Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 14:08:06 -0500 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - If I Ain't Got You - Chapter 8 Warnings and Disclaimers: 1) If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this. 2) If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story. 3) I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good. ====================================== If I Ain't Got You -- Chapter 8 by JT Poole // Orlando, FL -- Florida Hospital -- Monday Morning (A Week Later) -- Justin's Hospital Room // "Good morning Mr. Timberlake, I'm Steve Lambert, JT's assistant." The young man spoke, walking over to the bed. "I thought I told JT last week that I wouldn't be needing any services he offered." Justin spoke. "Well you might have told him that, but JT's a stubborn man and he doesn't give up on his patients." Steve stated. "He didn't give up, I did." Justin spoke. "I don't want to be bothered, just leave me alone." "Steve get him up out of that bed and get him into the tub." JT stated, walking into the room on crutches. "Good morning JT." Steve spoke, looking at JT strangely. "Good morning Steve." JT spoke, picking up Justin's chart and writing something down. "Get to work Steve, I want you two in that bathroom and now. Justin is already behind. He should be doing this stuff himself." "You aren't in your chair." Justin stated, looking at JT. "That's right. I am not. Today I am walking." JT stated, laying his crutches up against Justin's bed rail. "Or somewhat walking." "I am not moving." Justin spoke. "Oh you will move even if I have to help Steve get you into that bathroom myself." JT spoke, grabbing Justin's arm. "Let go of me JT." Justin stated. "Nope, we are going to get you ready for today. You are not going to sit here in this room and mope around all day like you did last week." JT stated. "Today we are going to have you leave this room." "I am not going out of this room." Justin stated, getting pissed now. "I bet you a dolla you will." JT stated as Steve lifted Justin up and carried him in the bathroom as Justin, pounded on his chest. "Stop doing that Justin before you hurt Steve." JT stated, walking into the bathroom behind the two of them. "Don't worry about me JT, he's pounding on pure muscle." Steve stated, smiling at Justin and me. "No! Put me down." Justin stated. "Put me down now!" "You heard the man Steve, put him down." JT stated, turning on the water as Steve put Justin down into the water. "What the hell! This water is cold!" Justin screamed out, trying to pull himself up out of the tub. "Help me out of here. What are you trying to do, give me a cold?" "Stop struggling Mr. Timberlake." Steve stated. "You are going to hurt yourself." "Get me out of this fucking bathtub!" Justin screamed, causing Lance, Lynn, Marshall, Joey and Chris to run into the room. "Justin! Justin are you okay?" Lynn spoke out, knocking on the door to the bathroom. "Hello Ms. Harless, this is JT, Justin is fine. We are getting him ready for his first counseling session." JT stated, cracking the door a little and sticking his head out. "He's lying, they are trying to kill me." Justin spoke out. "What's going on in there?" Lynn asked. "Steve is giving Justin a bath." JT stated, stepping out of the bathroom now, holding on to the rail on the wall. "Are you okay Mr. Poole?" Lynn asked. "Yes, why do you ask?" JT asked. "Well you are clinging to that rail like it's a life saver." Lynn spoke. "Well that's because my crutches are in there and I need them to stand up fully." JT spoke, pointing at the door. "Oh, well I will let you two get back to what you were doing." Lynn stated, turning to head back to the door. "Wait." JT stated, reaching out to Lynn. "Did you bring the clothes for Justin that I asked for?" "Yes I brought them last night while he was sleeping. I hung all of them in the closet." Lynn stated, walking over to the closet and opening the door to reveal the things that JT had requested. "Looks good. We are going to get him out and about today, so be on the look out." JT stated, still leaning on the rail of the bathroom door. "Hopefully they should be done in here now." "Well I will let you get back to things." Lynn stated, walking past JT back to the main door of the room. "I see that everything is going according to plan it seems." "So far so good, as long as we can get him down to his first therapy session with no problems." JT stated. "I am quite sure he won't be too much trouble." Lynn stated, walking out of the room. "Yeah right, Justin is a spoiled brat and doesn't know how to handle this new condition." JT said