Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 21:39:39 -0700 (PDT) From: Danny Planter Subject: danny-and-lance-2 Hey everyone! Sorry this has been so long in coming, but I hope you enjoy it! Thanks to everyone who wrote me in regards to my first chapter. Hopefully I'll hear from more of you with this one!! Email me at! So once again: This is a fictional story. I do not know any of the members of NSYNC, I wish I did. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of Lance, Joey, JC, Justin or Chris, however, we can always wish right??! Danny and Lance Chapter Two Lance explained to JC how we had met in the coffee shop and that we'd hung out that evening. JC thanked me for being there for Lance, while he was off thinking about stuff I told him it was no problem. We hung out for a while, the three of us just talking and getting to know each other. JC approached the subject of Lance's sexuality very carefully. It sounded like he didn't want to upset him, when in reality Lance was happy to finally share that part of his life with one of his closest friends. It was about 2 am when we finally realized how long we had been talking. The other guys were not home from clubbing yet, but Lance said they usually get in around 3 AM. At this point I thought I should go home before I fall asleep on the road. I stood up and told them I was going to leave. "Are you okay to drive?" Lance asked me. "I think so..." I said, trying to blink the sleep out of my eyes. "Awww no, we're not letting you drive in that condition, man," JC said. "He's right," Lance said before I could get a word out of my mouth, "you can stay in my room tonight." "No, I can't. I don't want to impose." "You aren't imposing! If anything, I owe you for helping me out today! It's no problem, really," Lance said. Who was I to argue. I agreed and we said goodbye to JC. We went to Lance's room and I took in my surroundings. Most of me was just tired and wanted to go to sleep, but there was a bit of me screaming inside "OHMIGOD I'M IN LANCE BASS' ROOM!!!!!" But my tired side won out. I laid down on the couch while Lance was in the bathroom. He came out wearing his boxers and a T-shirt. He looked so cute. So cuddly, warm, and of course sexy. "What're you smiling at?" Lance asked, a grin on his face. "Just admiring how cute you are," I said in a joking tone. "Uhh huh..." he said, with a knowing look. He got out a blanket and a pillow and pretty much tucked me in for the night on the couch. He turned off the light and got in bed. There was not much light in the room, but I could see his sleeping form, rising and falling slowly with his breathing. 'The guy's amazing,' I thought to myself. 'He's perfect. Awww Danny, what're you thinking? You just met the guy. But still, it'd be nice.......' I fell asleep, dreaming of me and Lance. The next day I awoke to find myself in an unfamiliar place. As I quickly recalled the events of the day before, I looked towards the bed, only to find Lance gone. I stood up, and walked over to it. He had left me a note. "Danny - Good morning sleepyhead! The guys and I had a meeting this morning at 10:30. We should be back around 12ish, so just hang out for a while! I'll call you when we're on our way back. -Lance" I smiled to myself. How cute was it that he left a note for me? I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:00, so I still had an hour or so to kill before he came back. I thought about leaving, but I realized that a) it would be rude and b) I have nothing else to do so I might as well meet the rest of the guys! I went into the bathroom to take a shower. I got out about 20 minutes later, dried off and put my old clothes back on. I went out and looked at the bed. Lance sure was a messy sleeper! The covers were all over the place and the pillows were falling off the bed. I picked them up and straightened everything up and sat down to watch some television. At about ten after 12, I heard some mumbling outside the door and a key being inserted into the lock. Lance came in and smiled as he said "Hey! Have a good sleep?" "Yeah the couch was pretty comfortable actually! How was your meeting?" "It was ok. Boring kinda, but it's stuff we gotta know for our tour coming up." He paused for a few seconds. "I'm glad you stayed." I looked at him questioningly, "What do you mean?" "I was just worried that you were going to leave without saying goodbye! It's stupid, I know, but still..." I smiled at his worrying over something like that. "Well don't worry, I'm here!" I said. "Yeah you are! Hey, aren't those the same clothes you were wearing last night? We can't have you meeting the other guys in stinky old clothes!" "Huh? The other guys?!" "Yeah," he said as he started rummaging through his suitcases. "I told them that I wanted to introduce them to a new friend of mine...i also want to tell them about me." I guess I look shocked when he turned around because he gave me a weird face and told me to shut my mouth. He had talked to JC about it earlier and was told that the other guys had all suspected, but never said anything, but they were