Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 13:59:13 -0600 From: Lee McDougal Subject: "Nick's Gift" Part 4 Well, here's another part for your approval. I hope you like it, and please send your comments or questions to and visit my website at Nick's Gift Part 4 "What's best for You?" I had a week to get ready for my new life...what would I want to take with me? I don't mean clothes either...that's a given. What part of home can I really take with me? Have I got a picture of my parents? Check...I keep a small one in my wallet. My cd collection...well not all of them but all I can stuff in a carrying case that I would have to buy. And of course I'll need money. I had till Saturday to get ready, so I'll finish this list later. First I have to face the music, and tell my parents...I mean sure I'm 21 and able to make my own choices, but still...I knew in my heart if they didn't approve, it would hurt a lot! Here goes nothing. I would call them up, and let them know that I was coming for dinner. And I would tell them tonight after the meal. Always best to break things on people after their feeding. I picked up the phone and dialed the very familiar number. My mother would no doubt pick up the phone; Dad hardly ever answered the phone. He was usually watching TV...or doing something that made him to busy to get the phone. "Hello" Mom answered my call. "Hey Mom. I just wanted to let you know I'm coming over for dinner. If you don't have any plans that is." I told her. "No plans dear, that'll be fine! Your father and I were just talking about how you don't visit enough." Mom complained. Great a guilt trip, right before I lower the boom? Oh well, I'm sure this will make it that much more difficult. Sigh... "Well, Mom you know I try to get over at least once a week..." I defended myself. "Yes of course you do darling. Any way the point is we'll be thrilled to have you. Are you going to be bringing a friend?" She asked. "Well I could invite James if you like?" I told her. "No, I mean a've been single far too long dear." Mom told me. Maybe things would go my way. "Well, that's part of the reason I'm coming over I have some news on that subject." I told her. "Oh, that's great dear. Remember dinner is at 7." Mother told me. "Of course, can I bring something?" I asked. "Yes, could you pick up some rolls?" She asked. "Sure thing mom! I'll talk to you this evening. Love you!" I told her. "I love you too son, good bye." She ended. "Bye." And with that we hung up. This might turn out nice after all. I decided to deal with James tomorrow. I knew he would want more details about what happened this weekend, and I wanted some from him as well! I knew he wasn't saying it all over the phone. But for the rest of the day I have to clean up a little, and do the shopping. I know I'm leaving at the end of the week...but there are still some things I need around here! After I finished the shopping I was soon back at my place. I had the food I would need for the remainder of the week...and the rolls for tonight. I would place them in a pan and put them in the oven to brown before I leave for my parents. It was still a while before then though. I was about to go watch some TV when the phone rang. "Hello." I stated after picking up the phone. "Hey baby!" Nick said to me. "Nick! How nice it is to hear your voice." I said with a huge smile breaking out on my face. "I know it's nice to hear you too. So have you got around to telling your mom yet?" Nick asked. "No, have you told the guys yet?" I countered. "I haven't yet...but I did tell Brian and he was cool with it. He really likes you. I'm so glad that you two will be friends." Nick stated. "Yeah, it would be hard if he didn't like me...but I am worried that the other guys won't like me." I told him. "Don't worry about it dear. You won't have much trouble with anyone...that I can think of anyway." He said after a pause that made me uneasy. "Are you sure?" I asked Nick. "Pretty sure...except I am a bit worried about AJ. He doesn't like to talk about my sexuality... I'm not sure how he'd be around my boyfriend." Nick stated. "Well, I'm not your first boyfriend am I?" I asked. "Actually your the first guy I've ever tried dating...I've been with a couple guys. But it was nothing serious. " He told me. "Ah, I see. Well this should be interesting. I just hope I don't cause you any trouble." I told him. "Any trouble would be worth it in my mind. But I don't see that happening anyway." He reassured me. I wasn't so sure...and was even more nervous now. "If you say so dear, I just don't want you to ever regret me being with you." I told him. "Don't talk silly dear. Anyway, let's not think about things like that. All I