Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 15:02:14 EDT From: Derik Blake Subject: *Nsync with my Premonitions--Part 5 September 22, 2000 *Nsync with my Premonitions-Part 5 This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. If you are under 18 years of age, please leave now. The next morning, I awoke with the sound of the alarm in my ear. I reached over, still half asleep, and hit the snooze and quickly went back to sleep. Ten minutes later, the alarm was blaring again. I reached over and hit the snooze again and looked at the clock. It read, 6:10. I had to get up and get ready for work. I was gonna quit my job today, so I had to get a few things in order. As I was about to sit up, JC reached over and pushed me back on the bed. "Well, good morning, babe." I said to JC as I stroked his arm lying across my stomach. "Humphffff....." was all the sound he made. "I need to go to work. I have to take care of a few things. You go back to sleep. I'll wake you when I get back." Before answering me, I could hear the rhythmic sound of a faint snore. I moved his arm off me and went to get my shower. When I was through, I got dressed and headed for the bedroom door. Before leaving, though, I turned back to look at JC and thought to myself, "I hope I am doing the right thing." In my heart, I knew I was and a smile overtook my face. I walked over to JC and kissed him lightly on the lips. He stirred a little and pulled the covers to his chin before quieting down. I turned and headed for work. Once I arrived, I noticed that Catherine, my boss, was already here. I took a deep breath as I walked up the stairs into the auction house. When I reached the third floor where my office is, I bumped into Cat. The papers she was holding, fell into a nice stack on the floor. "Damn!!" she said, getting her breath back. "You scared me." "I'm sorry, Cat. I didn't mean to," I told her, chuckling. I reached down and grabbed the papers and handed them back to her. "Why are you here so early?" she asked. "Well, I needed to talk to you." "About what?" she said as we both walked to her office. "Well, your gonna hate me," I said, smiling. Cat and I have known each other for about five years and became really close after she got me the job here. We have gone through just about everything together. We both have comforted each other through our breakups with our ex boyfriends, we've gotten drunk together and many other experiences that I wouldn't take back for the world. We have become best friends in our short time together. "Please tell me that you got the appraisal. Tell me you got that." "Yeah," I said lifting my briefcase. "It in here." A sigh of relief escaped her lips. "Don't scare me like that," she said sitting. "Here, let me see it." I laid my case on her desk, opened it and took out the folder marked 'Stallings'. As I was handing it to her, she asked what I wanted to talk about. "I am resigning." Before opening the folder, she laid it down and asked me to repeat myself. "But you can't. You're one of the best people I have." I began telling her about my trip to Atlanta and who I met while I was there. I also told her about what the guys asked me and added that I could get back into my dream of music. I continued to talk as she listened. Every now and then, a smile came across my face when she noticed that I was excited or happy. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked me. "I really think I am," I told her. "Well, honey, if you really want to do this and it makes you happy, then...." she thought for a moment. "...go for it. You will always have a job here as long as I am the boss." She walked over to me and gave me a big hug "Thanks," I said as I hugged her back. "Now," she started, walking back to her chair. "Tell me more about JC. Is he as cute as on TV?" "Oh, yeah." We continued to talk for about another hour until more employees showed up. At this point, she had talked me into staying until I could at least sign my accounts off to the others. I reluctantly agreed. I didn't know how long that would take, but agreed nonetheless. I returned to my office and started working on packing and getting my files ready for distribution, when someone walked into my office and startled me by saying, "Well, if it isn't the bitch stuck behind the desk." I looked up and saw that it was Patrick. I got up and almost ran up to him to hug him. I haven't seen him in about six months and was afraid it might be another six before I saw him again. Well, before I met JC that is. "How have you been?" I asked, pulling back to look him over. Pat has always been in great shape and it looks like he has bulked up even more that the last time I saw him. "Fine. How about you?" "I have never felt better in my life," I responded, turning back to my desk. Pat looked at me with a puzzled look on his face until he finally thought he figured it out. "You got laid," he said, half asking, half telling. "Not only that. I'm in love," I said bringing my hand to my chest. "Who, Mark? Or is it that Rob guy?" "Actually, you've never met him but you do know him. His name is Josh." "I don't know a Josh," he exclaimed. "Yes you do. You'll recognize him when you see him," I explained as I started removing items from my desk and putting them in a box. Just then another man walked in my office. It was Steve, Pat's lover. "Hey, Steve," I said stepping over to kiss his cheek hello. "How've you been?" "About as best as I can be with this one," he said putting his arm over Pat's shoulder. "Hey!!!" Pat said, punching him in the stomach, lightly. Pat noticed that I was packing and he asked me about it. I told him that I just quit and that I was going with Josh. He almost became infuriated. He knows that I like to make quick choices without thinking them through first. He almost started yelling and I told him that I was going to finally get back to my music. "And how are you going to do that?" he asked. Steve had already pulled up a chair and made himself comfortable. Pat was still standing. "Josh is going to help me." "Josh is going to help me," he repeated in a mocking tone. "How do you know he's telling the truth?" "Pat, sit down and don't worry about it. I know things will work out. Just please don't worry. So, what are the two of you doing here?" Steve talked to keep Pat quiet. He explained that they just needed to get away for a week so they did. Pat owns a small hotel chain in Cincinnati, so they are doing pretty good with money. They can do just about anything they want, really. Pat cut back in saying that they were on their way to Atlanta for a couple of nights of relaxation and he was hoping to stay at my house to visit with Tony, Mitchell and myself for a day or so. I told him that it wasn't a problem, but Josh was probably going to stay with me also. Pat then went back to getting angry, but didn't say anything. As we continued to talk, I finished packing and told them that we were leaving. Steve took the box from me and I went to tell Cat bye and that I would be back tomorrow to finish up. We got to our cars and they followed me home. When we arrived, I told Pat not to freak out when he saw Josh. He said he wouldn't but he might just give him a piece of his mind for making me quit my job. "He didn't make me quit. I did it on my own." "He put this idea in your head," he shot back. "It not an idea. It has become reality. So stop blaming Josh. Now are you going to be good, or should I call a hotel and make the two of you reservations?" Steve told me that he would keep Pat at bay and Pat looked at him with a bit of anger in his face. When we went in the door, Tony saw Pat and came over to greet him. Mitchell followed. As Pat was hugging Mitchell, I put my finger to my lips to let Tony know not to say anything. He got the idea and pulled Mitchell to him before he could say something to Pat. As Mitchell and Tony stood in front of Pat, JC walked up behind them. I grabbed JC's hand and held it in mine as I started talking. "Pat, this is Josh. Better know to others as JC." When I finished, Tony and Mitchell parted and Pat stood there with a look of shock. He lost his balance and Steve ended up catching him before he could hit the floor. I ran to Pat and asked him what was wrong. "T-T-That's JC Chasez," he said getting his balance back pointing at JC. "Yeah," I said as Steve and I helped him stand up straight. "He's from *Nsync," he said looking at me. He turned at JC and confirmed that same fact. "You're from *Nsync." JC nodded and said yes he was. He grabbed his hand and shook it. I also introduced Steve to JC and they shook as if they were old friends. Tony and Mitchell also greeted Steve with a hug. The other guys noticed the six of us at the door and came over to see what was going on. "Pat and Steve, I would like for you to meet the rest of the guys." Pat almost lost his balance again, but Steve and I each grabbed an arm and held him up. "This is Chris, Joey (Pat's favorite), Lance and Justin," I announced as I pointed to each as I said their name. They reached out and grabbed Pat's hand one by one and shook it. Pat was still in shock, but was able to stand on his own by this time. When they shook Steve's hand, he just played it cool as he did with JC. "Guys, this is Pat. He is the longest best friend I've had. I've known him for almost 12 years." All the guys made a little chitchat with the new comers as they all went back to doing what they were doing. As I walked into the kitchen with Pat, Steve sat on the couch and started talking to Joey. When we reached the kitchen, Pat started yelling at me in a whisper. "Why the hell didn't you tell me it was *Nsync?" "That would've ruined the surprise, plus you wouldn't have believed me anyway," I said, smiling. "Your right, I wouldn't have believed you but I might have been ready when I finally met them," he said, still yelling/whispering. Just then, JC walked in the kitchen and stood next to me. I looked at Pat and asked, "You still wanna give him a piece of your mind?" I smiled. "No," Pat said looking down at the counter. "What for," JC asked. "Well, Pat thought that you were just some ordinary Joe that ended up talking me out of my job to follow my dream of music." "Did you call me Josh or JC?" "Josh," I said. "That's why." He looked back at Pat and said, "I found he liked to surprise people. Don't worry about him. I am going to take very good care of this package," he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing me. I pushed him away after about 15-20 seconds. "Not now, JC. We have guests." "So, he doesn't care. Do you Pat?" he asked looking at him. Pat just shook his head no. I think he was still a little shocked. JC kissed me one last time and walked into the living room with the others. "He just kissed you. Wait!!!!! In your office, I said you got laid. By JC?" "Yeah," I agreed, smiling. "OK, bitch," going back to his original tone of voice, "I want details. You are not leaving this kitchen until I get them." "Listen, the guys have a couple of things they have to do this afternoon. When they leave, I'll tell everyone." "Fine!!! Just tell me this. Is he a good kisser?" I just looked at Pat and smiled. "You lucky bitch," he told me. We went on talking and I told him about my premonition of the bar and about the entire weekend. Whenever I asked Pat about his life, he would give a short answer and bring the subject back to the guys. He had come out of his shock but was now overtaken with excitement. I just shook my head and smiled. I thought it was funny because I was thinking back to the night that I realized it was *Nsync. I was so shocked that I fell off the bed. I just chuckled and answered his never-ending questions. Well, the afternoon came and the guys said they had to go and take care of their engagements. I asked if they were coming back for dinner. Tony said that he would cook, so they agreed. Once they were out of sight, Tony, Mitchell and Pat started screaming. Steve and I just looked at each other and started walking to the kitchen. I didn't really go into much detail about JC and myself. I did want to keep some things private for only us. They were satisfied with what I told them and didn't ask for more than that. The evening arrived and Tony started making dinner. Chris, Lance and Steve helped if he needed it, otherwise they just sat in the kitchen on the stools around the island stove and talked. JC, Pat and myself were sitting in the living room just talking about the tour and this past weekend. Pat still had questions and JC was answering them. In front of us on the floor, Justin and Mitchell were playing Tony's Playstation while Joey looked on and rooted for Mitchell, just because. While we were talking, I told JC what Cat had told me and that it might take a couple of more days before I was through. I told him that I should be done before they left, but if not, I could catch a ride with Pat and Steve when they went back home on Saturday. Since the guys would be there on Monday, he said that if it came to it, that it was fine with him because it wasn't Tom telling him no. About a half an hour later, Tony called for everyone to come to the table. And dinner was served. We all ate hardily and enjoyed every bite. Chris and Joey went for a partial third helping, but had to split what was left, because everything was almost gone. After dinner, we just sat around until about 9:30 before Lance spoke up and said that they better get back to the hotel and get some rest. "Are you coming, JC?" Justin asked. "No. I'm stayin' here tonight," he answered. "Don't forget, we have to make an appearance for a CD signing at 10:00 am," Joey reminded him. "Don't worry, guys. Tell Tom that I will have him at the hotel at 9:00 sharp," I offered. "OK," Lance spoke up. "Well, good night all. It was good meeting you," Joey said looking back in the house. The rest of the guys said their goodbyes and walked out the door. The remaining six of us stayed up for another hour before all retreating to our rooms for the evening. JC and I, Tony and Mitchell and Pat and Steve. Everyone fell asleep with someone they loved. The next morning, I woke JC up at 8:00. I had to get him to the hotel by 9:00 so Tom wouldn't yell at him. I was also hoping that Tom would start to like me a little better if I stuck to my word. I had him there about five minutes till and he and the guys went on their way to the record signing. I returned home and found that the others had risen and were eating breakfast. I sat and joined them as we talked about the previous days events. Because JC wasn't there, they were more open with their words. I just laughed and told them that they could've said all this last night and JC wouldn't