Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 02:40:47 EDT From: Rob H Subject: Collision course with BSB #4 Okay, I know I said I'd try to have part 4 done as soon as possible, but I have had a lot of changes take place in my life over the past few months. I'd like to dedicate this part of the story to Rich. If it weren't for his love and support, this part would have been finished much sooner! :-) I'd also like to dedicate the song "When Two Worlds Collide" to Rich. You were my inspiration. I'll try to get the next installment out quicker this time, I won't make any promises, but I'll try. I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has e-mailed me about my story. You all make the work seem worthwhile. It's going to be a long one (no pun intended) with many parts. The story will start slow, but it will be worth the wait. If you have any comments, questions, or ideas, feel free to e-mail me at or Unfortunately, the story is totally fiction. I'm not trying to make any implications as to the sexual orientations of any members of the Backstreet Boys. Now for the legal mumbo jumbo. This story is intended to be read by those of legal age. If you aren't, you shouldn't be here...not that that is gonna change anything. After all, your parents should have net nanny or what ever the hell it's called. So enjoy, and as a final note, if Brian or Nick is reading, I'm no longer available. You guys had your chance, your loss. Okay, on with the story. Collision Course with the BSB #4 I couldn't breath. Did Jes just say what I thought she said? I felt as though my entire life was flashing before my eyes. I felt weak and I didn't think my knees would hold out. I just stared at Jes and she kept grinning at me. She leaned closer to me and said, "Yep, you heard me right. Nick likes you." "But...but...but...what do I do? How should I act...arrgghhh!" I couldn't think. My entire body had gone numb...well all except one part. And if I didn't think quickly, I'd have to do an awful lot of explaining. "Don't look at me...just be yourself. He likes you, just don't be too obvious. Just talk with him and get to know him better." "Jes, it isn't that easy. When I'm around him, I can't even breathe let alone talk. He is the most perfect person and I'm...well, I'm me! He deserves someone much better. He deserves someone who can talk to him and not just stare like an idiot. How do I talk to someone who takes my breath away every time I look into his eyes?" "Well you better figure that out quick," she laughed and pointed behind me, "because he's standing right behind you." I couldn't breathe. I felt like my body betrayed me. I tried to turn around, but my legs were bolted to the ground. I started to get light headed. I felt like I was going to pass out. Slowly, I forced myself to turn around. As I slowly opened my eyes, I was afraid of what I would see. Nick just stared straight into my eyes blushing. It was the most amazing sight that I had ever seen. I felt my heart throb in my chest and my pulse pound throughout my body. I felt my chest get very tight, and I thought I was burning up. I could see Nick's lips move, but I didn't hear anything. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart. I tried to take a step forward, but as soon as my foot moved, I dropped to the floor. I didn't know what was happening, all I could see was everyone running toward me and I thought I heard Jes calling my name. Then thankfully, everything went dark. "Rob, wake up!" Jes was slowly shaking my shoulder. "Come on bro, we're here. I want to get this vacation started." "Jes, where are we?" I looked around in a daze. I was so tired. "Where is Nick and the guys? What happened?" "Nick...what are you talking about? Who is Nick?" Then suddenly, a look if understanding crossed her face. Then it melted into a huge grin. "Oh, I get it. Was someone having an interesting dream about a certain floppy haired blond?" I looked around now, finally starting to come out of my deep sleep. We were still on the plane. The reality of it all hit me like a ton of bricks. I hadn't met Nick Carter and the other guys. I hadn't found out that Nick was gay and he liked me. All of a sudden I felt very alone. I just frowned and covered my face with my hands. "Rob, are you okay? I was just kidding!" Jes truly looked worried she was rubbing my shoulder and staring into my eyes. "Oh Jes, I had the most amazing dream!" At that realization, that it was only a dream, I started to cry. I didn't cry easily...but when I did, it really was a mess. I looked at Jes through tear soaked eyes and I could see compassion in her eyes. "But I guess it was just a dream!" We sat talking softly about the trip for the remainder of the flight. Neither one of us brought up the dream again. We finally arrived at Orlando Airport and we went to the baggage claim area. Again, like I had already experienced