Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 07:31:46 PST From: "Robert J. Cutter" Subject: "WINE COUNTRY -Chapter 3" (MAN/MAN) Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It contains detailed depictions of consensual male sex. If this or any other aspect of male/male sex offends you or if you are averse to anything homosexual, please go elsewhere. WINE COUNTRY Copyright 1999 by Robert J. Cutter -- All Rights Reserved The author retains all rights to this story. It is not permissible to distribute it to any newsgroups and/or other web sites without the express written consent and permission of the author. For Brian Chapter 3 -- Sunday in the Park With Jevin When Jack Turner and Jevin Wilkenson arrived at the restaurant for brunch they asked for an out of the way table so that they could continue their conversation from last night. There was so much personal history to discuss - about their lives and loves and failed attempts at a stable and happy life - all the while hopefully getting to know each other better and in more depth and maybe to establish the basis for an ongoing relationship. They had met the previous night at the Mayfair Grille and were immediately drawn to each other. Jevin's incredibly boyish good looks along with his missing left hand and wrist had singled him out as being a very desirable partner to Jack. Jack's blonde, fabulously hunky middle aged appearance had been Jevin's signal to begin a conversation with him and to try to get to know him better. The sex they had last night and earlier today was everything either one could have hoped for; it was thoroughly fulfilling. The food at the restaurant, which was Jevin's favorite bistro in Santa Rosa, was excellent. It had to be up here in wine country or a restaurant would not stay in business for very long. People in this area of northern California knew their wine and knew their food. They were eating very slowly and sipping an excellent Sonoma Country Gewurztraminer. Jevin was underage, of course, but they knew him in the restaurant and the waiter chose to look the other way. Jack and Jevin looked lovingly and longingly at each other as they clinked their glasses; they smiled after drinking some of the wine. Both pronounced it to be quite excellent. Jack was fascinated as he watched Jevin eat and drink using his prosthesis. He was extremely dexterous with it and used the hand with confidence and assurance. "You are very adept with that hand, Jev. I also think it looks good." "Thanks. My parents needed it to look good, for their sakes more than mine." Jevin held the hand up slightly and flexed it a few times. "You'll notice that the fingers are molded from some kind of plastic material with a latex covering that has been matched to my skin color and texture." "Yes, I noticed that when we were walking and I was holding that hand. It seemed quite firm yet soft. I liked the feel of it." "Thanks, Jack, I appreciate that. I'm sure you noticed that last night when I was out with my friends I left the hand at home." "Of course I noticed. You have no idea how much I wanted to hold you and your arm stump right after I first noticed." "I had noticed you about an hour before that and I knew that I had to meet you somehow." They grinned at each other and sipped some more wine. "You have no idea how many times people try to avoid touching it or even looking at it when they realize it is artificial. You know that only the thumb moves so I can grasp with it but not much else. And I think the fingernails look a bit phony, don't you?" "A bit, but it still looks quite good and you use it wonderfully. If I didn't know for sure I'd have trouble telling that it wasn't real." Jevin was very pleased with Jack's approval of his artificial hand. Personally, he thought it was a necessary evil and he would rather do without it if at all possible. But societal conventions dictated that one must look normal, whatever that is. "How soon after the accident did you get your new hand?" Jack asked. "I got out of the hospital only eight days after my surgery. My arm -- my stump - was still heavily bandaged. I couldn't be fitted until all the bandages were removed and the swelling went down. My folks made me keep it covered at all times, even when we were at home. I didn't understand why it needed to be covered. I thought that it looked fine just as it was. Okay, I was a ten year old kid with only one hand and while most adults were quite shaken when they saw me, I think I was basically fine with it and I liked it." "You were really okay with it? I would think that it would have been very difficult to accept." "It was kind of difficult at first, yes, but kids accept and adapt to situations much easier than adults do. There was no long agonizing and deep analyzing or bouts of hysteria. This was me now and this was how I was going to be for the rest of my life. I came to that realization very early. I think that even before my hand and wrist were actually amputated I knew that I was going to lose them. So I pretend I didn't have a left hand or a left wrist during those first two days in the hospital while the doctor were debating whether they could, you know, save them. I was also in some serious pain and was given healthy doses of pain killers so I was barely conscious at times." "That was incredibly mature." "I don't think maturity had anything to do with it. I think it was nothing but animal survival instincts." "Okay, if you say so," Jack said rather matter-of-factly. "As I mentioned to you before, my friends just didn't accept the new me. Actually, my family wasn't that much better. My older brother, Jeremy, didn't even want to look at me. He kept averting his eyes and it gave me the feeling that I was invisible. My mother? Well she's my mother and I can't do anything about that. She's a cold fish. She buries her emotions and feelings in very, very proper behavior. My father was basically okay with it. He treated me the same as before, which wasn't that great to begin with. He is not a very loving person. My younger sister, Jennifer, was great though. She helped me when I need it and stayed away from me when she knew I needed to learn to do things for myself. She was great and still is. We're very close." "That's great having someone you're very close to in your family. I don't, except for my nephew Nicky." "What about Robert?" "We drifted apart. I don't even know where his lives now." "That's too bad," Jevin said sympathetically. "Anyway, when I returned to school I noticed that everyone kept away from me. It was like I was diseased. My stump was still bandaged but I kept it covered by my shirtsleeve. My parents had asked the school administrators not to make any announcements or anything, but I think they did. It was almost as it the kids were afraid they'd lose their own hand if they touched me or even played with me. I lost all my regular friends and made only one new one. She was the same age I was and she had a severe speech impediment. We were the outcasts and kept to ourselves. She was very bright and is going to a very good college in the East. It was a very difficult time for me and I was very lonely, Jack." Jevin wiped away a tear. "But kids are resilient and I was too." They looked at each other deeply again. Jevin was happier than he could ever remember being. He was actually telling someone about his deepest feelings and longest held secrets and this person really seemed to care for him, not like the bevy of dispassionate psychologists his parents had marched him to. "After my stump healed sufficiently we went to the prosthetist. I had been out of the hospital a few weeks and my stump was still tender and sore. The bandages had been removed but the end was red and the orthopedic surgeon said that the stump shape was still not yet final and that the scar would fade more than it had. I would rub my stump quite often; you know, to help the circulation and all, and I found it to be quite soothing and comforting. Also I happened to really like my stump. I know it sounds very strange, but I definitely liked the look of it. I think the surgeon did an A-1 job on me. I would walk around my room stripped to the waist, and wave my arms, salute myself in the mirror all with my stump. I liked the way it tapered at the end and I liked the look of the scar. I just liked the look of the whole arm." "I don't think it's strange at all. I love the look of it, Jev," Jack said in a reassuring tone of voice. "Thanks again, Jack. So all of this attention to my stump completely pissed off the folks. They thought it was hideous, something to be hidden away; it was something to be kept out of sight and denied. Just like me, I suppose." Jack leaned over and rubbed the back of his hand along one of Jevin's cheeks while giving him a warm, caring smile. Jevin smiled back and began to tear up just the slightest amount. "So we're at the prosthetist's office. She spoke with my parents and me to find out about us as a family and to find out about my needs." Jevin gave a small sarcastic laugh here. "When we went into the room with the different appliances, you know, legs and arms and other stuff, she first picked up a split hook prosthesis, and my mother started to cry almost uncontrollably and shrieking, `I will not have my baby wearing that monstrosity!' So the woman put it down and showed us the more socially acceptable prostheses -- you know, cosmetic hands and electric ones. "I thought the split hook was great -- it was simple, lightweight and efficient. But not for *her*. So it was decided that I would wear an electric hand with a skin contact electrodes in the socket to control the operation. And that's basically what I still wear today, although the size, efficiency and weight of the units have changed over the years. As I grew I needed to get bigger prostheses. " "I think it looks rather nice, Jev." Jack leaned over the table a bit. "But I do also love the look and feel of your stump," he said with a big smile. Jevin smiled back at him. "Then I went through rehab to strength my arm and to learn how to use the new hand. It was an eye opening experience." "How?" "Well, we always think things are awful when they happen to us and that we're in the worst possible situation. I met people in rehab who were really in a terrible way. At least I still had most of my arm. I met people without arms and legs and--" Jevin's voice became inaudible. He looked down at his prosthetic hand. "It can be rather inconvenient at times, but I guess it's okay." He flexed it a few times and then looked at Jack. "Do you really like it, Jack?" Jevin apparently needed constant reassurance about his appearance. "I really do like it Jev. I wouldn't say so if I didn't." They were both silent for a few minutes while they continued to eat. "Things got better once when we left Atlanta for Salt Lake City. My friends in Atlanta thought I was bad luck - a Jonah. I mean, even the guys who had been riding along that highway with me on that day didn't want anything to do with me. My parents sent me to a shrink for a while but could not get much comfort or understanding from him. They made me wear my prosthetic hand all the time. If I didn't want to wear it I had to have the end of my arm covered by a long sleeve." They were both silent