Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 22:47:39 -0500 From: Kay Black Subject: together forever - delay To everyone who's read my story: Thank you so much for your support. Unfortunately I'm not satisfied with the way my story has been coming so far. I have very little creativity with a project that I am not completely enthralled with, and therefore, have been unable to write as well as I wish. I hate to say this, but I'm no sure when the next chapter will be out. I have some written so far, and what I've done will most likely be all lumped together. I want to finish as I hate leaving things hanging, but I'm not sure where to go anymore. I promise that I will continue soon, look for a couple of chapters out by about January of next year. Sorry to all those who have enjoyed this. Thanks, K. P.S. There will be more - just at a later date. Promise!