Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 07:25:13 +0000 From: Chained Soul Subject: 'Angelic Damnation' chapter 7 Disclaimer: First and foremost, this story is NOT true and is not meant to imply anything about any of the celebrities mentioned. Secondly, this story is similiar to the story 'Cosmic Companions' written by Shell, Kat, Jackie, and Colleen. I love the story and recommend that you read it, but 'Angelic Damnation' is not meant to be a rip off of their story. To the authors of 'Cosmic Companions' You rock! I love the story and am glad the bad guys got what they had coming. But, I don't want to give away the story so I'll shut up. Also, my story involves the Backstreet Boys and contains consensual male/male sex. If you are not entertained by stories of this nature, you've stumbled into the wrong site. Please leave now. I know, I know. If you weren't interested, you wouldn't be here, but I'm required to write that anyway. Questions, comments, and flames can be sent to This chapter is dedicated to bryce_shinivar. Love ya babe ^_^ Aj woke in the middle of the night in searing pain. His lower back ached terribly and it frightened him to no end. Still, he calmly climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Howie, and stumbled into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror, trying to see if there was any visible wound to his back, and there was none. He felt as if he should have seen a blade sticking out of his back but whatever was causing the pain was internal, and that scared him even more. He decided to try taking a hot bath, hoping it would soothe his aches and pains. He began running water into the tub but before the tub was even half way full, he began to feel light headed and knew something was definitely very wrong. He quickly turned off the water and headed back toward the bed, intent on waking Howie and explaining. He only made it within five feet of the bed before he collapsed, unconscious. Howie had always been a light sleeper and quickly woke when he heard Aj fall. He couldn't see him at first in the dim light of the room and so turned on the bedside lamp when he realized he wasn't in bed with him. His eyes quickly focused on Aj's unconscious form where he lay on the floor and Howie was at his side in no time, trying to wake him. He was beginning to panic when he couldn't wake him and checked for his pulse. His heart was beating strong, but very fast and it worried him. He stood, walking over to the nightstand, and quickly called Kevin. He wanted to call 911 but knew he had to tell the others first. Aj had a strong pulse so he felt he could take the time to call him. He quickly explained what had happened and Kevin was across the hall and in their room before Howie'd even hung up the phone. He took one look at Aj's pale form laying there and took the phone from Howie, dialing 911 himself. The press would get ahold of this, he feared, but Aj's life certainly was more important than their fame and reputation. He explained to the 911 dispatcher what had happened, and stayed on the line as Howie continued to try and wake Aj, cuddling him some. Howie had started crying silently, unsure even when the tears had started. He was scared for Aj, blaming himself for not anticipating this, and for putting him into this situation in the first place. He hardly noticed when Nick and Brian showed up. Kevin had apparently called them on Howie's cell, but he hadn't seen or heard him do it. In the midst of his stress and panic, he was losing time. Paramedics arrived and quickly pushed Howie away from Aj. They checked his blood pressure, his heart rate, and asked the others about his condition. It was clear to them that he was pregnant and Kevin had said so to the 911 dispatcher, but they needed details. Kevin could only tell them how far along he was and that he'd seemed to have weak spells before now. Four months into his pregnancy seemed late for these seemingly serious problems to begin. The guys didn't know Aj had had serious pain before now and that this was far from being a new problem. Aj was put onto a stretcher and taken out of the room, followed by a still crying Howie. Howie had insisted on riding in the ambulance with him, unwilling to leave his side. The other guys got into Kevin's rental car and headed off towards the hospital after them. When they arrived, they were led to a waiting room where Howie was already pacing frantically, nervously twirling his long hair. He was still crying and Kevin, Brian, and Nick all moved to comfort him, Howie collapsing into Kevin's arms while Brian and Nick rubbed his back and tried to soothe him. He was inconsolable, sobbing as Kevin held him. He believed this was his fault, and had considered the very real possibility that Aj might die. Howie finally fell asleep, his mind and body exhausted after the strain of his worry. Kevin carried him over to a small couch in the waiting room and set him down gently before heading back over to Brian and Nick, and hugging each of them in turn. They were all worried for their dear friend, frightened they'd lose him tonight. No one said anything for the longest time as Kevin and Nick sat together on a small couch and Brian took a seat across from them. Nick had curled up against Kevin, shivering softly with his fear over Aj's condition. He had always felt safest with Kevin and turned to him in times of stress. After about an hour, a doctor came into the waiting room, looking between the four men for a moment before looking over the papers on his clipboard and asking quietly, "Which of you is Howard?" Kevin, Nick, and Brian all pointed to where Howie lay curled up on the couch, tear stains obvious on his soft cocoa skin. The doctor simply nodded and turned to the other guys, explaining quietly to them, as he didn't see a reason to wake Howie, "Alexander is alright. He's stable. He has a condition called 'preeclampsia' which means he has pregnancy induced high blood pressure and will need to take it easy for the rest of his pregnancy. Judging from how he was talking just a few moments ago, he's not thrilled at the idea. Can I trust all of you to keep an eye on him?" Kevin, Nick, and Brian all nodded without hesitation. They all knew Aj was a restless type. He had ADHD and hated to simply laze about. He was going to be miserable for the rest of his pregnancy. They would have to cancel the rest of the tour and postpone the next tour, but Aj's health came first. They would take a hit as far as their popularity, but it would have to be tolerated. The doctor nodded and said to the three worried men before him, "You can see him now if you wish. I want him to stay tonight. We can release him tomorrow, so long as he'll take better care of himself. He stands a chance of losing the baby if he doesn't take it easy." Howie chose that moment to wake, and, upon hearing the doctor's words, he was on his feet and standing before him, worry clear in his eyes. "Is Alex okay? What's going on?" he asked. The doctor nodded, gently placing a hand on Howie's shoulder to calm him. He'd had experience with worried family and friends before and knew how to handle it, saying softly, "Alexander is alright. He's having some trouble with his blood pressure and needs his rest, but he will be fine. You can go in and see him now but we're going to keep him overnight, for observation." Howie could only nod as the doctor led them out of the waiting room and down the hall to Aj's room. Kevin, being the honorary 'group dad' was already thinking of ways to explain to their management that their tour needed to be cancelled and that Aj was in the hospital. "Alex!" Howie called out as he got to Aj's room. He quickly ran over to the bed and leaned over, half hugging and half clinging to Aj. "Oh my god. You scared me honey. Don't ever do that again! Are you okay?" Howie was nearly in tears again, relieved to see Aj was sitting up and that he looked alright. He knew he'd come close to losing his lover tonight and couldn't help the flood of emotions that crowded his chest. He finally pulled back from the hug and quickly grabbed a chair, taking a seat right beside the bed and taking one of Aj's rather small hands in his own. "I'm okay, Hows. I'm sorry I scared you guys. I feel fine now." Aj said softly. The guys all gathered around the bed, pulling chairs up so they could visit with Aj. Kevin knew he had a lot of phone calls to make but wanted some time with Aj first. "The doctor told us you need to take it easy." Kevin said as he smiled softly at Aj. He knew he wouldn't be happy to hear it and that he was likely upset at the prospect of spending so much time off his feet but it had to be done. His life and the baby's life were at risk. Aj nodded and sighed heavily, saying quietly, "You guys were right I guess. No more dancing, nothing strenuous. The doctor wants me to be careful. I'm allowed to do basic stuff but nothing strenuous." Everyone nodded silently, having heard this from the doctor already. They knew Aj would need their help in the coming months and he'd hate not being able to be as active as he was used to being. Howie had decided to stay with Aj at the hospital that night while the rest of the guys returned to the hotel. Kevin had to make a lot of calls the next day and wanted a good night's rest. Nick and Brian would have stayed had they been asked, but decided that Howie and Aj needed their time together. They knew their management team would be upset with them and that before long, the press would know what was happening, and they all dreaded it. They loved being able to perform but at times the fame seemed to be more trouble than it was worth... End chapter 7 Yes I know. Very bad author *smacks self* I couldn't think of where to go with the story. As it is, this may be the last chapter for a few months. I am moving and can't be sure when I'll be back online. But this story will be continued. I promise. ^_^