Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 12:00:40 +0000 From: Music Fan Subject: Where Do We Go 67 Disclaimer: Here is chapter 67, the next chapter in an ongoing story about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and Eloy de Jong, formerly of Caught in the Act. I do hope you like this one, and please write and tell me what you think. I have no contact with either of the gentlemen in question and such literature is the product of the author's imagination. Cheers, Musicfan ### Stephen was relieved when they were finally interrupted by a knock on the door. He got up to let the bellhop in with the room service cart. Michelle and Eloy moved to the table again as Stephen followed the man out the door, giving him a tip for his trouble before closing the door again. When he turned around, they were already seated, waiting for him to join them at the table. "Now this is just what I was hoping for," Michelle declared. "A nice intimate little dinner with my two favorite men!" "Happy to oblige, considering we're the only people in the room," Stephen said dryly as he sat down. "Had you wanted someone else, I think you would have been out of luck." Eloy grinned at his quip as he poured Stephen a glass of wine. "I suppose I'm lucky that I don't want anyone else then, am I?" Michelle said tartly as picked up her knife and fork. "Really, Stephen!" Stephen rolled his eyes at Eloy and they both barely withheld chuckles at her pretended exasperation. While they ate, talk turned to events at home, with Michelle bringing Stephen up to date on what was going on with the family. Stephen explained to Eloy who she was talking about, not wanting him to feel left out of the conversation. The talk carried through their dinner until they were left sitting over empty plates a while later. Stephen was spinning the wine around in his glass, thinking about how to approach a new topic with Michelle when she put a hand on his glass to get his attention. "You're not paying attention anymore," she noticed shrewdly. He ducked his head down and smiled, knowing he had been caught. "Sorry, Shel" Stephen said contritely. "Just got lost in thought." Michelle peered at him intently a moment before nodding and sitting back against her chair. She let the silence play out, watching him steadily. She knew Stephen well enough to wait for him to say what he was thinking. Eloy glanced from one sibling to the other, watching them together. He had known that the two were devoted to one another, and everything he had seen that day had illustrated his thoughts. Knowing Stephen as he did, though he knew Stephen was stalling as he gathered his thoughts, the determined line he made with his mouth as he framed what he wanted to say to his sister showed that even if she didn't like the idea that he was going to share with her, he wouldn't change his mind about it. "Shel, just before I came here this weekend to meet up with Eloy, I had a little conversation with Mark Plunkett," he started, glancing up to see that she knew whom he was talking about. "Mark suggested that if I wanted, we could add Eloy to the staff for the next tour, so that we could be together more." He heard her soft gasp at the suggestion and looked up from where he had been picking at a hangnail. "This came out of the blue, Shel. I had no idea he was going to suggest it. I know he feels bad about what Louis did to me... Well, us," he said, indicating Eloy who sat across the table from him. Eloy gave him a smile of encouragement to continue and he couldn't help but smile back at his lover. "He said it wasn't the first time he had done something like this, and it probably wouldn't be the last. But he did say that was something we should think about before we did it, as it is possible that something could go pear-shaped, and we would have to face that possibility." He stopped abruptly, at a loss of words for a moment. Eloy glanced towards Stephen's sister to see if he could gauge her reaction. Other than the gasp she made, she stayed quiet, waiting for Stephen to continue talking. "It wouldn't be easy," he said, reaching across the table to touch Stephen's hand. "We'd have to be extremely careful not to let anyone know that we were more than just friends. But we talked about this over the last several days and we both want to do it." Stephen nodded, clasping his fingers around Eloy's larger hand. "I know it's risky. Any number of things could go wrong," Stephen said softly, making Michelle turn her attention back to him again. "But I think we can pull this off and it will work out all right." "And what if it doesn't," she asked quietly, making no comment other than ask them to look at the consequences of their proposal. She could see that they had already committed themselves to the idea, so that it wouldn't be of any use to be negative about what they were suggesting. But she did want them to be aware of what could go wrong. "If it doesn't?" Stephen echoed, looking at Eloy before turning his attention back to his sister. "Then we deal with it." "Do you think you're ready to do that, Stephen?" She asked, watching him intently. "What if the press gets a hold of this? Or someone takes a picture? Will you be ready to face that?" Stephen stared at her for a long moment. She could see the frustration in his expression as she forced him to look at what might happen. He lowered his glance and rested his gaze on his hand holding Eloy's on the table. He looked at the other man for a long moment, neither saying a word as they faced the possibility that Michelle suggested. Eloy gave him an encouraging squeeze, nodding slightly to show his support. "To be honest, Shel, I don't know," he said, finally responding to her question. "I can't say that the idea doesn't scare the shite out of me. But I'm tired. Tired of holing myself in a hotel room like this. Tired of looking over my shoulder, wondering if someone is following me when I go to meet up with Eloy. Tired of the fact that we're sitting here when we could be out at a restaurant somewhere, not worrying about what people will say. "I hope to God that we can work it out and everything goes well. I don't want this to hit the press anymore than you would. But if it comes to making a choice as to whether I will be able to see Eloy on a regular basis for the next three months, or waiting until the tour is over so one of us can sneak around to see the other, I think I would like to take my chances and have him on tour than not seeing him for so long." He paused, swallowing past a large lump that had formed in his throat at the thought of being separated from his lover for months at a time again. He let out a ragged breath before continuing. "I love him, Michelle. With all my heart. I can't bear to walk away from him after this weekend with the promise we might get together in a few months. I can't live that way anymore." He stopped when his voice gave out under the force of his emotions, the lump now firmly lodged so that he couldn't speak around it. Eloy got up and walked around the table until he stood behind Stephen. He bent down and wrapped his arms around the younger man, moved by what he had just heard. Stephen rested his cheek against Eloy's, eyes closed as he reached up to hold Eloy's arms around him. Eloy held the hug for a long moment before looking at Stephen's sister. "Stephen said it better than I could, but I feel the same way. I can't take being separated from him again, not knowing when the next time we'll be together again. We both have a lot to lose if this news comes out. All we can do is hope and pray that it won't, and that things will work out," Eloy said. "And if," Michelle said, looking at them both steadily. "God forbid it does hit the press, how do you think you will handle it?" The both looked at her soberly, each facing the possibility in their minds. She knew it probably wasn't the first time either had considered what might happen, but she wanted them to be sure of what would happen if they were found out. "Any way we have to handle it," Stephen said softly. "If it hits the press, we deal with it." "And what of the others?" Michelle wanted to know. "This affects them as well," she said, referring to Stephen's bandmates. "The others have wanted me to come out long before this, Michelle," Stephen said. "You know that. They think that it won't matter, because things are going so well. I think that they're being a bit naive about that, but of course I'll talk it over with them as well before we make a final decision." He waited for her to say something else. When she didn't, he shifted nervously. She knew her brother well enough to know that he wanted her support. It touched her deeply that her approval meant so much to him. She sighed and reached across the table to touch Stephen's hand. "Honey, you know I'll support you in anything you want. I just want to make sure that you know what kettle of fish you're getting yourself into with this." "I know, Shel. I've been thinking of nothing else since Mark first suggested the idea," Stephen said, his voice shaking slightly. Eloy kept his arms around the smaller man, a rock of support behind him. "But neither of us can go on the way we have. We've both gone too far for that. And, if it all comes out in the end, then we'll both deal with it. We'd have to, wouldn't we?" He gave his sister a smile that trembled slightly. "And if it became a choice between being in the group or having Eloy, I don't think there would be any contest as to which one would win." Eloy rested his cheek against the top of Stephen's head, moved by his words. The thought that his lover was willing to give up a thriving career for him sent a wave of emotion so powerful through him that he couldn't speak. He resorted to showing his reaction through his hug around Stephen, holding him tightly in response. "Well then, I don't think there's anything to discuss about it, do you?" Michelle said with a smile. She knew how important being in Boyzone was to Stephen, and how much he loved performing on stage. If he was ready to give it all up to be with Eloy, then he was ready for whatever came down the road. "You don't need my blessing for this Stephen. You're both grown men and know what you want. I'll support you in any decision you make. You know that already. I just want to make sure that you know what might happen and are prepared to deal with it." "Thank you," Stephen said, relief rushing through him. He had been so afraid that she would try to talk them out of the idea. He looked up at Eloy and saw the same relief mirrored on his lover's face. They smiled at one another before Eloy gave him one last squeeze and