Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 14:29:56 -0500 (EST) From: tmabare Subject: The Captain of My Dreams - 6 This story is a work of fiction. The events in this story are fictional. The characters in this story do not exist, any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This story contains erotic and/or sexually explicit activities between consenting adults. If you are under age, find this type of work offensive, or it is illegal for you to view this, do not read it. The Captain of My Dreams -- Part 6 By tmabare ©2012 * * * From Part 5 * * * "Ok, then here it is." Teddy paused, "Is this going to cause any problems? I know you ca..." "It's ok, babe. Remember, he's your guest, just like I am." Teddy turned around to face Edward, "Is that what you are? My guest?" Edward flashed his grin again, "You know what I mean... As far as everyone else is concerned this minute, I'm just a guest." "When Devon leaves, we are going to sit down and work some stuff out. Deal?" "Of course, Babe." Edward pulled Teddy's face to his and kissed him. He had never felt such power before as when kissing Teddy. Teddy had his hand on the back of Edward's head and was rubbing his fingers through Edward's hair. Edward felt himself wanting to do a little more than kissing when he felt a little hand touch his leg. He slowly pulled back from Teddy and turned his head to look at Elizabeth who was looking up at him with wide eyes. "Daddy, why are you kissing Mr. Ted?" * * * Part 6 * * * Edward turned back to Teddy, "Babe, you want to start lunch and I'll be in a little bit to help you?" Ted placed his hand on Edward's shoulder and squeezed, "Yeah... take your time..." He then leaned over towards Edward's ear, "You'll do fine..." Edward smiled at Teddy, then turning to face Elizabeth he picked her up and hugged her. She laid her head on his shoulder as he walked to one of the leather couches in the living room. Sitting down he set her on his lap facing him. He Teddy started to go into the kitchen but then came back to stand outside the door so he could listen. It wasn't that he wanted to eavesdrop, he was just worried for Edward and wanted to be there if he needed support. Edward took a deep breath and swallowed hard, "Bess, the reason Daddy was kissing Mr. Ted is because I love him." "The way you loved mommy?" "Yes and no, Bess. Daddy loves Teddy very, very much. Are you ok with that?" "Yes, sir. I love him, too. He let me hold his hand when I was scared... he's so nice. Do you know he talked to me the whole time I was with him and never got mad or yelled at me like..." She stopped and blushed like she had said something wrong. "Bess, who has been yelling at you?" "Mommy gets angry with me when I talk too much." Edward hugged her close, "Baby, we're never going to be mad at you for talking to us. Has mommy ever done anything more than yell at you?" "Yes sir, but she made me promise to never tell you." Bess had tears running down her cheeks. Edward was filled with anger at what his daughter was saying. It was taking every ounce of self-control to not lose his temper. He knew it would only scare Bess and he didn't want to do that. He just held her as she cried and after a few minutes she finally stopped. "Bess, I'm sorry that happened when you were with mommy. That's something else you'll never have to worry about here." Edward took another deep breath before he continued, "What would you think if we lived here with Mr. Ted?" A smile came back to her face, "I would like that a lot. I don't ever want to leave here. I'm happy when I'm here with you and Mr. Ted. Does Mr. Ted make you happy daddy?" Edward grinned wide at the question, "Yes, he makes daddy very happy." Ted didn't realize it but tears were streaming down his face as he walked into the kitchen. He was startled when his mobile phone rang, he didn't recognize the number, "Ted Jackson." "Ted, Devon Baker." "Devon it's great to hear from you. Still on for lunch?" "Yes, just wanted to find out what I should wear." "Tell you what. How does a nice home cooked lunch here at the flat sound?" "That would be ace. Do you need me to bring anything?" Teddy could tell by the excitement in his voice that this would be the perfect thing for Devon. "No, I think we have everything covered, so just plan on dressing casual for lunch then. Viktor will be there at twelve-thirty to pick you up." "I'll be ready, and Ted, thank you." "You're welcome Devon. See you in a little bit." "Bye." Ted stood there trying to decide what to cook, then had an idea. He thought something American instead of English might be fun. He finally came up with it, King Ranch Casserole. After making sure he had everything he needed along with beer he started to cook the chicken. He wasn't sure how long Edward had been standing there watching him, but when he finally did notice him Edward walked over to him and wrapped his arms around him pulling him in tightly. "Well, that went better than I thought it would." Ted leaned up and kissed Edward on the lips gently, "She ok?" "Yeah, she's in her room playing. We talked about us and then I told her about Mary. She told me that Mary has been yelling at her and worse, by the sounds." "How did she take the news about Mary?" Teddy didn't want to let on that he had heard most of the conversation. "She didn't say anything really. Never asked to go see her, it was like she didn't care. That concerns me." Ted looked at Edward for a minute. "I wish John was here. Why don't we call him later and see