Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 22:05:56 -0600 From: Pete McDonald Subject: TIME-TO-SEE-71- TIME-TO-SEE-71 The morning air was fresh and cool. Jilder got up and went over to the windows, opened one of the three, and looked outside over the grounds of Castle Dromoland. In the distance he saw the lake covered with a thin layer of fog, and the little boats dotting its shore, and further out he thought that he could see the Silver Swan again... He ran back over to the bed where Nicky was still sleeping. He leaned over Nicky and whispered directly in his ear, "Nick, come over to the window...quick! I think the Silver Swan is out on the lake again." Nicky blinked and opened his eyes... He looked around as if in shock, trying to decide where he was and what was happening... Why had Jilder waked him? "Remember, Nicky? If we go out there now, we can follow her to the cave where King Boru's ghost is." Then the words began to arrange themselves into some kind of meaning in Nicky's mind: lake.... swan... ghost... King Boru... "Aw, Jilder!" Nicky groaned. "Did you HAVE to wake me up just to tell me that... I was having a great dream!... Go away...." "Yeah! I bet!" Jilder said, swapping Nicky on the head with a pillow... "You got a boner? I bet that's why you wanna go back to sleep..." "A WHAT?" Nicky said visibly shocked at the embarrassing question. He pulled the sheet over his head. "You know... a BO-NER!" Jilder repeated... "Ah? I don't know..." Nicky feigned ignorance from under the covers. "YOU DON'T KNOW?!!" Jilder countered... "YOU GOTTA KNOW. All guys got boners when they wake up, before they go pee..." Jilder said. "Yeah? Well I didn't need to wake up to go pee. Don't DO that again," Nicky said visibly annoyed and with his head out from under the sheets... "And Yeah! I gotta boner... and NOW I DO have to pee." Nicky added. "Get up and come over to the window. You can see the swan from here... Come look quick," and Jilder hurried back over to the window and leaned way out in order to see better. "Be careful! Jilder" Nicky yelled. "Don't fall out the window." "I won't," Jilder replied only concerned that he could see. Reluctantly Nicky climbed out of bed, scratching his head with one hand and concealing his boner with the other. "Let me see," he said to Jilder when he got close to the open window. "Look. Look out in the middle of the lake and a little to the right... SEE?" Jilder instructed. "Yeah! You're RIGHT!" Nicky replied somewhat surprised. "Now we gotta find somebody to take us out in the boat. We gotta find Ian. He promised that he would get a motor and ride us out to the middle of the lake... and then follow the swan," Jilder said... "I wonder where he is?" Jilder asked. "What time is it?" Nicky asked. "I don't know." Jilder replied, "But I think I'm going down to the desk and ask if he's here yet. Maybe I can get him to take us in the boat." "Oh, alright," Nicky said, doing a full back flop on the bed... "Ahhhhhh. I'm still sleepy. YOU go find the swan. I wanna go pee and sleep some more..." Nicky yawned. "You'll be sorry when I get to talk to the ghost and YOU don't!" Jilder replied, deliberately trying to be seductive. Snuggling into his pillow, Nicky said, "Yeah, maybe..." "OH!" Jilder grunted impatiently. He wanted Nicky to go with him to search for the ghost. It wouldn't be half fun if he went by himself... But, still, somebody had to find Ian and see when he could take them out in the boat. Jilder thought that after he talked to Ian, then he'd come back to the room and work on Nicky again... ***** Down in the main lobby at the registration desk, Jilder waited his turn and then asked the Concergie, "I'd like to speak with Ian. Is he here yet?" "I think so, Sir. Let me page him..." Then over the castle intercom the Concergie spoke," Will Ian Burns please contact the main desk. Ian. Will you please contact the main desk?" Then the Concergie turned to Jilder and said, "Now we'll just wait for him to call in, or perhaps he'll just come inside. You can wait over there in one of those large chairs..." Jilder seated himself and waited patiently for Ian, and in a very few minutes Ian walked up. "Good morning, Jilder! Aren't you up a bit early?" Ian said. "Good morning, Ian. Yeah! It's early, but when I got up I looked out over the lake, and I saw the Silver Swan again. Do you think she would take us today to the cave where the ghost stays?" Jilder asked. Ian smiled but would rather barf than ruin Jilder's wondrous dream of seeing a ghost; so he gathered himself together and gave a most encouraging answer: "Well, if you saw her, then she's ready to lead anyone who will follow, to the place where the ghost of King Brian Boru stays. I'm sure we'll be able to follow her today." "Do you think we ought to go right away?" Jilder asked, his eyes quite large and clearly entirely committed to the endeavor. "Humm?" Ian stalled to think up an answer. "Actually, Sir. I told Mr. Maximillian Murphy that FIRST I'd take you boys out to the tennis courts and familiarize you with the game. He said that when he watched you tossing stones on your trip to Dromoland, he thought you might do very well with the game of tennis." "So we gotta go play tennis first!!!?" incredulous, Jilder said out loud... Then he thought for a moment and resigned himself to the agenda and said: "Well, then-- AFTER WE PLAY TENNIS-- will you take me and Nicky, and maybe Murph and Sean