Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 08:40:09 EST From: lictor (at) aol (dot) com Subject: NSYNC_Lance-JC_29.txt 'N SYNC: LANCE 'N' JC CHAPTER 29 ---------- Usual disclaimer applies: This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the orientation, beliefs or anything else about the real members of 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys, or anyone else depicted here. If you are under 18, or are offended by graphic depictions of homosexual relationships, please go find something else to read. Story content copyright 2000 T. Kevin. ---- The ambulance seemed to take forever to arrive. JC leapt down from the stage and knelt next to Lance. His vision was blurring. "Is he all right?" He choked out. "He's breathing, but look how pale he is. And he's burning up with fever." Joey put his hand gently on Lance's forehead. "He should never have performed; he ought to be in bed." Justin pulled off his sweater vest and made a pillow to rest Lance's head on. "Poor guy, we should have realized he was sick." "I'm sure he's just tired." Alex muttered from behind Justin. "A good night's sleep and he'll be fine for the concert tomorrow." Justin's eyes went wide and he spun around to face the manager. "You bastard! Is that all you can think about? Lance almost falls and cracks his head open and all you care about is whether or not he can be at the next show!" His hands balled into fists and he stepped forward. "Well the Backstreet Boys are releasing their album next week, and it's important for you to maintain momentum..." Alex continued. "That's it! I'm gonna kill you!" Justin lunged at the manager and would have punched him if Chris didn't grab him from behind. Alex stepped back warily. "Better get a hold on yourself, Timberlake." He warned. "I'll excuse your behavior this time because you're obviously not yourself. But don't you EVER threaten me again." Justin's only answer was to struggle against Chris' hold as Alex turned and walked away. "Chill man, we all feel the same way but beatin up that ass won't solve anything." "It would make me feel bettah." Justin muttered, pulling himself free. ---- The EMT's were very professional and worked quickly. They asked a few questions as they checked Lance over. "Did he just collapse here?" "He -- he fell off the stage -- but Joey caught him." Chris blurted out. "It's a good thing he didn't hit his head or he'd have a concussion for sure, and a fall from there could have broken bones. "Oh god, oh god..." JC paced back and forth, his mind conjuring all kinds of terrible scenarios. How long since he's kept down any solid food?" "I'm not sure, maybe a few days." Joey muttered. The others looked at him in shock. "That long?" Justin gasped. "I thought he was picking as his food at meals, but..." "He made me promise not to tell you he was sick. He was gonna go to the doctor tomorrow." Joey hung his head. "Any history of dizzy spells?" "A few times, but he's never passed out before." "How long ago?" "As long as we've known him, but he said they weren't serious. They've been coming more often lately though." Justin's voice trailed off. Meanwhile the other EMT was putting an IV into Lance's hand and reporting statistics over a radio. Lance's blood pressure sounded low to JC, and she said that his pulse was weak. They did say there was no sign of concussion. "It's not serious is it?" Justin wrung his hands. "I can't be sure at this point; he'll have to have some tests done of course. But it looks like he's badly dehydrated, probably from the flu. No way of knowing the reason for previous dizzy spells. He doesn't seem to have any injuries, thanks to your quick action." The EMT nodded to Joey. "Are you okay? Catching an adult like that could strain your back." "I'm fine, just take care of our friend." Joey assured the technician. They strapped Lance onto the gurney and loaded him into the ambulance. "God he looks so frail." Justin mumbled. "I'm so sorry, I should have been closer to him." Wes hung his head. He obviously felt responsible; after all it was his job to protect the 'N Sync boys -- particularly Lance -- and he had failed. Lonnie didn't say anything but he too looked devastated. They stood in silence as the EMT's packed up and prepared to take their bandmate to the hospital. The male technician gave Joey a card with the hospital information. "It'll be past visiting hours by the time we get there, but you can get information about his condition." "So you think he'll be okay?" Joey asked eagerly. "Like I said, you prevented a possible serious injury. It looks like just dehydration and exhaustion, but I'm sure the doctors will want to look into the irregular heartbeat." He turned and trotted to the vehicle. Just then Danielle, Britney, and a couple of her dancers ran up. "We just finished filming