what he recommends? We may need to have her talk to a counselor or something." Edward smiled at the smaller man, "Babe, how can you be right about so many things all the time?" That made Teddy laugh, "You just haven't been around to see the times I'm wrong yet. Trust me... there will be lots of them. Are you doing ok?" "Oh yeah, you're in my arms, how could I not be ok?" Edward paused, "What smells so good?" "That's just the chicken I cooked for the casserole. I hope you like southwestern." "Love it!" Teddy was fast learning that Edward just liked food. "Let me just get this in the oven and we can go in the other room and relax." Teddy placed the large pan in the oven and after grabbing some drinks he and Edward headed into the living room. Edward sat on the couch and pulled Teddy down next to him. They sat there talking for close to an hour. "Babe, how did you get this place?" "It was my father's, from before my parents were married. He left it to me when he died, and I've always loved it. I would come here when things were bad, or when I needed to be alone. It was the place I always felt closest to him. After the stuff with David happened, I took a semester off and came here. That was when I fell in love with London." Edward looked into Teddy's eyes, "Yeah, no matter where I went in the world this has always been home, until now." "Until now?" Teddy didn't understand. "For me, home isn't a place anymore, it's a feeling. As long as we're together I don't care where I am, that will be home." Ted didn't realize it, but there was a huge smile on his face. "I'm kinda speechless. Guess we need to make some plans to move stuff?" "Yeah, babe. We need to go to Mary's and get the rest of Bess's stuff tomorrow. Then in the next few days I'll go to Knightsbridge and move all my stuff here." Teddy had a tear running down his cheek and Edward wiped it off with his finger. "Babe, are you ok?" "Yeah, I really am. All my stupid fears from when we got here are gone and now I'm just happy." Edward pulled Teddy's face to his own, "I can't tell you how happy you've made me. You've helped me get my daughter back and now I have the two most important people in my life together with me." "Edward, you've completely changed my life. I was living but I wasn't truly alive, until I met you. I was doing what I had to survive, but that was it. Now I truly want to live." Teddy leaned over and kissed Edward while rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. By the time they broke the kiss, Teddy was short of breath and wasn't quite sure he remembered his own name. He pulled himself away from Edward. "I need to go check lunch. I'll be right back." He left Edward on the couch and headed into the kitchen. While he was in there his phone rang, and he was shocked to see the name on the caller ID display. "Hello mother." "What is this nonsense about you being in London? I thought you were going to be staying in Savannah?" "How wonderful to talk to you too mother." "Theodore, don't be smart. What is going on? I get a cryptic email from you telling me you're going to London with no explanation. Then I get the email sent to the board that you have relocated your office to London for an undisclosed time. I'm just worried" "Mother, nothing bad is going on. There is nothing for you to be worried about." "Then why are you in London? I know you Theodore, you only go there if something has upset you." "I'm not upset, I'm actually very happy... I've met someone." "How old is he?" "Mother! What kind of question is that?" "Are the two of you having sex?" "Well that is definitely none of your damn business!" "I will not see you hurt again by someone that is too young for you." "Edward is not going to hurt me, mother. He lo..." "How long have you known him?" "What? What does that..." "That long huh? I can't believe how unbelievably stupid you are. I refuse to allow someone to hurt you again. I will not go through that again." By now Ted's anger had taken full control and his voice was getting louder. "You what? Who do you think you are? I am a grown man, mother! I can make my own choices in life." "And what fine choices you've made. Haven't you learned by now these boys are only using you?" "Look mother, I'm warning you. Don't try to force your choices on my life. And don't you dare make this into a situation where you try to make me chose between Edward and you. So you know, you'll lose... every single time." "Is that right? Theodore, I told you long ago that I would allow this to go on until it came to the point where I said it was over. Well that time is now. It is time for you to straighten your life out and end this nonsense." "What?! Are you fucking delusional? This isn't something I can just turn on and off. This is who I am and I'm sorry you can't accept that. Just because I don't fit into what you want out of child I can't just change it to make you happy. I always kidded myself that you actually loved me, how did I get that so wrong. You know what? I feel sorry for you, mother. If you can't accept me as I am, and that includes Edward, then there is no place for you in my life." "So, now you're going to shut me out of your life?" "That is your choice. Mother I can't do this right now, we have a lunch guest coming and I have things to do." "We? So, he's living with you?" "Again, that's none of your business. You need to think about what I've said, and you need to decide if you want to have any part in my life or not. Goodbye mother." Teddy hung up the phone without