want to think about is holding you in my arms again. And to be honest getting your penis in my mouth again would be nice." Nick stated with a little chuckle. "Oh, I would love that too babe. Perhaps this weekend we can!" I suggested. "I think so too, I don't think I can behave another weekend." Nick told me. "Me neither! It was great holding you, but I did want to do more. You're just so sexy!" I told Nick. "Mm...You're the sexy one with your brown hair and green eyes that just make me want to eat you up. I don't think I would change anything about you if I could." Nick flattered me. "I'm glad you can't see me right now...I'm blushing terribly! You're so sweet. Thanks for making me feel so good." I told Nick. "Thanks for being my baby." Nick told me. "Your welcome...and I'd be happy to continue on for an extended period of time!" I offered. "Of course! Now, I have to get to practice, we have a show tonight. When are you planning on telling your parents?" Nick asked. "I'll tell them tonight. I'm going there for dinner." I told him. "Okay, can you call me tomorrow night then? I want to know how it goes." Nick told me. "Sure I can handle that. Thanks for the concern dear." I stated. "No problem...I'll be back at the hotel around 11 tomorrow so call sometime after that. Bye babe." "Bye sweetie." With that he was gone. He's very sweet, but I had a bad feeling...I'm sure it was just nerves about telling my parents and meeting the other guys. I hope that was all it was anyway! I watched a little TV after that and soon it was time to put the rolls to cooking. When they were done I set them out to cool for a while. Once they were cool enough to handle, I placed them in a large bowl with a lid so I could transport them. I really had butterflies now. How would this go? It wouldn't be long before I knew though. I was soon driving my way to my old home. It hadn't been that long, but it was always strange going home. Especially when I notice something different about the house. Like, maybe the furniture was arranged different, or they changed something about my was like it was a different world there than what I once knew. My old home was a simple brick had 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It was a nice enough house, and it was filled with the love of our family. My parents have loved me unconditionally, and knew I was gay before I told them. They accepted it, and loved me just as always. I was lucky in so many ways. I couldn't count my many blessings anymore! But I was thankful for them, don't get me wrong. And there were other not so pleasant things. As my mother has said, for every blessing there's a curse. No one really has it better than anyone else does, despite what they might think. As I pulled into the driveway the first air of home hit me. I could sense the childhood memories floating around in my head, some making me laugh, some making me cringe, and others making me want to cry. Emotions ran heavy in memories...maybe that's why so many people like to forget. But today wasn't a day set-aside for remembrance of good things or bad. Today I had to face the future, and what it may hold for me. Soon I had parked my car and was soon out and walking to the door. I didn't knock; after all it was home. Soon I opened the door and walked in. I moved to the kitchen and placed the rolls on the table. My mother was finishing up everything. I walked to her and gave her a hug. "Hello Paul! How was your trip up?" She asked. "Just fine Mom, how's dad?" I asked. "He's just fine; he's in the living room watching television. You go keep him company, and dinner will be ready in 10 minutes." She told me. "Are you sure you don't need help here?" I asked. "No, it's all ready I just have to watch it a bit longer." She told me. So I walked from the kitchen to the living room. The layout of the house was the main door, that I did not enter, goes into the living room. I instead took the side door that leads into the kitchen. The house was two stories. The bottom half being the Kitchen, living room, and the guest room. The top half consisting of the master bedroom which my parents used, my bedroom, and my sister's room. My sister moved off a long time ago. She still visits on holidays, but that's the only time we see her. As I entered the living room I saw my father setting on the couch watching the news. I never was a big fan of watching the news...if I wanted to know current events I picked up the newspaper. But I could endure it all the same. I set down beside him on the opposite end of the couch. "Hey Dad, how's it going?" I asked. "Just fine son, have you decided what to do with your business yet?" Dad asked. He always liked to talk business