and heard about Lance." Britney said breathlessly. "Is he all right?" They both looked anxiously at the departing ambulance. "They said it's probably not too serious but they are taking him to the hospital for tests." Justin answered. Britney clutched at his arm. "Poor Lance! What happened?" Justin raised an eyebrow at her. He also noticed that her dancers -- TJ and Brandon -- were looking at him in a strange, almost appraising, manner. "He fainted; apparently he's been sick for awhile but he's been hiding it from us." "Let's head over to the hospital." Danielle had the presence of mind to say as the rest stood around in confusion. "I'll get the van." Lonnie volunteered and lumbered away. "I'm gonna call Terry and mom; have them meet us at the hospital." Justin pulled out his cell phone. Britney scowled. "Is _he_ still around?" He turned his back to her and pressed the autodial. ---- Terry stared at the computer screen. He blinked, realized he'd been sitting there, unseeing, for several minutes. 'I'm not getting any work done,' he admitted to himself. Part of him wished he'd gone along with Justin and the other guys to Disney World, but he knew he had no business there. All the same, he missed Justin. When the singer was away from him, Terry felt the old self-doubt. Justin was young, handsome, smart, talented... famous. He could have any man -- or woman -- he wanted. 'Why does he like me? When will he get bored with me? I don't deserve him, surely soon he'll realize I'm not that interesting or sexy or attractive...' That familiar ache in his chest came, and his vision blurred. Why did he do this to himself? Just then there was a quiet knock at the door. "Terry? It's Lynn." He hurriedly wiped his eyes. "Hi, come in." Lynn Harliss stepped into the bedroom. "Justin called. Apparently Lance has fallen ill, and they took him to the hospital in an ambulance. I didn't get any details except they said it's probably exhaustion. But the rest of the boys are going over there and Justin asked if we could join them." "Poor Lance! Of course, whenever you are ready." Terry stood up a little too fast, scattering some papers. He still felt a little nervous around Justin's mother. "Okay." Lynn smiled sympathetically. "Ill get my keys and we'll go right over." ---- Lynn made small talk on the drive over. As soon as they got to the hospital, they saw the TV vans and a small crowd of fans. Fortunately Lonnie was outside supervising security and they didn't have any trouble getting in. He led them to a small private waiting room where the other four members of 'N Sync were sitting, along with -- to Terry's dismay -- Britney Spears and two boys he didn't know. Justin leapt up and ran over to hug his mother then Terry. "Lance is asleep, they won't let us see him, but supposedly he is okay." "Have his parents been called?" Lynn asked. "We... we wanted to wait until at least we knew something..." JC mumbled uncertainly. "I'll talk to them." She pulled out her cell and stepped out of the room. Terry looked over at JC and immediately felt sympathetic for the young man. If it were Justin in that hospital room... Terry's chest ached at the thought. It would be tearing him up inside, wondering if he was okay. To not even be able to see Justin, watch him breathe, be reassured by the touch of his warm skin. He realized he was squeezing Justin's hand, and the singer was responding in kind. "Poor JC." Justin whispered. Terry put his arm around the blond and pulled them together. He didn't know what to say; he dreaded moments like this because he always felt like he didn't know what to say. But Justin rested his head on Terry's shoulder and sort of snuggled against him. "I love you." He whispered. ---- They all sat quietly for awhile. Lynn returned and let them know that Lance's mother was on the next plane to Orlando. His father was on a business trip but would get there as soon as he could. Terry finally couldn't resist asking Justin "What is Britney doing here?" "Now don't be gettin jealous man." Justin whispered. "She was performing at Disney World too, and she is a friend of Lance's you know. Those guys are two of her dancers. Terry rolled his eyes. "They seem to be taking quite an interest in you." "Yah? She prolly told em that I'm on their team now so maybe they think they got a chance wit me." Justin smirked. Then, glancing over to make sure at least one of them was watching, he playfully nibbled on Terry's ear lobe. "Hey! That tickles!" Terry hissed. "Just claiming my territory." Justin said with a little giggle as he kissed Terry's neck. TJ scowled and elbowed Brandon... who had been eyeing JC. They all settled down after that to an uneasy waiting game. Supposedly they would be notified when Lance woke up... Finally though JC got tired of sitting around doing nothing. He paced