Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 16:08:00 -0500 From: Adam Irwin Subject: Love Interest - Chapter 25 Last time on Chapter 24 of Love Interest - "Can I have another one?" Justin asked, directly looking at his father, knowing he would be the most likely of the three in the room to say yes. "Don't ask me, I got in trouble for giving you one." Paul laughed, at his son, and Justin just frowned. "Please mom, I'm at home, what's the worst that could happen." "Ask Josh, he's the one that has to put up with you for the rest of the night if you get drunk." Lynn pointed her finger at Josh, she too didn't want to be the one to say yes. Justin frowned again, knowing that with Josh, he was not likely to get a yes. "Baby?" Justin turned so his face was inches away from Josh. "Can I have a drink?"Justin smiled his bright smile, and waited. "Yeah" Justin jumped off of Josh quickly and rushed to the kitchen, his mother just frowned at him as he ran in with three more beers. "I brought extra case some body else wanted them. And if not I'll just finish them off." Justin smiled and opened another can. Josh took the other two and placed them by the side of him. "No you won't. I agree to one more, not three." Justin frowned at Josh, but knew that he wasn't going to get any where. "Thanks." Justin chirped, and went about drinking his final can of beer. ____________________________________________________________________________ Time passed by in the living room, conversations changing from topic to topic. Discussions about their vacation changed to talks about the rules that Justin and Josh would have to follow while staying in the same bed at night. All of which they agreed to, Justin reluctantly, but another beer being offered to him by Josh got him to agree peacefully. And one by one, the group slipped down to three, leaving Joey, Josh, and Justin alone in the living room. Josh was practically asleep, but Joey and Justin were wide awake, and Justin had taken the oppurtunity to drink the final, and his fifth beer of the night. Joey laughed at his younger band member, noticing that Justin was slowly becoming drunk as the alcohol slipped into his bloodstream. Josh was definetly out of it when Justin finished the last drink, and Joey couldn't help but bust out into laugher. Justin scolded him, and made a slurred shhh with his finger to his lip, which came out louder then Joey's laughter. And soon the both of them were laughing, Justin now on the floor, having fallen off of Josh. Josh awoke when he heard the thump hit the ground. "You okay baby?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. But he knew that Justin was, because he and Joey were still laughing, at what Josh didn't know, but after looking at the floor he had an idea why they were laughing so hard. Joey had managed to finish off 7 beers of his own, and although he was a heavy drinker with a high tolerance, Josh knew he was tipsy. And Justin who had little experience with alcohol, was obviously drunk after his fifth drink. "Fine." Justin slurred, looking at Josh. Bringing his hand up, he rubbed Josh's face, and then giggled again. Josh just frowned at how easy it was for Justin to get drunk, and how odd he acted when he was in that state. "I think we should head to bed. And Joe, I think you should do the same." Josh suggested, and Joey didn't even wait for him to finish before he headed down the hallway for the guest room. Josh helped Justin to his feet and they were soon upstairs, inside Josh's bedroom. Josh stripped himself of clothing, except for his boxers and under shirt, and went about doing the same to Justin. Justin giggled through the ordeal, but finally Josh got him down to nothing but his boxers. Josh crawled in bed, and waited for Justin, who did the same thing, only in slow motion. All the while growling like a lion, Josh let a smirk creep out of his mouth, and as much as he wanted to get a little action with Justin, he knew he couldn't go against Paul and Lynn's orders. But the way Justin was straddling him as he came up the bed, he just couldn't ignore the fact that his member was growing harder and harder. "Baby, we promised your parents we wouldn't do anything as long as we were under their roof." Josh gasped at the end of the sentence, as Justin ripped down his boxers. Exposing his member to the air, but not for long, as Justin's mouth was soon covering it. "Baby...." The warning had turned into a moan, and Josh realized he couldn't fight it. Slowly Justin worked his tongue around Josh's shaft, teasing the slit with the tip of his tongue. "Ohbabyummmm." One long mumble came out of Josh's mouth, as he eased even further into the pleasure. Justin continued to suck, up and down on the shaft, until he felt Josh's balls restrict, giving way for Josh to shoot his load. "I'm cumming baby." Josh moaned, and Justin took it all eagerly. Josh smiled as Justin crawled up to be laying next to him. Josh reached down and pulled up his boxers, and when he looked back over, he came face to face with a pale colored Justin. "I drank to much." Was all Josh could make out, among other unintelligible words that Justin spoke. Josh frowned, he knew Justin, and he knew the signs that Justin showed when he was sick. And Josh knew that this was one of those times, that Justin would end up being sick. "Why don't you go sit in the bathroom? It looks like you're gonna throw up." Josh suggested, and Justin just shook his head no. "I wanna sleep." Justin insisted, and stayed put. Josh just relaxed back into the bed. He could feel Justin shift his weight so that his head was easily able to be set upon Josh's chest. "Are you sure you're gonna be fine?" Josh asked, looking down he could tell that Justin wasn't going to be asleep any time soon. Justin shook his head no, but made no attempt to speak. "How about this, you're gonna take a long, hot bath." Josh didn't even ask, but more implied that Justin was. And Justin didn't object to Josh leaving the bed. He watched as Josh pulled out a fresh pair of boxers, a pair of sweat pants, and a wife beater. Returning to the bed, he helped Justin out of it, and they walked down the upstairs hallway to the bathroom on the top floor. Josh shut the door behind him, and let Justin stand on his own two feet. Justin just stood their, but as Josh turned on the water to fill the tub, Justin was quickly on his knees in front of the toilet throwing up. Josh rushed to his side, and stroked his head, while Justin sat their. Finally standing, in just about the same time the bathtub filled, Justin got in on his own, after taking off his boxers. Resting his head on the back of the tub, Justin sank in, as Josh rubbed him down with a wash cloth. "You okay?" Josh asked, as he continued to bathe him. He could tell by Justin's face that he wasn't. Justin's face was pale, his eyes were watering, and he over all looked like shit. Josh leaned in to feel his forehead, and noticed that it was a little high. "You might be coming down with something." "I hate being sick." Justin mumbled, as Josh soaped up his back. "Yeah, but I've always been their when you were sick. And this time will be no different." Josh smiled, and rubbed down Justin's chest. Justin mumbled something intelligible, and relaxed back into the tub. "Oh...Sorry." Brittney had stumbled into the bathroom, figuring when it was locked that no one would be using it. Turning she walked out of the room, and stopped when she was still in hearing distance, but out of the way to see into the room. "um, Josh, is their a reason why you are bathing Justin." Josh smiled, Justin didn't even seem to realize that any one was talking to Josh, in fact it looked like he was sleeping. "He's not feeling to good. He had a few more drinks after you went to bed, but I don't think that's why he's sick. I think he might be coming down with something." Josh replied, rubbing Justin's forehead sympathetically. "Dont' worry we are just finishing up." Brittney could hear by the slight moan in his voice that he was probably lifting Justin out of the tub. With in a minute they were in the hall and Justin was dressed in the sweats and tank top. "You are too good for him." Brittney cooed, and looked down at the still sleeping Justin. "I hope he doesn't get sick, it would ruin this break." Brittney sighed out of disappointment for Justin. "Well, if this break hadn't started bad, I would say it would ruin it. But something says that a break from your group with the potential of never getting back together doesn't look like it could get ruined by anything." Josh reponded to her sigh, and just frowned at the situation. "We'll talk to you in the morning. I'm sure Justin and me can give you a lift to your mom's house some time tomorrow." Josh politely offered, and Brittney accepted with a shake of her head, and the two went their seperate ways. Brittney headed into the bathroom, and Josh headed back into the bedroom, Justin still in his arms. Once in the room, Justin was laid in the bed, and Josh wrapped him in blankets. Grabbing one blanket for himself, Josh threw it around himself, and laid right next to him. Pulling Justin close to him, he wrapped his strong arms around his younger boyfriend, and drifted into sleep, hoping that Justin wouldn't be sick when he awoke the next morning. ____________________________________________________________________________ "How was your sleep hone..." Lynn stopped noticing that Justin's nose was running, and that his forehead was bright read. "Are you okay Justin?" She asked with the normal motherly fear of the truth. "He's got a fever and every once in a while he gets the chills. His nose is running to, and he threw up once last night." Josh responded, as Justin took a seat at the table. He didn't even request any food, just sat down and folded his head into his arms. "You two don't have to take me back to my house Josh. I can call a cab, or Joey could take me. It's best if Justin stays inside, and you should probably stay with him." Brittney offered, and Joey picked up into the conversation. "I can do it, don't worry about it. Just let Justin get some rest." Joey agreed. "No, it's okay. I wanna go." Justin reassured them, but his voice was croaky and betrayed him. "Sorry honey, but they are right. You are staying home and resting." Lynn told her son, and Justin dropped it without an arguement. "When do you want to leave Britt?" Josh asked, looking at her. She looked up at him confused. "Um, Josh, aren't staying here with Justin?" Joey asked, before Brittney could ask the same question. "Justin, do you want me to stay here?" Josh asked, he had almost forgotten that he had promised Justin that he would be their while he was sick. "Never mind, I'm staying." Justin smiled at him, and put his head back down on the table. "Joe, I think we should be outta here by 12." Brittney suggested, and Joey shook his head in agreement. Seconds later, Justin was up and running from the room. All of them knew it was probably because he was going to be sick. "I'll go check on him." Josh pushed his chair out, and walked down the hallway, following the path of Justin. "You okay babe?" He asked as he walked into the bathroom. Justin was now