in the dream, my father's suitcase was missing. I laughed inwardly at myself and just grinned. Then the dream came crashing back to me and I felt like crying again. Along the way to the car rental desk, my mother decided that she wanted to pick up a few books to read while she was sunbathing out by the pool. We stopped into one of those newspaper places that sold more than just newspapers. My sister loved reading the tabloids. She walked over and scanned a few front pages. She picked up the Star. I laughed when I read the headline. ‘Demi Moore involved with Michael Jackson!' Now that was a joke. I walked over to her "Jes, how can you stand to read this crap? It really will rot your brain!" "Oh come on," she looked at me with disbelief, "now you know that if you know who were in this paper, you'd be the first person to pick it up!" She had got me there. I looked at her paper and said, "What the hell, if you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em." I picked up the Enquirer and leafed through it. I looked back at the rack and a small picture caught my attention. It looked like a picture of Nick. I dropped the Enquirer like the garbage that it was and picked up the Weekly World News. The small picture had the headline ‘Heart-throb Headache, see p.28.' I flipped through quickly to page 28 and couldn't believe it. They had a picture of Nick with his arms around some girl. He was in the middle of giving her a really passionate kiss. Under the picture, they had the title "Backstreet Blond with Fiancée". Fiancée, no, he couldn't. I thought my heart had stopped. I read through the article in a state of disbelief. I started to shake and my knees began to tremble. This couldn't possibly be happening after everything that I had gone through in my dream. It felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. "Rob, what's the matter?" Jes was staring at me. I could tell that she was worried. I didn't answer her. I just stared at the picture. That image had burned itself into my mind. I just wanted to find the nearest corner, crawl into it, and die. "Come on Rob!" I looked around wondering where that voice was coming from. "What did you think would happen? We'd fall in love and live happily ever after. Reality check time." I still couldn't find out where the voice was coming from. It sounded strangely familiar. Then it dawned on me. The voice was Nicks. I looked down at the picture and it had changed. Nick was staring at me with a wicked grin on his face. "Do you really think that you could have offered me anything? Ha, that's a joke. You're you, and I'm...well, I'm me!" I felt my head get woozy. I didn't think I could stand much longer. Thank God that Jes was standing next to me otherwise I would have fallen straight to the floor. "Rob, Rob, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?" Jes really looked worried. My eyes had a glazed over look and I was totally oblivious to everything that was going on around me. I couldn't take it anymore. The tears started to flow and nothing was going to stop them now. "Rob...Rob...come on, wake up!" Jes was talking to me but it didn't sound like her. It was Nick's voice. "Come on Rob, wake up, please!" Slowly everything blurred around me and then gradually came back into focus. I was lying down on a bed and there were people standing around me. I heard a continuous beeping in the background. At first I couldn't make anything out. Then I saw the most beautiful sight in my entire life. Looking into my eyes was no one other than Nick. "Nick...where am I? Jes?" "Oh thank God," Nick said, "we thought you had a heart attack. Rob, you're in Orlando General Hospital. You collapsed and we called an ambulance. Can someone go and call one of the doctors?" "Sure Nick," Howie said walking towards the door, "I'll go and find someone." My sister walked to my bed and put her hand on mine. "Rob, are you okay? You scared the hell out of me!" She gave me a light punch in the shoulder. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" "Whoa...Jes, relax! I'm an injured man here. Besides, you are the reason this whole thing happened! If you had warned me that..." and it suddenly all came racing back to me. The beeping that I had heard was a heart monitor and now it had gone absolutely nuts. Nick must have noticed the change because he jumped out of the chair next to my bed and was jumping up and down. "SOMEONE...GO GET A DOCTOR, QUICK! There's something wrong with Rob!" I looked at Nick in disbelief. Why was he so worried about me? Then I remembered what Jes had said to me. Nick had talked to A.J. and told him that he liked me. I felt my pulse race again and I heard the heart monitor echo what my body was telling me. Nick started to get agitated again. Howie must have finally found the doctor because he walked in just as Nick started yelling for someone to find a doctor. "Well, Mr. Foster...I