Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 01:57:23 GMT From: "AdoreJustin :)" Subject: Tearful-Dreamer-2 Hey people! Here's the second chapter... I hope you enjoy it. There are some really great stories being posted on the nifty bored, and I'm really happy to be listed with to them. Any authors out there: You are *all* great, and as a reader I can't thank you enough for the great stories you publish. You always make my day a little better... thank you! Also, thanks to all the people that have emailed me, you're awesome. Hey Sprout! ;) So... Please please please (i'm begging) send me some comments, suggestion, ideas etc to: Thank you all (especially Ad), and I hope you enjoy the story. :) Standard Warning This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real life are entirely coincidental. This story is not meant to imply anything about the true sexuality of Justin Timberlake, or any other members of *NSYNC. Again, this is only fan fiction, mixed with a little wishful thinking, nothing more. If you are under the age of 18, or your local laws prohibit you from reading such material, please do not continue. The same applies to anyone offended or made uncomfortable by stories involving consensual male-male relationships. If you continue reading, you are doing so on your own free will, and I cannot and will not be held responsible for any consequences. Previously, from Tearful-Dreamer-1: Justin continued to hold Zach until he fell asleep again. He couldn't imagine what Zach must be going through. He leaned over and gently kissed Zach on his forehead. "He'll never hurt you again, no one will. I'll always be with you." It was at that moment that Justin realized the extent of his feelings for Zach. As he watched him lay in bed, he knew he had found something he never had before. Justin pulled his chair closer to the bed and sat down. He closed his eyes and began to fall asleep himself, while continuing to keep his hand wrapped around Zach's. ---- Tearful-Dreamer-2: "Reborn" Justin woke up as the sun began to beam through the open blinds. He felt his face begin to warm up as the light hit it. Turning his head and looking down at the hospital floor, he realized where he was and a few images of the previous night flashed quickly though his mind. His concerned face turned to glance at Zach, who was still sleeping quietly. Justin could not help but smile slightly as he noticed the young boy's face. However the smile turned to anther saddened expression once he focused on the dried tears on his cheek and bandage encompassing the right side of Zach's face. He wondered if the cut would leave a permanent mark on the otherwise perfect face. Justin turned around to notice the group of people in the room, who had not realized he was awake. Lance, Joey and Chris were asleep on the floor in the far corner of the room. They were using some extra pillows and blankets, which he assumed must have come from the closet. Justin laughed lightly as he watched them, obviously in a very uncomfortable position. `Poor guys!' he said to himself. He then saw an older man talking with JC and Sarah. Justin listened to the quiet conversation: "How could this have happened? I just don't understand!" The man said, with a confused look on his face. "We're all so glad he's going to be okay," JC said, "We feel really horrible, Mr. Wakeham." A woman and a small boy entered the room, looking at Zach and Justin first, and then turning to the man. Justin smiled and waved to the boy in a child-like manner. Adam smiled at Justin, but quickly became embarrassed and hid behind his mother. Justin then realized JC was talking to Zach's father and saw him pull JC into a hug. "Thank you so much for helping him." Although his father spoke in a steady tone, JC knew he was greatly disturbed and hugged him tightly. Zach's mother came along side Justin, and rested her hand on his back. "We owe you a thank you too, I see you stayed by his side the entire night." She said as Justin nodded. "He's lucky to have a friend like you." "Thanks, we feel the same way about him" Justin replied. He then reached over to ruffle Adam's hair. "You know, you look just like your big brother." He said, trying to comfort the boy. Zach began to stir in the bed, causing Justin to move forward in anticipation. The room became silent as Zach opened his eyes slowly, with a soft moan. He tilted his head to the side and came across an angel, his angel. "Hi." Zach