for a few minutes. Jevin broke the silence. "Okay. Enough now about the trials and tribulations of Jevin Wilkenson. You said you had four brothers, right? Tell me about them." "Okay. Growing up with them wasn't easy," Jack began. "The eldest three had basically zero ambition. They were bums, plain and simple. Robert and I were the only ones to finish high school, let alone go on to college." "Interesting, because from the moment we were born, my parents expected each child to not only go to college but to earn some advanced degree." "Smart people. Robert and I were only one year apart. As I told you we engaged in juvenile sex from time to time. We'd suck each other off whenever we could and we both seemed to love it. However, after puberty we both apparently became totally hetero and so we didn't fool around with each other any more. Of course, I later found out that Robert was completely gay. The girls he dated were merely fronts for his gay activities. He and his best pal would occasionally date lesbians and they would re-pair off after they left the others in their group." Jack laughed slightly. "Incredible what some guys went through to hide their sexual preferences. I'm sure many still do that today but not as much as in the ol -- er -- days gone by." Jevin became embarrassed by almost mentioning the "O" word. He knew Jack was sensitive about it. "When did you started puberty?" "I think I was twelve or thereabouts. I know that by the time I was fourteen I had to shave every day. And my body got very hairy." "And I love it that way, Jack." Jack smiled at him. "Things at home were basically shit! Both my parents were alcoholics and they would beat us kids regularly. I was even in a foster home for a while." "What?" Jevin said incredulously, dropping his fork and staring open mouthed at Jack. "Yes! One of the teachers noticed some marks on my neck and took me to the school nurse. The nurse examined me and found welts and bruises all over my body. They examined Robert and Sean and the authorities went after my folks. We were removed from the household - all except Fred, who was out of the house by that time." "What was it like?" "It wasn't fun. The people who took me were nice enough, but they were a childless couple and really didn't know how to handle a kid. I was pretty wild and they had problems with me. But it only lasted three months and then the folks got us back. The beatings didn't stop completely, but they certainly lessened." "God! That must have been an awful experience." "It was." Jack seemed to get a faraway look in his eyes when he said this - filled with pain, longing and fear. "Anyway, it wasn't the happiest of childhood's. I knew that I had to help myself most of all if I wanted to get anything out of this whole rotten experience. I decided to get into sports to occupy my mind and body and to get out of that house as much as possible. I began playing football when I started getting big; I was in junior high school. I started lifting weights, and I became a big bruiser. Everyone wanted me on their team. I was also a good student, believe it or not." "I believe you, Jack." "I was particularly good in math and science. I was everybody's dream teenager - I was a good student, a good athlete and god looking. I had a glorious high school career." "Glad someone did." "Yours must have been pretty awful. Rough times, huh?" "Yeah, rough times indeed. But in a way it was a blessing. I concentrated on my studies. I became a really great student. My father bought me my first computer setup shortly after I got out of the hospital. I had been asking for one for quite a while before the accident so I was very happy to get it. I learned to type quite well with my one hand. Computers became my passion; I spent every free minute in front of it. After we moved to Salt Lake I also became serious about sports and that shocked the hell out of my father. He thought I should go back to the shrink. I started running to get into shape and to run off many frustrations. I would swim regularly in our backyard pool we had and I also started taking tennis lessons at the country club and I -- c'mon, Jack don't make faces at me!" "Country club? You're a member of the country club set? "Absolutely! My father is an important business executive and we belong to a club. It's a matter of position," Jevin said snootily with his nose in the air. Jack put his hand on Jevin arm and rubbed it gently. They smiled at each other. "As I was saying, I took tennis lessons, swam and also played in a soccer league. I'm still pretty good at all three. When I was about fourteen and had been going through puberty for a while -- it took me a long time -- I first suspected that I might be gay. I had problems in the locker room; I kept getting hard watching the other guys. I would never approach anyone, however; I didn't have the courage -- you know, my handicap and all. In addition, I just didn't know what to do. I always picked my locker to be off to a side so that the other guys didn't have to look at my arm and be embarrassed. I also noticed that when I showered the other guys, except for two or three, stayed away. Later, when I knew I was gay, I thought back to some of those locker room experiences. I realized that there were some guys who were apparently, you know, interested in me and were putting moves on me. I was either too naive or stupid to recognize what was happening." "You went through a long puberty?" "Yeah, and it was real strange. I started getting tall, my cock and balls started getting big and my voice deepened. But I didn't get any hair in my armpits or my chest or my arms or legs like