first, so the rest would be more pleasant. "No, but I do have a few ideas, if you want to hear them." I told him. "Sure go ahead!" He said smiling at me. He was always interested in my ideas, no matter how bad they seemed to me. "Well, I was thinking I could open a small music shop and sale cd's and posters and stuff like that. Sort of like the one's at the mall, but smaller and more personal like. It wouldn't make a fortune, but it would be something I'd really like." I told him. "I like that idea. And you could probably expand as you went along, if you want to that is." He told me. "Maybe, my other idea was that maybe I could start a bed and breakfast. I'd have to find a larger house for that though. And it'd be a lot of work too." I thought out loud. "Yes, but the benefit would be good too. You'd get to meet all kinds of interesting people and maybe even find someone to settle down with." Dad suggested. "That's true." I didn't tell him about Nick yet...and besides, at this point it would be ridiculous to even speculate that Nick and I might settle down together one day. There was still a long road ahead of us both. Soon Mother called us to dinner, and we set down for the meal. It was a nice meal. It was just really nice to be home again, and my mother seemed very happy as well. "So what's the big surprise?" Mom asked after we were finishing up our meal. "Well, Mom and Dad I know you are both always wanting me to find someone. I did..." I said. "That's great dear! Congratulations!" Mother said. "Good for you, what's his name?" Dad asked. "Nick Carter." I said. "Don't be ridiculous dear what's his name?" Mother said laughing at me. "I'm serious; I met Nick Carter 2 weekends ago at the park. And we have become rather close." I told them. "You're serious?" Dad asked. "Totally! I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. He's a really sweet guy." I told them. "Imagine that, our son is dating a celebrity!" Mother said with a huge grin. "It figures, Paul has always tried to be over the top. So when do we get to meet him?" Dad asked. "I'm not sure. If he comes down this weekend, you can meet him then." I told them. "Wait dear I'm confused. Aren't the boys on tour and everything? How are you possibly going to spend any time together?" Mom asked. "That's another thing...he's asked me to go on tour with him." I told him. "But darling to do what? I hardly think he wants you to join the group. What will you do for money?" She asked me. "Well, I do have money you know." I reminded them. "Yes, but that money is meant to sustain you, and for you to start a business, not to go roaming round the country. I just don't know about this!" My father crushed me. "What your father is saying dear is-this just isn't practical. You hardly even know this boy, and now your willing to give up your life for him? What happens if it doesn't work out? You'll not only be lonely again, but broke! No, we will not allow you to go on the money we have given you. If you go on this venture, you'll have to make it on your own." Mother stated. "Your mother is right as usual. We still support you in whatever you choose, but we want what's best for you. And that's keeping your nest egg where it's supposed to be-in the bank till you settle down!" Father lectured me. At this point I was feeling rather emotional, and didn't want to discuss it further...what was I going to do? This certainly puts a cramp on my plans. I was okay going when I had a way to take care of myself, but I couldn't go broke. I'd most likely become a nuisance and kicked to the curb. What in the world should I do? Later on, I was setting on the couch watching TV back at my house. I wasn't really watching it though...I was just crying. Then the phone rang. Who could that be? I wasn't supposed to call Nick till tomorrow night. "Hello." I answered. "Hey dear." James stated on the phone. "Oh I'm glad you called." I whimpered. "What's wrong? Your voice isn't normal." "It's a long you think you can come over tonight?" I asked him. "Sure Paul. What happened?" He asked. "Nick asked me to go on tour with him...but my parents said I couldn't use any of my money to go on the trip. I'm screwed! Without their help I can't go with Nick...and how else can we be together?" I asked him. "Okay, calm down. I'm sure we'll figure something out dear. I'll be over in about 10 minutes okay." James told me. Could we come up with something? Was there a hope for Nick and me? To Be Continued I know this part ended with a cliffhanger, but it was needed to move the story along. This is the first real speed bump for Paul and Nick...and it'll be interesting to see how they get over it, or fall along the way. Stick with me and see!