Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 23:05:17 CDT From: Gay Night Subject: nsync-gang-5 Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band N-Sync and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of N-Sync is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction. Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!! The-N'Sync-Gang Lance crept silently down the hall, trying not to wake the guys. It looked like they had had a long say and he didn't want to disturb their much needed 'beauty sleeps.' Lance found his way down to Bran's room and opened the door slowly. He smiled when he saw Bran sprawled out on the bed, sleeping soundly. He crept into the room and walked over to Bran. He leaned down and lifted Bran the rest of the way onto the bed. He noticed just how heavy Bran's swimmer's build could be. After getting Bran fully onto the bed, Lance bent down kissed Bran lightly on the cheek and crawled into bed next to him. He wrapped Bran in his arms and fell asleep, comforted by Bran's nearness. I awoke the next morning with a warm presence lying next to me. It took me several moments to figure out who was sleeping next to me. I smiled to myself when I realized that it was Lance. I kissed him lightly on his forehead then cheek, then pulled back and looked at how cute he was sleeping. I heard movement outside my room, then my door was flung open. "Bran," I recognized Justin's voice, "Lance is gone! He's not in his room." "He's right here Justin," I said over my shoulder. "Keep it down, he is still sleeping." "Oh, sorry," Justin replied, backing slowly out of my room and closing the door behind him. Lance began to move in his sleep, he was obviously heading back towards conciousness. Once again I heard footsteps outside my door. These were much heavier, as if their owner had a purpose. My door opened again. JC peered in. "We need to talk," he said. His voice was filled with fiery anger. He barely had the anger under control. "Now is not a good time JC," I said, using a commanding tone. "Now is an excellent---," JC began. "Later JC," Lance spoke up from beside me. I hadn't noticed him waking, but it didn't surprise me, with all the noise. Lance's voice had the desired effect, JC backed out of the doorway saying, "Later then." "Thanks babe," I said to Lance. "No problem. I don't want to give you up quite yet, we have some business," he said while bring is hand down to that oh so sensitive place. I moaned in ectasy. "Lance baby, maybe this isn't a good idea right now. You are still recovering from that ordeal, and JC is on the warpath." He reluctantly stopped. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Can we at least grab a shower together?" "I wouldn't miss it." We got out of the bed together. "I'm going to call and get you some clothes, you go start the shower I'll be there in a minute." "Ok baby," Lance said, kissing me lightly. He proceeded to the bathroom while I walked over to the phone. I dialed one of my men and sent him to find some suitable clothes for Lance and the rest of the guys. I hung up the phone and followed Lance into the bathroom. He had the water running and was already in the shower. I got in behind me and reached around his waist, finding his semi-hard member and grasping it tightly. "I see you couldn't wait for me. You'll just have to suffer I suppose," I whispered into his ear. He giggled. "I'm sure the suffering will be terrible, I hope I can handle it," he joked. "I'm sure you can." "I thought you said that it wasn't a good time," he said, smiling triumphantly. "I guess I did. I'll get you later, but until then this will have to suffice," I said swatting him on the ass. "Hey now!" "Hey now, hey now, do what I say now. . .," I started singing. "Oh shut-up, you can't give that song justice." "Keep adding to that punishment, I dare you!" "Fine, I will." We both laughed at each other's stupidity. "Alright, lets get clean," I said. We began to wash each other off, not pleasuring each other with more than just a casual brush. After our shower we both went into my room. A pair of black baggy jeans and a baggy red shirt were laying on my bed for Lance. I rumaged around in my chest-of-drawers looking for something suitable to wear. I selected a pair of dark gray slacks and skin tight, green shirt. I turned to find Lance staring in my direction. "What? Like what do you think you're watching?" "Your cute ass," Lance replied. "Well, I guess I'll forgive that one then," I smiled at him. I walked over to him and we dressed each other. "I love the way you look in that shirt," Lance said. "Oh, so all you love is the way I look in a shirt, is that it?" "I love the way you look out of that shirt too," he joked. "Oh, so you like me shirtless too, do yah?" "I love you too," he smiled. "Good thing," I smiled back. "Hey, what about me?" "What about you," I asked seemingly unconcerned. He gave me a sad puppy dog face. "Ok, I love you too, babe." "I know," he said, rising up on his toes to kiss me. We shared several long kisses before breaking apart. After finishing getting ready, we walked out of my room together and went to face JC, and the rest of the guys. We found the guys in the kitchen grabbing some food to eat. As soon as we walked in the room all the guys, minus JC, ran over to Lance. They began to ask him how he was feeling etc. JC sat with his back to all of us, brooding. After a few moments, everyone noticed JC. Slowly, Justin, Chris, and Joey left the room. As he walked out, Joey put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a look as if to say 'Be careful.' Lance and I stood unmoving, watching JC's back. After several moments he stopped eating his cereal and turned to face us. He stared at us for a few seconds then opened his mouth to speak. "You really disgust me," he said, riveting his attention to me. "I can't believe that you could actually fall for him," he continued, turning to Lance. "JC, it doesn't matter what he does for a living, I love him," Lance said. I could tell his emotions were welling up and were about to get the best of him. I watched as tears began to form in the corner of his eyes. "You don't understand. How could you? You've never really been in love. You can't control love, it just. . . is. I love him! I love you," he said, his emotions finally took over. He turned, buried his face in my shoulder and began to cry. I wrapped my arm around him, holding him close to my body and kissing the top of his head lightly. Then I looked back at JC. I felt anger flowing up and out of me from some hidden source. It hurt me that JC would do this to one of his best friends, and Lance's being my boyfriend only made it worse. I said nothing for a few moments, fighting a battle to control my emotions instead of letting them control