all the books said would happen. I got a little bit above my cock but that was all. I thought there was something genetically wrong with me." He leaned across the table and planted a light kiss on Jack's lips and smiled. "As you know, my big bear, I still have very little hair on my body," Jevin whispered into Jack's ear. "And I love it," Jack whispered back to him. "I reasoned that nobody really wanted a cripple as a sex partner if they had a choice - and a guy with almost no body hair. My first gay experience was not with a peer but with an older man, a friend and business associate of my father." "Is this why you go for older guys?" "Could be. I like `em hairy and I like `em older." Jevin gave out a big chuckle. "This guy was actually older than my father, was married, had two children and was a Mormon. In fact, I first met him when I went to pick up his daughter for a date." "I've heard of many ways of picking up people, but that's a new one on me." "Yeah, it was very strange. When I went to pick her up Owen -- that's her father -- met me at the door. Her mom was off at something or other; those types of women always are. Amy was upstairs finishing up. Owen and I went into the family room. I had the feeling that he was constantly looking me over. He asked me about my hand and I told him. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We spoke about tennis -- he said he saw me play at the club and thought I was very good. I don't know, but for some reason we seemed to connect and I felt very comfortable with him. Just then Amy -- his daughter -- came into the room, so I got up, shook hands with him and we left." "Was there something special in the handshake? Or maybe a look in his eyes?" Jack asked. "Not really; I don't think so. When I dropped her off after the date I kissed her and she just let herself in the house. Then a few days later I got this telephone call from Owen. I had my own private telephone line in my room, and his call came in on this line. I was quite surprised. He asked how I was and we chatted for a while about school and tennis. Then he mentioned that he was in charge of organizing a fifth anniversary celebration for my father. Dad would be with the company five years in a few months. He asked if I could meet him at a hotel not far from our house to check out the facilities for the party. I didn't think he would be checking me out instead." Jevin became quiet for a minute or so and smiled to himself. "After we looked over the banquet facilities, he asked if I had anything else to do that evening. I said I didn't, and he asked if I'd like to join him and a few friends up in one of the suites. He said they were having party celebrating an impending marriage -- like a bachelor party. I said that I was only sixteen and I'd be too young for such a thing. He only smiled and led me to the elevators." "I'm curious," interjected Jack. "Was there really such a banquet planned for your father?" "Oh, yes! It was a real function. Only what I didn't know at the time was that Owen had already booked this hotel for the dinner months ago." "Well, he was honest about that at least." "So I went up to this suite with him and there was definitely a party going on. But since Utah is basically a dry state, there was very little alcohol. Everyone was just eating and smoking cigars; there were also a few young women in the room. Owen didn't introduce me to anyone but led me right into one of the bedrooms. He was really rather straightforward about everything. He simply asked if I would like to have some innocent sex with him." "He said it right out? Innocent sex?" "Yes. That's what he said." "What the hell is innocent sex?" "I've given it a lot of thought and I suppose it meant that we wouldn't feel guilty about it afterward. Jack, I honestly don't know what the hell he meant! All I know is that I was getting hard the minute he started removing his shirt. He had a very hairy chest of gray hair and he was pretty well developed for a guy his age. He asked me to touch his chest and I did. I was pretty hard now and he opened his belt, unzipped and dropped his pants. He wore boxers -- they were silk I think. He started to unbutton my shirt and ran his hands all over my chest and over my nipples. He was stoking me very gently from my neck to my navel. My chest had less hair then than it has now," Jevin said with a straight face. "How can there be less than nothing?" Jack asked as he raised one eyebrow. "I'm teasing! Anyway, I felt truly wonderful and I threw my head back and started to breathe heavily. My cock was really hard now. Owen unbuckled my trousers and slipped them down. I was wearing Jockey briefs. "`Oh, we going to have to change that, Jevin,' he said. `A very beautiful young man like you should be wearing boxer shorts not these things.'" "Is that why you wear boxers?" "Yep, it is. Went out the next day with my mother and bought boxers and I've worn only boxers ever since. She gave me an argument but I insisted and won." They both laughed and toasted each other with their wineglasses. Jevin picked his glass up with his prosthetic hand; Jack was amazed again at the dexterity Jevin displayed. "Were you wearing your prosthesis when you met Owen?" Jack asked. "Absolutely. Mother wouldn't let me out of the house without it. So, getting back to my introduction to male sex, Owen rubbed my cock through my Jockeys and I realized the front was getting all wet. He was licking and sucking at my cock through the damp material. You have to understand that I was really, really very naive -- I didn't know where the fluid was coming from because it didn't feel like I was