Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 23:23:59 CDT From: D Man Subject: That's Life- Chapter 5 That's Life Author's Note: This is my first attempt at writing this type of story. I bet you have heard this line many times. Well, that's life. I just wanted to give you a little on my style of writing this story. It will be third person omniscient. All sentences that are in parenthesis will only be see in conversation and that is only to point out the thoughts the character has that moment. Any sentences in brackets will only be seen in conversation. It will explain the actions that the narrator sees. That's about it. Have fun reading and email me at if you like or don't. Previously: As the guys approached, Lance had to ask. "Who died?" "Nobody, but who knows." "Not now, TJ." "Sorry I asked." "Let's go. We have some things to discuss back at home." "Yes sir, Mr. Chasez, sir." "Funny, Joey." "He won't be very funny after he hears our news." "What was that Lance." "Nothing. Like you said we will discuss this later." Chapter 5: The Drive Home The guys got into the cars again. One car would be quiet, while the other would have the same conversation as before. He seemed to be the center of attention right now. And this wouldn't change anytime soon. "Justin, why didn't you put your stuff in the back?" Joey "I would have, but Lance wouldn't let me. He said we had to get back to my place ASAP." Justin "We don't want JC to bite off our heads anymore. We wouldn't be in a rush if it wasn't for you." Lance "It's not Justin's fault. If anybody, Tyler started it." Chris "Thanks Chris, but we can't blame Tyler." Justin "Why not?" Chris "Because Darryl caused it." Justin "Here we go again." Lance "Shut up Lance. You know we're right. When was the last time that I fought with Tyler?" Justin "To tell you the truth, I don't remember." Lance "See. We never fought. This all started when Mr. Darryl showed up. We don't even know his last name. I told you. He is just trouble." Justin "I still don't see it." Lance "Whatever. Just wait until he ends N Sync. Then we will see what happens." Justin "Fine, but I still think this whole ordeal was your fault." Lance "Whatever. I'll prove to you guys that he is just bad news." Justin "I'll be waiting for your proof then." Lance "Alright. Who's going to help me?" Justin "Don't look at me. I still think it is your fault." Lance "I wasn't talking to you Lance. How bout you Chris?" Justin "Sure. I never liked that kid very much." Chris "Joey?" Justin "Not right now. I got some problems to take care of first." Joey "What is that?" Chris "We'll discuss it when we get there." Lance "You're such a party pooper Lance. You should change." Justin "What do you mean by that? You want me to be like you." Lance "I don't think the world can handle another Justin in the world." Chris "I agree. The original one is the only one." Justin "Whatever Justin." Lance "Anyways, back to our original problem Darryl." Justin In the other car, it was complete silence. The only sound was the music coming from the alternative station. Everyone was in complete thought. Some were trying to figure out solutions to this problem, while another was angry but with concern. Then, there was one person who wasn't really thinking. His mind was empty. His face was cold and stone like. He already had the solutions, the anger, the concern, and everything. He just gave up. No more time to think. Only time to do. JC was driving the car. He would check back at his brother. He did the best thing. They had to work their problems peacefully, not by fighting. He could see his brother in complete thought. What was that boy thinking? Then there was the fact that he yelled at his boyfriend. He hoped that he would understand. It was the best thing to do. No more hoping. He had to understand. Now how was he going to get N Sync through this one? Justin looked determined to get something out of Darryl and Tyler, but he wasn't sure who instigated the problem, but who ever did do it, there seemed to be only one solution. The one that Darryl came up with back at the mall. The only thing that ever came up in Kyle's mind was anger. How could Tyler punch Darryl? His whole plan backfired on him. Instead he got them to fight with each other. All that there was left to do was beat the shit out of Tyler. Even though Tyler is Josh's brother, he would understand. If they ever got married, he would become Tyler's older brother, so that law would apply to him. Why not use it to his advantage even if it is a little early? And if that doesn't work, maybe Darryl was right, but that would be the last thing they would resort to. Tyler was confused. What did he just do back there? Oh, how much he wanted to punch Justin right now. He wanted to give him a good bloody nose and a black eye. Let's see what those girls think of him now? He had to apologize to Darryl at all cost. Why was he so concern? They were friends, right? They both knew it was an accident. But why at all costs? It couldn't be, could it? It was. What was he going to do now? Of all people, it had to happen to him. Why? That was enough of that. What was he going to do with Darryl? He would apologize to him for punching him and then beat the hell out of Justin. That sounded like a good plan. Now all he had to do was go with it. But would it happen? Darryl remained there. He was emotionless, but that was all covered. He no longer thought, bur reminisced about the past. Why did he have to do that? All he had to think and the past wouldn't come after him. Darryl was surely going to have a long entry in his journal today. The punch brought a lot of memories to him, but one that came to mind easily. This was actually a good memory. It had set him free, a little at least. ***Flashback*** The games with Darryl continued for another year after the rape. No one could believe he had lasted this long, but he did. He might have not if it wasn't for this night that he was remembering. His father had gotten into another fight with his mother. After the thirty minutes of yelling, he heard his mom slam the door once again. Here he comes. His father came quickly into his room. He started the daily activity and the torture began once again. Instead of using his hand, his dad had bought a whip. The pain was everlasting now. Darryl became timid when it came to changing in front of people. He didn't want them to see all the scars that he gained from his father. Only a few people had seen them, but they never commented on it. They never came to the rescue of the boy, which is why Darryl learned never to depend on others. If you wanted something done, then only you can do it. His father continued to whip the boy and call him a fag. Ever since he was raped, the only words that his father used was fag and queer. They don't seem harsh, but for an eleven year old, it was enough to mess with their mind. And surely it did mess with his mind. Maybe for the good, or maybe for the bad. Time would tell another story about that. As the father was whipping the poor boy, there was a loud bang at the door. This had never happened. Would Darryl's luck change? The father got off the boy to see who it was? It was the boy's savior. His brother. Darryl could remember their conversation clearly. "What are you doing home Aaron?" "I came to grab some stuff." "Oh. Have you decided to come home? The family misses you." "No. I need to live life in the real world." "I'm proud of you. You always had a good head on your shoulder unlike your brother." "Leave Darryl out of this. I don't see why you have to be so cruel to him. For God's sakes, he is only eleven. He's seen more things from you that even a thirty year old hobo will never encounter." "Why can't you see it son? He is no good. All he does is get into trouble. Remember the rape." "Yes I remember it. How could anyone not? That's why you shouldn't be so hard on him." "I can. I am his father. He became a queer that day, and I am here to show him how a queer will live in the real world. You should know." "Just because I live out there, it doesn't mean I treat people like that. They are you just like you and me." "No they are not. They are sin to be in the presence of God." "That's enough. I just came to get my things. Where is Darryl anyways?" "He is out with his mother." "You still fighting with mom." "Nothing has changed since you left." "That's just why I left." "What was that?" "Nothing." "Ok. Go grab your stuff. I'll be in the living room with a brewsky." "Alright." Darryl could hear the footsteps of his brother approaching his old room. His brother would miss him, and Darryl would have to face the torture once again. Darryl knew it was going to be twice as hard now because his father was interrupted. He cursed his brother. Why did he have to interfere? Out of nowhere, Darryl heard his doorknob turn. That's odd. Aaron couldn't have grabbed all of his stuff and be gone so quickly. Darryl looked up to see his father, but instead it was his brother. His brother's jaw dropped as soon as he saw Darryl. "What the hell is going on?" From those words, he could hear his father drop his beer and the pounding steps. His father would soon be here and the civil war would begin, hopefully. "Don't be swearing in my house Aaron." "I don't give a care about swearing. What the hell is going on?" "What are you talking about?" "This!" "I see. That twisted boy is doing some more kinky homo things. I told you he was no good." "That is fucking bullshit. You told me that he was mom." "He must have gotten away from his mom. I bet you he is trying to get raped again." "How come that is hard to believe?" Aaron could see the tears building up in Darryl's eye. He knew Darryl wouldn't be doing these things. Also, there were scars that enveloped his body and the new marks from today's session. Blood covered the boy's body. It had to be the working of his own father, but why? "You are a fucking liar dad. Why are you torturing him?" "Because he is a fag." "That gives you no right to do that to him" "He deserves it." "No he doesn't" "I'm his father. I know what is best for him." "Like hell you do. He is coming with me." "You lay a hand on him and I'll disown you." "You're making me sound like I'm the beast." "Maybe you are. Trying to live out there what you call the real world." "It's better than this dump." Aaron went straight to Darryl. He started to untie him, but his father grabbed him from behind and threw him across the room. "I said don't touch him." Darryl was loose enough that he could get out of the restraints. He saw the fight grow between his brother and father. A fight that he had caused. "You fucking bastard. Darryl, get some clothes on. Look at those scars you made on him. Does mom know about this?" "Ha! nobody knows." "Three years?!" "Yeah. You were too blind to see it. Everyone was too blind to see it. Like I said, father knows best." "You bastard." Aaron lunged at his father. They were exchanging blows back and forth. Blood splattered or dripped from their faces on to the carpet. You couldn't tell whose blood was whose. Darryl was forced to witness this whole scene. A scene that has the vow for better or worst. He had to put an end to it, but how. He saw his father raised his fist. This was his moment to end it all, hopefully. Darryl jumped in the way and was smacked in the eye. The strength from the punch sent Darryl flying back. This was going to be one nasty black eye. "What did you do, Darryl?" "The boy finally has some guts. Too bad he is a fag. He could have been a good son." "I can't take this anymore." Aaron grabbed Darryl. "I'm not letting you harm him anymore." "Fine take the fag. I don't want to see either of you guys anymore. And don't think about taking any of his stuff. I can get my money back." "Fine! I don't need your shit. I can take care of him. And don't you dare lay a finger on Melissa." "I don't have to. She's smart. She knows where to keep her mouth shut and knows what do." "Whatever. Let's go Darryl." Darryl had gotten a black eye from that day, but it was worth it. He would get freedom from all that torture, hopefully. "Don't worry buddy. I'm sorry about before, but I will take care of you. I promise to be there with you forever." "Forever?" "Forever. So let's take care of this black eye of yours." ***End of Flashback*** Darryl loved his brother so much. He had taken care of him since that day. He was proud to be called Aaron's brother. Josh looked back at his brother. He was still depressed. Josh wished he could do something for his brother. He was his older brother. It was his job to take care of him. Maybe it was a bad idea to have yelled at him. That was his first reaction. He would apologize to TJ once they got to Justin's place. Josh looked at his lover. He looked frustrated, but cute. He would apologize to him too. Josh looked over at Darryl. He had a smile spread across his face. That was odd. Why was he so happy? Was he happy that he had caused this fight? That bastard. Josh had to stop himself. Maybe there was another reason for his happiness. He would ask later. The silence was broken by Darryl. "Could we please stop by that music store up ahead?" "I guess. Let me call Lance really quick." Josh dialed his cell phone. "Hello." "Lance, we need to make a quick stop. We'll meet you at Justin's." "Alright. Wait a minute, why?" "Darryl needs to stop at the music store really quick." "Ok." "Who was that Lance?" Chris "It was Josh. They have to make a quick stop." Lance "Why?" Chris "Darryl needed to go somewhere." Lance "So the mighty Darryl gets his own way. I'm telling you." Justin "Just shut up Justin. I don't need to hear this anymore." Lance "Fine, but when we get home, you better cover your ears, because I am going all out." "Whatever." The other guys stopped at the music store. They all walked inside to see what Darryl was up to. "Hey Tyler. Do you still have that money that we 'borrowed?'" "Um… yeah. Why?" "Could I use it?" "Sure, but why? I wanted to buy something since we couldn't get any shopping done at the mall." "Alright." "Wait a minute. TJ, is that my money?" "Yeah. I hope you don't mind." "I do. You're lucky." "Why is that, JC?" "Happy Birthday, Darryl." "Thanks." "I guess you won't need that gift after all, Josh." "I guess not, Ky." "What are you going to buy Darryl?" "An acoustic guitar." "A guitar?" "Yeah. I left mine at home and felt like playing." "Alright." Darryl bought his guitar with Josh's money and some of his. A good guitar isn't going to cost less than a hundred dollars. "So how long have you played?" "For about four years. My brother got me one." "Your brother?" [Josh and Tyler both said.] "Yeah." "Ok everyone. Let's go. We need to get back to Justin's." They drove to the house. They got out of the car. It was time to deal with the problem. You should know the drill by now. Email me and tell me what you think. If you don't, then I guess that is cool like I know if you are reading this now or not.