see you're finally up. Your sister and your friends here were very worried about you. My name is Dr. Restivo and I have been taking care of you. It seems that you had a mild panic attack and your vitals shot through the roof. You've had a bit of a shock to the system, but with a little rest, you'll be fine. I just want to wait to get the results of your latest tests, and then I can arrange to have you released." "Thank you Dr. Restivo," I said, "no offense, but I can't wait to get out of here!" "You're quite welcome Mr. Foster...just try not to over exert yourself. I don't want to see you back here because you didn't follow my orders." Nick surprised every one in the room when he suddenly spoke up. "Don't worry Dr. Restivo, I'll make sure he takes it easy." Every eye in the room settled upon him. He didn't seem to care. Dr. Restivo said she'd be back in a little while with the release papers and left the room. I looked at Nick quickly and could tell that he had been staring at me. But this time, when I looked at him, he didn't look away. He just smiled weakly and blushed. I noticed my sister and the guys were all staring at Nick and me. I felt so embarrassed. Then another scary thought hit me. "Jes, what about mom and dad? Did you call them and tell them what happened? Please say no...please say no!" "Are you nuts? If I had told 'them' about what had happened, they would be here already. I don't know about you, but I'd rather spend the rest of our vacation here in the hospital than go home and spend it with them!" "Thank God!" I was finally starting to calm down. "I couldn't deal with them right now. I have enough on my mind as it is!" I hadn't realized what I had said until I had heard it come out of my mouth. As if on cue, Brian stood up. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm thirsty. Anyone want to join me in the cafeteria for a drink?" Everyone stood up including Nick. A.J. walked over behind Nick and pushed him back down into the chair. "Don't worry Nick, you stay and keep an eye on Rob." A.J. gave him an encouraging look. "I'll bring you back a Coke." I was incredibly nervous. I felt like one of the lambs being led to the slaughter. I looked at Jes and she just smiled at me, kind of like she was saying, ‘go is your chance.' Jes and the guys left the room and closed the door. I felt so awkward. I didn't know what to say or do. Apparently, Nick felt the same way because he didn't say anything either. You could practically cut the tension with a knife. Everything started to crash back in on me again and I felt myself lose control. I heard the telltale sound of the heart monitor get faster again and Nick jerked his face up and looked at the monitor and then to me. This time, neither of us looked away. We just stared into each other's eyes. Minutes seemed like hours. We both had so much to say, but we were both too scared to talk. It seemed like we didn't need to talk. We both said all we had to say to each other with our eyes. Nick got up and moved his chair closer to my bed. The entire time, never once did he break eye contact. He sat down and continued staring at me. It was as if he was looking right through me to my very soul. He stared at me for a few more seconds and then he buried his face in his hands. He finally looked up at me and I could see the beginning of tears in his eyes. "Rob, I'm so sorry. I never should have snuck up on you and your sister. I just...I just wanted to hear your voice." Again, he buried his face in his hands but this time he sobbed loudly. I reached over and rubbed my hand along his shoulder. He seemed to relax slightly. He looked up at me and I could see the tears streaming down his face. "I can't believe..." he looked down and refused to look me in the eye. "I can't believe I just found you, and now I almost lost you...I don't know why this is so hard for me to say. Rob, I'm..." I put my hand under his chin and gently rubbed my fingers over his lips. He just looked at me and began to cry. He slowly got up from the chair and wrapped his arms around me. He held me so tight that I could barely breathe, but it was the best that I have ever felt. If the doctor had been present in the room, she would have been very happy because the beeping of the heart monitor became even calmer as I allowed myself to melt in Nick's arms. We slowly separated and Nick sat down and took my hands in his. It looked like he was trying to gather as much strength as he possibly could. "Rob, this is really hard for me to say so just hear me out, okay?" I nodded my agreement and he continued. "I've known for a long time that I'm different from other guys. It's been tough on me because I'm always in the spotlight. I've only been in one other relationship and that ended very badly. I didn't really love him but I 'wanted' someone so badly that I just decided to overlook that small fact. After what happened, I didn't think I'd ever really fall for anyone ever again. Well, all I can say is that I was wrong. From the moment that I first saw you, I knew that I wanted to get to know you better. When you collapsed before, I felt like my life was ending. I had just met you, and you were being ripped from my life. I don't want to always regret not giving my heart a chance. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Again, I just nodded my head but this time I pulled Nick's hands slightly so that he knew that I wanted him to stand. I gently pulled him closer to me so that he was leaning over me resting his weight on the bed. I stared into his eyes as I cautiously pulled him into me closer. He finally understood what I wanted and it seemed like he wanted it also. It seemed like an eternity but I finally felt our lips make contact ever so briefly. It was the most beautiful thing that I had ever experienced. He slowly pulled away slightly and stared into my soul again. I could feel what made him so special. I could feel the love, the tenderness, and the fear and worry that he felt when I had collapsed. I knew then and there that no matter what else happened in my life, I had truly experienced what it was like to be madly in love with someone. And it wasn't Nick Carter, heartthrob of the Backstreet Boys that I had fallen for. It was Nicholas Gene Carter, just a plain guy from Jamestown, NY. I pulled him toward me again and immediately felt our lips come into contact. Except last time, it felt beautiful. This time, it felt AMAZING! I could almost feel the electrical current jump back and forth between our lips as we gently but urgently kissed each other. I don't even remember breathing. The only thing that mattered to me was that my lips stay in contact with his. It was as if my life depended on it. I slowly opened my mouth and felt his tongue extend into my mouth. I felt it brush against my tongue and passionately explore the inside of my mouth. I pushed my tongue past his and began to explore the inside of his mouth. He tasted amazing. At that moment, it seemed like time came crashing to a halt. We were only aware of each other and the feelings that we were experiencing. We were living in that moment. We were only together for a few minutes but it seemed like hours. From the doorway, someone loudly cleared his throat. We split apart and Nick spun around to see who had disturbed us. Howie stood in the doorway grinning widely. Jes and the rest of the guys stood there at Howie's side staring at us and smiling. "It's about time! Well, now that you guys have 'talked' all of this out, can we get going? It's 6PM and we do have a small concert to put on tonight!" As if on cue, Dr. Restivo walked into the room holding a clipboard. "Mr. Foster, if you're feeling okay, I have your release papers here. Your tests came back and everything checks out. Aside, from slightly elevated blood pressure, you are fine. That is what caused your episode. Your blood pressure shot through the roof and you collapsed. Do you have any idea what caused you to become agitated enough to cause this kind of reaction?" Jes and the guys stared at Nick and me and just grinned. "Not really, I've just been under a lot of stress lately." I tried to answer the question as truthfully as possible without giving out too many details. I looked at Nick quickly and he just grinned at me. I took the clipboard and signed all of the forms that Dr. Restivo told me to. She gave me a few final instructions and I got dressed and ready to go. The entire time, Nick never moved out of my sight. An orderly walked into the room with a wheel chair. I've always hated wheel chairs. I think it's the whole idea of giving up control to someone else. I HATED THAT! "Don't even think about trying to get me into that!" I said pointing toward the wheel chair. "I can get out of her under my own power thank you very much." "Sorry policy." The orderly looked at me and laughed. "The only way your getting out of here is by taking a ride in one of these." "I'm sorry...but...NOT! I'm getting out of here now and I'm walking, not rolling. You can call security if you like." "And somebody mentioned something about you being stubborn." Howie laughed. "I don't see how!" I started walking toward the door of my room when I looked back and shot Howie a version of my patented death stare. Unfortunately, that also gave the orderly a chance to cut me off and block the only exit from the room. I walked right into the wheel chair. The orderly looked at me with a victorious smile on his face. "Like I told you before SIR...the only way you are getting out of here is in one of these!" "Oh really...what floor am I on again?" I started walking toward the window when I felt a strong set of hands grip me by the shoulders and guide me toward the wheel chair. I looked back and I saw Kevin with a very determined