Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 16:58:56 -0600 From: Lee McDougal Subject: "If You Were To Hold Me" Chapter 9 Hey guys, I'm back already. I had to have something out today! It's the Day Black and Blue was finally released. I didn't have time to edit this one very if there are mistakes please feel free to inform me. Hugs to you all! And Please if you love the Backstreet Boys as much as I do.go out And buy Black and Blue! It's excellent! I was the first person to buy the CD in my area! Backstreet Boys forever!!! Email me at And visit me at The site is now an award winning site! Go check it out. ? If You Were To Hold Me Chapter 9 Hey, you guys know's just usually I don't get to talk to you directly. If you are a new probably should probably read the stuff before here.LOL. Well, name is Brian. I guess you've probably heard of me.since I'm like the lead singer of the biggest pop group in the world. You've probably heard of Backstreet Boys right? Okay then.moving on. Well, like I was saying I usually don't get to talk to you all, but I sort of had to this time. Tony as you know is well missing.and for the story to go on.someone's got to pick up the slack. I guess you guys are biting at your fingernails for me to go on.but since I got the chance. I'd like to talk about some things. First of all, I'm really worried about Tony. I have never made a move on him or anything.but I'm pretty sure I love him. I guess I'll never know for sure how he feels to he asks. But up till now he had a boyfriend. Yeah, Blake really seemed like a good guy.but I always thought he was up to no good. Lately I noticed he was spending more and more time with my cousin Kevin.but it really shocked me that Kevin was actually sleeping with Blake! I never would have guessed Kevin would sleep around on his wife with another man. I guess sometimes even your family sneak things past you. A.J. really got him back though. He managed to get some pictures of Kevin in bed with Blake. He's basically told him if Kevin as much as looks at Blake again.he's going to send the pictures to his wife, and in the mean was making Kevin sweat bullets. Blake was really pissed off. He's even talking about resigning as the girls and Tony's manager. I hope he does personally. That'll make sure the two of them stay apart. It just wouldn't be right for them two to go on this way. But since they are all 3 missing.he can't quit yet. So for now.he's stuck with us. And suffering in his lust for Kevin. Still, as mad as I am at Kevin for hurting Anthony.I still can't help wonder if in some twisted way he might of helped me out. Now I'm just a step closer to finding love. Or at least I'd like to think so. Well, now that I've caught everyone up to speed.and did a little soul searching on my own. Let's get things started! Well, today is Tuesday.Tony was supposed to get back yesterday.and I was sure he'd call me by now. I decided it was time to start looking for him. I didn't know that much, but that he went camping in Alabama. Maybe AJ had a number for the place, but no address.and the number wasn't working. AJ did at least know the name of the Lake. So that would make things easier. The only problem is.I had no idea where the lake was. I dialed the Tony's home number hoping she knew where it was, or even better had heard from Tony. "Hello." She answered into the phone. "Hey Faye this is Brian." I stated "Oh yes, I'd know that voice anywhere. How's Tony doing?" She asked. "Urm." I really didn't know what to say, I didn't want to worry her. "Well, he's okay.when was the last you talk to him?" I asked her. "Oh he called me last Thursday. He was so happy cause he was finally getting an off day to spend with Blake." She told me. "Oh, well. I guess you didn't hear.oh well, Tony has some news to tell you when he calls you next time." I almost said gets back. "Oh, okay.I'll make sure to ask him to feel me in on the latest then. Is there anything you needed Brian?" She asked. "Yeah, do you know where Lake Cheau is?" I asked her. "Yeah sure." She gave me the directions. I now had something to go on at least. Tony had missed one concert already.and damn did I miss him. After saying good bye and a few thanks to Tony's mom Faye, I hung up the phone.and then picked it back up to dial the airport. I soon had tickets to Birmingham. I called the guys, and Howie and AJ of course said they wanted to go. So after a few more arrangements the three of us pilled into a cab for the airport. Soon I would find him.I hope. At the airport, `he' was there.Blake. As if we didn't see him enough, apparently he wanted to come too. I don't really hate him, cause it's wrong to hate's just I don't like him.a lot! "You guys, I'm going with you.if they don't get back to work, I'm going to get fired. I want to get a