Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 22:04:29 -0600 From: Charlie Lambert Subject: nsync complications chapter nine DISCLAIMER: Hello everybody! You know all this stuff, right? Well, I'll repeat it just to be sure. I do not know the sexuality of any celebrities in REALITY, however, in this little fiction world of mine, they are what I choose them to be. =0) Once again, what I come to call it, the Duh Factor: If you are not old enough to view this material, go away. If you are offended by homosexual material, why are you here? Reminder: Lance's thoughts are in greater than, less than arrows <> and Joey's are in regular brackets []. Charlie's thoughts are in parentheses (,). =0) In the previous chapter: Charlie wakes up and finds Joey sitting next to him. Joey wants them to have a friendship and convinces Charlie to spill about what had happened to him. Apparently his ex-boyfriend Billy became overly jealous and went psychotic. Cooper comes in and knows immediately about what had happened. Lance had just beaten Chris in a match of chess when Joey comes back into the room. Justin had taken Brit to the airport and JC had mysteriously vanished a few hours earlier. The guys get into a playful argument whenever Chris inadvertently causes Joey to confess about his sexuality. He then makes the assumption that there was something going on between Lance and Joey, Lance denied it and Joey fled the room with tears in his eyes. Chapter Nine Joey was walking down the hallway. He just needed to get out and get some fresh air. He was sniffling and trying to stop the tears from falling. He wasn't doing a very good job of it. He rounded the corner and crashed into somebody, sending both of them sprawling to the floor. Joey immediately got up and started apologizing, "I am so sorry, I didn't even see you..." Joey stopped talking when he realized who it was. "That's alright, it happens sometimes..." AJ responded, but stopped whenever he saw the tears that had been falling freely from Joey's eyes. "Joey? What's wrong?" "AJ? What are you doing here?" Joey asked, trying to avoid the question, as he pulled AJ up off the floor. "I just came to check on Chris and see how he was doing. Lance had called Kevin earlier and told him about Chris' condition. I didn't have much to do today, so I just decided to stop by. Now, answer my question." "What question? I'm sorry, but I have to go," Joey said as he pushed his way past AJ. He was stopped abruptly whenever AJ grabbed a hold of his arm. "If you don't want to talk about it, fine...but if you ever need somebody to talk to for a fresh 'outside' opinion, I hope you'd talk to me." Joey smiled faintly, "Thanks AJ, I just need to get out and clear my head." He turned and proceeded down the hallway. AJ stared after him for a few minutes, running different scenarios through his head, trying to figure out what could have possibly upset him this much. Then he remembered that Joey had come from the general direction of Chris' room, maybe he would have an answer. AJ was almost about to walk into Chris' room when he heard some heated voices in the middle of an argument. "What the hell?! Why didn't you guys tell me?!" AJ recognized the voice as Chris'. "I don't know, we haven't really had a chance to tell you, besides, its none of your business," the second voice was definitely Lance's. "Its none of my business? Where the hell do you get the nerve? Both of you guys are my friends, at least I thought both of you were. Geesh, you just blew him off like that?!" "What the hell was I supposed to do? Tell him that I love him?!" "What?" "You heard me..." Lance repeated, obviously trying to stop from crying. Chris' voice toned down. "Why didn't you?" "I don't know...I honestly don't know. It was just too fast...all of a sudden the guy I had been dreaming about for the past few months is Bi and he's available...I don't know." "Well, it is obvious the way that he feels about you dude." "I know, it's just...What if it doesn't work out? We will be working together for God knows how much longer...I don't want us to lose our friendship..." Lance drifted off, "I'd rather keep him as a friend, than risk losing that." "Come here Scoop." AJ peaked around the corner and saw that Chris had Lance wrapped up in a hug. He decided that now was just as good as anytime to make his entrance. "Knock Knock!" Lance jumped when he heard AJ. Chris just about pissed in his pants. "Damn it AJ!" Chris yelled playfully. "Geesh, you guys spook easily," AJ replied. "How long have you been there?" Lance asked, his voice trembling. "It's okay Lance...I heard quite a bit...but don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I was going to ask why Joey was crying anyways." "Did you see where he went?" A worried Lance asked. "I think I'm going to go look for him." AJ stepped in front of him. "Easy there hombre." AJ placed a hand on Lance's chest, stopping him from leaving. "Give him a few minutes to chill out. He'll come back." "I can't wait, I have to explain this to him," Lance said as he tore away from AJ. Both AJ and Chris watched as Lance left the room. AJ turned to Chris, "Man, a lot has happened in a few days." "You have no freaking clue," Chris said. "So did you come to see little ole me?" "Little?" AJ grinned. "Excuse me?" Chris said faking a shocked look. "I am not fat." "Whatever, so you going to fill me in on what's up with