Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2017 19:30:01 -0800 From: Wayne G Subject: Wayne's Journal - Part 5 Nifty doesn't exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories please donate to Nifty. Be warned. This is a story about men who have consensual sex with other men. If that's not your thing, go away. If it's not legal for you to view this material, also go away. I love hearing from readers. It's the only reward for doing this. Please contact me at: FYI - This one has no steamy bits. But it's important to the progression of the story. Stick with me. :-) Wayne's Journal - Part 5 11 December 2017, Monday 7 PM Wayne's House I didn't journal at all on Sunday. Daniel and I did a lot of leisurely stuff together. He seemed sort of quiet and thoughtful all day. I couldn't get out of him what was wrong, and maybe nothing is. I figure he'll tell me if something's up. Early in the day we came back here to my house and grabbed my condoms. Didn't even make it out the door before I had my cock inside him, and he was moaning on my couch. I REALLY like making that guy moan. Mmmm. Then at his place we traded positions on his couch. My turn to moan. And ... now I have a boner. :-D I also had my blood drawn today at the clinic, and delivered a urine sample for analysis. I requested to be tested for all the major STD/STIs, and my provider agreed to order the testing. He asked if I needed to talk about anything associated with the testing, and I said I wanted it so my new sex partner and I could have unprotected sex. "Well, pregnancy is still possible unless your partner is using some other birth control." He looked levelly at me, as if I might be a little daft. I smiled. "We've got that handled. No worries there." He only nodded, and sent me to the lab for the testing. I expected a little hell once I got there. I manage the guys in the labs, and they good naturedly ribbed me about the testing. "Oh, getting ready for a wild weekend?" Saul, one of the techs asked, his eyes amused and his movements fast and sure as he prepared for my blood draw. I watched with a trained and critical eye. There was no need. Saul is one of the best techs we have, and he is the closest thing I have to a real friend. Though some would balk at having a subordinate as a friend, it has turned out to be a boon for me. "Maybe." I grinned at him. "But I'm not gonna kiss and tell." He knew I would, but the lab wasn't the place for it. "You're no fun." He uncapped the needle. "Quick stick." The draw was near painless. After he was done he wrapped me up. "Seriously though, glad to see you're getting out there. Was kinda wondering if you were ever gonna ... you know ... go for anybody." I blushed a little. "Well, no need to worry." I stood up. "Thanks Saul. Good draw man." "Thanks boss." He looked me over. "Man, you're really dropping the weight. What are you down to now?" I grinned. "193 this morning. It has been a long road, but I think I'm getting pretty close to where I wanna be. Was gonna try for 180, but I'm not so sure now." "Yeah, you shouldn't lose much more. You look healthy." He smiled at me. "And happy." He put the used needle in the sharps container. "We should get lunch sometime. Not talked for a while." "Yeah, that'd be great." I thought about my schedule. "Actually, today's free. Wanna hit Alibi? I can get a salad there, so I won't wreck my meal plan too bad." "Yep. Sounds good. Noon?" I nodded. "See you then." I left and went back to my office in Arcata. I kept pretty busy will lunchtime. About 10 till, I walked over to the Arcata plaza and went into The Alibi. It was recently remodeled, and it was looking good - beautiful cement floors, high ceilings, and nice local art on the walls. Saul walked through the door a few minutes after noon and joined me at my table. This was a pretty regular haunt for us. And the server didn't even bring menus. As soon as Saul had settled in Marcy, our regular server there appeared by the table. "Hey fellas." She looked over her thick framed glasses at us. She put two ice teas down on the table, mine with lemon, Saul's without. Okay, yeah, we're VERY regular customers there. "What's for lunch guys?" She took our orders and disappeared into the kitchen. Saul looked at me, his gray-blue eyes curious. "So, you gonna talk to me about what's going on?" He took a sip of his tea. "You've been pretty hush hush about whoever you're seeing." I grimaced a little. "Right to it eh?" I laughed. "Well ... I met someone a little over a week ago. And ... ah, things have progressed really fast." I nodded. "REALLY fast." He drummed his fingers on the table. "Yeah? That a bad thing?" I blew out a breath. "I don't know. Never felt like this before." I squirmed a little. "I think maybe I'm over my head, way too quick, you know?" He looked thoughtful. "Well, does it feel right?" I nodded emphatically. "Absolutely." He shrugged. "Then who cares if it's fast?" He smiled at me. "You really do look happy man." His eyes lit up with mischief. "And the picture of you two was great. Obvious he's into you too." I stared at him. "What?" I blinked. "Picture?" He arched his brows. "Facebook? When's the last time you went on there?" I was surprised he knew, and then also surprised he was so cool about it. And then ALSO surprised there was apparently a picture of us floating around out there. I pulled out my phone. "Uh ... whoa." There were a few private messages to me, and one from my sister that said only "CALL ME." And sure enough, there was the picture of us at the restaurant. Most important to me ... there was a request from Daniel. "Oh wow." "You okay?" Saul looked a little concerned. "Thought you knew about the pic." He took another drink of tea. "You guys look good together. And from the look of him, nobody's gonna mess with the pair of you." He shook his head. "He's a big dude." "I ..." I swallowed, "Daniel sent a relationship request to me." I pressed "accept" and suddenly I was in a relationship in the world of social media too. Saul only looked mildly surprised. "Yeah, that's a little fast." Then he shrugged. "But you look happy to me. And if you're getting tested, it implies you both are planning to be monogamous, right?" I nodded, I was still processing all of it. "Then you're already in a relationship." He grinned. "Anybody who has a problem with that can fuck off." I blew out a breath. "Yeah. I guess you're right." I looked from my phone up at his face. "Hey ... thanks for being so cool about it. I wasn't sure how you'd react." He looked offended. "Dude, you know me. I'm as liberal as they come. Your being queer doesn't matter." His expression shifted to something more neutral. "I thought you might be gay when things kept not working out with you and the ladies. But I wasn't sure." I laughed. "Man, I wish you would have told me!" Our food arrived and we ate. Saul was awesomely supportive. I felt relief, and excitement that my "secret" was already out there in the world. No hiding for me. I feel like I'm ready to just live my life. Though there's still Laura, my sister ... I will need to deal with her. I love her, but I'm not sure how that'll go, at least not initially. I'm nearly certain she'll come around if she's not okay with it at first. Matt, her husband may be another issue. I guess we'll see. After lunch Saul and I went back to our respective places of work. We made plans to hang out again, and he encouraged me to talk to him anytime if I needed to. He's a good friend - better than I have given him credit for. I took a break around 2:30 and bit the bullet. I called Laura. She picked up on the second ring. "Wayne!" I could hear her wrangling one of the kids at the same time. "Hang on!" The phone was put down, and there was scuffling sound and that of my nephew Josh's voice in the background, then I heard a door shut. She picked up the phone again. "What the hell?!!?!" "Hey Laura." I held the phone away from my ear. "Good to talk to you?" "Wayne, when were you going to tell me?!!?" She was pissed. But, maybe not for the reason I anticipated. "I find out my brother is gay through FACEBOOK? Really? Right along with the rest of the world?" I breathed a sigh of relief. "Sis, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was going to come out so soon." She giggled, then I realized what I'd just said. "Ah. Hahaha. Very funny. Seriously though, I had no idea till about two hours ago that pic was even out there." She huffed on the other end of the line. "Well, fine. How long have you and mister model been seeing each other anyway? And holy shit, where did you find him?!? He's hot beyond hot!" I laughed. "He kinda found me." I gave her an abbreviated version of how we met. I left out his financial status (which I can only guess at anyway), only said that he's a personal trainer and that he works for himself. I never told my family about my goal to become a personal trainer, and I didn't tell Laura about it then either. I was on limited time since I was at work - which was exactly why I called while at work. After a few minutes, and promises to call again within the next couple of days we hung up. I finished up my day and then headed home. It's almost 8 and Daniel hasn't contacted me at all. Even though we spent the whole weekend together, I'm already jonesing for him. I know ... I've got it bad. We actually planned on each of us staying in our respective places tonight, but now I don't know if I can sleep without him curled into me. I didn't really think being away just for a night would bother me this much. Ah! A knock! Later! Daniel - Part 4 11 December 2017, Monday 6 PM I tried to calm down as I read through the forum posts. But I struggled with it. A lot of new posts were created in the last couple of days. Almost all concerned my newly revealed sexuality, and more than one of the posts had the picture of Wayne and I included in it. Fucking social media. `Ison is a fag?' `Hey cocksucker, I'm canceling my subscription' `Daniel, are you really queer?' `Who fucking cares if Ison is gay?' `I don't believe the pic - photoshop probably' They kept going. I debated what to do. I checked my stats from last week, and looked at my paid subscription count. These are the folks who sign up for detailed exercise and meal plans. I put their programs together, based on their goals, time availability and body type. Then I send all of it to them. If they follow the plans they will hit their goals. It's that simple. I'm good at doing it, and people see results. It's also my biggest money maker. I compared last week's numbers to this week. "Fuck." I had lost 30% of my subscriptions. Just like that. Gone. I rubbed my face and felt the bottom drop out of my stomach. I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Daniel?" I jerked, and almost fell out of my chair. Martha stood at the door of my media room and wore a worried expression. "Hey big guy. Everything okay?" I thought about what I was going to say, then I just sighed. I felt immeasurably tired. The stress of what I was about to lose was so heavy. "No." My voice was small, and I looked down at the ground. "I think I'm in trouble." She sat in the other chair. "Tell me what's going on." I did. And I could see anger boil behind her eyes. "Those fucking idiots." She was as mad as I was worried. "They're getting results. Why the hell do they care what you do in your time?" I rubbed my head. "It's a macho world. For some, even the association with a gay trainer is too threatening." "Wow." Martha shook her head. Then she looked at me. "Okay, so what's next? What are we gonna do?" I literally threw my hands in the air and let them fall back on my lap. "I have no idea. I know this is just the first exodus. Some won't look at the forum till later in the week whenever their programming is due." I exhaled heavily. "It's going to get worse before it gets better. IF it gets better." I could hear the misery in my own voice. Martha put her hand on my knee. "Hey. Daniel, don't do that. Don't just give up." I looked up and she held my gaze. "Let's figure out how much this is going to cost you. Okay? You should go talk to your financial guy. Tomorrow. You need to make an appointment to go see him." I slumped. "I just ... I can't do this right now." I began to spiral, the feeling so familiar and terrifying all at once. Martha recognized it. She is far more than my housekeeper. She was there through Jason, and she knows my history. She helped pick me up in some of my darkest times. "Daniel ... call Wayne. Have him ..." "No." I sat up. "No, I don't want him to know about this. It's MY problem." "But ..." "NO." My voice told her this was something on which I wouldn't bend. "Martha, he can't know." I looked down at my hands in my lap. "He might blame himself. And I can't ... I can't do that to him." She was quiet for a moment. Then she stood and patted my back. "Okay. But you need a gameplan Daniel. You've worked too hard, and you deserve this too much to have it fall apart." She kissed the top of my head. "Your dinner's in the kitchen." She looked at me, worry plain on her face. "Make sure you eat tonight, okay?" I nodded. I wasn't hungry, which in and of itself was an oddity for me. I knew I needed food, so I would try to force myself to eat. She left the room, and I turned back to my computer. The truth was now out there. And I could only watch as it began to destroy me. Wayne's Journal - Part 5 (cont) 11 December 2017, Monday 10 PM Fucking hell. Fucking hell! I opened the door a little before 8, expecting to find Daniel. "Martha?" My confusion was obvious. "What's going on?" Martha looked deadly serious. "Can we talk? It's pretty important." I ushered her inside, and she quickly explained what had happened to Daniel's business. "What the shit?" I paced in my living room. "So how much trouble is he in? I mean, how much of a percent cut is he taking?" "We won't know until the end of the week probably." She explained. "But he's already 30% down on his subscriptions. Those make up about 75% of his book of business. The rest are in-person sessions locally." I continued to pace, thinking about the numbers. "Okay. How likely is it he will lose in person business as well?" Martha shrugged. "I would think his in person sessions would be in less danger. Once someone works directly with Daniel, they're inclined to stick with him. He's a GREAT trainer. He might lose a few. But I think most will stay." "How many gay clients does he have?" Martha frowned. "I have no idea." I stopped and looked at her. She stared at me, and her expression shifted to one of incomprehension. "What are you thinking?" My mind whirled with ideas. "Martha, I need examples of success stories, as many different sports and walks of life as possible. I need to know final numbers of how many jump ship. I need the before picture of Daniel that's on his storyboard." She just stared at me. "Martha. Listen." She nodded, and pulled out her phone. I could hear her typing notes. I continued. "If he won't let me help, all of this will be up to you." She nodded again. "What are you going to do?" "We're going to fix this." I stared at her, and I felt a fire begin to burn in my soul. She shook her head as she finished her notes. "How?" I felt a few more pieces fall into place in my mind. "Right now, his sexuality is a liability. Right?" She frowned and nodded. "Yeah. It shouldn't be but it is." "Well, we're about to turn it into an asset." I picked up my phone. "I need to make a few calls. Are you available to help me this week?" She nodded. "Yeah. I'll get the info you asked about, and I'll have it by tomorrow." "Good." I selected a contact and dialed. "Hi, Tammy? Hey. I wanted to see if I would be able to get the rest of this week off. Something pretty major has come up, and I need to try and handle it." I gave Martha a thumbs up. "Okay, thanks a lot. Yeah, I'll have Saul cover me when absolutely necessary. Nothing will get dropped. Okay. Yep. I'll let you know if I need anything. Thanks again." I hung up. Martha shook her head and grinned. "Man, you do not play!" She lowered her eyebrows, and it gave her an aggressive and deadly appearance. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm on a special op or something?" I smiled grimly. "No way can I stand by and watch Daniel go down in flames. Even if he doesn't want me to help, I can't just let it happen." I nodded. "Okay. We have a plan. Get me what I need. I'll handle the rest." Martha left shortly after. I sat at my computer and began my research. I'm taking a break now, but I'm going to get back to it after I finish my entry. It's going to be a long night.