different band.not loose my job all together!" He complained. "You self-centered jerk.did it ever occur to you that Tony or the girls could be hurt?" I asked him. "Well, I'm sure they aren't.they are probably just being wild and spontaneous. Those girls pulled a stunt like this before. I'm just shocked that Anthony would go along with it. I used to think he was like me.more sensible." He stated. "Tony wouldn't just blow off his responsibilities.he's more mature than that. And you know if they were just playing hooky for a day, the would have called one of us." AJ corrected him. "Whatever.let's just get on the airplane!" Blake complained. Ever since he lost both of the men in his life.he's just been a ray of sunshine! I'd love to argue with him some more, and find a way to talk him out of going. But there just wasn't time. He had already go at ticket at least.and as it was.he was setting at a different end of the plane than us. Maybe we could ditch him! I could always hope. But then sad as it was.maybe Tony would want to see Blake? I guess I would have to take him along just in case. Darn conscience! I spent the rest of the ride looking over the directions I had jotted down. I had prearranged for a rental car. It would be around a 2-hour drive, the best I could figure. 2 hours in a car with Blake.well, at least he'd be in the back seat, with AJ.who I would ask to set back there to keep him in line. AJ knows what buttons to push with just about anyone. It comes in handy. Soon the plane landed and we pilled out of the plane slowly. Since we didn't have anything but a few carry-on items.we simply headed straight for the car rental place. After piling into the car, we were soon on the way.of course it was then when the thought came to was I going to find him. It was probably going to be this huge ass lake.and tons of different little cabins and stuff to stay at. It could be like finding a needle in a haystack! `Holler' was on the radio, and I must admit the Spice Girls new stuff was pretty good, not as good as Black and Blue.but nice. "Shape of My Heart" got quite a bit of airplay in Alabama. It is still kind of weird, and exciting to hear myself on the radio.even after all these years. I think the song just mostly annoyed Blake. He put on some headphones when our song started playing. I wonder what he had in his CD player.probably some old rock group. Oh well, not everyone likes pop music. Which is why I'm glad we had a variety of music on our new album. "Well, were almost at the lake guys.AJ, you wouldn't happen to know the name of the place they are staying?" I asked him. "No, if Emerald told me.I forgot. Did Ruby tell you Howie?" He asked. "She said something.think it started with an M.Moon something maybe." He stated.not with much confidence though. We soon arrived at the lake, and found an information center. We pilled out and found brochures for the local places to stay. They were all mostly in a wad.which made it much easier. We didn't find anything with Moon in the tittle, no surprise. But we did find a few places that started with M. So we decided it wouldn't hurt to start with them. We all spread out and started looking. All we could really do was go into the front desks, and ask if they were there.and we were out of luck if they used fake names. Which is indeed possible. I knew that Tony used Leonard as his disguise name, but I didn't know the girls.and I forgot to ask. But I asked for the regular names first. I went thorough that routine for a good 3 hours.eventually I wore out and started heading for the meeting point. I was hoping someone had found them. Blake and AJ didn't find anything either, but Howie did find something.but was it the clue we needed? "Well, the Moore's Cabin place has a person with Ruby's last name, but the first name was's not much, but maybe he's a relative or something, and might know where they are at." Howie stated. "Did you get his Room number?" I asked him. "No they wouldn't give it to me, but after much talking, and a slight bribe I did manage to get his phone number. And I'm thinking that most likely if we call him." Howie started. "We won't find out shit.Calling him would be a mistake." I was having another of my psychic moments. Sometimes I swear I hear someone whispering the answers to me. "What do you mean, it's the only lead we have!" Blake shouted. "Trust me Blake, we should go with what Brian says.he's good with this sort of thing." AJ defended. "And besides.he wouldn't know who we were, and he might think us crazed fans or something." Howie threw in. "Right, the best thing we can do, is to try to be sneaky. Howie and Blake, you two go get some binoculars and start peeping threw's not right, but it's okay. We have no other the mean time AJ and I will try again to get that number." I