Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 04:12:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Jessie Mkay Subject: between love and blood-2 Twilight Saga story. If you aren't 18 or older then don't read. This contain male/male relationships, if this disgusts you then obviously your so far in the closet your finding Christmas presents. This contains no information on any of the celebrities who portray the the characters. Some of the facts maybe switched up. Enjoy. Between Love and Blood-2 I was in shock, Jasper just asked me out. "Yes!" I said a little too excited. "Sorry. Yes I would." I said with a blush, he smiled and gripped my hand tighter. "So....tonight? At 8?" He asked, "Umm...Sure." I said, it was 5:30 we had 2 hrs and 30 minutes until the date. "I'll be on my way then. I'll see you at 8." He offered a crook smile. " are you getting home?" I asked truly curious, "Don't worry, Darlin'." He said sigh a southern twang to his voice. He hurried out the door, where Alice was waiting with Emmett's jeep. I waved at them both as they left in a hurry. *8 o' clock* I was waiting around dressed in a white long sleave sweater and black skinnies and black boots, and a white studded belt. Wearing my silver sun and moon necklace. I was waiting and phone buzzed. Jasper: Hey can't make it tonight something came up. Tomorrow? Zion: Oh. Umm. Sure. I'll see you tomorrow. I looked at my phone, a tear left my eye. I'm not going to wait here!!! I got up and pulled a black hoodie on and ran outside to my car. Getting in, I turned the station. "All I Could Do Was Cry" by Etta James played, I felt like a loser. I went out to see Luke, his house was empty.....I saw a for sale sign. I drove to the Karaoke bar. I felt even worse when I found Jasper and the rest of his family, in a booth listening to music....his arm around Alice. They were all laughing....I felt like heart fell out of my chest onto the floor and shattered into a million pieces unable to ever be able to be fixed...Luke moved and Jasper stood me up. They offered the mic and I rose to the stage, lights shifting and eyes turning to me. I was soaked and was going to sing my heart out. "No Air" by Jordan Sparks played and I hit every note and every verse was perfect. My body movements were slow and showed pain and hurt and above all sadness. Tears fell down my face and I kept singing. It was funny how when I was singing it felt like a loving calm came over me,but I just kept showing my pain. Jasper stared at the boy he stood up, he wanted to go on the date. Honestly, he had planned it and everything but Victoria made a show in the nearby woods having the family chase after her. Jasper realized the family had chased her for awhile. He had to tell Zion that their date would be tomorrow instead, but they lost her withing an hour of looking. So they decided to go to the Karaoke bar since Alice saw that Victoria was going to be a no show. Edward brought Bella, and everyone went in a pair. They sat down and after 30 minutes decided to go home, but as they made to get up Zion's voice could be heard. People were swaying and tears left their eyes. Jasper felt horrible,trying to calm Zion down. The problem was it was like he didn't want to be happy. The song ended, and I made to leave I couldn't sing anymore. I ran in the rain to my car, hearing Jasper's voice call my name as I got in. His image was seen on the rear view mirror. It made me cry harder. I zoomed off into the pouring night....that's when things got ugly. The roads were dense with fog, and the streets slick with water. I was driving too fast. Before I knew what even happened the car spun and was going down a hillside. I was going to die and It was all my fault for driving too fast. I deserved this, I had him. I had Jasper and he decided he didn't want me, so he went back to the other team. The car was upside down, I could hear people yelling my name. Feel something falling from my head...blood. My vision was fading, I was dying. A fitting end to my crazy miserable life. I could hear metal being torn apart, it was so scary. The car was being lifted and turned around. It was set down, I could see the Jasper and Emmett ripping the doors off it's hinges. "Zion!" Jasper said pulling me into a hug, he was so frantic. I could feel his hand pulling lightly on my hair. I felt a calm loving wave come over me, "Don't scare me like that ever again." He looked like he would be crying...but he didn't cry. "Jasper...let go of me." I ordered he let me go suddenly I fell to the floor..."Softly." He had a sorry expression, I attempted to get up but I could not get up. " me up." I said with a sigh and he picked me up. He carried me up the hill