pissing. "`What's the matter, Jevin?' Owen asked." "`I'm leaking something,' I whined." "`That's only precum, Jevin. Don't worry about it! It's very natural to do that when you're highly aroused.'" He slowly pulled the briefs down and gasped. "`You are truly magnificent, Jevin,' he cooed. `You've got a really impressive package there. So smooth, so hairless, so absolutely inviting,' he said with lust in his voice. `Your cock is so nice and large and really so incredibly beautiful and full. And your ball are such nice low-hangers and so large! I love your whole gorgeous package, Jevin. You know, you're a very, very beautiful young man.'" "He stood up momentarily and gave me a very light kiss on the lips. This shocked me because of the suddenness of it all, but I really seemed to like it and all the attention he was giving my body. Nobody had ever said I was beautiful before or paid any kind of consideration to me as a person. `Freak' and `Lefty' and `Stumpy' was what I was used to hearing." Jevin started to sniffle as his eyes began to tear up. "I'm sorry, Jack. Sometimes the memories are just too painful." "I understand, Jev. Believe me, I understand." "Anyway, he first licked the precum off my cock head and moved his tongue all around the head and ridge. I thought I was going to fucking pass out. The feeling was that intense. Then he began to suck my balls, taking each one in his mouth separately and thoroughly washing and slurping on them. He licked my ball sac using his full tongue surface. It was really awesome! He was making these little moaning and `Mmmmmmm' sounds and we were both getting very, very hot. "Of course, he went for my cock next. He's playing with it with his tongue and mouth, taking more and more of it in as he goes up and down the shaft. I can honestly say that I had never felt better in my entire life. He worked his tongue all over the underside while it was in his mouth. Finally he had sucked almost all of it in and he began to ride the shaft faster and faster. The feeling was incredibly intense and I worried what would happen if I came right there in his mouth. So I yelled out to him that I'm coming. The only thing he did was to moan a bit and put both of his hands on my ass cheeks and pulled my entire body towards him. Of course, I came in his mouth -- and it felt like I could go on squirting forever. It was so infinitely better than my own hand jobs. I was a marvelous experience and I loved every second of it. Suddenly I became very unsteady on my feet and Owen moved me over to the bed. "While I was on the bed and after I had come down from that incredible high, Owen asked me if I would like to play a bit with his cock and balls. I shyly told him I wouldn't suck on his dick and he said that was okay. He slipped off his boxers. He was very hairy and I was surprised that his cock and balls were rather undersized; that is, they were small compared to my own and those I had seen of other guys in the locker rooms. But let's face it, it was the first time any man had purposely shown me his equipment; I never had anyone ask me to play with his cock and balls before. "I was very anxious to work on him. I manipulated his ball, which he seemed to like very much; I just rolled them around between my fingers. Then I jacked him off while still holding on to and playing with his balls. He panted a bit but did not cry out or make any kind of sound at all as he reached his climax and shot his cum all over my bare chest. "He seemed to like what I did for him and he smiled when we were finished and kissed me again. "'You have very soft, kissable lips, Jevin,' he said quietly and sexily. "After he calmed down somewhat, he proceeded to lick all his cum off my chest, which I thought really gross and strange. But the feel of his tongue on my skin felt truly wonderful and I got hard all over again." "'Getting hard all over again, huh Jevin?'" "'Yeah,' I panted." "'Want me to do you again?' he whispered in my ear." "'Could you, Owen? I'd really love that. Please?'" "He sighed. `Ah, teenage boys! You gotta love `em.'" "He began to rub my chest again but this time he put his mouth to my nipples and began to nip then and lick them. It was an incredible feeling. Remember, Jack, that this was the first time I ever had sex with anyone -- except myself, of course. It was an indescribable feeling and an incredible high for me." "'Jevin," his whispered, `could you take off your shirt. Leave your hand on but take off your shirt, please.'" "I nodded and removed my shirt as he asked. He rubbed his hands all over my torso and arms and legs. The feeling was so thrilling, so incredibly exciting, that I never wanted it to end. It was the most unbelievable night. He made love to my entire body, rubbing each area sensually then kissing or licking that area over and over. It was just wonderful sex and I loved every minute of it because I felt that Owen was catering to my needs and wants and desires. Sure, he was getting satisfaction from it. But he also cared for my body and for me. When he finally put my cock into his mouth for the second time that night it was the culmination of a awesomely fantastic experience." Jevin was silent for a minute or two and Jack just looked at him intensely. "It was a totally wonderful -- and wonder filled - night," Jevin said quietly. "It's one I'll never forget. And it was surpassed only by our lovemaking this morning." The two men smiled a warm, glowing smile at each other. "And that was my introduction to male sex -- and I loved every minute of it. I asked Owen if he wanted me to do anything else for him, but he said once a night was enough at his age. So