Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:53:16 GMT From: Chuck Moors Subject: KEVIN & JORDAN 7-8 (celeb) Legal Disclaimer: This story is a total and complete work of fiction. It is nothing but a fantasy I have. It is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the people written about. In particular Kevin Richardson or Howie D. of the Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities mentioned. If homosexual acts between 2 males disturbs you or if you are under 18 or this material is illegal in your city, state, or country then you need to leave. *****AUTHORS NOTES***** I'm sorry it took so long to get this part out, but I've had company from out of town, and haven't had much time to write. I know that there hasn't been any sex yet, but I want them to get to know each other before they jump in the sack. So just be patient, it will happen. And as I said in the last chapter, be on the look out for a big surprise in Chapter 10. Also, this will be the last part that comes out with 2 chapters until after #10. The next two chapters will singles. Send comments to KEVIN & JORDAN PART 7 "Well, I guess the jokes up," Kevin said, still laughing. "I guess it is," I added " guys are really going to get it," Howie said. The rest of the guys came in and saw us laughing. They asked what was going on. Howie told them how he caught us kissing and how we had been playing a joke on them. Everyone thought it was funny, but they vowed to get even with us. We decided what club to go to, left Kevin's room, and headed towards the elevator. I grabbed Kevin's hand on my way out the door. We rode down the elevator in silence. I was standing up against Kevin, just admiring him. Howie turned around, saw us, smiled and said. " cute. I'm jealous." "Shut up," Kevin and I said. The elevator reached the lobby and I let go of Kevin's hand. We walked to the limo, Kevin and I sitting next to each other. He leaned in kissed me gently on the cheek, then whispered in my ear. "I know I said that I wouldn't say anything, but I think we need to." "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I'm talking about the thing that I'm not supposed to know about, David." "Kevin, you said you wouldn't." "I know, but look at Howie. He looks so depressed. I mean, here are you and me. Nicks girlfriend is at home, so he's fine, and so is Brian's. Then there is AJ, and well he's just AJ. But Howie has nobody. And it's even harder for him being gay. Besides, he has a thing for David." "No kidding?" I said a little too loud, breaking up everyone else's conversations. "What's going on, you two?" Brian asked. "Nothing," I said, a little embarrassed by my outburst. "Yeah, right. Jordan, do you know that you're a very bad liar?" AJ asked. "Gee, thanks," I said, as sarcastically as I could. "Come on, tell us," Nick said. "I can't. I wish I could, but I can't," I explained. "I hope you know that one way or another, we will get it out of you" Nick said. "That's what I'm afraid of," I mumbled. We arrived at the club got out of the limo, and headed in. We actually managed to get in without anybody noticing who we were, but I knew that it wouldn't last. We found a table in a somewhat quiet corner and sat down. Kevin and AJ left to go and get us something to drink. Howie turned to me and said, "You really like him, don't you?" "Yeah I do. Is it that obvious? I just hope we can make this work. It's going to be hard with us being so far apart, but I think we can do it," I replied. "I think you can. You just can't let the distance get to you. I know it'll be hard, but you guys can get through this," he said. "Thanks, Howie. Thank you for everything. If it wasn't for you and Brian, Kevin and I wouldn't be together," I said. "You're welcome." I was going to have to talk to Kevin. Maybe getting Howie and David together might not be such a bad idea. The only question was, how and when. With them on the road all of the time, it was going to be hard. But, I owed him. Kevin and AJ came back with our drinks and Kevin sat down across from me and just smiled. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I knew I couldn't. So I was relieved he sat where he did. "So. Who's ready to dance? Cuz I know that I am," Brian said. "Yeah...let's go." Nick jumped up. "Let's go," I agreed, getting up from the table. We all left the table and headed for the dance floor. As we all started to dance, I made sure to stay away from Kevin. Some girl came up to me, and we started to dance. I don't know if she realized who I was and that's why she was dancing with me, but I just went with it. I was having a blast and so were the rest of the guys, as far as I could tell. AJ had a girl in front of and behind him and was dancing his heart out. Howie had found a girl to dance with, but I could tell by the look on his face, that he wasn't really into it. I couldn't blame him. At least he didn't let it stop him from having a good time. I knew how he felt. I would much rather have been grinding up against Kevin instead of this girl. Brian and Nick both had girls dancing with them, but I knew they were both doing it because they wanted to dance and have fun, not because they expected to get something from the girls. Then there was Kevin. He was doing the same thing as me. Trying not to look at me and trying to have fun. But, for some reason, the more we danced, the less I thought about how I felt and just enjoyed myself. About half an hour later, I was snapped out of the good time I was having by the DJ. "What's up, everybody?" His voice boomed over the speaker system. The crowd just cheered. "Unless everyone is drunk, who hasn't noticed that we have the Backstreet Boys in the house tonight?" he asked. "How about we get them to perform for us?" The people yelled even louder and the guys laughed as the dance floor cleared for them. The music for "Everybody" started and the guys took the floor and danced. When the song ended, I looked over at the guys and noticed that Kevin was missing. "What's up, everybody?" I heard Kevin yell from the DJ booth, and the crowd cheered. What was he doing? "Well, now that everybody knows that we're here, I'll make a deal with you," Kevin said. The crowed cheered even louder, signaling their acceptance. "We have a very good friend of ours here tonight. You might have heard of him. His name is...well, before I tell you his name, has anyone ever heard of a show called "'On Our Own?'" Kevin asked. The people I the club yelled so loudly I thought I was going to go deaf. "Well, we have one of the stars of the show here tonight and his name is..." Kevin said, as he left the crowd hanging and they just yelled even more. "...Jordan Taylor!" He finished. The roar was now near deafening. "So, here is the deal. Today is Jordan's birthday, and if you help us sing to him, me and the rest of the guys will do another song for you. How is that?" Kevin asked. Again, the crowd just cheered. " here we go." The whole club started singing "Happy Birthday" to me and all I could think about was how to get back at Kevin for this. They finished singing, and Kevin came back down the dance floor and I just looked at him and smiled. It was all I could do...for now. Then I noticed he still had a mike in his hand. " guys lived up to your part of the bargain, so now it's our turn. So, here you go, and by the way, this happens to be Jordan's favorite song." I was really going to kill him now. They performed "Quit Playing Games with My Heart" for the second time that day. I was in heaven. I don't know who enjoyed it more-me or the crowd-but I knew the guys were doing it for me and not the crowd. The guys finished and walked back over to our table as I asked each one of them if they could block Kevin and me for just a minute. They all knew why and they were glad to help. I walked up to Kevin and pulled him into me and kissed him passionately and said thank you. He just looked at me, smiled, and said, "you're welcome." The rest of the night was a blur. We were dancing and drinking and having a good time. I knew I didn't want the night to end, but I knew it had to. By the time we were ready to leave, it was 2:00 and we were all worn out. We got back into the limo and Kevin and I made sure to sit next to each other. We started kissing, ignoring the rest of the guys. "Uh...excuse us, you two, but we are still sitting here." Nick said. We broke our kiss and looked at them, embarrassed. "Sorry, guys. I guess we just got a little carried away," Kevin apologized. "Yeah...sorry, guys." I added. I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder. I hadn't been this happy since I landed my part on the show. My only question was where was this relationship between me and Kevin going to go? The rest of the ride to their hotel was in silence. When we arrived at the hotel, Nick and Howie were asleep, it took about five minutes to wake them up, and get them out of the limo. I stuck my head back in and asked the driver to wait for me. Once we got to their floor, they each headed to their rooms and said