returned to his seat. "Now that's been decided, shall we clean up here and get all this out of the way?" Michelle asked, indicating the empty plates in front of them. Both men welcomed the change of topic and between the three of them made quick work out of stacking the dishes and moving their meal to the tray outside the door. When they were done, they moved back to the sofa to sit down with the last of the wine. Eloy draped his arm around Stephen's shoulders as they reclined on the sofa, not wanting to lose physical contact with this lover. He enjoyed touching Stephen, and relished being able to do so in front of someone else. Michelle smiled at the image they presented as she sat back down on the sofa. It made her happy to know that Stephen was finally with someone who cared for him. For so long she knew he had been alone and lonely, watching all of his friends pair up. She knew that come what may, he was determined to see it through, and she wished with all her heart that everything went well for the two of them. Stephen leaned back against Eloy's shoulder, tucked under his arm. His sister had been quiet since they moved over from the table and he watched her a moment before making a comment. "What, don't tell me you're all talked out?" Michelle wrinkled her nose at him. "Contrary to whatever you believe, I don't feel the need to chat all the time." "Oh really? I hadn't noticed," Stephen replied with a smile. She tried to swat him, but he moved his leg out of the way before she could do so. "Now, now, children, do I have to break this up?" Eloy said, deepening his voice to give it the sound of authority. The siblings laughed at him, Stephen turning to look up at him, his eyes twinkling with merriment. "No, daddy," he said with a grin, smiling up at Eloy. Eloy didn't even think about his next action, which was to lean down and give Stephen a kiss. Stephen's arms crept up around his neck in an automatic response as he forgot about his sister. Like their other kisses, once they started, they forgot about everything else in the room. Michelle watched with a bemused expression on her face. She hadn't really thought that Stephen would be so open in front of her, even though they had shared so much over the years together. He tended to play any relationships he had close to the vest, keeping them separate from his family and public life. The fact that he was so open with Eloy in front of her told her that he was indeed committed enough and ready for whatever the future might bring. Eloy was the first to come back to reality, feeling Michelle's gaze. He pulled away from Stephen's lips reluctantly, not wanting to break their moment together. Stephen leaned against his shoulder, eyes closed and lips parted, waiting for Eloy to continue. When Eloy looked up at Stephen's sister, he saw a smile on her face as she watched her brother. Eyes meeting, her smile widened and she made a walking motion with her fingers, asking if she should go back to her room. Eyes crinkling with amusement he shook his head. He leaned down to brush his lips against Stephen's, not being able to resist them. When they parted after another long kiss, he sighed with regret. Stephen opened his eyes, giving Eloy a look of enquiry. When Eloy looked up, Stephen followed the direction of his gaze and remembered that his sister was sharing the sofa with them. She had an odd expression on her face and it took him a moment to place why she was there with them. As recollection returned he started laughing as he thought on how she looked like the cat that had swallowed the canary. "Oh please, don't let me sitting here stop you," she said, still smiling at her brother and his lover. "Just pretend I'm not here and do whatever you normally do when you're by yourselves." Stephen gave her a look of amazement at this comment before sharing a glance with Eloy. They burst out laughing at the idea of continuing on in her presence. "Don't even think about that, Shel!" Stephen said, still laughing at the thought. "You're not going to get that much information!" "I figure I'm almost there as it is, so why stop now?" She teased her brother. "Because it's more fun to make you wonder about it," Stephen retorted with a laugh. He extricated himself from Eloy's embrace and stood up. "Now stop thinking what you're thinking, because I'm absolutely shocked that you would think such a thing!" "Oh, hardly, honey!" She laughed as he stood in front of her with his hands on his hips. "I know what goes on, or at least I have a good idea what boys can do together. And if you're easily shocked by me after all these years, you have another thing coming, Stephen!" Eloy couldn't control his mirth anymore and nearly fell off the sofa, he was laughing so hard. Stephen turned and looked at him, a smile tugging at his lips. "You know, you're just encouraging her," he told Eloy, who nodded as he tried to control his laughter. It was a losing proposition, and he succumbed to a fit of giggles. Stephen stared at him for a moment before giving up and turning back to his sister. "Did you see what you did to him? The poor man is probably going to hyperventilate because of your shenanigans!" "Ah, you're just hoping that happens so you can resuscitate him, Stephen," she accused him. That got him laughing again and he shook his head ruefully at her