that was all for this particular night. Our session of `innocent sex' was over." "I still can't get over that term." "I know. It's stuck in my mind, too. After we showered and dressed he took me back to the main sitting room of the suite and I had a sandwich or something and a Coke. He introduced me to a few of the men there and then he walked me to the elevator and gave me a kiss good night. "After that first time we'd meet regularly; it was primarily in that hotel suite, but sometimes it was at his house when his family was out or the house of one of his friends. It seems that this group of men would meet every Friday night in this particular suite to relax and unwind and do whatever they wanted to do. It could include sex, drinking, watching porno movies, or whatever. For Owen it was me on Friday nights. And I loved it and never really tired of it, although, to be honest, I felt it was never as great as that first time." "What did you tell your folk about..?" "Oh, Owen had that all worked out. We were playing tennis." "I see. So every Friday night you played tennis." "That's right. Every Friday night I played tennis. Jack, I have to be totally honest with you and tell you that I really enjoyed the sex. I enjoyed it very much. I looked forward to those Friday nights with absolute hunger! When Owen had to cancel because of something or other, I would mope around the house all week until our next sex session. "Owen eventually let me remove my hand and he took great delight in playing with my stump and letting me move my stump all over his body. What was the greatest, though, was the attention he was paying to me -- to me, poor crippled, freaky Jevin. That was all that really mattered. And that was so great! I positively craved the thoughtfulness he showed me." Jevin removed his eyeglasses and used the luncheon napkin to clean them. They apparently had become tear spattered during the conversation. "What kinds of things did you do, Jev, if I may be so bold as to ask?" "Well, we did just about everything. Except I never screwed him. I guess if I fucked him, this would mean he really was gay and I guess he just couldn't face that fact." "How many times did you guys meet up together?" "Oh, it went on just about every week and lasted until I came here for college." Jevin looked down at his prosthetic hand and squeezed the fingers of it lightly with his good hand. He looked up at Jack and spoke in a shy, low voice. "I've had only one experience in college with a guy my age. He didn't want to see my arm. He seemed to like the rest of my body all right, but I felt he was really repulsed by me. I touched him at one point with my arm stump after we had finished with the, you know, sex part, and he jumped. So it was a very quick good-bye to him. Anyway, I much preferred the older man -- I preferred Owen. I even saw him once when I returned home during the Christmas break. And it was very good all over again." Jevin leaned over to Jack and kissed him lightly on his cheek. He placed his prosthetic hand on Jack's arm and squeezed his biceps slightly. "Thank you for not being, you know, repulsed by me, Jack," Jevin said in a low, cracking voice. "Jev, nothing about you repulses me. Please, please believe me." Jack extended his hands across the table and took both of Jevin's hands in his. They looking into each other's eyes and Jevin smiled a weak smile in response to Jack's big one. "I find that you are a wonderful person to know, and to love, and I am very happy that I've met you." Jevin blushed and smiled up at Jack. "You know, Jev, I've met quite a few men like Owen in my sexual adventures," Jack commented. "They just can't admit they're gay or even bi. I've lead a wild and quite varied lifestyle so I've met all kinds of men and women." "Pray, tell me all about it, kind sir!" Jevin said with a big grin on his face. "If you really want to know, my good man, I'll tell all," Jack responded with an equally wide grin. "But since we finished eating and since it's such a lovely day, lets go for a walk. Okay?" "Great! There's a beautiful park a few blocks away. Since the day is so nice we could go there." After paying the bill they left the restaurant and walked slowly to the park. They chatted about inconsequential matters. Jevin loved how Jack had accepted him and his physical condition so willingly and thoroughly. It seemed so natural to him, like there was nothing amiss. Jack obviously was able to see beyond the arm stump or the prosthetic hand. Jevin thanked God that such an affectionate and considerate person existed in this world -- and that that person was here with him now and cared for him. It was a short walk to the park. It was a small but very beautiful and located near the center of town. Jack and Jevin found a comfortable bench in the bright sunshine and settled down. Jevin opened his coat and turned to Jack. "Ready when you are CB," Jevin said in a jocular tone of voice. "You can start whenever you're ready." "Okay, Jevyboy. My life has been a very long and very tortuous route and can be quite tedious to listen to, so I'm going to give you the Reader's Digest condensed version. After all, I've been around a while and you have school tomorrow and I have work." Jack told Jevin that he was a varsity athlete on his high school football and wrestling teams and also played some baseball during the summer. In high school he was named by one newspaper to the runner-up all state high school football team. He went off to USC on a football scholarship and he did very well there academically, athletically and socially. "I got my degree in mechanical engineering and I got a very good