Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 22:34:25 -0400 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - Never Too Much - 9 DISCLAIMER: I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or the BSB. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading. "Even if you give me all your love, even if you give me all your kisses, it will be never..." Keyshia Cole Never Too Much Chapter 9 by JT Poole // Fernandina Beach, FL -- Baptist Medical Center -- JT's Hospital Room // "JT, JT baby wake up." Dan spoke, shaking JT as he tossed and turned in his nightmarish sleep. "Wha...what!" JT screamed sitting up in the bed, scaring Dan. "What happened?" "You were having some kind of nightmare." Dan spoke. "Are you okay?" "I...I don't know." JT answered, holding his head in his hands. "Do you want to talk about it?" Dan asked, wrapping his arm around JT. " I don't think I should." JT spoke, looking away from Dan. "JT I am here for you, you can tell me anything." Dan spoke. "I just don't want to talk about it Dan, please don't make me talk about it." JT spoke, getting upset a little. "Calm down baby, you don't have to talk about it." Dan spoke, hugging JT again and then kissing him on his cheek. "Come here, let's try to go back to sleep." // JT's Beach House -- Early Monday Morning // "Good morning guys. Did you two sleep at all?" Chris asked, looking at the looks on Justin and Nick's face. "Yeah we finally got to sleep after all of us got Jacob and Lance to calm down and talk things out like civil people." Justin spoke, eyes bloodshot. "I think you should go back to sleep, you look like hell." Chris spoke. "I think we all need to just leave this place and go our own separate ways." Justin spoke as Nick sat down in his lap at the island. "We can't leave now, not now, it's just Lance needs to get his shit together." Chris spoke. "Yeah he do need to get his shit together, he needs to get his shit and leave. We don't need him here ruining our off time." Justin spoke, wrapping his arms around Nick and lying his head against his back. "If it wasn't for him we would be having fun instead of all of this crap." "We can't blame everything on Lance." Ashley spoke. "Yes we can. If it wasn't for him none of this shit would be going on. First his problems with Jacob, then JT, then JT hurting himself and then him getting himself locked up for trying to buy drugs! Hello, Scoop needs some help." "He needs a whole lot of therapy." Nick spoke as Lance walked into the kitchen. "I don't need any fucking help! I don't need therapy!" Lance screamed standing in front of Justin and Nick. "You do need help." Justin spoke. "Don't you see what you are doing, what you have done?" "I haven't done anything." Lance spoke. "You just got out of jail last night for trying to buy drugs. I know you have been drinking and because of your actions towards Dan and JT, JT is in the hospital because he tried to kill himself because of your fucking stress." "Justin!" Christ shouted. "Well it's the truth, we all know it is." Justin spoke. "If he would have left well enough alone and stuck to Jacob, this stuff would never be happening." "Where is JT? What do you mean he's in the hospital and tried to kill himself?" Lance asked, staring at Justin. "Just what I fucking mean!" Justin screamed. "Your silly games really got to JT and he tried to kill himself yesterday afternoon around the same time you were running from the damn cops!" "What!" Lance screamed running from the room, crying. "Oh great, wonder what he's going to do now." Justin spoke kissing Nick on the cheek and sliding out of the chair as Nick took his spot. "I will be back in just a moment baby." // Back at the Hospital // --- JT's POV --- I know he's scared, hell I am scared too. I know he's somewhat mad with me, but I can't help that now. I just don't know what came over me. One moment I am fine and then when the nightmares start, I just want to die. I thought I had forgotten all of that stuff, but apparently it is still here with me. I think I need to call and make an appointment with my therapist. I am sitting here with Dan in my arms. What is wrong with me? How can I act this way and hurt this beautiful angel? I must be out of my fucking mind to want to leave this hunk of a man alone forever. I better get help and quick before my past destroys my life once and for all. "Hello sleepy head." I say as Dan opens his eyes and looks up at me. "Please be back to normal." He says a tear sliding from the corner of his eye as I flick it away. "As normal as I have always been." I tell him as he slides up in bed at the same time there is a knock at the door. "I wonder who that could be?" I say just as the door opens and Jamie steps into the room. "What do you want?" "The guys told me that you were here and that you tried to kill yourself." Jamie answered me, looking like he had been crying. "And so you decided to come here and make thing worse?" Dan asks, getting out of the bed now. "Lance please just go. Don't make things worse for him." "I am not JT's problem, I love him." Jamie spoke, holding his head down. "I would never do anything to hurt him." "Wrong." Dan says, walking to the door and opening it. "Leave Lance, we don't