me. I barely beat them back. "JC, he loves me and I love him. Nothing or no one is going to change that. I'm sorry if you don't like that fact, or you don't like me but part of having friends is accepting their decisions. Lance made a decision to make to two of us a unit, now you need to respect that. Look at what you are doing to him JC. Just look!" Something in my little speech must have touched something inside of JC because he actually took the time to step back and look at Lance, really look. He saw the tears, heard the gasps, and his mouth opened wide in a soundless scream, and his eyes filled with tears of grief and pain. After several moments Lance stopped crying and he looked at JC. He saw the pain that JC was in and drew back from me. He looked up in my eyes before pulling away and walking over to JC. He lay a hand on JC's shoulder and whispered softly in his ear. I couldn't hear the exchange, but Lance must have said the right things because JC nodded and Lance walked back over to me. Lance and I walked out of the room and down the hall towards the living room. The rest of the guys were sitting around the television watching random shows. They looked up as we walked into the room, but didn't say a word. Our being alive was enough of a sign that the talk with JC went ok. We found an unoccupied seat and sat down, joining everyone else in watching the television. JC sat on the stool, burying his head in his arms. Now it was his turn to cry. He couldn't seem to stop the waterfalls that his eyes had become. His body was no longer taking the commands that he gave it. He couldn't stop the tears, he couldn't stand and walk out of the room, he couldn't even pick his head up. He was trapped in his own head, battling his own mind. 'I can't believe that I did that to Lance! I didn't realize. . ! How did I let my emotions to get so out of hand? I can't believe I did that to someone that I care so much about, someone that I lov. . .' JC jumped up from the table. His eyes now filled with realization and fear. 'That is why I feel the way I do,' he thought. 'I love him, but I can't love him. That would mean that I am. . . But I can't be. . . This can't be happening. . .' He sat back down, trying to get his mind back in control. He was being overpowered by emotions that he didn't understand. "Lance, babe, I gotta grab something to drink. Be right back," I said to Lance. "Want me to come? JC is probably still in there," Lance asked. "No, but thanks anyway. I think I can handle it. He seemed to be genuinely over it before," I replied. "You know, you never cease to amaze me," Lance said, seeming puzzled. "What do you mean?" "Well, listen to yourself." "Is my voice that bad?" I smiled. "No, that's not what I mean. Listen to yourself, the way you speak. Who's have ever thought that you would speak good english. In most of the movies, gangsters can barely speak decent english, much less intellegent english." "So I'm a gangster now, is that it?" I said sarcastically. "Those movies were meant to portray a certain image about men like me," I continued after Lance had stopped giggling. "The idea was to build a bad reputation so that everyone would despise us, but some of us are very decent people, except for the little bit of dirty work that we have to do." "It still seems wierd," he said, the giggles resurfacing. "You'll get over me," I smiled. "Go get that water or whatever, now!" he reverted back to his Mississippi accent. "Hey, who speaks good english now?" I joked. "I meant to do that," he replied defensively. "Sure you did," I retorted. "Now you're gonna get it." He reached over and began to tickle me. I broke into hysterics. Several moments later Lance stopped. We had the attention of everyone in the room. "Look," Lance said, "the big bad gangster has a weakness. He's ticklish!" "Alright, no you've destroyed my career, I think I'm gonna go get that water." I stood up and walked out of the room and slowly down the hall. Altough we had had our discussion with JC I was still a little nervous about seeing him alone so shortly after our talk. I made it halfway down the hall before I heard quite sobs drifting out of the kitchen. I picked up the pace and stopped in the doorway to the kitchen. I saw JC sitting in the same place at the table he had been earlier. Only this time, his head was buried in is arms, his shirt was wet with tears, and his body racked with deep sobs. I walked over to him quitely. He didn't seem to be aware of my presence, but he may be ignoring me. I slowly reached out and placed a hand on his back. "JC," I questioned, "you ok?" 'Stupid question,' my mind yelled at me, 'of course he's not ok.' "Please leave me alone," JC wimpered pathetically. "JC please, let me help you. I want to be your friend and to do that I need to help you get through this. Come on. Tell me what is wrong." My tone was sympathetic, but had some undertones of command. My voice always seemed to have some level of command in it. It was always effective. "Well," he began, lifting his head from his arms and looking up at me. "Well, I realized that there is something more than just your job that irratates me about you and Lance. I. . .," He choked off. "I sat down next to him and put my arm around him, pulling him into me. "Hey, hey. Just calm down and let it come when it's ready." I rocked him back and forth, trying my best to comfort him, but I wasn't the best comforter in the world. I wished to god that it was someone else here besides me, they could do a much better job than I ever could. After a few minutes JC got himself back under control and pulled away from my shoulder. He was no longer sobbing, but tears were still dripping slowly down his cheeks. He turned his head and looked into my eyes, "I love you." I couldn't figure out what to say. I was paralyzed by shock. "You love ma. . . You love ma. . . You lov. . .," I tripped all over my tongue. "But. . . I thought you said I was. . . I. . . I. . . I gotta think about this." I stood up, knocking the chair I was sitting on down and pulled the rest of the way away from JC. I wanted to run from the room, run from the house, just run until I couldn't run anymore, but something stopped me from running anywhere. I stumbled out of the room, only to fall on my way out the doorway. I curled up into a ball, my mind and emotions flailing wildly for a grasp of some stable reality. After what seemed and eternity I felt a warm touch on my back. I jerked back to the real world with a slight yell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued *Sorry this one is a little short, but it was the perfect stopping place (don't you just hate cliffhangers) and everyone is begging me to get this segment out, so here it is. Short and sweet. Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail