Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 15:28:32 -0500 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - If I Ain't Got You - Chapter 5 Warnings and Disclaimers: 1) If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this. 2) If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story. 3) I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good. ====================================== If I Ain't Got You -- Chapter 5 by JT Poole // Orlando, FL - Florida Hospital - Justin's ICU Room // "Hello Sunshine, how do you feel today?" Christina asked, walking into Justin's room. "Hey Chrissy." Justin stated, rolling over in bed and rubbing his head. "I feel okay, but my arms and legs feel like mush. What actually happened to me?" "You were in a car accident and you collided with another car." Christina stated, looking down, not wanting to say anything more to about his condition. "Well damn. there goes the dancing." Justin stated as his mother walked into the room, followed by Johnny and some security guys. "Hello baby how are you feeling?" Lynn Harless asked, walking over to the bed and sitting down in the chair next to it. "Okay ma. What are you doing here?" Justin asked. "This isn't that bad, I am sure I can go home in a few days." "A few days..." Lynn stated, staring at Justin as Christina and Johnny shook their heads at her. "That's right a few days baby." "That's all, a few days and I will be as good as new." Justin stated, trying to sit up in bed as the pain hit him again. "Oh crap!" "Don't try to sit up baby, just stay put." Lynn stated. "I want to get up and walk around. I don't want to be lying in this bed. I want to move around." Justin stated, again trying to get up as the pain hit him again. "Why can't I get up?" "Right now baby you can't." Lynn stated, tears forming in her eyes. "What do you mean I can't?" Justin asked, this time getting an angry look on his face. "Well baby..." Lynn stated as Christina and the others left the room. "Where are you guys going?" Justin asked. "We are going to step out for a while." Christina stated as tears came to her eyes too. "What's going on here?" Justin asked as the door closed and just him and Lynn were left in the room. "Justin baby, you can't walk right now." Lynn stated, holding Justin's hand. "What! No!" Justin screamed. "What do you mean I can't walk right now?!" "Baby please. Just calm down." Lynn stated, tears falling from her eyes now, visible to Justin. "The accident caused a lot of damaged to the nerves down your spine..." "What! No! I'm paralyzed?!" Justin screamed out again, this time crying too as Lynn got up and hugged Justin to her chest. "I can't walk! I can't walk!" "Baby please." Lynn stated. "No momma, no!" Justin screamed again. "How do you expect me to act! I can't walk for God's sake! Why me? What's wrong with my legs, they look fine!" "Baby listen." Lynn stated. "Your legs are fine, it's the damage to the nerves that's causing the problems." "Nerve damage! Nerve damage!" Justin screamed. "This isn't fair!" "No baby, things in life are never fair, but you will get through this." Lynn stated. "The doctors don't believe this to be a permanent condition, you just need some time to heal." "I don't need time to heal! I want to just die!" Justin stated, pulling away from his mother, turning away from her, still crying. "Just leave me alone momma." "Justin no. I will not leave you alone." Lynn stated. "I am not going to leave you here talking like that." "Momma please. Just go." Justin stated, sniffing as he closed his eyes. "I just want to go back to sleep now." "Well you go to sleep, but I am not leaving." Lynn stated, rubbing Justin's back as she got off the bed, and sat back down in the chair. // Nick's Room // "Nick the doctor is here to talk to you." Kevin stated, walking back into the room, followed by an older man that looked in his late forties to early fifties. "Good evening Mr. Carter, how are you feeling now?" The man asked, walking over to Nick's bedside. "I'm Dr. Andrew Donaldson." "Why am I hurting like this?" Nick asked. "Where do you hurt?" Dr. Donaldson asked. "My head is pounding and my hands feel like they are on fire, some kind of strange tingling sensation." Nick stated. "That could be just the blood flowing back into the collective blood vessels there and the headache could be from the tranquilizer you were given earlier to calm you down." Dr. Donaldson stated. "Tranquilizer?" Kevin asked, walking over to Nick's bed as well. "Why did you have to give him that?" "Earlier today Mr. Carter got a little bit unruly with the nurse that came in to check his bandage