Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:06:48 -0700 From: Samarai TheGreat Subject: Being Jacob 2 Story not suitable for people who are straight and those who are under 18 or in other countries 21. If names are similar it's just coincidental. This story is fiction Being Jacob 2 Immediately when he told me all the shocking news he went out of the room and left me to pounder myself on thinking a solution for this problem. I went to take a sit infront of the window and started asking my self what am i going to say to my dad. They was no any other way i had to leave actually i had to go to a far away place from South Africa. I took out my bag and packed my clothes, i was still in america so i didnt have many clothes with me, i took out a cap so i could disguise myself with it and i checked my money at the moment i had 50 thousands with me, it was enough. I went out of the house luckily nobody saw me, i whistled a Taxi then i got in"Mr where are you going?"said the Taxi driver"To the nearest Airport please"i said, giving him $50. I didnt know where i was going but i wanted to go far away from S.A. I took out my PC and went to Google and searched"A place far away from South africa"and the search results were many but they was one that captured my attention a place called Kuwait its in the East Africa. I took out the phone and called the Airport to ask if they had a plane going there, unfortunately they was not. All of those planes have gone but they told me that they was a plane but that plane will first go to South Africa to deliver then countinue to East Africa, i told him it was alright, he told me it takes off on 12 and the time was 11h32. I arrived at 11h50 then i went straight inside, collected my ticket and paid the lady. The plane was first class and it wasnt full, i took a sit then i relaxed. A sweet lady came and asked me if i need anything, i said no not at the moment. The plane took 9 hours to arrive in S.A, the speaker told those who had to get off that it was now safe to get off. A few people went off the plane and a few stayed behind meaning they were going to Kuwait, the total time of the flight was three hours, i arrived at the airport and i asked for a taxi, they told me the direction and i went there, in Kuwait its very different from what im used to, in S.A you just holler at a taxi and it stops but in Kuwait you go to where the taxi's are and you ask for the one you want and they will direct you. I arrived there and asked for a taxi that was going to the city of Kuwait, which later i found out its called Ademor, i got inside then seated down, the taxis were like Toyota Avanza's. A guy came and told us that"Ladies and gentlemen the taxi fee to Ademor is 5 Fente"he said. I saw people taking out money different from mine and i didnt know what amount must i take out"50 Rand"said a nice gentlemen besides me who looked like he was on his forty's, i took out the 50Rand then gave the men. We all payed and he went out, the taxi driver started the car and we were off"thank you very much i didnt understand what he was saying at all"i said to the gentlemen next to me"its ok, i saw the Rand bills and instantly knew you were not from here"he said"yeah guess its so simple to tell just by looking at me"i said looking myself over"not at all, as i said i saw the Rand bills thats why, My name is Scott by the way"he said holding out his hand to shake"and im j....."i was to say when he said"Jacob, i know you, your the son of the President of South Africa"he said"shhhh....dont say that too loud"i said, looking if anybody heard that"dont worry, nobody here knows you. I know you because i used to live in S.A"he said"oww...why did you move from S.A"i said"its a long story, but i must be the one asking you that question"he said"well lets just say it aint easy being me" Angela's Place Angela was suprised that Jacob was not in the house, he checked his room, kitchen, lounge, toilet, entertainment room, he was nowhere to be found"Max have you seen Jacob"angela said to Max"No, why is they a problem?"asked Max"no not at all its just that the party is about to start and i haven't seen him thats all"said Angela sensing something but not sure what is it"im sure he will show up at any minute"said Max. Immediately when Angela went out of the room, Max took out his Tab PC to check something. Jacob's tracker has switched off, he typed the bypass key of the tracker and went to LAST POSITION it wrote: LAST POSITION:USA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT TIME:11h45AM DATE:25 NOVEMBER CODE:52 CAUSE OF LINE BEING OFF:UNKNOWN TIME OF LINES BEING OFF:11-12-1-2(ESTIMATED) Max felt rage immediately because if Jacob has gone to the airport they is only one answer to this, he has gone back to South Africa, he typed FIND CODE 52 and the PC said CANT ESTABLISH NETWORK, he putted the tab in his bag and went out to catch a taxi, he got it and went in"Where to my good sir"said the taxi driver"The airport"said Max. He got to the airport and went to the administrator table"Hi, can you please help me im looking for some information regarding someone"Max said"And who might that be?"said the lady dressed in white"his name is Jacob Hains, i believe he came