Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 12:33:36 PDT From: CS L Subject: Kevin and Chris 39-41 Kevin & Chris: Chapters 39-41 Usual disclaimers apply. Author's note is way down at the bottom. Chapter 39 "Do I have to go today?" Chris whined between sneezes and sniffles. "Let me call and ask baby. Dolly's gonna understand." Kevin sighed, and handed Chris the box of tissues. Kevin picked up the phone and called Dolly. Chris glanced outside. It was raining, the first rain for a while. It was gloomy and beautiful at the same time. Chris grabbed another tissue and blew his nose. It was already sore; in fact his whole body seemed sore. Chris lay back down in the bed, letting out a sigh. Nobody liked to be sick. Kevin hung up the phone and crawled back into bed with Chris, kissing him lightly on the neck. "Kev, what did she say?" Chris asked, and letting out another sneeze. "She said it was okay to skip a day." Kevin said. Chris smiled and settled into the bed a little more. "She also said that you shouldn't stop when you're almost there." Chris drew the covers up higher, trying to get comfortable. "I'm going to get you some medicine downstairs, I'll be right back." Kevin said softy before giving Chris a small kiss on the forehead. Chris watched as Kevin walked out of the bedroom in his boxers, and then turned his attention to the ceiling. He couldn't breathe, could barely hear, and his whole body hurt so bad, even his hair hurt. He sighed, and pulled his legs up to his chest as best as he could. At least the therapy was going along well. He was passing hurdle after hurdle with flying colors. Everything was going okay, until he had to go and get sick. Well, at least Kevin was here with him. Kevin walked into the bedroom, a glass of milk in one hand and a bottle of medicine in the other. "Sorry baby, but all I had was this nasty stuff." He said, making a face. Chris watched as Kevin poured the purple medicine into a little cup. Kevin handed it to Chris and wrinkling his face, Chris gulped it down as fast as he could. Chris drank the milk down gratefully, trying to get rid of taste of the medicine. Kevin ran his hand over Chris' back, trying to comfort him. The phone rang, and Kevin reached over to pick it up. Kev glanced over at Chris, and covered up the phone with his hand. About to say something Kevin stopped himself, Chris was asleep again. He smiled and took the phone into the other room. *** Chris woke up, and glanced around the room, there was no sign of Kevin, but he could hear the hum of the TV downstairs. He reached over for a tissue, but the box was empty. Chris rolled his eyes. Being sick sucked like nothing else. Back when he was at school, sure it was the best thing in the world, but now, it was just a pain in the ass. Right now, everything seemed to be a pain in the ass. Especially him. He was nothing but a burden to anybody around him. He wanted to get better, and do it fast. He knew that Kevin kept the extra tissue in a cabinet downstairs, but Kevin wasn't here right now, and he wasn't in any position to get them himself. He groaned at his predicament. 'Why me?' he asked himself. He didn't want to be some little helpless Scarlet O'Hara waiting for her Rhett to come and save her, but he really didn't have a choice. "KEV!" He shouted as loud as he could. It sounded pretty loud to him, since his ears were clogged up, and it was loud enough to have Zen come running up the stairs. "Hey boy." Chris smiled, temporarily forgetting about everything as the little puppy jumped up onto the bed. Chris ran his hand over the smooth fur, and called again. "KEV!" To his surprise, he heard someone coming up the stairs. "WHAT?!" Brian said, a fake frustrated look on his face. Chris rubbed his eyes a little. The medicine wasn't that strong, was it? "Kev?" He asked quietly. "He's in the studio, Chris, do you need something? I heard you holler." Brian smiled, his face returned to its normal passive expression. "You know soap operas are so addictive, I don't know why I never started watching them." "Yeah that's great Bri, could you get me some tissues?" Chris said, holding up the empty box. Brian grabbed it. "Downstairs, right?" Chris nodded. "I'll bring you some juice too, it's on the list." He said, holding up a small piece of paper. Chris grabbed it before Brian stared downstairs. Chris looked it over; it was definitely Kevin's chicken scratch. 'Lots of liquids, OJ in the fridge, milk's there too. Keep the dog out of the room. Make sure he gets plenty of sleep. Be back in a few hours. Thanks Bri –Kevin.' 'Sometimes Kevin worries way too much.' Chris thought. Brian was helping though. Chris heard Brian coming upstairs, and saw him come into the room with a big glass of orange juice and a new box of tissues. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two pills. "Time for dose number two." Brian said, setting down the tissues on the bed. Chris took the pills and took them, looking up at Brian. Brian was watching him closely, kind of studying him, and he looked away. He finished the whole glass of juice along with the pills, and gave the glass back to Brian. "Thanks." Chris said, settling back onto the bed. "No problem." Brian said. "If you need anything, just holler again. Come on Z." He said, and the dog hopped off of the bed, following him out of the room. "How's Holly?" Chris hollered. "I'll tell you later." Brian hollered back. "Go to bed!" *** "Thanks Bri." Kevin said, patting his cousin on the back as he walked out. "It was nothing, see you later Kev." Brian said. Kevin watched him as he walked to his Jeep. He closed the door behind him as Brian started his engine. He took his jacket off and threw it on the couch. He leaped up the stairs, and almost ran into the bedroom. He looked inside, and saw Chris on the bed, curled up as best as he could under the thick comforter. Kevin ran his fingers through his hair, happy to be home, and happy to be with Chris. He kicked his shoes off, and took off his pants. He walked over to the bed, in his boxers and a wife-beater, and crawled in next to Chris. He started to softly kiss the back of Chris' neck. Kevin heard a faint "Mmmmm..." come from Chris. "Where were you?" Chris asked softly. Kevin smiled and Chris turn over so that they could face each other. Kevin leaned in for a kiss, and could see Chris' hesitation. Kevin stopped, and to his surprise, Chris leaned forward and met Kevin's lips with his own. Kevin gladly accepted, and parted Chris' lips with his tongue. Feeling Chris' tongue wrap around his own, Kevin leaned forward a little more, pulling himself closer to Chris. Chris pulled away from the kiss, he didn't want to do anything to lead Kevin on, he was extremely tired. Kevin stopped, and getting the clue that Chris had dropped, he laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He felt Chris come over, placing his head on Kevin's chest and sighing contentedly. "I missed you Kev." Chris said. Kevin smiled, and placed a soft kiss on Chris' forehead. "I was at the studio baby. There were some problems, and we had to redo some stuff." Kevin said, pulling Chris into a hug. "I don't want to tell you this, but I'm going to have to go back every day this week." Kevin felt Chris' body respond to the news. "Sorry babe." Kevin said, trying to comfort Chris. "So Brian's going to baby-sit me all week long?" "I don't know yet." Kevin sighed. "I'm really sorry." "It's okay Kev. It's not your fault." Chris said as he scooted closer to Kevin, his hands running over Kevin's tight stomach through the thin fabric of the wife-beater that Kev was wearing. Chris' lips found Kevin's neck and started to suckle and nip at the sensitive skin. Kevin groaned, "Baby, you need to get you're rest, I want you getting better." Chris sensed the seriousness of Kevin's words even through the haze of the pleasure that Kevin was feeling and stopped his teasing. He relaxed a little, finding a comfortable spot on Kevin's chest. Sleep came fast because of the medicine, and soon after, Kevin was also sleeping, his arms wrapped around Chris. *** Kevin stood in the studio, singing his part, but his mind was wandering from the task on hand. He'd sung this song a million times already, but he couldn't help but think about Chris at home. Kevin finished the verse, and looked up at the mirror. Brian looked tired, and Kevin could tell that Brian wasn't happy with his performance. "You wanna try it again, Kev?" Brian said through the loudspeaker. Kevin sighed, and then nodded. After a few more tries, he finally got it right, and headed home. Brian was coming along too, Brian was going to meet Holly back at the house and all four were going to go out to dinner together. Holly was already back at the house, she was on vacation, and was staying for the week. Kevin had wanted to take Chris to Disney World, but the studio and his flu had put an end to those plans. Kevin had also hoped that Chris would be up and walking by now, but that too, had yet to happen. Chris could move his legs around though, and any progress was good. Pulling into the driveway, Kevin was glad to be home, the days in the studio were monotonous and tedious, and he wasn't in the mood to do anything when he knew Chris wasn't feeling well. Brian walked inside, he couldn't wait to see Holly again after so long. Kevin walked slowly to the mailbox to find bills and a letter from Chris' mom. She was finally back from her trip to Asia. Kevin walked a little quicker into the house, and was greeted by Zen, happy to see his master. Kevin picked him up, and ran upstairs. He saw Chris on the bed, asleep. Kevin put his jacket a chair, and stepped over to the bed. Kevin took the pen out of Chris' hand, and put the lid back on it. There was a book on the bed too, and Kevin picked it up. He'd never seen it before. The cover was black leather, and it seemed to be a journal of some sort. Kevin knew it was Chris' handwriting, and when he looked closer, he realized that it wasn't in English. Chris had written every entry in French. Kevin flipped through the pages, and page after page was in French, he