around, then whispered to Joey and Chris, then came over to Justin. He put his hand on Justin's shoulder and leaned in. "Man, we're gonna pray together for Lance." He whispered. The blond nodded once, then turned to Terry, resting his hand on his knee. "You wanna join us?" Terry smiled. It was sweet of Justin to ask, though they both knew Terry didn't share the singer's faith. "No, but thanks. It's something you four should do together. You know I wish the best for Lance though." "Of course. Thanks man." Was there a little relief in Justin's smile? Terry cast his gaze back down to his magazine. He was looking for trouble that wasn't there. If he wasn't careful he would create it himself... he felt the connected chairs shift and looked up. Justin stood with that effortless grace of his and strode to join the other three in the corner of the room. They put their arms around each other with a casual familiarity and leaned their heads in like it was some kind of huddle. Terry could hear JC mumbling... Terry closed his eyes and sat back. ---- After their prayer, JC and Justin headed to the bathroom. When they were standing side by side washing their hands, JC sighed. "Justin what am I gonna do? I pushed Lance away and now this. It's all my fault." JC leaned against the counter and frowned at himself in the mirror. "Lance bein' sick ain't your fault, man." Justin gave his shoulder a squeeze, then pulled him into his arms. They hugged each other tightly. It had been awhile since they had embraced like this... though friends for six years, the last few months had seen them drift apart somewhat. First JC and Lance becoming so close, then Justin and Terry. Then JC had his crisis and kind of withdrew from them all. Somewhere deep inside, Justin still loved JC... more than as a friend. He loved Terry too, but JC was his first crush. He remembered how his heart had broken when he caught JC and Lance kissing in Hawaii. And now they were holding each other almost like lovers. He caressed JC's sinewy back, enjoying their closeness but feeling guilty at the same time. Their hips pressed together as JC's arms tightened around him. Justin felt his friend's warm breath on his neck. JC felt himself relaxing in Justin's reassuring hold... he had watched Justin grow up... loved him like a little brother... maybe more. The way Justin would say "JC" lisping the 'C' just a little bit like a kid... little things like that. If there hadn't been Lance, maybe... but he would have hurt Justin just the way he had hurt Lance, betraying him for religion... or his own fear. Hugging Justin he inhaled that faint pleasant 'clean' smell his friend always had. He found it reassuring and -- he had to admit -- arousing. 'God, Justin is turning me on... I can't let this happen...' But even as he thought it, he turned his head and tenderly kissed the younger man on the neck. "Oh, JC... what are you doin'?" Justin whispered hoarsely, his breath shallow. In answer, Josh kissed him again on the jaw... then his lips brushed like feathers across Justin's cheek until they found the blond's mouth. "Ohh.." Justin moaned as their lips met and suddenly pressed together. They clung to each other in a desperate embrace for a moment of passion -- then they both jumped apart, each staring at the other with an expression of surprise and guilt. "Justin, man, I am SO sorry!" JC held his hands up. "I... didn't mean..." "It's okay man, but we gotta... that didn't happen okay?" He was gasping for breath. He felt terrible. He'd cheated on Terry. "Right, didn't happen, won't happen again." JC, if possible, felt worse. Lance was sick in a hospital bed and he was kissing Justin. What kind of a jerk did that sort of thing. He was lower than low. He had just been so lonely the last few weeks... "I think we better get back." Justin straightened his clothes. He couldn't look JC in the eye. ---- "There you are!" They both spun around, feeling guilty as they exited the men's room. Danielle Fishel trotted up to them. "I need to talk to you." She whispered urgently to JC. "What's up?" JC frowned. "I heard about what happened. I think I can help you." She glanced warily around the hall. "Can you forge Lance's signature?" . "Why?" JC looked at her suspiciously. Danielle rolled her eyes, glanced warily down the corridor, then pulled out a manila envelope. "So he can have signed this backdated domestic partnership agreement which makes you his legal partner so you can get in to see him." She shoved the envelope at the surprised singer. Justin stood up. "I can do a fair job of Lance's John Hancock." "Why are you doing this?" JC asked the actress, his expression still suspicious. "Maybe because I want to prove that I am not quite the bitch you think I am. Maybe because I think you and Lance belong together. Maybe because I can see how