As always a reminder for all of us to contribute to this fun Nifty site, it takes a lot of work to keep it up and running and they do a great job of it.

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Chapter 20

Life at the Ranch


Peter and Martin had been chatting on the veranda when Martin stopped speaking midsentence and asked, "Peter how long as it been since our visitors from the other side of the Milky Way were here?"

"It's been a couple of years or more Martin, why do you ask we haven't spoke of them much lately, is there a reason you've brought it up now?"

"For the last two or three days I swear I felt Gollum trying to reach me telepathically."

Peter asked if Martin had tried to communicate anything back. Martin said, "No I haven't because I wasn't sure if I was imagining it since the communication seemed so weak, barely a whisper."

Peter said, "I have a feeling you sensed Gollum again just now didn't you?"

"Yes Peter, and it was stronger this time, do you think I should respond?"

Peter thought it would be a good idea to see if the communication is real and if it is we should know what's on his mind. "Yes Martin, go ahead and see if you can make contact with Gollum."

Martin closed his eyes and concentrated on Gollum using only his thoughts he said, "Yes Gollum we are aware of your attempts to reach us. Are you alright?"

A very relieved Gollum answered almost immediately. "Thank you for replying Martin, we were afraid you would not. Four of us are in a small ship about four days away from your planet. We're hoping you will allow us to land nearby your ranch. Our lives are in your hands since we haven't enough fuel to return to Mar-Keem."

Martin said, "Gollum, please give me a few minutes before I reply, I must discuss this with the others."

"Of course Martin, we hope to see all of you again."

After a discussion with those at the ranch house it was decided that they would like to meet with Gollum and the other three who were with him. Michael said, "It must be important for them to attempt to reach us knowing they couldn't return to Mar-Keem. Especially after he said we would never meet again before leaving the last time."

Martin relayed their decision, "Gollum we also would like to see you, please land as close to the ranch as you can, we may have to hide your ship to keep strangers from seeing it."

"We understand, thanks to all of you, our voyage in this small ship has taken us longer than expected and we're for the most part out of food supplies."

"Gollum, please stay in touch daily if you will, also we have no idea what type of food you eat, hopefully it's the same as ours."

"Our planets are much the same; we'll enjoy anything you have to share with us, mostly we are dehydrated from lack of enough water."

Alarmed Martin asked, "Gollum will you last another four days?"

"We believe so but we are weakened and may need some help, we should have planned better, but I doubt we could have squeezed anymore supplies into our small ship anyway."

"Gollum we'll have food, water and medical supplies with us when you land, try and reserve your energy, we'll be watching for your ship."

Three days went by and no further communications from Gollum, we were beginning to worry if they had survived. Jon who was on lookout duty at the highest point near the ranch came riding in full speed saying he had seen a fiery object speeding toward the ranch.

Fiery object wasn't a good sign, Martin tried contacting Gollum, not response, after several attempts without a response Martin concentrated and mentally screamed, "Gollum, you have to slow your ship, you're coming in too fast."

Suddenly the ship slowed until you could make out the shape, it zigzagged a bit before hitting the ground hard about a half mile away. Everyone jumped into a vehicle racing to the landing spot. Quinn brought the medical supplies and Jon and James had brought water. Reaching the ship there wasn't any sign of life and we didn't know how to open a door to the ship.

Martin again yelled at Gollum telepathically to try and open the door, we're here with help. Finally the door slid open and Quinn rushed in first with medical supplies. Jon passed water in, the heat inside was unbearable and Quinn called for Michael and Peter to get the bodies outside. Eve used a damp sponge to cool their skin as James moistened their lips which were badly parched.

Reg kept patting the hand of one of the men as he tried to find a pulse. Finally he said, "This one has a weak pulse, we need to loosen their clothing and dampen their skin quickly to lower their body temperatures. Guy using a bottle of cool water sprayed his bare skin. His eyes fluttered open, at first he looked startled and then relieved. "I'm Melic, are the others alright?" Guy said, "I'm Guy and this is Reg, just lay still, we're still trying to revive the others.