couldn't understand a word. Near the last entry, the words made sense to Kevin. Chris had gotten lazy, and started to write everything in English. '...Dolly said that it'd be any day now that I'd be able to walk. I don't like having Kevin doing everything for me, and I'm trying as hard as I can to walk again, so Kevin and me can get back to what we were before all this happened. Who'd want to go out with someone like me? I know that he wants me to walk even more than I do. I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at me. I have to be strong for him, he says that all the time. I want to see the look on his face when I finally get out of that wheelchair and walk into his arms. I've never loved someone like I love him...' Flipping over more pages, Kevin stopped reading. This was none of his business. Kevin put it back, and walked outside. He closed the door and knocked on it a few times before walking in. He saw Chris putting the journal under his pillow before he walked completely into the room. "Sleep ok?" Kevin asked. "Yeah." Chris smiled. Kevin sat down on the bed, and wrapped his arms around Chris. "We're going out to dinner tonight." "What were you doing today?" Kevin asked. "Watched a little TV, talked with Holly a little, then Dolly came over and we did our stuff. Then I fell asleep." Chris said. "Not a very exciting day compared to yours." "Trust me, the studio was anything but exciting." Kevin sighed, leaning back a little onto the bed. "Come on, you have to get ready, we're going to leave soon." Kevin said. *** "That went well, didn't it?" Chris said sarcastically as Kevin wheeled him into the house. "I'm sure that they'll have a better time without us to tie them down anyway." Kevin said, rubbing Chris' shoulder. "Do we really tie them down?" Chris asked. "I think so..." Kevin said. "It's okay though, I like being at home with you anyway." Kevin carried Chris up the stairs, Zen close behind the two. "Maybe some other day, when you feel better, we can go out with them." "Sounds good." Chris said, laying his head on Kevin's shoulder. "Well, it's early, but I think that you should get to bed." Kevin said softly, putting Chris on the counter in the bathroom. Chris started to brush his teeth as Kevin went out and got him some pajama pants. "Are you coming too?" Chris asked. "In a minute. I have some things to do first." Kevin said. He pulled off Chris' shirt and pants. Chris finished brushing before Kevin helped him put his pants on. Chris wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck before kissing Kevin's forehead. "I love you." Chris whispered. Kevin smiled and put Chris down on the bed. "I love you too baby." Kevin said before kissing Chris on the top of the head. He watched as Chris got comfortable on the bed. Kevin reached down for Zen, but the dog was determined to stay on the bed tonight. Kev pulled off his shirt and tossed it into the hamper in the closet. He watched as Chris hugged his Mickey close to his chest before falling asleep. The medicine he took earlier was working fast, and it was putting Chris to sleep. Kevin waited until he was sure that Chris was asleep before slipping a hand under the pillow to grab Chris' journal. Kevin looked at Chris for a few more seconds, making sure that he didn't wake him, and then walked out the door. In the kitchen, Kevin flipped on the light and opened the journal. He got a glass of water as he read the latest entries. Over and over Chris talked about how much of a pain he was being to Kevin. Kevin shook his head. He never thought that Chris was a pain, and he'd have to say something about it tomorrow. Kevin read on Chris wrote about therapy, Dolly, Holly and Brian, and more than anything else, Chris wrote about Kevin. Chapter 40 "If you learn to walk today, I'm never going to forgive you." Kevin said as he walked out the door. "I love you." Chris watched as Kevin walked out into the garage, and then he heard the engine of the Navigator purr and then finally the garage door close. It was morning, and Dolly would be here in a few minutes. Zen, happy and hyper as ever, was somewhere in the back yard, chasing butterflies. Chris watched Zen run around the yard, trying his best to catch the fluttering insects. Chris heard the front door open a little later, and Dolly walked inside. Cheerfully, she walked to where Chris was, and gave him a hug. "I have a feeling today's going to be the day." She said. "That's funny, I felt the same thing, but Kevin said that I couldn't because he's coming home late today." Chris said. Dolly did three-hour sessions ever weekday, and Kevin would always be there for the last hour, and sometimes, he'd come home earlier. Today, though, Kevin had a special promotional meeting. "So we could walk, but we should just not tell him, or we could wait until tomorrow." "That's not funny. I want you to walk, and if he's not here to watch, we'll videotape." She laughed. "I'll go set up the poles and then I'll be right back." Dolly went into the living room and started to put together the two parallel