said quietly with a small smile. "Morning, sunshine! I hope you feel better than you look!" Justin teased. Zach laughed softly, while more people moved to his side. His mother wrapped her arms around him. Zach's father also stepped up, holding Adam in front of him. "We'll be right outside if you need us." Justin said, speaking to both Zach and his father. They all left the room, leaving Zach and his family to talk privately. They walked down the hall to an empty waiting room, and each took a seat. "God I'm tired!" Chris complained. The others nodded silently, in agreement. JC leaned forward in his chair. "I called our parents, and management... so at least people know where we are and what happened." "Thanks, JC." Replied Justin. A loud growl came from Lance's stomach, which made everyone laugh. That single moment seemed to lift everyone's bleak mood. "I guess you're ready for some breakfast, huh Scoop?" Joey said, poking Lance's stomach. Lance laughed, and smacked Joey's hand away. "Yeah, lets go" He said. They all got up and began to walk towards the cafeteria. JC pulled Justin aside as they were walking. He wrapped his arm around the younger boy's shoulder. "Are *you* okay Justin? You've been so quiet." He said in a concerned tone. "I guess I'm okay. I just have a lot of things on my mind, JC. I'm really upset about last night, and concerned for him. I mean, today's his birthday! How bad does it suck to have to spend your birthday in the hospital!" "Yeah, I know what you mean. He'll be okay though. The doctor said that they stitched the cut well enough so that it shouldn't leave a scar," Justin smiled happily, a little relieved, "...and hopefully they'll release real soon." "Well, we gotta do something for him..." "We will," He said. "...We can still make it a great birthday." JC was somewhat confused about Justin's feelings. He was always kind to fans and such, but he never evoked this kind of compassion for someone he had just met. `He must be holding something back.' JC thought. He decided not to press the issue, and just wait to see what happens. They ate breakfast somewhat quickly, with little conversation. Joey, Chris, and Lance said they were going to go over to Lance's house to try and get some more sleep, comfortably this time. They agreed to meet at Justin's home later that afternoon... leaving only Justin, JC and Sarah. Before going back to Zach's room, Justin picked up some breakfast for him. As they neared the room Justin noticed Zach's parents talking to his doctor outside the door. The doctor displayed some x-rays on the wall, then moved on to the next room. "I don't think we should go," His father whispered. "...We can always see my them another day." "It'll be fine John, besides he said he wants to stay with the boys... we'll see him tomorrow" Justin coughed as he neared them, alerting them to his presence. "How is he? We brought him breakfast..." "He's feeling okay sweetie, I'm sure he's starving... you can go in if you like while I talk to these two." She said, referring to JC and Sarah. Justin nodded and entered the room, closing the door behind him. "Food!" Zach cheered, with a warm smile. He lifted his hands and motioned towards himself. Justin laughed, and quickened his pace. Zach sat up in the bed, and Justin placed the tray on Zach's lap. "The nurse brought me some stuff earlier, but it was horrible!" Zach said as he began eating. "Happy Birthday, Zach." Zach paused for a second, then looked up with a smile "You know... I forgot it was my birthday today." He laughed. "Thank you, I'm a year older than you now! Sheesh, how bad does it suck to have to spend your birthday in the hospital!" Justin paused for a minute with a blank face. "You know, I said the exact same thing this morning to JC," He smiled "But hey... we are gonna have some fun today, and I promise you'll have a happy birthday." "It's already off to a nice start." Zach said as Justin blushed, he then returned his focus to the food in front of him. "What? I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon!" He said, still chewing on some eggs. Justin just giggled and nodded his head. As Zach took a sip of his orange juice, he got a familiar but unexpected sensation. "Um, Justin... I gotta pee." He said shyly. "Well," Justin reached under the bed. "It seems I have something for you then." He presented Zach with a steel basin. Zach laughed and pushed it back into Justin's chest. "Very funny! I