Within a minute or two another of the men came around. This one said his name was Larion and immediately asked about the others, it was obvious these men were close friends.

Gollum revived next and then Mernard, they were in bad condition but it didn't appear that any bones were broken. The four of them were transferred to the ranch and put in two separate bedrooms. Quinn and Eve both were working quickly to make sure water was administered in steady small doses. By evening all of them were well enough to sit up in bed and take solid sustenance. And best of all, they were anxious to talk. Larion's first question was, "Are the horse here?"

Martin and Michael had to laugh, knowing how curious the men had been about the horses, something they obviously had never seen before. Martin replied, "Yes the horses are here, they are in the stables."

The next question was, "What are stables?

Gollum's first question was about Eve. Looking intently at Eve he said, "You are different from the others." Eve was a bit unnerved but said, "I'm a woman and the others are men if that's what you mean." Gollum's eyes grew large with excitement; I've never seen a woman before, how is it that you are here with the men?" That is not allowed on Mar-Keen.

Eve smiled and laughed as she said, "I live here on the ranch with my husband Quinn, and son Guy. My father, Emerson lives in a large house a few miles from here."

Gollum asked, "Guy is your son and you said, your husband Quinn, does that mean he is your mate? It is amazing that you know both your son and your mate. I did not know my son until he became of age for service duty."

Eve said, "Gollum, I'm sorry you lost your son so young, please forgive us for not helping to save him."

"Eve, I doubt you could have saved him, his injuries were very serious, but thank you for your kindness, we're happy to be here with you."

Eve said, "My son tells me you are intrigued by our horses, have you seen our sheep?"

"Sheep? No, I don't know sheep."

"We have thousands of them on our ranch, we sell their wool to countries all over the world and they make clothing from the wool. Before you ask, they are smaller than horses and they grow wonderful hair that is called wool. When their hair is long enough we cut the hair and then it grows back again. This sweater I'm wearing if made from their wool."

Gollum said, "It's beautiful and you say it is made from the sheep's hairwool?"

"Yes, but we just call it wool."

"And it doesn't hurt the sheep to remove their wool?"

"No, not at all, when it is removed they run and jump because they feel light and cool when it's gone."

Gollum was excited and could hardly wait to see everything. "Eve, I hope I don't bother you with my questions, there's just so much about you and this planet I want to learn. I have never known such kind, considerate, and loving people."

"Well you may get the wrong idea when you catch the lot of us in a playful mood; we love to tease each other."

Gollum explained, "We studied your language from a great distance away since we weren't supposed to make personal contact if we ever found other humans in the galaxy. My point is we know most of your words, but understand little of their meaning. Therefore I'm afraid there'll be a lot of questions from all of us, and of course we'll answer any questions you may have about us also."

"That sounds fair enough Gollum, it's late shall we talk more in the morning when you are more rested and have a good meal under your belt?"

Gollum looked confused, "Shouldn't I eat it rather than put it under my belt?"

Eve laughed at Gollum's remark, which seemed to delight Gollum at hearing her laughter. Eve said, "I'll explain it in the morning." On an impulse Eve leaned over and kissed Gollum's forehead before she said goodnight.

Gollum lay in bed trying to understand what just happened to him. When Eve touched her lips to his forehead he felt such an odd sensation, he wasn't able to find a word in his own language to describe it. But he knew it was a good and wonderful feeling. His last thought before drifting off into much needed sleep was, "I'll have to ask Eve about it in the morning."

When morning arrived our four visitors were much revived and full of questions. One of our questions was why they were now speaking verbally even with one another. Melic said, "It's out of consideration for all of you since we notice you all speak this way."

Once again Quinn had out done himself fixing breakfast and our guests outdid themselves eating it. Gollum was the first to step outside in the Australian sun. He looked across the landscape and asked, "Eve, are those the sheep you were talking about? I like them they look soft, can we touch them?"