under his breath walking back into the bathroom. // Two Floors Up -- Nick's Room // "Come on honey please talk to me." Jane Carter spoke, holding Nick's hand. "Please baby, say something to me." "I don't think he's gonna talk mom." Aaron spoke, walking into the room and hugging Jane. "It's been a whole week." "I know it's been a week, but I have hope that he will speak to me." Jane stated, tears slowly falling from her eyes. "Mom, maybe you should just go back to the hotel and rest." Aaron stated. "You have been here for the last two days." "I am not leaving until he speaks to me." Jane stated, hugging Nick, which had a glassy look in his eyes. "Mom please, you need to get some rest." Aaron stated, motioning for Leslie, his sister to come over and help him. "I said no. I am not leaving here until my baby talks to me." Jane stated, pulling away from Aaron and Leslie. "Mom, you are not doing yourself any good staying here like this." Leslie finally spoke up. "Why don't you so as Aaron said and just go back to the hotel and rest." "Is there something wrong with you two?" Jane asked. "How can you ask me to leave him here like this?" "We are here mom. You need to get some rest. If his status changes, we will call you." Leslie stated. "I am not going to leave him here. He hasn't eaten anything since we found him a week ago, he hasn't spoken, he hasn't done anything. He just sits here and stares into space with that glassy look." Jane stated, crying harder again. "My poor baby. Damn Brian, damn him to hell!" "Mom calm down." Leslie stated, hugging Jane, trying to calm her down. "No, No I won't calm down. He hurt my baby. Look what he did to my baby!" Jane screamed as Hospital Security entered the room. "Is everything okay in here?" The young man asked. "We are okay, just a little upset. Everything is okay." Leslie stated. "Everything isn't okay. Look at my baby lying there, it's like he's not even here." Jane stated, pointing at Nick lying in bed. "Mom please calm down. You are going to raise your blood pressure." Leslie stated, pulling Jane out of the room with the Hospital Security following them. "I am going to take her back to the hotel, Aaron call if something changes with Nick." "Will do Sis." Aaron stated as the door closed behind them. // 1 Hour Later -- A Small Veranda on the First Floor // "Glad you could join us Mr. Timberlake." Danielle Michaels spoke as Justin came into the room with JT and Steve behind him. "Mr. Lambert I require your assistance with Mr. Carter on the fifth floor." "Sure thing Ms. Michaels." Steve spoke, turning to walk back out the door. "Oh nevermind. I tell him all the time to call me Danielle." Danielle stated, shaking her head. "Don't worry about it Dani, he still calls me Mr. Poole." JT laughed. "Today he actually called me JT, I was shocked." "Oh my, did you call the nurses in for him?" Danielle laughed. "You know that's a first for him since he's been working here." "Yeah I know. I started to call out the National Guard or something." JT laughed again. "Oh well, what's going on today?" "Well first off, we are going to introduce Justin here to some people like him and..." Danielle trailed off as Steve walked back in the room with Nick and Aaron Carter. "Nick? Aaron? What are you guys doing here?" Justin asked, looking in the direction that Danielle and JT were looking, to see Nick, Aaron and Steve standing there with a strange looking Nick. "Justin? What are you doing here? Why are you sitting in that wheelchair?" Aaron asked, walking over to Justin, causing him to drop his head down with a frown. "You guys know each other?" Danielle asked, walking over to the guys. "He's on the same record label as my brother's band." Aaron stated. "I was." Justin stated, crying again. "Justin what's wrong?" Aaron asked, walking around to face Justin, kneeling down in front of him. "Why are you sitting in this chair?" "I'm a gimp man." Justin stated. "Hey! That kind of talk is not tolerated Justin." JT stated, walking over to Justin, leaning down to look in Justin's face. "You are not a gimp." "I am a gimp!" Justin screamed, scaring Aaron and JT, causing JT to hobble back and fall on his haunches. "JT are you okay?" Steve asks, bending down to help him up. "I'm okay." JT spoke, moving closer to Justin. "Justin do you think I am a gimp?" "" Justin stuttered out. "Then why do you say you are a gimp?" JT asked, looking into Justin's eyes. "I am a cripple! I can't fucking walk! I am sitting in this chair!" Justin screamed out, crying again now. "JT pull back." Danielle stated, walking over to Justin and JT. "No Danielle, stay out of this." JT