don't know if I'd ever be *that* hurt." Zach began to lift his tray and slide out of the bed, so that he could walk to the bathroom. Justin grabbed the tray and placed it on the adjacent stand just in time to notice Zach falling off the bed. He quickly moved to Zach to grab him, and barely pulled Zach towards him in time to keep him from hitting the ground. Zach wrapped his arms around Justin for support. His feet quickly found the floor, but the two continued to hold each other. As he fell, Zach felt a sharp pain in his ribs and stomach, but it seemed to have disappeared for now. Justin let out a slow, deep breath as he felt the warm body in front of him. They looked in each other's eyes, and shared the same compassionate and loving smile. "Thanks." "I'll always be here." Justin paused, looking deep in his eyes. "I'll always be here to catch you." Zach fell into Justin again, resting his head on Justin's broad shoulder. He could feel Justin's warm breath blowing across his ear. He felt so safe in his arms, as if he'd never be harmed again. Justin could feel Zach's heart beating through his thin gown, and let out a quiet, yet happy sigh. They slowly pulled away from each other, still smiling. Zach turned to walk towards the bathroom, as Justin continued to support him. They reached the door and stopped. "Do you need any help in there??" Justin asked, using his best six-year-old voice. "NO! Thank you very *much*!" Zach said, laughing and shutting the door at the same time. Justin laughed as well. Just as Justin turned around he saw the door open, as JC and Sarah walked into the room. "Whoa! You look pretty excited about something." Sarah said, noticing the look of happiness on Justin's face. "Maybe I am! What are we gonna do today?" He looked towards JC. "Well Zach's family just left to go to his Uncle's I think. They are celebrating his birthday tomorrow night. So he's all ours for the day." JC began flipping through some papers in his hand. "He just needs to sign these, and we can go. Sarah said she would drive us since Lance took our ride, but we need to pass by her house first." "That's cool, I think we're all getting together tonight. We probably need to stop by Zach's too. We can just watch a movie, and I can make us some dinner" Justin added. Both JC and Sarah nodded happily in agreement as the bathroom door opened. "Hey!" Zach said, walking towards the two. Sarah and Zach met half way and hugged. "I'm so glad you're okay." She sighed. Zach just hugged her tighter, letting her know that he appreciated her love and concern. "Hey JC, thanks for sticking around." He said, opening an arm for JC to join their embrace. JC stepped up to Zach and hugged him. Justin looked on with a smile, showing his beautiful white teeth. "You ready to get out of here?" JC questioned. "Yeah, let me change and we can go." Just as Zach turned around to fetch his clothes, he came face to face with Justin, who had a sly grin on his face. Justin was holding his clothes out in neat pile. "You read my mind." "I hope so, now go!" Justin said, pointing towards the bathroom again. `I wonder what he meant by that?' Zach thought to himself. Zach enter the bathroom again to change and after some brief paperwork, the four found themselves walking out of the hospital. Zach had his arm around Justin for support as they moved. They hopped in Sarah's car, and sped off. Zach soon fell asleep again, resting his head on Justin's leg in the back seat. They arrived at Sarah's house but they remained in the car as JC and Sarah went inside. As they sat in the quiet car Justin stared at Zach, while brushing his fingers through his soft hair. `I think he feels the same way... but I don't know how to tell him.' He thought. `Maybe I'll just tell him tonight.' JC and Sarah returned to the car with some things and they made the short drive to Zach's home. Justin gently shook Zach to wake him. They all entered the house and made their way upstairs to his bedroom. "Nice house!" Justin commented. "Yeah, seriously... this place is huge!" JC said in agreement. "Thanks, let me just take a shower and I'll be right back" Zach searched for some clean clothes and showered, then returned to find Justin lying on his bed. He slowly crept towards him and leaned down to his ear. "Comfy, huh?" Justin jumped in surprise, and then began to laugh. "Yeah, it *was* comfy, sure clean up nicely!" "Nah, but my hair smells good," He joked "... smell it" Justin leaned