Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 13:50:43 -0500 From: Justin Subject: The Inn - Chapter 12 Carl said, "Hey guys, I don't like the looks of this." The others turned just in time to see the three strangers. "I don't, either," said Tom. "Let's go!" The four of them crossed Halsted and headed for the side street. Jon had finished his project and rested his head on his arms at the desk. He fell into a fitful sleep. Suddenly he gasped and jerked his head up. His heart was racing and for some reason he felt frightened. He looked at the clock--it was midnight. Luke should be home before too long. The Inn - Chapter 12 Luke walked toward his car. He was eager to get home, thinking about Jon and hoping he'd been able to finish his work. Luke could hardly wait to give Jon the watch. All he wanted was for tomorrow to be a relaxing and enjoyable day for Jon--he deserved it. Luke became aware of some sounds behind him. He took a few more steps and was about to turn around. He heard a voice. "Die, fag!" One of the three strangers had a rock the size of a softball. He slammed it into the back of Luke's head. Luke only saw a blinding flash of light and collapsed to the sidewalk. The three punks immediately began kicking him savagely, all the while spewing venomous insults. They continued kicking him in the chest and back and stomping on his legs. They were wearing heavy boots and were kicking viciously, throwing their weight into each blow. The one who had knocked Luke unconscious knelt next to Luke's head. "How 'bout I rearrange that face for you, faggot?" He picked up the rock and was poised to slam it into Luke's nose and jaw. Carl and the others saw what was happening. They broke into a run, Carl shouting: "Hey! Get the fuck away from him!" The men surprised the punks--they had been too busy battering Luke to notice. The two who were kicking Luke spun and ran. The one with the rock dropped it. It glanced off Luke's forehead just above his right eye. The third man followed his accomplices. As if they had choreographed it, the four guys ran full-tilt to Luke; Carl and Tom stopped next to Luke and Chris and Mike continued after the punks. Carl dropped to his knees beside Luke. Tom was already on his cell calling for help. "Luke? Can you hear me?" Carl put his fingertips to Luke's neck. He felt a pulse, but it seemed weak. "Luke, hold on, baby. Help is coming. Hang in there, man." The pavement was becoming wet with Carl's tears. Mike and Chris were gaining on the punks. Chris was just behind the one who had battered Luke with the rock and he and leapt forward, tackling him. They both went down. Chris quickly recovered and grabbed the man's left arm, wrenching it behind him. Chris sat on his thighs. Mike came back. "They disappeared. At least you got this bastard." He looked at the guy. "Get up, you mother fucker." Chris and Mike yanked him to his feet and they walked back to the others, keeping a firm grip on their captive. Chris looked at Luke. "Oh, holy shit! Is he alive?" "Barely," sobbed Carl. Chris felt the anger growing inside him. He couldn't believe anyone could do this to a person for absolutely no reason. He looked at his friend lying on the ground. He couldn't even tell if Luke was breathing. Chris had a metallic taste in his mouth and he felt his rage growing. He had never before had an urge to kill, but he could feel it now. The punk said, "I hope the fag dies." "What did you say?" asked Chris. "I said I hope your fag friend here dies." "That's what I thought you said." Chris tightened his grip on the punk's wrist and jerked up with all his considerable strength, momentarily lifting him from the ground. There was an audible "crack." The punk screamed out in pain. "You broke my arm! You broke my fuckin' arm!" "You're lucky I didn't break your fucking neck." Chris grabbed the punk's right wrist and brought it behind his back. He dropped the other arm. The punk let out another cry of pain and his left arm hung limply at his side. "Oh, no! Oh, no, please! Please don't break my other arm! Please don't do it. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" "Fuck you!" spat Chris. "The only thing you're sorry about is you got caught." Chris gave a moderate jerk upward on the punk's arm." "No!" Mike put his hand on Chris' shoulder. "Chris! Ease up, man, you've done enough. This piece of shit isn't worth it. You're gonna get yourself in trouble." They heard sirens approaching and a police car screeched around the corner. An ambulance followed a short distance behind and then another squad car. The paramedics surrounded Luke, and Carl stood and stepped back to give them room. A cop was talking to Tom, and two more were with Mike and Chris. "There were two other guys, but they got away. I think his left arm is broken," said Chris. "Musta