all cool with it. I told him I'd be there to support him no matter what happens. He threw me a pair of pants and a T-shirt. "Sorry if I don't lend you boxers, but we don't' know each other that well," he said with a wink. "No problem, who knows where they've been anyway!" I laughed as I walked into the bathroom. About 20 minutes later we went to JC's room. I proceeded to meet Chris, Joey and Justin, all of whom were curious as to how Lance and I met. "Well," Lance started, "I guess I have something I should tell you guys. Danny and I met yesterday at a coffee shop. He came over to me to see if I was ok." "What was wrong Lance?" asked a concerned Justin. "I'd just run out on him," answered JC who looked a bit ashamed. "Why'd you run out on him?" asked Joey. "Cuz I had just told him that........." Lance struggled. I put my hand on his shoulder for support. "That I'm gay." "You ran out on him because he told you that?" exclaimed Chris towards JC. "Well what'd you expect me to do?! I haven't had somebody come out to me before, I didn't know what to do! I panicked!" JC countered. "Well seriously JC, that's not what you should do," stated Justin. "I mean if it were me-" "If it were you would have planted a big ol' kiss on Lance's lips!" yelled Joey with a big grin on his face. Justin attacked. The two were wrestling on the ground, with Chris cheering them on while Lance and I looked at them and then to each other in confusion. "Uh...guys?" Lance finally said. The three stopped being childish for a moment. "Does that mean you're okay with it?" "Well what I was gonna say before Joey here butted in," Justin said, "was that if it were me, I'd do this." He ran over to Lance and gave him a great big hug. I stepped away to let them have their space, just in time it turned out, for Joey and Chris to run up and attack the two with a group hug. They all tumbled to the ground laughing. "You dumbass it's not like you're very secretive about it!" said Chris. "How could we have not known? And why would we care? As long as you're happy, that's what matters to us!!" Lance smiled at them. "Thanks guys. You have no idea how much it means to me." "How about lunch on you?" asked Joey. "Ugh..fine!" Lance said. "Yeah! Lobsters for everyone!" Joey yelled! Justin turned his attention to me. "Thanks for being there for Lance, man. I'm sure he appreciates it!" "Well yeah, I could tell he needed to talk to someone who could relate to his problem." I slammed my hand over my mouth as soon as I said it. " I take it you're gay too?" "Yeah...I didn't really mean for that to slip out." "Dude, it's no problem. Heeeyyyyyyyy you and Lance aren't..." said Chris. "CHRIS!! We've known each other for only like a day! Give us some credit!" yelled Lance. "Sorry!! I dunno, maybe that you're out to us now you'll start mackin' on guys or somethin'. I mean he IS wearing your clothes you know. I just wanted to be sure!!" The guys invited me out to lunch with them, and I happily agreed. Afterwards we went back to their hotel. We parted our separate ways, Joey and Chris went to play video games, and Justin and JC went out to play some basketball. Lance and I went back to his room. "Well man, as much as I don't want to, I should get going. I gotta get back to San Diego sometime today." I said. "Awww are you sure? I don't want you to go!! Stay!" said Lance with big puppy dog eyes. Those eyes, those green oceans that I wanted to fall into. What was I thinking?! As much as I had lusted after Lance in the past, meeting him gave me a different view of him. He was a great guy, but I was far from in love. I was just infatuated! "I can't dude!! You're not making this easy on me!" I said playfully. "Yeah I know. We're leaving tomorrow anyway, we have to go back to Orlando to start rehearsing for our tour....but listen Danny. I....I don't want us to lose touch. We've known each other for such a short time, but I feel like we've gotten to know each other so well." He sighed. "I just don't want that to end." I grabbed his hands. "Hey! Don't be sad! We're totally gonna keep in contact! There's email, cell phones, etc. Plenty of ways to talk! Besides...." I looked down at our hands. "I kind of like you," i whispered. I didn't look up, but Lance moved his hands so that his fingers intertwined with mine. I looked up at his face, which was smiling back at me. "Well if it makes you feel better, I kinda like you too..." he said, blushing a bit. We just stared at each other for a few minutes, until he suddenly pulled his face close to mine and kissed me on the lips. It wasn't anything other than a 2 second contact, but in those two seconds, I knew that there was something brewing between me and Lance. He pulled back and smiled at me, and I smiled back. We embraced for a few minutes before I decided to leave. We exchanged phone numbers and email addresses and I promised to call him as soon as I got back to San Diego. I left his room (he told me I could keep the clothes I was wearing), and told him to say goodbye to the guys for me. I got in my car and sighed happily. It had been a good few days. ...