Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 01:44:21 -0800 From: vocal76 Subject: Dirty Mind Games 7 Sorry that its taken me forever and a day and then some to get this out to all of you. I didn't forget about this story so don't worry. Hopefully I'll be able to wind this story up. Okay... so my excuse? Yeah... I have one and its pretty darn good too. But if you wanna hear it or if anyone of you care to lend me a much needed ear I guess just e-mail me. Thanks for being so patient and not forgetting about me and this story. EVIL DISCLAIMER: Don't know them, wish I did though... Not implying that I know their sexuality (or homosexuality), wish I did though... if you're not at least 18 you shouldn't be reading if you don't like homosexual material then you know where to go and its starts with an 'h' and has 4 letters... not hell silly... I meant home... =) Dirty Mind Games 7 =============================================================================== "DON'T FUCKING PLAY THIS SHIT WITH ME!!!!!" Oh god I'm crying. Stop the tears. Can't. Why'd he have to do that? Fuck! Why'd he have to kiss me like that? Fuck! Why? Fucking tears... fucking gay ass crybaby. "Josh..." And his fucking eyes. I hurt him. I kissed him too. I pushed him away. He knows I enjoyed it. Fuck! He knows I'm a fag. "I'm sorry... I didn't..." You didn't what? Fuck you Justin. I need to get out. Out... didn't want to be 'out' like this. Fuck... get out Josh... while you still can... before he starts the gay bashing. "FUCK YOU JUSTIN!!!!!" I'm crying... still... seems like forever and these tears aren't gonna stop anytime soon. Fuck! Back up... head to the door... head to the door... back up to the door... there... run... don't speak... don't listen... go go go go go go go... "Josh, I'm sorry..." I don't care what you say anymore. You're an asshole Justin. Why did you have to play me like that? Fuck! "Josh... please..." Don't look at him... whatever you do don't look at him. Run! God damn it! Run! "Why Justin????? Don't fucking play with me like that." Run! Didn't I say to run? Run! Run! Go! "Josh... I didn't... I'm..." Go. Get away from him. Run! Leave! Go! "God Justin I fucking love you and you play this fucking game like this. DON'T FUCKING PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS THAT WAY!!!!" Run! Door. I see the door. Theres the door. He's behind me. He'd gonna hit me. You said it now Josh. You did it now Josh. Open the door. Fumble with the knob. Open the door. "Josh... I don't... I can't say... I..." Oh god. He hates me. Don't look at him. He's touching you. Run! Door. Open the door. Why won't this fucking thing fucking open????? Fucking open! Open! Open! OPEN! "I don't want to play anymore games. Games over. No more lying. To me, to you, to our friends." Run. Brush his hand off your shoulder. Run! Out the door. There you go. Where are you going? Run! Just run. Run! Run! RUN! Is he following. No. He's sick of you. He couldn't say anything after you fucking told him you loved him... love him. I still do. Now he hates me. He hates me and I want to die. Where are you going? Where are you going? Lobby. I'm in the lobby. Go! Run! Go! Where is this? You've been walking forever. Where the hell am I? Do I have money? My wallet. I have my wallet. My cell. I have my cell too. Today was supposed to be a good day. You cracked Josh. You fucking cracked. After all these years of loving him secretly you fucking cracked. You fucking cracked. Fuck... cell ringing. Who is it? Its Justin. I don't want to talk to you. I need to walk. I need to get away from him. I need to get the fuck away from all of them. Walk. Just walk and keep on walking. Okay. You've been walking for hours. Josh. You don't even know where you are. Its not safe for you to be out here like this. Think. Call home. Wheres that? Maybe Justin got sick of you and left. Call the hotel room. Turn your phone on first. There you go. Not a total loss. Sixteen messages. From who? Listen. Oh god its Justin. Hang up... next message. Why are you listening. He's crying. Oh god he's crying. He's crying on my phone. I freaked him out that much. I should talk to him. No. He played with my heart and my feelings. But he's crying. Next message. Him again. Oh god. He sounds so hurt. He wants to talk to me. I can't understand him. Next message. He's not talking clear. I confused him with my kiss. You're gonna sit here on this curb god knows where and listen to him and cry yourself. Josh, what are you doing to yourself. Just let it go. Hang up the phone and let it go. I can't because I hurt him by telling him that I love him. I ruined our 8 year friendship. And oh god. You what?????? Oh man... he... oh god... he... oh my god. I have to get back to the hotel. Oh god... I... "TAXI!!!!!" I need to get back... Oh god I need to get back. I need to get back. I need to get back before its too late. I need to get back. I love him. I need to get back. =============================================================================== Okay... yeah, kinda short. Sorry guys. But at least you can go on and read 'The Other Side of the Coin' at the same time. Or afterwards or whatevers. And yeah, I know this one wasn't as funny as the other ones but hey! He's depressed and he's in shock. Can't expect everyone to be happy and funny and hilarious all the time, right? hehehe... anyways.... questions, comments, flames, food, money, donations, JC and/or Justin can be sent to my e-mail at pEaCe aNd aDoBo gReAsE!!!!!