suggested. With that settled, AJ and I went to the front office of the resort. Howie didn't get anywhere.but then again maybe he didn't try to use his star appeal. AJ and I walked up to the desk, and introduced us. "Hey, my name is Brian Littrell, and this is my friend AJ McLean." I stated. "We are part of the group the Backstreet Boys." AJ lead in. "Yeah sure you are.and I'm the queen of England." Some blonde lady behind the counter replied. "Nice to meet you your majesty." AJ said kissing her hand.then she finally looked up. "'s really you! Wow! You're like my favorite! Wow!" She squealed and practically dove over the counter and took AJ into a bear hug. It's nice to be loved. Needless to say, after a little more talking.we got the room number. But we had to do some autographs and photos first. But it would have been fun if I wasn't so worried. We were hoping Howie and Blake had the spy tools by now. We needed to check out the situation. Maybe they were all there.the girls, Tony, Rodney, and this Ray guy. We managed to find Blake and Howie.Howie was nervously holding the binoculars.looking like a suspect for murder or something. "I'm glad you don't look suspicious or anything Howie." I laughed at him. "Well it's not every day I decided to start looking in strangers windows.I feel like a perv!" He complained. "Fine who wants to go with me.I know which cabin they are in." I stated. "Not me, I've had enough last house I saw some woman in her underwear.that was old enough to be my grandma. I think I'm scared." Howie joked. "I'll go." Blake volunteered. He wasn't my choice, but he'd do. "Okay, you guys hang out at that the hotel diner. And we'll come back as soon as we find something out." I told them. Operation spy: We were not professionals by any means.but we did manage to find a secluded area, close enough to the cabin to see in one wasn't a very good view mind you. All we could do was see part of the kitchen. No one seemed to be stirring in the kitchen.but eventually someone had to come through. Blake and I were taking turns looking.we had actually climbed a tree.I felt like I was 3 or something.but I thought this would be safer for Tony.I just feel he's in danger.and the more we know the better. About an hour later, and several backaches.Rodney came out into the kitchen. I think it was he anyway. It could have been the Ray guy for all I know. I just didn't have a very good view. But what I did see scared me. He had a gun in his hand. That would make things more complicated. I had enough information. It was time for action.what kind? Well, Blake and I had to sneak into that cabin somehow. We couldn't risk having all four go in, and I didn't want to wait any longer than needed. At this point it had gotten dark already, so we ventured forward, and when we got close enough to be noticed, we got really low, practically crawling. We got close enough to the cabin that we could hear him talking. He was using the phone apparently. "Yeah, and if you don't pay me a Million dollars the girls and the pretty boy disappear forever. If you know what I mean!" He bellowed. How was it that he thought a starting record company could afford that? He must have known about how wealthy Edwin is. This really sucks. The girls really loved him. `Blake.we have got to get in there now. There's no time to waste. He's going to kill Tony' I told him. `Are you sure? Maybe if Edwin just pays the money." He suggested. `No he'll kill him anyway. I know it's dangerous, but I have to. You can stay out here if you want.' I told him. `No way I'm coming too.' He concluded. For once I was glad Blake was tagging along. This was going to be hairy, and all the help I can get will certainly be needed. We crept slowly to the door; of course it was locked. Luckily I knew how to use the power of a credit card.never leave home without one. After getting the door open. We moved in. I was only hoping Rodney or Ray or whoever he was.was still in the kitchen. We crept into the living room.where I was able to see the bedroom and the kitchen. Rodney was looking away from us, so I took the chance to look in the bedroom as well.there was Tony and Ruby. My heart nearly stopped. I wanted to rush to Tony then.but I knew I had to make sure that man wouldn't get us all. I motioned Blake to follow me.and we crept into the kitchen. I didn't have anything to fight with, so I simply got behind Rodney, and hit him in the back of the head with all the strength I had. I did somehow manage to surprise him.but the blow didn't much more than stun him. He quickly grabbed at me and we were both in the floor. I noticed that he was trying to draw his I grabbed for it as well.I managed to get it, but he hit it out of my hand. It was on the other end of the kitchen now.and Blake couldn't possibly get past