here in the morning"said Max, the lady typed the name and the information popped in the screen"your right he did book a flight today in the morning via telephone and arrived at 10 to leave"said the lady looking at the computer screen"where was his flight headed to"asked Max"Sorry sir but I'm not allowed to tell you that"said the lady. Max took out 5 brand new $100 bills and slid it in the desk so the camera's couldnt see, the lady took it and looked around to see if anybody saw her"The plane went to South Africa and countinued to a route going to East Africa in Kuwait"said the lady"Thank you very much for your help"said Max going. He knew that Jacob went back home but he wanted to make sure. (If he only knew) 26 November Angela's Place Angela was angry, dissapointed, confused and scared, he was angry because Jacob didnt show, dissapointed that Jacob didnt call, confused of where would Jacob be and scared that maybe something bad happened to Jacob"Max i have been trying to call him since last night his phone is switched off "said Angela clearly worried"Dont worry, this is not the first time he has done this, in S.A he went 'missing' for one week, hes just taking a breather he will be back "said Max, oviously he was lying he don't want Angela calling the president and telling him about Jacob "are you sure "asked Angela "yes i am, don't get fixed up about this "said Max comforting Angela"ok Max if you say so" Kuwait Ademor East Africa I arrived at the famous city of Kuwait, I asked around for directions to the nearest hotel and they directed me in a crumbling building that was leafy and black shadowed, I entered and the inside was worse than the outside it looked like it was haunted, they was an old men who was seated in the admin desk "Hi, are they any luxurious rooms "I said"ofcourse, how many days are you planning to stay with us "he said"3 months "I said"owww, MAtthew"he shouted for someone "take his bags to the luxurious suite on room B3, my good sir we will send your check to you tomorrow in the evening, welcome to Avantaims Hotel "he said "thank you very much "I said. Matthew led me to the suite, I was so surprised, it's big, fancy, clean, stylish and luxurious "thank you very much with the bags Matthew here take this "I said giving him a R50, he looked at it strange but saw the value it was "thank you very much sir, if you need anything else please don't hesitate to call "he said then took his leave. I took out my clothes and putted them in the wardrobe, took out my Tablet PC and my iPhone to charge them, I went to the bag where I putted my money and I took out R12 000 so I can change it to Kuwait's currency at the bank. B.O.K (Bank of Kuwait) 15h45 They changed my money into Fente (money currency of Kuwait) and now it was 120 thousand fente, it sounds like a lot of money when you say it but it's not. I decided that I needed new clothes so I asked for directions to a nearby mall that has expensive clothes; they had all the shops that I know from South Africa, so I bought all my favourite labels, Adidas, Nike, Puma, Lacoster and Italian Carvela I was back at the hotel in 18h00 and I ordered steak, beef, fried mealie meal with green salad, fried potatoes and ginger beer. 12 minutes passed and I heard a knock at the door "Hi Mr Hains, your order is ready, can I come in "he said "Hi Matthew, thank you and yes you can come in" I said"oww wow you went shopping today "he said seeing the bags in the bed"Yeah I went shopping for clothes, I didn't come with enough clothes so I went shopping and It was great "I said smiling. I don't know what was with the boy but I felt something for him ill not say I have feelings for him, that's to strong but I think I adore him if that's the way I want to put it "Well your food is ready in the lounge Sir, if you need anything please call me "he said smilling"Can you join me I ordered to much food and I don't think I'll finish it all so I don't want to waste it by throwing it away "I said smiling"Im really sorry sir but I can't join you "he said looking down "No it's no problem Matthew, I understand "I said "it's not that I don't want to its just that I'm still at work so I can't sit down and eat with a guest, I knock off at 10"he said"owww now I get it, it's no problem Matthew maybe next time "I said "Yes Mr Hains maybe next time, Goodnight Mr Hains "he said smiling "Please call me Jacob "I said "Well goodnight Jacob "He said Closing the door. 28 November Angela's Place Angela was going crazy 2 days have passed without no sign of Jacob, lastnight he went looking for him and with no luck at all he didn't find him "Angela as I have said he has done this before"Max said to Angela for the 16th time today "I know that but I can't help it, im worried and why doesn't he not call us, he just disappears and he expects us to do what just sit and wait for him to come back, that's wrong and honestly speaking that's nothing like the Jacob I know "said Angela "I know your worried but all this is unnecessary, he will be back just calm down "Max said "Maybe we should just call his dad, maybe he will know where he is "said Angela "Are you mad! You want me to lose my job for something so useless, he will come back get that into