The others who overheard Gollum's question about touching the sheep all starting laughing. Gollum smiled and wondered why they laughed. James put his arm around Gollum's shoulders and said, "Gollum, it because your first question is often, "Can we touch them." Of course you can touch them if you like. Billy had picked up one of the new born lambs and carried it around to the where Gollum and the others were standing.

Melic, Larion, Mernard, and Gollum immediately reached out to touch it, when it went Baaaaaa they all jumped back causing everyone to laugh again. Billy stepped over to Melic and put the lamb in his arms. The look on Melic's face was as if he had witnessed his first miracle. He hugged the lamb and a tear rolled down his cheek, as he said, "Gollum it's so soft, touch it."

The lamb looked up at Melic and licked his face, it was the first time we heard one of the visitors laugh, and the expressions on their faces was indescribable as the other three said, "Aaaaaw! Perhaps we're not so different from one another after all.

Ian said, "I think we need to do something about hiding their ship, I doubt anyone will mistake it for a piece of farm machinery."

After discussing it with Gollum and the others they suggested getting anything of importance out of it before burying it. Gollum said there wasn't any way to get the fuel needed to make it usable again so the best way to hide it was to bury it so no one would ever see it.

Martin said, "Yes that's a good idea that way we won't have anyone asking questions, but I think we should also protect it by covering it with a tarp or something so it won't be damaged." Michael, Peter, Ian, and several others agreed that the small spaceship should not be destroyed so there was a protective cover put over it before burying it.

Now the task of helping our visitors adjust to living on earth and help them become familiar with the local population and customs. The first step was to get them into some of our clothing so they would easily blend in. The second step was to help them not react with surprise to everything unexpected which was going to keep us on our toes since everything that happened was new and unexpected to our new friends.

Adam walked up to Larion and said, let's go introduce you to the horses. Adam thought he had never seen that much excitement shown in any man's face before. Many of the horses were out grazing, but a few were still in the stables and that's where Adam took Larion. Adam had previously put some carrots and an apple in a feed bag so Larion could feed the horses.

It's hard to imagine a man seeing an animal as large as a horse for the first time. Adam said, "Larion, these are special treats that horses enjoy eating, when you give these to the horses they'll really like you. Let me show you how to hold the food so the horses won't accidentally bite you while eating." Larion followed Adam's instructions and was thrilled when the beautiful appaloosa took the food from him.

After Larion had given a couple of carrots and part of an apple to the appaloosa Adam said, "Now take your hand and rub it along the horses neck and down it's back, horses like that." Larion did as he was told and again that enormous smile appeared and the happiness Adam saw filled his own heart with joy.

"Adam, I feel warmth and strength, I think I love horses."

Suddenly there was laughter from behind them from the others who had quietly come in and stood watching. Larion turned smiling, "Melic, Mernard, Gollum come touch the horse, it feels strong and powerful."

Adam said, "Let's do this one at a time so we don't startle the horses, they're not familiar with you yet. Melic you come over and Larion can show you how to feed and pet the horse."

By the look of pride on Larion's face you would have thought Adam had just made him King of the universe. You couldn't help but like these men from Mar-Keen. They may have the technology to travel across galaxies, but there's still a touch of innocence that is as endearing as that of a child.

As time went on our new guests acclimated to their new surroundings and lives. They all appeared to be extremely happy and loved helping out on the ranch and B &B. Gollum was interested in the opposite sex, or perhaps I should say he was fascinated by the opposite sex having never seen any on Mar-Keem considering the way their society is organized.

Certain males were chosen for various characteristic reasons and their seed or sperm is frozen and stored. The same could be said of the females being chosen for certain traits the authorities considered beneficial to their race and they are implanted with male sperm. When babies are born the mothers care for them until they begin their education and from that time on they are the government's responsibility.

Melic and Larion appeared to be mates since they were always together, but there had never been a mention of love or sexual activity. We felt in time those topics would come about as trust and familiarity grew among all of us.