goodnight and that they would see me tomorrow. I said goodnight, too, and walked with Kevin to his room. We stopped at the door and I turned him around to face me. "Kevin, this has been the most incredible day, and I don't want it to end," I said. "Well it doesn't have to," he said. "Yes it does," I said as I looked away from him. "Why?" he asked, sounding hurt. "I would love nothing better than to spend the night with you and wake up in your arms in the morning, believe me. I've dreamt about this moment. But I don't think we should. I want our first time to be special. Not because we have an urge to. Does that make any sense?" I asked. " does. It doesn't mean that I have to like it, though. But I understand." Kevin was just as disappointed as I was. "Thank you. Thank you for the best birthday I've ever had," I said starting to cry. Kevin pulled me into him and just held me. He started kissing me and telling me not to cry. I pulled myself out of his arms. "Kevin, if I don't leave now, I never will," I told him. "I know. I just wish you didn't have to go." "I know." "Goodnight Jordan. And Happy Birthday." "Thank you again. For everything. Goodnight, Kevin." I said as I started to walktowards the elevator. "Call me tomorrow. OK?" "You know I will," he said. I watched Kevin watching me until the elevator doors closed on me. Once I got into the limo, I told the driver to take me to my hotel. Ten minutes later we arrived, and I went to my room. Inside I sat on the bed and started to take off my clothes when my cell phone rang. Who the hell is it I thought. "Hello?" "Jordan, its Kevin." "Hi, is something wrong?" "No, I just wanted to hear your voice on more time before I went to bed." "That's so sweet." "Well, goodnight. I'll talk to you tomorrow. OK?" "OK...goodnight. And Kevin?" "Yeah." "Thank you." "You're welcome. But will you please quit saying that." "OK...goodnight." "Goodnight, Jordan." I hung up the phone, and finished taking off my clothes, climbed into bed and I was asleep before I knew it. I woke up the next morning after the best night of sleep I'd had in a long time, although I felt a little rough from the night before, I had still slept well. I looked over at the clock; it was 12:00. I still couldn't believe the day I'd had yesterday. It was the best day of my life. The only bad part had been leaving Kevin, but I knew that I was going to see him today. Right now, what I needed more than anything was coffee. So the first phone call of the two I had to make was to room service. I ordered a pot of coffee. That done, I just had to call Sarah. I had promised her I would. I picked up the phone again and dialed her room. "Hello?" she answered. "Sarah, it's me," I said. "Hey there, birthday boy. How was your night?" "It was absolutely incredible. Kevin is the most amazing person I've ever met." "Well, it sounds like it went well." "Yeah, it did. I'm just sorry it had to end." "What do you mean?" I started to explain to her everything that had happened last night. My dinner with Kevin. The kiss. Us playing the joke on the guys, and me coming back to my room alone. She completely understood how I felt about not wanting to sleep with him right away. We talked for a few more minutes about last night and then it was time for me to drop the bomb. "Um...Sarah. I need to tell you something, but first you have to promise me you won't freak out on me. OK?" "OK. I promise. What is it?" "Well, I kind of let something slip last night to Kevin." "Jordan, please tell me it's not what I think it is." "It is." "Jordan," she yelled. "How could you? You promised." "I know. I'm sorry. But it's okay." "How can it be okay? I trusted you and if David hears about this." I didn't let her finish. "Sarah, it's ok. I told you Howie was gay. And the only person that knows about David is Kevin. But the thing is, and this is what's so funny." "This had better be good, Jordan," "It me." "Well, what is it then?" "How should I put this?" "I don't know, but you had better put is some way, because I'm on my way up there to kill you. So, you had better say something to change my mind!" "OK...ok..." I couldn't do this to her anymore. "Howie likes David," I said. "A lot of people like David." "No. Sarah, I mean Howie really, really likes him. The way that I like Kevin." "You're kidding right?" "No, I'm not." "Did you say anything to him yet?" "No. I wasn't sure if I should or not. And I made Kevin promise not to either. If anyone tells Howie, I want it to be me. I owe him." "Well, don't say anything to