waiting for a response. He threw the phone onto the counter and started to cry. It was only a second later that Edward's arms had wrapped around him from behind. Teddy spun around, burying his head into Edward's chest and cried. Edward just held him, rubbing his back and kissing the top of Teddy's head. After a few minutes, Teddy stopped crying and felt a pair of little hands on his leg. He looked down to see Elizabeth with her arms pointed at him to be picked up. Teddy picked the little girl up and she immediately hugged him and buried her face into his neck. "Mr. Ted, don't be sad." "I'm sorry Bess." "Don't cry, daddy and I love you." That single statement made Ted smile and the pain caused by his mother started to disappear, "I love too Bess." Edward wrapped them both in another hug and the three stood there holding each other until the doorbell rang. Edward released them both, "Teddy, why don't you go and wash up. Bess and I will get the door." Teddy didn't say anything. After handing Bess to Edward, he started to walk to the bedroom. Edward reached out for Ted's arm and pulled him into a kiss. Edward walked with Bess in his arms to the door and opened it. He found a smiling Devon Baker. "Good afternoon, Captain." Edward set Bess down and extended his hand, "Hi Devon. Come on in, Teddy is washing up." Devon knelt down and got a hug from Elizabeth, "Hello, Mr. Devon. How are you today?" The young trooper smiled at her, "I'm great Bess, now that I get to see you. How are you?" "I'm good. Mr. Ted took me for a ride in his plane and then on a helicopter this morning." She was smiling from ear to ear. "Well, that sounds like fun." "Come on, mate. Let's go sit down and have a drink." Edward started leading them towards the living room. "Can I get you a beer, wine, or something else?" "Beer would be great, Captain," As they walked down the hallway Devon looked into the second guest room and noticed that it was empty, `Must have moved in with Bess.' "Daddy, can I go play some more until we eat?" "Of course, baby." Elizabeth turned around in the hall and went back to her room. When they reached the kitchen, Edward grabbed beers and handed one to Devon. "Thank you, Captain." "Devon, when we're here, how about we try Edward?" "I'd be honored, Edward." "So, how was duty today?" "Good, went on my last watering order this morning. Then I had more paperwork to do for my separation after that." Teddy walked into the room just as Devon was finishing, "Good Afternoon, Devon." He extended his hand which Devon grasped. "Hello, Ted. Thank you again for the invite." "I hope you like southwestern." "It smells incredible." Devon smiled wide. "It will be ready shortly. I just need to make a salad and set the table." Devon quickly spoke up, "I can make the salad if you want. I love to cook." "That would be great, go ahead. Edward and I will set the table." Teddy pulled plates and silverware out of the kitchen and headed to the dining room with Edward right behind him. They set four places on the large table. When they were done, Edward reached out for Teddy's arm and pulled him close. "Babe, are you going to be ok?" "Yeah, I'm just disappointed I guess. I thought after all these years she finally accepted me, I guess I was wrong." "I'm sorry babe." Edward kissed Teddy lightly on the lips. "I need a drink. Where is John when I need a strong one?" Teddy laughed a little at the thought of John's drinks. "I'll make you one." Edward winked and headed off to the bar that was set in the corner of the living room. Teddy walked back into the kitchen and found that Devon was done with the salad. "That looks great Devon." "Thanks, mum and dad worked all the time so I did all the cooking. Salad was one of the few dishes involving vegetables I could get everyone to eat." "Well, the casserole should be done by now. I'll get it out if you want to put the salad on the table and we can start eating." "Ok, Ted." Devon walked off carrying the salad. Ted removed the casserole from the oven and then took off the cover. It looked just right and smelled great. He made enough to feed a large family, but he had the feeling it was just enough for the two soldiers in the dining room. He carried it into the other room and found Edward, Devon, and Elizabeth sitting there waiting for him. Elizabeth had steered Devon to the seat next to her, which Teddy found interesting. "Here we go." He set it on the table and started dishing out large portions to the men and a smaller one to Bess. It was then that he saw the large drink at his seat. "Thanks for making me a drink Edward." When Ted was done, Edward was the first to take a huge bite. "Damn, this is great." "I need to eat here more often, this is incredible." Devon had a big smile and was laughing. "Thanks, I'm glad you both like it." Ted smiled even though he was still hurting from the phone call. He then took a drink from the glass Edward made him. Sure enough, it was just as strong as the one he'd in Savannah. He looked at Edward out of the corner of his eye as he tried not to choke. Edward just smiled, "You ok, Teddy? You don't look so good." Ted looked at Devon and noticed that he was giggling. "Yeah, thanks. Just a little strong is all." "I watched him make it and it's just vodka and ice." Devon was now smiling. All Edward could do was laugh. They all returned to eating and talking about Devon's time in the army. Teddy was glad that he made as much food as he did, while there was some left there wasn't much. At the end of lunch he