over and slowly took in the scent of his hair as they both giggled. "Wow, that is good. I'm gonna have to get me some of that... are you going to bring any change of clothes with you?" "Should I?" Zach asked, with a mischievous smile. Justin turned to look away from Zach. "Well I was thinking you could just spend the night at my house... if you want?" Zach smiled. "Well then I guess I should bring some clothes!" He turned and reached into his drawer and grabbed a backpack to fill with some clothes and toiletries. "Now lets go!" Justin said, gently pushing Zach out of his own room. With some directions from JC, Sarah found her way to Justin's house. "Mom's home!" Justin said happily. Justin and JC walked into the house, followed by Zach and Sarah. "Hey honey!" Lynn said. "Hi Mom." Justin hugged his mother. "Morning Lynn." JC replied. "You must be Za..." She paused. "Oh my... We met on the plane, do you remember?" She said, still somewhat shocked. "Of course!" Zach said with a pleasant smile. Then looked to Justin who had a confused look on his face. "I flew in yesterday, and as we were getting off the plane, a little boy... well he must be your brother, Jonathan, bumped into me and spilt his drink. So... we've met before." "Wow, how weird." Justin said. Lynn stepped forward and took Zach into a gentle embrace. "Well Zach, I was so upset to hear what happened to you last night, but I'm very happy that you're okay. Do you need anything? Can I get you something?" "No thank you." Zach replied in a warm tone. As Zach moved back he noticed Jonathan standing near the staircase. He smiled and motioned for the boy to come closer. Jonathan reluctantly walked towards him, trying not to look directly at Zach. "Are you still mad at me?" The boy asked, twiddling his fingers. "Hey! I was never mad... okay?" Zach bent down and pulled Jonathan close to him. The boy hugged him tightly, and although it hurt Zach to maintain that position, he did. "Well aren't you the popular one!" JC joked. Jonathan then proceeded to hug JC. Justin introduced Sarah to his mother and brother. "Well Honey, I'm going out tonight and I'll be back pretty late... Jonathan is going to be staying a friends house tonight." "Okay, we're just going to relax here," Justin said "you guys make yourselves at home... I'll be right back." He picked up a cordless phone and dialed Lance's house. "Hey, it's Justin... yeah, we just got to my house." Justin turned to walk towards the kitchen. Just before he disappeared, Zach heard him say "Sure, but before you come over... I need you to do something for me." Sarah, Zach and JC sat on the couch and began talking. Justin soon returned to the room, and sat next to Zach. "The guys will be over in a few... they're going to rent `Meet Joe Black' for tonight. Is that okay?" "Totally, I've never seen it." Zach cheered, then yawned uncontrollably. "Oooh, I love that movie." Sarah chirped in. "Good, I'm going to start making dinner." Justin said, flashing a million-dollar smile. "I'll help ya." JC stood, and walked with Justin to the kitchen. JC shut the kitchen door before resting his hand on Justin's shoulder to turn him around. "You like him, huh?" Justin looked up at him quickly, about to deny his feelings adamantly. However, once he looked into JC's eyes, he opened his heart. "Like crazy!" He whispered. "I don't know what it is exactly... but when he's next to me, or in sight... I can't stop smiling. My heart starts beating fast and I get nervous... am I nuts?" He had a confused look on his face. "Of course not, you're falling for him," JC smiled "Have you told him yet?" "No stupid! I don't know how he'll react? I don't know if he feels the same way?" JC laughed. "I don't think you have to worry about that." "What does that mean? Did you talk to him?" Justin responded quickly. "Not him, but Sarah and I talked a lot last night... *so*... don't worry!" He grinned. "Ugh! Tell me, JC!" Justin began to tickle JC. JC seemed un-phased by Justin's actions. "Nope! You gotta find out for yourself!" "I hate you!" "Shut up... you know you love me." "... Maybe." They both laughed. "So what are we gonna make to eat?" "I was thinking some fresh homemade pizza, how's that sound?" "Great, let's do it" Meanwhile in the living room, Zach and Sarah sat watching television. "Okay, spill it! What's going on with you and Justin?" Sarah moved towards Zach with a sweet smile on her face. "Me and Justin, look at you and JC! What's going on there?" He laughed. "You tell me first." She said. "I have *no* idea what's going on... I'm so confused!" "But you like him, huh?" "Like mad! He makes my heart melt every time I see him smile. God he's amazing." Zach said with a sigh. "I don't know what to do?" "Just tell him." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "OH! Why didn't *I* think ok that?" Zach replied, obviously being sarcastic. "So you're gonna make fun of me, huh? Well then I won't let you in on some interesting information." "What information? What are you talking about?" Zach crept towards her. "Oh... nothing really." Zach put on his best pout face, and began to touch the bandage still on the side of his face. He hissed in mock- pain. "Okay, okay! I'll tell you!" Zach smiled, jotting down the victory in his head. "Well, while JC and I were talking last night... he kind of let it slip that Justin's..." She looked around the room, to be sure they were alone, then continued to talk in a low whisper "... gay!" Zach flew backwards in shock. He sat for a moment with a blank stare; he then looked to Sarah who was now laughing hysterically. "Oh you should have seen your face! Priceless!" He smiled and then began to laugh as well. `This is too good to be true' he thought. "I told you it was important." She flaunted. "Wow." Just then, Zach heard the front door open and saw Joey run upstairs with something. Chris and Lance walked into the living room laughing. "Hey guys!" Chris said, as Lance waved. "Hi! Where's Joey going in such a hurry?" Zach asked. "I have no idea... Joey's just a weird guy. He likes to run up and down stairs when he walks into a house." "Chris," Lance said. "You're an idiot." Everyone in the room busted out laughing with Lances comment, including Chris. Joey returned from upstairs. "What happened?" "Oh nothing! Is the food ready? We're starving!" Chris pleased. "Two more minutes, can you guys get the table ready?" JC stated, walking out of the kitchen. The other members of *NSYNC walked into the dining room and helped to set up the table for dinner. A few minutes later Sarah and the boys found themselves, talking and laughing at the table. "This is really good, Just." Zach said in mid-chew. The others nodded in agreement. "Glad you like it." "So are you guys taking a break for the holidays?" Sarah asked. "Yeah, we're off `till after new years!" Lance responded. JC finished chewing his food, and added: "It's a good thing too, we're exhausted from being on the road for so long. So now we can just relax for a couple weeks... then we start publicizing the new album." "Oh we almost forgot, we have a little surprise for you." Joey said. He then stood and ran upstairs again, while Chris went into the kitchen. Joey walked back down the stairs with a neatly wrapped present in his hands, and gave it to Zach. "Awww, you guys didn't have to do all this!" He blushed. "Open it! Open it!" Justin said excitedly. Zach looked at him and smiled. Hey ripped the package open like a child, and was awestruck at what he saw. It was a beautiful, large silver frame with a picture of all five guys. They all looked great, with huge smiles across their faces. On the bottom of the frame, they had engraved a small message: `Zach, you're one of us now! Love,' Followed by all the guys' names. "This is awesome!" He said as he looked up to the guys. "You guys are too cool." "Nah... We love hanging out with you!" Lance said, "Happy Birthday!" "Yeah, and that's my favorite picture of us." Justin added. Just then Chris walked in with a large ice-cream cake with 20-lit candles on top. Sarah joined in as they all sang happy birthday. A tear fell from Zach's face as they finished singing. "Make a wish!" Chris insisted. Zach closed his eyes and made a wish, then looked up at Justin with a sweet smile. They finished eating the cake and cleaned the table, before heading to the living room to watch the movie. Zach asked Justin for some Tylenol to dull the pain that began to resurface. After he swallowed a couple capsules with water, Justin followed Zach closely to the couch and took a seat next to him. Sarah sat in one of the recliners, and JC sat on the floor in front of her, laying his head on her leg. Zach and Justin turned to look at each other. "They look cute together." Justin giggled quietly. As the movie began Justin pulled out a blanket from the stand beside the couch and handed it to Zach. Zach proceeded to lay out the