not even wavering a tiny bit. "How'd. You move the car? I saw you tear the metal off the car. He glanced down at me, "Adrenalin Rush." He said, "That's a lie. Tell me the truth." He seemed to think about it for a bit, "I can't do that. I want to but I can't do that. It's not only my secret." I fell asleep in his cold embrace..... Truth was when Jasper saw Zion, his 'heart' leapt in his chest and he wanted to wrap him in his arms. It suddenly changed when He sang the song, He wanted to crawl under a rock and die. He had to tell him sorry for standing him up. When he ran and drove off was something torturous to see. He thought of Zion running away from him when he finally told him the truth. He chased after him on foot, when he saw the car flip and roll his heart fell. He called the entire family and they rushed over immediately. *Home* I woke up gasping heavily, soaked in sweat. I looked around I was in my room, I felt for blood to find a bandage. I looked in the mirror to see me in pajamas. I looked around, the clock was showing 4:15am. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. My parents weren't home? I walked to the kitchen, a note. "Zion, we have gone on an adventure to Rio, Brazil. We would have woke you, but you weren't home. We hope you stay safe. We love you, Mom & Dad." Great they went on an adventure and I wasn't here to say goodbye. I sighed, too awake to fall back asleep. I sat and ate a bowl of cereal. Playing "Clocks" by Coldplay on the radio. I laid on the counter top with a pillow as I finished, needing to relax. I checked my phone, and found a text from Jasper. Jasper: "Open the door." I went to the front door to see Jasper in designer clothes. A small smile on his lips, he gave me a hug and pulled me to the couch in the den. "I have to tell you the truth. You almost died because you didn't know." His face fell, "What looks pale, doesn't go out in the sun, and is super fast and strong?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "A vampire? Really? You expect me to believe that you and your family are vampires." He seemed to think for a second before responding,"It's either that or adrenalin rush and you didn't believe that so.... besides. I'm always ice cold. I don't even have a heart beat." He said grabbing my hand putting it where his heart should heart beat. I stared in his eyes, this can't be....but it is. "Vampire." He offered a small smile and a nod. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked in a low voice, his face fell again. "No darlin', I would never do that. you too much." I gushed, "You love me?" He nodded with a smile. "I have since I first seen you walk into the class." I melted even more a blush on my face. "I love you too." He smiled, tears left my eyes. To finally tell the one you loved fully that you loved was amazing. I noticed we were getting closer and closer a few inches. Until closed the gap was closed, the radio was still on playing "Feels So Close." By Calvin Harris. Our lips met, hot and cold mashed together. I could feel ecstasy from this one kiss, it was amazing. His cool tongue on my bottom lip, I opened receiving his tongue. Our tongue battled, his won the battle. The mint flavoring of his mouth, I found myself on top of him. I straddled his lap, and grinded my ass against his obvious erection. He was huge! He grinder against me, a hand on my waist. "We need to stop." He whispered our forehead connecting with our eyes clothes. "I want know how much I want to do this. We can't do it though. If I start I won't stop. I could kill you while we were doing it...I don't have the control." "It's okay...I know...I'm not ready. I got swept up in the moment...I want to give it too you Jasper. Just not yet...." he smiled and kissed me again. After turning off the radio, he led me to my room. "How do you know where? Oh right." "Yeah." He told me his story. Being human in the Civil War, he was a general...the youngest actually. A vampire Maria changed him for his empathy gift. "That explains why my emotions are so crazy around you." He chuckled, "Yeah that would be me." He trained newborn vampires who happen to be wicked strong in their first year of vampirism do to the human blood already in their system. They took over most of Texas before the Volturi stepped in. Meeting Alice and then the family, having trouble staying on the animal blood diet. Me being his singer. The whole thing.... "Now you..." he said, I told him everything. My parents a rather strange mix both hippies despite their bloodlines and love for eachother. He stuck me with something, "Sometimes when you say a command I can't help but do it. Did you ever notice?" I shook my head, "Must be just me." He