poles that Chris used for his therapy. They were about waist high, and he used them for balance when he walked between them. Chris could already walk when he held onto the bars, but more and more, it was getting easier and easier. This plan was working for the last four months, and with recording done, Chris knew that Kevin would be on tour again any time now. Chris pushed himself, he had to be up and walking before the tour started, since there was going to be a new opening act and there'd be enough going on. Kevin always said take it slow, but Chris could see the pleading look in his emotional green eyes. Chris wasn't doing this for just himself, he was doing this for Kevin too. Dolly walked into the room and saw Chris staring out the window, zoning out. She walked over and pulled a chair over next to him. "Anything bugging you there?" She asked. "I don't know how to say what's going on in my head." Chris explained, his eyes not moving from Zen outside. He'd stopped chasing butterflies and was now digging up parts of the garden. "Just go ahead and say it." Dolly said. "Nothing to worry about." "Ok, here goes..." Chris said, still not turning to look at Dolly. "It's been five or six months since all of this crap happened. The whole time, Kevin was here with me, helping me with everything, and just having him here with me made me feel...I don't know. I felt something inside, and it felt good. Now, that I'm so close to getting things back, I don't know if I want it back. It's so nice knowing that every single day, we see each other and he spends all of his time with me. I don't want this to stop, but a part of me wants it back the way it was before." Dolly sat there, soaking in all the information. She was speechless. "Does that make me selfish?" Chris asked. "I think that this is a talk that you should have with Kevin, not me." Dolly said. "This stuff is way too heavy for me to handle." "Sorry." Chris smiled. "I guess that I just needed to get it out." "I will say this though," Dolly continued. "Kevin talks to me every day after therapy. Every day he gives me a hug and I tell him everything that we did that day and every single day I tell him 'I think tomorrow's going to be the day,' and every day, I see his eyes light up. I don't think that walking has anything to do with you two. I know for sure though, that no matter what, you'll still love each other." "Damn. When did you turn into such an expert?" Chris said, a surprised look on his face. "I watch too much TV. Let's just leave it at that." Dolly laughed. "Come on. We got to get to work now." *** Kevin ran into the house, rushing into the living room out of breath. "Did I miss anything?" He said, panting. Everything was still set up, and Chris was halfway through the bars, his hands gripping them tightly. "Hey Kev!" Chris said happily. Kevin smiled and waited to catch his breath. "Did you get out of the meeting early?" Chris asked. Kevin shook his head, taking a gulp from a bottle of water sitting on the coffee table. "No, I ditched the meeting early. The guys understood." Kevin explained. "Go ahead and finish." Kevin watched as Chris finished the rest of the way between the two poles. Chris nervously glanced at Kevin, and Kevin could feel Chris' relief when he made it to the end. After a few seconds, Chris turned around started back. "Hey Kev, stand at the end of the bars." Dolly said, pointing at the other end. Kevin smiled and walked over and stood between them. "There you go Chris, your reward for making it to the end." "Come on baby, I know you can do it." Kevin said, motioning for Chris to come to him. "Do you want to try it without holding on just once?" Dolly asked. Chris looked over at Kevin, the hopeful look in his eyes pleaded for a 'yes.' "I'll try." Chris said. He gripped the bars tight for a moment before starting. He let go, but left his hands hovering over the bars, just in case. He put one foot out in from of him, and slowly leaned forward. The tension in the room seemed to lift off when Chris looked up at Kevin and sighed in relief. "So far so good," Chris said. "Just like that, do it again for me. Take your time." Kevin said. Chris took another step forward. The bars seemed to be a mile long, and the two steps that he took seemed so pitiful. Balling his hands into fists, Chris was determined to walk down to Kevin. He stepped again, and again, his fingertips lingering on the cool metal of the bars. Chris looked up at Kevin again, and saw him shake his head. Instantly Chris jerked his hands up and away from the bars. Two more slow steps and he would be there. Chris could see the happiness in both Kevin's and Dolly's eyes. This was a long time coming, and the day was finally here. One step forward and he felt Kevin's arms wrap around him, holding him tight. "I knew you could do it." Kevin said, spinning Chris around. Dolly was clapping and cheering. Chris saw tears gracing Kevin eyes, and wiped them away with his thumbs. "Today was the day after all." Chris said smiling. Kevin leaned in for a kiss, and Chris was more than happy to give it to him. Chris couldn't remember being so happy in a long time. Things were finally going right for him and Kevin. As the kiss ended, Chris saw Dolly. The look on her face was mixed. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm so happy for you." She said. "And you too!" She said, pointing to Kevin. "I hate this. The best feeling in the world is knowing that you can walk now, but inside I know that I'm not going to see you that much anymore. You two are such nice guys, I hate this part of the job." "Shut up." Kevin said as he rolled his eyes. "We'll see you around all the time. You've been so great. Come on, we'll go out to dinner tonight, all of us." Something inside Dolly told her that this one was for real. Every patient said that they'd stay in touch, but not many did. One of the downsides of the job, she told herself. Today, though, everything was worth it. "It's a date." She said. "Pick you up at six." Kevin said, smiling. "Give Chris the directions to your house, I have to make some phone calls." *** "He's walking again!" Brian yelled to the whole room. Everyone in the room cheered and clapped as Brian held the cell phone out so that Chris and Kevin could here on their end. "Here, everyone say something." Brian said, passing the phone around. Christina grabbed it first. "Finally, you brat! Now we can get to all the shopping that we've missed out on." She said, giggling. "I'm happy for you, and Kev. I'll see you soon." She passed it over to A.J. "Whoa, it's about time, we gotta do something." A.J. couldn't finish because Howie grabbed it away. "Don't listen to that dork, Chris. You and Kevin probably have plans for the rest of the week, huh? Just be careful, or you might not walk for a while again!" He laughed. "You're sick man." Nick said. "Chris, I'm happy for you. Seriously though, go easy on the sex, not all of us are as lucky as you and Kev!" "See Kev, this is what happens when you're not here to keep us in line." Brian said when he regained control of his phone. "Me and Holly will be over there soon, later today probably. I'll see you then." Back at the house, Chris had walked back and forth between the bars three or four times for Kevin and Dolly. When she was satisfied, Dolly gave them both a hug. "I'll see you later tonight guys." "You think you're ready to tackle the stairs today too?" Kevin asked jokingly. "How about you carry me up there one last time?" Chris asked. "I'll carry you up there anytime you want as long as I still can." Kevin smiled. "All you got to do is ask." "I'll remember that." Chris said, kissing Kevin softly. "Up we go! I have to take a shower." Kevin carried Chris upstairs and together they walked into the bathroom. Chris pulled his shirt off and turned the water on. "Are you standing there for a reason?" Chris asked. "If you don't mind, I might hop in there with you." Kevin said with a grin on his face. "Of course I don't mind. Why would I say no?" Chris said, stepping in after he removed his pants and boxers. Kevin watched as the warm water matted down Chris' hair, and ran down his body. He couldn't contain his excitement as he ripped off his clothes and got into the shower. Kevin pulled Chris close to his body and kissed him deeply. Chris felt Kevin pushing him up against the wall of the shower stall. He ran his hands down Kevin's chest. Feeling the muscles, still rock hard even after four or five months of not going to the gym. Those push-ups and stomach crunches that he did before bed were showing. Chris ran his hands down to Kevin's sculpted abs, while Kevin's hands had traveled further down to rub Chris' ass. Kevin broke the kiss, and rested his forehead against Chris'. Kevin looked into Chris' silvery gray eyes. "I knew that you could do it." Kevin whispered. Chris felt Kevin's body inch closer to his own. "Kevin." Chris started to whisper. "Thanks, for everything. You were always there to help me." Chris said, his hands returning to Kevin's shoulders, beginning to wrap around his neck. "You are so beautiful." Kevin whispered softly. Chris could feel himself blush. He could also feel Kevin's hard cock rubbing onto his thigh. The feeling made his own cock fully hard. Chris' hand instinctively ran up and down Kevin's thick shaft. Kevin shuddered at the feeling. "It's been a long time baby." "I know. I want you so bad Kevin." Chris pleaded. Kevin began to nibble at Chris' neck, the warm water adding to the sensitivity Chris was feeling. Chris' hands felt the tight muscles of Kevin's chest and abs. Kevin kissed Chris' lips fully, his tongue finding it's way inside Chris' mouth. Kevin let his hands fall to Chris' waist, and then wrapping around his back. Chris felt Kevin pull him close, and kissed him deeper. Kevin's hands went lower, his fingers reaching Chris' tight hole. "Kev..." Chris whispered. Kevin felt Chris' body freeze when he began to push his finger into Chris. Chris held onto Kevin tightly as Kevin inserted another finger. Tears formed in the corner of Chris' eyes as he felt the pain shooting up his back. Kevin began to move his fingers inside of Chris' tight ass, pushing them up far enough to hit that magic spot inside of Chris. Kevin felt Chris' body slump against his own, and Chris' groans of pleasure came to his ears. Chris felt Kevin's nimble fingers inside of him, hitting all the right spots. He could barely stand up as his body was hit with wave after wave of pleasure. Kevin felt Chris beginning to push back on his fingers, and he knew that Chris was ready. The two met for another passionate kiss before Kevin pushed Chris against the wall of the shower. Chris prepared for more pain as Kevin started. Kevin's thick cock worked it's way into Chris' trying ass, inch after inch. Chris panted against Kevin's neck, his arms wrapped around Kevin's chest. Chris felt Kevin stop his movements, and then felt Kevin's hands lifting his chin. "I love you baby." Kevin whispered. Chris gave him another short kiss before Kevin started thrusting. Chris threw his head back at the sensations, it was too long since they last did this. Kevin moved his cock in and out of Chris tight asshole, loving the feeling that it gave his big dick. Kevin's lips found Chris' neck ands started to kiss and nibble at the sensitive skin. "Chris, you feel so good, baby." Kevin grunted. He started to thrust faster, his cock working it's way deep into Chris' ass. Chris moaned as Kevin's dick moved inside of him. The warm water hit their skin as they continued to make love. Chris' dick rubbed up and down over Kevin's tight abs, he could feel the cum churning inside of him, ready for release. "I'm close Kevin." Chris whispered. Kevin sped up a little, knowing that he was close too. Chris held onto Kevin's neck tight as he felt his cock shooting, the cum covering their stomachs. Kevin stopped his movements, feeling Chris' ass tighten around his shaft over and over as Chris' cock shot it's cum. Kevin continued his hard thrusts as Chris finished, causing Chris to groan loudly. Chris slicked back Kevin's hair, and placed a deep kiss on Kevin's thin lips. Kevin mumbled lowly as his dick pushed in and out of Chris' tight hole. Every movement he made sent amazing sensations through his body. Chris held Kevin tightly as their lovemaking continued. A few more thrusts and Kevin let out a loud moan. Chris could feel Kevin's cock expand inside of him and shoot it's warm, thick cum. Chris' body went slack, as he almost blacked out, the feelings washed over him uncontrollably. Kevin held Chris' body tight against his own, his dick still hard inside of Chris. The warm water soothed both their aching muscles as they came down from their orgasmic high. Kevin looked deep into Chris' eyes again, and their lips met in another passionate kiss. Kevin pulled out, causing Chris to grab on to him tighter. "It's okay." Chris whispered, feeling Kevin's concern. Kevin let the water wash over them a few more minutes before they both washed up. Chapter 41 Chris pulled Kevin's black V-neck sweater over his head before getting out of the car. Kevin walked around the car and helped Chris out of the passenger's seat. "Well, here we are." Kevin said. Chris looked up at Dolly's house, the small house was cozy looking, and the look of the house fit Dolly's personality perfectly. Fun, carefree, and playful. As they walked up to the front door, it flung open before they got to it, and Dolly stepped out, wearing a somewhat tight red spaghetti strap top and a pink floral knee length skirt. She looked young and fresh, inside and out. "Hey guys, come on in!" She said happily. Chris and Kevin each gave her a hug before gladly walking into the house. "I'm so glad to see you two, I don't usually have company over." She said, closing the door before any of them could see the black sports car park across the street. *** Linq watched, and waited. Her binoculars didn't improve the view that well in the dark, but that was okay. They'd be coming out anytime now. The clock in her car read almost eleven thirty. The door to the house opened, and Chris and Kevin stepped outside. After more hugs, Dolly waved good-bye as the happy couple drove off. Linq waited a few more minutes in the car, just to be sure. She ran her fingers through her hair one time before stepping out of her car. The cold night air surrounded her as she walked across the empty street. She could hear the crunch crunch of the grass under her brand new black leather combat boots. She had a feeling that this one could put up a fight. She walked up to the door, surprised a little when a light turned on. Linq shook her head, she knew that she was being too jumpy. Her hand was raised, and she knocked on the door. She could hear some movement inside, and then the lock turn. Slowly, the door opened. Linq could see Dolly, still in her outfit from earlier. She looked mostly confused, but Linq could see a little fear. "Can I help you?" Dolly asked, the door was only open a crack. "Yes, you can." Linq said calmly, her hands moving to her hips. Linq looked at the woman in front of her. She was young and full of energy earlier, and