standing by the sink as the toilet was flushing down the contents of Justin's stomach. Meanwhile Justin was wiping down his face with a hot washcloth. "I'm gonna...take a nap." Justin mumbled, and took off for the living room. Josh walked back to the kitchen. "Is he okay?" Brittney asked as Josh took his seat, and returned without Justin. "Um, yeah, he just threw up, but he's gonna take a nap. I just hope it helps." Josh could sense what he said had disgusted Joey more then anyone at the table. He just laughed, having already known that talk of being sick made Joey sick whenever it was mentioned. But most of all when he was eating. "Thanks for making me sick to my stomach." Joey pushed away his bowl jokingly, but pulled it back quickly and resumed his eating. "Seriously though dude, don't talk about that. You know how sick it makes me." Joey warned and Josh just smiled at him. "Sorry, I know, I just had to try it." Josh responded to Joey's scolding by laughing, and went about making himself a meal. "You think Justin would want something to eat when he wakes up?" He asked over the room, and they all just stared at him. "Joshua, Justin is my son, and I still think you would know better then me. You've been sharing a room with him for years now on tour, I'm sure you've taken care of him plenty of times when he's sick. So you tell us." Lynn waited, with a smile on her face. Josh just smiled back and shook his head in agreement. "I don't think he'd want anything. Not to mention I don't want to wake him, so if I make him something it would probably be bad by the time he woke up. I'll just let him sleep, and he can eat if he wants when he wakes up." Josh replied, and went back to looking for something to eat. "You are going to wake him up when I take Brittney aren't you? I mean, he'll be pretty pissed if he doesn't get to say good bye to her." Joey asked confusingly, and waited for an answer. "Um, I guess, I probably should." Josh blushed having completely forgotten about his friends departure that was scheduled for later in the day. "I'm sorry, I forgot about you leaving Britt. Justin isn't gonna be much of happy camper though when I wake him up." Josh warned. "Don't worry about it. He always isn't a happy camper when it comes to be woken up, or when he has to say good bye to someone. He's either grumpy or upset." Brittney teased, and Josh just laughed at her. The laugther was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. "Joshua, will you get that?" Lynn asked, not making any attempt to get up from her seat at the table. Josh rushed from the phone, knowing that if it rung much longer the one in the living room would wake up Justin. Grabbing the phone off of the kitchen counter, he picked it up. "Hello?" He asked, and didn't hear a voice on the other line at first. "Um, JC?" Josh recognized the voice to be Lance's, and he was hesitant to continue the conversation. "Yeah, it's me." Josh responded to the question, and waited for a reason to hang onto the line. "How are you guys?" Lance asked politely, and Josh didn't have the hurt to hang up the phone. He after all wasn't mad at Lance for any reason. Other then the fact that he and Brittney had broken up. "We're fine. Brittney's leaving to head home today. Joey's driving her, and then he's going back to his place. Justin's not doing to well, he's in bed right now. He's been sick since last night. I'm a little worried, he's got a fever and he's not doing so well in the stomach department either." Brittney and Joey were unsure of who was on the phone. But after Lynn cleared her plate at the sink she looked at the caller id, and knew it to be Lance's cell phone number. Meanwhile Josh was showing how worried he was to them, as he told Lance about it. "Ever the perfect man." Lance laughed, and Josh found himself laughing along. "Well, I just called to check up on you guys. Chris and I are getting closer as friends, we kinda realized that after this we might not have many others." Lance paused, waiting for a reaction from Josh. "You will always have us as friends Lance, it's just that Chris and you need to realize what you did hurt us." Josh argued, he knew that it was the truth. He could never hate Lance and Chris forever, but for a while he could. "I know, and we do. Tell Brittney I'm sorry for being an ass to her. I didn't mean to take something so prized away from her so cheapishly. And tell Justin he isn't a baby, I didn't mean it when I said it. I swear Josh, I would never have said it if I knew it was going to be the last straw." Lance apologized, and Josh just shook his head. "It's okay Lance, but I really should be going. I'm making my breakfast right now." "Alright, talk to you later." Lance said his good byes, and Josh hung up the phone. Turning he could see Brittney's eyes were filled with anger, after hearing Lance's name mentioned in the conversation, she knew he was the one that JC was talking to. Joey just continued eating, while Lynn worked away at cleaning the few dishes she had made while eating her own breakfast. "Um, Britt, Lance say's he's sorry for the way he handled what he did. He's sorry for doing that to you most of all though." Josh knew Brittney would only yell at him for bringing it up, but he couldn't ignore his friends request. "Whatever. I don't care anymore, I'm over it. But I'm still mad at him." Brittney surprisingly remained calm under the situation, much to Josh's happiness. ____________________________________________________________________________ TBC.... ____________________________________________________________________________ Hoped you liked.