him yet. I want to talk to David first. Ok?" "Yeah, that's fine. But remember, we all leave tomorrow afternoon." "I know. Don't worry." "Ok, I gotta go. My breakfast will be here soon, and I have to get ready." "Ok, I'll talk to you later." "Bye" "Bye" I hung up the phone just as room service arrived with my coffee. Thank God, I thought. I opened the door, took the cart and tipped the waiter. After I poured myself a cup, I picked up the phone to call Kevin. I know I told him to call me the night before, but I just couldn't wait. "Hello?" "Hey, gorgeous." "Jordan! Hi, yourself. I was just getting ready to call you. How did you sleep?" "Like a baby. Best night's sleep I've had in a long time. I did wake up a little hung over, though. What about you?" "I slept good. Although it would have been better if I had woken up with you next to me." "I know. I was thinking the same thing. But, to be honest with you I'm glad we didn't." "Me, too. So what do you want to do today?" "What do the guys want to do?" "They don't care." "Why don't we just go sight seeing?" "Sounds good. Are you ready to go?" "No. I just got up. Why don't you come and pick me up in an hour." "Ok. See you then." "Bye." "Bye." As I hung up the phone, I thought, Last night really wasn't a dream. Smiled and poured myself another cup of coffee. Once I finished the coffee, I went to the bathroom and got in the shower. The hot water felt good, but I knew that I had to get out or I'd be late. I turned of the water, got out of the shower, and dried myself off. I shaved, did my hair, and then went into the other room to find something to wear when I heard a knock on the door. I knew who it had to be. I opened the door, and there stood Kevin, holding a dozen roses in his hand. "Hi! What are you doing here? You're early," I said. "I know, but I couldn't wait to see you, so I told the guys to meet us here. I didn't expect to see this much of you, though," he said, starting to blush. Then I realized that all I had on was a towel. "Oops...well, you caught me just as I was getting dressed. Come in and shut the door." I said. Kevin shut the door, I walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss and told him I would be right back. I grabbed my clothes, heading into the bathroom to get dressed. When I got done, I walked back out and Kevin was sitting on the couch. He got up and walked over to me, handing me the roses. "Thank you. They're beautiful, just like you." I put my arms around his waist and kissed him. We just stood there kissing as he moved and stared to kiss and nibble up and down my neck. I wanted to melt; it was wonderful. But I knew that if we didn't stop, it would end up where I didn't want it. I just wasn't ready. "Kevin, we have to stop," "Why?" "Because the guys will be here in a few minutes! That's why!" "Oh...ok...but it was just starting to get fun." "I know," I said kissing him. "Trust me I know." I broke away from him before he could feel how much my cock was enjoying it. "Alright. Let me put the roses in something and we can go." "Yeah. The guys should be here by now." I found something to put the roses in and we left my room headed towards the lobby. We got there and the guys were waiting for us. "Hey, guys," I said. "Hey, Jordan. How were you feeling this morning?" AJ asked. "A little rough, but I'm fine now," I answered. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he said. "Me too. My head still hurts a little," Howie added. "How much did we drink last night?" Nick asked. "Too much, Nick, too much," Brian answered him as he shook his head. "Well, are we ready to go? Because if we don't, I'll want to go back to bed" I asked. "Ok...let's go then," Kevin said. We climbed into the limo and drove away. We decided to stop and get something to eat before we went to explore the city. I was sitting next to Kevin, holding his hand, with Howie on the other side of me. I was getting ready to say something to Kevin, when my cell phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey there, it's me." "Hey sweetie, what's up?" I asked Sarah. "Well I just got off of the phone with David," she said. "And?" "I told him about Howie, and he just about jumped through the phone to get to him," she said laughing. "That is so cool. Does this mean I can tell him about it now?" "Yes, you can. David said it was ok." "Cool. Listen I gotta go, we're pulling up to a restaurant for lunch. I'll call you later and let you know what happens." "All right. I'll talk to you later." I hung up the phone and put it away. I looked at Kevin with a huge grin on my face. "Who was that?" he asked. "Sarah," I said, whispering in his ear. "What did she want?" he asked whispering back. "You know what we were talking about last night that we weren't supposed to be talking about?" "Yeah, and I told you I wouldn't say anything," he said defensively. "I know you did, and I appreciate it, but now we can. Sarah talked to him and he wants us to." "Oh...that is sooo cool. He is going to be so happy." "I know." This was going to be so much fun, I thought. PART 8 We went into the restaurant, sat down, and ordered. "So, where are we going after we eat?" I asked. "Well then, I have an idea. Why don't we just have the limo driver take us to the best places? That way, we don't have to decide on any one thing," I said. "Good idea," Brian said. The rest of the guys all agreed in one way or another. "I knew there was a reason I liked you," Kevin leaned over and whispered into my ear. "That's the only reason?" "No, but, I haven't shown you the other reason yet," he said with a wicked grin. "I can hardly wait." We finished eating, left the restaurant, and told the limo driver to take us to all of the cities highlights. We drove around Chicago for about 3 hours, taking in everything the city had to offer. We got back to the guys' hotel about 6:00, and made our way to their floor. As we got to Kevin's room, Brian turned to us and asked, "Hey, what are we doing for dinner?" "Well, Jordan and I are staying here and eating. So you guys are on your own," Kevin answered. "Oh...ok," AJ said, a little disappointed. "See you guys later and don't have too much fun!" Howie called out as he walked to his room. We entered Kevin's room and, as he closed the door, I stood there waiting for him. When he turned around I asked him, "Why are we staying in?" "Well, for one thing, I wanted to spend some time alone with you before we leave tomorrow. And second we need to figure out what to do about us," "That's simple. I want to be with you." "Jordan, you know what I mean." "I know. I'm just trying not to think about it. It's going to be too hard saying good-bye to you." "I know it is. But, I also know that I want to see you again. I was serious when I said that I had finally found someone that I want to have a relationship with. And I'm hoping that you want this just as much as I do." "Kevin, I do. I swear to God I do. I've never wanted anything more in my life. I know that we've only known each other for a couple of days, but they've been the best two days. So whatever I have to do to be with you, I will." "Good. I'm glad you feel that way. Because I do too. So now, the only problem is when we're going to be able to see each other." "Didn't you say that, after New York and DC, you have the next two weeks off?" "Yeah, we do." "Then why don't you come to LA and stay with me? That way, it will give us two weeks together. We can learn everything there is to know about each other. Plus you can come to the set and see me work." "Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way." "Yes, I'm sure. It won't be a problem." "Ok...Ok...I'll come," he laughed. "Good. Now come here." He walked to me and I put my arms around his neck and started to kiss him. We stood there and made out for five minutes when I pulled away from him. "I'm hungry. Let's order some food," I said. "OK. What do you want?" he asked. "I don't care. You decide," I replied. "Do you trust me," "Of course I do. Order me what ever you want." Kevin went to call in our dinner order, and I walked out onto the balcony. I lit a cigarette and pulled out my cell phone. "Hello?" "Phil, it's me," I whispered. "Hey, there. What are you doing?" "I'm in Kevin's hotel room and he's ordering dinner for us." "Oh. Well, how are you?' "I'm fine, but that's not the reason I'm calling. Now just listen, this is important to me. In the episode we're filming next week, my character's girlfriend dies..." I explained to Phil what I wanted to do and he told me he would see what he could do. "Thanks, Phil. I really appreciate it." "Your welcome, Jordan. I do need to remind you of one thing, though." "What's that?" "Be careful." "What are you talking about, Phil?