so, in order to calm him down, I gave him a tranquilizer." Dr. Donaldson stated. "Nick why are you doing all of this. Things are not that bad." Kevin stated. "Didn't I tell you to leave and not come back?" Nick asked. "I am not going to do that. I am not going to abandon you." Kevin stated. "Leave Kevin now!" Nick screamed as he started thrashing around in bed as he noticed that he wasn't able to move his arms and legs. "What the hell is going on here?!" "The restraints are to keep you from hurting yourself or anyone else." Dr. Donaldson spoke. "Is that really necessary doctor?" Kevin asked. "You tell me. Is he really this bad?" Dr. Donaldson asked, as he and Kevin walked to another part of the room. "No, I don't know where any of this is coming from. He has always been such a nice, easygoing person. Within the last couple of months, he's changed." Kevin spoke. "Why and how has he changed?" Dr. Donaldson asked. "I think it's because so many people in his life has broken his heart." Kevin stated. "I just hope he sees that he has a lot to live for and stop with this stuff." "So depression is what's fueling most of his behavior?" Dr. Donaldson asked. "I think so. It's has been one let down after another." Kevin stated. "I just think he couldn't handle it anymore and so he left his family and friends and came up with this plan to end it all." "End it all?" Dr. Donaldson asked. "I think he wants to kill himself." Kevin stated, looking back over at Nick, still thrashing around in the bed. "Has anyone looked into getting him some counseling?" Dr. Donaldson asked. "Well he did this before we could get him any help." Kevin stated, turning to see Nick getting free from the restraints. "Nicky stop." "Fuck you Kevin." Nick stated, running from the room. "Oh my, I will alert Hospital Security." Dr. Donaldson spoke, walking over to the phone on the wall. "Mr. Richardson, with the events that you have told me about, I am going to call a colleague of mine and maybe he would like to talk to her." "I doubt that, but you can try." Kevin stated, as he and the doctor walked out of the room. // In The Air // "Honey are you okay?" Marshall asked, turning to face Lance. "I don't know baby." Lance stated. "Something seems to be bothering you baby. Want to talk about it?" Marshall asked. "I just never thought I would be seeing the guys under these circumstances." Lance stated. "It seems we are only together after something bad has happened. Seems bad things are the only reasons we make time to see each other." "That's not the case baby. You guys all have lives now. You are all doing your own things." Marshall stated. "Yeah but bad things are the only things that we have that bring us all together." Lance stated. "Aren't there any good things?" Marshall asked. "No honey only bad." Lance stated. "I don't think that's true. What about our wedding?" Marshall asked. "Em that was a disaster." Lance stated. "Remember after we were married, Chris got arrested for trying to pick up a prostitute, Josh and Justin were seen at a gay nightclub, Joey got put in jail for disturbing the peace..." "Well there must have been something that was good in there." Marshall stated. "Nothing. Since we parted ways, we only see each other when something is wrong." Lance stated, as the tears flowed down his face. "Well that means you guys need to do something good and meet up." Marshall stated, holding Lance as cried. "It's going to be alright babe. I am sure Justin is okay." "I don't know this time baby." Lance stated, sniffing as Marshall raised his hand, signaling for the flight attendant. "Do you gentlemen need anything?' The young woman asked. "Could you bring me a Coke please?" Marshall asked. "Baby do you want something?" "Could you get me some rum and a Coke please?" Lance asked as the young woman walked down the aisle, coming back with the things they had asked for. "Here you are gentlemen. If you need anything else, just press the call button." The young lady stated, pointing at the button. "Thank you ma'am." Marshall stated, accepting the tray that the young lady has brought with her. "How much longer will it take?" Lance asked. "We are almost there." Marshall stated. "Well I just feel that Justin isn't alright." Lance stated, drying his tears as Marshall leaned over and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Thank you baby." "You are welcome Mr. Bass-Mathers." Marshall stated, placing his arm around Lance's shoulder. // Back in Orlando -- Florida Hospital -- Justin's Room -- 1 Hour Later // "Mr. Timberlake, I am Dr. Warrenton. How are you feeling this evening?" The man asked, walking