Mernard seemed to be a bit of a loner although he roomed with Gollum and was friendly with everyone. He seemed consumed with learning about the plants and animals and became excited when hearing that there was an ocean nearby and wondered if he could go visit sometime. James and Jon said they would take him and asked if he liked to swim.

Mernard said he didn't understand what they meant by swim. Jon said, "You know Mernard when you get in the water and swim and have fun."

Mernard asked, "You get into the water?"

James said, "Yes you get into the water and swim, don't you do that on Mar-Keem? "

Mernard replied, "It's forbidden to touch the water other than that allotted to you for bathing, or to drink and use for growing food. And that monthly allotment of water is used carefully; once it's gone you go without until your next monthly allotment.

James asked, "Don't you have lakes for swimming and fishing?"

"No, we have no words for lakes or fishing, what is it?"

Jon said, "We have a beautiful lake here would you to like to see it? We could all go together, but you would have to ride a horse, that's the only way to get there."

Mernard almost jumped in the air with excitement as he said, "I could ride a horse?"

James and Jon put their arms around Mernard's shoulders as laughed and said, "Yes Mernard you will get to ride a horse, let's go and see if some of the others would like to join us."

When the others learned we were planning a trip out to the lake with our new friends every man from ranch and B & B wanted to come with us including Michael and Ian. Quinn who wasn't going with us packed enough food for an army and that's what it looked like when we all gathered the next morning. Larion road with Jon and Mernard with James; Gollum was with Adam, Melic doubled up with Martin.

Although extra padding was used for Gollum, Melic, Larion, and Mernard's comfort they were told to speak up with they needed to stop and rest. It was a little hard to explain that bounding on the back of a horse usually made your butt and legs sore, especially so if you had never ridden horseback before.

There wasn't a complaint heard from any of them for the first hour but Michael decided to ask if they would like to stop and rest for a while, suggesting that giving the horses a break might be a good idea. They agreed but everyone knew it was only so the horses could rest. There were no complaints of discomfort and not one of them even rubbed their butt or legs as most first time riders would do.

Within ten minutes Mernard asked when they would continue, James said, "If you're all ready let's head to the lake." Another two hours passed before they come over the hilltop that led them down to the lake. As the entire group stopped to enjoy the beauty of the view Larion and the others started speaking in a mixture of their native language and English, there wasn't one of them that didn't have tears flowing. It's hard to imagine the reaction of someone who had never seen a large body of water before.

The scene was made even more remarkable by the Jacaranda trees scattered along the bank of the lake that were in bloom with their blue flowers. Mernard actually dropped to his knees as he wept at what was unimaginable to him and the others. Guy and Reg knelt beside him with their hands resting on his shoulders. Reg said, "Its beautiful isn't Mernard?"

Mernard overcome simply shook his head yes. As we walked to the shore the horses were released to drink and graze. Gollum and the others stood close to the water's edge before looking over at Michael and the others. Several of the guys said in unison, "Yes, you can touch it." Even Gollum laughed at the anticipation of their question this time.

James and Jon were the first to strip and lay their clothing in a pile by their knapsack before running to the water and diving in. No one was sure what startled Melic and the others more, the fact that James and Jon were naked or that they dove headlong into the water before coming to the surface laughing. Soon most of the others followed James and Jon into the lake swimming and splashing each other.

Ian asked Gollum if he and his friends would like to get in the water and enjoy themselves. It was a new first as Ian and Michael noticed each of them blushing.

Larion asked, "Is it okay for you to be naked in front of others, we would be punished severely for doing this."

Michael wasn't sure how to answer Larion, he said, "Larion, we would not do this in front of Eve or other women, but here we are all men so it doesn't matter, we're all the same and as you have seen many of us are mates, partners in love."