your crew?" ***Meanwhile, sitting in his car in the parking lot*** [Why the hell am I so screwed up? Why did he have to be so mean like that? Stop crying Joey!!! Don't let anybody see you like this. Why am I so attracted to him? Why, why, why...that's the only damn thing I can ask.] Joey closed his eyes and leaned his head back on his seat. [What am I going to do? How am I going to get over him? It's obvious that he doesn't want anything to do with me...] Joey still had his eyes closed when he heard somebody knocking on his window. He jumped and saw that it was Justin. He rolled down his window. "Hey Curly, what's up?" Joey asked, trying to sound casual. "Just got back from taking Brit to the airport, was going to see if ya'll wanted some REAL food. Now, why are you sitting out in your car crying?" "I am not crying," Joey replied, as he wiped his eyes with his hands. "Yeah, and I don't have blue eyes and blonde hair," Justin said matter-of-factly. "Come on, we're going for a ride." Justin opened Joey's door and pulled him out. "Where are we going?" "Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm going to get us some REAL food. Plus we needs to have a chat." Joey considered arguing with Justin, but decided against it whenever his stomach started growling. If anything, he'd go for the food. He jumped into Justin's Mercedes and they were off. They rode in silence for a few minutes until Justin spoke up. "So...?" "So...what?" Joey replied. Justin took a turn going a little too fast and skidded a bit. Joey had forgotten how bad of a driver Justin was. "So what is bothering you?" "Nothing...its nothing." "You are a horrible liar Joey. I know that we aren't as close as you and Chris, or even you and Lance, but you know that you can talk to me about anything, right?" "I know Curly, its just...complicated." "Complicated? Wow, big word for Joey," Justin replied casually. "Ha...ha...very funny. So where are we going to get some grub?" "I'm thinking about Burger King, stop avoiding the subject." "I'm not avoiding anything," Joey said in his innocent voice. "HA, once again, do I need to remind you that you suck at lying?" "Fine, you really wanna know what's bothering me?" "For the last time, yes, ten words or less...haha." "One word...Lance." Justin looked over at Joey and almost went off the road until Joey grabbed the wheel. Justin then pulled off on a side street and put his car in park. "What do you mean 'Lance'? I thought you were cool with him being gay?" "I am! I have no problems with him being gay..." "Then what is it?" Joey closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Ever since he told me...I don't know. I've just..." "Just what?" "I'm attracted to him..." There was absolute silence in the car. Joey didn't dare open his eyes. He was preparing himself for the worse but nothing happened. Justin wasn't saying anything, so Joey opened his eyes and looked over at Justin. He had his mouth open in total shock. Joey decided to lighten the mood, "You know you really should close that, a bug might fly in there." Justin did a double-take and then he started talking. "Wait a second, did you just say that you were attracted to him?" "Yes Justin, I'm Bi-sexual. Bi-sexual, as in, I like guys and girls." "Since when?" "I'm not sure...but the fact remains that I'm attracted to Lance." "There's a problem with that? How? I think ya'll would make a cute couple," Justin said, obviously trying to get used to the idea. "Yeah, well, he doesn't see it the same way. He thinks that we shouldn't...because it might make things complicated." "Okay...I can see his point." Joey looked at Justin like he had just jabbed him in the heart. "What?!" "Dude, think about it rationally for a minute. If you two did hook up...all would be fine and dandy for a little while. What would happen if ya'll broke up? Wouldn't it affect your friendship? Wouldn't it affect the group? Lance is probably looking at the big picture. He doesn't want to do anything that would jeopardize Nsync. Besides, both of you are new to this thing. Lance only recently came to terms with his sexuality and how long has it been since you came to terms with it?" "A few days..." Joey said, feeling defeated. "Precisely, just don't rush into anything right now. Give it time, who knows, maybe you'll find somebody else...maybe ya'll will end up hooking up. Just don't jump into it head first." "I guess I can see your point. I mean...I'm attracted to Lance...but I don't know if that is just because I know he is gay or what. I don't know if what I feel is 'love' or whether it is just a crush. I am so friggin' confused." "Just think it over. about we go get some grub?" Joey laughed at this. It was just like Justin to let his stomach lead the way. "Sure...lets go get some grub." Justin put his car into gear and started to fly down the street. Joey was seriously wondering why he was risking his life riding with him. ***Back at the hospital*** Lance ran to the elevator and pushed the appropriate button. He was nervously shifting from foot to foot. A bad habit he had picked up. He always became fidgety whenever he was nervous. The doors opened and Lance almost crashed into Cooper. "Woah, sorry Cooper." "No problem, you okay?" "Yeah, I'm just looking for Joey, have you seen him?" "Nope, Charlie just woke up and told me to go eat. He can be such an ass sometimes," Cooper grinned. "So he's not