Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 02:58:03 -0400 (EDT) From: John Smith Subject: Lonely Lance Chapter 6 (BoyBands) HEY! Well, here it is, chapter 6! These past 24 hours have been extremely traumatic for me. I accidentally downloaded a virus and it wiped out my computer. Thanks to the wonderful people at Compaq, I was able to do a QuickRestore and no everything is good. I lost all my files which is bad, but oh well. I am determined to get this chapter done before I go to bed. It's midnight now so hopefully by 2:30 or 3:00. OK, Ya know the drill, if ya'd like to say hi, or you have somethin to bitch about, e-mail me, I have written everyone back. I would like to say a special thank you to Erin. For without her encouraging words this chapter would not be out till sometime next week. Thanks Babe! OK, Let's get the legal crap done... Legal Stuff: This material is not meant to be read by anyone under 18. If you're offended by literature with homosexual themes, go away! If not, read on. This is a work of FICTION. Therefore, the author makes no claims as to the sexual orientation of any member of *N Sync. Everytime I hear This I Promise You I start to cry a little. Pathetic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lonely Lance...Chapter 6 "Steve, what are you talking about?" Lance nervously asked. "Shut the fuck up. God Dammit! What gives you the right to go through my e-mail?" Steve yelled at Lance. "What gives me the right to go through you're e-mail? What gives you the right to eves drop on my phone conversation." Lance yelled at Steve. "I was wondering what was taking so fucking wrong. When people talk about me behind my back, I kinda like to know what the fuck they are saying." Steve yelled. "So that gives you the right to listen to my conversation. You asshole. What gives them the right to give us a publicist that is a fucking flaming fag." Lance yelled at Steve. "That is so unfair Lance. That is so fucking unfair. I can't believe you said that. I thought you were a decent person, Christ, I was starting to care about you. I didn't think you were some no talent idiot like most people do. I guess I was wrong. Go to hell asshole." Steve said as he stormed out of the room and out of the house crying. Lance just stood there in total shock.. He thought about what Steve said, he liked me, he truly liked me, Jimmy, not Lance. What the hell am I thinking? OK, if his feelings are true, if, oh God, he doesn't even know about me. I'll just go to bed. If he wants to talk he can come back. He didn't take his jacket. He'll need to come back to get it. Besides, his keys are in it. Lance got up from where he was leaning against the wall. He went around the house and shut off the lights. He shut off the TV in the family room. Tears filled his eyes as he slowly walked up the stairs to his bedroom. He usually took a shower before bed but he just didn't feel like it. He just walked into his bedroom, shut off the light and laid in the corner of his room. He wanted to cry so bad, but he didn't, he couldn't. All the times he had cried about this same thing before. Now that he finally had the opportunity for a relationship, he had ruined it. He was beyond tears now. He hurt so bad. He drifted off to sleep, holding himself, trying to feel warm, feel safe, the way he felt when he was with Steve today. As Steve made his way out to his car and went to open the door he realized that he didn't have his keys. (for those of you that don't know much about cars, if you don't have the keys the car is useless, unless you go for the whole hot-wiring thing.) He couldn't go back inside and deal with Lance. There was no chance in hell of that happening. He had his cell phone in the cargo pocket of his khaki's. He turned it on and the first person he thought to call, the only person, was Kelli. "Hi Kelli, it's Steve." "Hey Steve, what's up?" "A lot, I need a huge favor. Are you busy?" "No I am not, sadly, I am sitting home on Friday, it must be your lucky day." "Actually, just the opposite. It's been shitty as fuck. Now, here is what I need you to do. Ready?" "Yeppers, shoot." "Ok, I need you to go to my office and get the personnel file for Lance Bass. OK?" "Yeah, It's 10pm though, will I be able to get in? And why do you need it?" "Well I am at Lance's right now. We got into a fight and now I am outside, my car keys and my jacket is inside. I am not going to go inside and get them because I am never speaking with that asshole again. So I need you to go to my house, get my spare car keys, bring them to me and then we can go back to my house and I will explain everything. ok?" "Ok I suppose Steve. Ok, so I get his personel file and I get his address and then get your spare keys from your condo?" "Yes, exactly, you still have the key I gave you right?" "Yeah, I have it with the rest of my keys. When I finish getting the keys and the file I will call you. Hang tight buddy! Sorry about what happened. I love you." "Thanks babe, I love you too, see you in about an hour I am guessing." "Buh bye." "Laters." Steve said as he pushed the end button on his cell phone. It was a beautiful night. The stars were shining fully. He was so tired, so upset, he just lay there and eventually fell asleep. He was awoken by headlights shining on him and someone kicking his shoulder. "What the fuck." Steve said in a tired voice. As he looked up he saw Chris standing above him. "What the hell are you doing sleeping in Lance's driveway?" Chris asked sounding concerned, not angry, just concerned. "I called Lance 3 times 20 minutes ago and he always answers the phone and JC said that he had gotten off the phone with him about a half hour ago. Where is he?" "He should be in there, we had a fight. My keys and jacket are in there. I left without getting them. Kelli is on her way now with a spare set of keys. Help me up please?" Steve said extending