care. Now that they got to meet the guys first hand, they all started naming their favorite. Justin remained Tony's favorite and Mitchell stated that he still liked JC best. I looked at him and told him to keep his hands off. He just looked at me and smiled. Pat said that nothing could take Joey away from being his and Steve told us that he liked Lance best. "Y'know, he's bi?" I asked Steve, looking at him. The other guys just looked at me and all asked at the same time, "Really???" "Yeah. The first night we met, he told me that he was. In fact, he and JC were together for about six months." "What happened? Why didn't they stay together?" Mitchell asked. "Lance told me that they were having to hide their romance from the others and it was starting to become a real hassle. Although JC was the first guy that he fell in complete love with, JC never really fell in love with him. He never told Lance that he loved him. Now, no one is going to say a thing about what I just told you about Lance and JC. Not even to JC or Lance. I don't know if Lance wants this out to anyone. Plus the guys aren't planning to come out for a long time. So no talking to anyone, please." "Monty, you don't have to worry about us saying anything to anyone. Hell, no one will believe us anyway if we told them that *Nsync spent the day at our house. They would look at us and just brush it off," Mitchell said. After breakfast, Pat and Steve went out around the city just to spend some time alone and Mitchell and Tony went to the movies. I went into the office for a few hours and finished as much as possible with distributing my accounts. I had all but one gone when Cat told me that she would take care of it. I grabbed anything that I might have left in my office and said goodbye to some friends and went back home. When I walked in the door, the phone started ringing. I ran into the kitchen, dropping what I had in my hand on the couch, and answered. "Hello?" "Hey!" "Hey, yourself. How's the signing goin'?" "That went fine. Now we had to come to one of the radio stations so we could record a jingle. Y'know, where you sing the call letters and introduce yourself." "....I have no idea what you are talking about," I told him. "When the guys introduce themselves... Hi. I'm JC, I'm Justin, Joey and so on then we say that we are *Nsync and then we sing the call letters for the station and tell them that they are listening to whatever number that the radio is on." "Ohhh. OK I get it now. Will y'all be doin' an interview, too?" "Yeah. We should be done here in about an hour or two." "Great. Are you coming back tonight?" "Oh yeah. That's the reason I'm calling. After the interview, the guys are going back to the hotel for the evening and I was wondering if you, Tony and the others might be up for a little clubbin' tonight. Not too late though, I do have a show tomorrow." "Sounds great to me. I'll ask the others when they get in. They'll probably want to go, but I'll make sure. Is the driver bringing you or should I come and get you?" "I'll have the driver bring me." "OK. Just come on in when you get here. The door'll be open." "OK. Gotta go. See you soon." He kissed me through the phone and hung up. About 9:30, we left the house for the clubs. We decided to go dancing first. We went to a couple of hot clubs. JC had on his 'disguise' as he had done on the night we met. Complete with the dark hat over his eyes. We all had a good time and everyone had their turn dancin' with him. When a stranger outside of the group wanted to dance with him, he politely turned them down and turned to me and started dancing with me or either pulled me to the dance floor. After a few hours we ended up at one of the quieter bars and just sat back and relaxed. Everyone in the group ordered a drink except for JC and myself. JC ordered water, his favorite drink, and myself, a Coke. I was the DD so I couldn't drink if I wanted to. "Since I'm not drinking, why don't you order yourself one?" JC suggested. "Because, when I get drunk, I get stupid. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of you," I explained. "You wouldn't embarrass me." "Well, I have embarrassed each one of them, and that is virtually impossible, " I said, pointing to the rest of the group. "It's best if I don't." A few minutes later, the dance music stopped filling the club. Instead, there was an announcer that said they would be starting karaoke. I had seen them laying the song list all over the club. I forgot that karaoke was tonight. I asked if the guys wanted to leave and they all said no. "Actually, I wanna hear you sing," JC said looking at me with a smile. The others took his side and chimed in with 'yeah' and 'c'mon', sing for us'. "No," I said, holding my hands up in protest. Reaching behind him, JC pulled one of the song lists over and started looking through it. "Well, if you don't pick a song, I will." "You don't really