happened when I tackled him." The cop regarded Chris for a few seconds. "Probably," he said, looking at Chris for another moment. Then he and the second cop escorted the punk to a cruiser. He wasn't sure, but Chris thought he detected a slight smile on the cop. Mike moved closer to Chris and whispered, "They're gonna know he didn't get that kind of break from a fall." "I don't give a fuck." The paramedics placed Luke on a gurney. He had a cervical collar around his neck and they loaded him into the ambulance. "Where are you taking him?" asked Carl. "Northwestern Memorial. Illinois Masonic is closer, but they're diverting right now. You can ride with him if you want." Carl told the other guys where they were going and asked them to call Jon. As he climbed into the ambulance a thought occurred to him. He reached over and unclipped Luke's carabiner. "Chris--here." He tossed the keys to Chris. "Take Luke's car." The cops were finishing up taking their notes. Since the guys hadn't been able to see too much, it went quickly. Finally the cops were done and asked if they guys were going to be all right. They said they would be and thanked them. Chris pulled out his cell phone to call Jon. He found Jon's entry and pressed Send. Jon jumped when his phone rang. He still felt nervous, but he didn't know why. He got up and went to the desk for his phone. He didn't bother to look at the display--there was only one person who would be calling him at this hour. Jon smiled. "Hi, babe. You close to home?" "Jon, it's Chris." Jon was confused. Why was Chris calling him? "What is it?" "Jon, Luke was attacked by a bunch of thugs when he left tonight." "He's okay, right? Where is he? Why didn't he call me?" "We don't know how he is. He was unconscious and they put him in an ambulance. They said they were taking him to Northwestern Memorial. Carl is with him." Jon's mind was racing--he couldn't get a grip on what he was hearing. There must be a mistake. This can't happen to Luke--Luke's a tough guy. Jon's legs began to buckle and he barely made it to the couch before he collapsed. His head was spinning and he thought he might pass out. "Jon? Jon, you still there?" "Yeah." It was barely a whisper. "Listen, Jon. Mike and Tom and I are heading to the hospital. We have Luke's car. As soon as I know anything I'll call you." "I'm on my way." "Jon, I know how upset you must be. Please be careful. Maybe find someone to drive you." "Tell Luke I love him and I'm gonna be there as soon as I can." "I will, Jon. We'll do anything we can. You just be careful." Jon closed his phone. He couldn't move for a minute and he had a gut-feeling Luke was in serious trouble. He stood and went into the bathroom, then he couldn't think of why he was there. He went back to the living room and picked up his phone. He called Paul. "Hey, Jon." "Paul, I need help. Something happened to Luke. I gotta get into the city, and I don't think I can do it myself." "Where? What happened?" "I don't know. He got attacked. Chris said he's unconscious and they're taking him to Northwestern. I gotta get there. I'm at Luke's place." "Okay, I'll pick you up in five minutes. Don't worry, I'll get you there." "Thanks." Jon grabbed a jacket and his wallet and keys. He went outside and waited for Paul. Within a minute Paul pulled up. Jon got in and they started speeding off. They had traveled just over a block when Jon shouted. "Shit! Fuck me! Turn around, Paul, we gotta go back. I forgot something." Paul swung to the right, then cocked the wheel to the left until they were crosswise on the street and stopped. He spun the wheel to the right and backed up, then shifted to drive again and headed back to Luke's. "Just pull up to my car. I might need the power of attorney papers and they're in the glove compartment." Jon leaped out and fumbled with his keys. While he was doing that Paul turned the car around again. Jon retrieved the envelope with the legal papers and got back in Paul's car. "Let's go," Jon said. Paul hit the gas and sped out of the complex. The two were quiet as Paul drove onto the expressway. "Do you know how to get there?" asked Jon. "Yeah, I've been there before. Jon, how bad is it?" "I don't know. Chris said they took Luke in an ambulance and he was unconscious. But how bad could it be? Luke knows how to take care of himself. Maybe it's nothing serious. I just have to be there and see him for myself." Paul could think of any number of ways it could be serious, but he didn't share his thoughts with Jon. There was no reason to speculate when they had so little to go on. Paul stepped harder on the accelerator. When they got to the Loop, Paul headed north on Michigan Avenue. As they approached the hospital, Paul followed the signs to the parking garage. He drove up the ramps to the second level and was able to