Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 00:34:56 EST From: Steven F. Subject: JC's new life 2 Sorry it's taken me so long to post this. The past few months have been hectic to say the least. Hope you enjoy it. Ch. 3 is on the way. E-mail me at Hope you like this Jon!!! "I know everything will work out." replied Steven. "I hope so, we'll see in a few hours. Let's go fix dinner" "Ok, what do you want?" "Lasagna sounds really good, with some chocolate cream pie for dessert. Was Justin going to spend the night?" "I don't know. I'll go to the store. Want to come?" I thought I'd get the spare room ready in case Justin wanted to spend the night." "You never got it ready for me." J.C. said with disappointment in his eyes. "I liked torturing you. Plus I didn't have any notice you were staying with me." "Good save." "I thought so." Steven said while giving J.C. a kiss on the cheek "Sure you don't want to go?" "I need to stay and get ready. Are you afraid of losing me or something?" "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I just want you to be happy." "I'm happy as long as I'm with you. I do miss singing though, but you're the most important thing in my life right now." "I thought I was crazy for you before I met you, now I can't imagine life without you." "Awwww. I love you too. I better go to the store." "Yep, otherwise we won't be eating anything." * * * * * An hour after J.C. got back from the store, the doorbell rang. "Justin already?" said J.C. "Aren't you glad I stayed to get everything ready?" Steven said matter of factly "Yes, but I still missed you." "Same here. You ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." Putting his arm around Steven as they walked to the door. When they opened the door, Steven couldn't believe how much better Justin looked in real life. "Hey J.C. Hey Steven." said Justin "Hey." They said in unison as J.C. hugged him. "You look great. How are the rest of the guys?" "They're good, they said to tell you hey." "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Want something to drink?" said Steven "Sure, a coke would be great." "I heard about you buying the store." Justin said when Steven left the room. "Yeah, I wanted to do something nice for Steven, since he was so nice for me. Plus I needed a way to support us." "At least you're happy." "What is that supposed to mean?" "When you left, I realized what I lost. I don't think I've ever been so depressed." "You guys are the ones that did it. I just thought being honest would be better." "I know, and even though you're happy I wish I could change it to the way it was. I miss seeing you everyday, us goofing off after concerts and just being with you. I mean..." ring...ring..."Hello." said J.C. "Hey J.C. It's Adam. Is Steven around?" "Yeah, hold on a sec." "Hey baby, it's Adam." "Ok, be right there." "Who's Adam?" asked Justin as J.C. hung up the phone. "One of our managers." "I see" * * * * * * "What's up Adam?" "You someone named Jon you went to school with?" "Yeah, I haven't talked to him in ages. What does he need?" "He said he wanted to talk to you, he sounds really upset. I wanted to call and make sure it was cool." "Yeah, thanks. Put him on." "Hey Steven." "Hey Jon. Long time no see. What's up?" "Besides flirting with your servers, losing my wife and job, nothing much." "Want to talk about it?" "Yes, want some company?" "I already have some, but you can come over if you want. Get directions from Adam." "Ok, see you in a little while." Things looked tense when Steven walked in "Everything ok? Asked J.C. "Yeah, one of my old friends is coming over. He needs someone to talk to." "Cool. You guys mind waiting until Jon gets here to eat??" "Sure." "You put the sauce in Steven?" J.C. said while getting up. "I knew I forgot something, you were supposed to remind me. I'll get it." "I'll help you." They went in the kitchen and immediately embraced. "So you ok?" asked Steven "I'm better now. He was trying to tell me something when Adam called. He never finished though." "You also left the room before he had a chance." "I know.I just...I don't know what I'm trying to say." "I do. You don't want him to say anything to hurt you, especially after everything else he's done." J.C.'s mouth dropped. "Pretty good, anything else?" "You're glad Jon's coming over so it won't seem so awkward." J.C. smiled "I'm glad I don't keep secrets from you." "Me too, otherwise, you'd be in trouble." Steven kissed J.C. on the cheek as the doorbell