want to hear me sing." "Yes, I do. We all do. Tell, you what. If you sing one for me, I'll sing one for you." "You can't do that," I said. "Someone might recognize you." "So, what if they do. I don't care." The others were begging me by now because of what JC had said. They just wanted to hear him sing, but wasn't going to if I didn't. After about another five minutes of bickering with the group, I finally gave in and said, "Fine!!" Snatching the list out of JC's hand and start flipping the pages. JC just smiled and winked at the others. He leaned over close to look at the songs with me. When I finally picked out a song, I grabbed one of the submission slips and wrote my selection. The others asked me what I was going to sing, but I told them they had to wait to find out. JC did the same and didn't tell his, either. After about six performers, two of which were awful, one was great and the remaining three were halfway decent, I heard the announcer call my name. JC pushed me off the couch and the rest of the guys followed us in the other room. When I got to the announcer, JC and the others lined up on the front row of the standing patrons. I looked and them and just smiled. I love to sing, but sometimes, I just don't want to do it in front of an audience. I have a slight case of stage fright. The announcer made small chitchat with me as she had done with each of the others before she told me to start when I was ready. Before the music started, I looked at JC and said, "This is dedicated to someone that I just met, but knows that he already had my heart. Josh, this is for you," I took a step back to get ready and the DJ took his queue and started the music. The intro came on the he immediately knew what the song was. As I was singing, the words flashed on the screen. I didn't need them. I was too busy looking at JC and seeing him smile back at me. I had chosen Edwin McCain's "I'll Be", because of the words and the meaning. It was one of my favorite love songs. When it came to the chorus, I changed the words around a little and sang: "I'll be your crying shoulder I'll be love's suicide I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest man of your life." (The original lyrics are the greatest fan of you life.) I continued with the song and noticed that the more I sang, the more people stopped what they were doing and looking at me. People were even leaning over the balcony to see me. I finally realized what JC and the boys felt like every time they performed. It was an amazing feeling. When the song was over, I got a round of applause that lasted for about two minutes. They were all clapping and whooping and hollering. When I finally went over to JC, I saw a lone tear make at trail down his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb and kissed him. After two more performers, it was his turn. I was still nervous that someone might recognize him. When the announcer called his name, he walked up and did the same chitchat routine as everyone else. She asked what he did, and he told her that he was just a student. He also acted nervous. I guess it was to try and disguise who he really was. He also dedicated the song he was singing to me. When the DJ started the disk, no music came over the system, but words came on the screen. "When winter comes in summer When there's no more forever...... That's when I'll stop lovin' you." It was one of the songs he put on the tape for me. He just stared at me as he sang. I couldn't help but to bring tears to my eyes. About halfway through the song, he noticed that I, too, was crying. He walked over to me and pulled me over to him. While he sang to me, he pulled me to him and we began to slow dance with everyone watching. He wrapped his left arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder with my arms around him. We danced like that until he got to the part where he sang the last phrase. Then he pulled me from him and looked at me when he sang. "That's when I'll stop, babe...lovin' you." Then he brought me to a kiss while everyone applauded. They clapped about as long as they did with me and I was sure they recognized him. If they did, no one came up to him afterwards, except the others with us. We had a good time for the rest of the night and hated to see it end, but we knew that JC had to be at the hotel early so they could get ready for the show. About 12:30 to 1:00am, we piled in the car, Pat, Tony, Mitchell and Steve just about drunk. JC and I were completely sober, but very tired. While in the car, the four in the back were leaning on each other with their eyes closed. JC and I sat in the front, silently holding hands on the drive home. To be continued........... Please email me and let me know what you think. If you do, I will put you on my mailing list to let you know when I have submitted the continuing parts. I hope that you enjoyed the story so far. There is more to come.