park close to a sign that read "Hospital Entrance." They got out of the car and walked through an enclosed passageway over the street. There was a reception desk straight ahead. Paul took charge. "We're here to see Luke Sorensen. He was brought in by ambulance earlier tonight." The woman typed a few strokes into her terminal. She frowned. "Are you sure...just a second. She clicked her mouse a couple of times. "Oh, here we go. Mr. Sorensen is in the CCU--Coronary Care." "What? Why?" exclaimed Jon. "I wouldn't know, sir, you can ask the nurse when you get there. Are you family?" Paul spoke up. "He is, I'm a friend. I brought him here." "Okay, put these on." She handed Paul two Visitor badges. "Go to your left down that hall and follow the signs to the CCU." They turned and proceeded almost at a trot down the hall. "What the fuck?" said Jon. "Did he have a heart attack?" They found the CCU and Jon ran to the nurses' station. "I'm here for Luke Sorensen." The nurse didn't even hesitate. "The doctors are examining him now. Are you family?" Jon felt his pocket to be sure he still had the papers. "Yes. I'm his partner." "What's your name?" "Addison. Jon Addison." The nurse made a note in the chart. Jon pulled his power of attorney out and handed it to her. "Do you need this?" "Yes, let me make a copy I can put in his chart. I'll just be a moment." She returned a minute later and handed the papers back to Jon. "Please have a seat, and as soon as we know anything we'll call you." "Why's he here--in Coronary Care?" "Don't worry, it's nothing to do with his heart. He's unconscious, so normally he'd be in the ICU, but they're overloaded right now. We're just as well equipped, and we'll take good care of him. I'll call you the minute I hear anything." "Can I see him?" "Not right now, but when the doctors are finished you can. It shouldn't be too long, they've already done a CT scan. Please try to stay calm. I promise I'll tell you as soon as I know anything." Jon and Paul sat in the chairs along the wall. Jon buried his face in his hands with his elbows on his knees. Paul put his arm around Jon. "Jon, we don't know anything yet. Maybe it's not that bad. I can't believe it can be that bad. You need to be strong for Luke. He's going to need you, and you have to get your act together and be here for him." Jon straightened up and wiped at his eyes. "I will. Right now all I want is to see Luke. I have to see for myself. I shoulda gone with him tonight. This wouldn't have happened if I did. Fuck, Paul, if anything happens to Luke..." "He's in good hands, Jon. He couldn't be in a better place. We just have to wait and see. That's the hardest part." Ten minutes later a man walked into the hall carrying a clipboard. "Mr. Addison?" Jon's heart skipped and he stood. "Yes." "I'm Dr. Harris. Please come with me." Dr. Harris led Jon into a small room. "Please have a seat, Mr. Addison." "Call me Jon." "Okay, Jon. My name's Ron. Do you know what happened to Mr. Sorensen?" "No, I wasn't there. All I know is he got beat up." "Your friend sustained some serious injuries. He has a concussion and he's still unconscious. That is what concerns me most. He also has four broken ribs, a partially collapsed lung and multiple contusions. Fortunately there doesn't appear to be damage to any other internal organs. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that. Usually with a beating this severe there is some. I attribute it to his excellent physical condition. But with a concussion, especially one this severe, there is always the possibility of complications. It's an injury to the brain, and although Mr. Sorensen shows no signs of emergent injuries, it is always a concern." Jon was in a daze. Tears were pouring down his face. How could this happen to Luke? "He's gonna be all right, isn't he?" "The head trauma is what we're most concerned about. The rest will heal itself. But when a patient is unconscious for this long we become concerned." "What do you mean? When will he wake up?" "I can't say. The blows to his head were severe, and in cases like this it can take anywhere from minutes to days. I was surprised that his skull wasn't fractured considering the force used against him." "But he'll be okay, right?" "We'll know more once he regains consciousness. When he does, don't be alarmed if he's disoriented. He may ask strange questions, he might not know what happened or even who you are." "When can I see him?" "Give me five minutes, then you can go in. Someone will call you." "Thanks, Dr. Harris--Ron." Jon sat next to Paul. "Damn, Paul, I think it's worse than I thought. The doctor is worried about the concussion. Paul, he's got four broken ribs, a collapsed lung and all kinds of other shit. Fuck! What did Luke do to deserve this? He never hurt anyone." "Nothing. It just happened. He'll