it's killing you to stand out here. And most of all because even I know he needs you to be with him right now." JC reluctantly took it and opened the envelope. "How did you do it?" "I know a few Disney lawyers who owe me favors. You guys were performing for a Disney event under contract essentially as employees, so to there is some precedent. And Disney has a very progressive domestic partnership policy, including for insurance purposes. And guess who carries a lot of weight in local ordinance issues in Orlando. We're all one big family under the Mouse, you know." "I don't know what to say." "'Thank you' would be a good start, but you can save it for later. Sign the damn thing and get in there where you belong." She handed him the folder and turned away. JC signed it. He sighed as Justin forged Lance's signature. "Not the way I imagined marrying Lance, by forging documents." Justin squeezed his shoulder. "God willing, you'll have a real ceremony, JC. But now Lance needs you in there." He nodded to the room. JC stopped next to Danielle -- She was sitting along the wall pretending to read a magazine -- and sat down. "Thank you." He said quietly. "Just go." She waved him away. She was obviously upset. "You really do care for him, too, don't you?" "He loves you, and only you. He loves you more than anything." She looked at him, her face a mixture of anger and sadness. "And if you don't get in there and help him get well, I'm going to get violent." JC smiled and placed his hand on hers for a moment before standing up. "You're a good friend, Danielle. We won't forget this." He hurried to the nurses' station. "There's been no change." The nurse on duty said before he could open his mouth. "You know I can't tell you any more." "I have the documentation that proves I'm a family member of Lance Bass. We're legal partners." The nurse took the form and looked it over. "You didn't mention this before." She looked up at him. "You are Joshua Chasez, his domestic partner under Orlando County Law and as employees of the Disney Corporation?" "Yes ma'am." He nodded, his fingers clutching the countertop while she made a copy. "Very well. You may go in. Try not to tire him." She leaned forward, handing him the original back. "And make sure the ink is dry before you show this to anyone else." --- JC hurried to the room and paused at the door, giving Wes a little smile and wave. The bodyguard looked relieved to see him. Whispering a prayer, JC eased the heavy door open carefully. Inside, Lance lay on the single bed, a dim light on next to him; the curtains were closed. He noticed in passing the many bouquets of flowers scattered around the room (already!), before focusing on the still form on the bed. Lance's eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping peacefully, though he looked pale and his cheeks were sunken. His arms lay above the covers and JC saw an IV connection in one leading to a bottle hanging nearby. That made sense, he was dehydrated, after all. JC eased the door shut behind him, and realized that he heard the steady beep of a heart-rate monitor. Why was Lance hooked up to that? He just had the flu... or did he? Then to JC's alarm he noticed that the beat was not entirely steady... it fluctuated slightly. Was Lance waking up? Having a dream? But the blond young man didn't stir. There couldn't be something wrong with his heart? JC felt an icy chill race through his body. He felt a little dizzy. Joshua crept closer and eased himself into a chair next to the bed on Lance's left side. He very gingerly took Lance's hand in his own. His skin felt dry, his fingers seemed cold. Lance's hands were always so warm... The blond stirred and his eyelids fluttered. His hand tightened around JC's. "Josh?" He asked hoarsely. He looked over, turning his head slightly and blinking as if his eyes were out of focus. "I'm here, babe." JC leaned closer, holding Lance's hand in both of his. Lance's face broke into a smile. "I'm glad you're here. But... how did you get in? I heard them say no visitors." "Well, it's complicated." JC tried to smile. "I'm not going anywhere; I've got time." Lance seemed more alert with every moment. "Well, I hope you don't mind, but under Orlando law we're now legally domestic partners." Lance squeezed JC's hand a little more firmly. "So we're sort of married? Darn, and I slept through it!" "Sorry Scoop. I hope you're not angry." "I'm not angry. I only hope you didn't do it out of guilt or something." JC cringed. "No, not out of guilt. But I feel terrible that it took this happening to make me realize how I felt about you." Lance smiled. "That sounds like a good reason." "I promise we'll have a real ceremony one of these days, that is, if you still want me." Lance smiled again. "Let me think about it.... okay, yes I do." "Thanks for not keeping