Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 13:05:54 -0800 From: K_Magic@Prodigy.Net Subject: Fate Stepped In - Chapter Twelve Fate Stepped In - Chapter Twelve A quick Thanks to all that have e-mailed me with feedback. I enjoy hearing your opinions, views, suggestions and every thing else you have to say. Keep them coming. Also, I was suffering from writer's block and wrote a short story entitled "Not Meant to Be". Check it out if you have a chance. So as always: This is my first attempt at writing, so be kind. Please over look any grammer or punctuation errs. Remember...This is FICTION. (You all know the standard disclaimer, insert it here.) E-Mail any comment or suggestions to K_Magic@Prodigy.Net --------------- Chapter Twelve --------------- "Fuck...Fuck....Fuck..." "JC...I'm so sorry...I don't know what came over me...I'm sorry." "It's not your fault Drew, I couldn't help myself. I felt you close to me and it just seemed so right." "You need to go after him, I know how much you love him. Go" "I'm just so confused. I love him, but I have this feeling in my heart that being with you is just so right." "JC, you had a tramatic experience. I showed up and helped you. It's not love, it's appreciation. You love Lance. Go now and make it work between you two. I will never forgive myself if I was the cause of you not finding happiness" A single tear rolled down Drew's cheek. JC lifted his hand up to Drew's face and with the backs of his finger wiped the tear away. "I wish circumstances were different and we had a chance together...I know I could love you as much as I love Lance, if not more." Tears were forming in Drew's eyes. "Please go and find Lance...Find the love, happiness and peace you so much deserve. Just are in my heart and if things were different, I would follow you til the end of the earth....Now GO." JC turned to walk out the door but stopped. He turned around and walked back to Drew and hugged him. "Thank you Drew...Thank you for everything." Drew broke the hug and looked straight into JC's eyes and smiled. "Go." JC turned and ran out the door. As soon as he was out the door, JC ran straight into Jeff. He bounced off Jeff and fell to the floor. JC looked up and saw Jeff and behind him was Nick. "Hey, JC sorry about that. Let us help you up." Jeff and Nick extended their hands to JC. JC knocked them away. "Fuckin' get away from me you sick assholes. Don't you ever come near me again." "Shit, you know...JC we're so sorry...we were drunk...Please forgive us." Jeff mummble out. "Fuck you." JC said getting up and walking up to Jeff and looking straight into his eyes. "If you ever touch me again, I swear I will kill you" JC then moved over into Nick's face, "and that goes for you too. Now get the fuck out of my way." Nick's face was red and he was about to grab JC to do some damage, but Jeff grabbed him and pulled him out of JC's way. With that, JC ran off. During the conversation, Drew had opened the door and was standing there watching them. As JC left, Jeff looked at Drew who just looked down shaking his head and walked right passed Jeff without saying a word. He turned back around and spoke to them both. "Remember...If you even go near him again for any reason, this..." Drew pointed back and forth between the three. "is all over....Do I make myself clear." Drew stood there staring at both of them. For Nick, Drew's statement meant the end of their fame, fortune and the end of the group. "Crystal" he replied. To Jeff, it meant the end of something that he wanted more than the other stuff. It meant the end of him and Drew. He looked up at Drew and with his lips pressed together in a thin line he nodded yes. In the banquet room, it was Justin, Chris, Joey and Justin J. They had all finished eating and were just sitting around talking. "I wonder what happened to the others, one by one everyone is disappearing." Joey mentioned. All the others just nodded. "So, what are you guys doing tonight?" Justin J. asked the NSYNC guys. "Don't know...What are you guys doing?" Chris replied. "We were talking about heading out to a club, wanta join us?" "Sounds like a plan." Chris said and Joey just nodded in agreement. "How about you, Justin?" "Nah, I'm going to head up to my room. I'm kinda tired from the show. I'll catch you guys later." He said and he rose and walked out. On the way out, he ran into Drew. "Hey Drew, have you seen JC?" "Yeah, he went off looking for Lance." "Ok, thanks. I'll see ya later." Just as Justin finished, Jeff and Nick appeared behind Drew. They were both walking with their heads down and passed without saying a word. "What's up with them." "Ah, nothing...They're just moody today. I'll catch you later Justin." Drew said as he headed towards the others behind Jeff and Nick. Justin went to the elevator and the doors opened. JC came running out and up to Justin. "Have you seen Lance? I have to find him." "No Josh, what's wrong." "I...I...I just need to find him Justin, have you seen him." "Come on Josh, it's me...tell me what's wrong." "I can't Justin...Not here...I just need to find him....Please if you see him call me. I really need to talk to him." "But Josh..." "Justin, Please...I'll talk to you later ok...I just need to find him." With