Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:18:18 -0500 From: Gabe Rapeyls Subject: Unkown Chapter 1 Disclaimer: If you are not eighteen, please do not read this. This story may contain mature material. If you are not comfortable reading this, then please leave the site. The terms of Nifty apply here. Any similarities of the fictional characters to factual persons are purely coincidental. Any other similarities is also coincidental. ***This is not a story that has hot, steamy sex in every chapter. So, if you are looking for a story that does, there are thousands on the Nifty Archive. This does not concentrate in sex. But when there is a scene that includes it, I'll try to make it realistic, i.e. not having the characters have 12 in penises or having sex for 2000 hours. ~Unknown~ Chapter One 12:08 A.M. That's the time it said on my time out slip. It was another long day at work at the Qualix Pharmacy. Being the stock boy and primary floor employee is tiring. I was promoted from "cashier" because of my "efficiency". I didn't complain, even though there wasn't a pay raise. I said goodbye to my manager and co-workers and waited outside for my dad to pick me up. He was not going to be happy. My glasses began fogging up as soon as I set foot out the doors. And the hot, humid air hit me intensely. I could already feel water droplets forming on my skin. It was dark outside except for the few parking lights that were still on. I could hear the crickets making that annoying sound and an occasional car drive past the pharmacy. I saw a homeless guy walking towards me. Not good. For all I knew, he was some serial killer or mugger on the loose. I prepared myself for anything that might happen. The guy just walked past me without taking any notice. I sighed in relief. Where was my dad? I looked up at the sky and saw a plethora of stars shining that night. Moving to the suburbs had its perks. In the city, you couldn't see a single star. I star-gazed for a few minutes until, finally, my dad arrived in his truck. I got in and we exchanged warm hello's. The drive home was quiet mostly because we were both tired. I rested my head against the window watched shadows zoom by. It was much cooler in the truck and I was thankful for that. Lights appeared in the distance, meaning we were almost home. We soon entered a subdivision where all the houses were almost alike. My dad parked on the side of the road and we got out. The air was suffocating me again. I quickly entered the house to be greeted by the familiar smell of our home and the cool air from the A/C. My mom was already asleep. "There's some food in the microwave. I think your mom heated it before she slept so it should still be pretty warm. I'm going to sleep already. Don't stay up to late, okay? Good night, Jeffrey", my dad said with a smile before he walked into his room upstairs. We had a three bedroom house, and the three of us had our own room. I slept in the master bedroom downstairs and my parents in the other two smaller rooms upstairs. It's actually a funny story. Both my parents snore, and do they snore. I could sometimes hear them from my room- with the door shut. For some reason, they sleep fine with their own snoring, but not with the other's. I guess when you add their snoring together the decibels double. So, they told me I could have the masters. I went into my room, and took off my uniform and pants, leaving me with only my tight undershirt and boxer briefs. I washed my hands and face, went out, and began to eat the food that was in the microwave. I ate silently, aside from roar of the motorcycles upstairs. I finished up my food and washed my plates before going back into my room. I closed the door behind me and began stripping off my remaining clothes so I could take a shower. I stepped into the shower and turned on the shower, being careful to dodge the freezing water as it shot out the showerhead. I settled for a hot shower, and simply stood under the running water, my eyes closed and my head slumped, letting the hot water wash over the sensitive skin of my back. As I stood there with only the sound of the rushing water, the same thoughts I've had for a few days came rushing back into my mind. With a great deal of effort, I managed to block them out. I decided that I needed to soap up myself to avoid those thoughts again. I pumped some liquid soap into my hands and began lathering myself up. After watching the movie, The Darwin Awards, I began using liquid soap. I can be weird at times. I ran my soapy hands over my dark hair and light, soft skin making sure that they were clean and that they smelled nice. I toweled myself dry, put on a new pair of boxers and a white tee. I jumped into my bed and waited for sleep to take me in its comforting arms. Instead, the thoughts came rushing back again like it did the other day. This time, the silence of my room simply let it come. There was no distraction. I started to breathe harder and I shut my eyes tightly willing the thought to go away. I wasn't gay. It can't be -- it won't be. It's disgusting and abnormal. It's just a phase. It's a test from God. All these thought tried to fight against my growing attraction to guys. "No", I thought, "I'm not gay. I'm straight. I like girls. Nobody will love me if I'm gay. They'll all hate me..." I rolled onto my side and tightly hugged a pillow while the same painful thoughts ran over and over again like a broken record in my head for the longest time. Tears, which fell onto my pillow, managed to leave my eyes before sleep finally decided to take me away from my suffering. --- Kind of short. Think of it as an introductory chapter, maybe. Email me if you like at for questions or comments PERTAINING to the STORY. Thanks