job when I got out of school." "You're a mechanical engineer? That's great!" "Yeah. But family problems intervened and I reluctantly left the aerospace company I was working for in southern California and returned to Fresno. Yes, I'm originally from Fresno and I know all the jokes. It's not the coolest place to be from but it was home for a while. "While I was in high school and college I was strictly hetero. I had numerous conquests and my appetite for women was just about insatiable. I even asked one of my college girlfriends to marry me, but she planned on becoming a lawyer and didn't want any entanglements, as she put it. I never had sex with a man or a boy since Robert and I used to do it together. But something inside of me felt these pangs whenever I'd see a good looking guy with a nice body in either the locker room or the fraternity house. I didn't know what it was but I found it very upsetting. "So, here I am back in Fresno and I knew that I couldn't stay there long; life with my family there was an absolute hell and I was miserable. It was replete with drug and alcohol problems. I stayed as long as I could but I knew I just had to get out and get out fast. I realized that it had been a terrible mistake coming back. So I joined the Army to get away." "You joined the Army?" Jevin asked slightly stupefied. "Yeah, it was a way of getting out. I figured it was peace time so I had a pretty good chance of not getting shot. I took basic training at Ft. Benning, Georgia and then they sent me for advance individual training to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The Army, in all their wisdom saw that I was a mechanical engineer so they made me a tank mechanic. I took all the training they offered and since I pretty good with cars and trucks to begin with I breezed through everything." "So you were an ordinary soldier?" "Not quite. Because I had a college degree, I was offered and accepted a direct commission and became a second lieutenant. I was assigned to an ordinance company as the maintenance officer and spent three years stationed in various places -- Germany, Oklahoma, Georgia, Kansas and Colorado. I came out a captain and a company commander. I don't regret the decision or the years at all. It was good experience and I found out I was really gay while I was in the service." Jack was quiet for a minute or two. Jevin took his hand and held it. "How did you find out?" "I was a terrible womanizer, as I've already said, and every time I had sex with a woman I felt -- well, I felt slightly empty. Like something was always missing -- something was lacking. She would seem to be satisfied as far as I could tell but I would always get up and go back to my place -- wherever that happened to be. I never stayed the night with any woman. I thought of seeing the division shrink. "Then one night at the officers club I noticed this very handsome young guy. He looked very young but I knew he had to be older. He was very, very good looking -- tall, thin, dark hair, dark eyes -- a lot you, Jev." Jack squeezed Jevin's hand and smiled at him. "I managed to sit next to him at the bar and we got to talking. He was from the New York City area and was doctor assigned to the post hospital. Therefore he was a captain and outranked me. And he was certainly older than I was. His name was David and I felt myself strangely attracted to him. I didn't know what was happening to my body but I got hard while we were sitting next to each other at that bar." "You didn't suspect that you were physically attracted to him?" "No, not one bit. I thought it was the alcohol having an effect on me. We chatted amiably for about forty-five minutes. When he rose to leave and we shook hands I think something in me snapped. I stood while still holding onto his hand and asked him if he'd like to come over to my apartment for a while. He smiled -- god, he was gorgeous! He brought his other hand up and patted my hand gently and nodded. I told him to follow me since we both had cars. "It was as simple as that? He just went with you?" "Indeed he did. When we got to my place I turned on some lights but he told me to keep the lights low. I got two beers from the fridge and we sat on the couch. I put some music on the stereo -- some soft orchestral stuff, I think. When I sat down on the couch again, David leaned over and gave me a soft kiss. I was stunned. I must have had a real sour expression on my face, because he pulled away from me rather quickly. But it was really just the shock; I liked the kiss very much -- very, very much. I leaned towards him and put my arm over his shoulder and began rubbing it lightly. I had never tried to make love to a man before and I guess I was a little awkward. "David, however, liked what I was doing and he leaned in for another kiss. This one I accepted much better. It was a gentle, loving type of kiss, if kisses can be categorized. He pushed harder against my lips and I slowly parted them. Of course I was very familiar with French kissing from dating women, so I figured that when men kissed they did the same thing. And I was right. "He slipped his tongue into my mouth, moved it all around and began stroking mine. I was getting very hot and so was he. He was rubbing my chest and sucking on my tongue, and it was an incredible turn on. Then he started to undress me -- very slowly and very methodically. I did the same to him. We walked into my bedroom wearing only our underwear and got into bed. He caressed my body and spoke soothing and lovely words to me. I loved every second of it. "His body was quite well developed but he was really on the thin side. He told me he was