brashness. "You are incorrigible," he declared. "Shame on you, Michelle!" "Shame on me? I wasn't the one with my tongue down someone's throat a moment ago, Stephen Gately!" She said with pretended outrage. She watched him splutter for a response; satisfied she had him stumped for once. "Actually, it was my tongue doing all the work," Eloy replied, having recovered from his laughter long enough to comment. Stephen gave him an exasperated look before throwing his hands up in the air and stalking to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him, leaving his lover and sister to collapse back into gales of laughter again. Stephen leaned against the closed door, allowing himself to laugh as well. He gave them enough time to recover and listened at the door until it seemed like everything had quieted down. When he opened the door again after splashing some water on his face, he looked out into an empty room. Glancing around in puzzlement, he saw that the door to that adjoining room was ajar and he went over to the door and peeked around the jam. Eloy had helped Michelle move her bags into the room and she was now standing with her arms around him. As Stephen watched them unnoticed, Michelle smiled up at Eloy. "I think I'm going to enjoy having you for a brother in law," she said. "I haven't had this much fun in ages!" "Neither have I," Eloy replied, looking down at the woman in his arms. He could see the strong resemblance between the siblings, and Michelle was even smaller than Stephen. Her mass of curls gave her some additional height, but the eyes and smile were the same. He felt drawn to her and instantly comfortable in her presence. "I'm so glad you came here so we could meet. It means a lot to me to be able to meet at least one of Stephen's family, and I'm sure the best one by far." She laughed at his comment. "Ah, you're such a flatterer. I know what my brother sees in you. Keep on using that silver tongue of yours, and you'll have both of us feeding out of your hand!" Eloy grinned down at her. "If that's the case, I don't think I want to stop!" A snort from behind him made him glance around to see that Stephen was standing in the doorway. "What?" "No, I don't do threesomes, thank you very much!" Stephen retorted with a grin, still leaning against the doorframe. "So flattering her won't get you anywhere." "Hmmm, now there's something I haven't tried," Eloy said teasingly, glancing speculatively from one sibling to another. Michelle was speechless for a moment as she registered what they were referring to. Once she did, her face flushed a bright red. "Stephen Patrick David, you have a filthy mind!" She said hotly, pulling out of Eloy's embrace and stalking over to her brother. He was still nonchalantly leaning against the doorframe, amused by her outburst. "Yeah, what else is new," he replied. "Though Eloy's the one you should watch out for, not me. He's tried girls before." He watched in amusement as she spluttered for a retort, momentarily at a loss for words. He was enjoying the moment immensely, because it was seldom that he ever got the chance to see his sister speechless. He glanced over to Eloy who was trying to contain his laughter. Eloy shook his head. Stephen was in rare form this evening, and showing a wicked side of himself that he didn't get to see that often. He could see how much they loved one another, but that didn't stop Stephen from making his naughty comments, all with the intention of shocking his sister. They shared a look of amusement before Stephen rolled his eyes at his sister's inarticulate protestations. Deciding to take the teasing a little further, Eloy walked behind Michelle and put his arms around her waist. "MMmmm, and what a lovely one she is," he said, leaning down to nuzzle a kiss against her neck. Stephen had a hard time trying not to smile as he watched her go still in shock as Eloy's lips moved from her neck to her ear in a trail of kisses. He noted that his lover was very careful not to do more than put his arms around her waist and pull her against him. He had to put a hand up to his mouth to hide the grin at the picture they represented, Eloy acting the ardent lover and his sister with her mouth making an O in surprise. He wished he had a camera with him, because he would have loved to get that captured on film. He had to content himself with the mental image and the ammunition for further teasing at some point. "You know Eloy, you are registered in this room as husband and wife," Stephen added helpfully. "It would be remiss of you if you didn't exercise you're right to a conjugal visit." Eloy looked up at Stephen with a smile. "You know, you're right. Let's see what we can do about that." With one motion he moved his hands so he could pick Michelle up in his arms. Ignoring her shocked protest, he carried her to the bed and put her down gently, kneeling down on the bed so he hovered over her. She looked shell shocked, unable to speak as he gently stroked the hair off her face. "Eloy!" She finally cried, pushing at his shoulders. "Oh look, she's crying out for you already," Stephen noticed from the doorway. "Can I watch?" Eloy grinned at his lover. "Oh, by all means. Though if you're not going to participate, it won't be as much fun." His grin changed to a look of surprised as Michelle pushed him hard enough to