Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 19:02:11 -0400 From: Subject: Waiting For Our Love part 2 Disclaimer: Anything mentioned in this story is complete fiction. The sexuality of anyone in the story is not necessarily true, but just written to entertain. If you are underage or if it is illegal to read pornographic material where you live, please leave now. Also, if you are uncomfortable with gay relationships, you should not read any farther. For everyone else, enjoy the show.... "Josh, I just don't know what I'm supposed to do," Stefanie said into her hands. JC ran his hand in small circles on her back trying to comfort her as best he could. "Maybe you guys should just sit down and talk about it, you know?" he said. "It always works with us." "But it's different with you guys," she said looking him in the eye now. "You all were friends before you were actually in a group together and plus you've been together for so long. For us it was like Jive just threw three random girls together and said 'hey go make music'." "I know," he said still rubbing her back slowly. "I don't understand why they have to be such bitches sometimes. We're all living out our dreams here and all they can do is moan and groan about how there's no Alpine bottled water in the dressing room and God, Stacy with her friggin' attitude about green M&M's. It's so stupid. They're going to ruin us with all this greater than thou bullshit." "They're probably stressing about the group themselves but they're showing it differently from how you are." She sighed deeply, "Yeah maybe." "I swear it'll be alright okay?" he said tilting her head towards him so they were looking into each other's eyes. "And plus, if the group goes under you can always sing back up for us." She laughed and leaned into him playfully a little. "I hate how you always make me laugh when I have a good angry mood going." "You hate it huh?" he said his eyes twinkling. "Okay I don't," she hugged him tightly; holding onto his back for all the support she knew was in him. "Thank you Josh." "You're welcome," he said smiling over her shoulder. He pushed her away from him a bit so he could look into here eyes again, "If you need anything you call me okay Stef? I worry about you kiddo." "I know. And I will," she said. They looked at each other for a second, neither one backing away from the closeness or the inevitable kiss that they would soon share. She leaned forward slightly and closed her eyes, surrendering her lips to anything JC desired. Their lips met in a soft warm embrace, just a touch that lasted the better part of a second before JC leaned back in his seat. Was this what he wanted? Spending all of his free time with Stefanie and the other girls wasn't just for his career. They were pretty cool and Stefanie was...well...beautiful. He looked at the girl that he had shared the wonderful, albeit brief, kiss just moments before. Her dark green eyes lighting up a little when they met his lighter ones made his heart almost break in two. She smiled at him, probably thinking they were sharing a moment, when the words he didn't want to come out slipped just as easily from his lips as the words to his favorite songs had. "I can't do this," he whispered. If they hadn't been so close at that very moment Stefanie probably would have had to ask him to repeat himself. Her eyes narrowed a bit, the twinkle fading from them just as the smile slid off of her face. Those four little words hung in the air between them like dense fog. JC figured those five inches between them mine as well have been five hundred miles at this point. She was never going to understand. He wasn't even sure if he understood. She leaned back from him, suddenly not wanting to be that close to him anymore. "Do you have a wife or something that I don't know about?" she said trying to lighten the mood with the ridiculous notion, but not succeeding. Her voice was too strained and filled with bubbling over emotions for it to sound like the light hearted joke she had intended it to be. "No," he said quietly. "Okay well um," she said straining her brain for anything, just one little white lie that she could tell to get him out of her house and on his way to wherever or rather whoever he was going to visit next. "I'm sorry," he said interrupting her thoughts. She nodded, "Hey no biggie." She cursed herself, not nonchalant enough. He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Really Josh," she said a little more calm now. "It's okay." He looked down at the hand she had placed over his and brought it up to his lips to place a small kiss on the back of it. "I should call the girls to set up that meeting now," she said. "I think you're right. We just need to talk about it. Sort of lay everything out there on the proverbial table." He nodded, "Okay. Still call me if you need anything, day or night." "I will." They both stood and had an awkward hug good bye as he left. ~*~*~ JC wasn't sure where to go or who to talk to about what just happened. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to talk to anyone. He rubbed his eyes, which were now completely blood shot from his lack of sleep. He was relieved, though, that they'd be recording for a few weeks. With no interviews or promotional stuff the chance of anyone asking him if he was shooting speed, or something else equally ridiculous, would be at the most one in 100. He wasn't a betting man but he liked those odds. After leaving Stefanie's house he drove around a bit enjoying the open road and the way his Jag handled the curves around her neighborhood. He didn't really like to think when he drove; driving for him was merely a thing you did when you needed to be somewhere to far to walk. Playing the piano really let his mind wander though. Most people thought it would be hard to concentrate when both sides of your brain were hard at work, but JC always found it to be relaxing and easy on his mind. But now, he drove. For hours probably, he wasn't exactly sure but he did have to stop for gas once. He ignored his almost constantly ringing cell phone, even turning it off at one point. He didn't like doing that since he had so much family and so many friends all over the U.S. that it was almost inevitable that someone would need to get in touch with him with an emergency at some point. It was sad, but also a fact of life that he had learned to live with by now. Strangely enough though, when he saw Justin's number pop up and heard the familiar song played that was programmed just for his best friend, he actually had an urge to answer the phone. Most likely he was only calling to say hey or ask when he'd be home, but it was the fact that he was calling. JC had taken the younger man for granted so often in the past months that it almost made him sick to think about it. But it wasn't just that. It wasn't because he thought he owed Justin something, it was the fact that he missed the man's voice. He missed the silly faces he made and the pout that made its home on his lips when he was playing as though he was sad about something. JC's eyes focused on the dark street sign in front of him. He sighed with a bit of relief, he had finally recognized where he was. He hadn't been afraid that he would get lost or anything, after all he had lived in Orlando for quite some years now. But there was always a slim chance that he would end up in Key West or maybe even New York for that matter. He was known to take a wrong turn here and the wrong freeway there many a time. He just didn't really have the best sense of direction. It may have been part of his creativity coming through (after all how artistic is driving to the mall?) or it could have just been his stupidity, he wasn't quite sure which one. As he waited for the left hand turn light to change to green he noticed the club they went to the night before. It was only about nine thirty so the crowds hadn't started to gather at the doors yet. He pulled his car around to the back of the building, not bothering with valet parking. He walked by the few people that were milling around outside, smoking cigarettes or waiting for people, towards the club. He wasn't exactly dressed for clubbing, in his dirty faded jeans, white wife beater, light blue jean jacket, and yellow trucker hat (turned to the side ever so slightly) but he wasn't interested in dancing or picking anyone up, he just wanted a drink. Or maybe it was more of a need, he had yet to decide. At the door he dropped his name and was let in with a smile and a nod of slight recognition. "Can I have a 7 & 7?" he asked the bartender, taking a seat at one of the black leather bar stools. "Yeah," the bartender said moving down the bar a bit. JC turned to watch the hand full of people on the dance floor. He had already started to feel a little better as he returned the polite smile of a pretty woman who walked by, probably swaying her hips a little more then usual. ~*~*~ The bartender looked back at JC who was idly watching the scenery go by and then ducked into the back area quickly. "Hey," he said, "that guy's back." "Was there any doubt?" Mark asked tying his black apron around his waist. "Do you want to take him his drink?" "7 & 7?" he asked running his fingertips over his black spiked hair. "Yeah how'd you know?" He shrugged turning to face the man, "Just a hunch." ~*~*~ The woman obviously thought JC was going to walk over and talk to her. She sat there twirling a cherry on her tongue and batting her eyelashes flirtatiously but when he made no move to get up she rolled her eyes and disappeared. JC laughed to himself. Those kinds of girls could be extremely predictable at times. "Here you go," Mark said setting JC's drink in front of him. "Thanks," JC said not looking at the man. He grabbed a few tens out of his pocket and put them on the bar. "It's on the house." "Thanks," he said turning back towards the dance floor with his drink in hand. "Josh right?" Mark asked leaning on the bar like the night before. JC looked at the man searching his face for something familiar, "Yeah..." "Mark," he said finishing his sentence. "Mark," he said nodding. "I'm really bad with names sometimes." "I know what you mean. So you're back already." "Just stopped in for a drink." "By yourself? I didn't see your friends." "Yeah I'm alone," he said ironically. Mark smiled at him and for the first time JC realized it was sincere. He had become a pretty good judge of character over the years. With all the fake money hungry people hovering around all the time like vultures over a dead animal carcass, he needed to be perceptive. He smiled back bringing his drink up to his lips again. "I'm sure you don't have to be. You are rich, famous, and very attractive," he said, his vibrant honey brown eyes twinkling under the lights a bit. "I guess but I'm sick of one night stands and dating just so I won't be alone. Do you have any idea what it's like to go to an awards show with someone that you've never met before that same night? I can't even remember their names half the time. It's all just a show," he said into his glass. "A big fucking show." "Well I've never been to an awards show before but I guess I have had my share of meaningless relationships." "Yeah it's just kind of like I want to find someone already you know? Just someone to hang out with, be comfortable, someone to love." Mark nodded pulling out a bottle of whiskey and a can of 7up from underneath the counter. He filled JC's empty glass up. "Thanks," he said draining about half of it. "Did you have a rough day?" Mark asked smirking a little. JC smiled too, "It wasn't all that bad, now that I think of it." "Or now that you've had a few drinks." "That too," JC said raising his glass a little towards the man. "So what did you do? Record a new album? Do a few interviews? Perform in front of millions of screaming fans?" JC laughed, "Not exactly. Let's see I got up at about two, pm that is, went to a friends house, broke her heart, then drove around for a few hours until I found myself here." "Oh the life of a pop star," Mark said looking up longingly at the ceiling. "Yep, it's the greatest." "I'm sure you left stuff out though." "Like?" "Well like waking up in a bed with 300 plus thread count sheets, milling around your billion square foot house, having the heart of a gorgeous woman to break, driving around in your what? BMW?" "Jag." "Even better. And now you're here with me. Not bad if I do say so myself." JC smiled, "When you put it like that it doesn't sound so bad." "So what about this girl didn't ring your chimes?" "Ring my chimes?" "It's part of the job description to be corny." "Oh okay," he said laughing. "I'm not sure though. She is gorgeous, very talented, a really nice person," he shrugged. "I just don't know." "Well she's just not the right person for you then. You'll find someone." He nodded, thinking to himself that this guy was crazy. "Does everyone pour their hearts out to you all the time?" JC asked. "Yeah for the most part. Listening is a big part of bartending." "I should leave you a big tip then." "Honestly, this conversation wasn't just part of the job. I wanted to talk to you." JC looked up at him, meeting his brown eyes and holding their gaze for a minute. "Yo B, you wanna help me here?" the other bartender said from down the bar. "Yeah dude," he said. "What do you need?" "Angel's Kiss, Dirty Mother, and a Godfather." "You got it," he said setting glasses on the bar. JC watched as he expertly mixed the drinks, twirling the bottles around as he did so. Mark smiled at him as he poured brandy into the second glass. He finished up, garnishing one of the drinks, and slid them down the bar to his co-worker. "You're good," JC said finishing up his drink. "Thanks. I've had a lot of practice," he said filling JC's glass back up. "How long have you been doing this?" "Five years." "Wow five?" "Yep, ever since I turned 21." "That's cool." "Dry Martini and a High Ball," his co-worker told him. He nodded and grabbed the glasses. "Sorry, it's getting a little busier, after dinner crowd." "No problem. I should get going anyway." "Do you have to?" he asked, Whiskey bottle poised over the glass in his hand. "Well I don't want to keep you from working." "You're not," he said sending the glass down the bar. "Stay, have another drink." "Okay," JC said smiling. "What do you recommend?" "So you want to try something new?" "The old 7 & 7 isn't working out so good for me anymore so a change would be great." "Alright," he said mixing a few things together in a glass. "What is it?" JC asked looking at the glass. "Sex on the beach." He tasted it, "Pretty good. I've never had one before." "You've never had sex on the beach? That's hard to believe." JC giggled, something he only did when he was on the verge of being hammered. "Technically yes I have done that but I've never had the drink." "Oh okay," Mark said smiling. "Just checking." "So what else do you do?" "What do you mean?" "Obviously you mix drinks by night but what do you do during the day?" "I'm finishing up school." "What's your major?" "Criminal Psychology." "What do you want to be?" "A Criminal Psychologist." JC laughed, "Yeah I know but what does that mean." "I guess my dream job would be a serial killer profile for the FBI." "Oh," JC said his smile fading. "What, you don't like the FBI?" Mark asked smiling. JC shrugged, "What about when you're not in school?" "I've been playing a lot of golf lately." "Really?" "Yeah I've really gotten into it since I came here." "I've been known to hit a few balls in my day." Mark laughed. "I think you've had enough," he said sliding JC's empty glass under the counter. "Yeah maybe. I feel better now." "Do you?" "Yes. Thanks," JC said handing him money. "No problem. But could you please stop trying to give me your money?" he said sliding the folded cash into JC's front jacket pocket. "I can't pay for anything?" "Not here." "Okay. Well let me take you golfing tomorrow." "You don't have to do that Josh." "No I want to. It's the least I can do after talking your ear off and drinking the bar dry." "Are you sure?" "Yeah of course." "Okay but I want you to do me a favor then." "What's that?" he asked with glassy eyes. "Call someone to pick you up." "Will do," he said with a salute. Mark laughed and continued mixing drinks while JC pulled out his cell phone. "Where have you been? Are you okay?" Justin asked not bothering to say hello. "Whoa, calm down Jay. I'm fine." "Are you sure? You didn't answer any of my calls, Stef called and said that she couldn't get a hold of you either, and then you turn your cell phone off," he said raising his voice a little. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. Can you come pick me up though?" he asked slurring his words a bit. "Where are you?" Justin asked. He had heard that slur before. "That club we went to last night." "Yeah," he said sighing. "I'll be there in ten minutes. Don't move okay?" "Yes sir!" "Joshua I'm serious." "God, okay dad," he said and then hung up the phone. Mark smiled at him, "Someone's coming to get you then?" "Yeah." "Okay good." "Even though he's being a dick about it." "Was he?" "Yeah kind of." "I'm sorry." JC shrugged, "It's cool. So when do you want to go tomorrow?" "Are you sure you're going to feel up to it?" "Why wouldn't I?" "You might be a little hung over tomorrow." "I doubt it. I'm not that drunk." Mark smirked a little, "Sure." "So what's your number?" JC asked bringing up the phone book screen on his cell phone. ~*~*~ Justin kept glancing over at the sleeping man slouched in the passengers seat, searching his relaxed face and slightly parted lips for any signs of alcohol poisoning. Satisfied that there were none, Justin turned his attention back to the road. He placed his elbow on the car door and leaned his forehead against his closed hand as he steered the car with his other. He knew that JC had never been a heavy drinker, which right away brought him to the conclusion that something else had made its way into the soulful singers blood stream when he received the earlier phone call. The drive to the bar had been one of slight panic and extreme nausea. Justin had a picture so clear in his head that it had to be reality, it must have been. Maybe it was so clear because he had actually witnessed it on more then one occasion. As he walked closer to the entrance of the club he could feel the chunks rising up his throat. It took all of his will power to push his turkey sandwich back down to his stomach where it belonged. He wasn't looking forward to the display that would soon unfold itself in front of him, if his hunch was correct. He had looked down both sides of the street and exhaled a little, letting some of the tension drain from his body. Empty streets meant no ambulances and no ambulances was, at most, a good sign. His eyes had immediately caught JC when he walked in. A wave of cold sweat and relief washed over his body. JC hadn't been unconscious on one of the couches in the V.I.P. section and he wasn't slumped over one of the toilets in the bathroom. As Justin got closer he almost smiled with the sight of the man's obvious drunken state. If JC was smiling and laughing loudly, like he always did when he had one too many, that meant that most likely the only thing in his system was alcohol. Justin had never been so happy to see his best friend drunk in all his life. After all the alternative was something much, much worse. To be continued... ** This is my second story here on nifty, the first being Model Me. For all of the Justin and Craig fans out there, Model Me will be continuing on its course as scheduled. I'll be updating these two stories consecutively, so there shouldn't be much of a hold on either story's updates. Please email me at with any comments or criticisms. Thank you and happy reading. **