that thick skull of yours geeeeez"said Max going out the kitchen. Angela started suspecting something, why doesn't Max want him to call the president and if this is the second time Jacob is doing this why does he look scared, they is something he's hiding and I'm going to get through it sooner or later. He took his phone out and dialled the Presidents phone number"triiiiing...tringggg...tringgg...Good Morning Sir your speaking to Angela, Jacobs friend from USA, sir they is a problem and it needs your attention, sir...uhmm..Ja...Jacob is uhmm...fuck sorry "Angela hung up; he couldn't bring himself to do it, he thought about what would his father say, he will certainly blame him for it cause Jacob came here for his birthday now when he finds out that Jacob is missing, he will ask all sorts of questions like, where were you at the time?.....about 2minutes Angela's phone rang and Angela looked at the caller ID it said , he hesitated to answer it, it kept on ringing until it went silent "who are you avoiding? "Said Max going to the fridge"owww...uhmm just a buddy who wants to go out for drinks, he can't take no for an answer "said Angela lying"ok, don't stress men he'll come back soon "said Max going out of the kitchen TRING.TRING.TRING.TRING...Angela looked at his caller ID thinking maybe it's the President again but no it was Portia his girlfriend "Hi babe whatsup...yes it was great but I wish you were here with me...yeah they I haven't forgotten its next month right?...yeah he did come...okay babe I'll talk to you you too bye "He hung up the phone and went to his bedroom, he went under his bed to retrieve a box, inside the box was a paper that was folded, the paper contained numbers from different people he knew, he went through the paper looking for someone in particular and he found him, he dialled his numbers and called him "Ben hi its Angela from the states...yeah the one and only, look men I need your help with something, can you please come down here, I need you to do something for me, I'll pay you for the costs you spent for coming here its urgent...thanks bra I appreciate it, when will you be able to come...great men I'll be waiting for your call. Avaintaims Hotel 08h23(Morning) I woke up feeling like new men, surprisingly I ate all the food I ordered last night guess I was hungry, immediately after waking up I went to shower then I ordered breakfast, toast bread, 2sausages, fried tomatoes, eggs and orange juice...KNOCK.KNOCK.KNOCK"come in "I said coming out from the kitchen "Good morning Sir Jacob "said Matthew coming in with a trolley that was carrying my food "good morning Matthew, hope you slept well? "I said "yes sir I slept well thanks for asking, your breakfast is ready "he said going to the lounge to set it in the table "I'll be going to the shops real soon so I can buy some food stuffs, I can't live with food that I order and I think I'm making your job more harder as I keep on ordering "I said laughing "no sir not at all, I don't mind, it's the only time I get to speak to a guest that's almost my age and very entertaining "he said laughing "well In that case I don't see it a problem to keep on ordering I assume? "I said seating down in the table "not at all sir, it's no problem "he said "ok then, will you be able to go to with me to the shops, and I think people are starting to get pissed off as I keep on asking them for directions "I said smiling "I'll have to ask Mr Mateo first before I agree, when are you planning to go to the shops "he asked "I'm thinking of going there at about 11"I said "ok let me go and ask him then "he said going out the door, I continued eating my breakfast*I have to do something with the clothes he wears, they are small and look like they are old and I think that Mr Mateo isn't treating him right, cause the first day I was here he shouted him like some kind of slave* KNOCK.KNOCK.KNOCK..."Get in "I said "Sir Jacob he accepted but said I must not take long, they are guests who need me "he said closing the door behind me and coming to the lounge "great, please sit down, what can I pour you juice, beer, brandy, wine or soda "I said"oww no sir I'm ok, I don't need a drink but thanks for asking me "he said. I took 1 can of soda and threw it to him "I aren't taking no for an answer "I said. He took the soda then popped the cap of the can and drank it like his life depended on it "So Matthew where exactly are you from, any family, girlfriend or wife and kids? "I asked seating besides him in the sofa "well I was born in Omaha in Asia by my mother her name was Amenia and my father ran away and abandoned my mother when my mother told him she was pregnant, I lived with my two little brothers, my sister and 3 cousins from my mother's side of the family, I used to work in Supermarket but got moved to a factory because of dedication in my job, the money we got paid in the factory was great, it supported each and everyone in the family2 years passed and the factory got shut down, we didn't get no explanation and didn't get our pay cheques, it was very hard for my family, me and my sister went to the city and got jobs that didn't pay enough but we were able to send the money back home, I quitted the job and came back home 