stated, turning to look at her. "Justin I sit in a chair, I can't walk, I am a cripple too. So that must means I am a gimp too." "You are not a cripple. You can walk, you don't always have to sit in a chair." Justin spoke out between his tears. "You are not like me." "That's why you are here Justin, so you don't have to be in the chair all the time. You have to work at it like I did to get out of it." JT spoke, tears in his eyes too. "JT are you okay?" Steve asked. "Yeah I am fine." JT spoke, pulling up on Steve and reaching for his crutches. "I'm sorry JT, I really am." Justin stated, still crying. "There's nothing to be sorry for Justin. You are just saying what you feel. That's what these sessions are for." JT spoke, sitting down at the table. "Am I missing something?" Aaron asked. "What happened to you Justin?" "I was in a car accident." Justin spoke, barely audible. "What?" Aaron asked. "I was in a car accident." Justin spoke louder this time. "Oh my God Justin, I am so sorry." Aaron stated. "Well you are not the first to say that." Justin stated in a sarcastic way. "I was..." Aaron spoke, as he was cut off. "Save it Aaron." Justin spoke. "Can he leave?" "I am not leaving. I am not leaving Nick here by himself." Aaron stated, hugging onto Nick. "What's wrong with him? He hasn't said anything since we've been here." Justin stated, rolling over to Nick. "Nothing, nothing is wrong with him." Aaron stated. "Get back Justin, don't touch him." "What happened to him Aaron, it's not like I am going to hurt him or anything." Justin spoke, moving closer to Nick. "No Justin, don't touch him!" Aaron screamed, jumping in front of Justin and pushing his hand away. "What's your damage man?" Justin asked. "Don't touch him Justin! Don't put your hands on him!" Aaron screamed again. "I haven't done anything wrong. I just wanted to ask him what was wrong." Justin stated, moving backwards, crying a little bit. "I wasn't going to hurt him, I just wanted to see what was wrong." "Steve, take Aaron down the hall for a few minutes." Danielle spoke. "What! I said I am not leaving!" Aaron stated. "Please Mr. Carter, just step out for a few minutes. We are about to start our session." Danielle stated, walking over to the two men. "JT are you going to stay in for this part?" "I think I will go back down to my office. Call me when you are done." JT stated, getting up on his crutches, moving towards the door. "JT don't leave me." Justin stated. "Stay, I will be good." "Are you sure Justin?" JT asked, turning around at the door. "Yeah I am sure. Don't leave. I want you to stay." Justin spoke, dropping his head down. "Okay I will stay I guess." JT spoke, heading back over to the chair he had just gotten out of. "Now that that is settled, let's get things rolling." Danielle stated, pulling out two folders from her briefcase. "So you guys know each other." "We do." Justin stated. "We use to be close friends a long while ago." "Use to be?" Danielle asked. "Yeah, it's a long story I don't want to get into." Justin stated, rolling over to the window. "Justin, maybe you can help Nick." Danielle stated. "What's wrong with him?" Justin asked. "Justin listen to me very carefully." Danielle spoke, walking over to Justin and kneeling in front of him. "Justin, Nick was raped." "What?" Justin spoke, looking over at Nick. "He was raped? Oh my God, by who?" "I am not at liberty to tell that information." Danielle spoke, getting up, walking over to Nick. "He was brought in to the hospital because he was having other problems. While he was here, someone attacked him." "That is so horrible." Justin spoke, rolling over to Nick. "How could someone hurt him, he's the nicest guy I know in our business." "Well all I can say is that since then, he's been in this trance-like state. He hasn't spoken to anyone since it happened." Danielle spoke, grabbing a folder with Nick's name on it. "So far the doctor's have tried everything with him and nothing is working." "Nick can you hear me?" Justin spoke, reaching for Nick's hand as Aaron and Steve walked back in the room. "Stop Justin, don't touch him." Aaron spoke, struggling to get away from Steve. "Mr. Carter." Danielle spoke, walking towards Steve and Aaron. "Justin isn't going to hurt him." Nick, it's Justin, Justin Timberlake." Justin spoke softly, holding Nick's hand. "Ju..Justin?" Nick spoke. "Oh my God, he spoke." Aaron stated, pulling away from Steve and walking over to where Justin and Nick were. ====================================== TO BE CONTINUED... Comments or Suggestions Contact Information E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768