me waiting quite as long as I kept you." JC grinned. "You still haven't told me, how did you...?" "Actually Danielle pulled it off." "I told you she really is not a bad person, Josh." "You were right as usual, lover." JC smiled tenderly. "And uh..." he leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially... "Justin forged your signature." "That little felon! God bless him, I knew he had hidden talents." Lance closed his eyes tiredly. "Are you okay? Should I go?" JC asked anxiously. But Lance held his hand tightly again. "Don't leave me!" The plaintive sound in Lance's voice cut JC to the quick. "James, I am so sorry... what I've put you through these last few weeks..." Lance smiled a little, but kept his eyes closed. "I know you didn't mean it. Maybe we needed a little time to sort things out." "You mean I needed time to get my head screwed on straight." "If you say so." Lance smirked. "Ouch!" But JC was smiling. "So... do you forgive me?" "Of course." Lance's smirk grew to a genuine smile then, and he opened his eyes to look at his lover. They remained like that for a long moment, just gazing into each others' eyes. Then Lance closed his, though he was still smiling. "'Joshua Scott Bass', not bad." "Well I was thinking 'James Lance Chasez' had a nice sound." "I'm so glad you're here with me." Lance whispered. "I've missed you." "I missed you too baby. I've been so worried -- we all have -- especially when they wouldn't let us see you. Has the doctor talked to you?" But before Lance could answer a voice behind JC boomed "I gave instructions that no one was allowed in here except the patient's immediate family." JC turned in time to see the nurse he had spoken to earlier answer, "As I was about to tell you, Doctor Sawyer, Mister Chasez is the patient's legal partner. We have the appropriate documents on file." The doctor, a big man of middle years and thinning gray hair, glanced appraisingly from Lance to JC, then his gaze fell on their joined hands. "Very well. If the patient approves." He harumphed, pulling out a file. "The patient approves very much!" Lance said with as much authority as he could muster. The doctor's expression softened into a smile and he extended his hand to JC. "Well, if Lance so clearly wants you here, then how can we object? I just won't be telling my daughter about this. I'm Dr. Sawyer." "Josh Chasez; nice to meet you, sir." JC took his hand and shook it firmly before gently clasping Lance's again. "So how am I doing? When can I get out of here?" Lance asked eagerly. "Now, let's take things one step at a time." Dr. Sawyer sat on the other side of the bed. "You were extremely dehydrated when they brought you in. You're lucky you didn't have any damage to your kidneys." JC looked from the doctor to Lance in alarm. "Kidney damage! My god, Lance!" The doctor held his hand up. "Now, the tests came back normal, so Lance's kidneys are fine. I just want you to understand that you need to be careful. You can't just keep pushing yourself when you have the flu. You are also lucky that your condition didn't deteriorated to pneumonia." "So Lance is okay?" JC asked. "Well, I'm getting to that. When we were doing a series of routine tests we discovered something unrelated to the flu. Lance has something called 'cardiac arrhythmia.'" Lance looked mystified and JC looked alarmed, both waiting for the doctor to continue. "It means an irregular heartbeat; that's why we have Lance on a heart monitor. In your case, Lance, we think it's relatively minor, and can be treated or even cured with drugs. But it's a good thing we caught it. Untreated, this condition can be dangerous, even fatal -- especially in someone who has a strenuous and stressful life like you do." "Oh my god." JC whispered. The thought of Lance having a heart condition... He turned pale and started shaking. "Josh, it's okay, I'm going to be okay." Lance whispered. The doctor saw JC's face too. "Let me stress again that we think Lance's condition is minor and that we can treat or even cure it. He isn't in any danger, and should be able to lead a completely normal life. We just want to keep him for another day or two for observation and a few more tests -- and to monitor his rehydration. After that, I'm going to have to insist on 2 weeks bed rest." "But the tour..." "Promise me two weeks at home in bed, or I'll make you stay in the hospital." "Well, I guess I don't have any choice." Lance sighed. "Good. I have some other patients to check on; I'll stop in again in a little while." Dr. Sawyer whisked back out. When they were alone again, JC pulled a chain from around his neck. "I have something for you... if you'll take it back." A gold ring dangled from the chain. Lance smiled. ---- To be continued... End of Part 30! Email me and tell me what you think! lictor (at) aol (dot) com