need the excess drama which is you." "I am not leaving JT." Jamie says, walking over to the bed and standing next to JT. "Like hell you will!" Dan shouts, moving over to the bed and grabbing Jamie by his shirt, pulling him towards the door. "You are getting the hell up out of here." "I said I am not going anywhere." Jamie says pushing Dan off of him. "You can't make me go any fucking where." "Jamie please just go." I tell him, tears springing to my eyes. "I don't want you here, just go back to the house. I can't deal with you right now. Please, just leave." "You don't know what you are saying baby." Jamie says, wrapping his arms around JT, hugging him. "Get the hell off of my man!" Dan screams, grabbing Lance by his legs and pulling him, causing him to fall to the floor. "What the hell!" Jamie says as his mouth hits the railing on the bed. "I taste blood! I'm gonna kick your ass pretty boy!" "Bring it on bitch!" Dan says to him, jumping towards Jamie, punching him in the stomach. "Stop it! Stop it right now!" I scream at them as Dan knocks Jamie to the ground elbowing him in the back as Jamie struggles to get away from him. "You were talking all that shit! Where's that mouth now bitch!" Dan shouted as the doctor came into the room with security. "What in blazes is going on in here?" The doctor asks, walking over to where I was standing in the corner of the room as the security guards separated Jamie and Dan. "He won't leave us alone. I asked him to leave, but he wouldn't go!" Dan shouts struggling to get free of the guard that had him. "Stop right now Mr. Miller or I will have you escorted from this room." The doctor says, reaching out to JT and taking his hand. "Are you okay JT?" "Yeah, yeah I guess so." I say following the doctor back to the bed. "Why don't you get back here back into bed and tell me what happened." The doctor says pulling the blanket back as I got in. "Well Jamie came in and we told him to leave but he wouldn't and he hugged me and Dan tried to get him away from me...I want Dan, where's Dan?" I ask, looking around the room. "Mr. Miller is out in the hallway with security. After I am sure you are okay I will let him back in." The doctor assures me writing something down in the chart he was holding. "When can I go home?" I ask him. "When your observation time is up." He says getting up from the bed. "I have been here twenty-four hours already, I am ready to go home." I say to the doctor as he frowns at me and shakes his head. "I'm sorry Mr. Poole you can't go home. With the recent events that have taken place here, you are currently under psychiatric evaluation and as hospital policy we have to evaluate you for forty-eight more hours so we can be sure that you won't do anything else to hurt yourself." "I don't care, you can't force me to stay here!" I scream at him. "Until I feel you are no longer a threat to yourself and those around you, you are staying here." The doctor says. "What!" I shout, getting up out of the bed. "If I don't feel you are not able to be able to leave here, then you won't leave here." The doctor speaks, opening the door and pointing. "Tell Mr. Miller that he is now able to return to this room, but keep the other fella out of here." "I want to go home!" I shout at him again as Dan walked into the room. "Baby please calm down." He says sitting on the bed wrapping his arms around me. "I will not calm down. I don't belong here, I need to be in my own home with you." I tell him, doubling over and crying again. "Shhhh baby, it's all going to be alright in a few days. I promise you that." He tells me, puling me back up and kissing my cheek. "I don't think I can handle staying here for a few more days, I would like to be home, in my home." I tell him as he looks at me with a sullen look and then kisses me on the forehead. "We won't be happy here and soon you will get mad and want to leave. I don't want to be here by myself." "I am not going to leave you baby, I promise you that." He tells me as we share a passionate kiss. // Jive Headquarters Serena Kyle's Office // "Serena, you have someone out here who says that he needs to see you and he won`t take no for an answer," Ashley Daniels, Serena's Girl Friday, announced via intercom. "Well show the gentleman in, and then you can knock off for the day Ash," Serena replied, never looking up from the reports she was pouring over. "But before you go, I need you to file these reports away for me." "Sure thing Serena," Ashley stated, showing AJ McLean into Serena's office. She accepted the folders Serena held out to her, smiling deviously. "It was a pleasure to meet you AJ. Take good care of our girl. I'll see you tomorrow Rena." "What did I tell you about calling me that?" Serena yelled at Ashley's retreating figure, earning herself a snicker from Ashley. "Why do I even bother? I'm sorry about that Alex. How are you?" "I'm good Serena. How are you?" AJ replied, coming over to hug her briefly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." "You are not interrupting anything that can't wait until tomorrow," Serena replied, gathering up the few remaining files on her desk and putting them in her inbox for review the next day. She shut down her computer, giving AJ her