his arm up. Chris grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Why did you guys fight?" Chris asked "It's a long story. I really don't want to get into it. I am upset, I want to go home so I can type my letter of resignation. Then I want to sleep all weekend. Lance is inside, he hasn't left. If he had he would have run me over." Steve said in an annoyed tired voice. "All right, first of all, why the hell would you resign? So what, you and Lance had a fight, it's between you and Lance, all of us happen to like you. You did an excellent job today. Even Justin was impressed with your end speech. I really wouldn't let Lance get to you. He has been bitch boy for the past couple month's. We don't know what is wrong. We are really getting sick of his shit. Sorry, but it's the truth, I speak for everyone when I say that. You seem like a cool guy and we don't want asshole over here pushing you away. Now I am asking you nicely, would you reconsider your resignation?" "I dunno, what we argued about was pretty serious. Did Josh tell you what they talked about?" Steve asked. "Yeah he did, a little, something about you being g..." Steves phone rang. "Sorry, I have to get this." Steve said. "No Prob." Chris said. " couldn't get in?...hold on...Chris?" Steve said, covering the mouthpiece of his phone. "Yeah?" "I need directions from Jive to here. Can you give them to me?" "Tell her not to worry about it. We will take care of it. Ok?" "I dunno..." Steve said "Give me the phone." Chris said as he took the phone from Steve. "Hey Kel, it's Chris. I am gonna take care of things. Go home and relax ok?...Have a nice night...Bye Bye." Chris hit end and handed the phone back to Steve. "Stay here. I have to shut my car off." Chris shut his car off and locked his car. "What are we doing Chris?" "We are settling whatever happened between you and Lance NOW! He always answers the phone, even when he argues with someone. Now you are coming inside with me, whether you like it or not. Another thing is that Lance is like afraid of the dark or something, he never shuts off all the lights, and as you can see all the lights are off. Now lets get this over with." Chris said as he and Steve headed up to the house. Chris went to open the door and as he turned the handle it wouldn't turn. "Ok Chris, it's locked, now what?" Steve asked Chris. "Give me your phone." Chris said with worry in his voice. "Ok, here." Steve said now worried. "I am gonna call JC, I wanna knwo what happened and he will have some clue, I want to know what the hell is his fucking problem. I have had it." Chris said angrily as he pushed the cell phone number hard. "Ok, Just don't break my phone." Steve said, not knowing what to say. "Ok Josh, I am tired of this shit, it's been almost a year he has been acting like this, what the fuck is Lance's problem?...I don't want any crap, Just tell me...No not later, I want to know now...Yes he is here...They had a fight earlier and it had something to do with your conversation...stop with the bullshit Josh, really, I am done, now just tell me..." There was a long pause, no one spoke, then finally Chris said "here Steve, Josh wants to talk to you." "Uhm ok" was all Steve could say as Chris handed him the phone. "Hi Josh." "Hi Steve." JC Said on the phone "OK, Chris said you wanted to talk to me?" "Yes, Chris is going to open the door. I am guessing Lance is asleep. His bedroom is up the stairs, walk all the way around the balcony and it is right in front of you. I want you to stay on the phone with me. When you get in there wake him up and hand him the phone. I am going to talk to him and when I do I want you to leave the room, just wait in the hall. When I am done with him I will have him call you back in. I will talk to you and then I will hang up. You and Lance will then talk. Don't storm off or anything. Stay in the room with him and be there with him, he is really going to need you, more than you will ever comprehend. Chris is going to wait in the kitchen or study. Everything is going to be OK Steve OK?" "OK, I have no idea what I am getting into but OK." Steve said with a cracking voice. "Tell Chris to open the door" JC said on the phone. "Chris, Josh said to open the door." With that, Chris said nothing. He put a key in the door and opened it. They walked in and Chris headed into the study. Steve slowly walked upstairs. When he made it up he walked down and around the hall into Lances room. He didn't turn on any lights. By now his eyes had adjusted to the darkness. When Steve entered the room the first thing that caught his eye was an empty bed and then he turned his head to the right and saw a heap in the corner. He slowly walked over and saw that it was Lance. "Lance, Josh is on the phone, he needs to talk to you, wake up." Steve said as he tapped Lance's shoulder. "HUH? Steve, what are you doing in here?" Lance said confused, but soon was awake totally as he had the phone handed to him. Lance talked as if he had been awake for a few hours when he started talking to JC. Steve left the room and waited in the hall. He heard Chris talking to someone on the phone. It was 11pm right now. He could hear Lance crying in his bedroom. Not loudly, softly, whimpering. At 11:15, Lance came to the door of his bedroom. He was red eyed and his hair was messy. His clothes were wrinkled and he looked like he hadn't slept in forever. He was just a mess, bottom line. "Steve, we need to talk." Lance said, almost a whisper.... TBC... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you like the ending...Chapter 7 Monday or Tuesday night. E-mail me I would like to thank Jilly for helping me with this. Also I would like to thank Erin for the encouragement. I'll get back to everyone that e-mails me. It is not a pointless venture! I was drinking Slice and eating strawberries during the writing of this. HAVE A GREAT DAY! STROKE 9 ROCKS!