over to Justin's bed. "How do you think I feel? Fuck off man, leave me alone." Justin stated, turning away from the man. "Mr. Timberlake I am not leaving here. I have to examine you." Dr. Warrenton spoke. "I said leave me alone." Justin stated. "There's no reason to examine me. I am nothing but a cripple now." "Justin honey stop that." Lynn stated, walking over to the bed. "You are not a cripple." "What do you call a person that can't walk anymore?" Justin asked. "You call them a fucking cripple." "Justin stop this." Lynn stated. "Is now not a good time?" A guy in a wheelchair asked, entering the room. "I don't think it is JT. Maybe we should try tomorrow." Dr. Warrenton spoke. "Well I will go ahead and introduce myself while I am here." The man stated, rolling over to Lynn. "Hi, I am JT Poole. I am one of the rehabilitation trainers here at the hospital." "Hi, I'm Lynn Harless." Lynn stated, shaking JT's hand. "So I am guessing this is Mr. Timberlake?" JT asked, pointing at the person lying in the bed with their back turned. "Yes that's my stubborn son." Lynn stated. "Justin, please talk with the doctor and this gentleman." "Just go away." Justin stated, apparent that he is crying again. "I don't want to be bothered right now." "I guess we will try tomorrow." Dr. Warrenton stated, walking towards the door as Lynn and JT followed him. // Outside the Justin's Room // "If he continues to act like this, I don't think we are going to be able to help him." Dr. Warrenton spoke. "It's like he's accepted that he will never walk again and that's his new gospel." "He's given up already?" JT asked, pulling his briefcase open and sliding out a laptop. "Let me check tomorrow's schedule real quick." "What do you have in mind JT?" Dr. Warrenton asked. "I am going to get him in with Danielle say that maybe she can talk to him a bit and hopefully he will open up and let us help him." JT stated. "Who is this Danielle?" Lynn asked. "Danielle Michaels is the Hospital's psycho-therapist." Dr. Warrenton spoke. "Maybe she can get the point across that if he doesn't give up that there might be a possibility that he will walk again." "Is there really a possibility doctor?" Lynn asked. "Yes there is a big possibility. I have looked at all of his MRIs and Cat scans and I truly believe that after the nerves down his spine have healed themselves, he will be back on the road to walking again. There is no sign of permanent damage, just the trauma of the accident has caused the major problems with Justin." Dr. Warrenton explained. "Thank god." Lance stated, walking into the room with Marshall close by. "Lance you are here." Lynn stated, walking over and hugging Lance. "I am so glad you are here." "How is he taking this?" Lance asked. "He's not taking it at all. He's not talking in his right mind." Lynn stated. "He's closing us off and pushing us all away." "Is he asleep?" Lance asked. "I don't think he is." Lynn stated. "He's only going to curse at you and ask you to leave." "Well Lynn you know as well as the rest of us that you have to be rough with him to get him to behave." Lance stated. "Well don't say I didn't warn you." Lynn stated, walking to the door again. "Mrs. Harless, could I speak to you for just a moment?" JT asked, rolling over next to Lynn. "Yes, sure you can." Lynn stated. "Mrs. Harless, right now time is critical. If he ever wants to walk again, then he needs be prepared to work at it." JT stated. "If he stays in his current mindset, he will never walk again." "What are you saying?" Lynn asked. "We have to get him out of bed and get him up and ready to get back on the road to recovery." JT stated. "I know he feels this all too much to take, and that it shouldn't have happened to him, but he has to look passed all of it that and make the effort needed if he wants to walk. If he doesn't want to do that then he can get used to one of these." "A wheelchair?" Lynn asked. "Yes that's what I am saying. If he doesn't want to sit in one of these, or possibly be walking with crutches or a cane, then he needs to get up and see me downstairs soon." JT stated. "I don't think he is going to do that." Lynn stated. "Well let him know that I will be back with Danielle tomorrow morning to get him up anyway." JT stated. "You have a good evening Mrs. Harless." "You have a good evening too Mr. Poole." Lynn stated, shaking JT's hand. "Just call me JT, everyone else does." JT stated, placing his laptop back into his bag and wheeling off. ====================================== TO BE CONTINUED... Comments or Suggestions Contact Information E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768