in France and I was miserable. It wasn't the academy itself that bothered me, because there was tons of things I could be doing at any given time but I couldn't get into it. Trips into the city were organized every weekend but the only thing I'd gone was go on a forced field trip to see a play for English class. Otherwise I stayed in my room, not talking to anyone unless I had to. Lots of guys tried to make friends with me and involve me in their groups, but I usually just scowled at them until they went away. The only thing that brought me joy was painting, thoughts of Connor, and the stolen phone conversations we had when I called an he answered, if my mom or his dad answered they wouldn't let me talk to him. It was Thanksgiving weekend. I had been excited that I was going to see Connor, but then one week before my mom had called. "I hope you don't plan on coming home." She'd said, her voice cold. "Why?" I asked. "Because no one will be here, we've decided to go to Fiji this year." "Ok, but why can't I come with you?" I asked. "I don't want you with us." I couldn't breathe, my throat closed up, and I could feel tears come to my eyes but I forced them back. "B-but Mom..." "Don't call me that, faggot. I told you already I'm not your mother." She yelled. My heart tightened. "I can't stay here, no one will be here." "Don't be melodramatic, some of the staff will be there and I already told your headmaster that you won't be coming home and he said it would be perfectly alright. "Okay, I'll stay." I knew there was nothing I could do or say that could change her mind. "You don't have choice." Then the line went dead. Afterwards I'd sat on my bed and stared into space, not wanting to concentrate on the pain. I knew that some mothers didn't like their kids but mine hated me and I didn't know why. That was the most frustrating part about it, what made me so unlovable even my mom hated me? The cold breeze on my face snapped me out of my trance. It was dark out and I'd been sitting on the garden bench, paint brush in hand but unable to actually get any work done. Signing I packed my stuff up and slowly made my way back to the dorms. It was Friday and everyone else had left this morning. Only a few staff members remained, the housekeeper, the cook, a maid, and of course Headmaster Asshole, as I like to call him. He had it out for me of course, always popping up where ever I was, trying to catch me doing something wrong, but when he found I wasn't, ended up stalking away muttering under his breath. I arrived in my room and put away all my supplies but as soon as I had nothing to do, I found myself getting restless. I couldn't sit still long enough to get into anything on television and all the books I had, had been read and re-read so I couldn't read either. I headed back out of my room, making my way to the library hoping I could find something that would take my mind off the sorry state of my life. I'd never been into the library before, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. As I entered the building I walked through a winding hallway and ended up in a picture gallery. The walls were covered with paintings, one of a horse and rider in eighteenth century clothes covered an entire wall. Another painting on the far wall caught my attention. Drawing closer to the portrait, I stared at it curiously. The painting featured a woman seated in large chair. Her young daughter stood nearby, a small hand poised on her mother's arm. The two were remarkably beautiful, with pale skin, dark curly hair, and expressive eyes. "I wonder who they were?" I asked aloud. It was probably an old headmaster's family. Whoever it was, the painting was beautiful. Although there was no sound behind me, a sixth sense caused my nerves to tingle. I whirled around. No one was there. Shaking off my unease, I told myself I was being foolish. Wandering further into the gallery, I looked closely at some more paintings. Finally I came upon the library. The walls were covered from ceiling to floor with oak bookshelves. There were so many books it seemed endless. Excited I went about looking for something interesting to read. After about twenty minutes of searching I found it, Misery by Stephen King. Finding a corner window seat, I curled into the niche and began to read. Now and then a household noise would interrupt my concentration: the murmur of the housekeeper's voice, the sound of the broom being used to sweep the hallway carpet. After 9 PM, however those noises disappeared, and was replaced silence. I knew it was now passed lights out but I didn't want to stop reading. I could relate to main character's plight of being trapped by a mad woman. A soft sound caught my attention. Curious I walked over to the back wall where it was coming from. Nothing there, 'Probably a mouse,' I thought to myself, turning around and heading for my seat. All of a sudden a powerful grip compressed my arm, and the wall seemed to open in a blur before my eyes. I was pulled off my feet, dragged sideways, so quickly that all I could do was yelp in protest as the unseen force yanked me from the library into a place of stifling darkness...a secret door...a concealed corridor. Hands steadied me, one wrapped around my wrist; one clamped on my shoulder. Blinking in the darkness, I tried to talk but could only make a terrified squeak. "Who...who..." "Come on," said male a voice. He sounded young, not my age, but maybe sixteen or seventeen. "No," I said, finally finding my voice. "I'm not going anywhere with you." Backing up slowly, I prepared myself for fighting my way out of this place. "Don't be stupid, I'm not going to hurt you. Come on." After letting me go I felt him turn and start to walk off. I listened to his footsteps heading away from me for a few minutes until it dawned on me that I had no idea how I was getting out of here and I'd just let the only person who did, leave. "Wait!" Rushing in the direction of his footsteps, I tried to catch up with him. As I continued to fallow him, I began to see a flicker of light in what looked a doorway; the guy disappeared in it. Cautiously I stepped in. The room consisted of three areas, a bedroom in the back with an iron bed. A living room in the center included a couch, two love seats, TV stand with a small television. Finally there was an eating area containing a small table and a mini fridge. "What the hell?" The sound of muffled laughter caught my attention; it was then I noticed that there was girl curled up in the side of the couch. She was covered with blankets. The guy came out of another room, and I breath caught. He was beautiful, curly black hair framed his face and aqua eyes sparkled with amusement. "I think we scared him." He said to the girl. "MMmmm, yes, he does look kind of pale." Her voice was soft, sweet, and almost musical. "Can someone tell me what the Fuck is going on here?" I shouted. They looked at each other, then at me and burst out laughing. "Settle down, we're not going to attack you." The girl said. "I have no idea who you are, so excuse me for getting upset." I yelled again. The guy stepped towards me, his movements angry. "Don't talk to her like that." "Don't start," the girl said exasperated. "He thinks he's my father." Rolling her eyes, she held out her hand. "I'm Elaine." "I'm Gabriel." "Yes, we know." Elaine said smiling, tilting her head towards the guy, "He's Derek." Derek didn't say anything to me just walked over to the fridge and grabbed a soda. "Come on, sit down." I sat down on one of the love seats, trying to take everything in. "What is this place?" I asked. "A secrete room." "Yeah, well I can see that but why are you guys in it? Aren't you going to get into trouble?" "Not if you keep you big mouth shut?" Derek snarled. "Derek please!" Elaine pleaded. "No, I told you, I didn't want him here but you had to talk me into getting him to come here. If he tells, where the yell do you think we're going to go?" He bellowed. "Hey, I'm not going to say anything." I protected. "Of course you won't." He said sarcastically. "Ahh, come one Derek if he said he won't, he won't." "Fuck Elaine! You're so gullible, Why can't you leave people alone? Why can't you ever just mind your own business? We were doing fine?" He shouted. "I-I so-rry" Elaine said sniffling, tears began to trail down her cheeks. She started to sit up but gasped in pain after a slight movement. Derek ran to her, pulling her into his arms. "I'm sorry, it's ok, I shouldn't have gotten angry." "I shouldn't have forced you to invite him." Feeling awkward and intruding, I said, "Maybe I should go." "No," Derek said. "Elaine wanted you here, so you can stay." "I promise I won't tell anyone." I tried to reassure him. He just grunted and began to rub Elaine's back. "Why are you guys in here anyway?" They looked at each; Derek nodded seemingly giving Elaine permission to tell me. "I, well, I live here." She whispered. "Huh?" "I live here." "Then you don't go to school here?" "No, Derek does but I don't." She replied. "Why?" I asked, confused. "Because we can't afford it." She said. "Why don't you live at home." I asked tentatively. "You ask a lot of questions, don't you?" Derek grumbled defensively. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." "Leave him alone Derek." Elaine said. "It's ok, he's just trying to protect me again." Rubbing her head on his shoulder, she smiled. "My family kicked me out." "Oh." Well that was stupid, of all the things I could have said; 'Oh' was the least intelligent. "Why? And, How did you end up here?" "None of your business." Derek barked. "Stop being an Asshole." Elaine said softly. His attitude was starting to piss me off too. "You know what? I don't need to take your shit." Standing up I started for the door. "How the yell do you get out of here?" "Don't leave." Elaine pleaded, she pushed against Derek's chest trying to get him to let go of her, but he wouldn't budge, the blanket however fell, and for the first time I saw her body. She was tiny, no more than 5'2. Her feet looked like they were only size four or five. Her belly was also huge, rounded and protruding out of her white T-shirt. She was very, very pregnant. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Present Day- Connor's POV I sat with a group of students at a long table in the campus cafeteria. I didn't contribute a great deal to the conversation swirling around me, but I nevertheless enjoyed being included in the group. With a secrete smile, I thought about the night with Gabriel. I couldn't believe we were starting a relationship. I loved him so much; it was however going to be hard to keep my hands off of him. It's funny actually that I managed to stay a virgin for all these years but couldn't seem to want to wait another day without some sexual contact with Gabriel. "Anybody heard anything new on the caller?" I swallowed the French fry I'd been eating and leaned forward to look at the speaker seated further down the table. "What caller?" Mary, a new friend who was seated on my right, turned her head to look at me, her round blue eyes bigger than usual. "Haven't you heard about the guy who's been calling the gay students here?" Mary gave me a nudge. "Can I have a couple of your fries?" she requested and I pulled the cardboard container along the table until it sat between us. "Thanks." Mary helped herself. Holding several fries suspended between container and mouth, she said, "It's really creepy. Some guy keeps calling a bunch of gay students. No one knows how he gets their numbers, but nearly a dozen guys have filed complaints." She leaned forward on her forearms and looked down the table. "Mike. Pass the ketchup with ya?" She poked the fries into her mouth and half closed her eyes in appreciation of their salty flavor. "Obscene calls?" I inquired. "Not really," Mary replied with her mouth full, then self-consciously covered her lips with her fingers. "Sorry," she mumbled around them and swallowed. Her face turned pink with embarrassment. "Jeez, not only am I eating your food, I'm acting like a pig while I'm doing it." I smiled. "Help yourself," I invited. "I wasn't going to finish anyway." I butted Mary's shoulder with my own. "And relax, nobody cares if you talk while your eating." With her natural friendliness, curly blonde hair, and pretty voluptuousness, Mary was outgoing and well liked. She had a natural confidence that came from knowing herself. She hung with popular crowd and the football players. I on the other hand usually sat alone in the library with my nose in the textbooks and rarely spoke to anyone. I knew speculation was running rampant on why I attended university in Toronto, instead of going to some ivy-league school in the States, which made me stand-off-ish. I didn't want people faking friendships with me in order to get the dirt on why I was there. This was some times mistaken of snobbish behavior and most people thought I would just buy may way through school. So it was a surprise when Mary had came up to me and asked me to help her with a Chemistry problem she was having. After I helped her and we talked a bit, I found her very nice. I eventually asked her if she would be my study partner, she enthusiastically accepted and offered to introduce me to the group she ate lunch with. I was reluctant at first but after some persuading I gave in. I was surprised to find that they were all really friendly. "So, where was I?" She asked. "Oozing potatoes between your teeth," Mike retorted and passed the ketchup. "What a charmer you are," I rebuked. With a smile I prompted Mary, "I asked if the calls were obscene and you said not exactly." "Oh, yeah." Mary curled her lip at a Mike before she turned her attention to me. "The caller doesn't make sexual suggestions or talk dirty, from what I've heard, but what he does is almost worst. He seems to know all sorts of person stuff about the guys he calls." She shivered. "Can you imagine anything creepier than having some total stranger know everything about you? Take Kevin Franklin, for instance. He just got engaged the other night, and practically before his boyfriend finished putting the ring on his finger, this creep was on the phone describing he weight and shape of the ring." "It was the next day that he called," one of the girls further down the table contradicted her. "Close enough," Mary shrugged. "Connor knew what I meant." She leaned into me and murmured, "My version has more flair, don't you think?" I flashed her a smile. "Entirely more dramatic," I agreed. Other students sitting at the table began to contribute stories they had heard about the man they'd nickname the Campus Caller. The whole thing made me nervous but since I didn't live on campus, I wasn't really worried. As we all went to the library to study, I couldn't shake my unease however. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gabriel's POV I sat at my desk, trying to catch up on my paper work. I was beginning to feel lightheaded though, and realized it was way past lunch. Pushing the intercom button, I said, "Elaine can you order me some lunch please." A few seconds later she came through the door, a bag with my favorite Chinese food restaurant's logo on it, in hand. "Ah, you know me so well." I said smiling. She waved the boxes in front of me and I knew she wanted something. "What do you want?" She grinned mysteriously at me but said nothing just started removing the boxes and placing them on the clean side of my desk. When I reached for a box she smacked me on my fingers with chopsticks I didn't see in her hand. "Owww," I said, sucking on my fingers. "Come on, don't be mean, I'm starving." I tried to look underfed and hungry, not an easy thing to do for someone 6'4 and over 200 albs. "What happened with Adrian?" "Nothing." My eyes were focused on a box I new contained sweet and sour pork, my favorite. "Huh, Huh." She said. Taking up a box she opened it and started to eat the shrimp and noodles it held. "You're so mean." My stomach growled. "Fine, We're not seeing each other any more." She stopped eating and stared at me. "But why? I thought you liked him?" Grabbing the sweet and sour pork, I sniffed the sweet aroma before digging in. "I did." "Then why stop seeing him?" "Because." I mumbled. "Now you're being obtuse. Why?" "I can't stop thinking about Connor." "Oh!" "I couldn't continue seeing Adrian while wanting Connor, it wasn't fare to him or me." We ate in silence for a few minutes. "Have you talked to him?" She said, breaking the silence. I smiled remembering two nights ago, "Yeah." "What's the grin about?" "He came over and surprised me, we had fun." "Gabriel did you..." "None of you business." "OOOH, you slut, you did." She giggled at my outraged expression. "I didn't do anything, brat." "Yeah, right." She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "You didn't kiss him." I suddenly became fascinated with what was in the other boxes, opening them and looking at what was instead, which made her laugh. "Bitch." I mumbled. "Yeah, Yeah, but you love me." "I don't know why." "Because no one else would put up with you." Throwing a noodle at me, she said, "Seriously what are you going to do now?" "I'm not sure." "What do you mean your not sure?" "I want to start slow but as soon I'm in the same room with him figure it out." "AaHHH." She said. "Well just go out to dinner, movies or talk on the phone. Start small in less tempting situations, then work your want up." "Yeah I know, I'm going to ask him to dinner for tomorrow." "Why haven't you?" "Because he wasn't home, brat." Picking up the phone she handed it to me. "Call him now." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Connor's POV I'd settled down to watch television when the phone rang. "Hello." "Hey." My breath caught in my throat. His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. "How are you doing?" "I'm good." I couldn't stop grinning. "What did you do today?" "Went to school, nothing major, you?" "Work, I'm still there actually." "Oh, I wanted to ask you if you would still paint my condo." "Yeah, but I won't charge you." "What? Of course you will." "No, I won't, and besides you're going to help me." I could hear the smile in his voice. "I am?" "Yep." "I've never done it before." "I'll teach you." His voice became softer, more intimate. Closing my eyes I pictured him, sitting in his chair, so sexy, beautiful and mine, well, almost mine anyway. "Alright." "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?" he asked, rushing his words a little as if he was nervous. "No." "Would you like to go out to dinner?" "I'd love that." I said softly, my heart beating fast with anticipation. "I'll pick you up at seven, okay?" "Yeah." "I've got to get back to work." I could tell he was reluctant to hang up which made me elated. "Gabriel?" "Hmmm" "I missed you, today." "So did I, baby." He whispered. "I see you tomorrow." "Bye." OH MY GOD, I had a date. I had a date with Gabriel. I had to find something to wear. Jumping up I ran to the door, It looked like Hunter and I was going to do a little shopping. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gabriel's POV It had taken more than two hours for me to get ready for this evening. I kept on changing my clothes, not sure of what to wear. I'd finally picked a white button shirt and dark blue jeans. I was now at Connor's door waiting for him to answer. I heard movement from behind the door, I knew he was coming. 'Here we go,' I said to myself... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Connor's POV "You almost ready?" Hunter asked. "No, I just finished taking a shower." Tucking the phone by my ear I started to dry myself off. "He's going to be there in 20 minutes." "I know." "Well, hurry up." He said. I went to my room, rubbing my hair with the towel. Pulling on a pair of black briefs, I said, "It doesn't take me that long to get ready." "Ha, who was at mall for three hours trying find something to wear." "Shut up" I grumbled. "Aww, it's ok sweetie, you were so cute. I've never seen anyone get so nervous over a guy." "He's not just some guy." I said pulling on a pair of light blue jeans. "He's the one, I don't want to screw this up." "Yeah, I can't believe he gave you a chance." "Hey." Laughing he said, "I'm kidding, if he has half a brain, he's crazy about you." Putting on a long sleeve, orange lightweight sweater, Hunter had forced me to buy saying it looked great on me. "I hope." I looked at myself in the mirror. I had never been a person to think much about my looks, but for once, I really studied myself. My jeans were tight, outlining my defined legs. Rolling up the sleeve of my sweater to my elbow, I admitted Hunter was right, the light orange did compliment my pale skin. My hair was mused and messy but that's how I liked it. I turned from the mirror, then stopped to put on my watch. "You have five minutes." "I'm ready." After administer some cologne, I headed downstairs to wait. "You okay." "I'm trying to be." "Just take it easy, don't rush him sweetie." I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and gulping it down. "What are you going tonight?" I asked. "Clubbing, what else?" "With anyone I know?" "Nah, just a few friends." Just as I was about to grab a doughnut from the fridge, I'd been too nervous to eat all day, the doorbell rang. I shot a quick glance at the clock, 7:00, Gabriel was right on time. "He's here." "I'll call you later, ok?" "Bye." Clicking off the phone, I approached the elevator, and with a cleansing breath, I pushed the button, opening the doors. The sight in front of me not only stopped my breath, but brought my pounding heart to a standstill as well. Gabriel stood before me, wearing tight dark blue jeans that were tight in all the right places. The white shirt enhanced the broadness of his shoulders, and the wing-collar sharpened the cut of his jawline. He let his hair down. Waves of blue-black strands flowed down his shoulders. He was stunning. My fingers itched to touch the dark, shiny locks. Instead, I whispered, "Hi." He took a moment to answer, his own gaze devouring me. "Hi," he finally said the single word rich and velvety. We stared at each other, and then Gabriel moved the hand that he was holding behind his back out to offer me a giant bouquet of fresh-cut yellow Gerber daisies. I tried my best not to smile, he was so sweet. "They're beautiful." "Your beautiful." His adamant pronouncement caused heat to burn my cheeks. "I'll go put these in water." Hurriedly I went into the kitchen and grabbed a vase from the cupboard. Placing them in the center of the dinning room table, then I walked back to Gabriel, "Thank you." He just smiled at me, eyes twinkling. Stepping in the elevator, I locked the keypad on the center panel by the door. It took just a few minutes to get to his car. Gabriel followed me around to the passenger side of the truck, slipping past me to open the door. "I'm hope your hungry," he said as he held the door with one hand and other he left open, offering something to me. I looked at the length of his long fingers and the width of his open palm. 'His hand was a beautiful as the rest of him,' I thought. I wanted to feel that callused, work-toughened skin against mine. Focusing, I turned my attention to what he was holding, a Hershey kiss. Taking it from him, I smiled and climbed in. I studied Gabriel as he walked around the front of the truck. His broad shoulders strained against the cotton of his shirt and muscles rippled under his sleeves. "Do you like seafood?" he asked as he hopped into the truck. The truck's spacious cab suddenly shrunk, he really did have a way of consuming space, and it wasn't just his size, but his very presence. "Seafood?" he asked again, and I realized I was just staring at him, trying to control my erratic breath and the pounding heart. "Yes, seafood is great." Gabriel started the engine, which growled to life. "You remembered." I said as I held up the kiss. "Yeah." His lips tilled up in a small smile. When I was younger I used to hate going out anywhere wearing pants. I would kick and scream whenever anyone even tried to put them on me. My mom began to give me a Hershey kiss as a bribe for behaving. My dad and Gabriel kept up the practice after she died. Unwrapping it I bite half, then placed the rest at his lips. Opening his mouth he drew in the chocolate, and nipped his teeth against my fingers. 