rang. When they got to the living room, Justin had already let Jon in. "I see you two have met. Jon, this is J.C." "How's it going?" J.C. said extending his hand. "Pretty good. Thanks." "You're just in time for dinner." said Steven "Cool, it smells great." "If you two want to have a seat JC & I will get everything on the table." When the kitchen door closed J.C. looked at Steven. "We both have someone that needs to talk. How are we going to do this?" "I guess after dinner we can split up." "I feel like a psychologist Dr. Chasez-Hunter." "Me too, Dr. Hunter-Chasez" J.C. said as they got plates and went into the dining room." Dinner was really nice. Steven noticed that J.C. & Justin were acting somewhat normal, while Jon & Justin kept glancing at each other. After they cleaned up Steven asked Jon if he wanted to take a walk. Jon nodded. "Thanks for letting me come over I appreciate it." "It's cool. I'm glad I could help, so what's wrong?" "Well, I lost my wife & job in a span of six months because I wasn't happy. I felt like something was missing. I mean...I loved both my wife and job, but I went into a depression because I wasn't happy with my life. I lost interest in both things. I did my best to save it, but how do you save something you don't know if you want to save?" "I don't know. Did you find out what was missing?" "Yes, me and my wife were close but we weren't friends. I needed someone who I could talk to, hang out with, and be happy." "Like we used to do?" "Yeah, and I think I found that person." "Who?" "Justin." "Timberlake? Well, no offense Jon but you don't know him." "I know, but I want to get to know him." "He's going back on tour next week, it's harder to be a friend that way. I know you're lonely, but Justin is going through a lot right now, with J.C. leaving and everything. He probably needs a friend as much as you do. Just don't get too wrapped up in him." "I hope we can be friends. He seems like a really great guy." "He is, but he has his faults too. I just don't want you to get hurt." "Don't we all, I wonder if they're done." "I don't know, are we?" "Yeah, let's go find out." "You got it." * * * * * * "So what were you saying?" asked J.C. "You and Steven seem really happy together." "We are, he makes running a restaurant fun." "That's good." After a few minutes of silence, Justin said "J.C. I miss you" "Huh?" "I miss seeing you, talking to you, and hanging out together." "I miss that too Justin, but you guys are why I'm not with you anymore." "I know, this may sound selfish, but I want to go back in time so I don't lose my best friend." "We can still talk, but I don't ever know if it'll be the same. Losing my four best friends just because I'm gay was really hard." "Hopefully someday we can talk without so much tension." "Maybe." J.C. said just looking at him. The door opened and Steven & Jon walked in. "We're Baaack." said Steven "Lock the doors," joked J.C. "It's really hot out there. I feel like a jump in the pool." said Steven "Sounds like fun, but I don't have a suit." "Before Steven could say anything, Justin blurted, "I may have an extra one in my car. We can go check." "Ok, thanks," said Jon as he smiled at Steven. After they left, J.C. & Steven looked at each other and in unison said, "how'd it go?" They smiled and said well. "Justin feels really bad. I think he's upset that I have someone and he doesn't." "Jon seems to like him so I'm trying to get them to talk so neither one will be uncomfortable." "That's a good idea. Is Jon gay?" "Don't know, Justin?" "I don't know either, but I think they'd make a cute couple." "Not as cute as us." "Of coarse not. Let's get to the pool." "Not so fast Mr. I haven't had a kiss in 3 hours, 17 minutes and" looking at his watch "35 seconds." "Well, I hope I can make it up to you." "Just try me." Steven said as he pulled his arms around J.C.'s waist and their lips touched. After a few minutes they heard Justin yelling for them. "Guess we better go, but this is NOT over." said Steven "Yes sir." as J.C. gave Steven another quick kiss on the lips. When they got to the pool, Justin & Jon were already splashing each other. Steven couldn't help but admire their tan muscular bodies. J.C. looked at Steven and pushed him in, Steven grabbed J.C.'s arm pulling him in with him. They were soon splashing and wrestling each other. After an hour, J.C. said he was going to get them some drinks, Steven offered to help him so Jon & Justin could have some time alone. When they left, Jon