too, if they wanna go, out in the boat to follow the Silver Swan?" "Absolutely!" Ian answered. "I think that would be fabulously interesting..." "Good." Jilder confirmed... "Deal!" he added firmly. "Deal!" Ian repeated, and Jilder stuck out his hand to shake on it. In a flash Jilder was running out of the main lobby on his way back up to where the other boys were staying to tell everyone. Ian walked over to the Concergie with a broad smile on his face, "Those boys will not rest until we pursue the Silver Swan in search of King Brian Boru's ghost. Indeed, this job is turning out to be more fun than I ever expected," Ian said. "Just be sure you make them wear life jackets... I don't worry about your finding a ghost, but boys that age can fall out of their own chairs! Trust me. I have two sons," the Concierge replied. Ian went back to get himself a little breakfast and to locate four rackets and the tennis balls for his first paid engagement of the day. Then he made a mental note to confirm with Mr. Murphy whether it was his wish that the boys would be piloted out on the Castle lake in pursuit of the Silver Swan and the ghost... Those would be a full day's commitments for Ian, and worth a tidy sum, not to mention the good fun that was sure to unfold... Ian went off smiling and in good spirits about the day's pending agenda. ***** When Jilder returned to the bedroom where the other boys were sleeping, he found Sean sitting up in bed feeding Spirit another bottle. He realized how dedicated Sean was to his commitment to the puppy. That thought made Jilder consider that his life was shallow by comparison. He didn't have anybody who depended on him. "When you grow up, you take on responsibilities, and that just helps you to grow even more..." Jilder made a note to look for some responsibilities. "Where did you go," Sean asked. "I went to find Ian to see whether he would take us out on the lake again to follow the Silver Swan. She's out there right now," Jilder said. Then he went over to the window again to confirm that indeed the swan was still swimming around in the lake. Jilder turned and asked over his shoulder: "Do you wanna go?" "Uh? Yeah. But I might not talk to the ghost. That scares me a little." "Well, did you feel scared when you talked to your mom and dad and to Kevin's grandpa, Papa, in your dream?" Jilder asked. "How did you know I saw them?" Sean asked shocked that anyone knew about his experience. "I heard you tell your dads. And, anyhow, I seen Papa too.... and so has Nicky.... and both my dads talked to him too. So there's no reason to be ascared of ghosts, I don't think..." Jilder explained. "Really!? Did EVERYBODY talk to Papa?...." Sean asked. "Well, it's been a long time ago, like when we were back home in San Diego, but... yeah.... I'm tellin you the truth. Just ask anybody," Jilder said, speaking as if the subject of ghosts was really quite mundane and unremarkable. "Ohhh." Sean said, and then he became quiet, and concentrated on feeding Spirit once again. "What'er you guys talking about?" Murph said turning over in bed and sitting up... " I can't sleep anymore with you guys talkin..." "I'm sorry," Jilder said. "I guess I disturbed everybody this morning. I'm really sorry, Murph." "Oh. That's okay. I was kind-a already wakin up. The room is so bright. It's like the middle of the day in here," Murph said. Jilder picked up his conversation with Sean where he left off... "I found Ian downstairs, and he said he'd take us out in a boat today, but first, he has to show us all how to play tennis, 'cause that's what your dad, Max, asked him to do." Murph sat up and displayed more interest in the conversation. "I didn't know dad did that... Are you sure?" Murph questioned Jilder. "Yeah! Well, that's what Ian told me this morning; so I guess your dad asked him," Jilder replied. Then turning back to Sean, "Anyhow, there's plenty of time to play tennis AND go hunting for the ghost today..." Spirit was finished with his bottle, and like last night, he didn't seem to be much interested in going back to sleep. His eyes were open and he stood up on Sean's lap, yawned, and looked around. Then, he shook his little tail and proceeded to take a poop right on Sean's pajamas! "OH! SPIRIT..." Sean gasped. Then he silenced himself realizing that his puppy was simply doing what he needed to do, and he was much too young to know that he was supposed to go outside to poop; so what can you do except wait for him to finish... (Which Sean did, displaying great patience....) "Euuuw! P.U. that smells gross," Murph exclaimed, making a big deal out of slipping out of the bed to place some distance between himself and the poor, innocent, pooping puppy... Sean immediately came to Spirit's defense, "Don't scare him, Murph. He didn't poop on YOU. And he doesn't know any better. I gotta train him what to do when he's old enough... For now we just have to put up with the smell..." "I'll open all the windows," Jilder said, and he ran over to the windows, more than delighted to have another opportunity to check on whether the swan was still in the lake. "The Silver Swan is still circling in the lake waiting to take us to King Boru," Jilder told everyone. Sean was up removing his pajama bottoms that were both wet with urine and soiled with dog poop-- not a pretty sight-- but Sean was not complaining. "Here, Murph, you wanna hold him now? He's pooped already; so he won't mess on you..." Sean