look on his face. "Kevin...what do you think you're doing?" "I'm just trying to make sure that we get to our concert some time today...that's all. Oh yeah...and I also want to try to make sure that you don't end up back in the hospital for trying to climb down 4 stories...that's all!" Kevin tapped the orderly on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear. After a few seconds, he seemed to agree with what Kevin was telling him and he opened the door to my room. I was just about to put my hands on the wheels to start moving when the chair started forward on it own. I looked back and I saw Nick behind me with a smile on his face pushing the chair out of the room. I was beaten...but I was still going to enjoy the ride. We took the elevator back down to the lobby and Nick wheeled me over to the exit. We were met by 4 security guards. "I'm sorry guys, but word has slipped out that you were at the hospital. It's pretty crowded out there right now. How do you want to handle this?" The security guard was trying to figure out which exit would be best. "We can either take the direct approach and walk through the crowd, or you could have your car pick you up by the loading dock around the back of the building." In unison, we all said "Loading dock!" I don't think any of us wanted to deal with reporters and fans. Not only that, but it seemed downright terrifying! Jes and I weren't used to the celebrity treatment. We didn't want to end up being grilled by reporters. At least I didn't. Kevin told the security guard that we all wanted to be picked up around back and the guard radioed the limo. We were led trough a weird maze of tunnels and doors and we finally came out into a large area where trucks were being loaded and unloaded. The limo pulled up a few moments later and we all got in. Kevin sat upfront with the driver while Brian, A.J., and Nick sat on one side facing Howie, Jes, and me. It was a tight fit, but we made the best of it "Guys?" I just remembered that we still had to pick up our rental from the mall. "What about the Mercedes? Isn't it still parked at the mall?" "Nope," Kevin informed me, "we had one of our people take it back to your hotel." "You guys think of everything, don't you!" I joked. I glanced across at Nick and he was staring at me again. I just blushed and smiled at him. I couldn't believe how lucky I felt to be able to meet someone like him. It was my dream come true. My mind kept trying to tell me not to get close. Stay back at all costs. I knew that I'd be leaving in a little while, but my heart wouldn't let me. I was head over heels in love with him. "Rob?" My sister asked. "Rob?" She wasn't getting anywhere. She waved her hand in front of my face. " to Rob...come in please!" "Huh?" She startled me from my daydream. "What do you want Jes?" "Well, I was wondering if you were feeling okay?" "I feel fine Jes." I was wondering why she thought I wasn't feeling well. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I just never realized how much you needed a drool cup until now!" My sister's comment caused everyone in the limo to crack up while Nick turned eight shades of red. It looked like he'd been sitting out in the sun way too long. I didn't think it would be possible for him to get any redder. "So," Brian asked, "does this mean that you guys are together now?" Well, I was wrong. Nick turned at least six more shades of red. Hell, I wasn't much better. That was the last thing that either of us was expecting them to say. I just wanted to try and take it slow and see where it went. I also didn't think that Nick seemed that comfortable with the guys knowing. "Yeah," Nick answered Brian but he was addressing everyone, "I guess we kind of are." Well, once again...I was wrong. This time it was my turn to blush. I was totally blown away. I knew that I was attracted to him, but the idea that he felt the same way? That would take some time to get used to. For the remainder of the ride, we just continued staring at each other. We finally pulled up to a service entrance for a really large building. It must have been the concert arena. There were so many trucks parked there. They must have been the equipment trucks. We all piled out of the limo and we were greeted by Scott Mason, the group's manager. He seemed to be in a tremendous rush. "It's about time that you guys got here. You are going on in a little over an hour. We were about ready to cancel the show." Scott seemed unsure that they could pull of the show with such a short preparation time. "Are you sure you guys can handle this. Forget it... this is a really bad idea. The news has already gotten out that you guys were at the hospital today. We can just release a statement that due to circumstances beyond your control, we were forced to delay this show." A.J. seemed kind of annoyed at Scott. " remember Jes and Rob. You know...the fans that we almost KILLED yesterday!" "Sorry guys," Scott finally said, "I've just been under a lot of pressure lately. It's nice to see you guys again. I heard about what happened Rob. Are you feeling okay?" I glanced over at Nick and gave him a brief smile. "Yeah Scott, I'm feeling much better. Thanks for asking." "Don't worry Scott." Kevin tried to convince Scott that everything would turn out fine. "We won't disappoint our fans. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are more than ready to perform tonight." Kevin quickly glanced at the other guys and they all nodded their agreement. "Besides," Nick added, "we aren't doing this show for them." He gestured out toward the stage area. "We are performing for them!" He pointed to Jes and me as he said that. All of the guys agreed with Nick. "Okay guys...if you're sure." "Don't worry Scott," A.J. added, "we've never been more sure of anything in our entire lives!" "Oh, Scott, that reminds me." Nick walked with Scott over to the opposite corner of the room. I could tell that they were talking about me by the way Nick kept smiling and glancing in my direction. Eventually Scott nodded and they rejoined the group. Howie looked puzzled. "What was that about Nick?" "Don't worry's just something a little special that I want to do for tonights show." "Special?" Brian asked. "We'll talk about it later." Nick wanted the subject dropped and it was dropped. Scott gave Jes and me a backstage pass that had the words 'all access' on them. We were told that they would allow us to be admitted to any of the closed off areas. The guys were told that they had to go get ready for the show. Scott called over one of the guards to have us shown to our seats. Before I left with Jes for our seats. Nick, pulled me off into a dark corner. He took both of my hands in his and once again, we joined lips. We both began to explore the others mouth. We were both lost in the passion of the moment. We slowly backed away from each other and he smiled at me. I could have gotten lost in those eyes so easily. I wished him good luck and he told me that he would be using me as his inspiration. I kissed him on the cheek and I rejoined Jes. The guard arrived and we were led to our seats. I haven't been to that many concerts, but the ones that I had been to, I certainly never sat in seats like we were given today. They were amazing. We were infront of the front row. We were seated off to the right side of the stage. We couldn't have been more than ten feet from the front of the stage. When I turned around and looked out into the crowd, I was in awe. It must have been a packed house. Everywhere the eye could see, were wall to wall girls with an occasional guy. The people sitting in the front few rows were staring at Jes and I with a combination of two emotions...hatred...and jealousy. IT WAS GREAT! Then it got even better. The stage lights died down to complete darkness and the crowd went wild. The volume level of the fans must have been louder than any concert ever performed anywhere in musical history. Strobe lights began to flash and smoke slowly drifted off of the stage and into the audience. The first opening notes of "Larger than Life" were played and the crowd got even louder and went even wilder. I tried to say something...more like scream something to Jes, but it just wasn't possible. Someone could drop a nuclear bomb next to the arena and no one would have been able to hear a thing. The smoke began to pour into the crowd and the stage lights slowly came up. As the lights slowly increased in brightness, we could see that the guys were already out on stage. They were all wearing black pants, black leather jackets, and colored T-shirts underneath the jackets. Kevin wore red, Brian wore blue, AJ wore yellow, Howie wore white, and Nick wore green. THEY WERE AMAZING! As Nick sang and danced up on stage, it seemed like he always kept his eyes on me. I couldn't be sure, but it looked like A.J. also seemed pretty interested in Jes. As the song came to an end, the crowd went WILD! They sang two more songs and then they went backstage to change outfits. Jes and I couldn't believe how lucky we were. We were having a blast! "Rob...did you see Nick? I don't think he broke eye contact with you for more than five seconds. You two really have it bad for each other...don't you?" "God Jes...he's the most amazing person I've ever met. When I'm with him...I feel like I'm truly happy for once in my life." Jes grinned and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you bro! It's your dream come true. And he is so cute!" "Well Jes," I asked her, "what about you and A.J.? You guys seem to make a pretty good couple. Any relationship potential there?" "I don't know." She looked like she was really giving it a lot of thought. "I hope so. I mean I really hope so. He is so sweet, romantic, nice...he's just everything that I'd ever