now, scared and hiding. Linq smiled. "I need some help. Do you think that you can call a tow truck? My car won't start. Actually, I just think that I need a jump start, can you help?" "I'm sorry, I don't have jumper cables. I'll call someone for you, you wait here." Dolly said, shutting the door. Linq stopped the door before it shut, causing Dolly to turn around, her eyes wide, watching as Linq walked into the house nonchalantly. "What are you doing? Please, I'll call, just wait outside." Dolly pleaded, her fear now evident. Linq continued walking, and Dolly kept on backing up. "It's a pity that you're such a nice girl. But then after all, that'll just make Chris come get you faster." "Chris? What does he have to do with this?" Dolly screamed. "Leave him alone!" Dolly looked around, there was no way out, she was at a dead end, in the kitchen. "Don't struggle and nothing's going to happen to you." Linq said, still coming towards Dolly. "Can't say the same for Chris though." She smiled. Dolly's hands rummaged across the counter, looking for something to make Linq back away. She found a knife, a big one. She held it up, her hand shaking. "Go away, and leave me and Chris alone." Dolly screamed. Linq held her hands up, and started to back away. Dolly came forward, her hands still shaking as she held the knife in front of her. Linq took a few more steps back, giving Dolly a boost of confidence. A wicked smile came to Linq's face, and she shook her head. "I don't have time for this." Her leg shot up, kicking the knife out of Dolly's hands. It flew across the room. As Dolly watched it sail through the air, she felt a kick to her stomach. She doubled over in pain and surprise, as Linq stepped behind her grabbing Dolly's hands and bringing them behind her. Linq took off her belt and used it to tie Dolly's hands together. Another kick to the back of Dolly's knee sent her to the ground. Linq eyed a vase sitting on the dinner table, obviously set for a dinner that occurred earlier, the plates and glasses still on the table. Linq grabbed the vase, the white lilies that were inside flying all over the room. She sauntered over to Dolly, lying on the floor of her house, and looked into her eyes, full of fear, tears streaming down her face. "Don't worry about Chris, you'll see him soon enough." Linq said, smiling. She raised the vase over her head, and brought it down on Dolly's head. *** (the next morning) "Kev, where are my sunglasses?" Chris asked, looking through the things on top of the dresser. "Which ones?" Kevin asked, walking out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. "Never mind." Chris said, smiling. "It's not important." He walked over to Kevin and kissed his lips softly, his hands undoing the towel. Kevin's hands wrapped around Chris' body, feeling the rough fabric of Chris' jeans against his legs. The towel fell to the ground, Kevin's soft cock showing signs of life. Chris' hands wrapped around it, and Kevin moaned into the kiss. Chris dropped to his knees and began to kiss Kevin's tight six pack, his lips running over the muscles as his hands continued to work over Kevin's growing cock. Kevin felt Chris' lips move to the head of his cock, and he threw his head back, water flying from his hair as he hissed in pleasure. Chris licked up and down the length of Kevin's dick, causing more moans to escape Kevin's mouth. Chris' hands ran up Kevin's leg, feeling the muscles as his hands traveled up the length of Kevin's legs and up to Kevin's abs. Kevin's hands found their way to the back of Chris' heads, pushing more of his now rock hard cock into Chris' mouth. Kevin groaned as more of his long, thick cock entered Chris' throat. His hips started thrusting, filling Chris' mouth with his cock. Chris' hand moved to Kevin's balls, bringing more pleasure to Kevin's body. Kevin inhaled sharply as Chris took his cock even deeper, almost all the way, further than he ever did before. Kevin's mouth opened wide, but no sound came as his cock shot out it's warm cum into Chris' throat. Chris could feel Kevin's cock grow and throb as it's cum shot out. Chris moved back, letting the cum shoot onto his tongue. Chris let it linger before swallowing. Kevin dropped to his knees, kissing Chris passionately. "God baby, you are too good to me." Kevin said, hugging Chris close to his body. Chris' hands ran down Kevin's muscular chest again. He never grew tired of feeling the muscles of Kevin's body. Kevin's forehead rested against Chris' as they came back to earth. "Everything is so perfect now, I wouldn't change anything." Chris sighed happily. Kevin gave Chris another quick kiss before helping him to his feet. Kevin pulled Chris with him as he walked out of the room, still naked. "I'm hungry." He laughed. "Do you plan on putting clothes on, or do we have some plans for later?" Chris asked jokingly. "I'm not in the mood for clothes now, after what just happened." Kevin smiled. Kevin grabbed his lover, and carried him downstairs. Chris could feel the muscles of Kevin's chest and arms flex as Kevin walked