Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 02:38:23 -0400 (EDT) From: ED Subject: Redemption Of A Vampire Well as all the first timers say, this is my first attempt at this sort of thing so bear that in mind when and if you read this. If you like it please let me know. If you hate it be SURE to let me know because if it sucks I won't bother to keep going. I can be reached at I will try to respond to any and all e-mails I get. THANX. Legal stuff: This is fiction which means it ain't real. It is not meant to imply that Brian Littrell of BSB or anyone else mentioned in this story is gay, straight or that they have any sex life at all for that matter. If you are under age then go the Disney page then come back when you can vote. If you don't approve of homosexuality and all that it implies then go to the Jerry Fallwell sight (if he has one). If it's illegal where you are at to read this sort of thing then don't call me for your bail money(he he) Here goes nothing. Enjoy!! Redemption For A Vampire part 1 John could not believe he was actually going to do it but a promise made was a promise kept. After all if it had not been for Edward he would not have the wonderful life he had or life at all for that matter. The crypt had the smell of stale air. It had been a little over thirty years since the pace had be sealed. He was just glad he could remember how to open the thing. Thankfully the lights still worked. There it sat on its concrete slab. Edwards casket. The silver plated chains surrounding it still as shiny as the day they were put in place. John was very nervous. He took the keys from his overcoat to open the locks. His hands trembled as he neared the casket. Would Edward remember him? Would the hunger for blood overcome him before he could stop himself from ripping John's throat out? For that matter would Edward still be alive or what passed for life in the undead. As John placed his hands on the lid of he coffin all the memories of the past came rushing back, also reminding himself of the reason for awakening his friend from his long slumber. He took out the picture again. The resemblance of Brian Littrell to Edwards beloved Thomas was uncanny. In fact the singers middle name was Tom. He was even the same age as Tom was at the time of his death. This had to be fate. It was now or never. He had to do it before he lost is nerve. He took several deep breaths and slowly opened each lock. He reached inside his coat for the cross as a precaution. He unwrapped the chains and slowly opened the lid. About halfway up a hand shot out and locked onto John's neck like a vise. A voice like old dried leather croaked out "Who dares disturb my slumber?" John threw back the lid and thrust the cross in Edwards face. His grip released as he recoiled at the sight of the holy object. "Edward it's me John do you remember me?" John gasped as he massaged his sore throat. "J...John. OH GOD! I am so sorry are you all right? Did I hurt you?" "That's all right I'll live. I'm I had this thing otherwise you might have killed me now and asked questions later." "I guess so! Do you mind putting that thing away though so I can get up." Edward chuckled. "OH yeah, sorry." John relaxed and returned the cross to his coat. As he looked up Edward stood in front of him. He didn't look a day over thirty. A slight pang of jealousy entered his mind but quickly vanished. "Well how long has it been my friend?" Edward asked. Judging from John's appearance quite some time had passed. "Nearly thirty years. It is 1999. The new millennium is just around the corner." "I trust you have a good reason for setting me free." "Absolutely, otherwise why would I be here." "Good point." Edward conceded. John handed him the picture of Brian. "Is this a good enough reason to awaken you." Edward reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the photo that he kept near his heart as he slept. He held the two together to compare. John could see the tears come to his eyes. "Could it be? Has my Tom returned?" Edward gasped as a smile come to his lips. John told him that his name was Brian and that he was a member of a band called the Backstreet Boys. He explained many of the similarities between him and Tom. Edwards smile grew wider as he listened. He knew had to meet this Brian person and see for himself. "Come we must go to him!" Edward said with excitement. "Now hold on my friend first of all you need to feed. Second before you do anything you need to get acquainted with the times. Remember you have been locked in here for thirty years. A lot of things have changed since last you walked this earth. " John advised. "You're right. It's been this long I'm sure a little while longer won't hurt. And yes I need to feed its getting harder to control. I must go before the hunger takes over and I harm you." Edward sighed. "Yes you go feed. It's nearly two am. I have everything set up at the house. Sunrise is at around six so that should give you plenty of time. As for prey it should be fairly easy. It seems these days the criminals outnumber the good guys by a fair margin, but be careful and I will see you tomorrow evening. Then we'll begin your introduction into the latter twentieth century." "Thank you my friend. Good night I'll see you tomorrow. And yes I'll be careful" Edward leaned in and kissed John on the forehead and suddenly was gone. John left the crypt and locked it up. As he stood at his car he looked up to see a shooting star streak across the heavens. He shut his eyes and made a wish. He got in started the engine. As he drove away he also said a silent prayer that everything would turn out right this time. To be continued......(hopefully) I know the Boys didn't actually appear in this chapter but stay tuned. Will Edward get Brian? How did he become a vampire? Is he a slopy eater? These and many other matters will be adressed in the next exciting episode. That is if you all are interested in another episode.