that, JC ran through the lobby and out the door. "Shit" Justin said as he entered the elevator. As Justin opened the door to his room, he heard it. It was crying. The lights were off but he knew who it was. "Lance?" There was no answer. Justin turned on the lights and he saw Lance laying face down on his bed crying. He ran over to the bed and pulled Lance up into a hug. "Come on Scoop, tell me what's wrong." "" "What are you talking about" "My parents hate me....Josh doesn't love me....My whole life is fucked up." "Ok...Lets take this one at a time...What do you mean your parents hate you?" "I told them I was gay and they hung up on me. They don't want to talk to me any more...They hate me." "Come off it Lance. Did they say they hate you?" "No, but they do. I made my Mom cry and my Dad hung up on me." "Lance, you just surprised them...they are in shock...give them a chance, they love you and once they realize that this is who you are, they will come around. Just give them some time." Justin was still holding Lance stroking his hair. "Now, tell me about Josh." "He doesn't love me." "How do you know that, did he say that to you." "No, but he loves Drew...I saw them kissing." Justin could not believe what he was hearing. "Are you sure." "I fuckin saw them with my own eyes. They were down stairs in the bathroom kissing." "Come on Lance, Josh doesn't love Drew. He doesn't even know him. Look Josh is running all over this hotel looking for you. If he loved Drew, he would be with Drew right now not combing the whole state looking for you. Give him a chance, let him explain. There is probably a reason you saw what you saw and it is probably not the reason that you think it is...Have you ever heard of a misunderstanding. Trust him Lance." Lance broke the hold Justin had on him and sat up looking at Justin. "I can't face him tonight...I can't. Please let me stay here tonight... Please." "Ok...Ok, you can stay...but promise me one thing" "What" "That you will talk to Josh first thing tomorrow morning before we leave, promise." "Ok" "Now do you want the couch or the bed?" "Justin, the bed is big enough for the both of us...I swear I won't do anything to you." "Yeah right...You just want to be able to say that you slept with the sexy Justin Timberlake." Lance just smiled and and hugged him again. "I don't know what I would do without you." "I don't know what you would do either." Justin said breaking the hug. He started to pat his hair with both his hands. " But you need to stop hugging me...You're messin up my PUBS." Lance got a great big grin on his face a he pushed Justin off the bed. "Never mind, you can take the couch." he said and he layed down on the bed. "This albino freak might mistake you for another albino freak and try to mate with you." "Speeeeewwwwwww. I think I will take the couch." "Sure you don't want to try albino freak love?" "Only if it's with a female albino freak. Now go take a shower." Lance took a quick shower and put on a pair of Justin's sweats, which were way to big for him. He layed on the bed and fell asleep while Justin was showering. Lance woke as Justin entered the bed. "Thanks Justin." "Any time Scoop, you can always count on me." They both started to nod off when there was a knock at the door. "Justin open up...Justin...Have you seen Lance...Justin..." "No Josh, I haven't. Go to bed, he'll show up in the morning." "Justin, open the door...Come on let me in...I need to talk to you." Justin looked at Lance who shook his head. They both got out of bed and as Justin headed for the door, Lance hid in the closet. Justin opened the door and standing on the other side was JC. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks had tear stains. "Come on in Josh, are you ready to tell me what is so important that you have to talk to Lance right at this moment and then bust down my door when you can't find him." JC entered Justin's room and sat down on the bed. He rested his elbows on his knees and covered his face with his hands. "Justin, have you ever fucked up so bad that there was no way on earth that the damage could be repaired?" "Josh, no one could fuck up that bad...everything can be fixed...Now tell me what you fucked up so bad." "My life, our lives, the band...everything." "Josh, please I am your friend...I trust you with my life...Trust in me now...please tell me what is wrong." JC uncovered his eyes and looked into Justin's eyes. "Justin, I know you already know what I'm about to tell you...I've never wanted you to know...I was ashamed of myself and I never wanted you to think differently of me. But, you know and I know you know. We have been doing this dance for a while now...just pretending, hiding...but no more. I want you to finally hear it out of my mouth...Justin I am gay." Justin just sat there with a big smile on his face. "Come on Justin, say something...I know you've known for quite a while now and you've had time to think it over. So speak." "Josh, right now I'm just so happy for you. I know this has been tearing you apart inside. I've been so pissed at you for not trusting me enough to share this part of your life with me. We've been through so much together and it fuckin pissed me off when you wanted to suffer through this without my help. Lord knows you've helped me with problems in the past. Thank you for finally trusting me....Now, is there anything else you want to tell me." "Justin, I'm too tired for this shit...just tell me what you know and what you want me to tell you." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I know you know more than I think you know. So let's just cut the bull and you tell me everything you know and I will fill in the rest." "Ok...Ready." JC just nodded, dreading inside what his friend already knew. Justin dragged a chair over infront of JC and strattled the backward chair, facing JC. "Josh, I know you love someone and that someone has already told me his secret and the fact that he loves you. I know that for you, he confessed his secret to his parents and that now he thinks his parent are rejecting him. I know that he was in an emotionally fragile state after talking to his parents who hung up on him. I know when he went to search out the one person that he loved and he thought would comfort him, he found that person kissing another person. Now, do you think I have all the facts down or do you want to enlighten me on some more?" JC just sat there stunned. Lance had confessed to Justin and his parents. After all that Lance has been through emotionally, to see the scene in the bathroom probably sent Lance over the edge. But he had checked the roof and Lance was not there. Where could he be. "Josh..." "I'm sorry Justin...I told you I fucked up...but here are the parts of the story you do not know..." JC was not ready to tell the facts of the last two night...but he had to. If he was to save everything he wanted, he had to trust his friend right now. "Just, last night I was raped." "Fuck, Josh?..." "Just, let me finish...come to find out it was Jeff and Nick from 98 degrees. After, I was out of it, I had passed out in my bathroom. I thought Lance had come to my aid. I confessed my love to him. Come to find out it wasn't Lance at all, it was Drew. The next morning, Lance and I talked and confessed our feeling for each other. Lance lied to me... he pretended he was the one that was there the night before...He lied to me. When we were down stairs and the guys from 98 degrees came in...I figured out that it was Jeff and Nick...I recognized their voices. When I went to the bathroom, Drew followed me. I told him that I knew it was them that raped me and that I knew he was the one that helped me out. He hugged me and comforted me. I looked into his eyes and I felt emotions in my heart that I have never felt before with anyone...not with Lance... not with any of the others. Then I kissed him. It was like we were the only two people in the we were meant to be together. I can't describe the feeling...but it felt right. Then Lance walked in on us and ran before I could say anything." Justin sat there in silence. He didn't know what to say. JC had been through hell and he could not do anything to help him. He knew that Lance was in his closet and he could do anything to help him either. Inside the closet, Lance was laying down on the extra blanket and had the extra pillow over his face to cover the sound of him crying. Crying becuase it was his fault that the man he loved could not love him back. He had driven his love into the arms of another man. Justin rose out of the chair and moved to the bed and pulled JC into a hug. "Josh, I'm so sorry...I don't know what to say....Are you alright...fuck... The next time I see Nick or Jeff, they're dead. But Josh...I'm confussed said you loved Lance, then you say you have these feelings for Drew..." "That's the problem, I don't know...Drew says that I need to find Lance and be happy with him...But Justin, I can't just forget my feeling towards Drew. Everything in my being says Lance...but my heart says Drew...I'm so confussed." Inside the closet, Lance could not take anymore. He had cried out every tear in his body. He was emotionally drained and sleep over took him. "Josh, if you want me to help you make a decision, I'm not going too. You are going to have to figure this one out on your own. I think you need to sleep on it. Just remember...Drew is in a different world than you are... you will most likely never see him. Where as there is someone right here who loves you and will be here for you everyday. Remember that OK. Now, I think you need to go to your room. I'm sure Lance is somewhere thinking about all of this too. You both need to sleep on it. Things will look different to you in the morning and then you two can sit down and talk this through." JC just nodded and got up and headed towards the door with Justin following him. When he got to the door, he turned around and pulled Justin into a hug. "Thank you Curly, I don't know what I would do without you." "Get some sleep Josh. We have a long day tomorrow. Our flight is at 9am and we have to be at the studio to lay down a track at 3pm. Your voice has to be sharp so get some rest." JC exited the room and headed towards his room. Justin walked over to his closet and opened the door. He found Lance asleep on the floor. "Great." Justin said as he turn and went to his bed. He knew if he woke Lance up, he would not get any sleep, so he left him sleeping in the closet and went to bed.