asked. "Okay. Here, let me get him." Murph said, holding his nose in exaggerated distress over the tiny residual odor of dog poop. "HOLD HIM RIGHT! Murph. You can't hold your nose with one hand. You need TWO hands to hold him," Sean said, and he withheld Spirit until Murph displayed responsible and reasonable willingness to hold the puppy with both hands. "That's better," Sean commented. "Now be careful..." And Sean stripped off his soiled underwear too, balled the messy garments up, and held them in front of himself as he walked into the bathroom, his cute little butt only half concealed by his pajama top. "I'm gonna take a shower," he called back... Jilder, having a one track mind, then turned to Murph and asked, "Will YOU go with us to look for the ghost?" "Sure. I think that'll be fun..." Murph said. Then he paused and thought for a moment..." And what'll we do if we FIND him?" Jilder replied with some measure of exasperation, "WE'LL TALK TO HIM!" "Oh!" Murph replied, and then he allowed Spirit to waddle around in the huge bed that he and Sean had slept in last night... "What are you going to ask him?" Murph pressed Jilder further. "I don't know... I'll have to think about it. I'll have some time to decide, 'cause we'll be playin tennis first." "Yeah. That's right," Murph replied. Yawning and sitting up in his bed Nicky said, "What's going on? Jilder, are you still trying to get everybody to go find King Boru?..." Then he noticed that Sean was missing. "Where's Sean?" Nicky asked. Murph spoke up, "Spirit pooped on his pajamas just a second ago; so now he's in the bathroom getting a shower... Can't you SMELL the poop?" "Uh? No. Not really," Nicky answered... (Not at all what Murph was hoping he would say...) "I think the fresh air coming from the windows has chased the bad smell away," Jilder said. "Yeah! Must have..." Nicky replied and then flopped back down on his pillow. "You are one lazy person, this morning, Nicky. Why are you so sleepy?" Jilder asked. "I don't know. I was just very tired last night, and I think the big meal and nice time made me sleep really good," Nicky replied. The boys heard a knock on their bedroom door. Murph yelled, "Come in..." Nicky sat up in bed again, and Jilder stole another quick glance out the window to check on the whereabouts of the Silver Swan. "Good morning, boys," Brandy said as he came in. "Good morning and how did you sleep last night," Max asked being only a step or two behind Brandy. Murph replied, "Oh, I think everybody slept really good, Dad. We've only been awake a little while..." "Where is your brother?" Max asked Murph. "Oh, Spirit pooped on him; so he went to take a shower. He'll be finished soon... Don't you smell the poop?" Murph asked. "Hum? No. I don't think so..." Max replied. "Really?" Murph questioned him again... "Ah?...." pausing to inhale again, "No... smells fine to me. You smell anything, Brandy?" "No. Seems good to me," Brandy answered. The bathroom door swung open and out strode Sean in nothing but a large bath towel he wore like a teepee... Only his neck and head and two feet were visible. "Where's my suitcase? OH! papa-Max and papa-Brandy, you're here... Good morning." "Where you left it last night, Sean." Murph answered. "Oh, yeah.." Sean replied. "Are you here to tell us where breakfast is going to be?" Sean asked his dads. "Well, yes, THAT, and also we need to tell you that I have asked Ian to give you all a little familiarization with the tennis court. I'm sure you'll all be very good, judging from how skillful you were tossing stones. I noticed some pretty good arm muscles..." "Yeah! Max, I saw Ian this morning, and he told me that he could show us how to play tennis..." Jilder commented. "My, you must have been up pretty early today," Max observed. "Yeah! He sure was," Nicky commented under his breath. "Yes, Sir. I wanted to see if Ian would take us back out on the lake where we could look for the Silver Swan; so she will lead us to the place where the ghost of King Boru lives... Uh.. stays," Jilder said. "Oh, I see. And you found Ian?" Max asked. "Yes, Sir. And he said that he would have to ask you first whether it would be alright for him to take us out in the boat again, but before that, he was going to meet us on the tennis court for lessons." "Oh, very good, Jilder. Sounds like you boys will have a very interesting day... Of course it's fine with me if you want to go back out on the lake looking for the swan. I'll confirm with Ian while he's out on the tennis courts with you. But, I'm thinking everyone will be looking for a good breakfast first this morning, before you go out on the court. Am I right?" Max asked. Each of the boys volunteered their appetites, and Max and Brandy ended up with a chorus of "Yes, Sirs," that convinced them that breakfast was next on the agenda, no question about it. "So boys, you finish dressing-- be sure to put on shorts and tennis shoes-- and Brandy and I will meet you down in the small dining room for breakfast. It's the yellow, modern-looking room. Just ask at the main desk..." Brandy turned to Max and said, "I think we ought to go over and see whether Kevin and Hugo are up. They'll want to go to breakfast with us too, I'm sure." "Indeed," Max answered. Then turning to the boys, "Alright, then. We'll see you in the breakfast dining room no later than 30 minutes from now." "Yes, Sir," the boys replied, and everyone proceeded with the morning... *****