'I'm not going to make,' I groaned to myself, my cock pressing up against the zipper of my jeans. After about 15 minutes, Gabriel pulled the truck up to the curb in front of a restaurant I didn't recognize. The building itself wasn't new, as its grayed, weathered walls revealed. I couldn't recall seeing this place before. "The food's great here." The sun had set during our drive, and now the evening sky was a vivid indigo dotted with millions of tiny stars. "What a beautiful night." I sighed, stepping out of the car as Gabriel opened it for me. Gabriel kept his hold on my fingers, pulling me to him. "To be honest, I haven't been able to notice anything but you." He looked into my eyes for a moment and then the placed a kiss on my mouth. My free hand moved up to find silkiness of his hair, as I had wanted to since he first arrived at my door. The kiss intensified, our tongues touching briefly, then retreating only to repeat the action. I sank my fingers into his unruly locks, smelling the fresh scent of his shampoo mingling with the spiciness of his cologne. His hand slid around my waist, his long fingers splaying across the small of my back. His heat surrounded me. Gabriel let out a low groan and pulled back. Resting his forehead against mine, a lopsided smile curved his lips. "If we keep doing this, I don't think we're going to make it to dinner." "So much for taking it slow," I said with my own sheepish grin. "Yep, so much for slow." He straightened. Still holding my hand, he led me up the restaurant's steps, I noticed the pub-like sign swinging over the door. It bore the name The Mermaid in ornate golden lettering with a mermaid cheerfully holding a frosty mug of ale in her grip. He paused with his hand on the handle. "You know, we really need to get better timing," I said. "I'll make a better effort." Humor twinkled in his eyes, making the jade green irises shimmer. He opened the pub's door and ushered me in. "You do that." A deep chuckle escaped him. The interior of the restaurant was just as appealing as the outside. The first thing to grab my attention was the buttery aroma of broiled seafood that filled the air. One side of the room was sectioned into booths with antique brown glass buoys hanging over the tables, refracting blue and green light on the walls and ceiling. Several round tables filled the middle section of the floor, and the far wall sported a long, old-fashioned bar made of shiny dark wood and brass. I felt the pressure of one of Gabriel's hands at the small of my back. He pointed to a booth in the corner. "Does that look okay?" "Great," I breathed and followed him. I slid into the booth and he sat across from me. He placed his on top mine on the table. We stared at each other, silent. "Hey, Gabriel." A man wearing a bartender's apron over his wide girth appeared beside them, jarring us out of our companionable silence. "Hey, Paul," Gabriel said. "How are you?" "Can't complain, can't complain." Paul placed menus in front of us. "This is Connor." Casting a smile toward me that sent warm tinges down my spine. "It's nice to meet you." Paul said, his wide grin revealing startlingly white teeth. He turned to toward the bar. "Hey, Lynn, bring over a round of two of my special brews." He turned back to us. "On the house." "Thanks, Paul," Gabriel said. "Thanks," I said smiling. "Well enjoy your meal. And don't be a stranger Gabriel." "I won't." Paul went back to the bar. The woman Paul had called Lynn approached, carrying two giant mugs filled to the brim with a dark amber liquid. She set down the drinks, somehow managing not the spill any of it on the polished tabletop. "Hey, Gabriel." Her two-word greeting held volumes of innuendo. But Gabriel didn't seem to the notice the waitress's thinly veiled interest. "Hi Lynn. What's the catch of the day?" I had the distinct impression that Lynn would have liked to offer herself as the catch. But she simply answered the question. "Haddock and lobster." "Do you need time to look over the menu?" He asked me. "I'll just have whatever your having." I said not wanting to take time, I was starving. "Ok, then we'll have scallops to start and then the Haddock. "Alright, coming right up." I watched her go into the back room behind the bar that must have been the kitchen. "Mmmm," I said. "What?" "She looked at as if she wanted to eat you." "What...OH...Lynn, yeah she's doesn't seem to get that I'm gay." "Well, she'd better start," I growled. Gabriel chuckled, "Your jealous." Taking a sip of my bear, which was actually really good, I didn't bother denying it. "I'm a bit territorial." "That's all right, I like it." He squeezed my fingers. "So..." "So..." We said at the same time and then burst out with laughter. "I'm nervous." He admitted. "So am I." "Why?" "Because I want this to work so bad." "Me too." I said. "What did you do today?" "Nothing just caught up on some readings." I said. 'Lair,' I thought to myself. 