a swimmer in high school and college. I loved what he was doing to my body and he seemed to reciprocate the feelings." "Did you use any of your hetero techniques on this man?" "Absolutely. The way I licked his smooth body and kissed his face was basically the same as I had used on women. Not to say that he was like a woman - not at all. He was a man and this was a whole new and wonderful experience for me. And when I saw his wonderful cock and he gently and painstakingly made love to mine, I knew. I just knew--" Jack's voice trailed off into silence. "We made wonderful love that night. It was truly marvelous. I'll never forget it. Never! It was gentle and loving and so wonderfully fulfilling. It was everything I wanted from sex but apparently never got before. I loved when he made love to me and sucked on my hairy balls and then made soothing love to my cock. It was fabulous. And I loved making love to him -- he was not as big as I had expected but it was just marvelous. When he shot in my mouth, I knew -- I absolutely knew -- that this is what I needed in my life. "I owe an awful lot to David. He stayed over that night, and two nights later I stayed over at his place." "The first time, huh?" "Yes, the first time. And I didn't feel like running out after our lovemaking. It was totally fulfilling. I didn't feel any emptiness or gnawing sense in my gut. I felt relaxed and satisfied." "How long did this liaison go on?" "Until David finished his two year stint in the Army, which was about nine months after I met him. But by then we had a wide circle of friends and relationships going, so there were many other guys -- officers, enlisted men and even some civilians. It was a very comforting, supportive and pleasant group. We had lots of good times together. And of course when I left the Army I knew without a doubt that I was gay. I could never get that kind of fulfillment from a woman." Jevin hesitated before asking the next question. "Did you ever, you know, make love with an amputee before me?" "As a matter of fact, I did Jevin." "Want to tell me about it? How'd you like it?" "I thought it was wonderful. He was a civilian employee at the post. He had lost his right leg about above mid-thigh when he was wounded in Vietnam. He was older than I was but was a wonderful person. His left leg was badly scarred from the wounds he received but was otherwise healthy. We were regulars for about four months. It ended when I left the Army." "What did you do together?" "Drew -- that was his name -- Drew and I did just about everything. He loved it when he sat on my chest and I sucked him and rubbed his leg stump at the same time. He was a small guy so he fit marvelously astride my chest. He would wiggle his little ass into my hairy chest and with me sucking his long, thin cock and also massaging his leg stump; he would absolutely go wild. I didn't realized `til then that an amputee's stump could be so sexually stimulating to both the amputee and his lover." "Now you have a second opinion, right?" "Right!" Jack patted Jevin's leg. "He had a big, slightly puckered scar, and loved it when I traced my finger lightly over it. It was a wonderful experience for the both of us." "Are you still in touch with any of these guys?" "Occasionally we speak on the phone and exchange holiday cards, but we have not seen each other in a while. I know David is married now and has a few kids. Drew is still single and has been in a committed relationship for a few years." Jack and Jevin both sat quietly on that park bench. They held hands and occasionally smiled at each other. They were both caught up in their own private and somewhat painful thoughts. Jevin's mind wandered, thinking back to those evenings with Owen. Those nights had made him feel wonderful and needed and loved. But they were nothing compared to the fabulous experiences he had had with Jack Turner yesterday and today. These had been spontaneous and thrilling compared to the almost rote sex that he and Owen Lyons had fallen into. He felt that Jack Turner was everything he needed and wanted in a man. Jack looked over and gave Jevin Wilkenson a small smile. What was it about this kid that lowered his carefully wrought defenses so completely. He was beautiful, yes. But he had been with other beautiful men before and it never had this effect on him. He was young; also yes, but again he had been with young men quite often and none had had this same effect on him. Was it his shining intellect, so sharp, so funny, so interesting. Was it his beautiful arm stump that felt so wonderful against his hairy body? Could that be it? Or could it be a combination of all the aforethought superb qualities of Jevin Wilkenson? Jevin Wilkenson was thrilled to be sitting here with this gorgeous man -- a man with whom he might really find love. And Jack Turner was delighted to know that this extraordinary young man was here with him and found him, Jack Turner, to be attractive and sexually desirable. For a fleeting moment both men were contented with what their lives had brought them. End of Chapter 3 Author's Note: This is the third chapter in a novella length work about Jack and Jevin. Please do yourself and the author a big favor: if you have any comments (good, bad or indifferent) please, please let me know at my e-mail address: I appreciate all comments and criticism and will answer all e-mails. If you think you are doing me a favor by sparing my feelings by not making negative comments, think again. This is the only form of feedback a cyber-authors gets. So take a few minutes and make your opinions known. My thanks to all who wrote about the previous chapters.