be okay, as long as you're here for him." A nurse walked up to Jon. "Mr. Addison? You can see him now." Jon stood. "Come with me, Paul." "I'm only supposed to allow one visitor." "He's coming with me," stated Jon. "Go ahead. Room 4." Jon and Paul walked into the room. For a second Jon thought they were in the wrong place. He didn't recognize the figure on the bed. The face was swollen and bruised. The right eye was swollen shut. The head was wrapped in gauze. "Holy shit!" exclaimed Paul. Jon reached out to take Luke's hand, but he saw it, too, was bruised and swollen. He walked to the other side of the bed and held Luke's right hand. "Luke, babe, I'm here. You're safe; you're going to be all right. I won't leave you. I'll be here for you all the time. You're going to be okay. I talked to the doctor, he's a nice guy. He said you'll get better." Jon looked at the bank of monitors at the head of the bed. He was able to figure out the heart rate and respirations. There was more, but he didn't know what they meant. At least there were no flashing lights or alarms going off. After another ten minutes Paul said, "Jon, let's find some coffee. He's okay for now, and you need some time. We'll be close by." Jon leaned over and kissed Luke ever so gently on his forehead. "I'm not leaving, babe. I'm just going down the hall. I'll be back before you know it." Paul and Jon walked slowly down the hall. Somehow they found the cafeteria. It was almost deserted. "Jon!" Jon turned and saw Carl. Carl hugged him. Tom, Chris and Mike were right behind him. "Jon, how's Luke? They won't tell us anything." "I don't know. He looks terrible." "Here, sit down. I'll get some coffee." Carl returned with coffee for Jon and Paul. "Guys," said Jon, "This is Paul. He's one of our best friends. He drove me here." The other men introduced themselves and shook hands with Paul. "Carl, what the fuck happened?" asked Jon. "Three punks decided they wanted to bash a queer. Luke happened to be there, and they jumped him. It was only by God's grace that I noticed them. We took off after them, but they had already done a number on Luke. Chris did get one of them, though." Mike continued: "Oh, God, that was unbelievable. Chris busted the guy's arm like it was a wishbone. I'll never forget that sound." Jon looked at Chris. "You did? You broke his arm?" "He pissed me off. He deserved it. I'da done more, but Mike stopped me." "So how's Luke? What did the doctor say?" asked Tom. "I don't know. The doctor is worried about the concussion. And he has broken ribs and a collapsed lung. They don't seem too worried about that, but they don't know when he'll regain consciousness. I got the feeling they're worried about permanent damage. I just don't know." Chris spoke. "Jon, we're here for you. Both of you. Whatever you need, even if it's just to talk or have a good cry, we're here. We love Luke and you, too. We're close by. Call and we'll be here in a heartbeat. Oh, I almost forgot." Chris reached in his pocket and pulled out Luke's keys and handed them to Jon. Jon gripped them in his hand as if he were holding on to a lifeline. "We drove Luke's car here, it's in the garage. Here's the parking ticket, I wrote the location on the back." Jon took out his wallet and withdrew two twenties. "Here, you guys. Cab fare to get home." "Put that away before I slap you!" scoffed Carl. "We're just up the street. But you call, any time, if anything happens or there's anything any of us can do." Carl was exaggerating about the distance, but he meant what he said. The four hugged Jon and left the hospital. It was 4:30 a.m. "Paul, why don't you go home, too? There's not much we can do here right now." "You want to go home?" "No, I'm staying here with Luke. I'm not leaving until he wakes up and I know he's okay." "Then I'm staying with you." "Let's get back there. I have to see Luke." They returned to Luke's room. A nurse was checking him and changing an IV. They sat in the two chairs near Luke's bed. Jon reached over and gently took Luke's hand. He leaned back in the chair. "Oh, God, how can this be? Does he even know I'm here?" Jon leaned back and rested his head on the back of the chair and stared at Luke. He couldn't believe all this was happening--that Luke was here, totally helpless. He'd never conceived Luke could be like this. Luke was always so strong, so in control. Now he looked so helpless, so vulnerable. Paul looked at Jon, then Luke. He couldn't help but wonder whether two men could love each other as much as a man and a woman. He knew how close Jon and Luke were, but was it the same? He looked at Jon again. Jon was looking at Luke, his body quaking. He was sobbing. Paul determined yes, it was the same. # # # # # Still reading? Let me know what you think. Reader feedback is the only reward Nifty authors get.