cleared the table with help from Devon as Edward had been enlisted by Elizabeth to help her with something in her room. By the time everything was put away, Edward was done and the three men walked into the living room. Ted sat down on the couch, while Devon sat across from him, and to Teddy's surprise Edward sat down right next to him, which he noticed caused Devon's eyebrows to go up again. "Devon, I need to tell you something before we go any further." Edward was looking right into Devon's eyes talking. "All I ask is that you keep this between us for now." "Of course." Devon sat up straighter in his seat. "Devon, while I was in Savannah something incredible happened. I'm not sure the best way to do this, so I am just going to come out and say it." He paused for a second as if in spite of everything he had said to this point, he wasn't sure if he was ready to take this huge step. Ted felt Edward tense up next to him and reached out, placing his hand on Edward's thigh. That single act gave Edward the strength he needed. He placed his hand over Teddy's and continued, "I fell in love with Teddy and we're going to be living together here in London." The look on Devon's face was complete shock and it took him a second to answer. "I'm gobsmacked. I would have never expected that." Teddy was a little concerned, it looked like Devon was suddenly fighting with himself over something. "Devon, you ok?" "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sorry, just don't know what to say." He paused for a moment looking at the two men before he continued. "I'm honored that you told me and I'll never say anything about it. I guess it's now time for a little honesty from me. You know I had a big falling out with my parents and I've never told anyone why. It was all because I finally told them I was gay. My parents have always been very conservative but not overly religious, so I had no real clue how they were going to react. They freaked out when I told them and they forbade me from having any contact with my brothers and sisters. Basically, they told me I wasn't their son anymore, and that as far as they were concerned I was dead to them. I guess they are afraid I will corrupt my brothers." Devon had tears falling from his eyes, and Teddy saw that he was in real pain. He looked at Edward who nodded and Teddy walked over and sat next to Devon and hugged him. Devon fell into Ted's chest and cried even harder. After a few minutes the tears stopped and he pulled away. "Thank you, I'm sorry I'm crying. This has just been so hard for me. I fought it all my life because of my family, but I just couldn't deny it any more. When I lost them though, I just didn't feel like myself anymore. I used to love army life, but now it just didn't feel the same to me." "Devon, you told Ted you aren't sure what you're going to do or where you're going to go? I didn't know that." There was true concern in Edward's voice. "That's true. I rushed into leaving without really having a plan." Teddy rose and walked back to Edward, sitting on the couch so they were touching. "Devon, Edward and I have been talking and we'd like you to come and work for us. We're going to need help with Bess while we're working. We want someone we can trust, and I know how highly Edward thinks of you not to mention how much Bess likes you. I couldn't think of a more perfect person for the job." "Wow, I don't know. I'd have to find a place to live and anything close to here is going to be really expensive." Teddy was pretty sure this would turn out the way he thought it would he just needed to push through the resistance. "Devon, you can live here with us. You can take the front bedroom, that way if you want privacy you can close the inner door. You'd have free reign of the flat and we'll work out a salary package that includes private insurance, personal leave, retirement, and some other perks that I include for people that work closely with me. There will also be travel involved, just so you know." Teddy wasn't expecting what Edward said next. "Devon, Teddy and I are making this a home for us as a family. We'd very much like you to be a part of that family. I need someone I can trust to look after Bess and Teddy when I'm gone." Devon stood and looked out the window. He seemed to stare past the Albert Memorial into the park, almost as if he was looking for an answer out there. When he turned around he was smiling, "I'd love to come here and work for you both." Edward and Teddy both jumped up from the couch and walked over to him. Both hugging Devon at the same time, which seemed to made him blush. Teddy placed his hand on Devon's shoulder. "Ok, we are going to move Edward's stuff out of Knightsbridge sometime this week. We can move anything you want at the same time or we can wait until you are discharged?" Devon looked at the floor like he was embarrassed, "I don't really have much. My parents trashed everything I had at home. The only stuff I have left is in the barracks." Teddy thought about the conversation he had earlier with his own mother, and knew Devon's had to have been much worse. "Well, we are going to change some things around here anyway, so we'll get your room setup the way you want. We need to go to John Lewis for some stuff this week anyway, we'll just add stuff you want to the list. If you have some free time we can go together." "I have some money saved up, so that would be ok. I was saving to get an apartment and clothes, but I can spend some on the stuff I need." Teddy grinned