'You sat at home and waited for night to come.' "Psychology, right?" "Yeah, how did you know?" He blushed, "I kept up with what you were doing." "Really?" He nodded. "Your dad say's you're not sure you want to practice." "Yeah, I'm minoring in business and I want to open up my own coffee shop/bookstore." "Then why study Psychology?" I shrugged, "I like it, I just don't want to practice it." Lynn arriving with scallops interrupted us, she placed my plate in front of me, and then walked over to Gabriel. "The Haddock will be ready soon." She said to Gabriel, bending seductively, so he could see her ample cleavage. I gritted my teeth, as she walked away. "Be nice." He murmured to me. "How did you start working for my father?" I asked, changing the subject, as I bit into the juicy scallop. "It was an accident, I accepted the job, then went to meet the owner, who turned out to be your Dad." "He didn't know you were living here at the time?" "Yes he did, I tracked you guys down shortly after I arrived." He said in between bites of his food. "What about your business, how did you get started doing that?" He begun to tell me that story while we ate, and drank. I learned about how he came about owning his company and his love for art. "Do you still paint?" I asked when he was finished. "Yes." "Would you show me some of your work?" "Sure." The evening continued like that with quiet conversation and sort caresses, fingers, knees. The meal was delicious and I had this gorgeous guy all to myself. We made a silent pact not to talk about the past only the future and the present. Even Lynn's outrageous flirting didn't bother me. As we exited the restaurant I asked the question that was burning at the back of my mind. "Why did you move here?" He stopped suddenly, then recovered; moving to the car door to open it for me but still didn't answer my question. I covered my hand with his. "Gabriel?" "For you." My father had told me but deep down I hadn't believed me. "Really?" "Yeah." He wouldn't meet my eyes, he seemed embarrassed. I reach up to his cheek, making him look at me. "All this time?" He didn't pretend to misunderstand the question just answered simply, "Yes." "I'm sorry I didn't met your expectations." "You did, it just took you awhile." Kissing my cheek softly he ushered me into the car. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ We stood in the doorway of my apartment. Conversation seemed to be impossible; the air was filled with lust. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked trying to break the tension, and continued in a ramble, "I have wine, brandy that I keep for when my dad comes over, water, coffee or if you I can make a capa..." "Connor." "Yes." I squeaked. "Come here," he said, his voice low, the command undeniable. I hesitated, but after a few hushed moments, I moved to stand in front of him, my hands loose at my sides, my eyes wide and uncertain. I didn't want to do anything that would ruin the night. "Be quiet." He placed his hands on my hips, caressing his thumbs back and forth over the smooth skin he found where my sweater had ridden up to reveal. The top of my head was in perfect aliment with his lips. Gently he lips moved against my forehead, caressing my hair with his breath. A shaky breath escaped my parted lips, and I trembled. His hand moved to my butt, cupping my cheeks and molding us together. He rocked his hips against mine, grinding our pelvises and hard cocks together, making us both gasp. "I want you." "I want you too." I rasped out. "But we can't" "Why?" His lips went to my closed eyelids, brushing against them. "Because we're taking it slow." He released my ass, my body immediate was disappointed, but he kept our hips glued together. Cupping the back of my head he pulled my mouth to his. He tasted like the chocolate cheesecake we'd had for desert. My lips clung to his and he continued to kiss me slowly telling me with small, teasing sweeps of his tongue that everything would be fine. My hands came up to touch his face, the pads of my fingertips stroking his bristled jaw. Then I sank my hands into his hair, and kissed him with all the desire I was keeping a tight rein on. His tongue tasted mine, brushing temptingly over my lips. His teeth nipped at my bottom lip. "Yes, we're getting to know each first." I panted out. His lips moved to my ear, biting, licking, flicking his tongue against the tender flesh he found there. "I want to touch you." "You are touching me." His lips traveled to my neck, his tongue tracing my collarbone. His hands moved to my back, reaching underneath my shirt and rested them on soft flesh just around the swell of my ass. "Slow." "Right," he said, raising his head but his gaze never leaving my lips. I licked my bottom lip, tasting him there. He moved one hand from my back to my lips. His fingertip caressing my bottom lip, tracing it back and fourth, back and fourth until I open my mouth and drew it in. I twirled my tongue around the tip, then sucked, hard. "Jesus." He breathed, pulling back his finger as if burnt. "Hmmm." "We're being responsible." "Huh, Huh." He gazed at me, green eyes glittering with lust. "Fuck it," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs that led to my bedroom. To be continued... I know I'm mean, but I'll try to make the next chapter extra steamy for you. Comments are welcome at