2days later I got a call from my supermarket boss telling me that, he has a friend that needs a helper in his hotel and he mentioned me so that guy wants me, I was so excited so I told my mother, my previous boss took me and delivered me here in Kuwait, so since then I have been working here and I have been sending money to my family each and every month and for the girlfriend question NO I don't have any girlfriend and what I'm about to tell you is so embarrassing "he said laughing "what, what is it? "I asked "I' "he said closing his eyes with his hands and smiling "Wow that's great I don't know why you must be embarrassed, it means your innocent "I said laughing "yeah I guess "he said laughing "by the way how old are you? "I said"17 years next month on the 30th "he said "do you ever have time to buy something for yourself, I mean like clothes "I said "NO I think my family needs the money more than I do "he said "well I think you should always have time for your own needs, just saying. Well lets go before it gets too late "I said standing "I agree "he said. We went to all different kinds of stores that had food, we bought healthy food, junk food, can stuff, cereals, fruits, veges and more. When we finished we went to KFC to eat I was hungry and I sure as hell thought that Matthew was hungry "Hi can I get the family meal with two trays, 4 buns and 2 sodas "I said to the waiter "after this I have a surprise for you "I said to Matthew "what's the surprise "he said smiling "just wait and see "I said. The waiter came with our food and we ate, we didn't finish the whole meal so I asked for a takeaway plate and I gave it to Matthew "tonight's dinner, I hope you will be joining me "I said "let's wait and see "he said laughing. We went out of the shop and went to a famous, expensive clothing store "here is your surprise "I said entering the shop "what surprise "he said looking clueless "I'm going to buy you clothes" 28 November Angela's Place This time Angela was worried like a mother of a first born child, he was on his way to the airport to fetch Ben and then his phone rang "Hi men I'm waiting for you where are you are...owww okay I see you I'm in a red jersey coming out of a black Jaguar...yeah that's me I see you "he said hanging up. He met ben then went into the car "it has been like forever since I have seen you, how have you been "I said inside the car" I've been good bra, let me just say I was surprised when I received your call, cause I know you only call me when they is problem "he said laughing "nah men don't say that it's just that I've been busy the couple of years but I haven't forgotten you, how could you think such a thing "I said looking at him "I'm sorry then it's just that I was curious about the call so what's the problem? "He said looking at Angela "my friend is lost or missing I don't know, I've tried to call him so many times but his phone is off I was wondering if you could track him "Angela said "ok I think I might but will do that when we get home They arrived at the house and they went straight to Angela's bedroom, Angela didn't want Max hearing anything they were saying or doing "So what's the name of this friend of yours "said Ben assembling his equipment on Angela's table "his name is Jacob hains "said Angela "it's not the first time I hear that name is he like famous "asked Ben" Yeah he's the son of the president of South Africa "said Angela "damn I aren't going to ask no more questions, this seems deep and I don't want to get into any trouble "said Ben punching Jacob hains in his device and the information popped up in the monitor INFORMATION OF SUBJECT NAME:J.HAINS STATUS:USA LAST SEEN:USA TRACKER CODE:52 BYPASS KEY:56745 MACHINE:IPHONE ...PC MAC BOOK TRACKER CODE:78017 TRACKER STATS:OFFLINE CAUSE:DESTROYED TIME:10H40AM LOCATION:USA AIRPORT REBOOT TRACKER:UNABLE DAMAGE %:99.9% NUMBER:078******* OVERALL STATS:DEVICE UNABLE TO REBOOT BECAUSE TRACKERWAS DESTROYED WITH DAMAGES GOING 100% He punched things that Angela couldn't see and information appeared CODE:10 ANALYSING.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- TRACKER STATS:50% ACTIVE BOOT TRACKER:TRACKER BOOTED SEARCHING........................................................... LOCATION:KUWAIT, ADEMOR, EAST AFRICA........................AVAINTAISM HOTEL Each and everything that Angela wanted popped up in the screen "here you go my brother, I have done everything I can and here is your info, according to his tracker that will die right now he's at east Africa "said Ben pointing at the information "what the hell is he doing there" asked Angela "who knows bra maybe he's visiting a family member or a girlfriend or he's just taking a break, who knows "said Ben" Jacob would never do such a thing without telling me "said Angela 29 November Avaintaism Hotel 09h56 I woke up in a great mood today, I don't really know why. Yesterday was great I went to the shops with Matthew and I ended up buying him clothes very expensive clothes like Nike shorts and trousers even track pants, I bought him 5 per of shoes and 2 Puma sandals, he got more embarrassed when we went to the underwear section where I bought him 7 bikini briefs 2 Nike briefs and 3 outliners, overall it was