at Edward, "Devon, Edward has a hard time with this subject as well. I'm not sure you know what I do for a living, but let's just say you don't need to worry about buying the stuff for your room. We'll call it a signing bonus, like the professional athletes get. Plus we'll go shopping for some clothes too, you're going to need some for work." Before Teddy could say anything, Edward smiled and put his arm around Teddy. "Devon, let me warn you about Teddy right now. If I know my boyfriend, he's about to tell you that you need to keep that money for something important. Right, babe?" Teddy blushed, "You know me, that's for sure." Before Devon could say anything Edward added, "It won't do you any good to argue Trooper. Trust me. Just smile and say thank you." He closed the statement by winking at Devon. "Yes, sir... Thank you." Devon laughed and it made Ted and Edward both smile. "How soon do you want me to start?" "Well, when are you going to be discharged?" Edward asked the question this time. "I actually signed my terminal leave paperwork today. I'm free after tomorrow morning." Edward smiled, "Well, how about we move you out of the barracks and in here tomorrow afternoon?" * * * The rest of the afternoon was spent with the three men talking and playing with Elizabeth. When Devon finally left that afternoon they had a good plan in place for moving both Edward and Devon's stuff from Knightsbridge and then a shopping trip. After Devon left, Teddy and Edward were alone in the living room. Edward was lying on the couch, with Teddy lying between his legs and his head resting on Edward's chest. Edward had his arms wrapped around Teddy, who was rubbing Edward's arms. They were listening to music as Bess played in her room. "Babe, we need to talk about our shopping trip." Teddy was still rubbing his fingertips on Edward's arms. "I know." "I understand that it's going to be difficult for you and Devon, but we need to do it. I just don't want it to cause problems between us." Edward kissed the top of Teddy's head, "I'm not going to fight you over this. For the sake of Devon and Bess, I'm going to support you on this and show a unified front. But..." "I know..." Teddy lifted Edward's hand to his lips and kissed it, "I love you." "I love you too, babe." * * * After they had dinner, Ted called John at his office and spoke about the call from his mother. John was concerned about Teddy and told him he would call and speak to her. When Ted was done, he handed the phone to Edward so he could talk about Elizabeth. John agreed they should seek a counselor for her. He said that if they couldn't find a good one, he would come and spend a few days with her. When he was off the phone with Edward, John called his youngest brother, Henry. Henry was also on the board of Jackson Global and John told him of their Aunt Sarah's call to Ted. John asked Henry to keep an eye and ear out in case she tried anything at the company. John and Henry agreed that they were going to support Teddy not matter what. After talking with Henry, John had a very unproductive conversation with Teddy's mother, Sarah. They talked for a long time about Teddy, his lifestyle, and his new relationship. John kept much to himself but tried to help the older women understand the reality of what was going on. In the end he felt like he had wasted his time. He did tell her that unless she worked on her acceptance of Teddy and Edward she risked alienating even more of the family. Even though John didn't come right out and say it, he tried to impress on her that she wouldn't be permitted to have any contact with the twins or Henry's children if she continued her current behavior. John and Henry both had agreed they were going to refuse to expose the children to her attitude towards the "Uncle" they loved. * * * Putting Elizabeth to bed that night was fun for Ted. He and Edward had each read a story to her and she asked that they both tuck her in. The smile on Teddy's face could have lit the room up when Elizabeth kissed his cheek before he and Edward left her to sleep. When they finally got to their bedroom Edward shut and locked the door. "Just in case the little one decides to explore, we'll open it later." He walked over to Teddy and pulled him into a kiss that showed Teddy just how much Edward loved him. "I can't tell you how much I've wanted to touch you all day. You wanna take a shower?" Teddy didn't say anything he just took Edward's hand and led him into the bathroom. When they entered the room, Teddy reached over and turned the main lights off while turning small lights near the shower on. He then started the shower on so it would warm up. Still without saying anything, Teddy moved his hand behind Edward's neck and pulled him into a kiss, he thought he could just kiss Edward forever and never get tired of it. He moved his hands and started to unbutton Edward's shirt while he pulled it from his pants. As Edward's bare chest was exposed Teddy ran his hands over every inch of it, feeling the fibers of Edward's muscles below the skin. He kissed Edward's neck, as he pushed the shirt off of Edward's shoulders and dropped it to the floor. Teddy quickly removed his own shirt and was rewarded by Edward's hands sliding over his now bare skin. Edward decided on his own to up the ante by unbuttoning Teddy's pants then slowly lowering the zipper, hooking his thumbs under the waistband of Teddy's boxer briefs and forcing them both down. When his hands came back up, Edward wrapped one around Teddy's hard