Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 22:44:47 -0400 From: Maxwell Princeton Subject: M/M Celebrity Boy Bands: Justins Dancer 39 The following story is complete fiction. I do not Know Wade Robson, Justin Timberlake, or any part of Nsync. The sexuality of the band Members portrayed may not be accurate. If you are under 18, do not read this. And hey don't copy it either... on with the story... Justin's Dancer Corey's lips pressed against Tony's. For Tony, this was complete bliss. The one thing in the world he wanted he had finally gotten. But after a couple seconds, Tony pulled away. "Corey no." Tony said and stood up. Corey opened his eyes and looked up at Tony. "Wait What? What did I do wrong?" Corey asked confused. "You didn't do anything wrong. In fact it was perfect." Tony said, and sighed. "Well then what? Don't you want me?" Corey asked, dumbfounded. "Yes Corey I do. But we can't be together. Corey I know you love Justin. I can see it in the way you look at him. He gives you the same look. You two need to be together." Tony said as he crossed his arms. "Fuck Justin, Tony. I'm obviously not good enough for him..." Corey said as he drifted off. "Corey yes you are. I'm sure he just needs some time to realize how empty his life is without you." Tony said. Corey looked up at Tony. He stood up and pulled Tony into a hug. "You have so much self control. If I were in your position I'd be like landing the deal if you get what I mean." Corey said as he let go of Tony. Corey smiled at Tony. "Now come on. We have a date to go on." Tony said. After an hour of preparation, Corey and Tony were ready to go out. They walked into the lobby of the hotel where Justin and Wade were sitting in conversation. When Justin saw them, he looked up. Corey smiled at him but Justin pretended not to see. Corey turned away from him, frustrated. Wade stood up and smiled to Tony and Corey. "Hey couple. Are you guys ready for a great dinner?" Wade asked, excited. "Ecstatic." Corey said rolling his eyes. Tony saw this and tried to cover. He grabbed Corey's arm and smiled at Wade. "We're just really happy we can be on a double date with you two." Tony said, fakesmiling. The four of them walked out to a rented car. It was the same one that Justin and Corey used before. Justin didn't say anything as everyone piled into the car. Corey sat behind Justin. During the drive, Justin would glance into the mirror as he drove. Corey and him would make eye contact but then Justin would turn to the road. Once they arrived at the restaurant, Corey sat next to Tony and across from Justin. There was small talk amongst the four. However, Justin and Corey never spoke. Finally Corey excused himself to the bathroom. He opened the door and it was completely empty. Corey stared at himself in the mirror. The door opened up and Justin walked in. "Corey. I know I haven't really been talking to you all night. But there's a reason." Justin said. "There had better be a good one." Corey said still looking in the mirror. "I don't want to fall in love with you again." Justin said. Corey's mouth dropped. "I'm engaged to Wade. I don't want to break his heart...again." "Well shouldn't it be about what you want?" Corey asked, finally turning to him. "Yes." "Well what do you want?" Corey asked. "Justin I need to know if my waiting around is pointless." "Corey. I want you. I can't stop thinking about you. But I can't do that to Wade again." Justin said, "So you're going to screw me over? Thanks Justin." Corey said and walked towards the door. "Corey I'll always love you but I'm in a situation right now..." Justin said just as Wade opened the door. Corey spun around and saw Wade with his jaw dropped. "OUR ENGAGEMENT IS A FUCKING SITUATION??!?!?" Wade yelled. "Wade honey that's not what I mean." Justin said to him. He started to walk over to Wade but Wade put his hand out to stop Justin. Wade pulled off his ring and threw it at Justin. Wade stormed out of the bathroom. "Well that's twice you've gotten a ring thrown at you." Corey said and started laughing. "So does that mean we can give it a go now?" "I guess." Justin said, a little dumbstruck. "Okay but nothing serious yet. I don't feel like throwing any rings." Corey said and smiled. He kissed Justin on the cheek and walked out of the bathroom. Hey hey hey. Sorry its short & I haven't written in 2 days but I worked so much :o( anyways keep the emails coming :o) I might stop my story soon cuz I have like 3 readers lol its great anyways hi to Darwen, Tyrone (even though he hates me), Danny <33, Thomas <33, Ken, & Chris my Europe friend. TTY & sorry I skipped #37 I 4get where im at sometimes MAX & IM urbancowboi22