a great day well spent with my friend KNOCK.KNOCK.KNOCK..."Come in "I said, making breakfast "good morning Sir Jacob "he said to me coming in the kitchen "how are you this fine morning? "I said putting milk on my cereal "I'm good Sir and I hope you are well too "he said sitting down "I'm good, what brings you here "I said to him "I was kind of surprised that you didn't order anything this morning then when I saw you preparing your breakfast I instantly remembered that yesterday you bought food "he said smiling "yeah I won't be bothering you anymore "I said sitting down "as I have said sir it wasn't a problem "said Matthew "enough about this `sir' my name is Jacob just say Jacob not Sir Jacob "I said "ok Jacob, I wanted to say Thank you again for the clothes I can't believe it even now that you bought them for me "he said "it was a gift from me to you, so stop saying thank you "I said laughing Angelas Place 10h30 USA TRING...TRING...TRING..."Good morning Sir, your speaking to Angela from USA, Jacobs's friend, Sir Jacob went missing or lost or what, I don't know, he disappeared 3 days ago, I thought that he would come back but he didn't I'm calling you to know cause you have the right too, Sir I have my suspicions on Max, if I were you I would start asking him questions, I have told you everything I know so please try to find him "Angela said then hung up "Bra I think you're doing the right thing "said Ben packed and ready to go" I hope so, men thanks for everything bra I appreciate it, ill transfer your money today in your bank account and the is a taxi that's waiting for you out side "said Angela "Thanks men, good bye and don't be a stranger "said Ben going out Immediately when he heard that the taxi has gone away he got his phone and dialled numbers "I'm ready come and get me NOW" he said going to his bedroom and getting his bags. What he knew is that Jacobs father was going to send his men to come to him so they can question him, he didn't know anything so he can't stay here, he has called a taxi and it's at the door waiting for him, last night he ordered a plane ticket going to only god knows where...he just could stay here anymore, Max can stay here as long as he wants, he doesn't care as long as he's gone far...far...far away from Jacobs Dad. South Africa The Presidents Mansion 12h32 The presidents was going crazy, he couldn't understand how are human being can just call with bad news then hung up, did he know who was he talking too he asked himself after Angela hung up on him "I want the SAPS the SWAT the FBI and the PPS (President Police Service) here right now this is an emergency "he said on the phone then hung up "Mr president, I think you should call your wife, she deserves to know "said the presidents secretary "did anybody here ask for your fucking opinion, since when do you know what's right and wrong, if nobody is speaking to you just shut up "said the president living the room. He went to his personal guard "I want you to take 6 men and go straight to USA, find Angela and MAX and bring their asses here, take this it will help you with directions, I have already organised a private jet that's leaving at exactly 1 o'clock so hurry up "said the president...*Max you better hope and pray that my son is alright*he said to himself Kuwait Avaintaism Hotel I was seating alone watching TV then an AD came into the TV then it became blank, as I was about to call Matthew it played but this time a red flashing sign of words appeared that read...THE WELL KNOWN PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICA PRESIDENT MATT HAINS, HAS SENT THE SAPS, FBI, SWAT AND THE PPS TO GO TO USA TO GATHER INFORMATION, REGARDING HIS LOST SON, NOT MANY THINGS OR STATEMENTS HAVE BEEN SAID BUT IT IS BELIEVED THAT THE SON OF THE PRESIDENT WAS KIDNAPPED, SOURCES IN THE HOUSE SAY THAT THE PRESIDENT HAS BEEN FURIOUS AND ACTING LIKE HE WILL GO MAD, CLOSE FAMILY MEMBERS WERE NOT SURPRISED BY THIS ACTION, IN AN INTERVIEW THEY SAID THAT ITS NOT THE FIRST TIME HE HAS DONE THIS, IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION REGARDING THIS STORY PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO CALL US OR EMAIL US, IM ADAM MACGRIFIN REPORTING FOR INTERNATIONAL NEWS... P.MAD AUTHORS NOTE: IM REALLY SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG WITH THIS CHAPTER, MY PC WAS BROKEN SO I HAD TO GET IT FIXED...REALLY...REALLY SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG CAUSE I KNOW MANY PEOPLE WERE WAITING FOR THIS CHAPTER THANKX FOR SUPPORTING ME, LUV YALL <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> I arrived at the airport at exactly 11h50 then I heard my phone ring, I looked at the caller ID and it was Angela, I just ignored it and continued to enter the airport, as I was in the line I remembered something, I went out then went to the toilet then I arrived there, I took out my Tab PC and iPhone and opened them at the back then I took out the trackers then I tossed them down then I stomped on them, I knew that they were going to find me easy if I had it on my phonesI took the trackers and putted them in my bag, im pretty sure that I didn't destroy them well, im going to finish it when I arrive at Kuwait. e-mail me