Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 22:09:19 -0700 (PDT) From: John Colorado Subject: Sunset on the Edge of the High Desert Chapter 3 If you are here illegally, then it is time for you to leave. This story contains man/ man sex. If this is bothers you, then it is time for you to leave also. This story is fiction but some of it is based on real situations. The names and places have been changed. Sunset on the Edge of the High Desert by John of Colorado Chapter 3 After the family left, Adam and I headed for Dan's office. His secretary met us with a cup of freshly made coffee and ushered us into the meeting room. Dan was already there with a huge pile of papers in front of him. "Are you ready for all of this guys. I think you won't like your own name when you have completed signing on all of these . You may even want to change it to a nice shore one but you can't." Dan laughed. He handed me one and indicated where I was to sign and the Adam and Mary had to sign their names. Finally Sherry did her thing and the first sheet was all set to go. Dan picked up the next one and the whole process started all over again. By noon we had made a very large dent in the stack of papers. "Hey gang, I think I need a break and I am just about starved. Who has a favorite spot to eat? My treat! Mary was the first to speak and she chose The Olive Garden. We all agreed that it was a very good choice. Much to our surprise it was within walking distance. I think we all needed the fresh air. By mid-afternoon, we were finished. Dan said that they would spend the rest of the day and most of tomorrow filing the papers with the appropriate authorities and organizations. I am sure glad that Dan was there to do all of our grunt work for us. I had not idea where to begin. If I had to do all that work I would still be busy at Christmas time. Adam and I decided to pay Joe a visit and spend the rest of the afternoon with him. So we went to the hospital. I was really glad to see Joe and to hold him. Adam found a magazine and found a corner to hid in. I was sitting there holding Joe and the next thing I knew, Adam was shaking me. "Louie, wake up. I called Mom and she has dinner ready. We can come back later." We were greeted at the door by my new found grandchildren. They ushered us into the living room and Tim wanted to know if we wanted a before dinner drink. Adam and I both thanked him but I said, "I am not really a drinking man but everyone else can and I won't be offended if they have one." Much to my surprise everyone agreed with me and told me that they would have a drink on very special occasions but otherwise they weren't drinkers. I agreed with them completely. After a terrific dinner, we spent some quality time visiting and getting to know each other. I quickly found out where Adam got all his good qualities from. Gene and her family were 1st class all the way. I found out that Gene is a cook at the local school and has always dreamed of having her own restaurant. Tim is an unemployed automechanic and Sarah has a teaching degree. She has been a stay at home mom and would like to go to work now that the kids are both in school. I made some offers for the who family to consider. This was not an all or none offer. Each could make their own decision and it did not have to based upon that the others did. There was no urgency and the family could take their time in making a decision. I have my fingers crossed! As I mention before, I have a large ranch in Central Oregon near Bend. There is a small town located on the ranch. I have my house and headquarters about 4 miles from the town. I own most of the buildings in the town and buy others as they become available. The local garage is looking for a new owner. The owner wants to retire and his wife is a teacher in the two teacher school and would like to retire with her husband. They want to do some traveling and have their four bed room log house and business up for sale. If Tim and Sarah, are interested all I have to do is call my friends and make them an offer they can't refuse. I already own a very large log restaurant in the little town. The people running it are just waiting for me to find someone to take their place. They have large 3 bed room log house to go along with it and I own it also. Gene would be a natural and would fit right in. All they have to do is give me the nod and I would set the wheels in motion. I offered Adam a job as minister of the little church in the town and he could teach music in the little school if he wanted. He didn't know how the people would react to him being gay. I told him the people were very understanding and very open minded. They would love him and treat him no different than anyone else. They had elected me a chairman of the board knowing that I was gay and had a life long partner. Even though this being a rural area, it remains rather liberal in its views. The people in the church are my very good friends. So Adam being gay was no problem. Evening was ending and night was very fast approaching. I asked Adam if he could take me to the hospital and he agreed. Debbie and Josh wanted to camp over night with us again. I told them that I was going to stay at the hospital all night. Adam could take the kids and stay at the motor home if he wanted. He decided that he would stay with me at the hospital. The kids weren't happy but we told them there would be another time. This seemed to satisfy them for the time being. Adam and I were in Joe's room, when Dr. John came in for his evening rounds. He told us that the condition of Joe's mother had degenerated and probably wouldn't last much longer. He gave me a sealed envelope that was given him by two women from her church. He had instructions to give it to her next of kin, which would be Joe. I had to the power of attorney to act in Joe's behalf and Dr. John had checked with Dan, who said to give the letter to me. Legally, I was the one who should received it. I thanked him and told him that I would open it later. I asked him if I could use the bed next to Joe because I wanted to spend the night with Joe. He asked if Adam was staying also. Adam told him yes and that he would just use the easy chair. Dr. John said that he would have a roll-a-way moved in. Adam might as well be comfortable. I was hoping that Adam would share the bed with me. I know it was small but that would make it a little more cozy for us. I opened the envelope Dr. John had given me. I got a surprise of my life. The letter was actually a new will. Evidently, she had changed her mind about Rev. Roberts. She had cut him completely out of her will. Everything was to go to Joe and if she out lived him, then her property was to go to charity of my choosing. She had finally accepted Joe's life style. I just wished that she had told him. I know that he would have been very happy to have his mother's blessing. I went to Joe's side and took one of his hands. Adam took his other one. Adam didn't know what was in the letter but knew it must contain some good news because I was smiling. I started reading the will to Joe. I became so emotional that I could not continue. Adam just took the letter and started where I left off. He came to the part where she said she loved him and forgave him for choosing a different life style. Tears came to Adams eyes as he read that she wished Joe a long and happy life with me. This was almost too much for me. Adam finished reading and took me in his arms. We both had a good cry. The will was perfectly legal. It had been signed and witnessed by the two women from the church. The will had be filed and notarized. I could now let Joe go. All of Joe's estate had been transferred into both our names. Rev. Roberts would be left out completely. Now, we didn't have to wait because everything had been taken care of. Rev. Roberts would blow his stack when he showed up for the reading of Lila's will. Deep down in my heart, I knew that Joe heard everything. He was at last at peace with his mother. Adam and I went and found Dr. John. I showed him the will, and told him that I would like to have Joe disconnected from his life support tomorrow at 2 o'clock. I choose 2 because that is the time that Joe said he would become my life partner. I would call Dan and let him know. Adam was to call his family . I wanted to call Rev. Paul and ask him to be there if at all possible. Adam and I went back to Joe's room. We both sat there holding Joe. I told him about the plans for tomorrow. I didn't want to let him go but it was way past time. Soon it would be all over. Adam and I sat for a least an hour, just holding Joe and not saying anything. The door of Joe's room flew open and three men charged into the room. I knew right away that this was Rev. Roberts and a couple of his cronies. "I think you had better leave. You have no business being in here" I shouted and at the same I pressed the call button. I told the nurse to call the police and to send security up to the room. Adam stood and told them, "You heard the man! Now move!" I move to Adam's side. I caught a fist on my jaw and fell to the floor and temporary blacked out. I came back to consciousness and saw Adam taking a terrible beating. Two men were holding Adam while the other was hitting and kicking him. I yelled "Stop!" They let go and Adam fell to the floor while the man kept kicking him. I saw a security guard enter, waving a huge night stick. I heard him tell the three invaders to line up against the wall with their feet spread and hands on the wall. I knew he was big enough to take control. Roberts and the two men followed his commands. Dr. John and two nurses arrived. He came over to me and I told him to take care of Adam and that I was ok. Nothing was broken only bruised. The police had arrived . I signed a complaint and Rev. Roberts and the two men were taken to jail. They would face the judge tomorrow and charges would be issued. I called Dan and he said he was on his way to the hospital. Adam was taken to the emergency room, and I called Gene told her what had happened. She said she and Sarah would be there in ten minutes. I told her no more like twenty or she would be in the room with Adam. Tim was going to stay with the kids but would come if needed.