down the steps. "Kev, you know I have work to do, and don't you have a few songs to write?" Chris said when Kevin put him down at the bottom of the stairs. Kevin walked into the kitchen, and Chris followed, watching Kevin's naked form as it walked through the house. "We have time for that later." Kevin said, grabbing some things out of the fridge. The cold air wrapped around his body, giving him goose bumps. Chris sat down on the counter, watching as Kevin got together some ingredients and started making sandwiches on the counter beside him. "You're overdressed, baby." Kevin said, tugging at Chris' shirt. Chris shook his head, and pulled it over his head. Chris' bare foot came up and ran along Kevin's thigh, sending chills up Kevin's spine. He was getting hard again. Kevin dropped what he was doing, and turned his attention to Chris. Sitting on the counter, Chris pulled Kevin closer to him, and their lips came together in a deep kiss. Chris could feel Kevin's tongue enter his mouth, and Chris brought Kevin closer, feeling Kevin's muscles against his chest. Chris felt Kevin's hands run over his thigh, and up to the button on his jeans. Chris' hands found their way to Kevin's broad, muscled shoulders as Kevin's fingers undid his pants. Chris could feel Kevin's rock hard dick pressing against his leg as his own pants fell off of his body. Kevin rubbed Chris' cock through the fabric of his boxers. Kevin felt Chris groan into the kiss, his ass rising off the counter. Kevin pulled off Chris' boxers, and Chris jumped a little as his ass came in contact with the cold tile of the kitchen counter. Chris felt the scratchy feeling of Kevin's goatee against his smooth skin as Kevin kissed him deeper, Kevin's tongue exploring his mouth as his hand jerked on Chris' cock. Chris pulled away from the kiss, panting for air as Kevin pulled Chris' body against his own. "Baby I need you so bad." Kevin said, half whispering, half groaning. Chris started to suck on the tender skin of Kevin's neck, and moaning in agreement. Kevin lifted Chris' body a little, and felt Chris' legs wrap around his waist. Kevin's lips met Chris' again before Chris felt the blunt head of Kevin's cock at his ass. Chris buried his face in Kevin's neck as he felt his ass stretch to accommodate the head of Kevin's cock. Kevin felt Chris' body stiffen with pain as he inserted more of his cock into Chris' tight chute. Kevin brought his lips to Chris' again, trying to ease the pain as he inserted the rest of his large dick into Chris. Chris tightened his hold on Kevin's body as he felt the last inch of Kevin enter him. He could feel Kevin's tongue inside of his mouth, and Kevin's cock deep inside of him, the feeling bringing waves of pleasure flow throughout his body. *** Kevin covered Chris' naked body with the gray fleece throw that was always on the couch, watching as Chris' chest raised and fell with every breath that he took. Chris slept soundly as Kevin walked into the kitchen, making sure that things weren't too pushed around. The bread from his sandwich still sat on the counter, bringing back to mind the earlier distraction that had taken place. As Kevin put those things away, he heard the familiar metallic clanking sound of the mailbox. Kevin walked out, disregarding the fact that he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, Chris' actually. Sifting through junk mail, bills, letters, and Chris' forwarded mail, he found a pastel pink envelope, with butterfly stickers scattered on the front and back. Kevin checked the address, 'Katie Lowe,' the little girl from the airplane almost a year ago. Kevin smiled, Chris stayed in touch with her all this time, and a box full of letters was under the bed upstairs to prove it. Another letter addressed to Chris was in a big manila envelope. No return address, Kevin opened it and found a letter, typed up on an old fashioned typewriter. Dearest Christopher, By the time that you read this, and what a cliche that just was, it'll be too late. You're precious Doctor Dolly isn't going to be around anymore to help you along after I see you again. Of course, there's always a catch. You come on over to dock number fifty- four with the papers tomorrow, you know which ones; I'll give her to you, no strings attached. Linq. Kevin's eyes grew wide, his hands shaking. He glanced over at Chris, sleeping so peacefully on the couch, and he sank down onto his knees, his back against the front door. Everything hit him at once, and just when things were getting back on the right track, Kevin knew that the good times never last as long as the bad times. ***Author's note: Ok, so it's been a while, but you know, my little niche in the archive isn't all that significant anyways, right? I hope that you liked this part, I worked hard this past week to finish it. Email me at and tell me what you think, cause I think that they're aren't enough sex stories anymore, and especially not any that deal with Kevin, except for the short scenes series, which is great. I hope to hear from some people, thanks a lot, CSL.