cock and the other he cupped under Teddy's ass. The whole time he was using his tongue to probe the inside of Teddy's mouth. The new sensations had Teddy moaning into Edward's mouth. Teddy had to stop Edward before it was too late. `Damn he is too fucking good that this shit.' Teddy broke the kiss and knelt down in front of Edward. He took his hands and unbuttoned Edward's slacks, but instead of using his hands he leaned forward and grabbed the zipper in his teeth and lowered it by moving his head down. This caused Edward to take a quick breath in, and grin. Still on his knees, Teddy grabbed Edward's pants and white boxer briefs and tugged them down to the floor. As he started to come back up, he was hit in the face by Edward's large steel hard cock. Teddy couldn't help but laugh, "When I thought about this killing me, I didn't think I was going to be bludgeoned by it." As he knelt there looking at Edward's cock, he couldn't resist any more. He grasped it by the base, and swallowed it into his throat. The sensation caused Edward to moan and bend at the waist over the top of Teddy. "Fuck babe, I think YOU are going to kill ME with your mouth." Teddy responded by increasing his suction and pace. He finally pulled off to get a good look at it and to catch his breath. Edward pulled Teddy to his feet and moved them into the shower. Once under the rain head he hugged Teddy close to him and kissed him deeply again. Edward ran his hands down Teddy's back and he could feel the scars and it still upset him. `Wish that fucker was still alive, so I could teach him a lesson.' He continued his hands down until each one was cupping a cheek of Ted's ass. He slowly began to message the muscular orbs, with his fingers exploring deeper. Teddy was once again writhing and moaning. He knew what was on Edward's mind and he was going to give him just what he was wanting. Teddy reached over and grabbed the shower gel as he turned the rain head off. He squeezed more gel into Edward's hands and the both began to lather the other up. This was exploration and touching that could only take place between two people who loved each other. Teddy was surprised by the tenderness and love he felt in Edward's touch and he was hoping that Edward was feeling the same coming from him. Once they were completely soaped up, Teddy turned the rain head back on and they were quickly rinsed off. He leaned over the gently kissed Edward on the lips, "Babe, are you ready to go in the other room?" All Edward could think about was making love to Teddy. He had come to realize that he had wanted to do it since the night they had met. When Teddy was on the floor crying that night, Edward now knew he had wanted nothing more than to pick him up and make love to him. With everything going through his mind, he wasn't sure he was going to be able to speak. Instead of giving himself away with his voice Edward just nodded his head slowly. When he stood there thinking about his desire he decided that he needed to show Teddy just how much he wanted him. As Teddy started to take a step towards the bedroom, Edward leaned over and picked Teddy up, "Edward!" "Shhh... You'll wake her highness." His face broke out in that grin as he carried Teddy into the bedroom. "Just be careful, I'm not exactly small you know." "Babe, I got this." By now they were at the bed and Edward gently placed Teddy in the middle of it. He then reached into the nightstand and removed a large bottle of lube and some condoms, dropping them on the bed next to Teddy. Teddy had to suppress a laugh, "You weren't kidding when you said you went to the store. Did they have a bottle of lube any bigger." The mischievous grin on Edward's face seemed to grow, "Nope. That's as big as they carry." Teddy reached over and grabbed Edward's hand and pulled him onto the bed. "Babe, you have me too damn hot... are you sure you want to do this? If you don't, we need to stop right now." "I've never wanted to make love to anyone as much as I want to do it with you right now." Edward was looking Teddy in his eyes when he said it and he leaned in and covered Teddy's mouth with his own. His kiss was rewarded by Teddy moaning again. Edward moved himself on top of Teddy, supporting his weight on his elbows. Teddy had wrapped his legs around Edward's waist, and was rewarded by Edward slowly grinding his cock against Ted's. "How do you want to do it?" "As long as you take it easy to start with, we can do it however you want." "Just like this, is good. I want to look into your eyes." `I swear he is so damn romantic.' Teddy just smiled, "Do you know how much I love you?" "I do... I'd say something cocky like... I'm going to show you how much I love you... but that would just be my lust talking. Just remember I do love you with my whole being." He leaned over kissed Teddy. He was rewarded by Teddy moaning and writhing under him. After a few minutes he moved to kissing Teddy's neck and reached for the bottle of lube. He popped the cap and put some on the fingers of his right hand. He lowered his hand and started to massage Teddy's opening. He made sure that he spread some tube around the area. Edward moved his mouth back to Teddy's mouth, and as he kissed him deeply he slid a single finger inside of Teddy's ass. He felt Teddy tense beneath him and moan. He slowly moved the finger in, out, and around. For his part, Teddy was in complete ecstasy. Edward's finger moving in and out of him was already driving him wild. He was trying hard to not scream for Edward to fuck him, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could resist the urge. As much as he wanted it, part of his was scared of how big Edward was. After a few minutes of a single finger, Edward slid a second finger in and used the two to prepare Teddy for what was to come. Teddy was slowly squeezing Edward's fingers with the muscles of his ass, and Edward couldn't wait to see what that would feel like on his cock. Teddy finally had had enough. He reached around and found a condom packet. He pushed Edward up until he was kneeling between Teddy's spread legs. Edward's dick was harder than Teddy had ever seen it, it was pointing up at him and looked menacing. Teddy grabbed the lube and rubbed some onto Edward's cock. He then ripped open the condom packet with his teeth and removed the condom. He stroked Edward a few times before he unrolled the condom onto him. He then put more lube onto Edward and looked up into his green eyes. "Edward, please..." Edward leaned over Teddy and kissed him. As he kissed, he lined himself up with Teddy's opening. He pulled back from the kiss, "Babe, I don't want to hurt you. I love you too much to do that. If it hurts too much, we will stop..." Teddy didn't say anything he just pulled Edward back down and kissed him more. He then thrust his ass towards Edward, signaling what he wanted more than anything right now. Edward got the message, and moved his hips forward until he felt himself at the opening to Teddy's ass. While they were kissing, he slowly thrust his hips forward and felt the head of his cock slip inside of Ted's ass. There was resistance and he pushed a little harder and was rewarded by slipping past the tight ring of muscles. He heard Teddy gasp and tense at the intrusion. "Babe, am I hurting you?" Teddy looked up at him and smiled, "It doesn't so much hurt, just give me a second to get used to it. Damn you're big..." Edward held still for a minute, and then as he felt Teddy relax he moved a little. "Babe, are you in pain? We can stop..." Teddy opened his eyes wide, "Fuck no, it feels incredible. I thought it would hurt like hell, but it really doesn't." With that encouragement, Edward again pushed forward slowly until he was fully seated within Teddy. He felt Teddy use his ass muscles to grasp the base of his cock when he bottomed out, Teddy let out a groan. "Jesus Christ... give me just a minute." Teddy looked up into Edward's eyes. They were glassed over and that mischievous grin had returned to his face. Once Teddy had adjusted, he simply smiled and nodded at Edward. Given that encouragement, Edward slowly withdrew until just the crown of his dick was still in and then thrust forward until he bottomed out again. With every inward stroke his big head hammered into Teddy's prostate. He kept up a slowly steady pace, long dicking Teddy over and over as he kissed him. Teddy was writhing under the constant assault his ass was taking and Edward's expert kissing. He knew Edward had never fucked another man before, but as far as Ted was concerned Edward was a natural at it. The man was born to fuck ass, at least this ass. Teddy wanted more and he wanted it now. "Babe, fuck me harder. I'm not going to break, I can take it." Edward smiled at him and looked into Teddy's eyes, "You sure?" "I've never wanted anything like I want you to claim this ass as yours." The next inward stroke Edward delivered was with a quick hard thrust of his hips, and Teddy's eyes rolled up in his head. He moaned loudly, "Fuck..." Edward took that as more encouragement, and started to pick up the pace. On the outward stroke he was rewarded by Teddy gripping his cock tightly with every muscle in his ass. Teddy relaxed on the inward stroke and he was himself rewarded by the hard fast hammering of his prostate. Edward lowered his chest onto Teddy's and began to kiss his neck and nibble his ears. Teddy wrapped his legs around Edward's and was rubbing his hands up and down Edward's back. Edward put his lips close to Teddy's ear, "Oh my god babe. I love you so fucking much. You're incredible. I never knew it could feel this good. I want to be in you forever." After about ten minutes of steady pumping, Teddy felt his nuts began to tighten and knew he was close to cumming. His breathing was fast and his fingers were digging into Edward's back and ass. This was having a powerful effect on Edward, it was making him increase the speed and force of his fucking. Teddy's moaning was getting louder, and he finally found the ability to speak again. "Fuck... Babe... I'm about to... aaaahhhhhh!" He felt himself go over the edge and he began shooting his load between them. It was the most powerful orgasm Teddy could ever remember having. He came so hard it hurt and he realized his cock had never once been touched. This all came from Edward fucking him. Edward moved his head so he could look into Teddy's eyes. "Do you want me to stop? I can go for a while." There was that grin again. Teddy realized that Edward was going to be a match for his sex drive. "Fuck no, I don't want you stop. Keep going, it feels fucking incredible, and I want you to enjoy it all you can. You want to stay this way?" "Did you say something about claiming your ass as mine?" He punctuated his question by a couple extra hard thrusts. The sudden increase in force caused Teddy's eyes to again roll back into his head. After a few seconds he was able to regain control of his vocal cords. "Yes, sir." "Roll over." Edward lifted himself up, and slowly pulled himself completely out of Teddy. He looked down at his cock which was glistening and harder than even he could ever remember it being. "Get on your hands and knees, babe." Teddy did as he was told. He realized that he felt empty and missed feeling Edward inside of him. As he thought about it, he gasped as Edward hammered into him again. "Oh fuck..." Edward sank himself until he felt his balls slap against Ted's perineum. He picked up where he left off, he was hammering Teddy's ass with long powerful strokes alternated with quick short ones. He placed a hand on Ted's left shoulder, and the other hand he wrapped around and was playing with Teddy's nipples. The added stimulation was again causing Ted to moan. In this position, Edward found that Teddy was meeting each and every inward stroke my thrusting his ass towards Edward as if he was trying to get him even deeper and the added force was incredible for both of them. Before he knew it, Ted realized that he was hard again and leaking pre-cum. He reached over for the towel Edward had placed on the bed and moved it underneath himself. It was then that his sex machine of a lover found himself. Edward grasped Teddy's hips and started to ram himself even harder into his boyfriend. Once again his cock head was hammering into Teddy's prostate with each thrust turning Teddy into a moaning writhing animal. For his part, Edward had turned himself over to a level of passion he had never experienced in his life. Their love was removing his inhibitions and releasing his own sexual beast. After a while of steadying fucking, Edward lifted himself up further and mounted Teddy's ass. This new angle was adding the pressure against Ted's already highly sensitive button. Edward lowered his chest onto Ted's back, and placed his mouth near his ear. "I fucking love you babe... this ass is mine... I've never felt anything so fucking incredible in my life... feels like my dick was made for your ass... do you feel it babe..." Between his moans of pleasure, Teddy found his voice again. "Edward... fuck me... you're fucking amazing... I can't believe it but I can feel myself getting ready to come again..." Edward felt himself getting close too, but he wanted to make one last statement as to Teddy's remark about claiming his ass. Edward used his size and weight to push Teddy flat onto the bed. He moved his legs outside of Ted's and pushed them together. He laid his entire body on top of Teddy's and began to piston himself in and out with even greater power. He wrapped his arms around Ted's chest and support Teddy's head with his hands. Edward was kissing and gently biting the back of Teddy's neck and shoulders as he fucked him. Teddy was now too far beyond the ability to speak that he could only grunt. He felt the love and power flowing into him from the close contact with Edward. He could also feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge again. Edward's orgasm was also quickly approaching. He was alternating between kissing, nibbling, and whispering into Teddy's ear. "You fucking drive me wild... I'm not going to last much longer... fuck... fucking hot... I'm fucking yours, and you are fucking mine... this ass is mine... you understand me... fucking mine..." That was all it took for Teddy to go over the edge. He came again and as he did every muscle in his body tensed. He shuddered as each volley left his dick. The added pressure of Teddy's orgasm caused his ass to spasm and it finally sent Edward over the edge. Teddy felt Edward's cock grow even larger just before it exploded inside of the condom. Teddy felt each powerful blast as Edward's entire body convulsed with each shot filling the condom and then Teddy could feel it overflowing. When both had finished, they laid there together with Edward still on top of Teddy. After a few minutes Edward started to move when Teddy grabbed him. "Where are you going soldier boy?" "I don't want to hurt you. I weigh more than you, didn't want you to be uncomfortable." Teddy smiled, even though Edward couldn't see it, "Babe, you feel incredible on top of me. I feel safe and content underneath you." "Well, as much as I love it too. I think we need to get washed up, and dressed in case the little one needs us." "Damn, when did you start to be the one that was right all the time?" It caused them both to laugh. Edward carefully slid off of Ted, and when his cock slid from inside his new favorite place Teddy felt empty again. When Teddy was able to sit up and look at the clock he discovered that almost forty-five minutes had passed since Edward first entered him. "Damn, didn't realize we were at it that long." "Sorry about that. I tend to last a long time, unless I need to do it quick." Edward seemed to blush. "Don't ever apologize for that. Trust me... it a good thing." Teddy was smiling from ear to ear. Edward stood up and reached his hand out for Teddy. He pulled him carefully to his feet and kissed him tenderly. "I love you babe." "I love you too. Now let's get washed up." The two lovers washed each other tenderly in the bathroom before they emerged and put boxer briefs on. Once they were dressed Edward unlocked the bedroom door, while Teddy climbed into bed. Edward moved to the bed and spooned up behind Teddy. They were both asleep quickly, but not before each man said his own quiet prayer thanking God for the other. * * * Thank you for all the incredible feedback. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Almost done with Part 7, so should be posting it this week sometime. T