said, "they seem to be really happy." "Yeah, I'm glad J.C. found someone like Steven, they're perfect for each other." "I know the feeling, it's been a long time since I had someone like that." "Me too, being in the group doesn't give me time for a relationship." "If the right person came along would you?" "Of coarse. If that person likes me as much as I like them." "I'm sure there is, you're just not looking in the right place." "Oh really?" "Yeah, we'll find you someone." "Ok, I'll be waiting." "Hey Justin?" said Steven as he walked outside "Yeah?" "J.C. needs your help with something." "Ok" as he got out of the pool "Be back in a few. Bye Jon." "Bye" Justin said with a smile "Steven, I know what I've been missing." "What?" "A guy!" "Huh?" "I think I'm crazy about Justin." "I know, JC's talking to him about you." "Does he think there's something there?" "He doesn't know. That's still a sore subject." "Really?" "Yeah, no offense but he's doing this for you, not Justin. Since him & the others made him so uncomfortable." "True, I can see why he's uncomfortable. I owe him for this." "He can also see how much you like Justin." * * * * * * "So what's up?" asked Justin as he walked in the kitchen. "Nothing much, we just haven't had a chance to talk so I thought we could catch up." "Cool" "How are the guys?" "Good, it's not the same without you though. We miss you." "I miss you guys too, but I'm really happy now." "I can tell. Jon seems cool too." "Yeah, Steven said he's having some problems. We decided to have him spend a few days with us to get his mind off everything." "That's good. Does he have a girlfri "I don't know, neither Steven or Jon has said anything." "He deserves someone sweet & caring." "Like you?" Justin blushed "Justin, I see that look in your eyes." "I've done a lot of thinking since you left. All the girls like me because of *N Sync, but guys are a different story." "So you like guys because most girls like you because you're Justin Timberlake?" "No, it's hard to explain. I guess, I'm just a little scared." "Don't be, if it's supposed to happen it'll happen...with anyone. I'm just hurt that you kicked me out because I'm gay, and now I find out you're gay. Do the others know?" "No, I don't want to go through the same thing you did." "You mean losing the best thing that has happened to you? You know how egoistical that sounds? I shouldn't even talk to you, but I know how hard this can be so I'll still be here for you." "I know and I appreciate it, you're the best J.C." "Just so you know, the only reason I got through it was because I met a really sweet & caring guy." "Hopefully, someday I'll find one. You gonna give me the details?" Justin said with a smile. "I was crying at the mall and Steven came up and talked to me and tried to help me through everything." "That's sweet." "Yeah, wanna see what our men are up to?" "He's not my man yet?" "We'll work on that, but I think you both like each other already." "Did Steven know who you were when you met?" "Yeah, but I don't think that was why he was being nice. I mean he's said he liked me, but I think he would've done that for anyone. I call him the Internet Counselor, because someone is always going to him about problems and he tries to help them." "How many people have we met like that?" "Very few." "Thanks man" as Justin got up and gave J.C. a hug "Anytime Curly, come on." When they walked in, Steven looked at them and said "bout time" "Sorry, but we had important matters to discuss." J.C. said with a wink. "I bet." said Steven smiling "So, you gonna stay here Justin?" "I can, I don't want to impose or anything." "Sure, there are twin beds in the spare room. You & Jon can sleep in there." "You didn't have the beds the last time." Jon remarked. "After J.C. moved in we decided to remodel." "Jon & I cleaned up everything while you to were talking." said Steven J.C. put his arms around Steven's waist and put his on Steven's shoulder "Well, Justin we need to do that more." Justin laughed and said, "If you guys don't mind, I'm going to sleep." "Ok, yell if you need anything." said Steven "Ok, thanks." "I think I'll be right behind him." said J.C., kissed Steven and then left. "Good night baby. Night Jon" "Night J.C." "Night sweetie, I'll be there in a little while." "You gonna be ok Jon?" "Yeah, I'm going to sleep too, maybe talk to Justin a little while." "That'll be good." "Night Steven. Thanks for everything." "You're welcome, everything will work out." "I hope so."