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Be careful and don't get caught." "Oh...Ok...I will. And, Phil?" "Yeah?" "Thanks." "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow when you get here." As I hung up the phone, I felt a pair of arms go around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder. "Dinner should be here in twenty minutes," he whispered into my ear, while nibbling on it. "Good, I'm starving." "And one more thing." "What?" "No more of this," he said grabbing the cigarette from my hand, and throwing it off of the balcony. "It's nasty and I hate kissing you after you have one of those things." "But." I protested. "No buts! You just quit!" "I guess I have no choice in the matter, do I?" "No, you don't." "Fine, you win." "I thought so. Now just shut up and kiss me." I turned around and started to kiss him. It felt so right. And I never wanted it to end, but the realization that it was going to end tomorrow hit me and I lost it. I felt the tears starting to fall down my face. I pulled away from Kevin and went to the railing of the balcony, not looking at him. I didn't want him to see me crying. "Jordan, what's wrong?" he asked, with concern in his voice. "Nothing. I'm fine," I lied, wiping away the tears as best as I could. "That's bull and you know it. Now, what's wrong?" I turned around to face him, tears still running down my face. "It just hit me that we have to leave tomorrow and I'm not going to be able to see you. I know we talked about it, and you're coming to LA, but I still can't help but think that you're going to change your mind and not come." "Honey," he said pulling me into a hug, so I could lay my head on his shoulder, "that's not going to happen. I'm coming to see you. I promise." "I know, and I'm sorry about getting all emotional like this, but I just don't want to get hurt." "I understand. I won't hurt you, because I don't want to get hurt again either. Ok?" "Ok...I'm sorry. I guess I'm still having a hard time with the fact that I'm here with you, and it's not all a dream." "I know the feeling. We're going to be ok. I promise. Now come inside. Dinner should be here soon." He kissed me lightly on the lips as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the room. We went in and sat on the couch with me leaning up against him and his arms around me, waiting for our dinner to arrive. "So, what do you think your family will say about us?" he asked, nervously. "Well, my mom and step-dad should be fine with it. They've been very supportive of me since I came out. What about yours?" "They should be ok. I think. They accept the fact that I'm gay, but they don't like it all that much." "I know the feeling. My father and step-mom are the same way. Then there is my sister." "What about her?" "Let's just say that she doesn't approve of me and leave it at that. It's a long story and I really just don't want to go into it. Ok?" "Ok. That's fine. But if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you. You know that, right?" "Yes, I do. Thanks." "You're welcome," he said as he started to kiss and nibble his way down from my ear to the base of my neck, sending shivers up my spine. "Uh...oooh...Kevin...that feels so good," I moaned. "It's supposed to," he said, as he unbuttoned my shirt and ran his hands up and down my chest, stopping to stroke my nipples. "Up...Kevin, don't stop," "I won't, don't worry." By now, my cock was hard as a rock and Kevin hadn't even touched it yet. But so was his, I could feel it pressing into my back through his pants. I had wanted this to happen for so long. I couldn't believe it finally was. I knew in my heart that I was ready to be with him. I also knew what I had said to him earlier about waiting, but it felt so right. I turned around to face Kevin and started to kiss him while, at the same time, unbuttoning his shirt. I pulled away from of the kiss and just stared at his chest: The chest that I had seen in his videos and had fantasized about. I had just started to kiss this beautiful chest when there was a knock at the door. "Ugh." I grunted, hanging my head down and shaking it. "That would be dinner," Kevin said, "let me go and get it." We got off of the couch. Kevin headed to answer the door and I went to the bathroom to get myself under control. When I returned to the main part of the room, Kevin was standing at the table putting the food out. I walked over to the table and he pulled my chair out for me as I sat down. "Thank you garcon," I teased. "You're welcome. Now, for dinner tonight, we have your favorite. A grilled veal chop and angel hair pasta with fresh tomato and basil sauce," he said as he pulled the covers off of out plates. He walked over to the other side of the table and sat down. I just stared at him; I couldn't take my eyes off of him. "Well, are you going to eat, or just stare at me all night?" he asked. "Can't I do both?" "Yes, you can, but if you don't eat while you do your staring, your food is going to get cold." "I'll eat." "Good." "By the way, how did you find out this was my favorite meal?" "I read it in some article about you a couple of months ago." "And you remembered? That is so sweet." "Thanks." We spent the next hour eating and talking. The more I learned about him, the more I wanted to hear and the more I wanted to be with him. He told me about his life living in a log cabin, the camp that his father ran, and the time he went skinny dipping with some of his friends. That was when he realized that he was gay because he go so turned on by looking at the naked bodies of his friends. Then, things got more serious when he brought up the subject of his father's death. "Kevin, honey, we don't have to talk about this right now if you don't want to," I said softly. "I know that, and thank you, but I want to. I hardly ever talk about it, and I need to. It makes it easier to deal with, even though he's been gone for 8 years," he said starting to cry. I got up from my seat and walked over to him, pulling him up and hugging him. "Honey, it's ok." I whispered to him, "it's ok." I walked him over to the couch and laid down. I was up against the back of the couch and Kevin was lying in front of me with his back against my chest. He started telling me about his father, in between points where he was crying too hard to speak. I lay there stroking his head, as I tried to comfort him the best that I could. An hour later, Kevin was sound asleep in my arms. I laid there for another half an hour before picking him up and carrying him to his bed and putting him in it. I wrote him a note telling him I would see him in the morning and left to go back to my hotel. Once I got back to my hotel, I decided to pack. That way, I wouldn't have to do it in the morning and I'd be able to spend more time with Kevin. I finished packing and looked around the room to make sure I hadn't left anything. Satisfied that I had everything, I took off my clothes and got into bed and fell asleep quickly. The next morning came to quickly. I knew that it was the last time I was going to see Kevin for awhile and I wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye to him or the rest of the guys. I got out of bed, called room service to order coffee, and went to the bathroom to shower and shave. About an hour, later I was in my limo on my way to the guys' hotel. I got to Kevin's door and knocked. He answered the door wearing only a pair of boxers. My jaw hit the floor when I saw him. He was gorgeous. He was rubbing his eyes. I guess I must have woken him up. "Good morning," I said walking in the door and giving him a kiss on the cheek, "did I come at a bad time?" "No. I just hadn't gotten up yet, that's all. Good morning. What are you doing here so early?" I explained to him about the previous night: how he fell asleep and how I slipped out to pack so that I could spend some time with him in the morning. "We've got plenty of time before we have to leave for the airport. What do you want to do?" I asked. "How about some more sleep?" "Sound good to me." I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into his bed. He got in with me, taking me in his arms. I felt so comfortable, so safe. Before I knew it, I was asleep. The ringing of the phone a couple of hours later woke me up. I reached over and grabbed it, more to stop it from ringing than to talk to whomever was on the other end. "Hello?" "Kevin?" "No, Brian. It's Jordan." "Oh," he said with a little surprise in his voice, "is he there?" "Yeah, just a minute. Let me wake him up." "Honey, wake up," I said, as I lightly shook Kevin. "Huh?" he asked, half asleep. "Kevin, wake up, baby. Brian is on the phone." "Uh...ok...I'm up." I handed him the phone, got up and went into the bathroom. When I returned, Kevin was off of the phone and sitting up in bed. As I saw him there, I thought to myself how gorgeous he looked and how I could get used to waking up next to him every day. He just looked so damn good. I jumped back into the bed, leaned over and kissed him. "What did Brian want?" I asked. "Just to make sure I'm awake, and to tell me not to be late for our flight. Even though it's me that normally has to tell him that." He replied. "Well, why don't you go and take a shower and get ready and we can take my limo to the airport, and meet the guys there. How does that sound?" "Sounds great," he said. To be continued...