Gollum said, "We have marveled at the love among you and the freedom you have to touch each other. The first time some of you put your hands on us in a familiar way we did not understand, but we also enjoyed that feeling. I have never spoke of the mystery of my emotions when on our first night in your home, Eve said goodnight to me as she put her lips on my forehead. There is so much we are learning about relationships Michael. "

Michael replied, "Gollum you and the others will grow to understand the feelings, and emotions of love, but it will take time. We understand your society controlled every aspect of your lives including your sexual behavior. What we think of as a natural and important part of our relationships you may see as alarming. Perhaps we should not have brought you here to experience this free expression of our lives so quickly."

Larion said, "No Michael this is exciting and we need to learn of your freedom of sexual expression, I think we're all sensing something within us that has been subjugated by rules that have not been a natural part of our lives. I feel we are missing what is natural and important in our full development as humans."

With that Larion striped of his clothing and started to walk into the water. Ian yelled for Adam to watch him so he doesn't drown the water gets deep quickly. Larion stepped in over his head Martin and Peter immediately grabbed him and lifted him to the surface. Smiling Peter said, "Larion maybe you should learn to swim first."

Larion spit out water before laughing, "It feels so wonderful and fresh, but yes, I agree, learning to swim first might be a good idea."

Gollum, Melic, and Mernard laughed at Larion's inhibitions and soon striped down and carefully walked into the water, the delight on their faces was pure happiness. And trust me when I say none of these guys had anything to be shy about in the manhood department.

James and Jon being young and playful started splashing Larion and the others, they soon caught on to the fun and soon everyone was frolicking and having a great time.

Nearly exhausted they began to come on shore and sat on towels in the shade. Mates sat together without giving it a thought, Michael and Ian, Peter and Martin, James and Jon, followed by Adam and Lester, Guy and Reg. Larion and Melic sat together as did Gollem and Mernard.

Martin was thinking how interesting it was that Larion and Melic sat together which didn't surprise him because they are usually together, but he was wondering about Gollum and Mernard sitting together since they are often off following their separate interest. It was also interesting that they all stayed naked as we eat lunch, it appears they are very willing to adapt to our way of enjoying life.

Following lunch everyone helped gather things up and pack everything into various knapsacks. To this point no one had attempted to get dressed, it was as if everyone was waiting for someone else to make the next move sexually.

Michael stretched and relaxed on his back, Ian leaned over him and they kissed passionately, erections grew as Ian lay on top of Michael and pheromones begin to fill the air. Others soon became sexually engaged with their partners. Everyone had at least one eye discretely focused on Larion, Melic, and Mernard and Gollum.

The unexpected took place as confusion and fear took hold of Larion and Melic; Mernard became physically ill with Gollum trying to calm him. The sexual activity stopped immediately as Guy and Reg pulled on pants and rushed to Mernard and Gollum, James and Jon did the same for Larion and Melic. Everyone dressed quickly before they gathered around their friends. Michael said, "Please forgive us, we did not mean to upset you, we feel terrible."

Gollum looked shocked as he turned to Michael and the others, "You have done nothing wrong, and the problem is ours. You don't understand we would have been put to death for what you do so innocently."

Adam said, "Gollum the fault lies with us, we wanted you to know that love and sex is a joyful part of life, it is what makes us who we are, but we should have not done this so openly in front of you and we're sorry."

Ian added, "We have thoughtlessly spoiled such a beautiful day, and we intended to make it a special day for the four of you."

Larion finally stopped shaking and said, "Stop apologizing, what you have done for us today is beyond anything that we could ever have dreamed of, you've shown us a beautiful lake and we actually were in the water and had fun. We rode horses and saw trees with blue flowers; you can't possibly know the joy that you have given us. There's no way you could have understood what happened just now. The fear we felt was for you, we actually expected to see you die for what you were doing. On Mar-Keen you would have been evaporated, everything in our lives is observed we're constantly under the government's microscope. We're never truly alone; we have never known what you call privacy."

Melic added, "This is why we took a chance to come back to you even after we were forbidden to do so, it's what we want, we wish to be like you. There are things so deeply ingrained in our very DNA that it will take us a long time to overcome generations of indoctrination. We can only hope that you will forgive us for our reactions just now and be patient with us as we struggle with what we fear and what we desire.

