Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 20:11:51 -0800 (PST) From: Sarah Gauthier Subject: In Search of Love: Chapter 1 All right, this is my first time posting anything on this site. This is actually also my first slash fic, so don't expect too much out of me right from the beginning. This is an 'N Sync story, and pairings are Justin/JC, Justin/Lance. I always get mad because people never let you know who it involves before you read it. Disclaimer: I don't know them or their sexual preferences, nor do I know anything else about their personal lives. This story is purely fictional, and not meant to offend anyone. If you're not old enough to read this sort of material or you don't like slash, then please don't read it. In Search of Love: Chapter 1 by: Sarah "So, you'll call as soon as you get to the hotel?" "Yes, Justin. The very second I get there. Is something wrong?" Britney Spear's face was clouded with worry. Something was up with Justin, but she couldn't place her finger on it. He had seemed more sad, more concerned, and more distant. Maybe it was her imagination. It was almost like his heart was trying to push her away, while his body was only bringing her forward. As of late, his concern and love for her had seemed feigned. Could that be possible? Could he really just not love her anymore? "No, I'm fine. A little worn out and all, but I'll be ok." 'What is up with her. She's been asking how I'm feeling a lot lately.' "Are you sure? There's nothing you want to tell me before I go?" Justin felt a rush of panic shoot throughout his entire body. Could it be possible that she knew. No, it wasn't. She couldn't know. 'Neither of them told anyone,' Justin thought. 'They wouldn't.' "I'm positive, Brit. Don't worry about me." She studied his face for an answer, a clue, anything. He did his best to make his face appear unreadable, but it didn't work. His eyes gave him away. The unusual, mysterious glow in them sent Britney a definite message. He didn't love her, and something more than that was bothering him, eating at his soul, causing him to push her away and pull her close at the same time. What the actual secret was, remained concealed though, leaving Britney now more confused than ever. "You better get going. Don't wanna miss your flight," he said to her gently, not wanting to seem like he was pushing her out the door or anything. "Yeah, you're probably right." She stepped a little closer to him, stood on her tip toes, and put her arms around his neck tightly. His arms gently wrapped around her midsection, holding her close. "Good bye," she whispered softly into his ear. He slowly moved her face so that it was in front of his, and kissed her lips tenderly. "Bye, I love you." He said the words, but she knew that he didn't really mean them. "Love you, too." With that said, she stooped over to pick up her bag. She slung it over her shoulder, and turned toward Justin again. He offered her a small smile, which she faintly returned. Then, Britney was walking away, out the door of his home, and getting into a cab where her bodyguard was waiting for her. She was going to New York for awhile to work on her new album. She really would have preferred to stay and record in Orlando, that way she could be near Justin. But her manager relentlessly persuaded her to do it at the studio in New York. As Justin watched her leave, his thoughts were less than happy. 'How long can I really keep this up? How long will it be before she figures it out?' Little did he know how soon it would be. 'I do love her, I really do. Just not the way that she wants me to.' End of chapter 1 Ok, remember that this is my first slash. I know that this part didn't really tell you very much, but I promise you that it will get better. The second part is already written, and remember that feedback is always appreciated. Questions, comments, ideas? Feedback inspires me to write, and that means more parts in a shorter time period. (Hint, hint.) ~Sarah