slide him off the bed. He fell with a thump and looked up at her sitting in the middle of the bed. "Ah, you want to be feisty tonight? All the better!" "You!" She declared, pointing at him before turning to glare at her brother. "Are as bad as he is! No wonder you two are meant for you each other. You're both wicked, wicked men!" Stephen laughed as he finally moved away from the door and into the room, leaning down to kiss Eloy on the top of his head where he still sat on the floor. "Absolutely, honey. Why do you think I love him so much? When he's being wicked, he's at his best." "If that's his best, I'd hate to see his worst," she said, scrambling off the bed on the opposite side, keeping it between them. "And you, Stephen, are wicked for encouraging him!" Stephen gave Eloy a hand to help him stand and he smiled at his sister. "You have to admit it was funny. If you could have seen the look on your face! Lord, I'll remember that forever!" "You'll have to remember it forever, because this might be the last time I ever speak to you!" She said in a huff, turning away from them both in pretended anger. "I've half a mind to just walk out right now, you're both so mean." Eloy shared a grin with Stephen before moving around the bed towards Michelle. He plucked a rose from the vase at the table and reached around her to present her with it. "I'm sorry, Michelle," he said contritely, working hard to erase the smile from his face. "I didn't mean to make you upset. We were only joking, after all, and I would never do anything to upset you." As she looked at the flower in front of her, she had to admire his acting abilities. "You're a smooth one, alright," she said, accepting the rose and turning around to look at him. "I'm going to have to keep my eye on you to make sure you don't act up again. Are you both going to behave now?" Eloy did his best to look angelic as he promised to be on his best behavior while Stephen snickered behind him. She glared at her brother until he made an attempt to apologise as well. He wasn't as good as hiding his amusement as Eloy was, however. "I just don't know what I'm going to do with you two," she said as she placed the rose back in the vase. She turned around to see that Eloy had his arm wrapped around Stephen's shoulders and that the two of them looked quite pleased with themselves. "I really don't." Stephen grinned at her mischievously. "I'll admit we're probably hopeless. But that's where the fun is." He looked up at Eloy who smiled down companionably at him. "Ja, true enough," Eloy agreed. "Now, is there anything we can do to help out? Unpack your bags, for you? Help pick the right nighty? Or perhaps...." "No," she replied firmly. The last thing she wanted was for either of them to go through her clothes! Lord knew what they'd get themselves into if they did that. "I can manage quite well on my own, thank you. In fact, it's late enough that I should just send you both to bed." She immediately regretted her choice of words as both of the men lit up at her suggestion. She was quick to add, "by yourselves!" Before they got other ideas from her comment. She had to laugh when Eloy's face fell comically and he sobbed onto Stephen's shoulder, acting inconsolable. "Awww, look what you did to him, Shel. The poor man is devastated!" Stephen said, wrapping his arms around Eloy and patting him on the back. "After leading him on the way you did..." "Me!" She squeaked in outrage. "Lead him on?" "Absolutely," Stephen said solemnly, trying to hide the shaking of Eloy's shoulders as tears rather than laughter. "The poor man's a wreck." "Then go console him in the other room!" She demanded. "I need to change and I can't very well do that with you two in here acting silly." "C'mon darling," Stephen said, leading Eloy into the other room. "Let me see if I can do anything about those tears of yours. I know how heartbroken you are over being spurned like this." Eloy nodded, hair in his face as he followed Stephen out of the room. Michelle stalked after them in mock anger and closed the door behind them. She tried valiantly to ignore their peals of laughter as she changed into a nightgown and robe. She didn't know what had possessed them to act like that, she really didn't. By the time she finished her unpacking of her overnight bag into the wardrobe, she noticed it had gotten suspiciously quiet on the other side of the door. A glance at the clock next to the bed surprised her with how late the time was. But she knew better than to think that they had meekly gone to bed after the trouble they had caused. Putting her ear against the door, she didn't hear anything and hesitated before opening the door again. What if they had gotten distracted by one another and had forgotten she was there? She wasn't sure if she really wanted to walk in on them making love or something, though she did have to admit to a certain amount of curiousity about it all. She shook her head. No, they couldn't have started off this fast, and she knew that they probably had another joke planned for her. Squaring her shoulders for a confrontation, she knocked on the door before opening it. She didn't get a response and hesitantly opened the door into the next room. Poking her head through the frame, she saw that they had tucked themselves under the duvet and were looking expectantly at her. "I told you she'd come back to tell us a bedtime story," Stephen murmured to Eloy before giving his sister a smile. "She always has the best stories." "So I've heard," Eloy said gravely to him before turning to look at Michelle. "We're all ready to be tucked in!" She had to stifle a giggle at the image the two presented. Trust them to do the opposite of what she was imagining! Both had that fresh faced angelic look of a child expecting a bedtime tale. Stephen's hair was still wet from his bedtime washing, and it reminded her of the times when they were children when he used to beg for a story from her, reluctant to go to bed when he was supposed to. It was so reminiscent of her own son that she had to laugh as she walked into the room and stood over the bed. "I don't know. Neither of you has been good enough for a story tonight, I think!" She mockingly shook her finger at them and she laughed as they both pouted at her words. "Awwww, no pouting now. I don't think I want to be around boys who act like that. You have to apologise first for teasing me the way you did." Eloy turned his head and looked at Stephen, both considering her threat. "I guess we have to if we want a story," Eloy said reluctantly. "Yeah, she really means it this time," Stephen agreed. He turned back to his sister and smiled at her. "We're really, really sorry for teasing you, Michelle. We promise never to do it again. Really." "And what about you?" She asked Eloy, who nodded solemnly. He did a good job of covering his smile with the edge of the duvet as well. "Just remember this promise tomorrow morning then!" She sat down on the edge of the bed, tucking the cover down around Eloy as she did. "Or else this might be the last time either of you see me again!" Eloy pouted. "Please don't say that. I promise to behave, even if Stephen tells me not to." She caught the slight snort from Stephen in response to his comment and it made her smile. She had a feeling that these two on a roll would be worse than what she had experienced already. "I think it's a little too late for a story tonight," she told them both, not wanting to give in so easily. "So I think just making sure you go to sleep and behave will be enough for me." "Please?" Stephen begged. He tried to make his eyes wide, giving her the same pathetic look that used to work on her when he was a child. She had to admit he was very good at it, because it had worked every time in the past and she found she wasn't immune to it still. "Ah, go on you," she said softly with a laugh. "Stephen, the last thing you want is me in this room any longer than you have to, with Eloy there besides you. You can't fool me and say otherwise!" He closed his eyes, his long lashes dark against his pale cheeks. She saw the beginnings of a saucy smile on his face and knew she was right. "Now don't say another word because anything you do would be a lie. I'm going to give you both a kiss good night and head off to bed myself." She leaned down to give Eloy a kiss on the forehead before moving around the bed and giving Stephen the same. "And no, before you even think it, I'm going to my own bed in the next room, and I'll have the tv on so I won't hear a thing. You two are on your own for the evening!" She turned off the lamp next to the bed, leaving the room in darkness other than the light coming from her room on the other side of the door. "Goodnight, boys." She said as she made her way back to her room. They both murmured their own goodnights before she blew them one last kiss and closed the door behind her. She thought she heard muffled giggles as she did so, and she ruefully shook her head at the two of them. Boys! They were awful! As she promised, she turned on the television and got into the bed, pulling the covers up around her. She did her best to concentrate on what was showing on the screen, and not let her imagination go on about what her brother was up to next door. She did allow herself a giggle over Eloy's antics. For a moment, she had thought he was really serious about having a threesome and she had been surprised by her own reaction. She wished she had been faster on the uptake and had said yes to his proposal, just to see what he or Stephen would have done. She had a feeling that it would have been fun to see them backtrack when their fun had backfired on them. With a sigh of regret, she let go of the idea as a missed opportunity. She did find it hard to get to sleep and she went over the events of the day so that she would remember it later. Her thoughts went back to dinner when Stephen had made his declaration of love for Eloy, and she smiled to herself in satisfaction. That was what she had come to see. Even with the surprise of Stephen wanting Eloy on tour with him, and his attitude about whether anyone found out paled in comparison to the other things she had witnessed that day. The best part was seeing her brother so happy. That they were besotted with one another was obvious, and she had a feeling that once they were on tour together, it would be obvious to everyone else as well. She wondered if she should try and point that out to her brother, but figured she'd wait a while to do so. He wasn't in any frame of mind to listen to her this weekend, when he was so full of determination that he wasn't willing to brook any sort of argument.