James started to cry as Jon held him. Gollum became upset not understanding why he was crying. Jon said, "Gollum, its okay, like you James has never known a family and he's crying because he understands a little of what your life was like on Mar-Keen."

James went to Gollum and hugged him; before he stepped back he kissed Gollum on the forehead as Eve had done the evening they arrived. Gollum said, "You all are so kind, I don't understand the feeling I have when James touched his lips to my forehead, Eve also did that once and I had the same strange feeling, it made me feel good in my heart."

Michael said, "Its called love, you are beginning to feel love. It is an emotion that you feel in your heart, mind, body and soul."

Larion took Melic's face in his hands and leaned in and kissed his forehead. Melic looked startle at first but then looked into Larion's eyes only for a moment before kissing him on the lips. Larion returned the kiss and they embraced each other in a hug for the first time in their lives.

Martin shed a tear as he watched the shackles of forbidden intimacy fall away. It appears what we thought we had done wrong was actually the catalyst that ignited the spark needed to allow our friends to move ahead with what they desired most and had risked their lives on a journey from which they would never return.

Gollum and Mernard understood what just happened between Larion and Melic but neither felt drawn to each other in that way although they had been friends for a lifetime. Mernard asked why he and Gollum didn't feel the same attraction.

Michael said, "It may be because you are sexually attracted to women, and even though you have never been with a woman that attraction is still part of who you are. Perhaps you will meet a lady in the village sometime that you will feel drawn to, it's hard to say until it happens Mernard. Each of us is drawn to others for many various reasons."

Gollum mentioned that he felt the same reaction to James kiss to his forehead as he did to Eve's. Peter said, "That is not unusual Gollum, it shows that you're open to love, whether that love manifest itself as male or female will come in time. We each love everyone here including you, Mernard, Larion and Melic, but the love we feel for our mates is different. It's a bit hard to explain but in time you will come to recognize the differences as you experience them."

Keep in mind that many people enjoy the sexual experience with both men and women. You can love many people, when a man and a woman who mate love each other and as they have children they also love and protect their children as they guide their children into adulthood.

Weeks later James and Jon started going to the ocean with Menard who soon learned to swim and to enjoy the crowds at the beach. Marine life fascinated him and the first time he went with James and Jon whale watching a blue whale came bursting to the surface weighing nearly 140 tons Menard nearly fainted with excitement.

Menard was young and handsome and the ladies weren't shy about flirting with him. It took a while for him to get comfortable wearing only a swimsuit, but he soon learned to enjoy the feel of the sun and breeze against his skin not to mention the attention he was getting. With James and Jon along he also soon learned how to do a little flirting of his own, but he never went beyond the stage of flirting. That is until he met Susan, an attractive young lady of about twenty-five.

Menard was sitting on a grassy bank watching James and Jon as they body surfed in the waves. As a particularly attractive lady was walking by a sandal slipped from her foot and she danced around on one leg trying to replace it. When she lost her balance and started to fall Menard reached out and took her hand to steady her. She sat next to Menard and slipped her sandal on while thanking him for his help.

Menard introduced himself and learned her name was Susan, during the conversation that ensued Menard discovered Susan was a Marine Biologist. His endless curiosity about marine life delighted Susan and a friendship soon developed based not only on their shared interest but the chemistry of physical attraction.

Needless to say friendship between Susan and Menard was the main topic of interest at the ranch and B & B. Peter, Martin, Michael and Ian were trying to come up with a plausible background cover for Menard knowing sooner or later Susan would ask about his family. So far all she knew was that Mernard lived and worked on a sheep ranch.

We learned from Mernard that Susan was a Marine Biologist, extremely intelligent, and knew more about marine life than anyone in the universe. We learned from James and Jon that Susan was stunningly beautiful and she and Mernard were much more than just friends.