here?" Lance asked, desperately. "No...why? What's wrong, did something happen to Chris?" "Huh?!" Lance was thrown off, of course he would assume something was wrong with Chris. "No...nothing is wrong with Chris. I just really need to talk to Joey right now." "Well, sorry, but I don't know where he is. Is his car still here?" "Yes, it is. Shit," Lance screamed. "Dude, take a chill pill. I'm sure he's here somewhere. Have you tried calling his cell?" Lance smacked himself in the forehead. "Of course! Duh, he has his cell phone on him!" Lance proceeded to pull out his cell and dial in Joey's number. "Well, I'm headed down to the cafeteria, I'll catch you later." Cooper stepped on the elevator just before the doors closed. "Keep an eye on Charlie for me!" Lance had his cell phone next to his ear. He was counting the rings< ring...two rings...three rings...four rings...damn it, his voice mail...> "Joey, this is Lance. Listen, we need to talk. It is extremely important okay? I am so sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't really mean it...listen...I'm not going to do this over the phone, so give me a call or come see me. I'm going to be waiting for you in Charlie's room." Lance pushed the 'end' button on his phone and walked into Charlie's room. "You know, you get really loud whenever you get worried," Charlie commented. "Sorry, I didn't wake you did I?" "No, I was already awake. So what's going on between you and Joey? I heard you say that you were sorry for something?" "God, you have some really good ears." "Ehhh, it's a curse," Charlie grinned. "Well, its kind of a long story." "Ummm...newsflash...Charlie isn't going anywhere," laughing at himself. Lance grinned and proceeded to tell Charlie everything. He didn't know why, but he felt like he could trust him. He knew it could be a possible risk, but he didn't care. "So you are in love with Joey?" Charlie asked. "Yeah...well...I don't know." "Ahhhhh...I see where this is headed. I've been in the same situation." "What?" "Okay, me and Cooper have been friends forever. Everybody knew he is gay and that he is proud of it. We've been best friends for a long, long time. Well, I started coming to terms with my own sexuality and I came out to him. I felt like we knew each other so well, I had a serious crush on him. At that time I thought it was because I loved him. I do love him, but just not in that sense. I was just using him as a safety net. I mean, I come to terms with my sexuality and there is a 'perfect' guy there waiting for me. He had a crush on me, but he held off, saying that it was too fast for me. I got over my crush...and we've never been closer." "Wow," the only word Lance could mutter. "Yeah, I know that you guys might seem like ya'll are in love with each other. Ya'll might be, its just...don't rush it. If things are meant to happen, they will, if they aren't, then they won't. Catch my drift?" "Yeah, I think so. Since when did you turn into a counselor?" "Haha, you guys know so little about me. I'm a professional therapist." "Wow." "You like those one-word answers, dontcha?" Charlie grinned. "Whatever." "Yet another one-word answer." "So...what is the deal with Cooper?" "What do you mean?" "He said he was visiting and we never got around to asking where from." "Ohhh...yeah...well...we are originally from Charlotte, North Carolina." "Why did you move down here to Orlando?" "No reason." "Uh oh, come on, why?" "Okay, partially, I was given a position down here." "Yeah, and what's the other reason?" "You guys..." "What?!" "Yeah, okay. One of the reasons I moved down here was that I'd have the possibility of meeting you guys." "Wow, I'm flattered." "Yeah, well, I never actually thought it would be possible, but hey...look at me now." ***Back in Chris' Room*** "Alright, well, now that you are caught up on our crew, what's going on in yours?" "Not much actually. We're on break now. Kevin is spending most of his time with Kristin. You guys have got to meet her. She is the nicest woman you have ever met. Brian is back home in Georgia with his woman. Nick and Howie are still here, they are working with some stuff concerning Howie's club." "And you?" "Just chilling. Catching my breath you know. We just finished our next album and I'm just taking some time off." "So how goes the love life?" Chris asked, once again with the world's most obvious wink. "What love life?" AJ replied seriously. "Ahhh...nonexistent?" "You got it." "Well, same here." AJ raised an eyebrow at this. Chris noticed this an immediately stated, "Sorry AJ, but I'm as straight as they come." "Damn..." AJ muttered, grinning widely. *** Hey peoples! I know...not much of an ending, huh? At least its not a cliffhanger like last time. =0) I'm working hard to pump these chapters out in my spare time. It is amazing how much you can write in an hour. Of course, a lot of things I had to trash because I went "What the hell was I thinking?!" Lol. Well, you know the drill...FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!! I'm getting a lot of positive feedback from everybody and I truly appreciate it. I haven't received not even one bad email. I'm up for criticism of any type, if it will help me write better. If its just loads of BS complaining about my guys, then I believe the phrase is "go to hades" =0) Remember, ya'll are the reason for me writing this story. I write to be read. Luv ya'll!!!!!