said with a smile, I yawned. "Sleep. I'll be here in the morning." He kissed my forehead as I slept on his cold chest. *The Morning* I awoke at 10 in the morning. Jasper was awake....oh wait he doesn't sleep. "You smell beautiful.... like honey and flowers." He said causing me to smile,"Glad I don't stink." I joked, "Never baby." We kissed. "I love you." I said to him, a breath taking smile appeared on his face. I kissed him, "I love you too." I decided to take a shower, He said he would be back before I was finished. *30 minutes* I came back to my room to see Jasper there smiling in new clothes. "Would you like to meet my parents today?" He asked "Sure." I said calmly but I knew he could feel how nervous I was. I looked at where the bandage was and found no injury. *1 hour later.* After getting dressed in a grey beenie and a white t shirt with tight jeans and sneakers, a red hoodie on. We were on our way, I forgot to eat. I was really hungry. We pulled into the driveway to a white mansion in the woods, it was perfect. I noticed Bella's truck in the front, she must know that Edward is a vampire. He opened my door and led me to the door. We were walking arms entwined and holding hands as we walked inside. I was calm with Jasper to help me stay calm. We walked up some stairs to a kitchen. "Jasper...Zion, hey you two." Bella said smiling mixed emotions in her expression. "Hi Bella." I said shaking her hand, and she joined Edward. They cocooned themselves together in eachothers arms. I knew everyone already, except Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. A kind blond haired man with equally bright honey eyes. Mrs. Cullen her dark brown hair contrasted her honey golden eyes. They were all beautiful. They asked to be called by their first names. "I hope your hungry. We're making eggplant ravioli for you. Is that alright?" Esme said, "Yes thank you. I actually didn't eat today." Esme smiled and hugged I was surprised at first but hugged back. "I love cooking but Bella doesn't eat much. So it's nice to be able to cook for someone else." I smiled, "I love eating." I joked, "As long as it doesn't have nuts,blueberries, or shellfish. I'm deathly allergic." I said with a smile. "Oh thank you for telling us. I'll refrain from making things with that in it." Esme said. I sat down to eat, it was amazing. "This is very good, Esme. The best food I've ever have." I said with a smile, she chucked and sat next to me. Rosealie came into the room, "Zion!" She said hugging me, I was surprised she never took much interest in me. "Hey. Can you sing for us later?" She asked excited, "Sure. I'd love too." I said, Bella crossed her arms. Was it something I said. After I finished eating, Esme quickly washed my dish and guided me to the piano. Rosealie got a chello and Edward played the Piano and Esme the Violin. "Ummm....Do you guys no Etta James? She's my idol," I said smiling. They began playing "At Last" by Etta James. I smiled and nodded my approval. I waited for the beginning and, "Aaaaaaaaat Laaaaast. Myyyy loooove has come along. Myyyy lonely days are overrr. And Life is liiiike a song! Ohhh yeaaah! At laaaast.....the sky's above are heart was wrapped up in clovers. The niiight I looked at yoooou. I found a dream that I could speak too, a dreammm that IIIII IIII could call my own. I found a thrill I could press my cheek too....a thrill that IIIIII III have never known." I sang the whole song, not even doing Etta James justice....she was one in a million. I heard clapping at the end, I was so surprised. I got so into it, I forgot about everyone around me...most likely because of Jasper. "That was very beautiful." Alice said with a bright smile, "Thank you." We hugged and laughed at everyone's expressions. I believe deep down they believe that Alice and I would battle it out I heard Bella talking to Edward, "What about when the Volturi find out about him? They'll want him changed too. " We went into an all out conversation, "The Volturi want me changed, they'll want him changed too. What about the Wolves they wouldn't like us being changed. Jacob still tries to change my mind." I put a hand on her shoulder, "No matter what there is always family. Besides I got your back if you got mine." She smiled for the first time at me before we hugged. I told them that my parents were off on some adventure, they insisted I stay there. So that night I slept in Jasper's room on Jasper's was so comfortable. I slept on his chest as he listened to soft music. (That's the next chapter...I hope you guys enjoy the new series. Review at Let me know about a possible Emmett/oc or an Embry/oc. Hope you like it and thanks for reading and being such great people. =] )