Eve naturally teased Menard about inviting her for a weekend at the B & B so we could all meet Susan, and he could show her around the ranch. He would blush and shake his head no. As it turned out the decision was made up by Susan herself when she showed up on a Friday evening at the B & B for a long weekend as a surprise for Menard.

That same evening Mernard and several of the guys were sitting on the Veranda when Eve came out with a Cheshire cat grin on her face announcing that there was a phone call for Mernard.

Mernard looked questionably at Eve, "For me? Who would call for me, no one knows how to call me here, and I've never given this number to anyone."

Eve said, "Well she sounds lovely and our number is listed in the directory."

Mernard jumped up as he said, "SHE!"

Eve actually giggled as she said, "Yes, she and if I were you I wouldn't keep her waiting."

Mernard followed Eve in and she handed the phone to Mernard before remembering he had never used the phone before, never having a reason to. "Mernard, you have to talk she'll hear you on the phone she's using, and I wouldn't try using telepathy if I were you."

As Eve walked away she heard Mernard say, "Hello." When she was out of sight she stopped to listen just in case Mernard need some help with the phone, at least that's what she told herself. Finally she heard, "Susan, how did you know to call me here, it's such a surprise. Eve, oh she is my friend Quinn's wife they are part owners of this sheep ranch."

Eve had to stop herself from laughing, the first question to Menard was obviously, who is the woman that answered the phone, a typical girlfriend's question.

"You are at the B&B, how did you get there? Oh, you drove, no it isn't far from the ranch I'll come right over, it'll only take a few minutes. Bye."

Mernard walked out to the patio looking shell-shocked. "It's Susan she's up at the B&B, what should I do?"

James said, "Go comb your hair, and put on a clean shirt, I'll drive you to the B&B."

Menard was ready in about six seconds as he rushed to the car. "James, I'm a nervous wreck, why is Susan here at the B&B?"

Smiling broadly James said, "Menard, she obviously wanted to be with you so she took the initiative to locate the B&B and drove up to see you. This means that Susan really likes you a lot."

"James, I like Susan a lot too, but I don't know what to do, you know I have never been with a woman before, what if I make myself look foolish?"

"Menard, just follow your heart, you'll be surprised how natural it is to be with someone care about. I know you're nervous, but try and relax, Susan will be nervous also so you'll want to try and make her feel comfortable. Don't start asking her questions about why she's here, it's obvious she's here because she wanted to be with you, just tell her how wonderful it is to see her and give her a kiss."

"Okay James."


"Yes, okay, I can do that James, thanks for your advice."

James rolled his eyes at the matter of fact way Mernard responds to everything he says.

When James and Mernard arrived at the B&B Susan was sitting on the veranda waiting. James of course knew her having met her at the beach several times with Mernard and Jon. James waved and said, "Susan how nice to see you here, and what a lovely surprise."

Menard said, "Susan, how wonderful to see you," he gave her a gentle kiss and a hug. James could see the tension ease away from Susan when she realized how happy Menard was to see her.

James said, "Menard, please bring Susan to the ranch tomorrow everyone is anxious to meet her."

Menard was thinking, tomorrow, I guess that means I'm supposed to stay overnight with Susan, what if she doesn't suggest that I stay, if that happens I'll have to call James and have him come back and pick me up...Martin interjected a little advice of his own,... stop over thinking everything Menard, just relax and enjoy your time with Susan, everything will work out one way or the other, don't worry about it.

Without realizing it Menard, rather than answer Martin telepathically, said out loud, "Okay Martin, thanks for the advice."

Susan looked at him and asked, "Who are you talking to Menard?"

"Oh, one really I was just thinking out loud about something one of the men at the ranch had talked to me about earlier concerning the best way to shear sheep."

Thankfully Susan changed the subject to the beauty of the grounds surrounding the B&B.

"Yes Susan, the beauty of this land is remarkable, isn't it?"

Love flourished, and Menard discovered the physical part of love was as natural as breathing.

Chapter 21 to follow: