Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 02:33:29 From: Jeff Langdon Subject: Westlife Romance - Chapter 10 This story is pure fiction and involves the members of Westlife. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy! I would really, really appreciate some feedback on the please send any comments and/or suggestions to I would love to hear from you!! * * * * * * * * * Westlife Romance - Part 10 Nicky was bewildered with Kian's reaction. He had no idea what his boyfriend was so angry about. "I didn't mean to tell them, Kian. It just came up." "Well, the fact is that you DID tell them," Kian said is frustration. "I don't see what the big problem is," Nicky defended, his own temper rising. "The lads are all okay with it." "Well, isn't that nice?" Kian answered sarcastically. "Did you bother asking if I was okay with it?" "I already said I didn't mean to tell them. They asked me. What was I supposed to do?" "Geez, Nicky, have you ever thought of using your head for once?" Kian lashed out. "Make something up or something!!" Nicky was hurt by Kian's reactions. Kian had never talked to him this way before. Aside from hurt, he was feeling angry. "Well, I don't know what your problem is. I was proud to let the guys know that you were my boyfriend," Nicky answered, his anger apparent. "But obviously you feel totally different about this." With that, Nicky turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him with such force that the room shook on impact. Angry and hurt, Nicky walked quickly down the hall, his mind spinning as to why Kian reacted the way he did. Stopping himself in front of his own room, he went in, dried the few tears that were streaming down his face and calmed himself down before heading to the lobby to meet the rest of the lads. By the time Nicky reached the lobby, everyone was already there except for Kian. Seeing Nicky emerging alone, Bryan reacted dramatically. "Oh my, Nix, you're here alone? Where's your other half?" Nicky smiled at Bryan. "How would I know? Just because we're a couple doesn't mean we have to do everything together." Just as Nicky uttered those words, Kian emerged to meet the lads. As they rode in the car, Nicky totally ignored Kian. In actual fact, Kian felt horrible for his outburst. After Nicky stormed out, he had some time to think and he realized that Nicky was right. Why was he reacting the way he was? Shouldn't he be happy that they didn't have to hide anymore? Kian was confused. About Derek. About Nicky. About how each of them fit into his life. Despite these thoughts, Kian knew that the most important thing was to apologize to Nicky. Several times during the ride, Kian placed his hands on Nicky's lap, but he kept moving away without saying a word. When Kian reached for Nicky's hands, again, he took it away without a word. All of this was not lost on Shane. As a matter of fact, he could see that something had definitely happened between Nicky and Kian after breakfast, and he didn't like what he saw. However, he decided to wait until later before finding out what happened. Rehearsal went smoothly. Since they knew most of the songs inside out already, there wasn't too much that they needed to work on. After rehearsing for a few hours, they decided to take a lunch break. In a cafeteria, Bryan was the first in line to get food, as usual. The others followed close behind. Once they were seated, Shane again noticed the strange seating arrangement. Despite the fact that there was a seat beside Kian, Nicky deliberately chose to sit beside Bryan and Mark. While the other two lads were too hungry to notice, Shane made a mental note to speak with Nicky or Kian after lunch to see what was going on. With the short lunch break over, everyone began to get ready for the afternoon session. As Shane walked back towards the studio after getting a bottle of water, he saw Nicky and Kian standing in the hallway. As he walked closer, he could hear them speaking. "What's wrong, Nicky? I already said I was sorry." "And I heard you, Kian. So what more do you want?" Shane could tell Nicky was mighty angry. Just Nicky's tone of voice told the entire story. "I was just confused this morning," Kian explained. "Confused about what? About where we stand? About how you'd look now that everyone knew?" "It's not that simple, Nicky..." "Oh, I'm sorry. Unlike you, I rarely use my brains, so I wouldn't understand such complex ideas," Nicky replied bitterly. "I didn't mean that, Nicky." "Well, Kian, maybe you really ought to work on your communication skills. 'Cause I can't understand you at all." With that, Nicky turned and walked back into the studio, leaving Kian standing there in the hallway. Shane walked up to Kian and placed his hands on his band mate's shoulders. Kian turned around in surprise, unaware that Shane was there all along. "What happened?" Shane asked his best friend. "It's nothing..." "Nix seemed awfully upset for it to be nothing," Shane answered, careful to tread lightly. "Come on, Kian, I'm your best friend. You never used to hide anything from me. But now, it's like you don't tell me anything anymore!" "I'm sorry, Shane," Kian apologized, "I didn't mean to keep my relationship with Nicky from you. It's just that I wasn't comfortable telling anyone just yet..." "Is that what Nicky is so upset about? Because you're upset that he told us?" "It just took me by surprise," Kian explained. "I reacted badly, said some things I shouldn't have said and now he's really upset with me." Shane sighed as he saw how upset Kian was. "Well, can you blame him? Think about it. When you reacted that way, it was almost like a slap in the face for him." "So what should I do now? He won't listen to me." "Well, Kian, you have a pretty big mountain to climb. Nix doesn't get angry often, but when you get him upset, you're gonna have a tough time getting back on his good side. But it's not like you have a choice, now, is there?" "I guess and my big mouth..." Kian muttered and sighed. be continued.... * * * * * * * * * Hope you enjoyed this segment. Let me know what you think!! I'd love to hear any comments/ideas/questions. Please e-mail me at