full attention. "Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" "Well, I was just in the building for a meeting and I wanted to stop in and see how things were going," AJ replied, smiling when she arched an eyebrow at him. "What?" "Now see, there's a funny thing. I happen to know for a fact that the Backstreet Boys are not due back into the studio for at least another three days," Serena stated, grinning at AJ's shocked expression. "So you are going to tell the truth... or am I going to have to tickle it out of you?"" "Alright, I'm busted," AJ replied, holding his hands up in mock surrender, causing Serena to laugh outright. "A guy can't get anything past you. Seriously, I am here to see if you would like to go out to dinner with me tonight." "I guess I can squeeze you into my schedule for a few hours," Serena replied with an exaggerated sigh, this time making AJ laugh. "Let me just freshen up my makeup and then we can go." "Your makeup looks fine," AJ stated, grinning when she blushed dark red. "Oh, you blush easily. This is going to be fun." "Hey, no teasing allowed!" Serena said as she retreated to her private bathroom to do damage control. When she was done, she came back out and the two of them left for the restaurant. "So, tell me who you are Serena Kyle," AJ stated after they were seated and were waiting for their waiter. "Well, that would take all night cover a lot of ground," Serena replied, smiling at him across the small space. Their waiter chose that moment to appear, placing menus in front of them. Serena picked up hers, skimming it. "I'll have a Caesar salad and the fettuccini alfredo with chicken and broccoli." "I think I'll have the salad and an order of fried calamari, and for the main course I'll have the linguini with clams. Thank you," AJ said, handing the waiter both of our menus. He turned back to me and continued. "Now, tell me all about you." "Well, my full name is Serena Renee Kyle. I'm originally from Charlotte, North Carolina hence the southern accent," Serena began, smiling self-consciously when AJ grinned at her. "I am the youngest of four children, and I have a twin sister named Sariah who`s four minutes older than me. What else would you like to know Alex?" "Whatever you're willing to tell me," AJ replied, moving to sit closer to her. "I want to know all about what makes Serena Kyle tick." The two of them spent the next several hours laughing and talking about everything under the sun. When the food came they had even shared each others entrees, offering each other samples of their food. Afterwards they had taken a walk along the beach, learning more about each other. "Oh my goodness... it's after one in the morning!" Serena said suddenly, scrambling to find her shoes as AJ stood to offer her a hand. "I am gonna be so wiped in the morning." "Well, I for one really enjoyed myself," AJ replied, taking her hand in his as they walked the short distance back to his car. "So any sleep deprivation I might suffer tomorrow will definitely be worth it." "This is true," Serena replied with a smile. They pulled into the parking lot at Jive, AJ driving around until they found her car in its assigned space. AJ pulled into the empty space next to it, turning off the car's engine as he hurried around to open Serena`s door. "I had a great time tonight Alex." "So did I Serena," AJ replied, smiling back at her in the dim light from the parking lot lights. "Would you like to come by my house for dinner tomorrow night?" "Um, sure I guess that would be cool," Serena replied, blushing slightly as she broke the eye contact between them to rummage around in her purse for her car keys. She finally found them, almost dropping them in her nervousness. AJ smirked, amused by the sight of the pretty woman so flustered to be near him. He reached over, caressing her hands as he took the keys from her and opened the door for her. Serena mumbled what sounded like a thank you as she hurried to get into the car, but he held out a hand to stop her. "I forgot to give you my address," AJ stated, patting his pockets for something to write with. "Do you have a pen I can borrow?" "Sure," Serena replied, producing a purple pen and heart shaped piece of paper. He quickly scribbled down an address in one of the gated communities in the suburbs of Orlando not far from her condo, handing her the piece of paper. When their fingers touched briefly, she couldn't help the involuntary shiver that raced down her spine. AJ watched her closely, noting the reaction she had to him every time they touched, wanting to kiss her, but not wanting to scare her. They still had plenty of time for that. "Well, I gotta go," Serena stated, smiling at AJ one last time before closing the door to the car. She started the engine, letting the window down. "I'll see you again tomorrow night." "Good night Serena," AJ said softly, fingers still tingling where they had touched hers so briefly. He watched her drive off with a bemused smile on his face. Until tomorrow beautiful lady, he thought to himself as he got back into his own car and headed for home. TO BE CONTINUED... Comments or Suggestions Contact Information E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: ICQ #: 146925768