hoped for. And he is such a great kisser..." " many times have you kissed him?" I was shocked. I didn't think Jes or A.J. had had any time to get serious. "What's the matter Rob," Jes grinned, "you think you're the only person getting any action in this family?" I turned six shades of red and tried not to break out laughing. "And Jes, since you brought it up...GOD...CAN HE KISS! Remember when Dr. Restivo told me to avoid any unnecessary stress?" She looked at me and nodded. "Well, when he first kissed me...I thought I was going to die right there!" She laughed at me and said, "Well, the hospital would have been a good place for that!" I was about to say something else when the lights died down low again. The music started and the crowd went wild...again. The music for "I Want it That Way" came on and the crowd went even wilder. The guys were all dressed in white. I looked out into the crowd and finally noticed something that I had missed before. Spaced throughout the sea of screaming girls, were banners and signs that had messages for the guys on them. I started to get really jealous as I noticed exactly how many signs were dedicated to Nick...MY NICK! There were "Nick...I LOVE YOU" signs and "Nick...I WANT TO BE WITH YOU" signs and "Nick...WILL YOU MARRY ME?" signs. I really started to get jealous. Before I realized it, "I Want it That Way" came to an end and Nick took center stage. "Hey's everyone doing on this fine night?" The crowd went absolutely NUTS! If there had been any glass windows in the area, they would have surely been blown into a million pieces. "I've got a special song that I want to sing for a special person out in the audience tonight. It's a brand new song and this is the first time that it's ever been performed." When Nick said this, I saw him stare at me. My eyes began to water and I could feel Jes hug me. But other than that, I was oblivious to anything else around me except for Nick. I was living in that moment. He just grinned at me and I smiled back at him. Our eyes communicating everything that needed to be said. Kevin came out on stage with a stool for Nick to sit on and Nick sat down on it. The lights died down around the stage. The only light still remaining at full strength was a single spotlight that shone down on Nick. With his blond hair and his white outfit, the spotlight made him look like an angel. He was my angel. Every stray noise in the arena stopped as soon as he began the song. People say, That life can be so strange. It's been said, That life can be so hard. And I know, That in this cruel and crazy world, Somethings just happen for the best. Chorus: I don't understand what you do to me. I don't understand what you see in me. I don't always know the right words to say. All I know is that I'm better off this way. Because this is what happens, When Two Worlds Collide. In this world, There can be so much pain. I just look into your eyes, And it all bleeds away. And I know, That in this card game of life, You've got to play the hand your dealt. Chorus: I don't understand what you do to me. I don't understand what you see in me. I don't always know the right words to say. All I know is that I'm better off this way. Because this is what happens, When Two Worlds Collide. Don't understand it. Some things just never make sense. Don't understand it. Some things just work out for the best. Won't regret it. We come from two different worlds. Won't forget it. You can see the best in me, You are my destiny. I never thought, Things could go so insane. I never thought, Things could make this much sense. I never thought, That I could fall so deeply. I never thought, That I could fall so completely. This is what happens, When two worlds collide. This is what happens, When two worlds collide. I thought the crowd was loud before. That was nothing. This time, everyone was on their feet giving Nick a standing ovation. The other guys all came out on stage and hugged Nick one at a time. After he was finished, he looked at me with so much love and compassion I knew that we truly were meant to be. I spun the wheel of fate, and she smiled favorably down upon me. TO BE CONTINUED! Well that was part four. Again, I can't apologize enough for the delay. I'll really try to get the next part up as soon as possible. I just want to let everyone know that I have no...repeat NO intentions of stopping this story. It might take me a little while...okay...maybe a long while to finish each segment, but the story will go on. And please, even though I already told you that I'm going to continue this story, send me e-mails...lots of e-mails. It really does make the work go faster. The lyrics for "When Two Worlds Collide" is an original work created by the author of this story. It cannot be reprinted or used without the authors express permission. This song is dedicated to Rich; you make my life worth living. I love you babe!