blanket across himself, and looked up to see a wide-eyed Justin. "Well thanks a lot!" Justin pouted, sticking out his lower lip. "Oh, did you want some of this too?" Zach laughed. Justin stopped sulking once Zach extended the blanket to cover him. They watched the movie closely, and made quick glances at each other during some romantic moments. During one in particular, Justin moved his hand down to the crease of the pillow between them and brushed it against Zach's. It could have easily been taken as an accident, but Zach took a chance and reached for his hand. Justin looked towards Zach to see his sweet, innocent smile and they entwined their fingers tightly. The look on both of their faces was that of complete bliss. Justin whispered softly to Zach. "We need to talk." Zach nodded happily before they turned to continue watching the movie. Zach released his hand from their grip and slowly caressed the inside of Justin's thigh. His pleasure was evident from the quickened breathing and even larger smile plastered on his face. They turned towards JC and Sarah, only to see them quickly snap their heads back to the TV. Both Justin and Zach laughed. As the movie finished they looked down to find Joey and Chris already asleep on the floor. "I guess they didn't like it to much." Lance said. As Lance spoke, the guys noticed the drying tears on his face. "What?? I'm not allowed to cry?" He laughed. "So I'm a softie, sue me!" They all laughed, and Lance was happy to notice that Sarah had cried during the movie too. "Well guys, I think I need to go to bed." Zach got up slowly; he was obviously sore from his injuries and sitting so long, Justin gladly offering him support. Everyone said goodnight as Justin and Zach leisurely made their way upstairs. After walking in the room Justin shut his bedroom door, and turned to look at Zach. They both smiled as they drifted towards each other. They closed their eyes as their lips met in a warm, gentle kiss. Justin wrapped his hands around Zach's waist and gently pulled him closer. Zach reached up to place his hands on Justin's shoulders and they kissed again, this time longer and more passionately. Justin opened his eyes to see Zach looking at him during their kiss. "You have the most beautiful eyes." Justin whispered. "I must be number two on this list, because yours are amazing," He smiled, kissing Justin quickly again. "Is this really happening?" "I hope so." Justin replied. "And don't think your eyes are the only beautiful thing about you, there's plenty more." Zach said brushing his hand against the side of Justin's face. Justin blushed from the remark. "I wish I had this bandage off." "It's okay, I'll take you any way I can get you." Justin smirked. They leaned in to kiss again; this time they opened their lips to explore each other's warm mouths and Justin moaned in pleasure. They broke the kiss, and Justin proceeded to hug Zach tightly. As they moved back, Zach wiped tears from his eyes. "This is incredible, I've never felt so happy in all my life. When you're near me, I..." He paused. "I can't explain it, but you make me feel like Zach leaned in and kissed Justin on the neck, before resting his head there. "Have you ever done something like this?" Justin asked. Zach shook his head no. "Me neither." "Zach... will you stay with me tonight?" Zach looked up at Justin and nodded. Justin them gave him a peck on the nose. "Good, but I gotta take a shower first. Wanna join me?" "I don't think we're *quiet* there yet, turbo." Zach said, smacking Justin on the butt and they both laughed again. Justin ran into the bathroom as Zach pulled back the covers to Justin's bed. Zach stripped to his boxers and slid into bed. A few minutes later Justin returned. "Hey, you know that I cou..." Justin stopped noticing that Zach had already fallen asleep. He stared for a moment at the beautiful boy in front of him. He put on a pair of boxers and slid into bed next to Zach. He cuddled up next to Zach's peaceful body and wrapped his arm around him, careful to keep away from his bruises. He smiled as he took in Zach's natural scent. "Happy Birthday." He whispered. "...I love you." _______________________________________________ There you have it! Trust me, this is still pretty basic stuff. Things will heat up and there will be conflicts, etc. I hope you all liked it... if you did or didn't please email me and tell me why. Don't be shy! :) Till next time... take care boys (and girls).