us to get it. I had to just out power him, but I didn't see how that would be possible. I managed to roll on top of him, and started punching him in the face. It didn't seem to be very effective. I'm strong, but this guy made two of me. He simply threw me off, and got up to head towards his gun. I wasn't sure if I believed in miracles.but one happened next. Some how, Blake managed to get to the gun before Rodney did. He pointed the gun towards him. "You just fucked up boy, now your die!" He ran towards Blake. Next I heard the gun go off.and saw Rodney hit the floor. After he didn't move for a few minutes.I got up and checked his pulse.he was dead. It looked like Blake had shot him in the heart. I picked up the phone, and dialed the police. I told them where to come to pick up his body and whatever else might be needed. After that, I ran into the bedroom. I untied Tony, and Blake untied Ruby. We couldn't find Emerald anywhere.I was terrified. What if he. No she was alive, I just knew it! We would just have to find her. Maybe Ruby knew something. Tony, wasn't coming too.his heart was beating, but his breathing was slow.he seemed to be drugged out.I was so glad to have him back. After, talking to him.and washing his face with a cold wash cloth, Tony started to wake. This was it.would he ask for Blake.I shouldn't be selfish at a time like this. But the thought of loosing him again.was almost as scary as fighting Rodney. I called the guys on their cell phone, and told them to come over right away, and that Blake had shot Rodney. They were in shock, but they arrived soon enough. When Tony came to ".Brian is that really you?" He asked me. "Yes dear, I'm here.are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine now.I knew you would save me." He had a tight grip on my hand.and it felt nice. I fought the urge to lay down with him. "Actually Blake." I started to tell about how Blake had managed to stop Rodney, but Brian interrupted me. "Tony your right, Brian saved you. He figured out where the lake was, and he managed to get the room number of your cabin.and got us in here. He's a very smart and talented person." Blake stated.what was this all about? "Sorry I've been such a jerk to you both lately.I'm not going to do it anymore. I just want you guys to be happy." He gave us his blessing. Tony soon pulled me down to him, and kissed me softly on the lips. I held him till the medics arrived.. Would Anthony and I live happily ever after? Only time would tell, but.for now we were very happy.just to be together again. No words were needed to express the love we both felt at that exact moment. Later on at the hospital: "Well, Tony's going to be fine guys.He just needs some rest, in a couple of days he'll be as good as new. And I'll help him all the way." I told the guys. Kevin and Nick had flew down when the heard all the excitement. I suppose Howie or AJ called them. Kevin apologized to me yet again.saying that if he wouldn't have slept with Blake.Tony would have never went on that trip. That's probably true, but he wasn't to blame.just Rodney. And he was paying the price for his mistake. Ruby wasn't as bad as Tony, she was pretty much okay to talk and everything.she needed her rest too, but we did get some information from her. "All I really know is.after he tied me and Tony up, he took Emerald and said they were going to see Mama. I was so scared.I just don't know where they could be though." We called Rose, and she was actually at home. She hadn't heard from her.and she was frantic when she found out what had happened. She told us that Ray was actually Rodney's twin brother.and that had always hated each other. She was terrified that he might have killed Emerald. But if he said `mama' he might have meant his mother. So we asked if he knew where the girl's Grandmother lived. She told us where to look. She lived in a small house in Atlanta. I didn't go along, but AJ and Kevin.with a few policemen went to the house. They found them. They were pretty much in the same situation. Emerald was tied and drugged. Emerald's Grandma didn't want to keep her like that.but she was so afraid of her son. She knew he would kill her, if she didn't do what he said. She just prayed that someone would save them all.and they were saved thank God. Myself, I spent the evening with Tony. He was still in and out of sleep, but he was getting better. When he was awake, he insisted on kissing me, and just being terribly sweet.I tried to get him to save his energy, but he's just so lovable! It was great; things always seem to get there worst.before the sun starts to shine brighter than ever. And I was sure that the sun would shine for us all once again. The girls and Tony were safe again.and come hell or high water we were going to keep them safe. To Be Continued.